Bipolar Disorder? What’s The Secret That Makes All The Difference?


Happy Monday.

How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

Actually yesterday was kind of funny. I was debating with a therapist at 11:30pm whether or not bipolar disorder was real or not.

Over the next few days, I will tell you exactly what happen and was said. It’s very instructive.

Anyway, I have a friend that says to me yesterday “my sister is doing great. Isn’t on any medication.”

In my mind I am saying, “here we go again.”

Why? Well every time the sister gets off her medication I heard one week she is doing great and then all of a sudden disaster strikes.

It’s amazing how my friend doesn’t even recognize this pattern and goes along with the thinking of “she’ s doing great and she isn’t on medication.”

I was thinking about what makes the difference between someone who has a total disaster of a life with bipolar disorder and someone who doesn’t.

Think about it now for a second if you don’t mind and then scroll down.

Have any ideas? Think and then scroll down….

Okay we’re back.

I wanted to tell you about a person who works for me. Her name is Michele. Now, Michele wasn’t always the stable person with bipolar disorder that she is now.

Michele USED to be:

-A drug addict and alcoholic

-A terrible mother

-Married 5 times

-Couldn’t get any c.redit

-Had EVERY car repossessed

-Was evicted from her house

-Was homeless

-Couldn’t have a checking account

-Couldn’t have a savings account

-Maxed out ALL her c.redit cards

– Had creditors calling all the time

(until her phone was cut off)

– Attempted suicide 7 or so times.

-Went from bipolar episode to bipolar

episode with no medication

-Never could hold a job more than 6 months

TODAY she is:

· Happily married

· Restored her broken relationships with

her family

· Off drugs and alcohol

· Has good relationship with her children

· Has good car

· Has beautiful home

· Has checking account

· Pays all her bills every month

· Bipolar is stable and she is on medication

· Has great job (working for me)

· Has a c.redit card

· Has worked in the same place for more than 3 years (she works for me)

· No suicide attempts

Michele actually even has a c.redit card from my company to make business purchases.

What makes the difference?

The difference is having a plan. A system.

I talk about this in my courses/systems below:







I always talk about this. But how do you explain about someone who suffered so much over so many years who now is married for awhile, stable, good with money, etc.?

You heard that bipolar disorder gets worse with age, right?

Then why is it that so many people with the disorder who work for me, it has actually gotten BETTER with age?

It’s because they have a plan. They have systems in place.

Just because you’ve got bipolar disorder doesn’t mean you have to stay at home all the time and hide under your covers letting your supporter do everything for you!

These people who work for me have proven that. And Michele has proven that! Look where she came from, and look where she is today! Because she has a plan. She has a system.

What makes the difference? I think it is having that plan and that system. Even if you don’t have bipolar disorder, you can still have a plan and a system. It will set you apart.

You will get more things done. You will be more productive. You will not panic when other people do. You will have less stress. You will have more money.

See what I mean?

That’s what makes the difference.

It’s really amazing. I must say as I put the list together of all old Michele even I was stunned. It’s amazing the way she  USE to be. It’s hard to believe. I wouldn’t believe it unless I interviewed her mom and husband who confirmed what the old Michele was like.

It’s really amazing.

It’s not just her there are many others I know like this. They are success stories. It’s possible. NO MATTER WHAT YOU OR YOUR LOVED ONE’S SITUATION IS.

Some say that I am giving too much hope to those who are hopeless. Do you know this is one of the biggest criticisms about me? I have therapists and doctors that have warned me not to have too high hopes for “those people.” Those people meaning those with a mental illness.

I have been told not to expect too much because they can’t do well in life. It’s that strange. Well I don’t think this way and I really think that people who do are losers.

Think I am right or wrong?



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Sad truth about bipolar disorder and some treatment facilities


What’s new?

I was just checking out the weather for the day because I am going hiking and I noticed that I saw Britney Spears again.

She was on two different channels.

You’re not going to believe this –

I remember I was watching TV one night and there was this special on about treatment facilities, and there was a small part where she was mentioned and about how she still keeps going in and out of them because of her (supposed) bipolar disorder and, of course, addictions.

I know I’ve talked before about how people who have bipolar disorder and addictions have an especially hard time because you have to treat both disorders.

If your loved one has an addiction problem, the best thing for them to do is to stop. That’s it, just stop.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s as easy as that, I know it isn’t. But there is no other way.

“Regular” people can’t just go to some posh resort-type treatment center where there is catered food and massages, though.

