Dealing With Bipolar Against All Odds?

Hi, how’s it going? Hope you are doing well.

If you’ve paid any attention to anything lately, you know how bad the economy is. People are getting laid off, and it is hard to find a job. (Among other things.)

Well, I have a friend that was job-hunting. Obviously, not the best year to be job- hunting in, but his budget can’t wait from the recession to be over before having an income. So he did his best to get a job.

He dressed professionally. He brushed up on his interviewing skills. He kept good hygiene and had an appropriate hair style. He had an awesome resume and knew how to fill out applications.

Everyone told him that there were no jobs to be found, and that he was going to fail because of that. But he didn’t let it crush his hopes. It took weeks of diligently going out every morning to look and coming back in the evening.

But finally, he found a job. Those people who thought that he would fail? They couldn’t believe it! He succeeded against all odds.

Now what’s my point to this? You can succeed against all odds, too.

I’ve heard many people say that bipolar is untreatable. I’ve even heard people say that people with bipolar are destined for a life on public assistance. Fortunately, these people are wrong.

But in reality, there are some truths that are also unpleasant. For example, there is no cure to bipolar disorder. You may have to be on medications for the rest of your life in order to maintain stability. Even on medications, there is no guarantee that you won’t have a relapse.

These sound harsh, don’t they? If you think about only those things, without thinking about the other side of things, it can really bring a person down. BUT There is another side to things.

I’ve known people who have bipolar disorder that are stable and successful. In fact, I’ve known many people like that, and have heard of many more. You can be one of those people, too. Wouldn’t that be nice? 🙂

But there is one thing you have to do in order for this to be likely. You have to stick to your treatment plan. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Remember my friend who was job- hunting? Well, he would never have found that job if he went without showering, wore blue jeans, and didn’t know how to fill out an application or interview. He had to work at it to meet his goal and get a job against all odds.

In the same way, you have to work at it to get to the point that you can become stable against all odds. It is possible, but it takes work, too. Are you prepared to do what you need to?

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


Current Bipolar News


What’s new? Hope you are doing well.

To read this week’s news visit:

Here are the news headlines:

Magellan Health Services Offers E-Courses for Providers, Consumers and Families
DO> Sounds like a good program potentially.

Uncovering Lithium’s Mode of Action
DO> Hmm. What do you think of this?

Seizure Drugs Vary in Strength of Link to Suicidal Behavior
DO> Very interesting article, take a look.

Fran Bradley: Mental Illness is Real, and it won’t Cure Itself
DO> This is totally true, don’t you think?

APA: Bipolar Patients May Be at Risk for High Blood Pressure
DO> GEEZE. Another thing to worry about, take a look.

Battling Cyclothymia
DO> Great article

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Dealing with Bipolar? Earning Stability – Can You Do It?

Hi, I hope you’re having a good day today.

You know that I have several businesses that I run, so I have many employees. Many with mental disorders, as well. I even find that the people with mental disorders do better than those that don’t have a mental disorder. Isn’t that strange? I wonder why that is.

But anyone, bipolar or not, supporter or survivor, can understand the concept of earning something.

I had someone tell me once that you don’t get anything out of life unless you put something into it. I think that’s true.

Like, you can’t expect to get paid for doing work that you don’t do – that’s not honestly earning a

wage. It’s not fair to your employer. It’s not fair to the customers. And it isn’t even fair to you.

I have this one woman who works for me that is going on vacation. Why? Because she earned it. How? Well…

1. She shows up and is prepared to do her job.

2. Besides doing her day to day work, she takes on extra projects to help me.

3. She makes and meets both long- and short-term goals.

4. She looks for ways to improve things, like developing systems.

5. She is honest with me and tells me when she is having a bad bipolar day (in other words, her communication with me is good).

6. If something isn’t working, she changes it (both professionally, and personally, like with her bipolar disorder).

7. She is very productive, and good at her job.

8. She is stable – I can count on her.

9. She is a pleasant, friendly, and loyal employee.

10. She works very hard so that she is worth giving a vacation to.

So how does all this relate to bipolar disorder? Well, it’s like earning stability. You have to do certain things to earn it. For instance, if you work really hard at the things that can make you stable, you should expect that you will eventually get stable.

But remember my point about this woman being such a good employee because she takes care of things day to day? You need to do that with bipolar disorder, too. Take care of the days, and the weeks will take care of themselves.

Like my employee, you also need to do what’s required of you. Like taking your medications and seeing your doctor, psychiatrist and therapist. You need to make and meet long- and short-term goals as well.

You should be pleasant and friendly, with a good positive attitude toward getting stable. It really is like working at a regular job, isn’t it? But that’s what you have to do if you want to earn stability.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


Taking bipolar medications? Discover the shocking truth


What’s new? I hope you are doing well.

I wanted to tell you something before I headed off to the library (I am researching some new stuff).

