WARNING Don’t Fall For The bipolar lie

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What’s going on?

I hope that you are doing well.

Hey, I have something really interesting

I saw this post on my blog that said:

“Thanks, Dave. I recently spoke with my
daughters dr and therapist. Her dr cut
me off and didn’t want to hear any family
history while her therapist listened to me
and invited me to call again and possibly
have a conference with my daughter

(we are 12 hrs away and speak rarely…
she thinks she had a terrible childhood
which is not true.) Anyway I am concerned
because the therapist said that she didn’t
know of bipolar causing false memories and
this is what I think my daughter has. Anyway
the things she is saying to me and her father
are totally false. Is there some way I can
convince the therapist that this is true?”


This is a SERIOUS issue. I have found
that with bipolar disorder, if a person is
not stable and not doing well, he/she can
wind up distorting the truth and making up

I have seen it with my mom. When my mom goes
into an episode, she will wind up believing
that stuff happened to her that didn’t,
that she had a far worse childhood than
she did, my dad did this or that.

Some people say this is lying but I think
of it as a distortion of the truth or
reality. Why? Well when a person is not
stable, he/she can actually believe things
that are not true so it’s not really lying
if you think it’s true.

Let me explain better. Let’s say that you
believed that your neighbor stole your
lawn mower. You felt like you had ample
proof of this. You saw a lawn mower
in your neighbors garage that looked
just like yours.

So then you told your friends that your neighbor
stole your lawn mower. Now let’s say that
your lawn mower was found a week later
and your husband took it to be serviced
and forgot to tell you.

So would you be a liar? NO. You would
actually be miss perceiving what is going on.

It’s the same thing with people in episodes
that have bipolar disorder. If a person
is in an episode, he/she can say or do
anything. Remember it’s a mood disorder.

We’ve talked about time and time again it’s
a mood disorder and you can’t take things
personally, people can do stuff they would
never ever do normally and that they can
ultimate make up things or distort the

Now as for the therapist, if this therapist
doesn’t know this can happen with a person
with bipolar disorder that is not stable,
he/she probably has no clue about bipolar

On a side note, I find that many therapists
have no clue about much of anything. Don’t
get my wrong, I totally believe that therapy
is really, really important in the bipolar
stability equation. My mom has a good therapist
but she had two really bad ones before this
good one.

I find that people become therapists and instead
of specializing they try to do everything. I think
it’s because they are struggling financially and
instead of turning potential clients away and referring
them to more qualified therapists, they wind up
taking on cases they have no clue about.

Then they quickly try to learn about the disorder
or problem the person may be having.

I once asked my mom’s therapist if she could
handle someone with an eating disorder. She
said that is not a specialty of hers and she
knows of an excellent therapist who handles

In my courses/systems I have a doctor finding
system which also is for finding therapists.

People ask all the time how I found a great doctor
and therapist for my mom and had them contact
and call me. It’s all in my courses/systems




When I first came out with my doctor/therapist
finding system, it was more than 20 pages long,
and then it became more than 30 pages long and
had audio. People thought I was out of my mind.

People would call and say, “hey, know any
good bipolar doctors and therapists in (insert

I would say no. They would kind of be annoyed with
me. I would say, I don’t believe in just getting
random referrals. I like to get doctors/therapists
through a filtering system that I use.

Many people thought I was weird, some asked if I had
bipolar disorder because I didn’t give them the answer
they wanted to hear. I remember one said, “I thought
you were so smart, how the heck don’t you know any
good doctors in Great Bear Kansas?” It’s kind of funny
because I don’t even know where Great Bear Kansas is.

The reason why I have such a serious system for
finding doctors and therapists for bipolar disorder
is because it’s super important.

The woman who posted on my blog might have serious
problems with this therapist. Why? The therapist doesn’t
appear to know bipolar well. As a result, unfortunately,
the woman’s daughter will probably fun circles around
the therapist.

At some point the therapist may realize he/she needs
more information on bipolar disorder. The therapist
will probably get some books. NONE of the books will
tell the therapist what she needs to know. 99% of books
I have read on bipolar disorder either are long sad
stories, or written for the person who has bipolar
disorder but lack the hard core information that people
really need to know if they are helping someone who is
not stable.

Then the therapist will probably jump on google and run
some searches. She may find my site and try to learn.

The entire process will take a long time. The therapist
will be learning on the lady who posted on my blog’s
dollar and it will get expensive. Results will not
be there for a long time if ever.

