How’s it going?
I hope you are doing well.
I have to make this quick today. I actually
have a ton of things to do today.
I wanted to tell you a quick story and then
an important lesson with bipolar disorder.
Over the last year or so, I have had a
major problem with a manufacturer for one
of my businesses. It’s a really long story
but to make it short and simple–the company
is a nightmare to deal with.
Think of somebody or something you hate dealing
with and then multiply by about a 1000. That’s
what it’s like dealing with this company.
So I have a friend and business partner that
has been working to try to solve a number of
these problems.
In the last week there was a meeting. Each day
I waiting to get a call with an update on what
was going on.
I never did.
Yesterday I finally got a phone call in the
evening. He was walking through
the airport trying to catch his plane.
At the same time he was talking to me
about supposedly important stuff, he was
talking to the people in the airport. Then
his cell phone dropped. Then he called
Then he was talking to security. Then he
was telling me to keep talking to him while
he was talking to security. Then he couldn’t
hear me.
It was seriously DRIVING ME OUT OF MY MIND!
I was so annoyed. We have a major problem
and this is how we are trying to solve it?
I should note, my partner in this business
wants me to stay with the manufacturing company. I think
that we should have left years ago. Unfortunately
I can leave but if I do, it will cost him, not
me a ton of money. So I have been putting up
with this nightmare for a long time now.
Anyway, my friend then gets on the plane and
is trying to talk to me about what happen
at the meetings, what changes where going
to come in the future and how this was supposedly
suppose to allegedly help me (hear the sarcasm
in my writings?)
Then the pilot starts talking. So then I
can’t hear. Then my friend said, “hey,
I will call you later on to tell you the
rest of what happen.”
I was thinking, “you haven’t old me anything
so far anyway?”
He said he would land get to the hotel
and call me immediately. It would take about
2 hours. Well guess what?
I can’t even describe how annoying this
Now yesterday I was talking to my mom
about her doctor and why she likes her so
My mom says that basically it’s because
she cares. She listens. She pay attentions
and my mom said, “she is always there when
I need her.” My mom then went on to say
how the three times that she needed her
over the last two years right away, she
called right back. My mom said how
most of her doctors over the years were
My mom reminded me how her last doctor
never even returned her call when she
asked to be put in the hospital. Did
you catch that?
With my mom’s last episode, yes the
big one. My mom actually asked to
be put in the hospital BEFORE it happened.
Can you believe that?
The guy never called her back however.
Imagine that. Just like my friend. I guess
he was too busy, too lazy or too forgetful.
Then I saw this post on my blog
Janet, wrote:
“I feel the most important aspect in dealing
with bipolar disorder is a good doctor. When I was
diagnosed over 25 years ago, I felt like a guinea pig
with being on one medication after another and I
told my doctor that. I finally found a doctor who would
listen to me and was willing to work with me to find
medication that was best suited to me. It has been a long
and hard process but the end result is well worth it.”
What happen with my partner reminded me about a number
of important things with bipolar disorder.
You have to find a good, caring, responsible,
on top of things, doctor.
My partner is forgetful, doesn’t think important
things are important, hard to follow (he goes
from point a to point z to point b, etc),
doesn’t call back, etc. This makes doing
business with him VERY difficult.
Now when you think of a bad doctor
here are some signs. It’s the same signs
with my partner:
-doesn’t listen
-not around
-not keeping up on advances with bipolar and
other disorders
-doesn’t return phone calls
-doesn’t help a patient reach his/her goals
It’s VERY important that when you see
these bad signs, you start to look for
someone who is going to help either you
or your loved one. Now I realize if you
are a bipolar supporter and you see the
bad signs, your loved one has to agree to
start looking as well.
In my courses/systems below:
I talk at length about how finding a good
doctor is very important. How to find one,
how to shop for them, how to afford them,
how to make “okay doctors” great, and
many other critical things.
Remember the doctor is the key, like the
post above suggested I firmly believe this.
I realize on my list, there are unfortunately
tens of thousands of people who probably have
bad doctors. It’s said but true. But, of the
ones that are bad, some can be reformed using
various techniques that I teach in my materials.
But there are some there is no hope for. Like
my mom’s last doctor. He was terrible.
Why did I bring this up with my situation
with my business partner/friend? Well, it’s
because I have no way of changing him, he
has been like this for years. I have concluded
that I have to move on, just like my mom had
to move on to another doctor that could get
the results she was looking for.
I have talked to so many people that
accept a bad doctor, one that doesn’t
even return calls, listen, etc. You should
not accept this.
Can anyone comment on their experience with
a bad doctor and then moving over to a good
Hey, I have to run. Catch you tomorrow.
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Your Friend,
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