Insight Into Faith And Bipolar Disorder

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What’s new? It’s almost the weekend. Ready
for it?

I have a million things to do today so I
have to take off kind of fast today. But
there was an important topic related
to bipolar disorder I wanted to discuss.

I got this email from a woman, and I
want to share it with you because I have
something important to say about it:

“Dear Dave:

I am a really strong Christian, but I am about
to give up on my husband. I thought I had
enough faith to get us through his bipolar
episodes, but I guess I just don’t. He gets so
depressed, and then he talks about suicide,
and I just don’t know whether to take him
seriously or not, and all I want to do is leave
him but then I feel guilty just for wanting to
do that.

I’m just so tired! I thought he would
be the one to take care of me, but now here I
am taking care of him. I read in your emails
that things would get better if I just didn’t
give up on him, but I’m still waiting for things
to get better.

It’s been a whole month, and I
haven’t seen any change – he just mopes
around the house all the time. Do you think
it’s because I’ve lost my faith? Do you think
this is my fault?

First of all, let me say that ALL references
to suicide should be taken seriously. Call
your doctor, hospital right away. Do NOT
underestimate when someone talks about

I get lots of emails from Christians who say
a lot of the same things – bipolar supporters who are
worried that it’s their fault that their loved one
is not getting better as fast as they think they
should be.

But let me tell you one thing for
sure – your faith does not have ANYTHING
to do with how fast or slow your loved one
recovers from bipolar disorder!

Now, this lady’s email does NOT say anything
about her spouse’s treatment – is he on
medication? Is he going to see a psychiatrist?
Is he seeing a therapist on a weekly basis? Is
he in a bipolar support group? What is HE
doing to help himself get better?

Being a supporter and being a Christian
doesn’t mean you be the one to shoulder ALL
the responsibility for your loved one’s bipolar
disorder yourself. Especially if they aren’t
even trying. It’s not your fault if they won’t
help themselves.

If that is the case here, then no wonder this
poor woman is so tired! Yes, it’s a good thing
to have faith. And yes, you can have bipolar
disorder and still have faith. In fact, being a
Christian and having bipolar disorder are not
mutually exclusive – you can have/be both!
It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with
your faith, or that you don’t have enough of it.

But remember – your loved one’s bipolar
disorder is not YOUR responsibility. It is
THEIRS. You can love them, you can help
them, you can even pray for them. But you
can NOT do their work for them.

In my courses and systems these concepts are
talked about especially in the interviews
that I do.




In my courses I warn people against becoming
codependent – to the point where the
bipolar disorder takes over their whole lives.
Or to the point where they don’t make their
loved one take responsibility for their
own disorder.

Several people in my courses/systems do also talk
about spirituality, and that spirituality/praying
can help to keep a person’s stress level down,
and that is a good thing. So I would not say anything
bad about a person’s faith. Unless that
faith is causing them to use that as an
excuse for their loved one.

This lady is right, I do tell people that things
will get better if you hang in there with your
loved one. But that is when you are BOTH
working toward the same goal – when your
loved one is taking their medication, going
to see a therapist and psychiatrist, etc. These
things don’t have anything to do with faith.

These are things that everyone who has
bipolar disorder should do to get better. In
this case, faith is just icing on the cake!

Well, I have to get going. Have a great day!

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Dave Oliver,
    I would like to introduce myself, my name is Catrina and I am currently on a rollercoster. I am an individual who has no insurance trying to figure out if I have bipolar disorder. I was never formally diagnosed with it but my family and I seem to think that it is a great possiblity. It is very hard somedays to function correctly. I just want to be normal again. I was hoping to get some advice from you on what to do about my situation. I have been reading your e-mails and all the different things you offer. I feel like I am completely out of control sometimes. If you could give me some advice that would be great. Thank you for your time.