(Yea, they really were showing massages and catered food on this show at these posh treatment facilities!)

“Regular” people, especially those with bipolar disorder, have to suffer through detoxification from alcohol and drugs without being catered to.

Once detoxified, they can address their bipolar disorder issues.

But they cannot do that without medication and therapy – in other words, without a good treatment plan.

In my courses/systems below:







I have several sections where I outline exactly what a good treatment plan is, and I go into great detail on how to manage bipolar disorder, how to be a good supporter, etc.

What I’m talking about today, though, is that I don’t think it’s fair that someone like a Britney Spears gets all this special treatment and posh recovery centers for her bipolar disorder, while other people have to struggle with theirs.

Here’s a case in point:

I know someone who moved to Louisiana. She has bipolar disorder, but she is just a “regular person.”

Unfortunately, she moved right into the heart of “Katrina Country.”

She said things are so bad there that it took her months and months just to be able to find a therapist, and even longer to be able

to get an appointment to be able to see that therapist.

That’s because of all the buildings that were destroyed because of Katrina. All the therapists had to find new buildings to put their practices so they could see their clients.

Then, with all the time that was lost, they were back-to-back with their regular clients, so being a new client, it pretty much takes forever in that area to be able to see a therapist.

And yet it is SO very important as part of a good treatment plan to see a therapist!

So what I’m talking about, I guess, is just how unfair it is that people who have a lot of money can just walk right in and get the care they want any time they want, while the rest of the “regular” people, or the people on disability (which is alot of the people who have bipolar disorder) have to struggle to even get in to see a therapist.

Not fair, is it?

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. Agree with me or disagree?

Hey I have to run. Catch you tomorrow.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Important Bipolar Disorder Lesson From Bubble Gum


What’s new?

Hope this is a good day for you.

Yesterday I had a really busy day. We have hired lots of new people, have lots of new things going on with this organization to help people dealing with bipolar disorder.

Actually one of the people that helped me inititally get it started is in surgery today—Pascale.

She was instrumental in getting the f.ree bipolar mini course all setup and sent out.

I will be calling her later today to make sure everything turns out okay.

Okay, today, I want to talk about bubble gum.

Yep. You read it correctly – bubble gum!

Before you think I’ve gone crazy, I know you’re asking yourself, what does bubble gum have to do with bipolar disorder?

Well, I’ll tell you:

Remember that old song, “Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight?”

Well, whether you know the song or not, the idea is that after chewing bubble gum for awhile, it gets stale, doesn’t it? It loses its flavor, and it gets stale, and you have to throw it out..

Now here comes the bipolar disorder part.

Are you sure you want to hear this? (scroll down)

Are you really sure? (do I have your curiosity up? Then scroll down some more)

Ok, the truth is that after awhile, the things you’ve tried to help your loved one to stay stable with their bipolar disorder just get old. they get stale, just like bubble gum.

What do you do with bubble gum when it gets stale?

You do one of two things:

1. You throw it out.

2. You get a fresh piece.

So that’s my point.

When what you’re doing with your loved one isn’t working any more, think about that bubble gum, and take a lesson from it.

Either stop doing what you’re doing that isn’t working any more…

Or try something “fresh” – something new!

That’s what I teach in my courses/systems below:







If you only do one thing over and over again, and if it doesn’t work, (it gets “stale” like the bubble gum), it’s certainly NOT going to help your loved one get any better.

And it’s not going to help you, either.

You have to try something new. You can do it! Think of something you’ve not ever tried before. Think of new ideas. Talk to other supporters – maybe they’ve tried things that you haven’t.

But whatever you do, it has to be something you haven’t tried before. How about surprising your loved one with a “reward” for “good behavior”? Just something “fresh,” something new.

I’m sure you can come up with some good ideas, can’t you?

And when you do, share them with the rest of us!

And don’t forget the lesson of the bubble gum!

It’s amazing how many people keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over again looking for a different result.

I find this VERY common with bipolar disorder. This is why I a person like me can help a lot of people because I can come in with a fresh pair of eyes so to speak and help people see that they are doing the same thing over and over and I can recommend new strategies.

Have you ever made this mistake?



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Welcome and Current Bipolar News


How’s it going? First I would like to welcome the more than 1300 new subscribers that signed up to the bipolar news in the last day. We had another record setting day of sign ups.

For those that are new, today is the bipolar news day. Each week, I compile a list of all the news for bipolar disorder and put it on a webpage so you can easily read it.

Tomorrow I will be sending a great new lesson on bipolar disorder that I learned the, really, really hard way.

