Current Bipolar News


How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

Well yesterday I had a great trip to New York. I learned a ton of useful things to help this organization move forward.

Anyway, here’s the current bipolar news.

To read this week’s news visit:

Raising funds – and bipolar awareness
DO> Great article.

From Prevention to Preemption: A Paradigm Shift in Psychiatry
DO> I totally agree with this.

8 Myths About Bipolar Disorder
DO> Interesting what do you think.

The end in full view
DO> Hmm. What do you think of this.

Swings of bipolar disorder to opposite extremes
DO> This article is so true.

Get Real: Count Your Blessings and Your Troubles
DO> Hmm. What do you think of this?

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Gas and Bipolar Disorder


How’s it going?

It’s 4:30am and I am writing this.

I actually have to go to New York City today for a meeting.

I am dead tired right now.

I don’t have much time.

I hope your day is going to be great.

Let me jump into today’s topic quickly

Lots of people are complaining about the price of gas. I don’t blame them – in some places, the price of gas is $4.00 per gallon!

A couple I know owned a Jeep Cherokee, And even though they loved their vehicle, they saw this coming, and they traded out of it just in time to a smaller car that was better on gas.

Anyway, what does the price of gas have to do with bipolar disorder? I’ll tell you.

My point is, you have to look ahead and see things coming. Like the cost of your loved one’s medication.

In my courses/systems below:







I stress how very important medication is in a good treatment plan for someone with bipolar disorder. In fact, people probably get sick of my “preaching” about how if you don’t take it, you could die. But that’s how important it is! So you have to plan ahead in case any number of things happens.

What if:

· Something should happen to your finances,

· You lose your insurance,

· Your insurance stops covering the cost of

your loved one’s medication,

· Your loved one is switched to a medication

that isn’t covered by your insurance,

· Or something else you don’t anticipate

You see what I mean?

You have to think ahead. Just like the couple who traded in their car just in time because they looked ahead and saw the price of gas rising.

So get a piece of paper. Make a list of every solution you can think of right now. Think ahead.

Think about your finances. Ways you can cut back and start putting away money now in case any of the above situations should happen. You MUST have the money. Because your loved one MUST have their medication!

If you have to, trade in your car like that couple did, to save on gas.

If you were planning an expensive vacation, take a more inexpensive one instead – maybe one closer to home, so you can save the money. Or take less trips.  Or drive instead of fly. It till take less money. Or think of smaller things – if you work, pack your lunch instead of buying things at the concession stand at work.Instead of stopping for that cup of coffee on the way to work, make it at home instead! You wouldn’t believe how much that one little cup of coffee adds up to over time!

Then put the savings in an account so you have the money for medication.

Brainstorm other solutions to save money in case something should happen so that you have extra money…just in case.

I really have to take off. Catch you tomorrow. Oh, actually tomorrow is the bipolar news. Don’t miss it.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

5 Ways To Keep A Loved One With Bipolar On Track


Hope you’re doing well.

I am thinking about hiring some kind of computer tutor for the entire organization. I have a number of people that work for me that aren’t the best with computers and software programs (me included ).

I was thinking of hiring someone to do some kind of over the phone computer group or individual teaching. I am not sure how it will work and I am thinking about it. Let me know what you think.

Okay, yesterday I sent out a daily email about the nightmare person with bipolar disorder that I had working for me.


A number of people wrote me that they were totally depressed about how I hired someone that turned out to be so bad. You should know if you are thinking this way that the worst people that I have ever hired actually reported NO disorder.

I have hired many people with one or more disorders and only one has turned out (actually two), to be really bad and ill. The VAST MAJORITY of people that I have hired with bipolar or other disorders have done GREAT. They have out performed people without disorders. Please remember that. Melinda posted on my blog:


Obviously you’re a good, humane person or you wouldn’t be in the business you are and employing people with “disorders.” Has it ever occurred to you that you’re TOO nice? By this I don’t mean weak, just too tolerant?

