Surprising bipolar lesson from “Are you organized?” question


How’s it going?

Hope you are doing really well and have a great day.

I have a really important lesson that I wanted to teach you today about bipolar disorder.

Let me tell you where it all started.  The other day I was talking to someone who is really good at hiring. She actually works at a very big Fortune 500 company and is an executive.

She use to do HR. She found out that I had an organization that helped people cope and deal with bipolar disorder. Whether it was bipolar supporters or bipolar survivors.

Anyway, her sister has bipolar disorder and was, when I first met her, doing terrible. Now she is doing very well because of the system.

Anyway, I was telling her how I had to hire new people for various positions in the organization.  I told her how sometimes it’s like a lottery as to if someone would be good or not.

She asked about my hiring process which after 10 minutes she said it was terrible.

Over the last couple of months, she has been helping me fix it. Today I am working with 5 people who work for me now, and this executive woman to make an incredible system.

It’s almost done.

Anyway, I told her how I had a new position that is some customer service, some administrative assisting and some other stuff. It would be like 1/3 this, 1/3 that, and 1/3 this.

I said that one of the key things is the person has to be REALLY organized and really good at organizing things.

There are other things like they have to be accessible most of the time, good at customer service, like talking to people, etc.

I told this woman being organized is critical. She said, how are you going to figure that out.

I said I am going to ask if the potential person to be hired is organized and what he/she has done to show organization.

The woman said that was a terrible idea.  She said, “what are you crazy?” What do you think someone will say if you ask, ” are you organized?” I said, “umm, well.” She cut me off and said, “well, umm, they will say yes I am.”

She said, it’s like if someone asks a spouse “did you cheat on me?” She went on to say that “99% of the time

the spouse will say no I did not” when the spouse did.

She said, you have to ask the right questions that get you the real answer.

So she gave me some questions.

They included:

“How do you structure your day?”

“What do you do when you get a new job?”

“If I gave you 6 assignments in one day, what would you do?”

and some other questions.

I said, “wow that’s a great idea. I see where you are going. These questions for a person to think and you can determine if they are organized from the answers.”

She said, “no you are getting it.”

I said, “you know what is amazing?” She said “what?” I said, “I teach this very same thing with bipolar disorder for doctors.”

She was really interested since her sister had it. I said, “I teach the follow, don’t ask someone if they are a good doctor, know bipolar disorder, like family involvement, ask better questions.”

She said, “like what?” I said, “like these questions”:

“What kind of serious psychological disorders do you specialize in?”

Which disorders are you weak in or prefer not to work with?

When you get a person started, what is your system?

How do you make a diagnosis?

What’s your system to get all the information from the patient so you can make a correct diagnosis and setup the treatment plan?  What happens when you are on vacation?

What do you tell someone with bipolar disorder about side effects?

Questions like these. These questions would yield a ton. The executive woman was really happy and impressed if I

do say so myself.

Questions like this are critical.

In my courses/systems below:







I go through more questions to ask and the answers you need to hear. I also go through at length what kind of answers you need to hear.

Can you see how you can really “fake” answering these questions?

Also, when you ask good, smart and intelligent questions, you send a message to the doctor that you are no dummy and have a clue. You or your loved one are much more likely to get right well.

This is so very important.

It’s almost life or death. If you read some of my old blogs about how bad doctors can be, you MUST ask the right questions, to get the right answers to know which doctor to work with.

It was interesting to speak with this woman. Both of us were experts but at different things. She said she had no idea of the questions to ask her sister’s doctor and I said didn’t know the right questions to ask a new person to be hired.  But you can see how asking the right questions is critical.

You can’t ask questions that people can answer yes or no to. You can’t ask questions that people will just answer how they think you want them to. You can’t do that withmy questions.

Know what I mean?

What do you think?

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder Lesson From No Complaints Bracelet


How’s it going?

Well I have to drive back from Connecticut today.

Before I take off, I wanted to talk about something.

Do you complain a lot?  Has anyone ever accused you of being a complainer?

