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How’s it going? Hope you are
having a good weekend.
Yesterday I was reading a book on another
topic and it was not related to bipolar
disorder BUT, there was a powerful technique
that I read I want to share.
Let me tell you how the entire thing unfolded.
Okay before I read the book, I received one
of the f.ree consultation/question certificates that
I include in all my courses/systems below:
These are for any questions that you may
have that are NOT legal or medical ones
since I am NOT a doctor, lawyer, insurance
agent, or other kind of professional.
Anyway, the person had a very hard to read
question certificate. Meaning, I couldn’t
really read what the question was. I wasn’t
mad or anything because I have bad handwriting
as well so I was okay with it :).
I decided to pick up the phone and call the person
and ask what problems she was having with bipolar
She picked up the phone and said, “Hello, who
are you?” I said, “I’m David Oliver do you now
how I am? You sent me a…” She cut me off
and said, “thanks for calling I have a huge
problem that I need your help with, did you
get that bipolar certificate thing I sent
you?” I told her yes.
So I send that I had an hour to talk and I was
“all ears.” So I had a pad and pencil to take
notes on the problem so I could help her.
So, after about 15 minutes, we weren’t getting
anywhere. She was telling me a story. I told her
I kind of know the story because well I hear the
same stories every day.
After a while, I finally through asking a lot of
questions and I mean a lot I pulled out what her
major problems were:
Lives in a small town, can’t find a doctor
Lives in a small town, can’t find a therapist
Doesn’t have much money, loved one destroyed
finances, c.redit is ruined.
Doesn’t know how to use a computer well, needs
to know to get a better job in her company
and get her more money and also a more normal
work schedule.
These were her major problems. Problems 1 through
3 are clearly covered in my courses/systems
from a to z. I told her that. But I still helped
her through it, I told her exactly where to look
and what to look for.
As for problem 4, that was an easy one, I asked
her what she thought the solution was? She said
she didn’t know. Then after like 20 minutes she
concluded that she had a friend that knew computers,
she could go get a book, she could take a class
at the library and the local community college and
that eventually over at least the next six months
she would know computers well enough to get the
We hung up, but I was kind of struck by the fact
her questions were so easy yet she really didn’t
know what questions she had.
Then I was thinking how many other people that
I meet when I volunteer, I call on the phone,
that fill out f.ree consultation certificates, etc.
that say they have all these problems with bipolar
disorder and they can’t really even explain what
they are.
If you have a problem with bipolar disorder and
you can’t express it, it would be impossible to
solve then? Right? Of course.
So fast forward. Later on that day, I was deciding
to reread several books that I had. I was just
kind of picking them at random. I came across
one that had to do with business.
I read the entire thing right away. And the had
in his book how most business people say they
have problems but really don’t have them well
To counter this problem, the author had this
system in place. It’s called Write, Try, Ask.
He said that you should write down your problem.
Then you should try to answer it yourself.
Then you should ask your subconscious to give
you an answer. And you can ask others for
help as well.
NOTE-I don’t want to get way out in outer
space on you, but this guy argued that you could
ask your subconscious mind for the answers to
most problems. I agree with him and it’s not
as mystic as one might think but I don’t
want people thinking that I am a weirdo or
anything. I do think this is possible.
Now with bipolar disorder, I might modify this
technique a little. I would say that after
you write down the problem, you should get
as much information as you can.
One of the things I did with my mom was put
a TON of information in my head when I was
helping my mom. Most I couldn’t use right
away but eventually I used most of it.
People have commented that they have gotten
lots of my courses at:
and they wondered why I put certain things
in it and weeks or months later, they
said, “Oh that’s why he told me that, I
see now.”
When you have the information in your head,
your brain can use it when a situation comes
Anyway, my big take away for those dealing
with bipolar disorder whether you have it
or you are supporting someone with it, is
to clearly define what problems you
are having. Many people don’t have defined
problems and they just tell stories. I would
say that 90% of the people that I talk
to that say, “I have so many problems
because of bipolar disorder”, can’t even
articulate one major problem to me.
If you don’t know what problems you have,
you can’t solve them.
It sounds so simple but it’s true. I actually
felt kind of dumb because I have this one
business that I say, “I have so many problems”
and guess what? I couldn’t define what they
were. After reading the book yesterday, I basically
have 3 problems. I already have solutions
to the problems from yesterday today. But I must
say for weeks, I have been saying, “I have so
many problems.”
Anyway, it’s really, really important to define
your problems with bipolar disorder. Finally,
never think that your problem is impossible
to be solved because it’s not.
My mom had the biggest possible problems you
could think of. So many problems from bipolar
disorder. And really strange ones. Like, how
do you buy a car with bad cred.it, paying less
than the car dealer paid for the car because
you have to keep the payment really low and can
only pay payments for 36 months.
I told my one friend about my mom’s problem,
he laughed and said, “Good luck, dude!”
Anyway, I randomly found someone that told
me EXACTLY how to do this. Actually I used
this system to replace the car I have.
Another problem was, how do you get
low cost, good health insurance when you don’t
have a job? Sounds impossible, right? Well it
was, but then the answer came to me. I call
it cafeteria health care.
Go get yourself a yellow legal pad and
a pen. Start writing down what problems
you have. I really want you to. Then report
back to me, the difference it’s made in
your life.
Anyway, I have to go, catch you tomorrow.
Have a great day!
Your Friend,
P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:
P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:
P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.