A Bipolar Disorder Secret I Forgot About


It’s 7:08am on Saturday and I wanted to write some
important Bipolar Disorder updates.

These last few weeks have been really difficult.
The growth of this organization designed to help
people with bipolar disorder has been staggering.

I never expected so much growth so fast. Also,
contrary to what “experts” told me, people
really like my daily emails.

As a result, I have been working around the
clock to get everything running smoothly again.

Now don’t fall asleep on me, there’s important
Bipolar updates and lessons coming. Hang on..

I run several businesses. Most people just think
I do this. This doesn’t pay my bills. It’s not
designed to. My other businesses do. Fortunately,
I have great people who run them so that’s why
I have so much time to devote to the bipolar

For example, there is woman named Jenifer that
now handles one of businesses from A to Z and
this has allowed me to save a lot of time
to do other things.

I was thinking last night on a few things while
I was doing my cardio and trying to drop my
body fat from almost 10 percent back down to 7.5%.

I was trying to remember why I was able to get so
many things done so fast with my mom.

If you’ve gone through my courses/systems here:




You’ll notice that I did get a ton done. Now
if you get one of my courses/systems it’s super
easy for you because you just follow the simple
instructions and great things start to happen
for yourself or your loved one.

BUT, I didn’t have a system and here’s the one
thing I did that made all the difference. I found
people to help me. If you look at the various
parts of bipolar disorder and the problems it
creates, the number is many.

When I was starting, one of the first things I did
was make a list of ALL the problems I had to deal with.

Then I prioritized which was most important and I worked
on the most important first.

For example, I was looking at my old notes from mom
and when I started helping her. Here’s some of it:

Figure out what she has
Find out how to stop or fix it
Find a doctor to help her
Find some people who have it and stopped it

At the time, I didn’t know really what she had so I called
it “it.” I didn’t know who to make her “normal” again so I had
how to “stop” it.

Obviously as time went on, I figured a lot of stuff out.
But those were some of the first things I was working on.

BUT, when you read the descriptions of my courses/systems
you notice that I talk about research, which I did
a ton of. BUT I also sought and found experts for various
aspects of her illness or problems from her illness.

For example, I had no idea how to buy a car without good
c.redit, no jog and below what the car dealership paid.

I had no idea how to figure out how much a car dealership
paid for a car. SO, I located an expert. I paid him and
he taught me SOME of the secrets. He didn’t know anything
about bipolar disorder so I had so “add on” to his plan
because it was specifically for people with bipolar disorder.

NOW, instead of running around and trying to do it all
myself, I found someone to help and then I did a little
work to make it work perfectly.

This is what I do with this Organization for Bipolar Disorder.

I get a ton done every day and can run so many things
and have done so for 15 years because of these principles.

I am NOT in a 15 to 20 manic episode. People write me
and say, “Are you sure you aren’t bipolar, you do some
much stuff and come out with things faster than I can
read or listen to them.”

It’s called having a team and time management. When I was
a kid my mom wasn’t doing well sometimes. Well many times.
My brother was never around. My dad was never around. My brother
told me to read books and learn to give me something to
do since I was unsupervised a lot. He told me to improve my
skills. He would yell at me if I didn’t.

When I was like 16 or so he demanded that I read books
on time management and project management. He was
really big, like 300 pounds, so I would always agreed.
I am not sure why he did this but it turned out
to be a great thing for me.

There are MANY people that help me make it happen. Probably
15 or so. It’s not just me. This is why we jointly make
the best material and it comes out so fast. It’s because
it’s a BIG TEAM of people.

So this is how I get so much done. Learn from me.
When you are dealing with bipolar disorder, you have
to approach it like a giant project with mini projects.
You build a team over time, but try to do it as fast
as possible. Some people on the team will not be that
good. Then you replace them. That’s that how I did it.
That’s my secret.

This is what you need to do with
bipolar disorder. For example, if you have bipolar disorder
you’ll notice in my Bipolar Success Course/System one
theme that I have is get a great doctor/therapist.

Once you have one, they are on your team. NOW, when
you want to find out about various treatments or what
your possibilities are or limitations are, you talk
with your team. NOW maybe you could go out and figure it
all out yourself but that’s way more difficult and you
will probably make mistakes.

Like today, I am going to my accountant to talk about
all these different taxes. He is on my team and I let
him handle that area. This way he makes recommendations
to me and I can just follow them if I choose. I don’t
spend weeks on end learning all about taxes.

Some people NEVER get anything done with bipolar disorder
because they don’t take the team approach. There are people
on my list and I know that there are several people
that are going to get mad when I say this but
they have spent YEARS trying to figure things out
I don’t think they should be figuring out.

For example, there is one person on my list who is
learning all about medications BEFORE she recommends
her loved one take them. That was two years ago when
I first spoke to her. Her loved one’s life is a disaster
and so is this ladies. BUT she is working hard to figure
it all out.

I asked her why don’t you get a great doctor and leave
that to them. I hear stuff like “Oh I don’t trust
them and they won’t tell me everything.”

Imagine people running major companies function
like her.

Now I know there is one person in particular who is
going to get mad about me saying this kind of thing
to you.

Actually she wrote this to me in an email:

“I read your emails and I feel like you are writing
them with an admonishing tone…these people are
searching for this information because they are in
pain, they are riddled with worry, and confusion and
doubt and fear.

