Bipolar Lesson: Warning! This isn’t like Burger King


I haven’t been to Burger King in years but I have a
friend that goes all the time. He loves Burger King.

I must say as a side note, I think those new Burger
King Commercials with the “Burger King”, which is a
person, running through football stadiums is REALLY funny.

If you are out of the US, Burger King is a place that
sells Burgers which are pieces of meat on bread. (Hey
don’t laugh, we have international people in over 140
countries so I want to make sure every “gets it”.)

Anyway, I asked my friend why he loves Burger King
so much. He said, “Have It Your Way”(R) dude. As
you probably know, several of my friends that powerlift,
compete in strongman competitions and body build use the
word “dude.”

I asked what’s so special about Burger King? He explained
that you can customize your meal at Burger King.
Then I got to thinking about some comments I get from readers.

NOTE-Now I know I am going to get people who write me and
say that I own stock in Burger King or that I own Burger King
or that I am trying to trick you into getting Burgers at Burger
King for I can secretly make money. I am using this to
illustrate a point so if you are thinking this relay.
Want to complain write:

Well let’s take a look at some reader comments and then get
to the Bipolar Lesson.

Okay, first, I have around 80,000 people on all my lists. I get
up to 1000 emails some days. The average is in the 700s.
I try to read them all. There is no way that I can respond
to each and every one. Frankly I wouldn’t want to. Why?
Well I wouldn’t want to spend all day typing at my computer
then go to sleep and start over again and not do anything else
other than answer people’s emails.

Some people don’t seem to understand this so that’s why I a
writing it now. With that said, let’s take a look at some
emails that I get and the lessons you can learn:

Take a look at this:

“I understand that but I have to be sure you are not a con sorry Working on e-mail is not enough evidence for me Send me your books I will pay cash on deliver Kind regards”

Okay first, if you can’t tell that I am not a con, than I don’t know
what to tell you. I mean I would have to be the dumbest person on
the face of the earth to run a “con” in mental health where I get
bombarded with emails, questions and actually have to do a TON
of work.

But the key part that I see here is this. “Send me your books and I
will pay cash on deliver.” I am assuming Julie is referring to
COD or cash on delivery. I have heard of that in the United States
but I have NO idea how to do it and I have NO desire to learn
how to do it. I have no need to complicate anything any more.

Finally, Julie is in Australia. Can you imagine sending stuff
to another country and getting the cash on delivery? Good luck.

Also, who says that I would even do this in the first place?
Her statement assumes that I would do it, which I will not.

So the bottom line is, this request will not be fulfilled.

I believe that someone people look at my courses/systems:




And they think I am desperate to make sales. I am NOT. It’s not
going to hurt me if you don’t get the information to help you
or your loved one. Hey my mom’s doing great. I am really
offering my information to help others.

Now look at this next email:

“STOP! Why are you sending me sooooo many emails. Take me off
your list immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNLESS
you can send me emails only on Saturdays and Sundays”

First, Steve, I put a lot of time and energy into these emails.
For all of those that think that I simply hire someone to do it,
you are fooling yourself. Who in the world could you hire to
write these things? And I write them EVERY day. Imagine YOU
had to get up and spend an hour writing an email to help

So Steve is mad that I am sending a f.ree email that he
doesn’t pay for, that I pay for, that he can save and file
and read later? Make sense? Of course it doesn’t.

Second point, If you don’t want to be on my list, you can
click the remove link at the bottom of EVERY single message
that comes from me. Don’t be lazy. I mean come on. I offer
a f.ree service that I spend a ton of time and money
putting together and then you complain.

Finally I love when he asks if I can send only on Saturdays
and Sundays. Hey, let me spend $50,000 reconfiguring the
the email server just for you 🙂

Look at this email:

“Dave, how are you? I loooooove your emails they are
so helpful and great. You help so much. Why can’t you
send more information faster? Can you send me more emails
or put everything in one big email. I don’t have time
to wait. I am helping my sister and need all the information
I can gett right awayy. Why are you holding back and sending
so slowly?”

Isn’t it funny how one person thinks I send way to much and
Karen thinks that I am holding back. Actually I like Karen. She’s
a nice person. I explained that I have to have a balance and
I don’t want to flood people with too much to have to print
off in one day. She understood.

Here’s the big lesson. For some strange reason, when it comes
to bipolar disorder so many people just don’t take it seriously.

People would never treat other illnesses like let’s say Cancer like
this. I have spoken to people that have all these conditions in
regards to treatment. They want to have it their way, like at
Burger King. Well it doesn’t work that way.

Just the other day I was on the phone with someone who told me they
really wanted to help their loved one and would do anything BUT
he related to me:

-I can’t go with them to see the doctor Monday through Friday

-I don’t want them to take medications only natural things long

-I don’t want to pay more than $150 a session for a doctor for my loved

-I can only afford $75 a session for a therapist for my loved one.

-We live in a small town and I don’t want to drive more than 45 minutes
to the doctor

-I have to get someone who takes our insurance but a lot of people don’t
take our insurance

-I don’t have the time to you use your doctor finding system right now, can you just tell me doctors that I should contact? (NOTE this defeats the entire doctor finding system in my courses/systems)

And he had a few other things that had to be his way.

I was amazed and then told the person to get into the real world. He
wants his loved one to be successful BUT wants it HIS way. Come on.