I realized how this type of thing happens again
and again with bipolar disorder. People in the field
who don’t have a clue, especially many doctors
and therapists. As a result, I created a system to
quickly and efficiently sort through lots of doctors
and therapist who don’t know bipolar disorder
well and find the ones that do.

One last thing I want to say today. Back to the
bipolar lie. If your loved one always lies all the time
since birth, it’s not bipolar disorder. Many people
without bipolar disorder lie.

But if you loved one tells the truth most of the time
and then all of a sudden starts making stuff up,
it’s probably signs the person is going into an
episode or is in a bipolar episode already.

Finally, don’t try to convince a person who has
bipolar disorder and not stable that what they
are saying it not true. It’s a huge gigantic
waste of time. I have wasted tons of time doing
this. Focus your effort on the treatment.

I feel today I will get hate mail. I will get
one set of hate mail from some mental health
people on my list saying that I am bashing doctors
and therapists. I will get another set of hate
mail from some with bipolar disorder that think
that I say all people with bipolar disorder lie. Even
though I didn’t say that.

How do I know? Well I had a f.ree teleseminar a year
ago and I talked about these concepts and I got
some hate mail afterwards :). Don’t worry, I
can handle it. I tell the truth and I know some
don’t want to hear it. That’s okay, because I know
that you do.

If you look at the mortgage industry, lots of
people are in trouble. I think one reason and
this is just one reason, many people didn’t
realize how crooked that mortgage industry is.

So people bought a house, trusted a m.ortgage person,
the person gave them a loan that was going to
destroy them in the future and well look what’s happen

I tried to tell many people buying houses to be careful,
get second, third and fourth opinions on mortgages
and read some books on the subject.

I heard time and time again that I was crazy, I was
paranoid, that real estate was going through the roof.
I have no clue. I was like an old man. People mocked
me in many places. I was just trying to help
people prevent disaster because I saw it coming.

Well check the news and look at what’s going on.

The reason why I write a lot of what I do, is to PREVENT
the bad things that happen to myself and my family from
happening to you.

Over the years, there was no one there for me to
ask. There wasn’t anyone to tell me when bipolar
danger was around the corner. As a result, many times
there was bipolar quick sand so to speak and we
got caught in it time and time again. It was really
hard to get out.

So I try to share these bipolar lessons with you, knowing
that it will make some mad. But I know that tens of thousands
of people will benefit.

Well, I have to go and I will catch you tomorrow.

I have a million things to do. I would appreciate
if you have a story about lying and bipolar disorder
you post it for others to read. It can be from a
personal vantage point if you have bipolar disorder
or it can be about a loved one.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. I have been dating a guy who has bipolar disorder for about 7 months. How do you know if your personality is the right personality as a supporter for the person with bipolar disorder?

  2. In answer to Sues question. I think it takes time understanding and depends on how much you care for your boyfriend and how much caring for you are willing to do.
    I think you will just know if its something your willing to take on or not.

  3. I too live several hours away from my daughter who has been diagnosed with bipolar. We have been estranged for a couple of years now ever since I wrote to her and told her that she needed to get help or she risked losing her children. She is also on pain meds for a kidney condition as well as her bipolar meds.

    Now she tells everyone that I am trying to take her children away from her and that I think she is a bad mother, a bad person and a bad wife. Her husband, unfortunately believes this lie and thinks that I also hate him.

    This is just one example of the “lies” that she tells. As I learn more about her disorder, I begin to see that it isn’t so much a lie, as how she perceives what is really happening.

    Thank you David for your website and your daily blogs. I learn so much, every day, about this disorder and it helps me to try and not take things personally.


  4. To trust of not? Past experience my BP loved one does not handle money well. Now that his disability check is in my account wants a debit card to access the money. He told me that if he abuses it to take it from him. We have had great financial hardships, because I believe what was told to me. I don’t want to go through it again.

  5. I am going through a situation with my hubby. He is the one with bipolar, and I stuck by him and tried to do almost everything to help him stay under control. Now he is telling everyone that I am a terrible wife that is ashamed of him and that he is going to divorce me. As if I am the one who has done things to him and that its all my fault. And to a certain degree I feel responsable for his reactions towards me because when he insulted me or did terrible things I knew he was sick and I still got upset. I seem to feel wrong for even having feeling in this marriage. It’s like when I get upset the whole thing becomes my fault. Because I should do better knowing that he is not in his right mind. I feel guilty for being sensative about what he says and does. Can someone give me some help about this?

