It’s 7:08am on Saturday and I wanted to write some
important Bipolar Disorder updates.
These last few weeks have been really difficult.
The growth of this organization designed to help
people with bipolar disorder has been staggering.
I never expected so much growth so fast. Also,
contrary to what “experts” told me, people
really like my daily emails.
As a result, I have been working around the
clock to get everything running smoothly again.
Now don’t fall asleep on me, there’s important
Bipolar updates and lessons coming. Hang on..
I run several businesses. Most people just think
I do this. This doesn’t pay my bills. It’s not
designed to. My other businesses do. Fortunately,
I have great people who run them so that’s why
I have so much time to devote to the bipolar
For example, there is woman named Jenifer that
now handles one of businesses from A to Z and
this has allowed me to save a lot of time
to do other things.
I was thinking last night on a few things while
I was doing my cardio and trying to drop my
body fat from almost 10 percent back down to 7.5%.
I was trying to remember why I was able to get so
many things done so fast with my mom.
If you’ve gone through my courses/systems here:
You’ll notice that I did get a ton done. Now
if you get one of my courses/systems it’s super
easy for you because you just follow the simple
instructions and great things start to happen
for yourself or your loved one.
BUT, I didn’t have a system and here’s the one
thing I did that made all the difference. I found
people to help me. If you look at the various
parts of bipolar disorder and the problems it
creates, the number is many.
When I was starting, one of the first things I did
was make a list of ALL the problems I had to deal with.
Then I prioritized which was most important and I worked
on the most important first.
For example, I was looking at my old notes from mom
and when I started helping her. Here’s some of it:
Figure out what she has
Find out how to stop or fix it
Find a doctor to help her
Find some people who have it and stopped it
At the time, I didn’t know really what she had so I called
it “it.” I didn’t know who to make her “normal” again so I had
how to “stop” it.
Obviously as time went on, I figured a lot of stuff out.
But those were some of the first things I was working on.
BUT, when you read the descriptions of my courses/systems
you notice that I talk about research, which I did
a ton of. BUT I also sought and found experts for various
aspects of her illness or problems from her illness.
For example, I had no idea how to buy a car without good
c.redit, no jog and below what the car dealership paid.
I had no idea how to figure out how much a car dealership
paid for a car. SO, I located an expert. I paid him and
he taught me SOME of the secrets. He didn’t know anything
about bipolar disorder so I had so “add on” to his plan
because it was specifically for people with bipolar disorder.
NOW, instead of running around and trying to do it all
myself, I found someone to help and then I did a little
work to make it work perfectly.
This is what I do with this Organization for Bipolar Disorder.
I get a ton done every day and can run so many things
and have done so for 15 years because of these principles.
I am NOT in a 15 to 20 manic episode. People write me
and say, “Are you sure you aren’t bipolar, you do some
much stuff and come out with things faster than I can
read or listen to them.”
It’s called having a team and time management. When I was
a kid my mom wasn’t doing well sometimes. Well many times.
My brother was never around. My dad was never around. My brother
told me to read books and learn to give me something to
do since I was unsupervised a lot. He told me to improve my
skills. He would yell at me if I didn’t.
When I was like 16 or so he demanded that I read books
on time management and project management. He was
really big, like 300 pounds, so I would always agreed.
I am not sure why he did this but it turned out
to be a great thing for me.
There are MANY people that help me make it happen. Probably
15 or so. It’s not just me. This is why we jointly make
the best material and it comes out so fast. It’s because
it’s a BIG TEAM of people.
So this is how I get so much done. Learn from me.
When you are dealing with bipolar disorder, you have
to approach it like a giant project with mini projects.
You build a team over time, but try to do it as fast
as possible. Some people on the team will not be that
good. Then you replace them. That’s that how I did it.
That’s my secret.
This is what you need to do with
bipolar disorder. For example, if you have bipolar disorder
you’ll notice in my Bipolar Success Course/System one
theme that I have is get a great doctor/therapist.
Once you have one, they are on your team. NOW, when
you want to find out about various treatments or what
your possibilities are or limitations are, you talk
with your team. NOW maybe you could go out and figure it
all out yourself but that’s way more difficult and you
will probably make mistakes.
Like today, I am going to my accountant to talk about
all these different taxes. He is on my team and I let
him handle that area. This way he makes recommendations
to me and I can just follow them if I choose. I don’t
spend weeks on end learning all about taxes.
Some people NEVER get anything done with bipolar disorder
because they don’t take the team approach. There are people
on my list and I know that there are several people
that are going to get mad when I say this but
they have spent YEARS trying to figure things out
I don’t think they should be figuring out.
For example, there is one person on my list who is
learning all about medications BEFORE she recommends
her loved one take them. That was two years ago when
I first spoke to her. Her loved one’s life is a disaster
and so is this ladies. BUT she is working hard to figure
it all out.
I asked her why don’t you get a great doctor and leave
that to them. I hear stuff like “Oh I don’t trust
them and they won’t tell me everything.”
Imagine people running major companies function
like her.
Now I know there is one person in particular who is
going to get mad about me saying this kind of thing
to you.
Actually she wrote this to me in an email:
“I read your emails and I feel like you are writing
them with an admonishing tone…these people are
searching for this information because they are in
pain, they are riddled with worry, and confusion and
doubt and fear.
They are less than who they really are because they have
been beaten down by an illness that has taken it’s toll
on their loved one and as a result has killed a part of
them as well…..imagine feeling like that and then
opening your email looking for support to find that
you have an email telling you that you’re blowing it
because you’re not learning fast enough, searching
hard enough, reading enough books or doing the right thing.”
Here’s the deal, I have NEVER criticized people for not
learning fast enough, searching hard enough, reading
enough books, or doing the right thing.
BUT what I have criticized people for doing is being
way off in outer space figuring out stuff they do
not need to be figuring out for themselves or their
loved ones to become stable.
Again, if you want your loved to become stable, you
need to find a great doctor and trust him/her, you
don’t need to figure out exactly the 16 reasons why
medications work or how the human brain functions.
Unless you are a student, professor, researcher, work
for a drug company, etc, there is NO REASON to spend
years trying to figure this out ahead of finding
a doctor/therapist, getting great h.ealth insurance,
determining how you are going to pay for treatment,
figuring out how to i.ncrease your
income to support yourself or loved one, protect your
m.oney, etc.
Make sense? I am not the kind of guy that sits by
and doesn’t say anything when people are wasting their
time and going in a direction I think is wrong.
Remember I am not running for office. I am not
the politician that is going to try to please everyone.
Many people like my material some people don’t. There’s
a remove link at the bottom of EVERY message. Anyway can
use it. My goal is to go to bed at night knowing that I
said what I really felt was important and what people
need to hear not what they want to hear.
For all those who have used my f.ree consultation
certificates (for non medical and legal questions because
I am NOT a doctor or lawyer and don’t play one on
TV) with my courses/systems OR I randomly called
you because you wanted to talk to me (yes I do do that),
I always ask you “Do you want me to tell you what
you want to hear or what you need to hear.” Ever since
I have asked people that 100% of the people have said:
“What I need to hear.”
So that’s the deal. Hey I ran out of room here. I had
so much to tell you. I have to do it tomorrow. I have to
head off and put some stuff in storage and then head
over to the gym to catch some morning cardio. Then
to the library. Then to my accountants. Then to my
computer :).
Check your email tomorrow and I am going to give
you an update on people I am going to be hiring,
new f^ree things to help you, new courses I am coming
out with, a new coaching program I am possibly thinking
of to help you increase your income.
I will talk to you tomorrow.
Your Friend,