Well, I heard about this pastor in a church in Missouri who got tired of his parishioners complaining all the time, usually about trivial things.

So he got this idea of handing out purple rubber bracelets with the words “No Complaints” on them.

The pledge was: to swear off complaining, criticizing, gossiping, or using sarcasm for 21 days.  If you could do this, you would get a special certificate.

BUT… if you found yourself complaining, etc., you had to take the bracelet, put it on your other wrist, and start counting all over again!

This began in the summer of 2006, with the pastor’s home church, but by 2007, the idea had grown globally, and they were averaging requests for 7,000 complaint-free purple bracelets a week, to nine countries around the world!

So how does this relate to bipolar disorder?

First of all, because in my courses I talk about having a positive attitude and about positive thinking, affirmations, etc. And being a complainer absolutely does NOT fit into this:




But anyway, I was thinking about these “complaint-free” bracelets, and I talked to a friend of mine about it. You know, just saying how cool that would be, and wondering out loud if he could do that. He said, “There’s no way I could not complain for 21 days in a row – I’ve got an 18-year-old who still lives at home!”

And I thought, I wonder if I were to ask supporters of loved ones with bipolar disorder…what would they say?

Would you react like my friend with the 18-year-old?

I know that being a supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder is basically a thankless job, because I am a supporter to my mom who has it.

But if you were asked to take on this challenge, would your first reaction be,  “No way!  I couldn’t go 21 days without complaining – I live with someone who has bipolar disorder!”

Or would you rise up to the challenge and “wear the purple bracelet” and not complain, etc., for 21 days?

bipolar disorder? Could you really go 21 days without complaining, criticizing, or using sarcasm about your loved one withIf so, take a thick rubber band that fits not-too-tight around your wrist and write with marker the words “NO COMPLAINTS” on it.

Are you up to the challenge?

Hey I have to get ready for a long drive. Talk to you to tomorrow.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder and Unkeepable Promises


Today I want to talk to you about


This is a serious subject, and I’m sure many of you have come up against this.

This is more than just promising your child something for Christmas and then not being able to get it for them.

Hear me out –

This is like an alcoholic or addict promising never to do it again (just to get their parents, spouse, family, or the court system off their back), but then doing it again  anyway, because they’re in full blown addiction.  They made an unkeepable promise.

This is like a company that promises no lay-offs, but then goes into a down period and has to lay off some of their employees anyway.  They shouldn’t have made the promise in the first place, because business is unpredictable.  They made an unkeepable promise.

This is like the government promising no new taxes or promising to cut old taxes and then doing it anyway.  Or promising us there won’t be a recession and then there is.  They never should have made these promises to begin with.  Our government is notorious for making unkeepable promises.

Now here’s the point:


Bill promised Michele he would never put her in the hospital again during a bipolar episode.

One day, when Michele was in a bad manic episode, Bill came home to find Michele had scratched up her arms (using her fingernails) until they were so deep and long that they were bleeding.

Michele was completely unaware that she had done/was doing this. She felt no pain.  She was doing this subconsciously.

NOTE:  This is called self- mutilization, and is one of the signs/symptoms of a type of bipolar disorder that I go over in my courses:




Bill tried to stop Michele, but he couldn’t.  He tried to reason with her, but he couldn’t.  He tried to get Michele to go to the hospital, but he couldn’t.

All Michele kept saying was, “You promised you would never put me in the hospital again!”  Over and over again.

Bill didn’t know what to do. He knew he had made that promise and, not being a man who breaks his promises, he just didn’t know what to do.

But he also knew he couldn’t just sit there and watch his wife suffer. Maybe she didn’t feel the pain from scratching her arms until they bled, but it was painful for him to watch and do nothing.

He realized he had made an unkeepable promise, and he took her to the hospital anyway.  It was for her own good, even though she couldn’t know it at the time.  But she had become a danger to herself.

The point of that story is that, as a supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder, you may find yourself having to break a promise to your loved one as well.

I know of another case where this  happened between a supporter and his wife, where he promised his wife that he wouldn’t ever take her to the hospital again, and because he didn’t, what should have been just maybe a month-long episode turned into a six-month episode.