  6. Wow – this one really hit home. I have sent a lot of time trying to figure out just how my daughter’s childhood could be so different than the one I remember! I have begun to be the target of much hatred and the focus of accusations of neglect and uncaring mothering. ouch!Recently, my 25 yr-old daughter annouced that “she has been having pyschotic episodes for years” and is now on medication for it. This scares me because I think she is being medicated by someone who is not qualified to handle bipolar.

  7. Dave is right the Bipolar individual may not be lying when they tell their untrue stories. Every summer my ex-wife has an episode, and starts to engage in what I call the 90-10 lie. Basically this is 10% truth 90% falsehood. As an example she is now claiming she has been run off the road by one of my friends. this is the 90% falsehood, the 10% truth is that I was almost run off the road by one of her friends. She has in the past told me I was stalking her, but as it turns out she was having me followed and was following me herself. Rather than argue with her I simply wait and listen and collect information. It does not take long before her “lies” add up and start to contradict themselves and I can figure out the truth. The issue is that when she starts to ” lie” she is toltally believable because to her she is telling the “truth”. I even believe her at times, keep in mind I was a jail guard for almost 10 years it is very hard to lie to me but she manages. Between her belief in what she is saying and the fact that the stories have small truth to them (usually the story is true but borrowed from someone else) she is very convincing for a while. BUt those that pay attention will figure out she is lying. I have learned to protect myself from her stories, and to not take them personally. In case you wonder why I still have anything to do with her, we have 2 kids, and for their sake I do what I can.

  8. So what happens to the “lie” when the bipolar person is no longer in an episode?
    And what do you do when the bipolar asks when you are upset with something they’ve done, “Are you trying to make me go off?”

  9. What a GOD send ! THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU DAVE! Of late, I have been hearing stories with my siblings, THINGS THAT NEVER EVER TOOK PLACE IN OUR LIVES!After reading, (BIPOLAR LIE)I was just of late hearing differant stories, & I was like PHEwwwwWWW, I HAVEN’T, LOST IT ALL AFTER ALL! You will be blessed 100% fold..why..HONORING YOUR MOTHER!:-)I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR E-MAILs..& the wisdom you have gained, through your journey of life. Keep on keepen on Dave, you are a GOOD MESSENGER!People do perish for the lack of knowledge, you think? Again, thank YOU Dave! Have a blessed day. Sincerely, ladyinred54

  10. This will not be a hate email. I just want to thank you for all that you do. My 13-yr-old son spent this past summer in the State Hospital and was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I wish that I had the money for your course, but I am finding useful info here. I’ve GOT to find a therapist and psychiatrist that know and understand about bipolar. We are having a lot of trouble with getting the medications right. He also has ADHD. Anyway, thank you for everything that you do!

  11. I can relate with Beth! What DO you do when the person with Bipolar asks you, “Why are you trying to make me mad?”

  12. I never think of it as lying. I know when my daughter is in an episode she’s confused and scared. When she’s in an episode, one of her symptoms has been being paranoid of her father. There’s no basis in reality for that fear. When she stabilizes, it really makes her mad that she gets afraid of her own father. She’s told police, hospital employees, friends, and people at church all kinds of things about her dad when she’s in an episode, including he was going to kill her. When she gets like that though, she’s so bad that with few exceptions nobody has ever believed her. It’s so clear from looking at her or listening to her that something’s wrong with her. In that respect I think we’ve been lucky. When she’s in an episode she’s paranoid, psychotic and delusional and obviously needing help. It’s been 3 1/2 years since her first major episode and she’s now in the acceptance stage of this disorder, meaning she’s taking her meds without argument and just started therapy to help her deal with daily stressors and deal with the fact that she has what is considered a mental illness. She’d be offended if someone said she lies when she’s in an episode. A lie is a purposeful misrepresentation of the truth. I’m just so proud of her. She’s been through more in her 22 years than I’ve been through in my 52 years. I can’t even imagine being locked up in a mental facility and she’s had to endure that twice.

