Current Bipolar News



How’s it going?

I wanted to say thank you to
everyone who wrote me about that the
two positions that I will be hiring for–
marketing assistant and operations for
this organization that helps people
dealing with bipolar disorder.

I have over 200 responses in a very
short period of time. Based on how
I know my list, I will get about 400
responses when it’s all said in done.

I will be writing some people and
recommending that they contact other
people I know who are hiring for
a similar position.

Also, I will be releasing my new
video on the 10 biggest mistakes
people supporting someone with
bipolar disorder make. I finally
figured out how to use the software

With that said, here’s the bipolar news.

Make sure you take a look. It takes a lot
of time to put the news together so please read it.

To see the news visit:

There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by visiting my
blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Potential Blood Test for Mood Disorders Seen in Biomarker Panel
DO> Great article, must read.

Indiana U Study May Alter Approach To Psychiatric Treatment
DO> What do you think of this?

A Few Startling Figures about Bipolar Depression
DO> Amazing facts, take a look.

Alexza Initiates First Phase 3 Clinical Trial for AZ-004
DO> A little on the boring side 🙂

Mentally ill unfairly portrayed as violent
DO> This is TOTALLY true. Must read!

Medics to get mental health support
DO> I like this article.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


I’m hiring and the 11 letter magic word for bipolar disorder

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I hope you are doing well. Last night I had to speech. I was late.
Shame on me. Anyway, I am just so pressed
for time going from one thing to the next.
If you saw my schedule, you would think
I was in a super manic bipolar episode.

Last month, I did over 10,000 minutes
on my cell phone.

I have so many things to do today.
I have multiple doctors that want
me to do an interview with them concerning
bipolar disorder.

Plus I have a number of things to related
to my other businesses.

I have been recently putting in 18 hour work
days. It’s crazy.

The reason is, I have three businesses
that have been around and I have great people
running them. These don’t’ take much time
but some time. Obviously you have to check
in make some decisions, watch over some things,

With this organization for bipolar disorder,
I am really struggling to keep up. I really
have to get more help because it’s taking
up so much of my time.

I know there are great people on my list
that can help.

I actually am hiring a new marketing

I have to write up a complete job description
for people to apply but in the meantime,
if you are interested, send me an email
and a resume.

I am looking for someone who is
creative, good with computers, know
marketing just a little (you don’t have
to know it a lot, I will teach you), is
organized, punctual and a hard worker.

I think this would be a great job for
someone on disability.

If you are interested send something
about yourself and/or a resume to:

Also, since this organization has grown
very fast, I have had to hire a bunch of newer
people. Unfortunately a few are not working
out and are going to have to go.

People who don’t show up, aren’t dedicated
to the cause, etc. make me really mad. It’s
a MAJOR disappointment. I have had to
do the work of multiple people because of
a few people not doing what they are suppose
to do.

I was talking to someone with bipolar disorder
that works for me and does an incredible
job all the time about why in the world
we have some slackers on the team.

The person explained it might be because
they just don’t understand the cause. Hmm.
I guess so.

Anyway, I will be replacing these people.
The odd thing is, I find that those without some kind
of disorder to not be very hardworking or
dedicated. So I will be sending out
an email over the next week or so
for a person to work in “operations” and
be an administrative assistant.

I am looking for someone who is VERY
organized, smart, a great problem solved,
super dedicated and is accessible.

Both these jobs are going to be home based.
Everyone should have internet high speed,
a phone line and the basics of a home office.

I will be posting this job in about a week or

What happen is this. I have hired two people
that simply are not consistent. The aren’t
ever really accessible and have a multitude
of excuses as to why they haven’t done

I can’t sit around and wait that’s for sure.
If this was like the post office where nothing
new is ever happening, it would be fine. But
since this grows really fast, there’s no room
for undedicated, not doing what their suppose
to do people.

This is a major benefit of hiring people who
happen to have one or more disorders—they generally
if stable are 100% committed and super hardworking
because they understand the cause—which is to
help people who are dealing with various disorders
like bipolar disorder—both supporters and survivors.

