Today Is An Important Day For Bipolar Disorder, Know Why?

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

I wanted to drop a quick note about today.

Do you know what day today is? Well it’s
Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day (BDAD).

What the heck is Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day you
might be asking?

Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day was created
by NAMI and Abbott Laboratories to increase
awareness of bipolar disorder, promote early
detection, and better understand the impact on
the more than 13 million Americans presently
affected by the disorder.

BDAD activities focus on encouraging the community

-Learn more about the symptoms of bipolar disorder
and mental illness and understand its impact on society.

-Participate in a f.ree mental health screening held in
many communities.

-Reach out to individuals suffering from bipolar disorder
or mental illness.

-Encourage individuals with bipolar disorder to seek treatment.

You should check around in your area and see if anything
is going on. There could be good speakers in your area,
events and f.ree stuff that can help you with bipolar
disorder or mental health in general.

Every community is different so I can’t tell you
what’s going on in yours.

One thing you should do on this day is be grateful
that you know what bipolar disorder is. Even if
you don’t fully understand it, if you are reading
this email, you at least has some idea.

I am not sure how many people there are, but I would
have to say millions of people through out the
world that have bipolar disorder and don’t even
realize it.

In my courses/systems below:




A common theme that you here is that many people
who are a success today with bipolar disorder
or are successful bipolar supporters had no
idea what was wrong for many, many years.

So really if you have an idea that bipolar
disorder may be the problem you are on
solid foundation for success with helping
yourself with the disorder or helping a loved
one with it.

Well I have to take off today. Make sure
you check your email tomorrow for the
bipolar news.

Bye for now.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Shocking truth about cancer and bipolar disorder

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How are you today?

Hope you are well.

I received an email from someone that said
and I quote:

“I hate bipolar disorder. It’s the worst
illness ever. It’s mesed up my life so
much. I hate it. I hate having it.
I wish I didn’t have it.”

Janice got me to thinking of several things.
First let me say that I do not have bipolar
disorder so I can’t speak from personal
experience about having the disorder.

But I want to point out something that
all started with someone I knew.

A few years back, right around the time
my mom started to go into her really big
bipolar episode, I was working with
my accountant of many years.

He was the accountant that I had for the
longest. He was older close to 70 and a
really smart person. He had been a Certified
Public Accountant for 50 years or so.


One week I was in to see him. He was coughing
a lot. I told him he should go to the doctor.
He laughed and told me how he doesn’t go to the

A week later, he was coughing like crazy on
a Friday. I said he needed to go to the doctor.
So did his assistant. He actually decided he
was going to go. For the first time I saw
he looked worried.

I told him, I would see him next week again
to go over more stuff. We said goodbye.

That was the last time I ever saw him. He
died with 90 days of cancer. It was really

I never really got to say goodbye to him. I
said goodbye but I didn’t know the last time
I said it would be the LAST TIME.

I was really sad for a while.

Fast forward a few years and I need to get
another car. The last guy who sold me my
other car was a guy named Dave. He was a really
nice and honest car salesmen. After he sold
me my car, we became friends. I would come in
and see him many times.

He was amazing because
most car sales people that I met in the past
are dishonest and “slick.”

Dave was a great guy however. I went in
to see him about getting another car
and he was like, “come on in when you are ready,
I will take care of you.”

I waited several months and I went
to go see him. I was told when I went in
that Dave is on sick leave. I asked privately
what was wrong. I was told he had cancer.

I was immediately worried. I thought of my
accountant. I thought of the fact there seems
to be no system with cancer. I thought of the

I was really sad. Dave died within 6 months
of having the illness.

There are other people I know who have died but
none that I knew so much about like my accountant
and Dave.

When I hear people say how bad bipolar disorder
is, I often tell them to realize that the disorder
can be managed. I remind them that no one
I know of died from bipolar disorder itself like

I think cancer is a far worse thing to have. It
seem random. How do you manage cancer? I mean
some people beat it but there appears to be no real
system that I have ever heard of. Maybe there is?
I am not sure.

If you got my courses/systems and go through
them from a to z carefully:




You can’t help but to feel that bipolar
disorder can easily be managed and a person
with it can be successful and live a long
and productive life.

If you listen to the success interviews
in the courses/systems, you will hear
people who suffered for years and years
and years with bipolar disorder and then
learned how to manage it. And manage
it so well you can’t tell they have bipolar

People like Janice need to hear what I
call “bipolar success” because too much
of this illness focuses on the negative.

The news does, many doctors do, many
therapists do, many people do, and worst
of all, it’s hard to find the successful
bipolar supporters or bipolar survivors
in the world. I do understand why it’s
easy to be negative when there’s not a lot
of positive promoted.

The bottom line is bipolar is NOT cancer
and I strongly believe is much more within
you and your loved one’s control.

I am not saying you can’t beat cancer but
it seems really vague how to. I am not
an expert with cancer, and I don’t have
bipolar disorder, but I can tell you,
you can manage bipolar disorder.

I have seen so many people do it and do
it effectively. I have 8 people who work
for me who manage it super well. I have
lots of friends who have it. I have interviewed
tons of people who have it and manage it.

If you are ever feeling down about
having bipolar disorder or having a loved one
with bipolar disorder, just think about the following:

-bipolar disorder can be managed. So many people
have proved this.