Now, you don’t want that to happen to you.  So the first thing is, don’t ever promise your loved one that you will never take them to the hospital. But the second thing is, if you have done that, understand that it may be
an unkeepable promise.  Hopefully, if you do find yourself in this situation, your loved one will go into the hospital on a voluntary basis.  But if not, you may have to face involuntary hospitalization.

The important thing is that with bipolar disorder, you have to be really careful and watch for these signs/symptoms of self-harm, etc. to make sure your loved one is not a harm to themselves or others, because that’s when hospitalization is necessary.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Current Bipolar News


I just got back from the gym.

Sorry for the delay in sending this out.

Here’s the current bipolar news.

To read this week’s news visit:

Life on a bipolar roller-coaster
DO> Very good article.

A walk at night shines a light on suicide
DO> Very sad article, what do you think?

Educating Society About Depression and Mental Illness – Must Know …
DO> This is so true, you think?

Until the stigma is no more
DO> Hmm. What do you think of this?

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Strategy: Lighten Up – Don’t Be So Serious


These days, it seems that almost all of us are too serious. I heard recently that there really is a statistic out there that says that people who laugh longer, live longer.

I wish more people knew about this statistic, because in general, people are frustrated and angry about virtually everything these days – being five minutes late, having someone else show up five minutes late, being stuck in traffic, someone looking at them the wrong way or saying the wrong thing, paying bills, waiting in line, their meal being overcooked in a restaurant, someone making an honest mistake – you name it, and people these days lose perspective over it.

The root of all of us being so frustrated and angry is our unwillingness to accept life as being different, in any way, from our expectations. Simply put, we want things to be a certain way, but they’re not a certain way. Life is simply just “as it is.” I think Benjamin Franklin said it best: “Our limited perspective, our hopes and fears become our measure of life, and when circumstances don’t fit our ideas, they become our difficulties.” In other words, we spend our lives wanting people, things, and circumstances to be just as we want them to be – and when they’re not, we fight and we suffer.

The first step in recovering from being too serious is to admit that you have a problem. You have to want to change, to become more easygoing. You have to see that your own frustration and anger is largely of your own making – it’s composed of the way you’ve set up your life and the way you react to it.

The next step is to understand the link between your expectations and your frustration level. Whenever you expect something to be a certain way and it isn’t, you get upset and you suffer. On the other hand, when you let go of your expectations, and when you accept life just as it is (instead of how you want it to be), you’re free! Of course, being able to do this is no easy task (I never

said it would be easy). To hold on is to be frustrated and angry, to let go is to lighten up.

I know a lot of you are thinking, “Boy, that’s easy for him to say, he doesn’t have to deal with bipolar disorder all the time like I do.” Don’t forget, I’m also a supporter – remember what started all this for me – having a mom who has bipolar disorder. So when I’m talking to you, I’m just as much talking to myself! I may not know your particular situation, but I do know about being a supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder.

In my courses/systems, one of the things I teach about is how to have realistic expectations. That’s how you can get over these frustrations and anger about things not going the way you want/expect them to:







Here’s a good exercise for you:

Try to approach a single day without any expectations at all. Don’t expect people to be friendly. Then when they’re not friendly, you won’t be disappointed. And if they are, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Don’t expect your day to be problem-free. You still need to be realistic. Instead, as problems come up, say to yourself, “Oh well, another obstacle to overcome.” As you approach your day in this manner, you’ll notice how different your attitude toward your day can be. Rather than fighting against life, you’ll be more accepting of it. Pretty soon, with practice, you’ll lighten up your entire life. And when you lighten up, life is a lot more fun!

It’s still your choice, of course. You can continue to be serious. You can continue to have a negative view of life. You have the right – of course you do, because you’re having to deal with bipolar disorder! Everyone should understand that.

But you also have the choice to take the seriousness out of it. Oh, I’m not saying that bipolar disorder is not   serious disorder, so don’t get me wrong. Remember, I deal with it, too, so I know how serious it is. All I’m saying is give the seriousness a day off once in a while, and enjoy your life!