So if you know anyone, let them know. I just haven’t
had the time to write a complete job description and
get it posted. Andrea has so many projects that I am
hiring a new webmaster to help handle some of the
work load.

I don’t think people realize how many people are working
in the organization and how hard it is to keep track. This
is why I need more people in operations.

Also, I obviously am paying people—which requires
money. Where does the money come from? The lottery?
Grants from the United States? The universe? NO,
it comes from sales of my courses.

For everyone who gets mad at me selling things, they
have no idea how an organization really works. You take
revenue and then turn around and invest it in a whole
bunch of things and people.

Anyway, let’s talk about today’s topic.

Today I want to talk to you about:


Now, I know I’m always telling you
there are no magic words when it
comes to bipolar disorder, so before
you get out the rocks and start
stoning me, let me explain!

You will want to hear about this
word, believe me!

And you would never guess this
11 letter word, so I’ll just go ahead
and tell you what it is:


Bet you’d have never guessed that
was the word, huh? But this one
word is magical in the sense that
when it comes to bipolar disorder
it carries a lot of power with it.

Just like the story of the tortoise
and the hare, and the lesson that
you learned about “slow and
steady wins the race,” you must
then follow it with consistency.

Consistency in the thesaurus
uses other synonyms for it, like:
symmetry, clearness, uniformity,
agreement, connection, tenacity,
and conformity.

I think I would add another
word to that list: balance.

In my courses I talk a lot
about having balance in
your life:




One of the definitions of
consistency is persistence.

So if you put all that together,
you get someone who is
persistent in their goals,
who has a real connection
and conformity to their

You see where I’m going
with this?

You need to be consistent
with your treatment to be
successful at managing
your bipolar disorder.

Actually, I’ll take it a
step further, and talk to
supporters – you have to
be consistent as well,
with your own “program”
your own regimen or
routine, so that you can
be successful as well.

Someone famous said,
“If you believe it, you
can achieve it.” But
you cannot achieve it
by sitting at home just
thinking about it.

You CAN achieve it by
and persistency, though!

Your Friend,


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Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Disorder? What out for this too


How’s it going?

I sure have a whole lot of things
to do today. I actually am speaking
tonight about bipolar disorder and
I have to get prepared.

Tomorrow I have a lot of things
to handle with my other businesses.

Anyway, I’m really concerned about something,
and I think you need to know about it as

You know I volunteer at several places
where there are people with bipolar
disorder, like support groups and such.

Well, sometimes I like what I hear, and
then I bring that information to you,
because I think you can benefit from it.

But what is really bothering me today,
and I think it’s been building up and
I’m surprised I haven’t brought it up
before now, is something that I’ve
noticed happens at some of these
meetings that is NOT a good thing.

I’ll tell you about it:

It’s when people who have NO clue
about bipolar disorder give advice on
it – even though the advice is sincere,
it is still sincerely wrong! Now people
can truly get hurt by this advice, and
that makes me mad!

For instance, one person at the support
group meeting said, “My friend told me
that since I seem to be doing so much
better, that I should stop taking my
medications.” Then other people
say, yeah, my friend said the same
thing… and before you know it, this
one comment is controlling the whole
meeting, and it is a totally FALSE
thing – a LIE!

Then, when I try to tell them that
that comment can’t be true, or that
it could hurt them, or at least that
they should check with their doctor
before going off their medications,
they ALL look at me like I’m some
crazy person!

Know what I mean?

Or they say their friend told them to
stop working and get on disability.
Another person said that their friend
said that another friend said that they
should take this supplement on the
market instead of their medications,
that it worked for their friend’s friend!

In my courses and systems, I teach
the difference between the truth and
myths that are out there about bipolar




But I ask myself, where are these
people getting this stuff? And how
come people are believing it?

Really, sometimes I just want to walk
out of these meetings and just keep
going. But then I remember why I am
there – to help.