  2. My wife has bipolar we found out in may of this year. I did the same i read book after book abouth this and they did not help me at all. My wife is doing a lot better now. during the time when she was so bad I lost my job so now i am here for her 24hs a day. I think that is what god want for me to do becouse he was made a way for me to be here for her. We have 4 kids under the age of 16. and now i am a big part of there life. please do not give up your faith he will get better if he wants to he must listen to the doctors and do what they say.
    Let me ask a queston I know some one that is in jail and he has bipolar ans that is way he is there his doc has not seen him in 3 years and the med that he is taking is not working any more. The mental health center here see him in jail onece ever 3 months. the last time they came end he asked them about change his med they did that with out a doctour seeing him. We have asked that he be put in a hospatly but they will notdo that so what can we do to help help him.

  3. Dear Dave, I received your email today on faith and bipolar. I have tremendous faith in God and I can relate to this woman on the side of when will this ever end. I have a step-son who is bipolar and has been arrested for domestic violence one time. (but probabaly should have been several times) Anyway, I know the feeling of giving up, I don’t know how much longer one should wait until something changes. My son sees a psychiatrist, and a therapist once a week, he is on meds and now is attenging a court ordered anger management class once a week. My husband and I have done so much for him we have tried to get him good support through school (oh yea he sees a therapist at school too.) He gets special help in his education etc. He just has such horribel out bursts and tantrums. Mind you he is 14 years old. I at times wonder if he is 1-1/2 years old. His doctor says his bipolar is medicated and his therapist feels the same way, but he continues to act out in such a negative way. Back to the christian comment. I always question my faith. But deep down inside me I know that my faith is all that keeps me hanging on for this child. I don’t like him as a person because of the crimes against me, but yet I support him. What else could that be but faith. I have copied this article so I can hang it on my refridgerator as information to my son and the family so that they too can know that if one don’t want to help themself, them why are we? Keep up the strength and Thank You Dave for all the information and incouragement. Lynn

  4. This woman’s email was nothing short of being totally disgusting; she should be ashamed of such an unbelievable displa of faithlessness. She began, ‘I am a really strong Christian’, followed by ‘I am about to “give up” on my husband’. Whatever happened to the marriage vow: taking another in love, ‘for better or for worse; in sickness & in health’? Guess what- Real Christians don’t-never-don’t give up-PERIOD!!! She complains that someone she claims to love mentions suicide, & her reaction is to want to leave him?? Incredible display of self-centeredness! Then again; more selfishness: ‘thought he would take care of me; but have to take care of him’.Disgusting- she seems to think loving someone is allowing them to care for you? She’s mucho worse off than him; without an excuse of being ill; he can’t be blamed for being ill; her ‘illness’ is self-imposed! I suggest she read 2nd Corintians; chapter 12, about the apostle Paul’s ‘thorn in the side’ issue…it was a trouble that God did NOT take away; but better than that, it became a bridge unto the Sacred wherein God came to bear it with Him… like the cup of which Jesus drank at Gethsemane… He ask for it to pass from Him; instead God continued with Him to bear it unto victory over death! This lady states ‘it’s been a whole month’…my, my… my wife has struggled w/ bipolar for over 3-4 years- she got ‘bad off’, but w/ medication, she testifies w/ true thankfulness & praise, her Lord continues to heal: she came from utter darkness & dismal depression, to JOY; & holds down a great job for over a year now as floral designer;wherein she loves to share her testimony concerning God’s unconditional Love & Healing. I’ve been thru this w/ her, & bear witness for real!! But to have a testimony, one has to BE the testimony…& to remain faithful, one doesn’t ‘wait for things to get better’as this lady put it; that’s mere circumstance, & nothing more. Real FAITH is BELIEVING…evidence of ‘things unseen’…that NOTHING is too big to handle; if done with God- with the love of Jesus-& the power of the Holy Spirit. I bear witness to this-she has not really tried faith yet,but if she will get herself off herself & onto true faith of what God can do,it’ll be a different story. But lastly; one does not ‘wait & see’… one ‘Fights the Good Fight… of Faith – Godspeed- Larry Changes P.S. This woman & her husband will be in our prayer-