-there are medications to control it

-no one ever died of bipolar disorder (I know people
have died from not taking medication and doing
things that lead to death)

-Many super successful people have bipolar
disorder, and use the disorder to accomplish
big things in society

-For most people, doing well with bipolar
disorder is within their control.

I would list more things but you get the idea.

In addition to cancer, there are other illnesses
far worse than bipolar disorder as well. Ones people
can’t control. How about like my friend who
has “something” that makes her fall over sometimes
when she is walking. It makes her dizzy a lot. She
can’t think a lot of the time either.

They don’t know what it is or how to treat it.

If you are reading this, at least you know it’s
bipolar disorder. Imagine not even knowing what you have
like my friend. Even if you aren’t sure if you have
bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, borderline
personality disorder, at least you know it’s some
kind of mental illness.

Imagine falling down and not being able to think
and you have no idea why. My friend is in a constant
state of worry because she doesn’t know.

If you are ever feeling down, remind yourself about
the other illnesses out there you or your loved one
with bipolar disorder could have. Then you might
be grateful you have something that can be managed,
controlled, something you know what it is and can
read about it, something that has a track record of
some of the worlds most successful people having it
and using it as an asset, and something that makes
you seemingly more intelligent and creative than most
other people.

If you are down, take some time to really think about

I have to take off now. I will see you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Warning: You can’t do it all

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

What’s new?

I wanted to send out a message about something
that I saw on my bipolar blog.

Someone wrote:

“P.S. I have spent years and years researching,
reading, developing plans and every doctor visit
he has had. I have also made sure that all his
medications have been taken and that every doctor
knows ever thing about him. I am sorry I sound rough,
however, sometimes I have to be to get him to get
him to take care of himself because he can do it.”

I get many emails like this. I see many blog
posts like this. I hear this in ALL the places
that I volunteer. I hear it on the phone.

It’s a constant theme. It’s the, I tried
to do it all but I can’t speech.

Many people contact me asking how they
can do more for a loved one with bipolar
disorder. I tell them they have to cut
back and stop doing so much.

You can’t do it all. You just can’t. You
can take care of your loved one with
bipolar from a to z. You can’t check to
make sure they take their medication all
the time. You can’t take them to every
single, doctor session, therapy session,
and fix all the problems they have.

If you try to, you will have a breakdown
yourself probably.

I remember back in the day, I use to
fix ALL my mom’s problems. I mean all of them.
Especially the ones related to money. No matter
how hard I tried, there would always be more
problems. I just couldn’t keep up. It almost
drove me out of my mind.

After my mom’s last big episode, I decided
no more. I decided that there would be some
things that I would help with and most things
I would not. She had to fix a lot of these
problems on her own.

This was a great decision and worked out super
well. Today she is independent and fixes
and prevents her own problems.

I started to tell other bipolar supporters
about my philosophy and either they said
they did the same thing and it worked or
they said they were going to try it and
when I spoke to them again, they said it worked.

If you think about it, how can fixing every
single person’s problems and trying to do it
all, work anyway? I know I did it but it doesn’t
make any sense.

I believe it’s important to know a lot of
techniques on how to help a loved one
with bipolar or how to manage the disorder
yourself. This is why in my courses, it
focuses on how to do things like

find a doctor
get a doctor to do a good job
find a good therapist
find a job
handle money issues
be a good supporter
what it takes to manage bipolar disorder well




In addition, in my courses/systems,
I talk about this extensively about how
you have to watch out for enabling (or solving
every single one of your loved one’s problems) and most
of the interviews of those successful bipolar supporters
relay the same thing as well.

The reason why I wrote today is I felt really bad seeing
tons of emails and blog posts of people struggling to
help fix all their loved one’s with bipolar disorders

As a final note, if you have bipolar disorder, you can’t
do it all either generally. I know I believe in a can
do attitude but for the most part, many people with
bipolar disorder take on doing many, many things
at the same time. I have found through research
and also looking at the people who work for me,
you have to set priorities when you have bipolar
disorder and you may have to cut back on doing
things that are interfering with your own stability.

Something to think about. I have to take off now
and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Warning? Doing this and hurting your loved one?

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

Hey yesterday people sure did get worked up
about my email about bipolar and lying.

Anyway, today I wanted to move on to
another topic.

Oh, before I get to that. I actually
was informed that someone did a study
that childhood experiences could alter
a person’s brain cells which might
go along with what people have been telling
me with bipolar disorder–they feel that
traumatic events in their childhood caused
their bipolar. I am looking into this all
so I will keep you posted.

Oh hey another thing. I am going to be
hiring a research assistant. If you are good
at research and want to w.ork from home,
keep your eyes peeled, I will be emailing
a website to go an visit to apply for
the job.

Okay on to today’s topic and this
very important lesson about bipolar

First let me tell you how I discovered
the lesson.

I have had several businesses, and hired
lots of people that many would not hire.
Let me tell you what I mean.

I use to have a landscaping business a long
time ago. One of the first people I hired
was a kid that was thrown out of 8 to 10
schools and got into a lot of fights.

He applied to the job with me and I saw
inside of him a person who could be a great

I hired another person, who had many tattoos,
and was said to be very violent. He was in
constant trouble in school. He was friends
with the first person I hired. The first person
I hired told me he would be a hard worker and
a great asset. I interviewed him and everything
seemed good.

The first person went on to work for me for 4 years
and was a TREMENDOUS asset. The second person worked
for me for two years and then went into the military.

He did a great job as well (he did see a person
run over a dog and chase after the car and catch the
guy and make him wait for the police and threaten
him…he was a dog lover).