I live with a landady who’s losing or has lost her mind–she could be walking around with an undiagnosed case of bipolar illness, for al I know. She’s slandered me to her friends and family, accused me of terrible things I haven’t done, has discriminated against me because I have ADD and bipolar illness (she doesn’t know about the bipolar II I have), and sworn and yelled at me. She tries to turn my other housemate against me, another Christian!! I consider her abusive and manipulative, not to mention downright mean. I told her I think someone must have been mean to her once, but that she’s allowed them to turn her mean. Turns out my honesty helped! Dave, why did you let that crazy person wreak such havoc in your life? Do you enjoy suffering? Don’t be a masochist. You said you allowed the person umpteen chances. Why? Wrong is wrong. There’s such a thing as protecting yourself. No, you weren’t being stupid, just TOO nice! Don’t beat yourself up over this, please. Think instead of all the people you’ve helped.

Keep up the good work,”


I think Melinda is right I am too nice. I am way too nice when it comes to people who work for me that are new and have one or more disorders. Sometimes I give people way to many chances. It’s hard to tell which people will turn out well with bipolar disorder when it comes to employment.

I have people that work for me that never held a job more than 6 months with anyone else, attempted suicide 5 to 7 times, were in jail, were homeless, etc and do FANTASITIC.

So you can’t have too much heavy duty looking at a person’s past. The way our system goes it weighs the future and near past much more than the old, old past. Know what I mean?

At the end of the day, what’s the major problem with these people that do so much bad in such a short period of time? It’s generally they don’t have a treatment plan they are following AND they don’t have a supporter to help put them back on track and keep them their.

Today I want to talk about

5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Stay On Track

1. Don’t Let Them Get Lazy

It’s hard for your loved one when they, perhaps, have lost their job and are now on disability. Some people lose their sense of direction when they have nothing to wake up for any more when they have no job to go to. Don’t let your loved one get lazy just because they aren’t working any more. Encourage them to make a To-Do List, or something else that forces them to be productive in some way every day – just something that gets them out of bed with a day’s goal in mind.

2. Make Sure They Stick to Their Treatment Plan

Sometimes loved ones may stick to their treatment plans  in the beginning, when they know you’re watching them, but then they slack off when they think you’re not looking.

Don’t let that happen to your loved one. Make sure they stick to their treatment plan. This is so important. Especially when it comes to their medication. No, they’re not a child, and you can’t make them take their medication by forcing it down their throat. But you can encourage them and reinforce the importance of taking it. Be the same way with the rest of their treatment plan – going to their appointments with their psychiatrist, doctor, and therapist. Eat a good diet, exercise, and sleep right, etc.

3. Use a Buddy System

Try to keep them on track by finding a “BP Buddy” for them – maybe someone from their bipolar support group. Someone who knows what they’re going through, and is perhaps sharing the same struggles. Maybe they can do some things together, maybe some things to keep them from getting bored – maybe they share the same interests, or at least could go out to eat or to the movies, etc.

In my courses/systems below:







I share many tips/tricks to helping your loved one stay on track, but in this email I’ll just share a couple more quick ones here:

4 Encourage Them to be Independent

Don’t act like your loved one’s babysitter. Encourage them to be independent, and not dependent on you. You want to be supportive, and you want them to feel your support and to know that you’re there for them, but at the same time, you  don’t want them to feel as if you’re smothering them. If you have grown children, remember back to when your children were teenagers and were trying to show that they were “grown up.” Your loved one is going through the same thing. Stay close enough that if they want your help, you can help them, but give them enough room that they can do what they can for themselves.

5 Be Their Cheerleader

When your loved one does make advances in their growth, say, in therapy, be their personal cheerleader! Make sure they know that you are on their side, not only NOT nagging them, but being positive and encouraging, and cheering them on to do good so that they don’t get depressed. Even small advances can be good ones.

Being a good supporter isn’t an easy job. But it is so important to your loved one that you encourage them every step of the way.

These are just 5 ways that you can do that. I’m sure that you can come up with more.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Interested in Christianity And Bipolar Disorder?


I have some good news for the many people who have asked me for resources related to Christianity and Bipolar Disorder.

I have gotten many requests over the last two years but I really didn’t have a resource to point people to. Now I do. It’s actually by Michele Soloway and everyone that has gotten a copy loves it.

If you have an interest, please visit:



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder? Don’t get conned like I just did


How’s it going?