Unfortunately I had someone who use to work for me steal money from me.

With that said, here’s the bipolar news.

To read this week’s news visit:

More charges filed against Neenah psychiatrist
DO> Very strange, don’t you think?

“It’s Been a Long, Long Road”
DO> Great article.

Salem mourns a missing crusader
DO> Very sad article.

U.S. ready for massive shift in treatment of mental health
DO> Do you agree or disagree?

Psychiatrists Shift Away From Providing Psychotherapy
DO> This is a big mistake I think. Do you agree?
NOTE-YOU need to push for more psychotheraphy if you are not getting it.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Celebrate Small Bipolar Victories


How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

Remember the movie, “What About Bob?”

Well, I was just thinking about it the other day. I was thinking about the plot — how this guy Bob, he’s just a regular guy (well, not regular, really, he’s actually pretty neurotic) – he is so afraid of everything that he  goes to this psychiatrist to help him. The main theme is “Baby Steps.” (That’s the name of the psychiatrist’s book and the type of psychiatry he pushes.)

So I was thinking about it and thinking about you and how the two go together.

So this is how I see it:  So much of the time I talk about the “heavy” issues associated with bipolar disorder and your loved one.

And maybe some of these things are too hard for you (or your loved one) to deal with right now.

Maybe your loved one has just been diagnosed, for example, or maybe they’re in denial, or maybe they are medication  non-compliant, or maybe they’re just hard for you to deal with, or whatever.

So some of the things I talk about are hard for you to apply to your situation.

So today I want to talk about


Celebrating small victories.

In my courses/systems, I talk in the very beginning about medication, setting up a strong support system, following a treatment plan, etc.:







But it is in the implementing of these things that the small victories come, in the beginning (for some people, even in the later stages, as well!).

For example, if you’re struggling with your loved one just to get them to take their medication, and you finally “win the battle,” that is a small victory! (in the big scheme of things).

Or if you’re just trying to get them to get out of bed because they’re so depressed, and they’ve been in bed for a week… and then one day you’re able to get them out of bed (finally) – that is a small victory!

Celebrate small victories!

What if your loved one doesn’t want to go to their doctor’s appointment, but you talk them into it, or even go with them? That’s a small victory.

What if they don’t want to go see their family? But you convince them to let their family come see them? That’s a small victory.

What if they refuse to go to their bipolar support group one night, but you talk them into it by agreeing to go with them? That’s a small victory.

Celebrate small victories!

What if they go one month without an episode?

That’s a small victory!

What if they go 3 months without an episode?

That’s an even bigger victory!

So you go from baby step to baby step, and pretty soon you get to where you want your loved one to be.

And, along the way…

That’s right! You…

Celebrate small victories!

This is critical. So many people are looking for HUGE advances and progress. It generally doesn’t happen. Lots of little victories eventually cause one to win the war so to speak.

Even when I look at building this entire organization it was little steps that led to this organization being so huge.

So again, celebrate small victories.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Have The Bipolar NEVER Attitude? Don’t.


How’s it going today for you?

I hope you are doing well.

I was on the phone with someone who was using one of my f.ree consultations for non medical and non legal questions that you get with my courses below and I was telling this person about this important concept. So I want to tell you as well because it’s important.

So today I want to talk about something I call:

The Bipolar NEVER Attitude

This is something you should NEVER have.

These are things you should NEVER say.

Things like:

· My loved one will NEVER get better.

· I’m NEVER going to be a good supporter.

· We’re NEVER going to have a normal life.

· I’ll NEVER get back what I’ve lost.

· We’ll NEVER be like we used to be.

· I’ll NEVER be happy again.

· We’ll NEVER be able to manage my loved

one’s bipolar disorder.

· We’ll NEVER get through this.

· I’ll NEVER be able to face my friends.

· We’ll NEVER be able to go out in public.

· My loved one will NEVER be stable.

Have you found yourself saying or thinking these things?

Then you have a NEVER attitude!

See, it’s all in your attitude.

In my courses/systems below, I discuss attitudes and how important it is to have a positive attitude to have a positive outcome with bipolar disorder:







But this attitude I’m talking about, I call this a bipolar NEVER attitude. And you should NEVER have this attitude. It could really hurt you and your loved one and especially your loved one’s recovery.

If you have the bipolar NEVER attitude, you are defeated before you ever start.

You may as well “throw in the towel” right now!

Wave the white flag!


Because you will NEVER win with the bipolar NEVER attitude.