And sometimes that help is just to
tell them the truth about what their
“friends” have been telling them.

In my courses and in special reports,
I expose the myths behind the
supplements and supposed “cures”
for bipolar disorder. Unfortunately,
there is still no cure, no matter what
you may hear at a support group

Even though these people are well
meaning, always check with your
doctor before you do anything like
taking a supplement instead of your
medications just because you heard
“a friend of a friend of a friend”
says it works.

Your friend,


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Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
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different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Disorder Warning. Don’t fall for this.


What’s new?

I hope you are doing really well

You know, most of the time I get
emails that make me think I’m doing
a lot of good out there, that a lot of people
are reading my emails and are learning from
them and are feeling positive towards me and
towards the emails.

But I’ve got to tell you, I got this one email
this week that made me wonder about all of
that. Not as bad as wanting to shut down the
whole thing like I did that one time, but at
first, yeah, I did kind of feel down that bad,
thinking what am I doing, I’m not really
helping anyone, etc.

Here’s the email, so you can see for yourself
why I would feel that way:

“I have become more informed about the
disease. It has also succeeded in
making me more frightened about taking
on a significant other with bi-polar
disorder. In your e-mails I do not gain alot
“of positives” and after researching your site,
I’ve become very upset and leery about continuing my
relationship.” — Andrea


I felt so bad after reading that email! I mean,
I don’t want to be responsible for her being
more afraid about taking on a significant other
with bipolar disorder, or becoming very upset
and leery about continuing her relationship.

She also says that in my emails she doesn’t
gain a lot of positives, even after researching
my site. Now, this really bothers me, because
I always try to be uplifting and positive.

So I wracked my brain to try to think of
what she was talking about, or how she
could have gotten this impression.

The only thing I could think of is that
some of the things I talk about, yeah,
they can seem like they’re negative
things, but that’s only because I want
you to know the TRUTH, and sometimes
the truth, when you’re talking about
bipolar disorder, can seem negative.

But instead of thinking about it being
negative, like when I present them in
my courses, I present these issues as
being realistic, NOT negative:




This isn’t just in my courses and
systems, either. It’s in my emails,
as you know. Like when I talked
about the Stockdale Paradox,
(I also talked about this in my
courses as well), where you hope
for the best but still be expected for
the worst, like another bipolar

I have a friend that looks at it this
way: You know the story about
the glass being half full/half empty,
right? If you see the glass as half
full, you’re an optimist. If you see
the glass as half empty, you’re an
optimist. Well, my friend says she
doesn’t see the glass as half full OR
half empty – she just sees a half a
glass of water. She is just a realist.

That’s what I’m talking about. I’m
not a negative person. Far from it.
But I am a realist. And I try to help
you to be a realist as well.

I don’t begin to think I can help this
woman in the email with her personal
relationship – I’m not a therapist, a
doctor, psychiatrist, or a marriage
counselor. In fact, if I were to respond
to her at all, I would advise her to go
to one of those professionals.

I would also remind her that every
case of bipolar disorder is different,
and I could not respond to her single
email and give advice, again, because
each case is different, so I just don’t
do that.

So, in my defense, and I hope you
would back me up on this, I am NOT
a negative person, and I try very hard
not to put negative stuff on my site or
on my emails – but I do print the truth.

Now, sometimes on the website, like
when I print the news, well, I can’t
help it that that might be negative.
But would you rather I didn’t print
the news?

The one thing I am is HONEST.
And sometimes that might come
across as negative, even though I don’t
mean for it to be. But would you
rather I sugar-coat the truth, or give
it to you honestly?

Tell me, please, am I completely
wrong on this? Am I misunder-
standing? Is this woman right
and I’m wrong? I’d really like to know.

Just one last point that I would say
to this woman in my own defense.
If I were so negative against bipolar
disorder, would I have hired so many
people who have the disorder to work
for me?

I’d really like to know what you think
about this.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

The Bipolar Disorder “Chip” Revealed


How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

I am so annoyed, I have a leak in my bathroom.
It’s the craziest thing. It started out as a drip
and now it’s a steady stream of water.