What a day was yesterday. I had so much nonsense to deal with.

I have one person who USE TO work for me excusing me of discriminating against them because they have bipolar disorder.

I heard and read how I was a bad person, I “exploited people”, I created a “poisonous work environment.” on and on and on and on. The entire thing gave me a headache. After reading it, you would think I was a really, really bad person.

This person is suppose to report me to the labor department which is funny since I have more than 10 people that work for me with one or more disorders.

I can’t wait. Because I am going to document the entire thing from a to z and hopefully help another employer deal with a nightmare like this.

The sad part is, this kind of nonsense wastes my time and instead of working on productive things I am bogged down with stupid stuff.

Over the last few weeks, I have been lied to so many times it’s amazing, had my credit card used without my permission, multiple people in the organization have been lied to, I have heard every possible excuse why something wasn’t done, work hasn’t gotten done, time sheets submitted didn’t make sense sometimes.

I have MASSIVE documentation of what happened and all that was done wrong. I also have multiple lawyers, HR people and 4 people on the team who will just be working on this in case something comes up with the labor department. Unfortunately I had one person slip through the hiring process that should not have been hired. In like 30 days it was a total disaster had occurred. Far worse than my mom’s episodes because my mom never was working for me when she went into a bipolar episode.

The sad part is that everyone that has one or more disorders said this person was not stable and should be let go. I gave second, third, fourth, fifth up to I am not kidding, maybe 20+ chances.

Even after my credit card was used without my permission which is illegal you know, I suspended the person hoping that we could help the person. However I really got conned and scammed.

The entire thing has cost me a ton.

I am so annoyed about the entire thing, I am contacting the labor department and going to interview them.

I am sure there are people on my list, trying to figure out how to deal with an employee with bipolar disorder or some disorder like it that is a nightmare.

So as I was going through this, did I just freak out? Nope.

I heard an expression one time:

“Can you keep your head when everyone around you is losing theirs?”

At first I thought this was funny, but then I thought about it.

So what does this have to do with bipolar disorder?

Think about it, like I did.

What if your loved one is in an episode. How do you keep your normal, calm self and your positive attitude while they are going totally manic?

See what I mean?

It sure isn’t easy, is it?

But it can be done.

Two things:

1. You have to separate you loved one from their disorder.

2. You have to separate yourself from your loved one.

One way to separate your loved one from their disorder is to think about how they are when they’re not in an episode.

Another way to separate your loved one from their disorder is to remember why you care about them, or why you fell in love with them in the first place.

One way to separate yourself from your loved one when they’re in an episode is to continue going about your life as you normally would.

Another way is to take a break. Do something for yourself that you enjoy – maybe go to the movies with a friend. Try not to think about your loved one’s episode.

These are just a few of the suggestions I offer in my courses/systems below:







Still, it’s hard to keep a normal, calm self and a positive attitude when your loved one is in a manic episode, no matter how many suggestions I offer. You’re the one going through it, after all.

So how do you stay normal and calm?

If you’re a spiritual person, you pray. If you have a good friend, you talk to them about what is going on, or cry on their shoulder.

If you write in a journal, you write out all your thoughts and feelings honestly, knowing no one else will read them.

Some people scream into a pillow.

And how do you keep a positive attitude?

Well, that’s up to you. How do you normally keep a positive attitude in spite of the fact that your loved one has bipolar disorder, even when they’re not in an episode?

You deal with it one day at a time, that’s what most people tell me, and you make the best of it.

You take care of yourself, and your family.

You try to be grateful for the small things.

And be especially grateful when your loved one isn’t in an episode and things are fairly normal in your life.

So how do you keep your head when everyone around you is losing theirs?

What do you think? I’d like to know how YOU do it?

The thing is, when you have someone who works for you, you don’t have time to sit around and wait for them to get better. I made a HUGE mistake and never will make this one again.

I think back to all the jobs my mom lost and all the problems she must have created for employers. They probably really, really, really, disliked her.

Based on what has happen to me, I am sure my mom cost some employers in the past tons of money and made their life miserable.

The difference between my mom and this person is that my mom didn’t really know what she had. This person however absolutely does and manipulates people and the system.

