Use a Bipolar Filter or Else


Hope you’re having a good day.

Lately, I have been hearing so much nonsense about so many things, my head hurts.

People tell me it’s the end of the world because of the stock market. People tell me stuff about bipolar that is TOTALLY wrong. Real estate people try to get me to buy a house in a bad market.

People then tell me how to run this organization with no clue.  That made me think of you.

Because you may be one of those supporters of a loved one with bipolar disorder who other people tell you (who know nothing about you, your loved one, or bipolar disorder):

· exactly how you should be running your life

· what you should be doing

· what you shouldn’t be doing

· exactly how you should be a supporter

· how you should be taking care of your loved one

· what you’re doing wrong

· how they know so much more than you do

· how you should do things their way

· that they know how to do it

· etc., etc., etc.

These people could be people from your (or your loved one’s) support group, or they could even be friends and/or family. Sometimes even strangers offer unwanted advice when they find out you’re dealing with a loved one with bipolar disorder.

But the point is, they (of course) know more than you do about bipolar disorder and how to be a good supporter.

Just like these people who write to me and proclaim to know how to run my business better than me.

Doesn’t that make you mad? I know it makes me mad.

If your loved one is stable, or at least on the road to being stable, then you’re being a good supporter.

You’re doing it right.

And these other people shouldn’t be telling you different.

In my courses/systems, I talk about how to be a good supporter. I even talk about support groups, and how one of the bad things about them is just what I’ve been talking about:



One of the bad things about a support groups is that, although you have good people in them, you also have people like this (we used to call them know-it-all’s) who think they know everything and the way to do it, and they’re the ones who tell everyone else how to do it too.

Now, even if their loved one is stable, and even if their way does work, it does NOT mean it’s going to work for your loved one, because everyone is different.

So what you have to do is, you have to develop a bipolar filter, or else if you listen to them, and do what they say, you could stand the chance of making your loved one worse.

You know what works for your loved one and what doesn’t work.

Especially if your loved one is doing good, and/or is stable right now, or on the road to stability.

And even if they’re not, just try something else. Try some of the suggestions from my courses. But don’t just blindly listen to what other people tell you, because they may not work, and they may do more harm than good.

Remember to use your bipolar filter.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <===

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these daily bipolar emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed to help you
with a different area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or you are
supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE Check out my F.ree blog
with copies of emails that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE Check out my F.ree
podcast. Hear me give mini seminars designed to teach you information you
can’t learn anywhere else.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Doing this with bipolar disorder?


How are you doing today?

I hope you are doing well.

Hey I a running behind like normal but I had some stuff that I wanted to tell you.

I have to type this up super fast.

It’s so important and I see soooooooooooo many people supporting a loved one with bipolar disorder AND people in society making this huge mistake.

I have to tell you about this guy who wrote me a nasty message. He wrote me all about how I am a scam and a fraud. He even said that he was going to set up a website saying that I was a bad person. Then he said that his son has bipolar disorder.

NOTE-I know people are going to write “Dave, why do you always bring up when people write bad things to you? Do you need constant reassurance? Is there something wrong with you? Do you have low self esteem?”

Well for those wondering the answer really simple. I have to think of something to say every day. Not every other day or once a week or once a month but every day. So sometimes these nasty emails serve great starting point for a great topic. I hope you understand. But I know, I am still going to get people asking what I just wrote you.

Okay, let’s move on.

Now, first of all, let me tell you that I’ve gotten plenty of these types of emails before. If you have been on this list for a while, you’ve seen them : )

Second of all, let me assure you, as you may already know, because I may have helped you, that I am real, that I am not a scam, and that me, my website, my courses and materials, my company, and the people who work for me are by no means a fraud.

Now, if this guy wants to set up a website to say I’m a bad person, he’s going to have to have a lot of money, I know, because it takes a lot of money to run mine. And he’s going to pretty much be wasting his time, anyway.

I mean, I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt here, but he’s probably just really mad about something that probably doesn’t even have anything to do with me, he’s just taking it out on me, but come on, talking about setting up a whole website just to tell people I’m a bad person? He’s not really going to do that. He’s just frustrated and mad.

Why? He says so himself. He has a son with bipolar disorder.

So now I know why he’s so frustrated and angry. And why he’s taking it out on me.