People like this fail. That’s the bottom line. So the big lesson
is, you aren’t’ going to have it your way. This isn’t Burger King.
You have to do everything you can to help yourself or your
loved one and don’t be a pain that wants it their way.

Make sense?


Yesterday I told you how I setup my F.R.E.E
podcast or audio presentation and didn’t send you the link. Sorry.
Here it is:

Your Friend,


P.S. In D.ebt from bipolar disorder? Visit:
P.S.S. My attorney says I have to tell you: “Have It Your Way”(R) is a registered trade mark of Burger King(R). I don’t want to make him mad :).

  1. Dave, I do appreciate your emails, sometimes it seems you are the only one around who really understands what bipolar supporters go through. I can attest, despite what seems like a heavy, over-commercial and high pressure sales job on the site that you have valuable information to provide –

    Something you wrote not long ago really struck me as I have been trying for YEARS AND YEARS to help my bipolar husband and now our daughter – that you can never try everything – that it would be mathmatically impossible to try everything. The possiblities are endless, that can be overwhelming but what else can we do?

    Anyhow, I sent you an email on the 16th Dave – I know you get tons – I will resend it today with some sort of flag or something.

    Thanks again – I look forward to your emails – they remind me that I am not alone – that others out there know how difficult this can be.

  2. Hi Dave,
    I have been receiving your emails for some time now and find the information very re-assuring. You see, I have dealt with my own bi polar for over 30 years now maybe 58 and to read of your valuable knowledge you impart so freely is priceless. Thankyou
    Wendy Lorraine

  3. You don’t need to be told of your talent(hence you may be BD too)Up all hours and up and down with humour. Anyway a big help and soooo much effort that helps me support my partner who has had it 35 yrs and maybe his daughter has it, it is also helping with my college assignment as I have picked this topic. I found that Britain are soooo naive and very reluctant to help.Maybe I will give my Psychology teacher a reality shock on bad teaching techniques for BDs in education:) I hope. He did say EduCaTe ME!! We’ll see about that!

  4. My husband tells us a story about the time he was in the Phillipines and asked for a hamburger! He received a beef patty on a plate! He asked where was the bread, and the lady told him, “oh, you wanted a hamburger sandwich!”

  5. Keep up the informative emails! In this case, more is better than less. I just create a new folder in hotmail called Dave and then move them there until I have time to read.

    Now with the use of Podcast, those people who do not appreciate your efforts on the emails, can sit back click and listen to your informative words. They CAN have it their way.

    Keep up the good work!


  6. dave,
    i just wrote a big long article explaining my situation and then I lost it when i went to adjust my name. any way I am a extremely real person and am a bi-polar supporter and have signed up for your newsletter/mini course and am much more than happy to hear about it. I have been a supporter of a brother, for about three years now, who has bi-
    polar and have been the true real supporter through the ups and downs
    EVERY DAY. Look I honestly wrote a whole damn article explaining my situation and lost it so i’ll just say that I am glad that i had discovered your news letter and that you will be hearing from me again as i intend to talk back and forth and really would like to talk
    with alot of these people about all things involved which all of you out there who do know and care know
    that the amount you can learn is endless and that the poeple who are
    the ones that give endless care, love, and support are the ones who can help each other and are the real ones who know about this. I am glad I could post and look forward to coming back soon. Thanks Aaron

  7. Given the fact that anti-depresant medication can catalize a manic episode in an individual with bi-polar, what is the best pharmacutical to give to a bi-polar person who is in a depressive phase. If anyone has had a positive experience I would appreciate a post.

  8. Dave
    your email help me so much i have been recently been told I have BiPolar 1 disorder and i am 41 yrs old and its been hell but now i am on Lamictal your e-mails are a god send every day i read them and and learn from them keep them comming please thanks again

    Dean linn
    Longview Washinton

  9. Hi Dave … I have a couple of quick questions … I am positive my boyfriend’s daughter is bipolar and I would like answers please regarding her behaviour. I need answers in writing so that I can help him to help her. These are the highlights and I would appreciate your direct answers please. I will call her ‘Brenda’ and she is 17 yrs old.

    -Brenda spends money like it’s water running from a tap on everything and anything and is very wasteful
    -Brenda has suddenly turned into an exercise freak working out every day and dieting excessively even though she is already very small and slim
    -Brenda is cutting herself when she gets upset
    -She screams and curses at her father and throws things at him too … she is forever calling him names and putting him down
    -She goes from one extreme to the other in a matter of seconds like turning a light switch off and on (extremely angry to innocently happy)
    -She has no idea why she is so angry at her father and hates him
    -She has gone from being afraid to sleep in her room, selling her bed and upsetting the entire house to sleep in the living room … then going back into her bedroom after several months and getting dad to buy a new bed for her
    -She refused to stay home alone because of her fears and now she wants to stay home alone all the time
    -She claims she is bisexual

    Now I know this behaviour is not normal … but is it bipolar? I have read several articles on the subject but would like more information. I know her dad is part of the problem but I would like to find some solutions or at least make him understand that she does have a real medical problem … whether it is bipolar or not.

    Please help if you can. Many thanks for you help.

  10. Dave

    I would also like to add that ‘Brenda’ suffers from anxiety disorders, panic attacks and post-traumatic stress. She may also be obsessive compulsive but I am still trying to figure that out.


  11. I appreciate all the advice and help. It does take time to assimilate, but that is certainly worth doing!

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