Bipolar Lesson: Warning! This isn’t like Burger King


I haven’t been to Burger King in years but I have a
friend that goes all the time. He loves Burger King.

I must say as a side note, I think those new Burger
King Commercials with the “Burger King”, which is a
person, running through football stadiums is REALLY funny.

If you are out of the US, Burger King is a place that
sells Burgers which are pieces of meat on bread. (Hey
don’t laugh, we have international people in over 140
countries so I want to make sure every “gets it”.)

Anyway, I asked my friend why he loves Burger King
so much. He said, “Have It Your Way”(R) dude. As
you probably know, several of my friends that powerlift,
compete in strongman competitions and body build use the
word “dude.”

I asked what’s so special about Burger King? He explained
that you can customize your meal at Burger King.
Then I got to thinking about some comments I get from readers.

NOTE-Now I know I am going to get people who write me and
say that I own stock in Burger King or that I own Burger King
or that I am trying to trick you into getting Burgers at Burger
King for I can secretly make money. I am using this to
illustrate a point so if you are thinking this relay.
Want to complain write:

Well let’s take a look at some reader comments and then get
to the Bipolar Lesson.

Okay, first, I have around 80,000 people on all my lists. I get
up to 1000 emails some days. The average is in the 700s.
I try to read them all. There is no way that I can respond
to each and every one. Frankly I wouldn’t want to. Why?
Well I wouldn’t want to spend all day typing at my computer
then go to sleep and start over again and not do anything else
other than answer people’s emails.

Some people don’t seem to understand this so that’s why I a
writing it now. With that said, let’s take a look at some
emails that I get and the lessons you can learn:

Take a look at this:

“I understand that but I have to be sure you are not a con sorry Working on e-mail is not enough evidence for me Send me your books I will pay cash on deliver Kind regards”

Okay first, if you can’t tell that I am not a con, than I don’t know
what to tell you. I mean I would have to be the dumbest person on
the face of the earth to run a “con” in mental health where I get
bombarded with emails, questions and actually have to do a TON
of work.

But the key part that I see here is this. “Send me your books and I
will pay cash on deliver.” I am assuming Julie is referring to
COD or cash on delivery. I have heard of that in the United States
but I have NO idea how to do it and I have NO desire to learn
how to do it. I have no need to complicate anything any more.

Finally, Julie is in Australia. Can you imagine sending stuff
to another country and getting the cash on delivery? Good luck.

Also, who says that I would even do this in the first place?
Her statement assumes that I would do it, which I will not.

So the bottom line is, this request will not be fulfilled.

I believe that someone people look at my courses/systems:




And they think I am desperate to make sales. I am NOT. It’s not
going to hurt me if you don’t get the information to help you
or your loved one. Hey my mom’s doing great. I am really
offering my information to help others.

Now look at this next email:

“STOP! Why are you sending me sooooo many emails. Take me off
your list immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNLESS
you can send me emails only on Saturdays and Sundays”

First, Steve, I put a lot of time and energy into these emails.
For all of those that think that I simply hire someone to do it,
you are fooling yourself. Who in the world could you hire to
write these things? And I write them EVERY day. Imagine YOU
had to get up and spend an hour writing an email to help

So Steve is mad that I am sending a f.ree email that he
doesn’t pay for, that I pay for, that he can save and file
and read later? Make sense? Of course it doesn’t.

Second point, If you don’t want to be on my list, you can
click the remove link at the bottom of EVERY single message
that comes from me. Don’t be lazy. I mean come on. I offer
a f.ree service that I spend a ton of time and money
putting together and then you complain.

Finally I love when he asks if I can send only on Saturdays
and Sundays. Hey, let me spend $50,000 reconfiguring the
the email server just for you 🙂

Look at this email:

“Dave, how are you? I loooooove your emails they are
so helpful and great. You help so much. Why can’t you
send more information faster? Can you send me more emails
or put everything in one big email. I don’t have time
to wait. I am helping my sister and need all the information
I can gett right awayy. Why are you holding back and sending
so slowly?”