In my courses/systems below, I talk about all the negative emotions/feelings that a supporter goes through living with a loved one who has bipolar disorder, and how to cope with them:







But this guy’s email made me think about how people who are supporters many times want to blame other people or things for the way they’re feeling, or focus on the wrong thing.

They want to get mad at their loved one.

They want to get mad at the system, or society.

They want to get mad at other people (like this man getting mad at me).

They want to get mad at a situation that causes their loved one to get stressed so that their loved one takes out their anger on them (the supporter).

They want to get mad at the politicians who cut funding for research into bipolar disorder.

And all of this is wasted time and energy for the supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder.

But do you know what the biggest waste of time and energy is?

When a supporter is doing all these things and they’re also NOT learning all they can about their loved one’s disorder and how they can help them get better.

THAT’S the biggest waste of time!

Complaining that they’re loved one isn’t getting better, when there’s something they can do about it!

I’m not saying that you’re always going to feel good about things. I’m not saying that it’s not ok that sometimes you’ll feel frustrated and angry yourself, like the guy in the email. It IS ok to feel those things.

But it’s still a waste of time to blame it on other people or things.

You have to direct your emotions/feelings/energy toward helping your loved one to get better and manage their bipolar disorder.

Anything else is just a waste of your time.

I was also reminded of this because I am sooooooooooo tired of people I know complaining about the stock market. I seriously have friends that sit and get angry at “the banks” ALL day. It’s a gigantic waste of time. These people should be focusing their energy else where.

Does this all make sense? I know people are going to write: “Dave you just don’t understand. It’s easy for you to say, your mom is doing great now.”

What do you think?



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Great technique to explain bipolar disorder to people


If you need help explaining bipolar disorder, please take a look at this link:

The other day, I sent out the link above and people asked ow to use the little bipolar explanation booklets.

Here’s one great technique that I used. First you get the booklet and read it yourself. It’s a quick read.

Then you give one to someone like a friend or family member and say, “Can you take a look at this and then I will call to talk to you about it.”

This kind of forces someone in a nice way to take a look at the booklet which is a quick read.

Then you can ask them, “what did you think?” This opens up the conversation for you. Make sense?

This is actually what I did with many people. I used this technique with my mom’s mom or my grandmother. My grandmother had a whole bunch of questions after reading the booklet and wanted to talk about it.

By doing this, it made it easier how to explain bipolar disorder to her and start a conversation.

If you need help explaining bipolar disorder, here’s the link again:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Stop Needing Bipolar Approval From Others


I hope you’re doing all right.

I get many emails from supporters who are still worried about whether they’re “doing it right,” or are worried about what other people think about how they’re doing it. You need to stop needing approval from others – you have to believe that you’re doing just fine!

In the beginning, when your loved one was first diagnosed, you learned as much as you could about bipolar disorder, didn’t you? No one was looking over your shoulder to see if you were “doing it right.”

You got yourself as educated as you could, because that’s what you had to do to help your loved one, and that was the main thing. You probably helped your loved one become educated about the disorder as well.

Then you got involved in your loved one’s treatment plan. You found out about their medications, doctors, psychiatrist, therapist, etc.

You became their primary supporter and, hopefully, helped them build a strong support system, including a bipolar support group.

You’ve learned about what the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder are, and what the warning signs of your loved one’s episodes are – you’ve learned about what their “triggers” are, just like I teach about in my courses/systems below:







And you’ve both experienced bipolar episodes together, and come out on the other side.

So, tell me, where does this involve other people?

And where does this involve their opinion of you?

There is no wrong or right to doing “this thing.”

You just have to go with what you know, and what you learn along the way.

Each person with bipolar disorder experiences it in a different way.

Each person has their own signs/symptoms, triggers, sets of behaviors, etc.

Each supporter handles their loved one’s bipolar disorder in their own way as well.

What works for you may or may not work for the next supporter, and vice-versa.

You have your hands full enough without worrying what other people think of you.

You are a good supporter if you’re keeping your loved one from having bipolar episodes.

You are a good supporter if your loved one trusts you enough to keep good communication going, to tell you when they’re feeling “off,” and asking for your help.

You are a good supporter if you’re helping to keep your loved one out of the hospital.

Worrying about what other people think of you, or if you’re doing this thing “right,” or any number of useless worries, will only stress you out and decrease your effectiveness as a supporter.

Don’t worry, you’re “doing it right”!



