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I was talking to my friend Stef the other day. She is a teacher in high school.
She was telling me that there are so many rumors around her school that circulate among the kids.
She says that it starts with one kid telling another kid who tells another kid who tells another kid
who tells another kid.
After a while one story winds up turning into something totally different.
Sounds kind of like the old “telephone game” we played as children, doesn’t it?
I see this happen with bipolar disorder as well.
I see people who heard from someone who heard from someone who heard from someone that a certain medication for bipolar disorder is bad.
I’ve also heard the opposite.
That someone who heard from someone who heard from someone that a certain medication for bipolar disorder
is good.
Well, which is it? Bad or good?
It can be so confusing, can’t it?
If you listen to someone else, instead of your own doctor, who knows what’s best for you,
you might do the wrong thing for yourself and your stability with your bipolar disorder.
I usually hear these things at the support groups I volunteer at.
This person thinks that their medication is the greatest, and that everyone should be on it.
Well, you should be warned about this, because what works for one person doesn’t work for another person, and especially not for EVERY person!
And this person definitely shouldn’t be saying something like that.
And, again, the opposite is true.
Maybe one person had a bad experience with a certain medication.
So that person tells everyone they talk to that this certain medication is bad.
Not just for them, but for EVERYONE!
And that NO ONE should take this medication!
This is one of the things I teach in my courses/systems – that only your doctor is qualified to prescribe your medication, and that you shouldn’t listen to anyone else tell you what is best for you.
Well, first of all, what this person is doing is wrong.
And second of all, what if this person tells that person, and that person tells another person, and so on and so on?
Pretty soon, what might be a good medication for someone, they’re refusing to take, just because this one person said it’s a bad medication!
You can’t just take one person’s word on a medication.
What works for one person may not work for you.
And what doesn’t work for one person may work great for you!
You just have to check with your own doctor.
Remember that these people are only people with bipolar disorder.
They are NOT doctors!
Have you ever had this experience?
Have you ever heard someone do this?
Have you ever listened, or seen someone else listen?
Tell us about it below.