If you are taking bipolar medications or have a loved one that is, there’s many things you probably don’t know.

Take a look at this new resource that I have:


Fear This C Word in the War Against Bipolar


How are you doing today? I hope you’re good.

At one of the bipolar support groups that I attend, the other night, we were discussing how fighting bipolar disorder is like being in a war. There are two sides – it’s like an us against them: you and your loved one against their bipolar disorder. And you always have to remember who the good guys are: It you AND your loved one. And who your enemy is: The bipolar disorder. NOT your loved one. Although sometimes it may seem that way.

Because it’s your loved one who exhibits the bipolar behavior, it can be easy to see them as the

enemy, but you have to remember that it’s not them, it’s the disorder inside them that is the real enemy. Thinking this way will help you to keep your loved one separate from their disorder, and keep you on the same side in this war.

No war can be won without strategies and planning. So you have to have these two things for sure. You need to plan for what you’re going to do if your loved one does go into a bipolar episode, for example. That’s one thing. How your loved one is going to manage their bipolar disorder is part of your war strategy. How they manage their medication is one example. Like putting their pills in a weekly pill organizer.

Or how they manage their appointments. Do they have a monthly organizer? A monthly grease calendar that you keep on the refrigerator so you don’t forget? Where do you keep important phone numbers? Do you have a signed Medical Release of Information on file at each of your loved one’s doctor’s offices?

Do you have a current updated list of all your loved one’s medications with dosages and when they take them in a handy place in case they need to go to the hospital? Does your loved one keep a mood chart that notes their daily moods so that you can predict if they may be going into a possible bipolar episode?

Do they keep a journal in which they can write down their thoughts and feelings and help control their stress and anxiety? These are all proactive ways to fight the war against bipolar disorder. These are all effective strategies.

But there is one thing you need to be careful of. The C word. This one word can sabotage all these strategies against the war of bipolar disorder.


What is complacency?

Webster’s dictionary calls it a “…unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.”

You can get into such a place where you don’t even realize that your loved one is in danger.

What good does it do you to know the signs and symptoms of a bipolar episode if you don’t realize that your loved one is exhibiting them, for example? Another way this can happen is if you get in the habit of making excuses. If, instead of noting that your loved one is depressed, for example, you just note that they are “tired.” Then you don’t do anything about it. This is dangerous, because then you can lose the war against bipolar disorder.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


Bipolar? Can Good Come Out of an Episode?

Hi, how are you doing? Hope you’re doing ok.

Today I want to talk about something we don’t usually think about, and that’s the GOOD that can come out of a bipolar episode.

I know, you’re probably sitting there right now thinking, “Dave’s really lost his mind this time!” But really, it’s true! Depending on how you look at it, there ARE some good things that can come out of a bipolar episode.

You just have to look at it objectively, which I know is really hard to do, but try it with me. Ok, let’s think about this as if you were someone else looking in on your situation. They might see two people, one of which is really sick. And they would see one of those people (the supporter) trying to help the other person. Well, that’s an admirable thing, isn’t it? A positive thing? Ok, see where I’m headed with this thing?

So, let’s try to think of a few more examples. A bipolar episode is a very heavy thing, and can sometimes go on for some time. So, by having to “live it,” it can the two of you closer together, just by having to “fight it out” together, by having to depend on each other.

A bipolar episode can also “weed out” bad friends – it’s a time when you really find out who your real friends are, isn’t it? You find out who you can really depend on, instead of just “fair-weather” friends who say they’ll be there for you, but aren’t there when it comes down to it.

One good thing about how one good thing about a bipolar episode is how it can force yourself to get more serious about your treatment, so that’s another good thing:

Another good thing about a bipolar episode is that it can show you where your treatment is failing you. It can help you see where maybe your medication needs to be adjusted, where maybe you weren’t seeing that before.

Mostly, what I’m trying to get you to see is that you can either have a negative view or a positive view toward the bipolar episode. Having a positive view, you can make the episode work FOR you, by examining it, and trying to look for the good points to it.

Face it, the episode may happen no matter what you do to try to stop it. You may as well put a positive spin to it. This is one way you can master the disorder instead of it mastering you, which is another good thing.

Another thing you can do is what I call a “Post Episode Analysis.” With this, once you or your loved one is out of the episode and is rational again, you sit down and talk about it.

What caused it? What could each of you have done differently? What can you do to prevent it from happening again? What can you do to keep the stress levels down? How can you work together for your loved one to maintain stability? Where do you need to work on your relationship? How can you improve things in your financial situation (which is a means of stress for many people with bipolar disorder and their supporters).

Is your communication working? How can you make your communication work better?

What I’m saying is to sit down after an episode and discuss these things (and any others that you can come up with) and how you can keep them from happening again.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


The Best Thing for Bipolar


How’s it going? I hope you’re having a good day.