Isn’t it funny how one person thinks I send way to much and
Karen thinks that I am holding back. Actually I like Karen. She’s
a nice person. I explained that I have to have a balance and
I don’t want to flood people with too much to have to print
off in one day. She understood.

Here’s the big lesson. For some strange reason, when it comes
to bipolar disorder so many people just don’t take it seriously.

People would never treat other illnesses like let’s say Cancer like
this. I have spoken to people that have all these conditions in
regards to treatment. They want to have it their way, like at
Burger King. Well it doesn’t work that way.

Just the other day I was on the phone with someone who told me they
really wanted to help their loved one and would do anything BUT
he related to me:

-I can’t go with them to see the doctor Monday through Friday

-I don’t want them to take medications only natural things long

-I don’t want to pay more than $150 a session for a doctor for my loved

-I can only afford $75 a session for a therapist for my loved one.

-We live in a small town and I don’t want to drive more than 45 minutes
to the doctor

-I have to get someone who takes our insurance but a lot of people don’t
take our insurance

-I don’t have the time to you use your doctor finding system right now, can you just tell me doctors that I should contact? (NOTE this defeats the entire doctor finding system in my courses/systems)

And he had a few other things that had to be his way.

I was amazed and then told the person to get into the real world. He
wants his loved one to be successful BUT wants it HIS way. Come on.

People like this fail. That’s the bottom line. So the big lesson
is, you aren’t’ going to have it your way. This isn’t Burger King.
You have to do everything you can to help yourself or your
loved one and don’t be a pain that wants it their way.

Make sense?


Yesterday I told you how I setup my F.R.E.E
podcast or audio presentation and didn’t send you the link. Sorry.
Here it is:

Your Friend,


P.S. In D.ebt from bipolar disorder? Visit:
P.S.S. My attorney says I have to tell you: “Have It Your Way”(R) is a registered trade mark of Burger King(R). I don’t want to make him mad :).

Shocking Bipolar Story! Caretaker/Supporter almost dies loses EVERYTHING


Last night I was working on some stuff around 1:30am EST. I got
a phone call and guess what? I picked it up. The woman on the
line was really shocked that it was me. I think she must have
thought she was calling into a HUGE giant call center.

Actually many people who work for me say that I need
to stop answer the phone at all hours and that I need
to take more time off. Which I will be doing soon but
that’s another story (Pascale, figured out a way to travel like
a celebrity and save up to 80% off the costs that normally
would be incurred. Pascale is smart like that).

Anyway, the woman wanted to get my course at:

But she had some questions.

We got to talking as I finished up my stuff. I was actually
working on podcasting which I believe I FINALLY figured out.
(Keep reading for how you can hear my podcast.)

Actually I am lying, I didn’t figure it out 2 other people
figured it out and told me how to do it. I am VERY proud
of the fact I didn’t waste my time figuring it out.

Bipolar lesson: If you can get some else to figure out something
related to bipolar disorder faster, than get him/her to do

Podcasting is a complicated term that when it’s all said
and done simply means putting audio on the internet so you
can hear it. I am going to be doing or making f.r.e.e podcasts
regularly. See below.

Well back to the lady that called. She was talking about
her situation and eventually she had mentioned that she
was being destroyed being a caregiver of someone with
bipolar disorder.

I listened and then she placed an order for my course. It got
me to thinking about a number of things.

There was a guy that was on my list who vanished. Here’s
what happen. He had someone he was supporting with bipolar
disorder. It was his son.

He told me he did everything that he could to support his
son but it was killing him. He said that he was going to
die supporting his son. I was like “What?” He explained
that he had gone from being in great shape, strong, mentally
well, financially independent to being in horrible shape,
not mentally well, completely broke, depressed, on anti
depressants, full of anxiety, on anxiety medication, no
sex drive, etc. etc. etc.

Just think of something bad and he had it. I felt really
bad for him. I spent hours on the phone trying to make him
feel better. I offered solution after solution to every problem
he had from how he could get a car with c.r.e.d.i.t to how
he could create m.oney fast to be able to retire.

He had almost given up. He also did get my course. I use
to have him call me on my cell so I could see how he was doing
this was back in the day when I had more time and there weren’t
80,000 subscribers on my list.