They are less than who they really are because they have
been beaten down by an illness that has taken it’s toll
on their loved one and as a result has killed a part of
them as well…..imagine feeling like that and then
opening your email looking for support to find that
you have an email telling you that you’re blowing it
because you’re not learning fast enough, searching
hard enough, reading enough books or doing the right thing.”

Here’s the deal, I have NEVER criticized people for not
learning fast enough, searching hard enough, reading
enough books, or doing the right thing.

BUT what I have criticized people for doing is being
way off in outer space figuring out stuff they do
not need to be figuring out for themselves or their
loved ones to become stable.

Again, if you want your loved to become stable, you
need to find a great doctor and trust him/her, you
don’t need to figure out exactly the 16 reasons why
medications work or how the human brain functions.

Unless you are a student, professor, researcher, work
for a drug company, etc, there is NO REASON to spend
years trying to figure this out ahead of finding
a doctor/therapist, getting great h.ealth insurance,
determining how you are going to pay for treatment,
figuring out how to i.ncrease your
income to support yourself or loved one, protect your
m.oney, etc.

Make sense? I am not the kind of guy that sits by
and doesn’t say anything when people are wasting their
time and going in a direction I think is wrong.

Remember I am not running for office. I am not
the politician that is going to try to please everyone.

Many people like my material some people don’t. There’s
a remove link at the bottom of EVERY message. Anyway can
use it. My goal is to go to bed at night knowing that I
said what I really felt was important and what people
need to hear not what they want to hear.

For all those who have used my f.ree consultation
certificates (for non medical and legal questions because
I am NOT a doctor or lawyer and don’t play one on
TV) with my courses/systems OR I randomly called
you because you wanted to talk to me (yes I do do that),
I always ask you “Do you want me to tell you what
you want to hear or what you need to hear.” Ever since
I have asked people that 100% of the people have said:

“What I need to hear.”

So that’s the deal. Hey I ran out of room here. I had
so much to tell you. I have to do it tomorrow. I have to
head off and put some stuff in storage and then head
over to the gym to catch some morning cardio. Then
to the library. Then to my accountants. Then to my
computer :).

Check your email tomorrow and I am going to give
you an update on people I am going to be hiring,
new f^ree things to help you, new courses I am coming
out with, a new coaching program I am possibly thinking
of to help you increase your income.

I will talk to you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


Current Bipolar News


First, just wanted to let you know that yesterday I forgot
to hit send with yesterday’s email. I am awesome with
computers 🙂 Sorry. That’s why
it came late.

Also, I am really close to getting the job descriptions
posted for customer service, admin, etc. position
at BipolarCentral.org. Remember these are paid positions.

I will send you an email next week. Everyone and anyone
is open to apply.

Okay, I have to go. I have a million things to do today. Okay
not a million probably only 15 so I was 999,985 off. Just
Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Visit: http://www.bipolarcentral.com/bipolarnews319/

Here are SOME highlights:

Circadian Rhythm Linked to Bipolar Disorder

Police Seek Missing Westwood Girl

WARNING! Girl’s overdose death raises questions

Senate OKs expanded coverage for mental disorders…MUST READ.

Antidepressants May Not Help Fight Bipolar Disorder…BEWARE

and much more

Details, visit: http://www.bipolarcentral.com/bipolarnews319/

My Resources For Bipolar:

Quickly And Easily Explain Bipolar To People
Go here for more information.

Need Money Because Of Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Dating Someone With Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Want To Marry Someone Who Has Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Need Affordable Health Insurance When Dealing With
Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Problems With Drugs, Alcohol And Addiction?
Go here for more information

Trying To PREVENT A Divorce From Someone With Bipolar
Go here for more information:

Your Friend,

Sad Bipolar Story And Important Bipolar Lesson


I have to share a really sad story. There
was a person that got my bipolar supporter
course for supporting adults. The one


He said that he was really excited about
it. Unfortunately his wife, who has bipolar
disorder found out about it and pressured
him to ask for a refund.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not upset about
the refund. That makes no difference to me. I
feel bad this person is going to suffer because
anytime he tries to take action, his wife prevents

My mom use to do the same exact thing for DECADES.

I can remember so many times, that we didn’t do so many
normal family things because my mom was in an episode
and didn’t want to.

For example, I rarely ever saw my dad’s side of the family because
my mom would get all mad so my dad stopped taking us there.
He felt it was easier to just “appease” her than it
was to do what was right.

Let me tell you one thing. Do NOT let bipolar
disorder episodes rule your family. I was talking to
my dad over the last few days and he finally
realized the mistake he made for almost 40
years–he let my mom’s bipolar disorder
control the family.

It proved to be a multi decade disaster.

I really felt bad for the guy asking for
the refund. He was pressured to not
learn about the disorder and help
himself, his wife and his family.

Clearly bipolar disorder is running
his family.

In my courses at:




Virtually all the people interviewed
both those with bipolar disorder and
supporters say this was a big mistake.

They said NOT to allow Bipolar Episodes
to control life.

I totally agree. I believe it’s a grave mistake to allow
bipolar episodes to run the show so to speak.

For my dad, mom and my family, it cost
jobs, relationships with many
family members, lots of money, etc.