  5. Dear Dave:
    WOW! What an entry for today! I hope that this lady hears you when you talk about taking any refereneces to suicide seriously.Above all else in the treatment of bipolar, SAFETY COMES FIRST!!! It’s a psychiatric emergency. Nothing else can ever get better if the patient is dead, and, unfortunately, with this disease (and with major depression), suicide is too often a reality. And the sad thing about it is that it’s preventable. The first thing is to make the person safe, and, until meds can start to work and the person feels less desperate, that usually means hospitalization, often against the person’s will. The suicidal thoughts will pass, and then a plan can be made for treatment. Please, don’t waste any time.

    I am a bipolar, a Christian, and I worked for 10 years as a psychiatric nurse, so I can relate to this on so many levels. My faith and the prayers of those who love me have helped me tremendously. But the loved one who is suicidal needs ACTION right now. It’s not even a close call. You have given out the number for the national suicide hotline, and there are also local ones. If you can find those, they’re preferrable because often the person on the other end of the line can actually help to make arrangements to keep the person with bipolar safe. Calling the hotline is one thing to do, but I recommend going directly to the ER. NOW. They will intervene immediately. Be sure to pray for your loved one, but pray for yourself – that you will know what to do and have the strength to do it. God Bless. You can get past this immediate crisis. Then you can help get the wheels in motion for recovery. You can’t make your husband feel better, but you can see to it that he stays safe.

    I feel that I have to say something to Catrina and to Robert.
    Catrina, Dave has already given you advice. It would be great if you could buy his course, because he will address every question you have and then some. But if your life is in so much turmoil, you have to take the advice he’s already given – get a Dr. (not a family doctor, but a good psychiatrist). Dave can’t tell you if you have bipolar through e-mails. A doctor can make that diagnosis and, more importantly, can get you started on the road to recovery. You’ll also need a therapist, and you may need meds.
    Do something today; don’t suffer any longer than you have to.

    Robert, I feel terrible for you. Jail is no place for a person with bipolar, and seeing a doctor every 3 months doesn’t cut it. I suspect than many, many people who wind up in jail have mental illnesses. I don’t know if a lawyer could somehow get the person transferred to a hospital, but probably not. The system sucks (excuse my saying that, butit is so true). My suggestion is that you have a plan in place for when he gets out of jail so that his mental health issues can be addressed before he lands BACK in jail. It must be so frustrating. I’m so sorry.

    I’ve been suicidal; I’ve even attempted suicide. Fortunately I am still alive. And I know that bipolar disorder DOES get better, as Dave says, but not on its own.

    I wish that everyone could afford Dave’s course (I can’t); everything I read about it tells me that he has such a tremendous knowledge base to share. But the reality is that not everyone can afford it.

    But one thing we do know is what Dave says over and over – you MUST have a doctor, you MUST have meds (and it can take a while to figure out which meds in what doses and in what combination), and you MUST have a therapist. There’s no short-cut for that. Fortunately, good help is available even when there isn’t much money – but it takes a lot of looking and trial and error.

    I will pray for all of you, and for Dave, that God will continue to bless his cause. And believe me, I pray for my own continued recovery, each and every day.