Just because you’re dealing with bipolar disorder does NOT mean you’re dealing with a death sentence! Life can still be enjoyable. You can still have fun.

I know a couple where they BOTH have bipolar disorder! They’re married, and yet every Friday night, they go out on “Date Night.” It’s nothing expensive or extravagant, but they go out alone, and enjoy themselves. Even if it’s just a movie. Just something that gets them out of the house, and something they enjoy together. Sometimes they just go to the mall, eat something at the food court and watch all the people.

Having bipolar disorder doesn’t have to make you serious all the time.

Lighten up, don’t be so serious, and put some fun back in your life!

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Need low cost health insurance for bipolar disorder?


If you are dealing with bipolar disorder and need find out how to get f.ree or affordable lost cost health insurance and health care, I have some good news for you.

I have a resource that will help you with

Here’s the deal. I am having a HUGE 50% off sale where you can save $74.98.

Offer Ends Tuesday, July 1, 2007 at 10:00pm EST

For more information, please visit:



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder? What Message Would YOU Write?


How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

I have a super busy today planned today.

I have to make this kind of quick. I don’t have much time to write before I take off for the gym.

I wanted to ask you a question.

Have you ever watched that movie “Message in a Bottle?” The title is based on the old stories of people who supposedly wrote messages on a piece of paper, put them in bottles, then threw them into the ocean, to wash up onto the shore years later for someone to find and read.

Well, I was thinking about that movie, and it made me wonder about what I would write on my piece of paper. I mean, it really makes you wonder, to go through this whole encyclopedia of thoughts you have, trying to narrow them down to just one single thought that would be the most important thing you would want someone to know who would find the message in the bottle someday.

One man was asked about it, and he said, “I would tell them to have fun, because I don’t think people do that enough in their lives, and by the time they realize that, it’s too late.” He said he thought people just take life too seriously.

Another person said what they would write would be, “Give yourself permission to dream.”

Yet another, “Experience is what youget when you don’t get what you wanted. And it can be the most valuable thing you have to offer.”

It sounds like fortune cookies, doesn’t it?

Think about it – what would YOU put on your message in a bottle?

Even with bipolar disorder staring you in the face, think about all the different things you could say on your little piece of paper – what one important thought would you want to pass on to someone who would find your message?

It kind of puts things in perspective, making the bipolar disorder not seem as big a problem (now, I’m not making light of bipolar disorder, so don’t send me any hate mail!).

The thing is, we all have something to pass on. You may have bipolar disorder, or are a supporter of a loved one who has it, but that doesn’t mean your life stops there. You are a person totally outside of the disorder. And you have a whole lot to give to the world outside of the disorder. At least you should.

If your life is totally about the disorder, that is wrong.

That’s why I teach in my courses/systems that supporters should have outside activities as well as being a supporter to a loved one with bipolar disorder:







You should have something of a social life. You should have friends and family outside of your bipolar support group. You should have outside interests besides bipolar disorder.

Your loved one should not be isolating (that’s a trigger to a bipolar episode). They should not be sleeping most of the day away (another trigger to a bipolar episode).

If they’re following a good treatment plan, then you should be living a relatively normal life, not looking for an episode around every corner, staying at home all the time because you’re afraid to make plans because they “might” have an episode. Come out of the dark – there’s a whole world out there for you to experience!

And you should have friends outside of your loved one. You have to have some outside activities that do not

include your loved one. Hobbies, support group, outside interests – even if you only go by yourself to the movies once in awhile, or shopping… if you don’t, if all you do is be a caregiver to your loved one 24/7, you will burn out.

You can’t be a good supporter if you don’t take care of yourself first – if you don’t meet your own needs. And some of those needs are to spend some time away from your loved one.

In thinking about what you would put on that message in the bottle, think about the things that are really important to you. I know being a supporter is important to you, and takes up a lot of your time. But some supporters just kind of fell into the role, because there wasn’t anyone else to do it, and they might even resent that – so it isn’t a very positive thing for them. Not that it’s any less important, but they might not feel appreciated. That’s why outside activities are that much more important – they need to get their self-esteem elsewhere.