Well I have to run. Before I go,
I almost have the websites setup for the
job descriptions that I will be offering and
how you or someone you know can apply for them.

Have a great day.

Your Friend,


My Responses To Reader Comments From My Bipolar Disorder Newsletters


I had a new idea a week ago. I would take certain emails/blog posts I got and respond to them orally.

You can read the question and hear my response by visiting:


Here are the responses I address:

“I can’t find your blog. I just wanted to comment that I feel that you think that only people with bipolar get upset and yell and lie. It seems to be a theme with you. Maybe all of the people who called and screamed curses at you were the families of the people who have bipolar, you know, the ones who drove them nuts? Statistics show that more mentally ill people are abused than abusers. Chew on that, Dave.”


“Could you tell me what medication your mom uses? it would help greatly with my daughter.”

“David, wonder if I might offer a little ‘constructive criticism’. I’ve been at this bipolar thing for a long while myself. My husband was hospitalized twice before I knew him. He spent a lifetime with parents who were of the generation I’m assuming your father is-they didn’t do the right things for him. They just figured that he would eventually snap out of it, see the error of his ways and do the right thing….then along comes Mary-proactive, strong, determined, in love and willing to fight the good fight-we’ve been married over a decade and together for years prior to that-I, like you did the research, read the books, ran a support group-I know this illness inside and out-I also know what it’s like to be married to this illness and to lose oneself in the wake of it all.

I found your webiste while doing some research for a friend. I logged in thinking I might find some interesting things-while I’m not going to pay for your courses, I have been reading your emails and I do find them interesting but I do also, now here is where the constructive criticism comes in-bear with me-find them to be a little bullish. I see that your intentions are noble and I do understand the plight you’ve lived as a child of a bipolar parent-but I read your words and I feel like if I didn’t know what I know and was solely relying on this email to guide me, I would feel guilty as hell for not having the energy to do what I need to do……being a parent or a spouse to a bipolar person is exhausting. It is draining. It leaves us with guilt, pain and shame like no other. In the midst of my husband’s diagnosis I became isolated where before I was gregarious and outgoing. I became depressed and confused because I always had to have my eyes open. I was reading everyday, calling doctors, seeing therapists….I was doing all the right things but I was wasted.

I read your emails and I feel like you are writing them with an admonishing tone…these people are searching for this information because they are in pain, they are riddled with worry, and confusion and doubt and fear. They are less than who they really are because they have been beaten down by an illness that has taken it’s toll on their loved one and as a result has killed a part of them as well…..imagine feeling like that and then opening your email looking for support to find that you have an email telling you that you’re blowing it because you’re not learning fast enough, searching hard enough, reading enough books or doing the right thing.

David, change with this illness does not come over night-a diagnosis doesn’t come overnight-sometimes, like with my husband, it takes years to get the proper diagnosis-Bipolar Illness is one of the most difficult mental illnesses to treat because there are so many components and levels-everyone reacts differently to meds, every ‘caretaker’ has a different level of tolerance, ability and strength and some caretakers are so beaten down by the time a diagnosis is reached that they themselves have lost their own ability to cope…I know that what you’re doing is done with the best of intentions. Who wouldn’t want to share what they’ve learned when they find something that works but is it possible for you to ease up a little on the guilt trips? I get the message you’re trying to convey-we do need to be advocates, we do need to educate ourselves, we do need to find the right doctors the right meds and the funds to finance these endeavors-but we also need to be treated with kindness and gentle persuasion….not everyone operates with the same determination and energy that you did in helping your mom and as I did in helping my husband. I am a strong woman with the thick skin and a pair of brass ones…but I occasionally fell apart and got lost in this illness-it tears us down and rips us to shreds and what we need as those who love one with bipolar illness is not admonishing guilt laden emails but a firm loving push in the right direction…..
I’m just sayin'”

there you go again, dave. if your mom is a liar, then she is a liar. it doesn’t have anything to do with bipolar. i don’t lie. i don’t spend all of my family’s money. i don’t become violent. you are doing a huge disservice to all of us who do have bipolar and manage it. people who lie, lie. people who have bipolar have bipolar. they may not be mutually exclusive, but I’ll be damned if i am going to be lumped in with a bunch of people who lie just because i have bipolar. i’ll be damned if i’ll be lumped in with a bunch of people who are abusive, too. you are so wrong. so, the people out there who are using someone who happens to have bipolar can go to your site and say, see, that person is the liar, not me, even if the person without bipolar is a pathological liar and a pedophile. thanks for giving people like that ammunition, dave. really nice.
“If you really cared, you would share your information freely.”

“Thanks Dave, you have helped me so much with all your information and your course I orderd has been so great for our family”


Bipolar Lesson: How A 3 Mile Drive Took 43 Minutes No Traffic?


I did something really dumb yesterday. I drove on a 3
mile street for 43 minutes. Dumbest thing I have
done in a long time.

BUT, there’s an important Bipolar Lesson to be

Here’s what happen. I have this meeting that I attend
once a month. They are really strict about attendance
so I make sure I leave REALLY early. I leave 2 hours
early and it only takes one hour. I do it just in case
something happens and I will get there on time.