Eventually his son started doing well. He found a great doctor
and therapist. The doctor almost had the meds perfect. His
son was really stable. No more screaming and yelling.

Then for a while I didn’t hear from him. I called and called
all his numbers and eventually his wife picked up and said he
had a heart attack.

He was not doing okay but his wife said that he “probably” would
make it. To make a long story short, he did and got out of the
hospital, his son was doing well, but he lost virtually everything,
including his wife. She went on to file for divorce.

I am not sure what happen to him. If you are reading this and
you are the person that I am talking about please call me on
my cell. It’s been a looooooooooooong time since I heard from him.

It’s at this point, I created the term “Pyrrhic care taking” which is
when you support someone with an illness like bipolar disorder,
borderline personality disorder, or schizophrenia and you finally help
the person become stable and do well. You win the battle so to
speak, but the victory (getting them stable and doing well) is so difficult, you destroy yourself in the process.

Here is what I see caregivers of those with bipolar disorder:

lose their marriage or the person they are dating
gain tons of weight
lose tons of weight
have to start taking antidepressants, anxiety or other medications
Get depressed
Have no hope
Start to look really pale
Stop shaving (woman included)
Never have fun
Never do anything outside of supporting their loved one
Ignore friends
Forget about other family members

You get the idea. If you have no idea what I am talking about that’s
great. But read this carefully and don’t let it happen to you.

When I was supporting my mom, here’s what happen to me. I started
off 221 pounds 8% body fat. A average person is probably 16 to 18%
body fat. I am not telling you this to brag but to illustrate
a point.

When was my mom was at her worst, I went from 221 to 191. Think about
it, if I am already 8% at 221, what percent body fat was I at 191? I
went from eating 6 times a day to eating ONCE every other day. I never
did my body fat at 191 but obviously it was DANGEROUSLY low.

I was battling bill collectors, my brother, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), my mom’s doctors, hospital officials, my dad about not giving
my mom any more money to spend, paying my mom’s bills with little money,
trying to find new doctors, handle my mom’s d.e.b.t problems, looking
for a therapist, etc. etc.

I stopped doing anything fun. I never went out. I never went to the
movies. I didn’t speak to one of my best friends for 9 straight months.
I didn’t return phone calls to people. I had one focus which was to
help my mom. I forgot about everybody and everything else.

I got virtually no sleep. I went to bed stressed I woke up stressed.
I had nightmares almost every night.

I let my businesses go. I lost a ton of m.oney doing that.

At one point. I felt like I was going to have a stroke. Eventually
I started to figure it all out which eventually which was put into
my three courses/systems:




I am lucky that I made it. There were supporters on my list that
didn’t. The care giving cost them too much.

If you have gone through these courses, you can clearly see that I put a lot of effort into them. I cover virtually EVERYTHING you need to know.

Some write me if this is a scam. Which is such a dumb question. How in
the world would I know all this stuff if it’s a scam? I must say I get
annoyed when people write or ask me this. I mean you could ask, “Will
this help me” which is an intelligent question but “Is this a scam” is

If someone was running a scam, and again I am obviously not, would
you write or call and ask them? Anyway, let me get back on track.

The bottom line is this. Don’t let being a supporter kill you like
the sad story I told you about.

Hey I have to take off to the gym. Oh, remember how I told you
I had to pay the kid next door to me to help me get the snow out of the
drive way. Many of you emailed me to ask why I paid him if his mom
would make him do it for f.r.e.e? Because it’s the right thing
to do and he worked harder getting paid–just like most doctors
and therapists will. So pay when you can.

Also, I heard that his mom got mad at him for taking money from me.
I have to head over to his mom and explain that I offered it and I want
to give it to him. She should commend him. He started a kind of
b.usiness–emergency snow removal.

Your Friend,


P.S. If you need my course on how to get out of d.e.b.t faster from bipolar disorder visit:

P.S.S. Here is more information from Wikipedia, the f.ree encyclopedia:

The phrase Pyrrhic Victory “is an allusion to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, whose army suffered irreplaceable casualties when he defeated the Romans during the Pyrrhic War at Heraclea in 280 BC and Asculum in 279 BC. After the latter battle, Plutarch relates in a report by Dionysius:

“The armies separated; and, it is said, Pyrrhus replied to one that gave him joy of his victory that one more such victory would utterly undo him. For he had lost a great part of the forces he brought with him, and almost all his particular friends and principal commanders; there were no others there to make recruits, and he found the confederates in Italy backward.