What you do and who you are go into what matters to you most. Those are the things that will help you determine what you would put on your message in the bottle.

So who are you? Have you thought about that lately? I mean, who are you besides just a supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder?

You must have your own likes and dislikes, your own interests, your own talents and gifts… are you doing/using them? Or have you forsaken them for your loved one? Have you stopped playing the piano? Have you stopped reading, writing, keeping a garden, practicing yoga, going to church, going to the gym, meeting girlfriends for lunch? You need to do those things that made you happy, those things that made you who you are.

You cannot let bipolar disorder determine who you are. Just because you do those things does NOT make you a bad supporter! In fact, it works just the opposite – the better you feel about yourself, the better a supporter you will be.

So, what would YOU write on your message in a bottle?

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar strategy-Know the real enemy or else


How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

I wanted to point out a post that I saw


Meg posted on my blog

“Arly, I am no expert at anything, but I know bi-polar from the inside. Get to a doctor, give this thing you feel a name. It’s earsier to get to know something (your enemy, best friend or self) if it has a name. Maybe you are bi-polar, maybe you have AADD, who knows.

Once you do, take it one day at a time. Find out what eats at you, what drives you to distraction, what calms you down, what brings you to a good level. There are signs in the turbulence, you seem to be a self-aware guy, so you know when you’re going up, coming down and how fast it goes. The trick here is to recognize it and have a strategy to get yourself under control. Maybe a strategy, medication, and a support system. But most important, you need to know what you are dealing with.”


This was really insightful from Meg. The concept of knowing your enemy which is bipolar disorder.

The problem is, many people don’t know the enemy, don’t know how it operates, what can be expected and how to manage and defeat it.

This is how people get into trouble quickly – they don’t know who their enemy is. Some supporters think their enemy is their loved one, because they are the one who is acting out the symptoms of the disorder. But that’s a mistake.

In my courses/systems below:







I teach you that you need to separate your loved one from their disorder.

It may be hard to do, but one of things I talk about is to think about how they are when they’re in the “normal” state (that state between manic and depressed). Or think about who they really are – that person you really care about, or that person you fell in love with – NOT who they’re acting like when they’re in when they’re in an episode.

Remember at all times who the real enemy is – and it’s NOT your loved one. Your real enemy is bipolar disorder, and there IS a chance that that enemy can be defeated, if you do certain things.

One way to fight the disorder I’ve already talked about – separating your loved one from their disorder. Another is fighting it as a team, both you and your loved one fighting it together.

Another way is to learn all you can about the disorder. That’s why my courses are so important. They tell you everything you need to know information-wise about bipolar disorder and about being a good supporter to your loved one.

There are other ways to fight the disorder as well.

You need to know how it operates, and just like any other enemy, it waits and watches for when you are most vulnerable. Just when you think your loved one will not have another episode, that’s when they will, if you’re not vigilant. You also need to know what can be expected from your enemy, bipolar disorder, and how you can manage it and defeat it.

You can learn what can be expected from it by learning all the signs and symptoms of the disorder. And you can learn how to manage it. Yes, the disorder CAN be managed!

There is still no cure, but you can defeat it by managing it – help your loved one by being the best supporter you can, by making sure they take their medication, see a therapist, stick to their treatment plan, eat healthy, exercise, and sleep right. All these things.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Am I a fraud? My goal for bipolar disorder


How’s it going?

Thanks for responding to my help wanted question yesterday. I had about 500 responses already.

I have to read through them all today and tomorrow.

Actually today Megan starts working for us again. She was on Maternity leave. She is an incredible, and I mean incredible writer and thinker.

One more thing. I saw someone post on the blog why don’t I offer F.ree consultations for those people that get my course for people with bipolar disorder.

I actually do, do offer f.ree I call you over the phone and answer any non medical and non legal questions because I am NOT a doctor or therapist.

I have been doing that for years now. I offer this type of consultation with my main courses below.