So yesterday, things are going along perfectly. I was
late by about 7 minutes which was totally fine
because that would me 1 hour and 53 minutes to get

So I start driving to the meeting. I jump on my
cell phone to call all the people that I didn’t
call back that day. I actually called one person
who used the F^ree consultation certificates
for non medical and non legal questions (because
I am NOT a doctor or lawyer), in this course/system:


And helped him with a simple issue which I had a problem
with before. The issue was: How do you fill out the
disability forms for a loved one when the spaces are
so small on the form?

Don’t laugh at him. I had the same problem myself.

So if you are laughing at him, you are laughing
at my by the transitive principle and that’s not
nice :).

Seriously had no idea how to do it myself
back in the day. I made 10 copies and was trying to
write smaller. I failed.

Then I was talking to Pascale a friend of mine who
is SUPER smart (one of the smartest people I know)
and she said, “Dave, retype the question in MS
word and then type your answer over there so
you can have all the space you want. Make sure
you call them and ask if it’s okay.”

I was shocked. Why? Well I was not even thinking
about that. I am not kidding. I don’t think
I would have ever come up with the solution.

I would have spent weeks trying to “engineer
a way to write smaller.”

The strange thing was, I had the answers typed
in MS word but I was trying to transfer them
by hand to the disability form. Because at
the top of the form it said “Please
print neatly” I thought it had to be
written out by hand or maybe with an old
school typewriter (which I didn’t have).

I never thought about typing the question
in MS word with the answer. You might
think that I am a dummy and so is the guy
I was talking to. Maybe we are, maybe
we aren’t.

But, we both shared something in common. BOTH
of us were so close yet so far. Meaning,
he had spent a week trying to figure out how
in the world could he write on one page when
it required like 7 pages of information.

He was stuck and I helped him. Maybe he would
have figured it out. When you call the disability
folks, they just tell you to “write neater” as a
solution. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! Write neater?

Well that’s what they say.

Keep reading for the lesson.

So back to my story. So I was making great time.
Going faster than normal. BUT, I was going the speed
limit so if you are a police person on my list, don’t get
excited :).

I got right down to the street the meeting was on. I
was really excited because I would be a full hour early
and could get some work done that I needed to do.

So I was driving and something strange happen. I couldn’t
find the place. It’s almost like it vanished. I drove up
one side and then another.

10 minutes went by.

I kept driving and turning around and looking. It wasn’t
anywhere. I saw some buildings that looked like
buildings on the street but I wasn’t sure. I kept
going over and over and over.

The place wasn’t there. I stopped my car, looked at the
sign to see if I was on the right street. I was.

I was starting to get really annoyed. So I drove up
the street again. The thing is, when you turned around
you had to go through all this stuff because of the way
the road was because when New Jersey made roads, part of
the contract was “We need to have 5% of the roads be
really confusing, make no sense to ensure people get
lost everyday to help keep our residents mentally alert.”

Just kidding, that’s not true, don’t call the state and
ask and then get mad at me and say I am a liar.

Okay, back to the story at the same time, I was on the
phone with my friend Maceo.

I kept telling him that I was lost but we kept talking.

After 33 minutes I was getting REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY,

Don’t worry there’s a bipolar lesson here, keep reading.

Then about 39 minutes passed. I said to Maceo “Oh my God. It’s
almost 5:30 I am going to be late. I
am lost, I gotta go and figure this out. I will talk to
you tomorrow.”

He said okay. Then I pulled over and called Scott the meeting
leader and asked him “WHERE IN THE WORLD AM I?” I was really
frustrated. Scott said, “Okay where are you?” I told him
he then said to me “Oh you are on the other side of the street.
You need to go under the underpass and get on the side where
I am. It’s 3 minutes away.”

Boy was I annoyed. Do you know how dumb I felt. I drove on
the same short 3 mile street for 43 minutes. Why? Because:

-I didn’t call Scott right away. I was determined to figure it
out myself.

-I felt like if I just kept looking I would find it eventually. I
was so close so how long could it take me?

-I was too lazy to hang the phone up with Maceo and call Scott.

What’s the bipolar lesson here?

So many of you are so close yet so far to helping yourself
or your loved one.

When I put together this course/system:


I did so to help people, help themselves as fast as possible. People
call and write me and say, “I bet that I can get what you learned
in the library.” I always tell them, “You can’t get everything
but you can get some things.” They are all confused.

Then I ask them if they mean can they get what I have in my
courses/systems for f.ree somewhere else? They say “Oh, yea.”

I say probably. If you do EXACTLY what I did to learn it in
the first place.

Then I tell them, how it took me 9 to 12 months and there’s
stuff I am still learning. How I didn’t work for that period
of time. I never spent time with friends. I never did anything.
All I did was “work” on this and look for a solution.

So for some people, if they are into that kind of thing, that’s
okay with me. Meaning they would want to duplicate what I did,
if they could afford it, to prove a point they could do it
all on their own.

My dad is like that. He loves telling me how he “NEVER asks
anyone for help.” Finally after hearing this for so many years
I asked him, “How has that worked for you?” Dead silence.
I think for the first time, he figured out, it hasn’t worked
for him and who in the world wants to do things that hard way.

There’s no special trophy, plaque, extra money, away, ribbon
that you get from anyone that I know of when you do things
that hard way.

Take two people. One gets all the information on how to help
someone with bipolar disorder spoon-fed to them, another does
it the hard way. People look at each of them the same as successful.