On the other hand, as from a fountain continually flowing out of the city, the Roman camp was quickly and plentifully filled up with fresh men, not at all abating in courage for the loss they sustained, but even from their very anger gaining new force and resolution to go on with the war.” [1]
In both of Pyrrhus’s victories, the Romans lost more men than Pyrrhus did. However, the Romans had a much larger supply of men from which to draw soldiers and their losses did less to their war effort than Pyrrhus’s losses did to his.

The report is often quoted as “Another such victory over the Romans and we are undone”. While it is most closely associated with a military battle, the term is used by analogy in fields such as business, politics, law, and sport to describe any similar struggle which is ruinous for the victor.”

Current Bipolar News March 15, 2007


Hi {!firstname_fix},

Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.


Here are SOME highlights:

Man with bipolar disorder shoots girlfriend and himself

Kid, medications, and bipolar disorder, shocking news

Troops in Iraq face major mental illness, discover which

Man with bipolar disorder committs horrible act

Person uses bipolar disorder for huge accomplishments. Discover
his secrets.

Amaznig story! Woman with bipolar disorder files lawsuit after
buying car

and much more

Details, visit:

My Resources For Bipolar:

Quickly And Easily Explain Bipolar To People
Go here for more information.

Need Money Because Of Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Dating Someone With Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Want To Marry Someone Who Has Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Need Affordable Health Insurance When Dealing With
Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Problems With Drugs, Alcohol And Addiction?
Go here for more information

Trying To PREVENT A Divorce From Someone With Bipolar
Go here for more information:

Your Friend,


Current Bipolar News March 15, 2007

Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.


Here are SOME highlights:

Man with bipolar disorder shoots girlfriend and himself

Kid, medications, and bipolar disorder, shocking news

Troops in Iraq face major mental illness, discover which

Man with bipolar disorder committs horrible act

Person uses bipolar disorder for huge accomplishments. Discover
his secrets.

Amaznig story! Woman with bipolar disorder files lawsuit after
buying car

and much more

Details, visit:

My Resources For Bipolar:

Quickly And Easily Explain Bipolar To People
Go here for more information.

Need Money Because Of Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Dating Someone With Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Want To Marry Someone Who Has Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Need Affordable Health Insurance When Dealing With
Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Problems With Drugs, Alcohol And Addiction?
Go here for more information

Trying To PREVENT A Divorce From Someone With Bipolar
Go here for more information:

Your Friend,


The Worst Mistake You Can Make With Bipolar Disorder


I think the worst mistake that people can make when trying
to support someone with bipolar disorder is hoping that
it will fix itself or the problem will simply go away.

My dad tried this method for DECADES and it NEVER
worked. The small Bipolar episode always got worse and
between a nightmare.

I get so many emails from people saying “David,
my loved one is not as bad as your mom, I think
she will just get out of it.” That’s a quote
I got last week.

“Get out of it?” What does that mean? I assume it means–
snap out of it. Maybe he/she will, maybe he/she
won’t. If I had to bet, I would bet, the person will not.

If you have a loved one who has bipolar disorder
and you are concerned, you need to take action right
away and do something. You have to put a plan together.

You can’t just wait around.

You know in my course at:

a HUGE, and I mean HUGE theme in it is planning.

I say, “Plan for the worst hope for the best.” I find
many supporters HOPE for the BEST plan for the BEST case

Want to hear something really sad?

Since I have been doing this for two years, I now have
people who scoffed at my concepts, strategies and information
saying I was “too extreme” or that I was “too negative”
and their loved ones were not the “same” as my mom and
everything would be okay.

When I first started this, I use to take tons of calls and respond
personally to most emails. People wouldn’t even get my course
or anything. I didn’t care. It’s not about money with me.
I had the time and there weren’t 800 emails a day (yesterday 822)
like there are today.