Okay, I hope you are doing well today.

The other day I saw an interesting response to one of my emails.

It basically said that I was “manic” because I send out daily emails. It also said that I was a fraud because I was trying to over- simplify bipolar disorder.

My goal is to try to make it simple for people.

I think emails like the one above are funny. It’s sad. In the old days when I had time, I would talk to people like this and 99.9% of them had bipolar disorder, were off medications and were almost using a projection on me—they were actually not doing well and saying I had bipolar disorder and I wasn’t doing well.

If you are a bipolar supporter, you know that old trick, it’s you who has the problem not your loved one who isn’t doing well? Know what I mean? It’s sad. I didn’t bother writing this person back because I don’t have time to address stuff like this.

I was talking to someone who works for me that has bipolar disorder and they said it’s so sad how misguided many people with the disorder are. They think that success is super complicated and it’s not possible for them. They grow mad at the people trying to help them. They alienate everyone around them. This person that worked for me said that I should talk about it in my daily emails.

Before I do, let me say for the 1000th time. I am NOT a doctor, therapist, lawyer, accountant, or other professional. I am NOT offering medical, legal or financial advice. Okay with that said, there are many people on my list who unfortunately aren’t doing well. Why? Well the bigger the list gets the more people aren’t doing well. If you have 250,000 people who have signed up, if you just have HALF a percent not doing well that’s 1250 people.

If you read the blog, normally the most mean-spirited emails come from those that are characterized by the following:

Having bipolar disorder and being off their medication


A bipolar supporter, normally a supporter of a child or teen that feels they have no control over the situation so they lash out at society. That person asked if I am manic because I am able to send daily emails everyday. Actually sending daily emails is a function of setting goals, time management and having priorities. The average person could do what I do if they watched let’s say 5 hours of TV instead of the 7.5 that studies say each person watches on average.

Actually the daily emails was an idea that I got from someone named Matt. He suggested that I do it. He said that I should send bit size pieces of information each day so people could keep up with bipolar and learn something. But he warned not to make it too technical or boring. He also said to get the message out and don’t get all caught up in making the grammar perfect.

So more than a year ago, I started. Each day I type up something and send it out. It takes up to 1.5 hours a day.

My goal has been to try to help both bipolar supporters and survivors deal with bipolar disorder. Hundreds of thousands of people now see my daily emails. Many love them. Some hate them. One of my biggest goals it to take away the mystery of what it takes to be a good bipolar supporter and how to manage bipolar disorder successfully.

How do I know what I am taking about since I am not a doctor? Good question.

First my mom has bipolar disorder and I helped her go from almost losing everything with massive d.ebt, virtually no friends, no health insurance, no job, no doctor, and totally unstable without no one knowing how to help her to doing super well, stable, having a job, etc.

Now if you are thinking, “Hey Dave, that sounds great, maybe that’s a fluke.”

Good point. In addition to helping my mom, I have helped thousands of people through my materials and personally worked with probably over a 100. I have 12 people who work for me that have a disorder like bipolar disorder. One has 10 disorders.

Many people who work for me attempted suicide multiple times, were divorced many times, homeless, bankrupt, couldn’t keep a job for more than 3 months.

Today, the people who work for me are stable, productive, and doing really well.

When it comes to bipolar disorder, I know what I am talking about because of all this experience.

Over the years, I have worked hard to figure out what it takes to manage bipolar disorder. I have determined one thing, bipolar disorder can be simply to manage but at the same time it’s difficult.

The bottom line is that a system is needed. The system is made up of little mini systems.

This is what every success story that I know does.

For example, Michele, who works for me has probably 20 mini systems that work to go along with her entire system of managing her disorder.

Each system is fairly simple. It’s taken many years for her to figure it all out. Why do I have courses and systems on bipolar disorder like the ones below?







My goal is to help people cut the learning curve down. The odd thing is this, with interview after interview that I do, it takes the average person with bipolar disorder or average bipolar supporter 15 to 20 years to figure it all out IF the person with the disorder

is alive.