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder? Realize this


I hope you’re having a really good day.

I have to go really quick today.

I have a whole lot of things to do today.

I am working on a super important project for the entire organization. Something that’s going to help us tremendously.

Oh, people are asking me where Michele is. Michele is on vacation for a couple of weeks. She is okay and will be back soon. Amazingly, she finished all her work, one month ahead of time so she could take time off AND come back to not too much to do. Amazing.

Okay, let’s jump into today’s topic.

There’s really good stuff around you that you probably don’t even know.

Like my friend Steve who is six foot two and 255 pounds told me about this incredible place where he jogs. It’s odd Steve jogs because he’s so big.

Anyway, the place is local to us. He described it to me.

This place has a track that went through the woods with water fountains, a bathroom, playground, rivers, streams, fish, deer, etc.

I thought he was making it up because I have never seen such a place and if it existed, I thought that surely I would know about it.

Well, the other day I was bored.

I was driving around locally by where I live and I went down this road and discovered this park.

It was the place Steve was talking about!

I must say he was right and I was amazed. This place was incredible.

Amazing trails for walking or jogging. Rivers, streams, fish, fields, etc. It was tremendous.

The odd thing is, it’s all f.ree and I never knew about it.

It’s only 5 minutes from where I live. Can you believe that I didn’t see it?

This place is AMAZING. The trail is amazing. It even has information about planets through out the entire trail so you can learn about the solar system.

It has a bathroom, basketball park, soccer, baseball, rivers, streams, ponds and many other things.

You can do it through the woods or not in the woods. It’s truly amazing.

I can’t believe I didn’t even know it existed.

What’s this have to do with bipolar disorder? Nothing.

Just kidding.

It has a lot to do with it.

I get people who write me complaining that they can’t find a good doctor.

The people in New York tell me there are no good doctors.

The people in New Jersey do. The people in South America. The people in Japan do.

BUT wherever people complain, people have found good doctors. You just need to flush them out.

In my systems and courses I have a doctor finding system to get good doctors to come to you.







NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE, there are good doctors around. They might not be easy to spot but they do exist just like this incredible walking trail I found.

Some things in life are easy.

But other things aren’t.

My dad tried to tell me years ago there weren’t any more good doctors left in New Jersey. There are tons. I found about 12 with my first go around with my system.

Actually if I had to do it all over again I could probably find 30 right away.

I know you might be thinking, “but Dave, where I live there aren’t good doctors.”

There are. I will say this, and I say it in my courses, the best doctors are NOT found online or in the phone book. I don’t know why but they aren’t.

You have to use a good system.

I am not going to get into it now because I have to run, but there’s other good stuff that can help you around in your area that you are probably overlooking.

You just have to look.

I had someone tell me their mother used to always tell them, “Life doesn’t get handed to you on a silver platter. You have to work for what you


Well, I can see that with bipolar disorder, too.

If you can’t find a good doctor, it just might be that you have to work a little harder for what you want.

Don’t just say you can’t because you can.

Oh one more thing. I have found the best doctors aren’t necessarily the ones who run big giant hospitals or work at these big famous facilities.

The best ones I found are not published, not running big gigantic facilities, are not celebrities doctors, etc.

If you saw my mom’s doctor you might just think she was okay. She doesn’t have books and have a gigantic practice and isn’t on TV but she is incredible.

What do you think?



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Current Bipolar News


How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

Here is today’s news.

To read this week’s news visit:

Growing up Bipolar
DO> Great article.

St. Lucie’s mental health court can help change lives
DO> Hmm, what do you think?

Living with a Bipolar Husband
DO> Another very interesting article

Global Psychiatrists Unite To Improve Services In Mental Health
DO> Noble goal that’s going to be hard to accomplish.

Bus driver was bipolar, not drunk, court told
DO> Sad story, what do you think?

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder? What’s Your Shoe Size?


How’s it going?

I hope you’re doing well.

There’s an interesting thing with bipolar disorder.

It’s about medication.

Too many people think they can manage it themselves, without their doctors (psychiatrists).

They want to take less medication, or they want to take more medication.

Taking less medication is like wearing a size 10 shoe when you really need a size 12 shoe!

You can see how silly that would be. You wouldn’t do that, would you?

So you really can’t let your loved one mess around with their medication, either.