Anyway, I have to go quick today and
get it fixed.

Also, two people asked some really
good questions yesterday on my blog.

Graham N said…

I am curious.
You often mention your great staff and how most
of them are Bipolar or have some other mental
illness. I presume they all have episodes at
some time or other, hopefully not all at the
same time! (Or do they? Does the episode of
one trigger similar in another?)

How do you manage this kind of situation?
How often does it happen?”

Marina said…
“Like Graham, I am also interested in how your
staff might feed off of each other when having
episodes as that happens within our family
with different bipolar people.

Also, I read your postings for supporters
everyday and notice that you appear to have a
tremendous amount of energy and a variety of
activities that you are personally involved in.
Do you have a wife and children — a family of
your own? Anyone other than your mother with

And, doesn’t your very active life
have an effect on any of your bipolar staff/family?
It has been my experience with both of the individuals
who have bipolar in my family that any type of
over-activity can stimulate an episode in them.
Please address this for your readers. Thanks.”

I will be addressesing these questions in a featured
article that I will post really soon.

Okay, here’s today’s headline:


You know the old saying about a “chip
on your shoulder” and about someone
having one?

Well, first let’s talk about what it means
before we talk about someone having one
or not, ok?

So what do we mean when we say that
someone has a chip on their shoulder?
We mean that they have something
bothering them that never goes away.

This can even lead to a bad attitude,
that other people can see, if they’re
not careful.

The point is that it’s something that
they carry around with them. Some-
thing that they still haven’t worked
out. A burden, you could say.

Like a trigger to a bipolar episode,
that lays beneath the surface until
it’s aggravated, and then it goes off.
That’s the bipolar chip!

See, there are some people who have
bipolar disorder that walk around with
a bipolar chip on their shoulder. Who
have let the disorder become a burden
to them.

Who may even walk around with a
bad attitude, or a victim mentality
because of the bipolar chip on
their shoulder.

But you see, you don’t HAVE
to walk around with a chip on
your shoulder, especially a bipolar

If you have bipolar disorder, and you
have read my courses, you know that
you should have a support system,
and a good support system is there to
help you, to keep that bipolar chip OFF
your shoulder!




Having someone help you, like a good
supporter, will help to make your burdens
lighter, and will help keep you from
having a bipolar chip on your shoulder.

Then your burden is lighter, and you
can concentrate on the things you
should be concerned about – like
managing your disorder!

Someone with bipolar disorder who
does NOT have the bipolar chip on their
shoulder is one of those who it’s harder
to tell that they even have the disorder.

Your friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.


Have bipolar disorder? Avoid this or else

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going today. I have a ton of things to do today even though
it’s Sunday.

Lots of people always tell me how I have
to slow down a little—which is true
but I can’t do it this week.

I am speaking this week on being
a bipolar supporter, I have a big meeting
for another business of mine, I am being
interviewed this week, I am interviewing
1 or 2 doctors about bipolar disorder
and several other things.

How do I do it all? Well I have systems
and stuff. I also have very good people.

I actually have another 7 new projects
that have just started involving upwards
of15 people. So it does get a little confusing.

I was thinking about how I have this
certain attitude when it comes to this
organization—it’s a can do attitude no
matter what.

When I first started, I was told by many people
there is NO way that this would work.

-You aren’t a doctor
-You aren’t a therapist
-You aren’t a writer
-People with bipolar disorder don’t make good
-Your mom will never be under control
-Your customers will be crazy

On and on and on.

But I proved them all wrong.

I noticed today.

I actually that many people with
bipolar disorder have this big problem.

Before I tell you, let me ask you something…

How’s your attitude today?

Is it DYS?

Is it DIS?

What about NON?

I’m talking about DYSfunctional…


And NONfunctional.

Your attitude reflects how you
feel about yourself. If you feel inside
that you are DYSfunctional, you are
going to be DYSfunctional.

If you feel inside that you are
DISabled, then you are going to
be DISabled.