    Love, Susan H

  6. A lack of faith has nothing to do with the progress of the bipolar sufferer. The role of the church is that there is support for the whole family, through fellowship. If a person who is accutely mentally ill, is threatening suicide, pay attention and seek what ever help is available to get the patient through alive. Changes, you offer admonishion, not help. Jesus told Peter to care for his flock, and to feed his flock. Of course he was referring to the church. That woman needs good help, which means getting that man into the treatment he needs. i.e. hospital, where there are professionals who have been trained to help him.
    Sometimes the only way a spouse can help is to remove all possible means for suicide from the house ie. pills, and guns which can be disposed. Most police forces will happily receive guns that are turned into them. Sometimes it is also necessary to remove themselves from the situation, either for their own safety, and to force the issue with the patient. Prayer will give strength to deal with the situation, and possibly help get the patientthe proper care.
    My mother dealt with a man who had both bipolar disorder, and ptsd, I think that all of us ended up with PTSD, because of the way we grew up. Yes my mother remembered her wedding vows, but both of her sons ended up dead, by suicide. She still has faith, as do I, but I believe that part of that faith is based on me, a Christian, being sensitive to the situation of others, and helping, sometimes with just the routine chores that tend to be ignored during a manic episode. I know, because I grew up in a home that was ruled by chaos because of BPD. When I talk to people who grew up with alcoholism, many of the same concerns arise. Few people are really so strong mentally that they can live under those circumstances indefinitely. If a result of the disease is also poverty, or imminent financial ruin,it may be necessary for her to leave.

  7. Dear Dave,

    I am thankful for you support blogs. I too am living with an adult (spouse) that I believe is bi-polar. At times I feel like I am the one with the problem.

    Here is my story: My husband of seven years is a wonderful, sweet man most of the time. However, my life with him has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I started noticing irrational behavior early in our relationship, but did not connect this with mental illness.

    I realized there was a serious problem the first year of our marriage when I had to have him arrested. We got into an argument when I discovered porn on our home computer. I confronted him about this and he made up some ridiculous story and continued to deny that he did it. Not being able to discuss this with him, I went to bed and he did also. He woke up around 2:00 am, woke me up, and demanded that I get out of the house right then. I refused and told him to go back to sleep. He was enraged. I got out of the bed to go into the living room. He cornered me in the bedroom – he was not touching me, but when I tried to move past him he would move his body in front of me so I had to just stand there. He was in my face (nose-to-nose) yelling at me. He grabbed me by my arms and threw me to the floor in the closet still demanding that I pack my clothes. By this time, I was very afraid. He had a look in his eyes that I had never seen before – He was acting crazy! He did finally let me pass him, and I went into the living room. The next thing I heard was the “racking sound” of his shotgun being loaded. He walked into the living room with the gun and threatened to kill himself. I was terrified – I ran out of the house and called 911. He was arrested and charged with domestic violence.

    I bonded him out of the jail a couple of days later. He was very remorseful about the incident initially. He was court ordered to counseling and began taking Wellbutrin. However, he was never diagnosed with any mental health problem. He got the meds from his regular MD by just saying he was depressed. There was no testing done, no diagnosis, nothing.

    After the counseling and the meds, the changes that followed were amazing. He was back to his “normal” loving self, and our marriage was great for the next 3-4 years. Recently, he has decided there is nothing wrong with him – it’s me. He had already quit taking his meds. I am to blame and am a terrible person for having him put in jail. He denies any responsibility for the incident and that I should have just done as he said and left the house. Never mind that it was 2:00 am, I had to get up at 5:00 to go to work, I had no where to go, etc. Also, keep in mind that this incident happened years ago, but he is acting like it just occurred. He gets angry often about things in the past. He has even called his mother to cuss her out for something minor that happened when he was a child. He blames everyone else for his problems in life.

    Other issues: He gets into states where he says he is worthless, depressed, would kill himself if he didn’t have kids, etc. He also says that he can’t organize his thoughts and is sure of his feelings (feels empty). During these episodes he will do things that are irrational. He will pick a fight with me so he can leave and go to bars. He has spent thousands of dollars at bars and will drive while very intoxicated. He has quit jobs, packed all of his things and moved out-of-state because we have a small disagreement. To this day, every time there is a disagreement he will bring up the jail incident, and has even had me to the point that I apologized to him!!!