If they’re having problems with their medication, they really need to talk to their doctor about it.

They can’t just decide to mess around with it themselves.

That’s like I said above, like buying the wrong size shoe, or the wrong size clothes.

In my courses/systems below, I talk about how important taking your medication is, and in the right amounts, the right dosages, what to do if you feel that there’s something wrong with your medication, etc.

But I always say to check with your doctor if you feel there’s something wrong with the medication you’re taking.







It’s not like there’s nothing you can do if you’re unhappy with your medication, it’s side effects, the way you’re feeling or behaving, or whatever.

You can always talk to your doctor about it.

If you don’t trust your doctor, you need to get another doctor.

But messing around with your own medication is very, very dangerous.

If you don’t take enough, you could go into an episode.

If you take too much, you could DIE – you could have an overdose!

If you don’t like the way your medication makes you feel, you can tell your doctor, and they can change your medication.

They can change your dosage of the medication you’re on.

They can change when you take your medication.

They can do several things that maybe you haven’t even thought about.

But just don’t – DO NOT – mess with your own medication by yourself.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Need help explaining bipolar disorder to people?


If you need help explaining bipolar disorder, please take a look at this link:

I made these booklets actually for my family so I didn’t have to keep on explaining what bipolar disorder is.

It’s designed for the most hostile people and get them to be brought around to it being a real illness and serious. Actually it was first given to my brother who it actually worked on. It was much easier for me give him a little yellow booklet than explain what bipolar disorder is verbally.

Anyway take a look if you need help.

The link again is:


David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar? Some Things Just Go Together


Hope you’re doing well.

Yesterday I was talking to my friend and he told me he watching tv ALL night long. There is a channel called “TV land” They play really old reruns. It’s a like a sad channel because you are like living in the past when you watch it. NOTE-I told him not to tell anyone because this is kind of a sad thing to do all night long.

He started singing this song (he’s 280)…

“Love and marriage…go together like a horse and carriage?”

After I was really embarrassed and not wanting to be associated with him : ) I was thinking about bipolar disorder and the fact some things just go together.

Do you know what I mean?

Like when I had to take the SAT years ago, they had this part that was supposed to check your sense of logic, like dog is to cat as table is to… and then they’d give you this choice of answers, and of course you’re supposed to pick chair.

But some things do just go together.

Like pen and paper.

Like children and toys.

Like sun and beach.

Like TV and easychair.

Like peas and carrots.

Like light and dark.

Like black and white.

Like yes and no.

I’m sure you can think of tons of other things, too.

So what does that have to do with bipolar disorder?

I’ll tell you.

Here’s something else that goes together.

A supporter and their loved one.

Your loved one cannot manage their disorder without your help.

Even in my courses/systems, I teach people with bipolar disorder that they have to have a strong support system as part of their treatment in order to manage their disorder.

And that means having a strong supporter.







Being a strong supporter means you have to do many things.

You have to take care of yourself.

That means more than just grooming, of course.

It means taking care of your own needs, so you can help meet your loved one’s needs.

It means making sure that you’re strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and any other way that keeps you less stressed and more stable yourself.

If you attend church, don’t stop going just because your loved one doesn’t feel up to it. You may have a need for the fellowship and/or spiritual strengthening just for yourself.

You need to fill that need, whether your loved one goes with you or not. It also may be part of your social life. My mom doesn’t just go to church to worship – she goes for the social activities, too.

Mentally you can do things that challenge your mind outside of what you do for your loved one. Reading is a good way to fill this need.

Even using the Internet to look things up, whether they’re about bipolar disorder or not, will also help keep your mind fresh and active and learning new things.

You might even want to take a college course –whether actually at the college (it’ll get you out of the house) or they even have courses you can take online at home now.

Emotionally you can keep yourself strong by seeing your own therapist, or if you can’t do that, at least keep a daily journal where you can write down your thoughts and feelings.

This way, you can keep those negative thoughts and feelings from building up inside you and coming out (they always do eventually) in a way you don’t want them to.

Physically, you can take care of your body by exercising. You don’t necessarily have to lift weights or even join a gym. Just walking 3 times a week can be good exercise for you.

And you need to be eating a good, healthy diet as well. The important thing is that you take care of your body, so that you have enough energy to take care of your loved one.

Financially, you need to make sure that your loved one doesn’t have entire access to all the family funds. Should they go into an episode and go off on a spending spree, they could push you into bankruptcy, and then where would you be?