NEVER should NEVER be a part of your vocabulary.


(scroll down)

You say, “I’m NEVER going to give up!”

“I’m NEVER going to let bipolar disorder get the better of me or my loved one!”

“I’m NEVER going to be defeated!”


See, your attitude makes all the difference in the world, especially to your loved one.

They take their cues from you.

So if they see that you feel defeated, then they will feel defeated as well.

If they see that you have the bipolar NEVER attitude, then they will learn it from you, and they will have the bipolar NEVER attitude, too.

But YOU can teach them to have a positive attitude.

You can teach them the RIGHT ATTITUDE!

Then, together, the two of you can manage your loved one’s bipolar disorder together, instead of it managing you! When it manages you that’s the worst. There are so many people that I know where the bipolar is in charge. It’s crazy. It use to be like that for my family forever until like 2005. Then we had a new way. A new system. I can tell you FOR SURE there is only one way that works. The way I just described.

Know what I mean?

Hey I have to take off. I will catch you later on.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder? Be Grateful For These


How’s it going today?

I am feeling a little better. Thanks to everyone who is wishing me a speedy recovery of this sore throat and cough.

I wanted to ask you.

Have you seen those commercials that say Things like:

Car: $20,000

Vacation: $5,000

Food for Vacation: $1,000

Smile on Kids’ Faces on Vacation: Priceless


Well, I know living with a loved one who has bipolar disorder is not an easy thing. Much of your time is spent dealing with the “big stuff” of the disorder.

But like the commercials, you also need to take time to be grateful for the small things.

Be grateful today that:

· Your loved one is healthy

· They are alive

· They are taking their medication

· They are following their treatment plan

· They are seeing their doctors, etc.

· They are not in an episode

· They are not in the hospital

· They care about you

· You love them

· They are not sleeping all the time

· They are productive

· They have something to live for

· They have accepted their disorder

· You are healthy

· You are alive

· You have something to live for

· You are loved

· Your family is ok

· You can stop and smell the roses

· You have a good life

You may have a car, home, money in the bank.

You may have material possessions.

But those things on the list above.

Those things are priceless.

Today I want you to think about those things. And I want you to be grateful for the small things.

Because, being a supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder, you didn’t always have those things, did you?

In my courses/systems below, I talk about having a positive attitude, and how much that can help when you’re dealing with the hard issues:







Being grateful helps you to keep that positive attitude. And having a positive attitude is a must when you’re dealing with bipolar disorder.

Some people even make a Gratitude List, especially when they’re feeling down.

Now this can go for both supporters and their loved ones.

You just put down all the things you’re grateful for. You can start with the things I’ve listed above, and then you can go from there.

I listed the “priceless” things. But then you can add your possessions, as well, because you should be grateful for them as well.

And I didn’t add anything about children, but you can add them, too.

The important thing is that you not only be grateful for the big things in your life, but the small things as well.

And that gratitude helps you keep a positive attitude.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Great Book and The Dumbest Bipolar Plan/Idea Ever Revealed


How’s it going?

I have to make this quick because I am not feeling well today. I have a sore throat, cough, headache, fever and stomach ache.

I am not telling you for you to feel sorry for you, I just wanted to let you know.

Anyway, first before I forget, I wanted to recommend a great book that everyone dealing with bipolar disorder should get.

Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life by David Allen.

I like to highly encourage people to look into productivity books because if you are dealing with bipolar disorder I am 99% sure that you have wasted a lot of time and put many things that you wanted to do on hold.

So after bipolar disorder is under control you have to work hard to make up for lost time. ou have to be productive and you don’t have time to mess around.

My mom wasted about 38 years of time. Seriously. BUT, she has made huge advances in just a few years. She has gotten more done in 3 years than decades before in my opinion.

Okay second thing. I have had a ton and I mean a ton of people call me 24 hours a day on every single phone number that I have and I have a lot.

It’s driving me crazy. I have tried to call people back but it’s impossible. We have had I don’t know like more than 250,000 people sign up to the bipolar breaking news. There isn’t enough time for me to talk to everyone. It’s not that I am mean. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s not that I am greedy. It’s not that I don’t like people. It’s not that I don’t want to help it’s that I am limited by the number of hours in a day.

These days I have to do less not more.

I am very sure one of the reasons why I am sick and have been sick twice this year is from overwork and stress.

So, I can’t take random phone calls any more. It doesn’t even make sense anyway. 99% of what people ask me are in my course materials located at

or my main courses below.

