Current Bipolar News


What’s new? Hope you are doing well.

To read this week’s news visit:

Web-Based Intervention Trains Clinicians in Psychotherapy
DO> This study makes an important point.

Man accused of killing parents due back in court
DO> You will find this video very interesting.

Hallucinations, delusions associated with psychiatric disorders seldom trigger violent crimes
DO> This study shows surprising results.

U.S. Prison Staff Ill-Trained to Handle Inmates Who Are Mentally-Ill, Says Report
DO> This video contains shocking information and images.

Joel’s Law signed by Gov. Inslee | Protection for the mentally ill
DO> This bill might really help you.

Experts call for earlier diagnosis of bipolar disorder
DO> Important study, don’t you think?

Emotion regulation distinguishes unipolar and bipolar depression
DO> Interesting study, don’t you agree?

Bipolar Disorder Recognized Earlier, but Mortality Remains High
DO> This study makes an important point, wouldn’t you say?

Obesity and mood disorders increase peripartum cardiomyopathy risk
DO> You’ll find this study to be very interesting.

Sword-wielding bipolar man in elf costume stabs BMW, fights criminal charges in trial
DO> Do you think his bipolar made him do it?

Addiction history indicates bipolar conversion risk from precursor disorders
DO> Don’t you think this is an important study?

Manic symptoms during depression warn of polarity switch
DO> This study presents some interesting findings.

For these stories and more, please visit:

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Current Bipolar News



What’s new? Hope you are doing well.

To read this week’s news visit:

Mood Disorders: More Alike Than Distinct?
DO> Interesting study, don’t you agree?

Antipsychotic Drug And Gestational Diabetes Link May Be Largely Overstated: Study
DO> This study reveals surprising results.

Man accused of killing parents due back in court
DO> You’ll find this video very interesting.

Hallucinations, delusions associated with psychiatric disorders seldom trigger violent crimes
DO> Important study, don’t you think?

Shooter warned of spree for weeks
DO> Do you think this was because of his bipolar?

Suicide Risk Often Undetected
DO> This study makes some important points.

Police: George Zimmerman Shooter Had Signs Of Bipolar Disorder
DO> Do you think this man was responsible for what he did?

Experts call for earlier diagnosis of bipolar disorder
DO> You’ll find this is an important study.

For these stories and more, please visit:


Check out all my resources, programs and information for all
aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Bipolar Lesson From a Child


I saw this child in the grocery store the other day with his mother. Now, this kid couldn’t have been more than 4 or 5. Usually, kids that age are tugging on their Mama’s sleeve, wanting this or that, screaming or yelling, and causing general havoc to everyone around them.

What made this child different was that he was just walking down each aisle looking at everything like he was amazed, like everything was brand new to him – like he was seeing everything for the very first time!

When I go to the grocery store, I just go in and get what I need, and leave, don’t you? I’ve been there so many times, that it’s just a chore for me. How could anyone possibly find it exciting and new?

But remember, now, I’m an adult, and things like grocery stores no longer hold any allure for me.
Maybe I’m just getting old… LOL

But I kept thinking about this child even as I left the grocery store and went on with my errands.
For some reason, he had left a big impression upon me.

I asked myself, What if we could all stay like that child? What if we still looked at life that way?
Like everything was still new and exciting…Like there was wonder and awe in little things… New things to still explore and delight in…Instead of being “adult” and “mature” about everything, so grown-up that we forget how to be a child and just enjoy life?

What does this have to do with bipolar disorder? Well, I think we can all learn a lesson from this
child. Just because your loved one has bipolar disorder doesn’t mean you have to lose the perspective of a child.

Just because they have bipolar disorder doesn’t mean you can’t still be happy. Just because they have bipolar disorder doesn’t mean you have to go around like you have this chip on your shoulder all the time.

Having bipolar disorder isn’t the end of your life. You can still have a “normal” life between
episodes. In fact, you should be living as normal a life as possible so that stability becomes a reality and there are fewer episodes in your loved one’s life.

I’m not saying to go bungie-jumping or anything just to have excitement in your life, but there are other things you can do to make your life enjoyable in spite of the bipolar disorder. It’s all in your attitude!