There were no other incidents. These people
were super hard workers that ALWAYS got
the job done.

People often asked me, “how did you control
them?” I always said I didn’t. I treated them
with respect and told them I was counting
on them and expected them to be great hard
workers. I gave them responsibility. They commented
to me that no one had ever treated them like I
treated them.

Now fast forward many years later. About 10 years
later, and I have an organization that helps people
cope and deal with bipolar disorder.

When I first started, I hired my mom. After
she was stable. Then one day I had a person
contact me. She said she was on my mailing
list and wanted to work for me. She said she
could be a big help to me.

She then told me that between the ages
of 16 and 45 she was diagnosed with:

Depression (also Situational Depression)
Chronic Major Depression (with suicide risk)
Dysthymic Disorder
Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
Adult ADHD
Multiple Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Psychosis NOS
Borderline Personality Disorder
Substance Abuse
Schizoaffective Disorder
Bipolar Disorder I (with and without Psychotic Features)
Bipolar Disorder II (with Suicidal Ideologies)
Bipolar Disorder – Mixed Type
Bipolar Disorder – Rapid Cycle
Bipolar Disorder – NOS – with Auditory & Visual Hallucinations

I heard that and said, “well that’s a lot…hmm”

She then went on to say she was stable and that
she had a plan just in case she got sick. She
asked to work on a trial.

I felt good about her. I had Pascale who works
with me interview her as well. Pascale said she
sounded good and recommended we do a

This person turned out to be a superstar
and a major help to me growing and expanding.

She has done a great job.

The one thing that I learned, was like in
the days of my landscaping business, I treated
her with respect, gave her responsibility
and didn’t think of her like others thought
of her–sick and mentally ill. I thought of her
as a person who could do very well and was a

Then after her, I began hiring others
with bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia
and borderline personality disorder. I would
find them because the larger my list grew,
the more people I would find that had great
skills that were on my list.

I found that these people did an excellent job.
I did the same thing, I EXPECTED them to
do well and I did NOT treat them as mentally

All this got me to thinking about something.

How many people are not doing well with bipolar
disorder because the people around them treat
them as mentally ill, don’t respect them,
treat them almost child like, expect them to
have lots of problems and think they can’t be
a success?

Then I remember a study that I read. It was
called the Rosenthal study*.

To make a long story short, the researchers
took students and presented them to teachers.
They told teachers that some students were
bright and others were not.

Basically the students that were thought
to be bright did much better than the ones
that were said to not be bright or really

Wikipedia says:
“Rosenthal and Jacobson concluded that a
self-fulfilling prophecy was at work. The
teachers had subtly and unconsciously encouraged
the performance they expected to see. Not only did
they spend more time with these students, they were
also more enthusiastic about teaching them and
unintentionally showed more warmth to them than
to the other students.

The Pygmalion effect, Rosenthal effect, or more
commonly known as the “teacher-expectancy effect”
refers to situations in which students perform
better than other students simply because they
are expected to do so.”

With this said, I have concluded, not through
a study, but through personal experience and
interviewing many people, that a person
with bipolar disorder’s entire support system
can actually positively or negatively affect
a person’s path towards stability and success.

Some people think those that have bipolar disorder
will not be successful. People like my brother.
Other people, like myself, do not think this.
We think positive things about people with
bipolar disorder or other disorders and as a result
we kind of get what we expect.

I have found that the people with bipolar disorder
that work for me are very smart, creative and
are great problem solvers. I have given the most
difficult problems to the person I described above
and she has in almost every case come up with
a very simple workable solution when all others
that didn’t have a disorder couldn’t.

So I ask all those bipolar supporters out there, what
are you really expecting from your loved one?
Are you expecting success or are you expecting
them not to do well. If this is you, you can
really be hurting their chances of being successful.

In my courses/systems below:




I have tons of interviews with successful
people with bipolar disorder. Why? It’s
because I want to show that regular average
people can be successful with the disorder.

Too many times, bipolar disorder is characterized
with bad things. Meaning the news shows people
who do stupid or bad things. Even when Oprah
did a show on bipolar disorder, there was no
focus on success. It was like they had people
who didn’t do well and really weren’t overly
happy and kind of suggested bipolar disorder
is a hugely negative thing that’s going to
limit someone forever. Think about it.

Imagine if you saw a show where 5 to 10 people
were super successful, problem solvers, contributing
to society, taking care of themselves and fun
to be around? This is the way it should have been.

With my organization, I could EASILY show many
people who have bipolar disorder that do
really well–are are what is called high functioning.

The way I would have done a show was to
show the people that work for me and you would
be amazed. If you saw all the people who work
for me and what they do, you would have to concluded
you can be successful with bipolar disorder.

And it’s not just the people that work for me,
I have an entire new course not release yet
where I interview super successful people with
bipolar disorder. People that are doing great
things in society. There are many out there
you just don’t know about them.

The reason why I am so positive on people with
bipolar disorder is because I know tons of
successful people with the disorder. I know
success can be achieved. So if you work for me,
I expect you to be creative, smart, driven,
responsible and stable. As a result, I kind
of get what I expect.

When I think back to the people who worked for me
while I had a landscaping business, I realize that
by expecting them to do well, they did well. Many
times people in school and their friends expected
them to be violent or delinquent and that’s what
they were.