How can you talk to me? Well with my main courses below, you can fill out a certificate you get and send it in to me. I will call you on my dime to answer any of your non medical or non legal questions (I am NOT a doctor, therapist or lawyer).

People are shocked after they go through my materials because it seriously covers virtually everything you can think of.

Why? Well because number one I use the material myself. Number two I have really smart people that have gone through everything over and over and over again looking for any gaps and we have filled them in.

Okay with that said, let’s jump to today’s topic.

Actually one more thing..


I wanted to say for the 10,000 quadbillionth (little kid term) that I am NOT a doctor, therapist, lawyer, or financial advisor. I am not offering legal, or medical or or professional advice.

Ok, with that said…

I heard the dumbest thing ever. It’s so stupid I can’t even believe someone on the Internet is promoting it!

They are really dumb and what they are promoting is really dangerous.

The are promoting something called a “medication holiday.”

A medication holiday is when you stop taking your medication for a certain period of time to “give yourself a break.”

Do NOT do this! If you do have bipolar disorder, you will have tremendous problems.

YOU WILL BE DOOMED. You will probably die if you do this.

NEVER get off your medication without working with a doctor.

NEVER listen to stupid things on the Internet without talking them over with your doctor, either.

Don’t even listen to me. Take what I say to your doctor. Talk it over with them. Think, “Hmm. Does David Oliver even make any sense?” Think about it. My daily emails are designed to get you to think AND learn. Challenge what I am saying. Medication is still the key, despite what a few out in left field wacko websites say!

These people are clueless.

I know someone with bipolar disorder who used to take medication holidays because she liked her manic “highs.”

Until one day one of her manic “highs” landed her in a psychiatric institution – delusional, hallucinating, psychotic, and suicidal.

This girl never took another medication holiday again, and is still stable today.

I wish everyone who was even considering taking a medication holiday could hear this girl’s story.

The concept of the medication holiday is so dumb.

It’s as dumb as someone I know who takes steroids.

When I asked him, “Aren’t you worried about your body and the steroids? Do you get a checkup from the doctor with your blood pressure, liver enzymes, cholesterol, etc.?”

His reply? “Dude, I only care about the outside, not the inside.”

When I said, “You are going to die,” he replied, “Dude, at least I will die big. They won’t even have a coffin big enough for me!”

You probably think I made that up. I swear I did NOT. I know tons of people that think this way about steroids. It’s scary.

SIDE NOTE-In one gym I go to, I heard to guys arguing about who would be bigger when they died and who could and could not fit in a coffin. Sad but true.

That was previously the dumbest thing I had ever heard of until I heard the concept of the medication holiday.

In my courses/systems below:







I stress the importance of taking medication, and if you are having problems with your medication, you need to contact your doctor, NOT just go off your medication and take a medication holiday.

That’s just dumb. Anyone care to share what happens when you do something  like this?



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Problems with Bipolar Disorder? Try This!


Hope this is a good day for you.

I was talking to a person yesterday who was complaining about having problems with his business. He really was having a hard time. he had lots of problems.

I listened carefully.

Then I said, “What have you done to fix all these problems?”

He said, “Everything.”

I asked, “Like what?” But he couldn’t give me an answer.

I said, “Why don’t you try thinking?”

And he got mad at me!

Then I explained. I told him that he should really spend some quality time thinking about the problem AND the potential solutions. See, I am a solution- oriented person, and that’s the way I approach things.

So that’s the way I approach bipolar disorder, too. I find with the BP it’s the same thing.

People with the disorder and their loved ones say that they have tons of problems and that they can’t figure out any solutions to them (no offense).

They are always REACTING instead of ACTING. See what I mean? See the difference?

I heard someone say once that “Life is 1% what happens to you and 99% your reaction to it.”

I like that, because it illustrates what I’m talking about. If you have a problem, you have to look for a solution to it. Ok, so sometimes the solution isn’t so obvious. But it’s there, it really is.

Think about just one of your problems. Just one.

Then take one hour and brainstorm solutions to it.

Some solutions may be easy, and others may be hard. Some may be impossible. But you can still consider them. (Someone said, “The impossible just takes a little longer.”)

Some solutions may seem downright silly. But you can still consider them. They may even be the very solution you’re looking for!

The solution you’re looking for may be staring you right in the face. But you won’t know until you try brainstorming solutions to your problem.

In my courses/systems below, I talk about problem- solving; about being solution-oriented, and about being PROACTIVE:







You have to be PROACTIVE if you want to get out of your problems and into your solutions.