One is half dead from the stress and “work” she put into it.
The other is alive, happy because she did it the easy way.

The lesson is, if you can get help, and get it right away, do
so, don’t do it the hard way. Like how I was driving to the
meeting. If only I called I would have gotten there 45 minutes
early probably. But I wanted to do it the hard way.

NOW, I am not saying all this to push you to get my courses/systems.

NOW, for many of you, you need to be getting other help from
doctors and therapists. But maybe you are too cheap to
spring for that extra session to buy their time to ask specific
questions about your loved one or yourself.

Maybe you need to be attending family therapy but you figure
“I can figure it all out myself…I know everything.”

These are just two areas that I see people not getting
the help they need to speed things along. Sometimes it’s
because they are being cheap, sometimes it’s because they
just think they can figure it all out themselves. Maybe
they can, maybe they can’t. Sometimes you have to pay
a doctor, specialist or therapist and sometimes it’s going
to cost more than the $19.95 you spent on the TV infomercial
buying something that really isn’t going to help you or
your loved one.

You don’t want to be driving on a 3 mile road for 43 minutes
like me.

Hey I have to run. I have a bunch of research to do in
the library today. Great thing is that my consulting
business requires trips to the library and I can also
look up stuff for this mental health organization at
the same time.

Have a great day.

Your Friend,


Bipolar Lesson: Who Says “I stepped on my cat, I couldn’t come to work”?


You might think I am crazy but I’m not.

I am going to share something really important with you

First, I wanted to tell you, due to the massive growth
of this organization I am going to be hiring a number
of people.

I am really looking forward to it. Right now, there
are about 15 people who make this entire thing happen
on a daily basis. And that doesn’t include many of
the vendors I use.

There will be new administrative, customer service,
research, writing, reviewing and other positions a

I will be sending a link in the coming week or
weeks where people can apply. It will be
going to my lists of supporters and
people with mental illnesses.

Do you think I am crazy? Well I am not.

Right now I have 8 people who work for me that
have a mental illness. Oddly, in my f.ree consultation
certificates for NON medical and NON legal questions
(because I am NOT a doctor or attorney), you get
with my courses/systems:




Want to know this strange question:

“What is it like to work with some many
people with a mental illness?”

At first I thought that was really odd. But
then I thought about it and could understand
why someone would want to know.

Well, it’s no problem. I must say, I have VERY
little problems with anyone that works for me
that has a mental illness. Keep in mind all
these people are stable and doing great.

They actually work hard and appreciate the
work I give.

Some people do require “time off” on certain
days because of some limitations. But it’s
no different than anyone else at another company.

On the other hand, the people that I am currently
moving away from that do my printing have NO
mental illness at all and have missed 80% of
scheduled meetings, make all kinds of excuses,
don’t do the job right, require my mom to be
an adult baby sitter for all of them
and they forget to print jobs all the time.

Look at this statement, the one in the subject
line I sent you:

I stepped on my cat, I can’t come to work today.”

Guess who told me that? Guess and then scroll…


Someone who does NOT have a mental illness. It’s a person
who handles my printing and that’s what I was told when
she missed I think meeting number 14 or so. Maybe it was 15
or 13. She misses so many I lost track. But it’s not just her,
her boss missing the meetings, her boss’s boss misses them
as well.

It just doesn’t stop with these folks, there are others that I
deal with that have no mental illness that do the same thing.

Time and time again, the people that make stuff happen for
me, the people who are there when I need them, have a mental
illness. It’s the strangest thing.

Take a look at this person as been diagnoses between the ages of
16 and 45:

Depression (also Situational Depression)
Chronic Major Depression (with suicide risk)
Dysthymic Disorder
Panic Disorder
Adult ADHD

Antisocial Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Schizoaffective Disorder
Substance Abuse
Anxiety Disorder

Multiple Personality Disorder
Psychosis NOS
Bipolar Disorder I (with and without Psychotic Features)
Bipolar Disorder II (with Suicidal Ideologies)
Bipolar Disorder – Mixed Type
Bipolar Disorder – Rapid Cycle
Bipolar Disorder – NOS – with Auditory & Visual Hallucinations

This is someone who works for me, Michele. She is one of the BEST
people that has ever worked for me. She does a great job.

Hey, and you know my attitude. I am not handing out charity
jobs/work. If someone works for me and they are no good
they get fired. Period. So, if someone works for me and
has a mental illness you know they are doing great.

They get treated equal and treated just like everyone else.

Anyway, Michele never misses stuff, makes excuses. If she has a bad day
and she does, she or someone contacts me to let me know.

She doesn’t hide from me like a lot of the other clowns I deal
with that don’t have a mental illness. Like the “I stepped
on my cat and couldn’t come to work that day” woman.

She told me this 2 days AFTER she didn’t show up for a
meeting she was SUPPOSE to be at. She didn’t even bother
to call and let me know ahead time.

Back to the story, when I have MAJOR problems, Michele
is one of the first people
that I call because she has this INCREDIBLE ability to
come up with simple solutions to complex problems.

For all of you in the Bipolar Inner Circle at:

http://www.bipolarinnercircle.com/ (which is not
taking new people now), you are in it because of Michele.

There were so many problems when I started it, I was going
to shut it all down. I was super mad and it was costing me
a fortune. It was driving me out of my mind.