I must say, I am really proud to say that those
two people are very successful now. One of them
is one of the top health insurance brokers in
New York. The other is very successful as well.

Does this all make sense? So it’s important
to saturate your mind with stories of people
who have done with bipolar disorder so you start
to turn a negative mindset around whether you have
the disorder or don’t.

Not only stories but you most learn from those
who are successful. If you are a bipolar supporter
or have bipolar disorder and you don’t know anyone
who is successful to model, you really need to
get my course/system. I am not going to give you a
sales pitch but you should consider making the

It will be interesting to see any comments people
with bipolar disorder post on this topic. I also
would like to see if any supporters will admit
they use to think negatively and how that affected
a loved one with bipolar disorder.

Hopefully this all makes sense. I had to write
it kind of fast because I have a ton of things
to do today.

Anyway, I have to run. Off to the library.
Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

*Rosenthal, R., & Jacobson, L. 1968. Pygmalion in the classroom. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Final comments on bipolar disorder and lying


How’s it going?

Hope all is well with you today.

I wanted to drop a quick email about
an important issue about bipolar disorder
and it ties into the two emails that I sent over
the last two days about lying and bipolar disorder.

Yesterday I had a few things happen to me.
I had someone call me on my cell phone
super mad at me saying that I say that
all people with bipolar disorder lie.
I pulled over and explained to them
what I am about to explain to you in a
few seconds.

I saw another email from someone that said:

“You should be ashamed of yourself! Calling
us bipolars liars. I am not a liar!!!!!
I have never been a liar!!!!. Maybe
you should go out a meet some good
bipolars and then you wouldn’t speak
so bad of us!!!”

Then I saw a blog post that said:

“Again, I disagree with this line of blogging.
I have had bipolar for years, and attend a
support group and know quite a few bp people
and we are not the scheming, irresponsible,
detestable liars you folks are making us out
to be.

In fact, I meet a lot of non-bp people who
are the most self-interested, ego-maniacal,
unethical, snakey people I’ve seen. I know
partners of bp people who have abandoned them
for horrible reasons or no reasons at all. What
about these people? Should we abandon them if
they are suddenly disabled in a car accident?
Don’t paint with a broad brush because you may
get swept with it. Stop generalizing, people!”


With this said, I wanted to set the record
straight on why I write certain daily

One of my goals with this is to help
both people who have bipolar disorder and
those who are supporting someone with it.
I want to provide solid, real, practical
information that is generally NOT related
to the technical aspects of bipolar disorder
like all the different bipolar medications out

What I mean is, there are sites that post information
on how bipolar medications may work, what bipolar
medications work, how a person’s brain works,
and many other very boring and complicated things
that in my opinion absolutely don’t need to
be known unless you are a doctor or it’s a
hobby of yours to know such things.

In my writings, and in all my courses/systems




I talk about bad things that can result
from a person who is in a bipolar episode.
And I go a step further and don’t just say
“oh this bad thing can happen,” and leave
it at that, I say this and that could happen
and here is what to do to prevent it from
happening and if that doesn’t work, here’s
what you can do after it happens.

I am very how to oriented or focused.

With that said, there is no question,
that when many people go into a bipolar
episode, they may misperceive reality,
be confused, destroy the truth all which
many argue is simply lying.

I am clear to explain that there are two
types of situations with a person like

1. There is a person who lies all the
time and then goes into a bipolar episode
and is lying like the normally do whether
they are in an episode or not. This person
probably needs intense therapy to solve
the problem of lying because it’s not related
to their bipolar disorder.

2. There is a person who either almost never
lies or absolutely never lies and then
it’s a bipolar episode that causes them to
distort the truth, misperceive reality
or what some would call lie. Once this
person is not in the episode they are
back to telling the truth so to speak.

Now I know that I offend certain people
when I say some things. For example, I was
flooded with “I can’t believe you are calling
people with bipolar disorder liars” emails

I never did such a thing. What I am doing is,
making it known to the tens of thousands of people
on my list that if a person goes into an episode,
he/she could wind up doing what many call lying.

You see, I am sending this out for an advanced
warning to those that don’t know bipolar disorder
well. There are many people on my list that
are dealing with loved ones that have bipolar
disorder and are in episodes and they are trying
to figure out why things are being said
that aren’t true. It’s being done so much
they kind of start to feel they are losing

I remember with myself, my mom, who never lies
(and truly when my mom is in a episode, she winds
up distorting the truth not lying…I know it
sounds like it’s making up excuses or it’s a kind
of spin, but this is how I see it)
unless she is in a episode.

My mom wounds up saying all kinds of things
to all kinds of people that were simply
not true. It was so confusing. I thought
I was going insane myself. NOBODY
or nothing (book, manual, support group, etc),
told me that if a person is in an episode
with bipolar disorder, he/she could wind up
making things up or not really knowing
what was true or not true.

As a results for many months, I was super
confused and wasted a lot of time.

With this said, this is one reason I go
out of my way to get people discussing
things of this nature.

It’s funny that even though I got so much
hate mail yesterday from people with
bipolar saying I was discriminating against
those with bipolar and that I should
get some bipolar friends, I don’t think
people know the following:

I employee 8 people with bipolar disorder (
more than 50% of the people that work
for me in this organization).

-I have lots of friends with bipolar disorder

-I volunteer at several places that help
those with bipolar disorder and have been
doing so for years.