I just interviewed a woman named Tammie today. It took her from 1980 to around 2003 to figure out how to manage bipolar disorder. That’s a long time. Lots of what she does now is simple. It just took lots of time to figure it all out.

For my mom it took about 40 years.

With Michele who works for me about 25 or so years.

For April more than 10 years.

The list goes on and on. It’s odd but many of the key things with dealing with bipolar disorder are indeed simple but it takes some amount of time to figure it out.

Obviously when 20% of the people with bipolar attempt suicide lots of people are NOT figuring it out soon enough.

If you are doing well and have bipolar disorder do you think it’s simple once you figure it out or do you think it’s complex?

If you are a bipolar supporter, and your loved one is doing well, do you find it simple or complex to be a good one?



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Help Wanted question and warning on doctors for bipolar disorder






How’s it going?


I had a quick questions. I have

a few projects coming up requiring

research, data entry and data

collection related to bipolar



Normally I use a service to do

this but I would like to keep it

in the family and use someone from

my list.


It’s not a ongoing thing but just

a one time project. You would let me

know how much you wanted to charge ahead

of time and then we would agree.


I was wondering

if anyone would be interested.


If you are send me an email to


Okay, I saw a post on my blog at


It was in response to a daily email I sent

out about doctors and bipolar disorder,


the post said:


“Bad doctors…that’s a great topic…I have

had many. My family thinks it is me…”oh, not

another doctor!!” I can’t seem to keep them,

but then…some of them aren’t worth keeping.


The first one…told me to bake cookies when

I become depressed and prescribed aromatherapy

and colored scented fake flowers in his office

– in lieu of medication. One doctor used to

scream at me when he became frustrated. When

i finally confronted him on his need for

‘anger management’ in dealing with his patients,

he started crying, and replied, “I know, I am

working on that.” One doctor would not prescribe

any medication because he told me he does not

practice euthanasia…He insinuated that I

wanted him to assist me with suicide.


One doctor had cactus plants all over his office

– each one with a special light. There were

literally hundreds of cactus plants, everywhere.

Just wierd. The plants were his ‘pets.’


One hospital doctor prescribed GEODONE for

every single patient, then did not know the

drug came in capsule form – he told me to cut

the capusule in half. He was not sure how, though.

I had one doctor that would rudely eat his lunch

during our session and forget half of what I

told him.


One doctor actually ‘forgot’ his hearing aids,

so we wrote notes back and forth to one another.

One doctor left me waiting for him over an hour

for an appointment. He could not understand why

I was angry that he made me late for work and why

I did not want to re-schedule another appointment

with him.


One doctor told me, “I don’t know what you’re so

depressed about, it is not like you’re dying of

cancer, or something.” I have had atleast a dozen

psychiatrists, and I must say there has been only

one or two who are any good. Not good odds.


My current psychiatrist wants to do both

psychotherapy and medication management but

can only see me once every five weeks, which

is not sufficient, so now I have to go to a

community mental health center to get more

‘intensive treatment.’ I am not sure how that

is going to work out. Up until the last doc,

for the last 6 years, I’ve been diagnosed as

Major Depressive, now, I have Bipolar II.

Makes me think that they are all wrong, or

only one is right. That’s scary. Any suggestions:?”


Now you might read this and think, “oh this

all isn’t true, Dave, come on.” You COULD

think that.


Let me warn you however, in this field of

mental health all of what was posted is possible

and I am sure it happens.


I don’t know for sure if the post is true

but let me tell you, I have heard and see with

my own eyes things like this reader posted.


When I look at my own mom, she had TERRIBLE

and I mean TERRIBLE doctors. People who when

I look back had no clue at all. I mean none.


This doesn’t come from my mom which you might

say “well we can’t believe her she may have

been in an episode when allegations were made”,

these comments come from me.


With my mom’s old doctor, he use to fall asleep

in the room with his patients. He would lose notes,

forget to do tests with lithium levels. He mumbled,

he forgot people’s names. He forgot what he was doing.

I found this all out from numerous sources.


When it came to my mom’s last episode, remember

my mom’s doctor took her off the medication that

was working.