If you feel inside that you are
NONfunctional, then you are
going to be NONfunctional.


I had someone tell me this

Her husband was 39 years
old when he had a major
stroke. It was serious, but he
could have recovered.

However, he became very
depressed, and spent most of
his time in bed.

When his wife got him to go to
The support group for stroke
victims, SHE got depressed,
because she saw 80-year-old
stroke SURVIVORS who were
worse off than her husband
and yet were acting younger
than him!

They didn’t seem to act like
stroke victims at all! In fact,
her husband’s behavior
almost embarrassed her, as
he sat in his chair, feeling
sorry for himself.

He considered himself
DISabled, and felt like he
would never be a productive
member of society again.

Unfortunately, he remained
that way, eventually developing
diabetes and dying an early

Now, I’m not saying that a
negative attitude had anything
to do with that man’s death;
however, I have seen much
sicker men live longer lives
with much more serious
illnesses and have heard their
doctors say it was because they
were taking care of themselves
and because they had a POSITIVE

In my courses/systems, I have
whole chapters on thinking
positive, being a more positive
person, using affirmations, etc.:




What about DYSfunctional?
This is DISabled’s twin sister. Do
you feel as if you can’t function like
you used to? Or have you been in an
accident? Or had one years ago?

Do you have a mental illness? Many
times people with a mental illness
or disorder (like bipolar disorder) are
considered DYSfunctional.

Yet we have proven here (at
BipolarCentral) over and over again
that that is just NOT the case! I have
ten people working for me who have
bipolar disorder or other mental
illnesses that are GREAT workers!

Very smart people! Creative
people who think outside the box
and amaze me with their ability
to do their jobs and more! I wish
I had more people like them!

Now , these people could sit at home
and feel sorry for themselves, and
believe the medical records that say
they are DYSfunctional, but they
don’t! They work hard for me, and
they are some of the most
FUNCTIONAL people I know!

In fact, I have seen some functional
people who could take a lesson or two
from these supposedly DYSfunctional
people who work for me!

I left NONfunctional for last, because
this is the real enemy of the
CAN-DO ATTITUDE, which was the
real point of this email today.

I believe everyone should have a

If you have a NONfunctional attitude,
you believe you can’t do anything.
You sit around feeling sorry for
yourself, you probably blame other
people a lot, you probably have a lot
of old built-up resentments, etc.

Compare a NONfunctional person
to someone with a CAN-DO
ATTITUDE! Can’t you just FEEL the
excitement and energy coming from
the person with the CAN-DO
ATTITUDE? And don’t you just want to
avoid the NONfunctional person?

Because that’s what happens. No one
want s to be around someone who
feels sorry for themselves all the time.

But everyone wants to be around
someone who has a CAN-DO
ATTITUDE – it’s catchy! Then YOU
start believing YOU can do anything

And THAT’s the right attitude to have.

Try having a CAN-DO ATTITUDE today,
and tell me about it tomorrow – let me
know how people change around you!

Hey, I have to run to run. I have to read
4 books by the end of today. I hurt my back
so it’s been a painful last few days.

Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar lesson-Make sure you watch for this

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? Hope you are doing well. I have an important bipolar disorder

Before I tell you, someone asked about my mom,
her computer and if she has learned computers better.

Actually, my mom’s computer is better and
she is learning her computer much better.

She actually picked up a few books on
MS Vista and computers for beginners
and now is moving along nicely.

Thanks for asking.

What a day it was for me yesterday.

First my big interview was cancelled in New York
because of the big snow storm that eventually
turned into an ice storm.

I actually fell down because I walked outside
and didn’t even know the walk way was covered
in pure ice.

Then I found out yesterday that someone on
my list, one of the 100,000+ took my first
and last name, address, and phone number
and signed me up to like 25 different “things.”
Things like medical tests, stuff to buy and
a whole bunch of stuff.

It’s a total mess. I spent so much
time on the phone sorting it out.