I went to Michele and asked her to help me compose
a letter saying “sorry, this is going to be shut down” and
she asked me what was the problem.

I went on and on for about 30 minutes. She asked if I could give
her 1 hour and call back. I was like “Well, okay but let’s get
the letter done.” She said to me that we won’t need the letter.

I called back and she had a solution to EVERY SINGLE problem.
Solutions that didn’t cost a ton of money, didn’t require
a degree from Harvard to implement. As a result the Bipolar
Inner Circle is doing GREAT. People love it and it’s really
because of her.

She is just one example of the help I have gotten from
the people that work for me that have a mental illness.

BUT, I don’t want you to think that only the people with
a mental illness help keep this organization going because
that’s not true. There are others as well.

BUT, the point of my email is that people with a mental
illness can do well, and do great, with proper treatment.

Michele told me that NOBODY thought she would be a success.
I mean let’s be honest. If I gave you a sheet of paper and
listed all those diagnoses and asked you, “do you think
this person would do well?” You would think I was crazy.

Anyway, there are sooooooo many people like her out there
that do great things but you don’t even know they have
a mental illness.

It’s virtually impossible to find these people. I have
spent almost $100,000 doing so. I am going to be
sharing their secrets really soon.

I just looked at the clock. I have to run. See you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails that I have
sent in the past and lots of great information for you:

P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give mini seminars
designed to teach you information you can’t learn anywhere else.

It’S Tough Being A Supporter


This is a message to both those who have bipolar disorder
and those that are supporters of those with bipolar disorder.

I was just thinking last night how tough it is to be a supporter.
My dad had said something that really annoyed me, that I will
get into fully in another email or maybe a podcast because I don’t
have a lot of time.

Basically he suggested that all of the stuff I did he could
have done to help my mom. This is kind of funny because if
he could, he would have done it. It would have been great
to have TWO people working to help my mom not just one.

Last night, I started to say to my dad you know
I had no information or anyone to ask for help. I had to
figure EVERYTHING out myself. It tooks almost a year. I slept
2-3 hours some days.

I have THREE main courses/systems:




I am not bragging but the bottom line is, these courses/systems are excellent. BUT, I am not trying to sell them to you right now. I want to make a point.

When I got started there were NO resources. Each problem I had
to sit and brainstorm a solution and get books, hire people,
call experts, go to meetings, etc. etc.

There wasn’t a David Oliver that I could use a f.ree consultation
certficate, included in my courses/systems, to ask non medical
and non legal questions to.

There was a $49 ebook that offfered virtually no help at all. On
a side note, people that do get the ebooks and my stuff always say
how much more they got out of my material versus the $39 ebook. I always
laugh and say what do you expect out of a $39 to $49 ebook? :).

Anyway, in addition to just bipolar disorder, I had to deal with
issues related like:

-Taxes. When my mom when into an episode, Internal Revenue Service letters “rained” down on her which were all given to me to “handle.”
-Helping my mom buy a car when she was in an epside, how bad c.redit, etc.
-Finding my mom’s c.redit.
-Disability issues
-Financial problems
-Getting great affordable health insurance
-Setting up a plan for my mom’s retirement after she gave it all a way in an episode.
-Undoing all the lies that my mom said to various people
-Helping my mom paid off her d.ebt

You have seen these long descriptions of my courses/system
so you know what I can offer.

I looked at my dad and was amazed that he basically thought
he could have done it all. Anyway, it reminded me how
thankless this caregiver job is.

My mom also told me how hard it is for the person with bipolar
disorder as opposed to the supporter. I think my mom really
believes this. BUT, if my mom can’t remember half if not 90%
of what she said and did, it can’t be that much harder on
her than the rest of the family.

I remember it ALL.

I find that being a caregiver or supporter is like being a
fireman that never really gets thanked. I have many friends
that are fire, I guess I should say persons, because there are
several woman that I know who are involved in these organizations.

Anyway, I asked, “Hey, does anyone say thanks to you?” Many say
not really.

I think if you have bipolar disorder, and I know that I am going
to get a bunch of angry emails but I don’t care, you should say
thank you for the person who is supporting you. It’s way more
difficult than you can imagine. I know that’s hard on you too.
I know. I know. BUT, the vast majority of supporters have
tried so hard to help you the person with bipolar disorder.

They have:

-Spent and lost tons of money
-Lost tons of sleep
-Ruined their health
-Lost out on many opportunites
-Made huge sacrifices
-Been stressed for days, weeks and months at time
-Worried all the time
-Tried to figure out what to do to help you
-Contacted people like me for help
-Searched the internet, books, manuals, support groups, etc to try to help you.

The list is sooooooooooooo long. One guy I knew who had a ton of money,
was flying all over the country to different support groups and doctors just to help his family member.

The vasy majority of supporters don’t mind doing this but I think
that a thank you would make them feel better. SO, if you have bipolar
disorder why not thank the person or persons supporting you?

My mom actually does thank me a lot. My dad, hmmm. I can’t remember if
he ever thanked me. Maybe once. He likes to believe I didn’t do that
much because I think he feels bad knowing he did nothing. My brother has
never thanked me. The rest of the family thanks me all the time.

Now I am not looking for everyone to have a David Oliver holiday but
thanks is nice.