    There are also times that he is on top of the world. He is almost childlike at these times – can’t sit still, talks too fast or too much, etc. But these moods can change quickly to depression. When depressed he doesn’t mope around the house – he leaves. Leaving has been a pattern since his teens. He left his mother’s house at 16 to move to MS to live with an Aunt. During his first marriage he moved from MS to TX to GA at least 10 times. He has left our home and returned more times than I can count.

    I don’t know his family very well since they live out-of-state, but I have noticed the same behaviors in his father and sister. I have talked to my husband many times about his behavior and tried to get him to seek help. He agrees at times that he has a problem, but feels he can handle it himself. He doesn’t like taking medication.

    He is out of the house now (moved out-of-state with his family again). He states that he is afraid of me because I had him put in jail. He is demanding a divorce. I don’t want a divorce, but don’t want to live through this hell.

    Does this sound like bi-polar? How do you get someone to go for help when they don’t believe there is a problem? Should you try to talk with someone about the problem while they are obviously in the midst of an episode?

  8. In response to the daily newsletter. Tell the lady she would not be giving up so soon if her husband had developed diabetes or heart disease which are two other chronic conditions. Faith is very good, but if a diabetic had a very high blood sugar, prayer or positive thinking probably wouldn’t bring the elevated blood sugar down without proper medication. A person with bipolar must have the correct medication for him/her and it takes 4-8 weeks to see much change. There person with the bipolar is not being depressed on purpose. In America, we want instant everything. It is not that way with diabetes, heart disease, or bipolar. Much patience and perservance is in order. Yes, it is the patient’s responsibility to be a team player in getting better and under good control, but sometimes–many times the brain chemical imbalance simply won’t allow the individual to help themselves until the proper medical care is obtained. Hope this helps. I am 65 yr old RN with bipolar. Without the ongoing support of my husband, children and friends, I would definitely have taken my life a long time ago. We the severe depression, the “hole is deep and very, very dark.

  9. to margareth- this woman sounds more concerned about herself. than her husband… getting away from self-centeredness was at the heart of the message Jesus conveyed to Peter. Perhaps you need to reread the Bible- Faith is NOT about giving up period; my wife & myself have dealt w/ bi-polar disorder- the ‘black dog’- for four years. If you are not willing to fight the GOOD fight- of FAITH-the satan will have you for breakfast! My full intention is help- why I said we were praying for these people; but one needs faith & to spiritually understand that it is a fight- you don’t even consider giving up, period. When Jesus ask Peter three times “Do you love Me?”. He wasn’t referring to Peter’s intention of conditional love; He spiritually urged Peter to experience unconditional love: ‘Agape’ love…It is the Supreme Love which enabled Peter to carry on & accomplish what he accomplihed; as with Paul… John, and the other true diciples who were willing to die for their faith in the true faith experience ,that ‘Whosoever believeth, shall not perish, but will have Eternal Life’- LC

  10. David,
    I have been married to a bipolar man for 39 years. He was finally diagnosed and medicated about 6 years ago, and all we have learned since then has explained many things we’ve seen over the years.
    I applaud your information on this site. Everyone in a family needs support and information to understand this disease.
    It is vitally important for loved ones to understand that what they are experiencing is NOT their fault or responsibility. They do need to get help for themselves and their children. If there is abuse involved they MUST take care of themselves FIRST and the patient later. You are unable to help anyone if you can’t take care of yourself and your family.
    Thanks for this vital information.
    There can be a good life while dealing with loved ones with this disease.
    Becky from Ohio