I am currently trying to figure out who
did it. It’s super annoying and the person
is going to get into a whole lot of trouble
for doing it.

Then I heard about how there is this really
bad flu going around. Lots of people have it
including many of my friends and several people
that work for me–so it’s kind of killed
productivity in some areas.

Anyway, one thing that also happen to me
yesterday is something that reminds
me an important bipolar lesson.

I have a bunch of people that work for
me. More than 20 make up the entire organization
that helps people cope and deal with bipolar

More than 70% of the people who make up the
organization have one more mental illness.
Some have 3 or 5 disorders and they do fantastic.

When I first hire individuals, the one thing
I did was to sit back and see what they do, how
they do it and if they do it when they said
they were going to do it.

The amazing thing was, contrary to what all
the “experts” told me, I found that these individuals
with disorders, far exceeded my expectations and
in many cases did things so great, so amazing,
so intelligently, so much better than me, we were
able to get projects and tasks done super fast.

Over time, I wound up having more and more great people.
People who have one or more mental illness or none
at all.

There have been a few people that no longer work
for me that had a mental illness that were not
stable and didn’t do what they said.

There are been far more people that did NOT have
any known mental illness that didn’t do anything
close to what they said they were going to do.

Several of my friends have asked, “Are you shocked
that some of the worst people you hired were those
that didn’t have a mental illness and talked up
a big game and wound up not being an asset at all?”

My friends also ask me how I know if the people
I hire that do have a mental illness are telling
the truth about if their on medications and
stable. I said that is easy.

A person can tell you:

-They are serious about taking care of their
bipolar disorder
-They are stable
-They are committed to going to the doctor
and therapy
-They follow a bipolar stability equation
for success

It’s easy to talk about these things.
BUT, it much more difficult to put them
into practice.

So I always go on what people DO not
what they say. Anyone can say “stuff”
but doing it is way more difficult.

This is why I have a policy of sitting
back and watching. Monitoring. Seeing
what people do not just say they are going
to do.

Now you can take this entire concept
and apply it to, two critical “variables”
of success with bipolar disorder–the
doctor and the therapist.

In my courses/systems below:




I have an extensive system of not quickly
and easily sorting through hundreds of doctors
and therapist that can help a person with
bipolar disorder–but I have a system of
getting the doctors and therapist that are
highly qualified to contact you.

So no longer do you have to look around
online or in the phone book trying to
figure out who can help and who is good,
you can use my system.

But, even with my system, you still have
to watch the actions of the doctor and

What do you I mean?

A doctor or therapist can say:

-They really want to help
-They will always be around for emergencies
-They keep up with natural/complementary treatments
that work with medication for bipolar disorder.
-They keep up to date on bipolar medications
and their side effects
-They really care and want to help

It’s much easier to say what I just wrote above
but it’s more difficult to practice it.

Many bipolar supporters and bipolar survivors
forget to watch the actions of the doctor and
therapist and see if they match what they
initially said to “get the business.”

If you find there is a mismatch between what
was said, promised, and what is suppose to
be, you need to move on to someone else.

Many people who are dealing with bipolar
disorder–both bipolar supporters and
survivors put up with doctors and/or therapists
that simply are terrible and don’t do
what they say they are going to do.

People who:

-Don’t return calls
-Are too busy to help
-Don’t seem to care
-Don’t keep up with latest advances with bipolar disorder
-Only seem to care about money
-Rush people in and out like some kind of car factory
-Refuse to work with bipolar supporters and simply
say they can’t because of privacy laws–which is a lie
99% of the time.
-Lose important stuff like medical releases and patient

The lesson that I was reminded yesterday with someone
who works for me that was suppose to be really good
and hasn’t even come close to doing what was said
to me was going to be done is that you have to
watch people’s actions instead of just go along
with their words.

I am sure many people know exactly what I am
talking about, especially when it comes to
bipolar disorder.

If you have a story, please share it. I
actually am taking off to go the gym.

Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Current Bipolar Disorder News



How’s it going?