  13. I wanted to respond to today’s e-mail about those who have bipolar disorder and who also lie. My boyfriend of 2 yrs has been through 2 major episodes since I have known him.
    The first episode (before I realized what it was) he told me things such as “I may have a child in Hawaii with this girl I met over there, but I still don’t know-she won’t call me back”, another one was “my Dad has always been such a jerk-he refused to even speak to me until I was 6 yrs old, and when he did he put me to work in the back yard”, he even told me that he made out with his little sister once….ok all of this is madness. And the list could go on, I just wanted to give you my personal example of the crazy thoughts/lies that came out of this man before medication/diagnosis was around. For some reason, the reaction of just nodding and smiling came natural, I don’t know why, but there would be no way to argue with them-they are convinced these things have happened or are going on.
    I have a problem now because of these lies….the second episode came when we were officially together, then he broke up with me. Ever since his Dad doesn’t like me, I can tell, but I have no idea what possible crazy things he thinks about me because of where his son was mentally at the time. Who knows what he was told!! It sucks….one night when I was trying to convince the newly medicated boyfriend (meds didn’t kick in yet) to not leave the house and go to a bar on his bike and sleep on the beach, but instead to stay home with me, rent a movie, bla bla bla-all of a suuden he starts screaming at me for trying to control him, then goes off on me saying things like “no wonder your ex-husband left you” and later when I brought this night up-he didn’t remember saying that and laughed because everyone knows….I left him….not the other way around. So yes, this bipolar sufferer can distort thr truth to the extreme. All I can say is MEDS!!!


  14. I am the wife of a bi polar man. He was diagnosed 5 years ago. In the past 4 years he has left our home twice and rented an apartment and has kicked me out once. With each time he has had one of his manias he goes about telling lies about me to all our loved ones so as to make it look as if I am the bad guy. He was on his meds. for a year out of the 4 and we were best friends. Once he went off his meds. everything started to spiral again and he has been in and out of manias for over a year now. He is now in his own apartment and blaming me for everything and saying he doesn’t love me again. He totally refuses to go back on his meds. as he says he can’t afford to. The truth is he would refuse if he could afford to get them. He has no insurance. I am afraid this time that I might have lost him for good. Anyone out there have any suggestions? We have been married for 28years. I also suspect he might be going through male menapause as with each time he leaves he finds him a real young girlfriend. :{
    Thanks for any help out there.

  15. My sister-in-law has BP and what is happening to my brother and their daughters life is just very sad. About a year and a half ago my brother called me one morning on my way to work to ask for help. His wife was doing and saying very strange things, running around the house cusing (which she never did), telling or maybe I should say screaming all kinds of stories, and he had no idea what to do. I went running to his rescue thinking I would be able to help only to find out I couldn’t. I’m in the type of business, taxes, that brings me in touch with a lot of different peoples walks of life. Some being doctors,therapists, psychiatrists,nurses and psychologists. I called them all asking for help. They gave me their best and twice we got my sisiter-in-law into the hospital for help, once for 5 days(72 hour watch,which just happened to fall over a weekend). But she must tell a pretty convincing story because they have always let her go believing what she says. Telling her to go see her MD, which she dosen’t have and won’t do. She tells them and us there is nothing wrong with her and my brother and I are the ones with the problem. She has called me up in the middle of the night screaming at me, asking for an apology for what I have done. She accuses my brother of hitting her. It is just a really sad, sad situation. My brother is ready to leave her because she won’t seek any kind of help. Why, because there is nothing wrong with her. Their daughter is a junior in high school and has nothing to do with her mother. She screams at her mother that she is nuts and needs help. And because of this my niece runs, any where she can just not to be home. Lies, yes there are many, many lies being told to who ever will listen. Does she know that she is lieing? I don’t think so, she believes what she is saying. She has even tried working my mother over to get her on her side. This feels hopeless! My sister-in-law comes from a family of “off” people. Her own mother was taken from her home three times in a straight jacket when she was a little girl. My sister-in-law doesn’t remember this, but her older sister does. Also her mother died at the very young age of 54. We have given up trying to help. Unless someone can tell me what to do next I’m done. My brother checked out of this situation many months ago. The hate she has for my brother and I is just TOO BIG!! My fear is when he does divorce her she is going to tell who ever will listen that my brother beats her and it just isn’t true. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. David your daily emails have been a true god send. Thank you!!

  16. My husband to be (I think) had a serious episode a few months ago and still is. There were great things happening to him, that were not a lie but he always find a way to twist things and make them bigger than they were that turn out to be lies. Therefore, no one believed him when he was saying the truth. It’s like the boy and wolf story. Today he’s hospitalized, and hopefully take him home again.