Several consultants that help me say I am out of my mind and should never hire people from my list.

The entire thing is a annoying. The good news is that I have great new replacements and from now on, we will have multiple layers of oversight. Over the last few days we created all new systems to prevent this from happening again.

I am also going to be in close contact with several government agencies including the labor department when these issues come up.

My mom said to me that she had no idea that someone with bipolar disorder would do such stuff. I said to her “mom you use to be just like that why do you think you lost 20 jobs.” She said sorry but again my mom really didn’t know any better. The worst is when a person knows what they have and still does this stuff.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Have YOU ever made this common bipolar mistake?


How’s it going? Hope you have a great day today.


You know what I was thinking. I am like 95% certain that I can grow the entire organization by only hiring people connected to my list.

That’s a great thing. We have done some experiments with hiring and looking at the retention and have concluded that through my list we can get all the good people we need.

That’s a great thing. Keep reading these daily bipolar emails for new notices of new positions.

If you see a position a friend might be interested, please forward the information to him/her.


Today I want to talk to you about jumping to conclusions.

It has to do with minor depression and major depression.

I was reading this article in one of the journals that I get, and it gave this description of minor depression:

“Minor depression is a proposed diagnosis for depression which is not severe enough to meet the criteria for major depression

and has not lasted the two years necessary to be considered dysthymia.”

Even major depression doesn’t come close to the deep depression of a bipolar depressive episode, as you most likely know.

But still, there is a difference between your loved one being just depressed and being in a bipolar depressive cycle.

In my courses/systems below:







I talk about the different types of bipolar disorder, and one of them includes more depression than mania, So if your loved one has that type of bipolar disorder, you’re probably familiar with that type of depression.

But I still want to talk about not jumping to conclusions.

What I mean by that is that maybe your loved one is just having a bad day.

Or maybe they’re just in a bad mood.

Or maybe they are in a minor depression, for a very short span of time (not by the definition above) – just for a day, I mean. With someone who doesn’t have bipolar disorder, or even you, that would be ok. You wouldn’t assume they (or you) are in the beginning of an episode, would you?

But too many people jump to the conclusion (wrongly) that just because someone has bipolar disorder that they’re never allowed

to have a bad day, get in a bad mood, or just plain get normally (minorly) depressed.

It’s ok if your loved one gets depressed. It happens to everyone. Not everything is going to be ok all the time. Not everyone is happy all the time. That’s just normal.

You know Michele who works for me. Well, her and her husband (her supporter) have a system. He allows her to have one bad day (they call it a bad bipolar day). It’s even ok if she wants to spend the whole day in bed.

If she’s still depressed on the second day, he at least makes her get out of bed. But if she’s still depressed on the third day, he makes her get out of the house and go somewhere, so that she doesn’t go into a bipolar depressive episode. He watches her signs/symptoms very closely at that point (it’s not the same as jumping to conclusions then).

That’s their system. But just one day doesn’t count. One day is ok.

See the difference?

So, remember – don’t jump to conclusions just because your loved one has one depressed day. Everyone does, and that’s just normal. Don’t assume they’re going into an episode.

I remember this one time that my mom got cut off from someone while driving. If you are from the New York area, you know that people can be REALLY, REALLY mean when they drive. It’s like a war zone sometimes.

Anyway my mom got cut off. The guy screamed at her as well. How do I know it really happened? I was there with her.

My mom came home and was mad about it. My brother was over my parents house at the time. He said, “here’s she goes again going into an episode.”

He had clearly heard the story and still concluded that she was going into an episode and she didn’t have the right to be mad.

I on the other hand was SUPER mad at the person that cut her off. Between the two of us, my mom was way more calm.

I would have spent the day trying to find him : )

But my brother focused on my mom and didn’t look at the situation?

See the difference?

If you are a bipolar supporter have you jumped to conclusions?

If you are a survivor has someone constantly jumped to conclusions with you?

Let me know.

Hey I have to run.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Shocking Bipolar Post On Blog and New PPC Management Job Available


How’s it going? Before I get started on today’s topic, I wanted to update you.

I just wanted to say that for right now, we are done accepting new applications for the customer service and admin positions that we have listed.

We have recently had some great looking people apply. Several are going through the multi step process.