It’s snowing big time here. I was suppose
to go to a big interview/meeting in New York
but the roads are closed.

The airports have up to a TEN hour delay.

Imagine that. I once say in an airport
for 10 hours actually only 9.3 hours.

It was horrible.

I am going to film some of the snow
today with my super cool new video
system. I’ll post it tomorrow.

Anyway, Here’s the bipolar news.

Make sure you take a look. It takes a lot of time to put the news
together so please read it.

To see the news visit:

There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by visiting my
blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Getting ‘Off Meds’ Has Consequences
DO> Great article

Linda Hamilton conquers disorder
DO> Very interesting article

Eliminate stigma for mental illness
DO> This is a big problem, must read.

Don’t Blame Special Education Children
DO> What do you think about this?

Author Steel knows Spears family mental illness pain
DO> So do a lot of people other than famous authors 🙂

NMR reveals polarised brain chemistry
DO> Interesting

Mentally ill addicts fight dual demons
DO> Very difficult. A few people work for me had
this problem.

Mental Health in Children: Nutrition as a Common Sense Alternative
DO> What do you think about this one?

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Bipolar supporter? Don’t make this mistake with bipolar medications

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I have to make this
really quick today because I have
a bunch of things that I have to
get ready for concerning an important
meeting I have tomorrow.

Today I wanted to talk about
one question that I get over and
over and an important sign to look
out for.

Here’s the question that I got
that started the me thinking
about this.

“Hi Dave,

I wanted to ask you a question.
My husband is newly diagnosed
with bipolar disorder. First he
wouldn’t take his medication.
But then he said it was because
he didn’t understand how to take
it. Then he started to get better.
Now it looks like he isn’t taking
it again because well he doesn’t
look right. How can I know if
he is taking his medication?”
-Mary Anne

I get a lot of questions like this.
I would like to say a few things.

1. At first, a newly diagnosed
person might not be super excited
to take a bunch of pills for a disorder
that not really explained to them.

I think if you have empathy with a person
in this situation you can understand
why someone would be hesitant. I am not
saying people should take medication
but I understand why some newly diagnosed
people are resistant. Especially when
they are given little information on
what they have and why it’s so serious.

2. Sometimes, some bipolar supporters
don’t believe that a person with bipolar
disorder can’t figure out how to take
their medication at first. When I first
looked at all the medications my mom had
to take at first and at what times, I was
totally confused. I seriously thought, “what
the heck, I can’t even understand this?”

I called the doctor and asked over and
over for a system to take it and understanding
what should be taken when. I did it in front
of my mom and I think she appreciate the fact
that I was confused and trying to help.

3. Some people look like they are trying to
avoid taking their medication when they just
messed up on when to take it. Some you have
to just judge with patterns. If a person repeatedly
doesn’t take any but takes some it’s probably
confusion. Work with him/her to create a system.

Actually in my courses/systems below, I have
incredible systems of figuring out how to
take medications. The system was actually
created by someone who has multiple disorders
and has to take a whole lot of medications.




I also talk in my systems and courses all the
ins and outs of working with a doctor when
it comes to getting the medication right.

This is where 99% of people mess up. If you don’t
work with the doctor correctly, you or your
loved one will be in trouble.

I try to post tips on how to do it via email but the reality
is, the section is written and audio and it’s a lot so
look into my courses/systems OR find someone that
takes lots of medications and ask them how they do it.

Whatever you can do, just do it.

4. The final point is this. Sometimes bipolar
supporters fall into the perfection trap
or the “they aren’t getting better fast enough
trap.” Notice how Mary Ann is thinking that
since he isn’t getting better it’s probably
because he isn’t taking his medication.

The reality is, figuring out what medication
or medications and how much is an art not a
science from what doctors tell me. NOTE-I am
NOT a doctor. So what I have seen, is you can
go two steps forward but then three steps
backwards with bipolar stability as you are
getting the medications right.

Just keep this in mind.