Did you catch that? He took her off the medication

that was working. He did NOT my mom. My mom followed

doctors orders and doctors orders lead to her going

into the mother of all episodes.


My mom started getting worse on the new medication

he wanted her on and my mom asked to be put

in the hospital. How do I know this is true?

Well she told several people she was getting

ill and wanted to go to the hospital.


The doctor refused.


So after my mom had a total breakdown, I started

to research what the heck happen.


My mom told me that she asked to go into the

hospital. I wasn’t sure if it was true. She

told me to call people she told.


Well when I found this out I was SUPER MAD.


I called and demanded to speak to him. He

would not come to the phone. Then I told the

receptionist that I would come every day

and get there at 6:00am and wait for him

and that nobody would stop me.


I warned her that I was a determined

person and one way or another he would

talk to me.


Finally he did. He was totally clueless

he kept forgetting my name in the middle

of the conversation. He would be like

“Steve, your mother is really ill.” I would

say “my name is Dave.” He would say “sorry

Dave but Steve your mom really is



He could not remember why he took her

off her medication. I then asked him

if he had notes. I said and I will

never forget what I said, “aren’t

doctors suppose to take notes and

record stuff. I am going to call

20 doctors and also the board to

see if that is right.” He got very

nervous and said he lost his notes.


I then said, “I am starting to

get super mad and here’s what I am

going to do. I am going to come down

and help you find it all. I am going

to bring my friends and my friends

that are policemen. We are all going

to look together. I am really good

at finding things. Now if I don’t find

it, there’s going to be serious

consequences and my friends don’t like

wasting their time and they don’t

like doctors to begin with.”


He then said, “Dave I don’t know

where the notes are, I am sorry,

I don’t know.”


He was fumbling around looking for stuff.


He was so clueless that I decided he

was a total waste of my time.


Then after I started this site, I heard

horror story after horror story.


Doctors I would speak to told me about

horror stories of other doctors that

made the profession look bad.


I want to say to all the supporters

out there not to get mad at your loved

one when he/she is having trouble with

a doctor. It might be their fault but

many times, the doctor is bad.


If you are a supporter and hear something

that sounds “crazy.” Investigate. Don’t

just say your loved one is a liar and

making it up, because you’ll probably

be surprised what you find.


This field is almost unregulated it seems.

It’s strange there are suppose to be standards

and regulations but many don’t follow



You have to know this if you are dealing

with bipolar disorder. Many a person thinks

that the person they are dealing with knows

what they are talking about and everything

should be okay. You have to watch everything

and check.


It’s a pain but true.


In my courses/systems below:











I teach how to find a doctor, keep track of

them, know if they are good, and the ins

and outs of doctors.


I am not kidding when I say that the information

just on finding a doctor probably would save

someone $5000 and 10 years. I am not kidding.

The $5000 figure is conservative. Bad doctors

have cost my mom tends of thousands of dollars.


Bad doctors cost my mom countless friends,

jobs, massive d.ebt, and many other bad things.


I am not kidding around. People new to

bipolar disorder ask why I spend so much time

in my courses on how to find a doctor because

they think you just pick one really quick.


It doesn’t work that way. You have to go

about it the right way. The wrong way leads

to a nightmare.


I do want to say again to remember that

just because someone has bipolar disorder

he/she is not telling the truth.


Also don’t get frustrated if your loved one

is having problems finding a good doctor.

Don’t have my brothers attitude which is

dumb, he use to say “here she goes again,

the doctor is no good, yea sure.” She meaning

my mom. My brother always use to say my mom

would make up that her doctor was bad.


Don’t have this attitude.


Finally if you think those in mental health

are bad, accountants are even worse. Now

there’s a field that is “crazy.” Over the

years I have had really, really bad accountants.

People that did virtually everythign wrong

and you paid dearly when the Internal Revenue

Service came to your door.


It’s not just mental health. There are lots

of fields with lots of bad people.


Know what I am saying? Hey I have to run.

Catch you tomorrow.





Your Friend,




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