Think about that child in the grocery store. What made him different than other kids his age? His wonderment at the things around him! You can have that same wonderment again.

Try to see the beauty in the things around you. Enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Be grateful each day that your loved one is not in an episode. Do things together that you both enjoy. These things don’t have to be complicated, extravagant, or expensive.

I know a couple who both have bipolar disorder. And one of the things they both enjoy doing
is playing board games together, like backgammon. They enjoy just being together and talking. About “everything” and “nothing,” they say.

One of the greatest pleasures in life is simple companionship. Having family around you. Going through old photographs. Watching the birds in your backyard. Seeing a movie together. Reading books side by side.

Cooking a meal together. Going on a date (no matter how long you’ve been together). Watching the rain fall outside your window.

Take a lesson from the child in the grocery store. Try to see the world from a child’s perspective
again, and you’ll be much happier. Don’t let bipolar disorder steal your joy!

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,



Current Bipolar News


What’s new? Hope you are doing well.

To read this week’s news visit:

Violent Air Canada passenger declared not criminally responsible
DO> Do you see how strong bipolar can be?

Online training can teach psychotherapists evidence-based treatments, study finds
DO> This study makes a good point.

Emotion regulation differs among patients with major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder
DO> Interesting study, don’t you agree?

Bipolar Man Murders Parents In Virgin Islands, Mikhail Young’s Lawyer Says Arrest Was Illegal
DO> Do you think this is right?

Woman gets life without mercy for St. Albans stabbing
DO> Do you think this woman got what she deserved?

Documentary: Bipolar Marilyn Monroe Died as a Result of ‘Medical Negligence’
DO> This documentary might surprise you.

Antipsychotic Drug And Gestational Diabetes Link May Be Largely Overstated: Study
DO> Important study, don’t you think?

For these stories and more, please visit:

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Bipolar Disorder Can Change


Did you ever have a time in your life when things were going along a certain way, but then all of a sudden things changed?

For example: You had plans for a certain career, but then found yourself in a totally different career than the one you had foreseen yourself in? Or…Had you imagined marrying a certain type of person, but found yourself instead married to a completely different type of person than the one you imagined you would marry?

These are just examples. But you get what I mean. The thing is, we can’t plan for every eventuality in life. Sometimes, no matter what we do, the unexpected happens. Things change.
And there’s nothing we can do to help that.

There’s something important you need to know about bipolar disorder, in case your doctor didn’t tell you. Bipolar disorder can change.

There are different kinds of bipolar disorder. And you can be diagnosed with one type of bipolar
disorder, but as you get older, you can actually end up with a different type of bipolar.

Here’s a case study:

Sylvia had bipolar disorder for most of her life, but wasn’t diagnosed with it until she was older. When she went into bipolar episodes, she always went into manic episodes, though. She never experienced the bipolar depressions she heard so much about.

However, when she was well into her 60’s, Sylvia experienced a bipolar depressive episode that thoroughly confused her, since she had never had one before. It was a particularly bad one, where she couldn’t even get out of bed for three weeks.

When she eventually came out of it, she asked her psychiatrist about it, and he said that since she was older now, her bipolar disorder had changed. They went over her triggers and found out that, in fact, her age did have something to do with her depression.


Here’s the thing about aging and bipolar disorder. As you get older, there are other issues that affect you other than just your bipolar disorder, but that can contribute to a bipolar episode.

For one thing…You’ve heard of “senior moments,” right? Where you start to have memory problems as you get older? Some people do get depressed over that issue.

Another thing that can lead to depression in older adults is not being able to do the things they used to do just because of the aging process itself.

At first there can be a sense of denial, and they might still try to do those things, but then get frustrated when they find that they can no longer do them. There might even be some anger before there is the inevitable acceptance. Or they might experience depression, especially if they have bipolar disorder.

The “Empty Nest Syndrome” can contribute to a bipolar depressive episode, too. As children get older and leave home, your role changes, and that can cause problems, even making you depressed if it’s hard for you to accept the new change and the fact that your children (and you) are getting older.