Anyway, I would get responses from people that were way off
track and I would write them for their phone number. I would
call them on my dime, paying the long distance, and talk
with them and try to “sell” them on why they had to plan.

For example, many times I would give them complete plans for
how to protect their money. People would think that I was crazy.
I will never forgot one woman asked me, “You are talking really fast,
are you bipolar?” I was like, “Whatever lady, I am trying to help

Unfortunately, I got an email to my private email address I use
to give out, from a husband and wife that are DEAD BROKE. Their
loved one destroyed them. It was so odd because I totally remember
who they are even though it was almost 2 years ago since I heard
from them.

They are one of the people that argued with me. I spent time on
the phone for free telling them what to do. They said, and I quote
“We have a doctor and he will give us all the information we need.
He never told us about all the stuff you keep telling us about…
Your mom was worse then our son.”

Anyway, the son, went into a super episode. And the did all
kinds of things to their finances.

And now he moved away, and wants to come back. Sounds good? Well
it is, BUT he destroyed their finances
and money that was suppose to be used for the sister’s college
fund. The sister hates her brother and their parents.

Friends and family members think the family is “crazy.” The cops
were always at their house.

The doctor he was going to “retired” or vanished. The son has
a ton of bills attached to the parents. There is no therapist.
Both the parents have worried themselves into depression
anxiety and major health problems.

The son lost his job. He has no health insurance. Some days
he wants help. Other days he doesn’t.

One of them is actually taking medication for anxiety or depression
or one of these.


As a side note, I find it strange that people who are supporters
are taking medication because of problems caused by their loved
one’s. It’s really strange.

Back to the story, NONE of this had to happen. I gave them a plan for free. I begged them to take action. They refused. They kind of thought I was crazy. If I remember correctly, they questioned whether or not
I was “paranoid.”

Bottom line is it’s a really bad deal. NOW, I must say, I am 100% confident I could put a plan together for them but I can’t.
It would be unfair for me to not focus 100%
and also, I must say, since they didn’t listen to me before,
I don’t want to waste my time again.

Actually today I noticed they placed an order for my course. I hope
they don’t pull the old, “get Dave’s course/system, fill out
the f.ree consultation for non medical and non legal questions
and then immediately send it in and have me explain all the stuff
over the phone.” If they do this, I will immediately refund their
money because I can’t deal with that.

My course/system could solve most of their problems, but ONLY if they
went through it. NOT if they get it, hope that it will walk it
self into their house, open itself up and start “doing it’s thing.”

It doesn’t work like that.

Here’s the thing. You have to treat this seriously. You have
to plan, strategize, and go through material. Or if you are learning
on your own, you have to go out and learn. What I am saying is this,
I am not pushing my courses on anyway, but what I am pushing on
you to DO SOMETHING. Take action and be a good supporter. Don’t
become a person I write about via email saying, “Oh so and so, well
they did nothing and now their life is a disaster…. HELP ME NOW!”

You don’t have to get my material, but go out and:

speak to doctors (pay them for their time)
speak to therapists (pay them for their time)
drive to several support group meetings
get all the books on bipolar disorder
Watch some of those videos on the illness
Talk with people with the disorder that are doing well
Get books on protecting your finances

That’s a good start.

The thing is, when I started doing this, at first I thought I could
help everyone personally. I really did. I thought I would have a
few dozen people on my mailing list. I thought we would become
friends and we could even go and “hang out” sometime.

But then the numbers went from 500, to 1000, 10,000, to 25,000
to 45,000 to more than 75,000 people on my list. I had
to start creating systems to help people through my courses
and material. Now I have to figure out a way to control my email.

Yesterday I spent four hours in the library mapping out a plan,
which is going to work great. I will be writing more about this
plan and how it can help you soon.

BUT, the bottom line is, there are people out there, that have
a disaster ahead of them and they aren’t doing anything about it.

Hey I have to run.

Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. A ton of people have asked about my how to get out of
debt course, you can get it here:

It’s the same system my mom followed to go from $30,000
of d.e.b.t to only $5000 or so and this will be paid offby the 4th quarter this year–three years early.