Hey I have to run. Tomorrow I have a super big
important interview with one of my businesses.
I have to go to New York City so I have to
make sure that I get all my meals in early today,
go to bed early and have a good night’s rest.

So, with that said, I have to take off for the
day. I am going to try to send the bipolar news
out tomorrow super early before I leave or
I will have to send it when I get back later
in the afternoon.

Have a great day today and let me know what
you think about today’s email.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar warning. Why I got super angry yesterday

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, I’ve been really busy this week, and I’ve
had to do a lot of my research online instead
of at the library, and I just can’t believe some
of the stuff (garbage) some people are putting
online these days!

I mean, like, you are all smart, and you can
surely see through this stuff, but what about
people who are just diagnosed, or whose loved
one is just diagnosed, or who aren’t as smart as
you are? What if this is the only information
they are seeing?

Garbage! It’s just garbage! It’s sad, it’s really
sad. Especially because it can really HURT
people, people who don’t know any better!

Lots of information online is from people
who are writing on THEORY – stuff
written by people who don’t have bipolar
disorder, or who have never even lived
with anyone with bipolar disorder or
helped anyone who has the disorder.

At least in my courses and systems, I
give you information “from the trenches,”
stuff that I have learned firsthand, from
living with my mom, who has bipolar disorder:




I have never tried to “snow” you or give
you false information, like some of these
people online are doing right now.

Like some people are claiming to have
miraculous “cures” for bipolar disorder,
when you know there is no cure right now
for the disorder. I mean, you at least
learned that from these emails and my
courses, right? If you didn’t know it

This is the strangest thing. I saw
a site that teaches people how
to get off medication BUT it
never stresses the dangers of
what happen when the person
does—the chance they will comitt
suicide or destroy themselves in
some way or others around them.

It actually made me super mad
when I looked at the site. It made
no sense.

I was just amazed someone would
make a site that encouraged the destruction
of a person.

Here’s the thing. Notice how I NEVER
suggest that I am a doctor.

I am NOT a doctor, lawyer, or insurance
person. I am NOT offering any medical
or legal advice.

I also HIGHLY recommend that people
find a great doctor and work with that person.

It’s like with friends that have tax problems—
the dumbest thing in the world you can do
is try to teach yourself taxes if you are a business
person. What do you do? You get a great accountant.
Only a fool is his/her own accountant. You don’t
have time to learn about all kinds of tax law.

You get an expert.

NOW, this is to say with bipolar disorder,
you don’t have knowledge in your head. You have
to have a great doctor but also be informed so
you can ask questions and make sure you
are getting great advice.

But back to that website.

I actually have a tool that enables me
to look at other people’s site traffic
and thank heavens it doesn’t get
that much traffic. But it gets some
traffic so that’s scary to me.

But these poor people who are just
learning about the disorder for the first
time, may not know that, or their doctor
may not have told them that, so they may
fall prey to these fake cures or websites
like I just talked about.

These charlatains who are selling these fake
cures are counting on people not knowing
any better, and boy does that make me mad!

I try to reach as many people as I can with
my emails and courses, so people will know
the truth about bipolar disorder. So it makes
me mad that these people who are spreading
LIES and miraculous FAKE CURES and
taking advantage of people who don’t know
any better are hurting these people who I can’t
get to.

So I need you to help. Forward this email
to as many people as you can who you know
have anything to do with bipolar disorder.
Who either have it, are supporting someone
who has it, or know someone who has it, or
are helping someone who has it.

I know I can’t reach everyone who has been
exposed to this false information being spread
on the Internet, but if you can help spread the
truth, together we can be sure that more people
will learn that bipolar disorder does NOT have a
cure at this time, and these people online
that are saying that there is a cure are
LYING!!! That what they are selling is

The truth is, the FDA does NOT endorse
what these people are selling! You can
check that out for yourself. I know I
wouldn’t believe something was a cure if
the FDA didn’t back it up. Would you?
I would at least be suspicious of it.

So help me spread the word about these
LIES being told on the Internet, ok?

Thanks for helping.

Your friend,


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Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.