So if you are a supporter, I am thanking you. You’ve done a great
job helping your loved one. Just reading emails helps them. Listening
to my podcasts that I finally figured out how to make. Or the blog
posts that I put up everyday.

I know that you might not get a thank you so you’re getting one
from me. If you have bipolar disorder, thank the people or
persons. Do it today if you can.

Give me feedback to how it works out for you.

I have to run to the gym.

Your Friend,


Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Visit: http://www.bipolarcentral.com/bipolarnews318/

Here are SOME headlines:

Antidepressants Risky for Bipolar II?

Study: Bipolar Disorder Commonly Misdiagnosed

Jane Pauley: Tackling the Stigma of Bipolar Disorder

Toward A Test For Childhood Detection Of Risk Of Bipolar Disorder
And Schizophrenia

Man dies after hit from stun gun

Fry opens up about attempted suicide

and much more

Details, visit: http://www.bipolarcentral.com/bipolarnews318/

My Resources For Bipolar:

Quickly And Easily Explain Bipolar To People
Go here for more information.

Need Money Because Of Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Dating Someone With Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Want To Marry Someone Who Has Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Need Low Cost Health Insurance When Dealing With
Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Problems With Drugs, Alcohol And Addiction?
Go here for more information

Trying To PREVENT A Divorce From Someone With Bipolar
Go here for more information:

How To Find Legal Help
Go here for more information:

Are You Pregnant Or Considering Having A Baby And Have
Bipolar Disorder?

Your Friend,


URGENT Bipolar Lesson, Man Threatens To Kill Me And Apology


I have to say sorry to several of you.

It’s been a tough couple of weeks. The volume of
this organization has grown way beyound what I have

Unfortunately, we have droppd the ball or fallen
short in a few areas-shipping and customer service.

If you ordered one of my three courses in Februrary
or early March:




There may have been some delays for about 5%
of the people.

On the shipping side, we had two situations
that have delayed orders. One was that our printer
didn’t get material to us in a timley fashion, and
secondly the services we have used to ship packages
have “lost” a batch of packages.

On top of it, when they “lose” a batch of courses
they do not offer refunds to me.

Also, I have spoken to many of you about customer
service issues related to delayed and lost packages.
I may have been short with you or not the most friendly
I am sorry. I am really stressed
and under tremendous pressure due.

I have used, 2100 minutes this week on my cell phone
talking to people.

Customer Service, a lot of which I do all myself has
been tough:

One guy threatened to kill me because he says that I
am telling people to go to doctors and doctors kill people.
Imagine getting a call and someone screams I am going to
kill you you stupid mother f@%$$#@.

Another woman called the Police and says that I stole
her c.redit c.ard from her house and placed an order
and sent it to her????? She obviously is really ill.

Another person called and says they ordered from
me and wants a refund. Problem is, have spending
hours figuring this out, they orderd a book from
the amazon.com bookstore which has nothing to do with me.
After HOURS of her screaming at me, she said, “oh
sorry” and just hung up on me.

You have no idea what kind of nonsense I have
to deal with from people in episodes and making
stuff up that I have to figure out or defend.

Then I have had several people want to hire me
by the hour and others want to fly me to their
house and have me act as a daily consultant–which
I don’t do at this point.

Anyway, it’s been a hard last 7 days so if anyone
felt rushed by me, I am sorry and I will
be more than happy to get back to you next week.

What Am I Doing To Fix This?

Okay, as of yesterday I have commited thousands of
dollars in new software, consultants and systems to
fix these problems and make sure they don’t happen again.

All courses that have been delayed and “lost” have
been reshipped at my expense. Anyone who ordered
in the last 7 days will have no problems at all. So
if you are interested in getting one of my courses
today, there are no shipping problems.

If you are missing one of my courses/systems and more
than two weeks has past, please allow a few more days
and then contact me at: http://www.bipolarcentral.com/contact.asp

The printer, shippers, cd duplicators and other people
who have been creating problems have all been spoken
to and have fixed ALL problems. I have double, triple
and quadruple checked this all day yesterday.

I have fired one person in my organization for failure
to perform.

I hired somenoe to handle made up accusations and will
be forwarding and threats or extreme lies to the proper
authorities. Just because one has bipolar disorder,
that doesn’t give them the right to say and do anything
they want even if they have a mental illness. That’s a
hard lesson for some folks to learn but they are going
to learn it from me that’s for sure.

I am sincerely sorry for this and I am currently working
16 hours a day to correct these problems. I am currently
not even taking any consulting assisgnments for Private Equity
and Investment Banking Firms until this is all fixed fully.

If you want to get one of my courses like:




It will be shipped on time with no delays. So don’t be afraid
that if you order, it won’t get to you. It will.


If you are supporting someone with bipolar disorder. Learn
this lesson from me. You probably have missed all kinds of things,
forgot stuff, not been yourself at work, or in things that
you are involved in.

I believe the best policy is 100% honesty. When my mom was not
doing well, I had to forget doing a lot of things. I couldn’t
help friends that needed it. I could do thing that I promised
I would do because something always came up with my mom.

I simply couldn’t do a lot of what I was suppose to do.

I was totally honest with people and NOBODY got mad at me. I know
that some supporters hide what is going on and I can see why. Maybe
they don’t want to say it’s related to bipolar disorder.