-I take probably 50 phone calls a week from
those with bipolar disorder

-I read hundreds of letters a month
from those with bipolar disorder

-I see my mom all the time 🙂

-Everyone who works for me with bipolar
disorder reads everything that I write
and generally has no problem with it.

For the most part, I would have to
say, I don’t think there are too
many people in the world with more contact
with those with bipolar disorder than me

Anyway, I wanted to write today to let
you know that I am going to keep on
sending out information that will get
people to think, get people to know
what might be coming around the corner
and help people prevent little and
big problems that bipolar disorder

I will say this finally. In another
business that I have, I deal with
people who lie all the time. They do NOT
have bipolar disorder.

I have a friend that for some reason
lies all the time. I mean all the
time. For years and about everything.
It’s amazing. I know he has a disorder
or some kind. It’s NOT bipolar disorder.

There are disorders that cause a person
to lie but that’s out of my area of

For all of those out there that pointed
out that it’s not just people with
bipolar disorder that lie all the time,
you are 100% correct.

Remember when we are talking lying and
bipolar disorder we are talking a person
in an episode.

Hopefully I won’t get too much hate
mail from this post.

Hey tomorrow I am super excited about
something that I am going to be writing.
VERY excited. Check your email tomorrow

You’re going like it and it’s something
you are NEVER EVER going to hear anywhere

Well catch you later.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

More On Lying And Bipolar Disorder

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going? Well it’s Saturday. I have to
make today’s email kind of quick because
I have a bunch of things to do today.

Boy, did I open up a can of worms with the email
about whether or not someone with bipolar disorder
is lying or not!

I sent it a few days ago, you can read
the post on my blog. The link is below.

I received more responses than I
could possibly answer!

I also learned a lot from you, and from your own
situations. One point that really interested me,
because it was made several times, was the fact
that you say that to the person with bipolar
disorder it isn’t a lie, because when they say it,
they believe it.

I was talking to Michele about that point, because
she does have bipolar disorder, and she said that
is like when her boys were little, and they would
tell her a lie, but then would say it was a lie, and
then say, “Well, it’s not a lie if I tell you it’s a lie,

That’s what this reminds me of. But how do we
know when the person is lying or not? They
aren’t little any more, like Michele’s small sons,
are they? Or are they? When someone is in an
episode, they do tend to seem somewhat
childish, don’t they? Or at least some of them do.

I have interviewed some people for my courses,
and they have described this behavior in their
loved ones. I have also interviewed parents with
children who describe this lying behavior in their
children and teenagers.

Also, in my courses, I talk about bipolar disorder
and lying, and that the person with the disorder
should not “get away with” the behavior:




But what we’re talking about here is when
this behavior is seen in an adult with bipolar
disorder. And what we’re really talking
about is making them be responsible for
their behavior. That’s what we really

That’s what a lot of the responses I got
were about. There are a lot of angry
people out there, whose loved one tells
lies, hurting you and others with their lies.
Lots of the responses were like that.

It’s not so much that they lie, but that
they get away with it. That’s what makes
you so angry, isn’t it? That’s what made
me so angry with my mom, anyway.

She would do all the yelling, manipulating,
and lying, and I would get all the blame,
and be the one left to “clean up after” her.
I hated that. And I didn’t think it was fair.
It really made me angry and resentful.

And it hurt a lot. I think a lot of you out
there are really feeling hurt, more than
anything else. And the worst part is that
your loved one goes along not even
knowing that they’ve hurt you at all!

In my research, I found that it is very
common that a person with bipolar disorder
will not remember what they said/did when
in an episode, after the episode is over.

In my courses, I urge people to not take
it personally, and that’s why. But that
would take up a whole email in itself, and
I have to run. I’ll talk about that another

One important thing to consider is if a person
is in an episode and is lying, you may want
to use a number of strategies to head off
potential lies that could hurt you locally
or at your place of employment.

I can’t get into it today but in my supporter
courses I have many strategies on how to
deal with this.

Well I wanted to write a follow up to my
email the other day on lying. Tell me
what you think by posting below.

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Current Bipolar News



It’s Friday. Excited?

I think I am going to try to catch a movie
over the weekend. Not sure yet.

Anyway, here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Make sure you take a look at the news. I really
work hard to put it together for you :).

To see the news visit:

There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by
visiting my blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Prolific con artist, or victim of bipolar disorder?
DO> Take a look and let me know what you think. I think con.

Missing woman suffers from bipolar disorder
DO> Geeze this happens so often.

Psychoeducation Manual for Bipolar Disorder
DO> Very interesting, take a look.

Mom charged in child’s drug overdose says bipolar diagnosis wrong
DO> I can’t believe this??? Amazing!

Ole Miss senior battles back from bipolar, post-traumatic stress …
DO> This is a must read story.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Bipolar Lesson: Consider This Before Acting

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

I wanted to get you an update on something that’s
going on with the entire organization setup
to help those cope and deal with bipolar disorder.

Things are growing super fast. If you have called or
written in with a customer service issue, we are working
hard to get back to you as soon as possible.

We are not slacking. I have been working until 12 to 1 am
and getting up at 6am. We have several people
also helping as well—Cherie, Henrine, Pascale, Andrea,
and Michele.

I don’t want to make excuses but I have a woman who
was running all of customer service that is taking another
job so we had to get someone else. I have a new person
who is taking over in about a week or so.

She is going to be great. I have been really stressed
recently because things are growing so fast and it’s
hard to keep up.

I just wanted to let you know.