  17. Now that you have done a story on people lying about thier childhood and things that didn’t really happen, I think it is only fair to do a story on how there really are people with bipolar who were severely abused by their parents as children, and these things have a connection to bipolar. I know my husband does not make this stuff up because it was done to the other kids, and the parents still do things that are considered abusive. Since I know how his parents are, it seems to me that there are many people out there now who HAVE in fact done bad to thier children, and will now use this as a scapegoat and say the kid is making this up. My husbands parents try to deny the things they did to him, and it is just sick and wrong. Please, please, please, make it known that not all things said by someone with bipolar is a lie, it can very well be the loved one in their life who is the one lying, and this is their perfect excuse….

  18. Dave
    You are so right on the lies that arent really lies to them. My son who is now 16 was diagnosed with bp at 10 when he all the sudden was suicidel. It has been a long hard road. many doc and thearpist. My besr friend of 18 years is also bp and so is my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years. so I have it all the way around. I just have to over look the lies. But it is hardest with my boyfriend and I dont understand I guess its because I need support from some one myself dealing with my son and bestfriend that I depend on him too much that makes it worst with the boyfriend he just seems worse than the other two. But I am working on getting him where he needs to be so the lies will stop because normally he is the sweetest most caring person I have ever met very big heart.

    Any way thank you for all the info and these blogs they really help cope


  19. I will try to not make this too long, because i can honestly write a book as to what our family has expereinced, and still going through, first of all our entire family has fallen apart due to a niece (my brother’s daughter) who has BP, she is also drug addicted, started with pain meds, because she had every illness you can imagine,than she added in street drugs, she has been incarcerated 2 times, (never for drugs), which to date has me totally upset with the justice system, they are well aware, and turn thier heads, you see she lies so well, she even fools them, and here you have a family that was in favor of her getting arrested for drugs,we have begged them for help, than we could have had treatment court mandated, not saying it would have worked, but hey it was worth a try, so in the mean time, she has destroyed so many life’s,andmade the family look like we were the crack pots, she has lost her daughter to her ex husband, has everyone in the family against one another, to a point we are all staying away from one another, you see..i think i am the only one who has taken the time to read all of Dave’s articles he sends, the rest of the family do not know the full debt of this young ladies illness, i think they feel its all drug related, well, what she does is self medicate as far as i see it, she does not take the meds for BP as directed, or not at all, what i had to do is pull away totally, she is sharp..she knows i am the one who knows her like a book, and i always have been the one to catch her, and call her on things,and i have watched her in action, actually lie to others about things i have seen with my own eyes! it actually scares me sometimes that i can see her next move, but actually it is not safe for me any longer, she is totally vindictive, and has even threatened to have me harmed, and the sad part is, she is more than capable of doing it,but what can i do?, we have apolice dept here that really does not care, or like i said she is that good, to where they believe her!! she has also blamed her parents for her terrible life, let me add she had a pretty good early childhood, better than most! yes her parents divorced when she was 14, and i will say she had a part in it, from a young age she played people one against the other, she never wanted to see anyone in a relationship, although she had many, she is 29 years old now, had two divocres,(SHE HAD EVERYTHING, BUT NEVER IS SATISFIED) and there has been so many others in between, before, and after, all i can say it is a terrible way to live, not knowing what is coming next from a person With BP, Because from i see, the mind never stops working, I want to say Thank you Dave…without your knowledge i would be in worse shape by this person..all i can do is hope and pray that everyone involved here, gets the help they need to deal with Bp.

  20. When my dad was in a mania, he frequently took an interest in a young lady, who was younger than us, as adults. he grew up in an abusive home, and that was passed on to us. The way I accepted the stretching of the truth was by accepting the idea that his version of the facts was much different than mine. If that meant eating Thanksgiving dinner alone….
    As for the girlfriends, the last one was a paranoid schizophrenic that he must have met in hospital. She turned out to be dangerous for him. She pushed him down the stairs, that resulted in him breaking his hip. We had a horrible time keeping her away from him, as we understood that her only interest was money. I believe she was off her meds to make matters worse. The hospital was of little help. they decided he was capable of making his own decisions and he immediately checked himself out of the hospital, even though he couldn’t walk. I suspect that he didn’t have a normal reaction to physical pain, until the mania ended. He also refused any home care, and kept firing them. Fortunately, my mother (who has Parkinsons,) managed to avoid getting involved. I was of little help because of a broken foot. What a month, if I were bpd, it would have appeared that month.,

  21. I truelly beleive what you say is true. My son actually beleives that someone hired a person to kill him and he has actually seen this person following him when out on a walk. We know for him it probably is very real and scary and have walked with him for his walks because we cannot say to him that it is not true, he would not believe it!