Actually we had one person who is highly qualified for the admin position who had the job forwarded to her from a person on y list.

This person who is qualified has no knowledge of bipolar disorder at all. Kind of amazing. But this person is indeed qualified and going through the process.

Recently I have had to fire two people that did a tremendously poor job. Wait until I tell you the story next week. I actually got conned big time. I mean big time. Money attempted to be stolen. Sad.

Anyway, these people didn’t do anything, lied, and simply could not work from home. The tough thing for me is finding SERIOUS people who can work from home to help this SERIOUS real organization that helps people deal with bipolar disorder.

I am NOT looking for people who have broken down lives, unstable, have dozens of “problems” and want to make a “few bucks” from home.

There are many people who work for me now who have NEVER had the ability to work in the same job for more than 6 months or so.

I offer a great place to work for serious minded people.

I do have another opening. I do not have it posted yet. Andrea is working on some other stuff and can’t get it posted for a few days.

It’s for a PPC or Pay Per Click Manager. There will be VERY few people who even know what this means.

I would like to see what kind of initial response I might get.

If you are interested in a PPC management position AND you have experience, please email me at

Send me what kind of experience you have. Send a resume as well.


If you have no experience OR have no idea what PPC Management is, please do NOT and I repeat do NOT email anything like this:

“I am willing to learn anything. I want to apply. I need a job to make some extra money”

That’s such an annoying way to email someone who is hiring. It says, “hey, I don’t care about the job. It could be anything. As long as it’s working from home. I need money and I will give it a whirl. Hire me. I am great. I swear.”

Okay, on to today’s topic.

I saw a VERY disturbing post that I really need to share with you:

David- I’ve just read through the entire explanation of all of your courses. I don’t think I can stand it because I feel that I looked down all the wrong avenues. My research and meager attempts to help were peripheral, uneducated and generally ineffective. I feel that had I ordered your course last fall, when I first found your website that my beautiful boyfriend would be alive today.

You even offered a money back guarantee. I’ve read ALL of the information. I’d never read all of it before. IF I WOULD HAVE READ IT ALL, HAVE ORDERED THE COURSE, I AM SURE HE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE. I’ve failed him in the worst way possible, and there is no going back. I’ve killed him for sure.–Lucy


Doesn’t that really bother you? It really, really bothered me. I feel so sorry for Lucy, because you can tell she feels so guilty.

But something else too. It makes me feel that much more sure about what I do. It makes me want to work harder and harder and harder to get the word out on bipolar disorder to supporters to teach them like I do in my courses/systems below:







Now I’ve been accused by a couple of people here in the past of “soft-selling” my courses/systems on here. Well, now you know why I put them here. If I can save even one life, it’s worth it. That’s the way I look at it. See, that’s the way Lucy looked at it, the woman in the email, too. And now she feels guilty about not having ordered the course. Yes, I do offer a guarantee with the courses, but that guarantee wouldn’t have assured that her boyfriend would still be alive today. That’s why I’m always pushing the statistics about loved ones staying on their medication, because those that go off their medication stand a 20% chance of killing themselves!

And even though she says that had she ordered the course he would still be alive, that’s still no guarantee, because they still have to follow what’s in the courses.

She’s NOT responsible for what happened to her boyfriend, anymore than you’re responsible for what your loved one does.

But, like she says, if she HAD read the information that’s in the courses, things might have been different.

Now, I’m not a doctor, medical professional, therapist or any kind of mental professional, so let’s get that straight. I’m only going by what this woman herself is saying. And she is feeling Very guilty. Wrongfully guilty. It is NOT her fault.

But I have gotten other emails saying the SAME THING! I really have. One man was SO insistent that I send him my course, even though his loved one killed herself. He said he just had to see where he had gone wrong as a supporter. I even tried to talk him out of it, saying it was just his grief talking, but he was just so insistent. So I finally sent him the course for his own peace of mind.

Lucy says in her email, “I’ve killed him for sure.” Like the other man who talked to me, that’s just guilt talking. But you don’t want to be one of these people. Pay attention to what’s happening with your loved one. If they even have suicidal ideologies, if they even talk about wanting to die, or say they are thinking about killing themselves, get help. Don’t let it go too far.