A Bipolar Secret I Never Revealed


How’s it going today? I must say I have been having
a very hard time with a number of the people
and vendors that make this entire Organization
that helps supporters and those with bipolar disorder
a success.

Last night I was up at like 2:00am working on a
plan to correct all these problems.

Then I got to thinking how this relates to you
and a secret you can learn based on how I am
going to deal with the problems I have been facing.

Today I am going to make a complete plan of attack.
I will be making a list of all my problems, who
is a problem, what is a problem, and then
listing which problems are the highest priority.

I will number them in priority order using 1, 2, 3,

Then I will start to brainstorm solutions to these
problems. I will take each problem, put it on a
sheet of paper and then brainstorm solutions.

Now for the problems I can’t come up with solutions
to, I will start to research if there are any books,
tapes, manuals, consultants, seminars, etc. that
can help me.

Here is the biggest secret that I learned to using
this method.

It’s to go to a quiet place to do it. I prefer the
library. Virtually all of my strategic planning
with my mom when I was helping her through bipolar
disorder was done in the library.

Why? Because it was quiet, it was a different location
and the library is conducive to thinking, planning,
researching, etc.

So many people who are supporting loved one’s with
bipolar disorder first, don’t ever make any plans
at all, secondly if they try to make plans do
it while they are being screamed and yelled at
by the person they are caring for.

Is this you? Are you trying to help your loved one
but you can’t even think because there is so much
going on and/or you are getting yelled and screamed
at daily?

Now if you are in a situation where you are the sole
caretaker for this loved one, see if you can get someone
to fill in for you for a while, or some local organization
that does this (in some states they offer this service).

Do something to get to a quiet area to start listing your
problems and then solutions to them or who or
what can help you.

I speak to so many people that have no idea what Bipolar
problems they really have or what are the most important to solve.

I ask, “what’s your top three problems with supporting your
loved one?” They say “Everything.” I say focus on the three
and they can’t. They haven’t thought about what are all the
problems or which ones are the most pressing.

They get annoyed at me and say things like “Dave, I am too
busy to stop and write stuff down or think about those things.”

How can you solve a problem if you haven’t defined it?

If you got my course at

You’ve probably heard the interview with the woman who’s
job it is to deal with the worst of the worst situations
of families supporting loved one’s with bipolar disorder.

She advocates the same type of strategy. In addition to a
number of different techniques and strategies someone can
use to deal with a loved one who is in an episode.

Actually as a side note, I accidentally discovered this
woman through someone who had to get coaching from her.
Every day, she has to go into homes with people who are
in episodes and deal with them when family members can’t.

The amazing thing is, she can do it and most of what she
does can be learned.

Anyway, I have to take off now for the day. I hope
you enjoyed this email today.

Your Friend,


Update On My Mom And Bipolar Disorder


I just heard from my mom with very good news. My mom’s
doctor is very happy with my mom’s progress and now
she wants to see her in 2 months which will be the longest
period my mom has gone without seeing her.

BUT, we are still going to be vigilant. That means
she will keep doing what she has done to get the
results she has gotten.

Many people make a big mistake. Once their loved one
is doing well, they feel they can forget about everything
that got them to the position of doing well.

I wanted to send this “good news” message this morning
because if you have read my story about my mom here at:

You know that things were really, really bad. There didn’t
look like there was much hope. Many people doubted
my mom could get better. I can honestly say that
I never doubled it. It’s funny my bother said
there was no way that things would get better.

I remember one time trying to figure out how to protect
my mom’s c.r.e.d.i.t when she was in the hospital. I
told my brother one day when my aunt three wayed us

My brother said, “Don’t waste your time. Even if you
fix it, she’ll ruin it again. Just have her declare

I found that very cold.

Although I am known for information on bipolar disorder,
I am equally most product of my course on handling
d.e.b.t. which you can see here:

When it came to whether or not my mom would do well,
most people were burned out over all the years of

My dad never made any comments. I think my aunt
was highly skeptical but she was really supportive.

Most of my mom’s friends wrote her off.

But, now she is doing great.