I’ll tell you right now that I’m not an artist. I know, I know, that probably surprises some of you. LOL But I’m a terrible artist. Now, my goddaughter, she’s the best fingerpainter around! Whether she grows up to be an artist, well, that remains to be seen. But she’ll be something great, I know (not a prejudiced bone in MY body!).

What I am great at is running and helping people with bipolar disorder and their families. That’s what I’m best at doing.

You’re best at something, too, I’m sure. And I wouldn’t be best at doing what you do, any more than you would be best at what I do.

Everybody has their own “best.” Everybody is cut out for something.

My mom is best at talking to people on the phone. She amazes me. The way she can talk to people, like she’s known them her whole life! And the way they open up to her, like she’s their best friend!

But, like I said, everybody is best at something. And if you get to do what you’re best at doing, that’s when things really come together.

Being the supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder, one of the things you need to do is to encourage them to do their best, to be their best (at whatever they are best at doing).

Why? Because they may be prone to depression, so a high self-esteem is crucial to fighting that off. And what better way to have a high self-esteem than to feel good about what you’re doing?

You feel good about what you’re doing when you’re doing what you’re best at doing.

Even people in big business know this. That’s why they now have these proficiency exams and personality exams that they give people even before they hire them. They understand that if you’re not happy at what you’re doing, well, you’re not going to stay an employee very long,

and they’ve just wasted a lot of time and money.

When you’re dealing with bipolar disorder, you want to be happy. So it’s the same principle.

Simple. Do what makes you happy. Do what you’re best at doing.

Maybe you’re the artist that I’m not! Or a writer… Or you like working with wood… Or with people… Or in the garden… Or making crafts… Or running your own business… Maybe you’re not even sure of what it is. You can make a list of what your interests are. Just brainstorm, and get some ideas, and go from there.

If you love to read, you might consider volunteering at the local library. If you love to shop, you might consider becoming a personal shopper or a mystery shopper. The important thing is that you do what you do best, and that you like what you do.

When you have bipolar disorder, it’s very important that you stay productive. It keeps you from becoming idle and depressed.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


Current Bipolar News


What’s new? Hope you are doing well.

To read this week’s news visit:

Here are the news headlines:

Jail More Likely Than Treatment For Americans With Psychiatric Disorders
DO> This is terrible, don’t you think?

Dustin Damm Memorial Walk for Mental Illness
DO> Very inspirational article, take a look.

Psychiatrist Calls Many Docs ‘Pill Pushers’
DO> Do you agree with this?

Bipolar disorder: When you’re on Top of the World – and the Only Way is Down
DO> Good point, don’t you think?

Father’s presence at Home Helped Kids, Psychiatrist Says
DO> Another great article for you to review.

What can a Bipolar Person do to Handle Stress Better?
DO> Great tips, take a look.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Snowballs and Bipolar Disorder


How’s it going? I hope you’re having a good day.

I want you to think about a snowman. It doesn’t start off that big, does it? It starts off as a small snowball. Then you roll it and roll it and roll it and the next thing you know you’ve got this big ball that becomes a snowman.

Now, I’m not a liar. Why am I not a liar, and what does that have to do with snowballs and


I choose not to lie, because you start off with one small lie, and before you know it, you’re telling

other lies to cover up that one small lie and it all blossoms until you’ve got a huge lie going on, just like how that one little snowball becomes that great big snowman.

It’s the little things that make up the big things. But if they’re caught right in the beginning, they don’t have a chance to grow so big.

What does all this have to do with bipolar disorder? You need to take care of the little things.

Your loved one doesn’t just wake up one morning and all of a sudden they’re in a bipolar episode.

It just doesn’t happen that way, any more than a snowman just builds itself.

A bipolar episode is made up of a bunch of smaller things that happen over a period of time.

So let’s talk about that.

Let’s say that your loved one decides they don’t like taking their medication. They don’t want to take it any more. But they’ve heard the scare stories about what happens if you go off your medication completely. So they just take it sometimes, and not other times. They just start skipping some doses. Or they take some of their medication, but not others.

And let’s say that they start missing some of their appointments. They’re supposed to go to see their therapist every week. But they start going every 2 weeks. Then every 3 weeks.

And they’re supposed to go to see their psychiatrist every 2 months. But they skip an appointment. So now it’s been 4 months since they’ve seen their psychiatrist.

And they used to go to their bipolar support group every month. But they haven’t gone for the past few months. And they haven’t talked to anyone from the support group, either. Not like they used to. So they’ve been pretty isolated.

They don’t go out with any of their friends, either, which they used to do.

They basically just stay at home. And even at home they really don’t do much of anything.

They don’t even go to their volunteer job any more.

The phone calls stop coming.

They get more and more depressed.

Can you see how this has “snowballed?”

They didn’t just wake up depressed one day. It was made up of a lot of little things that

happened over time. But the next thing you know, they are in a bipolar depressive episode.

Can you see how easily this could happen?

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,