This is very serious. You don’t want to lose them like these people did.

Hey, I am going hiking again today. I will catch you later on. I am going to post some photos as well since I learned how to do that.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

CHANTIX and bipolar disorder info. Did you know this?


How’s it going?

I am getting this off to you really early because I have a very busy day.

Someone who works for me actually two people REALLY have dropped that ball and now I have to take over their jobs.

It’s a major pain that’s for sure. But as you probably have seen, I started looking for two more good people that really can w.ork from home.

It’s sad but MANY people can NOT w.ork from home. They really do need a boss to stand over them and micromanage them.

It’s amazing and sad.

Anyway, let’s move on to today’s topic.

I recently came across something very disturbing, and it’s all over the internet, so I need to tell you about it, because it involves hundreds, maybe thousands of people.

It’s about CHANTIX, a stop smoking drug.

This drug is very, very dangerous for people who have bipolar disorder, and possibly you if your loved one is trying to quit smoking, or thinking about it and is taking, or thinking of taking this drug.

If they are, you need to know what to look for.

The normal side effects are: nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbance, constipation, and flatulence. The sleep disturbance they’re talking about is weird or vivid dreams.

Now, those were the “normal” (usual) side effects. They used to include  migraines as well, but they don’t put that on the new package inserts, but you need to watch out for that, too, if your loved one is prone to having

Here’s where you especially need to  watch your loved one, because the package insert says (and I quote):

Adverse Reactions for Psychiatric Disorders:

“Frequent: Anxiety, Depression, Emotional disorder, Irritability, Restlessness. Infrequent: Aggression, Agitation, Disori- entation, Dissociation, Libido decreased, Mood swings, Thinking abnormal. Rare: Bradyphrenia, Euphoric mood, Hallucination, Psychotic disorder, Suicidal ideation.

In my courses/systems below:



I list all the signs/symptoms of bipolar disorder, so you need to be watching for them anyway, but if you look at the warnings from the label for Chantix that I just quoted, you can see how closely they are related to bipolar symptoms!

Even if you don’t want to listen to me, listen to someone who went through it herself:

“Dear Dave:
I want you to warn your readers about taking Chantix to quit smoking if they have bipolar disorder. The drug people won’t tell you this, but it can cause you to go into an episode. I know, because it did it to me, and I ended up in the hospital.

I know other people who this has happened to, too. And even some people who killed themselves because of it. This is a very dangerous drug for people who have bipolar disorder. You need to tell your readers not to take it.

So this isn’t just coming from me. I had someone tell me they even called the  drug company to complain that it doesn’t warn you on the package insert, and the man said it does tell the doctor to watch you closely if they do prescribe it.

But how many doctors read the package insert? How many have the time to read every package insert for every single drug they prescribe?

Chantix is supposed to be a good drug to help people stop smoking. And maybe it is, for most people.

But for people who have bipolar disorder,  it is a very, very dangerous, even fatal drug (according to reports on the internet).

So if your loved one is trying to stop smoking and is taking Chantix, and you notice signs/symptoms of their bipolar disorder acting up, tell them to check with their doctor (who will either reduce heir dose or tell them to stop taking it),  and watch them very, very closely for signs of a bipolar episode.


David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Current Bipolar News. “Mad Pride”, Good Or Bad For Bipolar Disorder?


How’s it going?

I got up really early today because I have a million things to do.

Anyway, there’s an interesting article about “Mad Pride” below. What do you think about it?

Post your opinion on my blog.

Here’s the current bipolar news.

To read this week’s news visit:

‘Mad pride’ fights mental illness stigma
DO> Do you think this concept is good or bad for bipolar disorder? What do you think? Let me know.

Bipolar man missing in Highlands County
DO> I see this so many times a week. Same story just different people. It’s sad and it’s always about the person wasn’t taking medication.

Angry Bipolar Patient ID’d as Pa. Radio Station Gunman
DO> This amazing? What do you think?

Depression And Bipolar Results Worth Striving For – A New Recovery Model For Mental Illness
DO> Very interesting article, think so?

Talking about bipolar disorder
DO> Good articles on the difficulty of bipolar disorder

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.