Like the guy I was talking about who had all the business problems. At first he got mad at me, but then he understood my point.

No one else is going to come up with your solutions for you. You have to come up with them yourself. That’s what being PROACTIVE means. So if you have bipolar disorder, or if you are a supporter of a loved one who has the disorder and you are stuck on a problem that doesn’t seem to have a solution, try this:

Write down the problem. Then write down a list of brainstormed ideas of solutions to that problem. again, no matter how complicated, or impossible, or even how silly. I guarantee, that solution is there somewhere. If not, keep trying until you arrive at

that solution.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Key to success with bipolar disorder and business


I hope you’re having a good day.

I actually woke up with a really bad sore throat today. That’s strange considering it’s the summer.

Oh well. Anyway, I still have a ton of things to do whether I have a sore throat or not.

I am actually not working out this Saturday.

Oh I wanted to say something. People have been asking about what jobs I have currently available. Well right now, we are all set

with customer service and admin. We have had TREMENDOUS people apply.

Some people are truly incredible. The trouble is, there are only 3 spots but many high qualified people. All but one has bipolar disorder. I wonder why so many people ask me if they can apply if they have bipolar disorder? Of course you can. More than 70% of the people that work for me have one or more disorders.

Anyway, I am going to be making a decision over the next few days.

New jobs that will be posted soon are: writer, editor (not for my daily emails… : ), PPC analyst (position for accountant, financial type people), and marketing assistant (great job for someone with bipolar disorder).

I will be posting them in a few weeks. Just keep reading my emails and you’ll get the link.

Okay, one last thing. I want to tell you how I made a total fool out of myself this morning. I couldn’t sleep well last night so I got up at like 6 am. I started watching this CD on some business stuff. I have to keep on learning more and more as this organization grows larger and larger. Learning is the key to business.

I couldn’t figure out how to fast forward, pause, etc. The CD was super long.

I was like, “what the heck, I have to sit here and watch 2 hours in one stretch.”

So I got all mad and went on to the forum with a whole lot of serious minded business people. I posted a question about why the cd doesn’t have a stop, pause, fast forward etc.

Someone wrote me back and said, “Hey did you watch the first CD it clearly explains how if you scroll down you will see stop, pause, fast forward, rewind, etc.”

So I went to the screen and I scrolled down and much to my amazement, the buttons were all there.

I felt really dumb : ). I have to post some intelligent stuff today so people don’t label me a dummy : )

So you can have a good laugh on me today.

Okay, on to today’s topic and then I have to run.

Have you ever thought about how things were in the beginning compared to how things are now?

I know how frustrating things can be sometimes, because I’m a supporter, too, but…

Sometimes it helps to think back to how helpless you felt back before your loved one was diagnosed and before you had any information on bipolar disorder to begin with.

Then think of how much you’ve learned since then, and how much your loved one has, hopefully, also learned since then about how to manage his/her bipolar disorder.

In my courses/systems below:







Of course I teach many things about how to manage bipolar disorder and how to deal with it, both for survivors and for their loved ones.

But think about it –

In the beginning, you knew nothing about the disorder. All you knew was that your loved one just wasn’t “normal,” just wasn’t “themselves.”

But now you know so much more, don’t you?

Hopefully, you’ve done some research, gotten educated, read my material, and at least I know you’ve been learning from these emails.

Educating yourself is the main thing, as I teach in my courses/systems. You have to learn as much as you can about the disorder

in order to help your loved one. It’s like you have this enemy that you’re fighting, and the enemy isn’t your loved one, it’s bipolar disorder.

In any war, they tell you to know your enemy. in order to know your enemy, you have to know as much about your enemy as you can.

So I encourage you, keep learning. Keep studying. Keep reading. Keep researching.

Never stop growing in knowledge, for the more you know, the better equipped you are to deal with the disorder and your loved one.

· Keep researching on the Internet

· Order BP Magazine or read it online

· Read books about it

· Visit your local library

· Research online articles or at your

Library periodicals section

· Go to your loved one’s bipolar

support group for f.ree literature

· Ask your loved one’s doctor for

f.ree pamphlets

Keep learning as much about bipolar disorder as you can, so you can stay in control of it instead of it in control of you and your loved one.

Remember, knowledge is power! It works with business AND bipolar disorder. Many people just stop learning.

Ask the average person what were the last books, they read and you probably won’t hear ones that help them learn. Ask someone when was the last time they really researched something. Or they went to the library. Or they took a course. Or a class. Think about it.

Well, I have to go.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.