-Admits she has the disorder
-D.e.b.t is under control
-She will be out of d-e-b-t in 6 months. She will have paid off
about $30,000 of d.e.b.t herself with my system. BUT it was her
effort. She get’s the c.r.e.d.i.t not me.
-Great doctor
-3 Backup doctors
-Great therapist
-2 Backup therapists
-Medication working (is modified to this day, or tweaked)
-Detailed plan if she gets sick again
-Full cooperation
-Working for 2 years

-Getting along with people

-She will have saving and a surplus in the 4th quarter of this
year and start building a retirement fund. I am currently finishing up
my system for that. I have spent 6 months working on a system to
build a retirement fund fast, if you don’t have a lot of time and aren’t making a lot of money.

-She is taking computer classes and knows them fairly well. Prior to her episode she had virtually no knowledge of how to use computers.

Everything is going very well. So there is hope. No matter
what your situation. If we can do it, you can. Things
can get better.

When I speak to people on the phone, some take action and
know things can get better. Others try VERY hard to sell me
how there is no hope for them. They really want me to agree
and kind of get mad when I refuse to.

They say they had it worse than I did so that’s the reason
they can’t be successful helping a loved one with bipolar disorder.
I totally disagree with them.

The key is knowledge and a plan. That makes all the difference.
You don’t have to get my course you can

-Get all the books, manuals, guides, seminars on tape you can
-Start interviewing people
-Contact good doctors in your area, pay them for time to ask questions
-Contact good therapists in your area, pay them for time to ask questions
-Same with social workers
-Check with psychiatric hospital workers
-Also, learn from those who are high functioning with the disorder.

There is information out their for you. This what I did, and you can
do it too.

We are regular people. Over the last two years,
I have seen so many people that had everything going
against them, turn things around with a plan and strategy. It
can get better. Hang in there.

On a side note, I finally found someone who is going to teach
me how to setup the podcasting stuff. So you will be able to
hear me over the internet for free. It’s kind of like radio
but on the internet.

Well I have to run. See you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


Why People With Bipolar Disorder Can Be So Successful


Yesterday I told you how I was going to learn
how to record onto my computer. Well the kid
in charge of teaching me looked like a rock
star—he had 100 earrings, black finger nails
and multi colored hair.

I was excited because I knew if he looked like
that he would know his stuff. He helped me buy
everything and explained the ins and outs from
a to z. He did an excellent job and now I know
how to do it.

So, that means I will be making more material
for you. BUT, unfortunately, he doesn’t know
how to do podcasting which I still have to
figure out.

Okay, let’s get to today’s topic.

I received any email from a person the other day.
She asked me why so many great leaders, business
people, etc. have bipolar disorder.

I have long had a theory but I don’t have any
kind of study to point to prove my theory.

Here’s what I think.

Okay. Here’s the deal. In order for you to start
something, whatever it is: a daycare center,
write a book, build a website, go to college,
discover the cure for cancer, create world
peace, you have to do something really important.

Know what it is? Take a few minutes and guess,
then scroll down for the answer.

DID YOU GUESS? Don’t cheat. Scroll down…

Okay here is what you have to do. You have to TAKE ACTION.
You know how many people have ideas to do stuff and
don’t do anything?

Have you ever found yourself saying? I thought of
that…I could have done that? Wow, that guy made
100 million from that idea? I had that idea 3 years

I can’t believe that so and so saved 30 children with
that idea. I could have done that. I thought of that.
You get the idea right?

Well the difference between the person who accomplishing
something and those that don’t is taking action.

The vast majority of people will never take any action
to accomplish anything.

Then they will blame it on everyone and every thing
other than themselves.

For example just look at my courses:

In my course/system at

In my course/system at

In my course/system at

Some people got them. Some people didn’t. Some people had
money to get them. Some people didn’t. But some people who
had the money didn’t get them because they just didn’t
get around to it.

Why didn’t the people who wanted to get it, had the money,
not get them? Hmmm.

How come some people who didn’t have the money got them?

It’s all about taking action.

Some people without money, saved up the money, did something
to get them.

Some people got the material but didn’t go through it. They didn’t
take action. So it doesn’t help them.

As good as my material is, it will never open itself out of the box
and start working without you taking any action.

Again, I will say it again. The key is action.