Physical illnesses beset older people more frequently as well, and that can be a cause for depression. There are normal things like high blood pressure and high cholesterol that older people have to contend with, but there is also the fear of stroke and heart attack as well.

All these things can combine to give a person with bipolar disorder the risk of having a bipolar depressive episode even if they’ve never had one before.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,



Bipolar and The Complaint Department


I’m lucky. My workers are all virtual. That means that they work from home in other places –
they don’t actually work in an office with me here. So I don’t have to listen to complaints like other employers do.

Some employers even put up a Suggestion Box. Unfortunately, most of the time they don’t really get suggestions they can use. The business owners I have talked to tell me that the Suggestion Box is pretty much useless, actually.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t ask for suggestions from the people that work for me. Oh no…
On the contrary. I’m constantly asking them for suggestions on how we can improve things.

And I respect their suggestions, because I respect them. Because they’re not complainers. See…
That’s the thing. You have to know how to effectively state your complaint. Actually, you have to be able to state your NEED.

You wouldn’t like it if all your loved one did was complain all the time, would you? Well…
They sure won’t like that coming from you, either. So you have to do what’s EFFECTIVE. And what’s effective is stating your need instead.

If you state your need instead of just complaining, that will be more effective, and most likely will not lead to a fight.

For example: Say you feel frustrated. And part of that frustration is coming from the fact that you’re around your loved one so much that you feel like their bipolar disorder is smothering you (a common feeling for a bipolar supporter to feel).

So you want some time to yourself. Instead of complaining: “I never get any time to myself!”
You can say: “I’d really like to have some time to myself. I think that would really help me. Would that be possible?”

Do you see the difference? If you were to do it the first way, you would not only be complaining, but you could come off as being argumentative. This could make your loved one feel defensive.
And could very well lead to a fight.

But in the second case, you are just stating your feelings and stating your need. You are actually even asking for their help. This changes things. It actually involves your loved one. It makes them want to help you. And should not lead to a fight.

You can also use this method in reverse. When your loved one says something that comes off as complaining, try to look past the complaint to see what their real need is.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


Current Bipolar News


What’s new? Hope you are doing well.

To read this week’s news visit:

Norway study links mental illness to drugs
DO> This study makes an important point.

Owens found competent for trial in Fiesta Island mishap
DO> Do you agree with this decision?

North Buffalo woman admits killing 7-year-old son
DO> Do you think this is reasonable?

Bipolar disorder impacts life expectancy in the young
DO> Interesting study, don’t you agree?

Emotion regulation deficits specific to bipolar I disorder
DO> Important study, don’t you think?

Disabled woman forced back to NJ
DO> Do you think this is fair?

Violent Air Canada passenger declared not criminally responsible
DO> Do you agree with this ruling?

‘Fuzzy thinking’ in depression and bipolar disorder: New research finds effect is real
DO> This study reveals something very interesting.

Online training can teach psychotherapists evidence-based treatments, study finds
DO> Good study, wouldn’t you say?

For these stories and more, please visit:

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Current Bipolar News


What’s new? Hope you are doing well.

To read this week’s news visit:

Man gets 18 years for abduction and rape
DO> Do you think this was a fair sentence?

J&K: 11-year-old rape victim suffers from ‘bipolar mooddisorder’
DO> You will be shocked by this girl’s story.

Death sentence reduced to life in 2009 officer’s slaying
DO> Do you agree with this decision?

Fiesta Island crash driver fit to stand trial
DO> Do you think her bipolar is at fault?

Norway study links mental illness to drugs
DO> Interesting study, don’t you agree?

North Buffalo woman admits killing 7-year-old son
DO> This woman’s story will shock and disturb you.

Smoking alleviates psychiatric symptoms
DO> These studies reveal some startling information.

Grieving parents say hospital failed their mentally ill, drug-addicted son
DO> This man’s story is tragic, don’t you think?

Bipolar disorder impacts life expectancy in the young
DO> This study makes an important point.

Emotion regulation deficits specific to bipolar I disorder
DO> Important study, wouldn’t you say?

For these stories and more, please visit:

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,