Having your own bank account as well as a joint account with your loved one (just in case) would be a good suggestion. Another would be to make sure that you are a co-signer on all your bank accounts.

Also, if your loved one is not good with money, and especially when you see signs/symptoms that they may be going into an episode, make sure that you’re the one holding all the credit cards and debit cards.

Your loved one may be a little threatened or angry about this at first, but it’s still better than losing all your money to an episode.

Just remember, you and your loved one may go together like “a horse and carriage,” but it still takes a strong supporter, one who takes care of themselves, to help take care of a loved one with bipolar disorder.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Lesson From the Girl Who Jumped to Her Death


I hope your day is going well.

Today is a BIG day for me. I have several new people starting in a major part of my company that has gotten out of control. It has to do with the finding of newsletter subscribers.

Anyway, I have 4 people working on the problem today. One with bipolar disorder and three who do not. People ask me all the time why I bring in someone with bipolar disorder when their are tough problems? The answer is, I have found that a person with bipolar disorder who is stable is generally more creative more intelligent and can solve problems faster.

Some people get mad when I say this kind of thing. I don’t know why. They insist that this is not always true. For me it’s true. That’s the deal.

Anyway I am also testing a new system of sending my daily emails. If you get this message and it looks right
around the same time you normally do then the system worked great. I hopeit does : )

Okay, let’s move on..

I forgot to tell you this. The other week, I was hiking at the Jenny Jump Park.

Why is it called Jenny Jump?

Well here’s what happened.

There was a girl named Jenny a long time ago who thought Indians were chasing her to kill her, so she ran far and fast to a cliff.

The she couldn’t figure out how to get down from the cliff.

So she jumped to her death.

Eventually the area was called Jenny Jump and eventually became a park.

I was thinking about Jenny and her jump and how the story went that she killed herself out of believing there was no hope.

Jenny, like many people who have bipolar disorder, or even supporters of loved ones who have it, believe it can never get better.

It sure can, though.

My mom’s situation was terrible.

My brother said there was no hope and not to waste my time.

I didn’t think so. I thought there was hope.

And now my mom is better. She still has bipolar disorder, but she’s better than she was. I think my not giving up hope had something to do with that.

I have several people who work for me that have attempted suicide in the past.

They report to me that at the time they were suicidal, they thought there was no hope.

They said the amazing thing is, with time, things get better with bipolar disorder.

ALL of them are glad that they didn’t succeed!

NOTE: If you or your loved one are feeling suicidal, call 1-800-SUICIDE and remember, there’s hope.

There’s no hope if you are dead.

If you are a supporter, help your loved one get information like what I have in my courses/systems.




I mean, I do have sections on what to do if you’re feeling suicidal, but I have even more about learning how to deal with your disorder so that you don’t get to that point.

No, there still isn’t a cure for bipolar disorder.
But there is hope.

Someone told me once that “suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.”

Learning how to manage bipolar disorder, or how to be a good supporter and help your loved one manage their bipolar disorder, is a permanent solution, not a temporary one.

Ok, so there’s no cure. But with your hope, you can look for solutions that work for you and your loved one.

And don’t worry about what other people say.

At some of the support groups I go to, this person might say that you should do this, or you should do that, otherwise you’re not being a good supporter.

Don’t worry about what they say. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not being a good supporter.

You just do what works for you and your loved one, and you ARE being a good supporter!

Remember there is hope. It’s kind of strange but I remember when virtually everyone was betting against my mom. There was never any doubt in my mind that my mom would get better. I knew 100%, that she could become better (that’s what I called it at the time).

My brother wanted to put her away in a hospital forever (which you can do anyway). My dad was just in a state of limbo basically asking me to accept the way she was and that she would never be better and we would just have to deal with her.

It’s sad but on the one hand, so many people are so quick to give up with bipolar disorder. But on the other hand so many people never give up but keep doing the same stuff over and over hoping for a different result.
It’s really strange.

I am not pushing my courses but I can honestly say the answers are there. People are surprised when they talk to myself or someone who works with me with bipolar disorder about a problem they have. We immediately have an answer. Why? Well because we have pretty much faced it all and have systems for everything.

Anyway, the point of this was to rely to you about Jenny and how she gave up. Don’t be like Jenny.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.