Here’s a tip: You can say your loved one has medical problem.
BUT, I have noticed if you are not honest, people will guess
or research on their own and either guess wrong OR find out
and then it will be worse.

So you may want to strongly consider the 100% honest and upfront

This is why I told you why there were customer service and shipping

When you are in the war against bipolar disorder, things happen
and you can’t control it. So my advice is to let people know.

I have to take off for the day. Again I am really sorry to those
who have had a delay in getting what they ordered AND those
that I have spoken to and I was rather short. Please forgive me.

Your Friend,


P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails that I have sent in the past and lots of great information for you:

P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give mini seminars designed to teach you information you can’t learn anywhere else.http://bipolarcentral.libsyn.com/

Bipolar Lesson: David Oliver Wins Fight Using Sneaky Trick


Yesterday I got into a fight. No I didn’t get into
a fist fight. I got into a fight with Microsoft
Outlook. That’s the program I use to send my
personal and business emails.

Well, since I save EVERY single email that I get
that isn’t junk, I have a lot of emails in my

Yesterday I went to use my outlook and a message
said that I had exceeded my limit and something
bad was going to happen. I panicked. I didn’t
know what to do.

I had a million things to do so I didn’t
want to fight with outlook. I opened the program
again hoping it would fix itself like magic.

It didn’t. Then I was in a fight with outlook
and I was losing.

So, I made a decision. I called someone way
better with computers than me. I paid the person
to type up EXACT instructions on what to do.

I got the instruction back very quickly. For
this person this was a joke of a problem. For
me it was a big problem.

I followed the step by step, even a monkey could
do it, instructions and my outlook was fixed.

I couldn’t believe how easy it was when I knew
what I was doing.

I won the fight using a sneaky tactic you should
be using with bipolar disorder–get information

As you know, I have courses and systems:




I want you to know, I am not going to push them
on you. BUT, what I am going to push you to do
is get information fast. Sound like that doesn’t
make sense?

Well if you don’t need or want to get my information
and you can get the information you need fast and even
for f.r.e.e then do it. My goal with this
is to help you. It’s not to make tons of money.

I know that might sound like a lie. But
it isn’t. I started this to help people. For
some really strange reason, I really enjoy
doing this. More than consulting for private
equity funds, more than selling health and nutrition
supplements, more than doing the other things
that I do.

But I will say this, there are a number of people
on my list that are in SERIOUS TROUBLE. Why?
Well they are taking way too long to figure out
what to do. For some reason, if it’s cancer, a stroke,
etc, there is a MAD RUSH to get information, but
with bipolar disorder, some people take the “slow
boat to China.”

I don’t know why there’s no urgency or seriousness?
Even my own dad, to this dad really never “tried”
hard to figure anything out about my dad.

In 30 years, here’s my dad

Never went to the library
Went to one support group meeting
Spoke with two doctors
Never bought a book, tape, manual, etc on bipolar disorder
Never looked for anyone with bipolar disorder who was
successful to speak to and learn from
Never contacted any therapists
Never setup up any systems for my mom.

My dad would say it was a problem and “something” had
to be done but he just never got around to it. And then
in 2004, I took over. And the results speak for themselves.

Everyone should be taking MASSIVE action to get the information
they need right away and not doing this over many months or worse,

WARNING! You know, you find in life, there are people
who are getting ready to get started, to get ready, to
get set, to get started, to get ready, to go. I hope
that’s not you?

People are full of excuses why they aren’t taking action
to learn what they need to. This is a SERIOUS ILLNESS
like other serious illnesses.

When being a supporter of someone with bipolar disorder,
I see this all the time. Someone posted on my blog,
they are a “5 year” bipolar researcher. I was thinking:

a) why are you researching for 5 years?

b) this person is a slow researcher

c) How much time has been wasted when the process could have
been sped up. 5 years is a long time for someone who is not a doctor.

d) I wonder if this person is a success…unfortunately I doubt it. Like
so many friends I know who have been “researching” how to start a business
or how to write a book for years and years on end. Guess what? These
friends have not accomplished one thing. BUT, they have lots of reasons
why they haven’t.

Again, there are plenty of people on my list that have been “researching”
bipolar disorder for so many years. I have spoken to many, and most
aren’t successful.

Don’t become one of these people that can’t move forward with yourself
or your loved one because you are slowly researching and years are
passing you by.

I could have spent weeks fighting with Microsoft Outlook to
figure out how to fix the program to use it. In the process,
of not having a clue, I could have done something and deleted
all my emails. Who knows? Lots of people handle bipolar like this.

I am all for continuously learning, but in these cases, these people
aren’t learning continuously, they are still trying to figure
out the basics after so many years. It’s amazing to me.

Do whatever it takes to short cut your learning curve, just like
I did with beating Microsoft Outlook.

I told my friend what happen. He said he would NEVER EVER pay
someone to explain a program to him. My friend
unfortunately has many problems in his life that he is always
working on. Some for 12 years.

You aren’t getting any younger. With bipolar disorder, before
you know it, years and decades can pass by and you are no
further ahead.

Make sense? Hope so. Have to run.

Your Friend,


P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails that I have sent in the past and lots of great information for you:

P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give mini seminars designed to teach you information you can’t learn anywhere else.