You see, with my family nobody took action with my mom. For
decades. I am not kidding around. I remember when I was
around 10 or so, my mom was in bed for YEARS. Now she
ate food and everything, and did get up, but for the vast
majority of the day, she was in a dark house in bed.

NOBODY did anything. Looking back it was insane. I was too
young to do anything. I remember feeling weird when my friends
would ask about my mom and I would be confused because their
moms didn’t stay in bed all day. I didn’t know what was
normal and not normal.

Eventually some how my mom started staying in bed and then
began being active. Eventually she had a major episode.
Nobody knew what to do. No one really did anything.

When my mom was going in an episode, we just ignored it
and hoped it would get better. It never did, it just
got worse and worse and worse and eventually it became
a disaster.

Over the years, no one, primarily my
dad took any action to learn about what she had, make a
plan, etc.

Then you know the story, she had a major episode in 2004
and then I took massive action to figure it all out.

I am just this kind of person. I might not be good at
editing, spelling, grammar (which certainly am not), but
I am REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY good at taking action.

I am thinking of starting a side business editing
people’s written work, want to be my first client? Just
kidding 🙂

As a quick side note, I get some phone calls from folks,
that call and say that my grammar is not good and
I need to fix it. I ask them if theirs is excellent,
and they all say yes. Then I ask, how many websites,
emails, articles, special reports, manuals and guides
do you have?

Dead silence. Why? Because although they are sooooooooo
good at writing them have never taken any action to
publish anything for others to see.

Hey, don’t get bored, I am going to tie this to why so
many great leaders have bipolar disorder. Hold on.

Just look at my daily emails. I got the idea
on one day and then started sending them the next day.
Most people wouldn’t do that. They would plan, wait, plan,
wait, check on stuff, run it by their mother, father, lawyer,
friends, pastor, doctor, dog, cat, bird, etc. They would wait
for everyone to agree and then they would find another
reason why they wouldn’t do it.

Do you know how many people I know that are getting ready, to
get started, to get set, to get ready, to get started, on something?

This guy tom I know, had an idea for a business NINE years ago
and is just getting around to get ready, to get set, to get started
to get ready to write his business plan.

Me on the other hand, I just do things. Just like helping my
mom. I took massive action.

If you are reading this right now. I commend you. I really
do. Why? You took action. You had to find me. Fill out a form
maybe. Then open an email from me. Read it and get this far.
I really commend you. Many people would not have gotten this

There is a ZERO percent chance my brother would get this far
to help my mom.

When it comes to my courses/systems, people have to get
them and then they have to go through it. I had a lady
call me a month ago, she just wanted to know ONE thing. That’s
it. I told her I didn’t have the answer and she had to
discover it for herself. I told her it was in my course
OR she could check 2 different books, also 3 websites
and do some other stuff.

I actually told her EXACTLY what to do to NOT get my
course because she said she didn’t have the money. Then
she said, “well I will get that stuff you recommended.”
Keep in mind this was stuff she could get for f.r.e.e. I
gave her an alternative to my material. Are you thinking
I am crazy? I am not, I am not all about money you know.

Guess what? I called today so I could include her in my
email and asked if she got the stuff. She said, and I quote
“Well, not yet, I’ve been busy, I am going to do it next week.”

I laughed. So first, I spent 22 minutes on the phone for nothing
because she didn’t take action.

Now, why do so many great leaders have bipolar disorder? I believe
that it’s because in the manic part of bipolar disorder, you do
stuff without totally thinking it through. As a result, you
get a result. If you keep doing stuff, or taking action,
generally you will accomplish things.

There’s a saying by Woody Allen: “Eighty percent of success is showing up.”

Many people with bipolar disorder, do more stuff, take more action,
show up more and as a result accomplish more. The more a person
does, the luckier he/she will get. If you keep doing stuff
then eventually you catch a break, which makes it look like
you are really smart or special when it’s all about probability.

Take action towards your goal to increase the chance to accomplish
it. Sounds simple but virtually no one does it. People with
bipolar disorder do, and that’s why lots of them are successful.

Gotta run and battle with my printer, duplicator, etc.

Your Friend,