With that said, let’s jump into today’s daily

Today I was talking to a woman whose mother is in
an episode and is real critical of her, and so I was
thinking back to when my mom was really bad, and
how she used to talk to me and yell at me how I was
such a bad son, and all.

My mom was real critical of me, too, and used to say
all kinds of mean things to me, things that she never
even remembered saying when she wasn’t in an
episode, or after the episode was over. Now, these
things didn’t hurt me any less just because she didn’t
remember saying them, so that’s what I wanted to
talk to you about.


In my courses and systems I talk extensively about
this. If you haven’t gotten my course, please take a




In my courses, I talk about not taking things
personally. So this is sort of like that. But
consider the source – when your loved one is
ranting and raving at you, and saying things that
hurt you, especially when you know the things
aren’t true, consider the source.

This woman I was telling you about at the
beginning of this email, she was hurt because
her mother called her lazy. That was it! That
was the whole thing that hurt her.

Now she knows she isn’t lazy. But her mother
calling her lazy hurt her feelings, because it was
her mother. But if she had just considered the
source, thinking, “This is my mother, and she is
in a bipolar episode, and she is going to say
things that will hurt me, and not remember what
she says…so if I consider the source, I don’t have
to be hurt by what she says.”

See how it works? It’s YOUR choice whether
you still get hurt by what your loved one says.
It’s only words. And words can’t hurt you.
(Remember the old kid’s rhyme).

Remember it goes. Sticks and stones
can break my bones but names can never
hurt me. Actually I think that’s how it went

Bottom line


I have spent a lot of time on the phone with people
who spend so much time trying to figure out
why a person who has bipolar disorder, who is
in an episode, says this or that to them.

I talk to people. Here’s an example of a
recent conversation.

I spoke to a guy who had a question,
and used my f.ree consulation certificate.
He wrote that he wanted to know what to
do with the fact his wife wouldn’t let him
talk to her doctor.

I thought that’s an easy one. I know exactly
what he can do to talk to her doctor even
if she doesn’t want him to (note this is
in my supporter close over several pages).

Anyway, we got on the phone and he said, “Can you
believe what she said to me. She said that
I hit her, I hate her, I threw something
at her and that I never wanted to marry

Then he tells me how he has been
trying to figure out why his wife said this
for months because none of it was true. In
this case, I asked this person how much
time he spends thinking about all the strange
things his wife said to him and he said, “most
of the day everyday.”

Until I reminded him, he would have never
bought up his original question about how to
talk to his wife’s doctor. His total focus
was what his wife was saying to him while
he was in an episode.

Can you see how this is a waste of time?

I told him to consider the source. Don’t
waste time.


If you have bipolar disorder and some one says
something stupid to you that really makes no
sense or is simply dumb, consider the source.

Don’t get mad. I will give you an example
of when my mom used this technique.

My mom was at thanksgiving, and someone
at the table said, and I quote “Bipolar people
have their wires crossed.” My mom didn’t
get mad. She just told me later, Kevin is just
ignorant and she said that she doesn’t
even think about ignorant statements.

Make sense? So consider the source works
for the bipolar supporter and the bipolar

If you have bipolar disorder, you are bound
to meet people that say, really, really, really
stupid ignorant things about your disorder.

Consider the source.

Hey I have to run. Write me a response.

Catch you later.

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Feeling Down Because Of Bipolar Disorder? Use This

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


What’s new?

It’s funny. I got a call on my
cell phone from someone that found
it on a note in a room somewhere
in Indiana. I have never been
there. I think people like giving
out my cell phone number:)

The person said, “Hey is this
David Oliver?” I said “yes”,
the person said, “oh I know
you get a lot of calls, I just
wanted to see if this was really
you, have fun today.”

Then the person hung up. It was
kind of funny.

Well today is Wednesday and it’s
the middle of the week. Close to
the weekend.

Yesterday, I got an email from
someone that said the following:

“David, I am really down today.
I am not sure you will read this.
My Daughter who is 39 has
bipolar disorder and it’s a total
nightmare. She doesn’t think that
she has anything. She won’t take
medication. She doesn’t go to the
doctor. She has borrowed tons of
money. She has taken money from
us and used our c.redit cards…

This has been going on for years.
I found your site and just ordered
your Bipolar Supporter Course
the other day but I must say I am
really down.

I am depressed everyday. Ever since
she became bipolar, my wife and my
life has been turned up side down.
Nothing is going write for us. We
are going to go to the doctor because
we are so depressed. I need help and
I hope you can help us. We are worried
all the time. I only sleep a few hours.
I can’t wait to go through your course
when it gets here.”


First let me say, Frank my heart
goes out to you. I know how tough it
is. I know what it feels like to feel
down because of a loved one’s bipolar
disorder is out of control.

I am going to share one system that I use
when I am feeling down. It’s really simple
but it’s powerful.

I call it the “what’s going well list.”
Many times when you are supporting a loved
one with bipolar disorder, things are
going really, really badly.

Your loved one isn’t well, you can’t find
a doctor or therapist, there are lots of
de.bts that must be paid.

You start spending tons of m.oney
to help your loved one. Friends get
mad you don’t’ talk to them anymore.
Work pressure starts to increase.
You start to have more problems with
just about everything. If there was
a bad time for things to go wrong,
it’s this time and guess what? More
more and more things start going
wrong in your life.

You start to feel that you loved one’s
bipolar disorder has almost made you
into a magnet for all kinds of problems.