  11. I was diagnosed with bipolar about 9 months ago. It is finally nice having an answer to the question of why I act the way I do. I would go from going ‘crazy’ acting like I could conquer the world to unable to do anything. I have messed up my family financially, thank goodness I have not done anything really horrible with our finances. My husband was actually surprised that I have even contemplated suicide more than once, that was scary for him to find out. I have learned many things over the last 9 months. If you are bipolar, you need to take responsibility. Whether that be asking for help or taking steps to manage your bipolar. I am still new to this diagnosis, and have not been rebelious and stopped taking my medicine, that does not mean I have not thought about it. I will be the first to admit, I miss those times when I am manic, but I do NOT miss the depression. My family can have all the faith in the world, and pray for me, but if I do not use the tools that God gave me (through the therapist) then I will not get any better. My children 9 and 13 are amazed at how calm I am, I do not scream, yell, or loose control, nor do I sit around doing absolutely nothing. My husband likes the person he is with. I have not quite gotten my meds finely tuned, but things are so much better. You know, my husband is diabetic, and if he does not take care of himself, there are consequences, I am bipolar and if I do not take care of myself then there are consequences. Thanks for listening

  12. All the faith in the world will NOT cure bipolar disorder. You cannot will or pray the bipolar sufferer OUT of an episode, whether manic or depressive. But you CAN pray that God will give you the WISDOM to know how to deal with your loved one, and to help YOU during a crisis.

    I’m NOT saying prayer and faith CANNOT help; there have been studies that persons with extreme illnesses have gotten better through the intervention of even strangers praying for them. But faith and prayer CAN’T cure bipolar disorder. You need to have the chemical imbalance addressed through medications, and sometimes it’s just “trial and error” of which combination of pills will work, and which don’t. Yes, it takes time to regulate your meds, but in the end, IT IS WORTH IT.

    I can say “don’t give up” on the one with bipolar, but sometimes with extenuating circumstances, such as violence, talk of suicide or homocide, etc., it becomes NECESSARY to leave the one with bipolar. This is called “tough love,” but if that is the only way you can give a “wake up call” to the bipolar sufferer to get them into treatment, to recognize that they DO have a mental illnses – then, GET OUT. It’s not worth YOUR sanity to stay with a “sick” spouse, children, any family member.

    And, as was mentioned before, diabetes, MS, epilepsy, etc., are chronic, life-long diseases, much like bipolar disorder, and ALL of them involve medical intervention…

    Yes, if your loved one even THINKS about suicide, or mentions it to you – take action. The old adage that if you talk about it, you won’t do it – is NOT true. This is a call for help, and oftentimes it’s too late.

    Dave, thanks for everything you do for all of us. Your emails are enlightening, and are wonderful topics for discussion. I enjoy reading the other blogs and having the opportunity to add my “2 cents” to the discussion. God bless you, and keep up the good work. I don’t know how you have the time to post your emails EVERY day, but they ARE a comfort for me.

    BIG HUGS and God’s blessings for all bipolar sufferers and supporters. We NEED His help.

  13. Wow, I can see that this is an explosive topic as is whenever faith or religion always is. I’ve been married to my husband for 22 years. He has made me feel so many bad ways about myself. I married him when I was about 23 years old. I was shy and insecure anyway and I think he fed on that. He was a manipulator. I don’t know if that was part of the disease or just a part of his personality. Anyway we married after only 6 months. I thought he was prince charming for about a month. Then the light switch was switched and I was called names I’d never been called and treated in ways I’d never been treated in my life… forward 20+ years. He’s a severe alcoholic that has never seen a psychiatrist. He has always heard voices and seen things. He’s extremely irritible. He’s sucicidle. After 22 years of marriage he finally agrees to see a dr. I don’t think he will ever stop drinking. I am depressed and on cymbalta which works to a point. I don’t have much faith in him following through with going to the doctor and taking medication because it has taken 22 years to convice him to go to a doctor. I have taken so much abuse that I can hardly function anymore. I was planning to leave him when my son graduated from high school but then both my legs were broken and I lost my jobs so I haven’t worked for the last 2 years and am totally dependent on my husband. So It is a totally screwed up situation for all of us!!!!!