You experience anxiety, worry,
guilt. It becomes hard to eat, sleep
and think. You start to get run
down. You either lose a ton of weight
or you gain a ton of weight from eating
lots of bad foods. You feel terrible.

Does that sound like you? If so, I have
a technique for you.

When you are feeling like this, one thing
you can do is make the what’s going well

What is this?

Well this is a list of things that are going
well in your life.

Actually, there is a person who filled
out my f.ree consultation in my courses below:




and was really down.

I asked her if I could relay what
we talked about over the phone
but not use her name. She agreed.

Okay so she was down. I told her
about the “what’s going well list”

She said immediately NOTHING!

She told me how bipolar disorder had
totally destroyed her life and nothing
was going well. And worst of all,
her son wasn’t totally stable yet.

Before I asked her some questions, I reminded
her that I wasn’t a doctor, therapist, attorney
or any other kind of professional so she
was clear.

Then we got to talking and I asked
her lots of questions. She has a lot
going well.

Here are some of the things from my

1. She is fairly healthy.
Many people are not healthy.

2. She can think well
Many people can’t think.

3. She has a car
Some people don’t have a car.

4. She is able to take time off to help
her loved one with bipolar disorder.
Many don’t have the ability to do this.

5. Her church is very supportive
This is another area of support
some don’t have.

6. She found me and my information has
helped her
Millions of people sit at home
trying to help a loved one with bipolar
and do it all by themselves. They don’t
know people like me exist.

7. She is still married and her husband
is supportive of all the efforts.
Many marriages end because of
bipolar disorder.

8. She knows how to find a good doctor
by following my system in my bipolar
supporter course.
Tons of people can’t find a doctor
or therapist and don’t know how to keep
them on track.

9. She knows how to find a good therapist
for the same reason above.

10. She knows how to handle her from
her loved one.
Many people have because of bipolar
disorder and have no idea how to handle it.

11. She has people praying for her on
a daily basis
Not everyone has this going for them.

12. She has a computer and knows how to
use it well and is keeping a journal
on her loved one.
I get calls from people all the time
who can’t use a computer to help a loved
one with bipolar disorder.

13. She has another daughter who doesn’t
have bipolar disorder that recently had
a kid and everything is going well.
More great news.

14. She has a dog and cat and she
loves them very much and they are healthy.
More great news.

15. She feels the doctor really knows bipolar
disorder well and did contact her through
my doctor finding system. She also said
the doctor understood the deal with bipolar
disorder and how a person who is not well
can manipulate the system.
This is great. Many people have doctors
that do not understand this at all. This is
a major accomplishment to locate such a doctor.

so on and so forth.

I wrote a little comment under each entry
to help you see how she should see it and
why it’s positive.

She came up with maybe 40 things that are
going okay to well. Afterwards, she felt
much better and less depressed.

I told her to rewrite the list and read
it before bed and when she rises each morning.

I also told her to keep a copy with her
and read it when she feels down from
bipolar disorder.

She agreed.

I also told her to add to the list as more
good things start to happen and to NOT
forget about the little things.

Sometimes we overlook the little things
which really turn into bigger things down
the road with bipolar disorder.

Why does this happen?

Sometimes when supporting someone
with bipolar disorder we get so close
and caught up with it, it starts to
cloud our vision and we start thinking
doom and gloom dark depressing thoughts.

I have taken a whole lot of phone calls
from people over the years. TONS for
NON medical and non legal questions
because I am not a doctor, therapist
or lawyer.

During that time, I have heard people
tell me that NOTHING is going right
and there is no hope. After they get done
with me, we together find lots of things
that are going well.

It’s a matter of just remembering them
and looking for them.

I really like this technique and it’s one
of the things that kept me going through
those super difficult times.

If anyone has tried this technique, please
post so others can read it.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

WARNING Don’t Fall For The bipolar lie

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


What’s going on?

I hope that you are doing well.

Hey, I have something really interesting

I saw this post on my blog that said:

“Thanks, Dave. I recently spoke with my
daughters dr and therapist. Her dr cut
me off and didn’t want to hear any family
history while her therapist listened to me
and invited me to call again and possibly
have a conference with my daughter

(we are 12 hrs away and speak rarely…
she thinks she had a terrible childhood
which is not true.) Anyway I am concerned
because the therapist said that she didn’t
know of bipolar causing false memories and
this is what I think my daughter has. Anyway
the things she is saying to me and her father
are totally false. Is there some way I can
convince the therapist that this is true?”


This is a SERIOUS issue. I have found
that with bipolar disorder, if a person is
not stable and not doing well, he/she can
wind up distorting the truth and making up

I have seen it with my mom. When my mom goes
into an episode, she will wind up believing
that stuff happened to her that didn’t,
that she had a far worse childhood than
she did, my dad did this or that.

Some people say this is lying but I think
of it as a distortion of the truth or
reality. Why? Well when a person is not
stable, he/she can actually believe things
that are not true so it’s not really lying
if you think it’s true.

Let me explain better. Let’s say that you
believed that your neighbor stole your
lawn mower. You felt like you had ample
proof of this. You saw a lawn mower
in your neighbors garage that looked
just like yours.

So then you told your friends that your neighbor
stole your lawn mower. Now let’s say that
your lawn mower was found a week later
and your husband took it to be serviced
and forgot to tell you.

So would you be a liar? NO. You would
actually be miss perceiving what is going on.