  14. Hi Dave,
    It is hard supportting a loved one with bipolar disorder, i,ve been doing it for the last two years, and i have been to hell and back. Because of the situations my husdand used to cause we did end up parting company, can i just say when we did spilt up he hadn,t been diagnosed then. At the time our son was 5years old and was not nice for him to see his daddy in this state, so i thought at the time the best thing to do was go. I never stopped loving him in all of this even though i was the one one he targeted constantly. It took at least another 6month for me to get him to see a doctor, when he did eventually see one i think you expect things to happen quickly but its a long road with plent of ups and downs on the way. But we are a family again and yes there,s still the odd bad day here and there but i,m happier than i,ve been in a long time.It is hard for loved ones but try and stick in there, its worth it!!.
    Donia x

  15. This is a message for Angela in particular. My partner comes and goes on a whim, especially when I ask questions about his day to day happenings. He lies incesantly so I cannot tell the difference when he is and isn’t lying.

    I believe 100% that my partner has bipolar and would stake my life on it. Sometimes he agrees with me that he has problems and needs help only to turn around and say that he doesn’t and that everything is my fault and that I am paranoid and that is all in my head! If only!!

    Today I was at the mercy of one of his aggressive abusing attacks. We have split up, or should I say he disappeared yet again, and decided that he was coming back after much discussion telling me that he will seek help etc and even making an appointment with a psychiatrist. However upon walking in the house within 5 minutes he was at me again and turned physical as well as verbally abusive. Enough is enough I have now walked away from the situation as I feel as though I am no longer able to cope and am in danger of losing my sanity.

    My daughter is paramount in this situation and I am no longer prepared to drag my daughter along for the ride.

    As for faith It is dwindling fast

  16. My 17 year old is bipolar with psychosis. My older daughter decided to convince her to “replace her midication with God”, 3 months after my 17 year old became a Christian. I was livid….Faith can help you through all aspects of your life. But you dont abandon your medications and use only the power of your faith, especially if you are new to your faith!!
    My 17 year old has been un-medicated for 1 year, and yesterday, she decided she had had enough of fighting her mixed up feelings and anxiety and went back on her meds. I immediatly made her psych. appointment. She spoke with her oler sister this morning and she expressed how “disappointed” she is that my 17 year old is back on her medication. It is hard to help a bipolar teen when there are other family members who work against what you are trying to teach your loved one who is bipolar about taking control of their disorder. Faith is one thing, Medication is another. They can go hand in hand, but one does not replace the other.

  17. David Oliver my name is Charmaine and your site and you have been sending me e-mails for about a year now. I am 41 years and have been battling with Bi-Polar 1 for about 25 years now but I have not known I had it until about 10 years ago. They have had to change my med’s 6 times and now they have to change my med’s again because I have been having episodes and bad thoughts of bad things happening to me and thoughts of suicide if it were not for no one allowing me to be alone I probably would not be here right now. Your e-mails and my family are and have helped me to go on. I am back to where I was 10 years ago or at least thats what it feels like. My bi-polar is the very severe kind you know voices and all. I just wanted to tell you thank you very much my episodes have not gotten to the point where I cut on myself like I did before and that is thanks to you and your e-mails and of course my family. I am surprised I still have them around me they are very loyal to me. Thank you for your time.


  18. i have been diognosed with Bi-Polar for 4 years now and after a manic eposode and disapearing for a few hours i now have a medical braclet with my details to contact my husband, if I decide to go for walk abouts again. I have been going really good for a year and suddenly my medication stopped and I have been trialing new night meds as sleeplessness is really happening. I am very sensitive and have had reactions from fluid to the flu symtoms. Is there a night tablet for just sleeping? Or do I need one with a mood stablizer as well?

  19. hello one of my things
    I was on limital libium/lithium,
    by family doc, didn’t know what he was doing, then he labeled me, a
    drug addict, which I wasn’t. working 12hr day, school .15 credit hrs. This doctor thought I was going to sue him. this was the beginning of suicdes. I think I did it 5 times, in 20 yrs. Just remember no one’s perfect, lives really tricky, you never know.


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