It’s the same thing with people in episodes
that have bipolar disorder. If a person
is in an episode, he/she can say or do
anything. Remember it’s a mood disorder.

We’ve talked about time and time again it’s
a mood disorder and you can’t take things
personally, people can do stuff they would
never ever do normally and that they can
ultimate make up things or distort the

Now as for the therapist, if this therapist
doesn’t know this can happen with a person
with bipolar disorder that is not stable,
he/she probably has no clue about bipolar

On a side note, I find that many therapists
have no clue about much of anything. Don’t
get my wrong, I totally believe that therapy
is really, really important in the bipolar
stability equation. My mom has a good therapist
but she had two really bad ones before this
good one.

I find that people become therapists and instead
of specializing they try to do everything. I think
it’s because they are struggling financially and
instead of turning potential clients away and referring
them to more qualified therapists, they wind up
taking on cases they have no clue about.

Then they quickly try to learn about the disorder
or problem the person may be having.

I once asked my mom’s therapist if she could
handle someone with an eating disorder. She
said that is not a specialty of hers and she
knows of an excellent therapist who handles

In my courses/systems I have a doctor finding
system which also is for finding therapists.

People ask all the time how I found a great doctor
and therapist for my mom and had them contact
and call me. It’s all in my courses/systems




When I first came out with my doctor/therapist
finding system, it was more than 20 pages long,
and then it became more than 30 pages long and
had audio. People thought I was out of my mind.

People would call and say, “hey, know any
good bipolar doctors and therapists in (insert

I would say no. They would kind of be annoyed with
me. I would say, I don’t believe in just getting
random referrals. I like to get doctors/therapists
through a filtering system that I use.

Many people thought I was weird, some asked if I had
bipolar disorder because I didn’t give them the answer
they wanted to hear. I remember one said, “I thought
you were so smart, how the heck don’t you know any
good doctors in Great Bear Kansas?” It’s kind of funny
because I don’t even know where Great Bear Kansas is.

The reason why I have such a serious system for
finding doctors and therapists for bipolar disorder
is because it’s super important.

The woman who posted on my blog might have serious
problems with this therapist. Why? The therapist doesn’t
appear to know bipolar well. As a result, unfortunately,
the woman’s daughter will probably fun circles around
the therapist.

At some point the therapist may realize he/she needs
more information on bipolar disorder. The therapist
will probably get some books. NONE of the books will
tell the therapist what she needs to know. 99% of books
I have read on bipolar disorder either are long sad
stories, or written for the person who has bipolar
disorder but lack the hard core information that people
really need to know if they are helping someone who is
not stable.

Then the therapist will probably jump on google and run
some searches. She may find my site and try to learn.

The entire process will take a long time. The therapist
will be learning on the lady who posted on my blog’s
dollar and it will get expensive. Results will not
be there for a long time if ever.

I realized how this type of thing happens again
and again with bipolar disorder. People in the field
who don’t have a clue, especially many doctors
and therapists. As a result, I created a system to
quickly and efficiently sort through lots of doctors
and therapist who don’t know bipolar disorder
well and find the ones that do.

One last thing I want to say today. Back to the
bipolar lie. If your loved one always lies all the time
since birth, it’s not bipolar disorder. Many people
without bipolar disorder lie.

But if you loved one tells the truth most of the time
and then all of a sudden starts making stuff up,
it’s probably signs the person is going into an
episode or is in a bipolar episode already.

Finally, don’t try to convince a person who has
bipolar disorder and not stable that what they
are saying it not true. It’s a huge gigantic
waste of time. I have wasted tons of time doing
this. Focus your effort on the treatment.

I feel today I will get hate mail. I will get
one set of hate mail from some mental health
people on my list saying that I am bashing doctors
and therapists. I will get another set of hate
mail from some with bipolar disorder that think
that I say all people with bipolar disorder lie. Even
though I didn’t say that.

How do I know? Well I had a f.ree teleseminar a year
ago and I talked about these concepts and I got
some hate mail afterwards :). Don’t worry, I
can handle it. I tell the truth and I know some
don’t want to hear it. That’s okay, because I know
that you do.

If you look at the mortgage industry, lots of
people are in trouble. I think one reason and
this is just one reason, many people didn’t
realize how crooked that mortgage industry is.

So people bought a house, trusted a m.ortgage person,
the person gave them a loan that was going to
destroy them in the future and well look what’s happen

I tried to tell many people buying houses to be careful,
get second, third and fourth opinions on mortgages
and read some books on the subject.

I heard time and time again that I was crazy, I was
paranoid, that real estate was going through the roof.
I have no clue. I was like an old man. People mocked
me in many places. I was just trying to help
people prevent disaster because I saw it coming.

Well check the news and look at what’s going on.

The reason why I write a lot of what I do, is to PREVENT
the bad things that happen to myself and my family from
happening to you.

Over the years, there was no one there for me to
ask. There wasn’t anyone to tell me when bipolar
danger was around the corner. As a result, many times
there was bipolar quick sand so to speak and we
got caught in it time and time again. It was really
hard to get out.

So I try to share these bipolar lessons with you, knowing
that it will make some mad. But I know that tens of thousands
of people will benefit.

Well, I have to go and I will catch you tomorrow.

I have a million things to do. I would appreciate
if you have a story about lying and bipolar disorder
you post it for others to read. It can be from a
personal vantage point if you have bipolar disorder
or it can be about a loved one.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.