  22. My daughter has not been diagnosed because she won’t go for help!!!!! But the more I read, especially the message about the lies and distortions….the more I believe she’s bipolar. It is a struggle to say the least, being her mom, although I love her dearly. I’m losing my mind with this! How do you help someone who won’t get help? She rewrites history constantly and has not done this for her whole life…just the past 5 or so years. I’m so tired!!!

  23. Dave, you were right on with this one. I have a 30 year old daughter who has been an accomplished pathological liar since she could talk. She blames her bipolar disorder, but I know better because I have bipolar disorder myself and I am not a pathological liar.

  24. Helpful stuff the past week, its been a lil frustrating to not be able to respond. Anyhow, Dave.. i’d also like to hear, is it possible for someone whose initial crash was helped along with cocaine, extreme mania and depression to have blank spots, to truly not remember what they did.

    Please do say a prayer for us. Daughter is so frustrated with system and meds that knock her out, she took off and has been off meds for a week. She’s still sane enough to take in.. “know when its time to go to the hospital… do you know, if not please call your psychiatrist and ask him !!” Seem mom try to nudge adult daughter into making call.. lol She’s back, says since she stopped them, she’s no longer having suicidal thoughts. But she did run into someone who said she had an affair with her husband, threatened them, took the family dog, threatened to kill the dog.. all before the big crash in December. There have been other blips, but this one has to have freaked her out because she adores dogs, never could harm one.

    So, Dave.. can bipolar folk have honest to g’ness real blackouts ?

  25. Ok-so I wrote earlier about my boyfriend, now let me speak about my father…who also has bipolar. I am speaking mostly to the wives who support men with bipolar disorder. (this is also me, and I have a child so this is very personal) I would never be with my boyfriend if he was not taking his medication regularly and taking steps to fight the disorder such as counseling, reducing alcohol intake, and consciously controlling behaviors that he CAN control.
    If he was not making the effort, and if results were not being made I would not keep him in my life for the sake of my child.
    I watched my parents go through a marriage that lasted until I was 15, when my mom should have left and saved my brother and I from the torture ASAP.
    My father never did, and still won’t seek help for his mood swings and bipolar disorder. As an adult I have realized this and decided for my own health I will be able to take my father in SMALL doses, surface level relationship only and to keep my child away from him as much as I can. He isn’t really involved in my life.
    In the meantime, my bro and I witnessed YEARS of abuse, watched my mother be broken in half by this JERK OFF!! It caused MAJOR problems for myself (drug abuse, multiple running away from home, criminal activity as a juvenile, no respect for authority and on and on), my brother now battles as an adult with Schizophrenia, which is linked directly to a HIGH STRESS CHILDHOOD environment. Not your normal “hard life” story, there was real damaging drama in our lives EVERY DAY.
    If this is the road it is going down, stop it now, no matter how hard it will be for you…in the end you will have saved your children’s lives as some Bipolar sufferers cannot be helped…..thank you

  26. To answer those who have asked what to do when someone with bipolar asks “Why are you trying to make me mad?” I would suggest “I wasn’t trying to make you mad. What I was trying to do was show my concern/make sure you are okay/help you if you want it/let you know how I am feeling.” When you can redirect the person with bipolar to your true motive, it might help him or her see their own misperception. Notice I said “might”, I am not a professional, but I do have bipolar and have often felt that others were trying to get me mad, bug me, or get some kind of reaction out of me. When they calmly explain their true motives, it has helped to diffuse my anger and frustration and focus on what they are actually saying and trying to communicate to me, not on how I was feeling a minute earlier. I can’t say this will work for everyone or work all the time, but it is worth a try. I think the key is to stay calm even when the person is overreacting, so they can see you are sincere in your concern, not trying to control them. Also, don’t address all your concerns with the person at once; the person with bipolar will feel overwhelmed and probably lash out, or stop communicating with you. The smallest things can feel huge to someone with bipolar, and therefore we often need a light touch. I know this is all easier said than done, and also may not always work, depending on where the person is with their mood. I wish you all the best and take care of yourselves, too.

  27. The reason that the bipolar family member is saying things about her growing up that the mother believes is unture, is because either her daughter does believe things that are false, or has a different perception on actual events that occured in the family. People with bipolar often have a different take on things than other family members due to how they perceive things; they often feel criticized and persecuted even when someone is merely expressing concern. It is important to be able to tell the difference between these two features of bipolr disorder: believing falsehoods, or simply having a very different perspective than others in the family of the same events.

  28. I wanted to respond to khadeeja. I get the same responses. Its always my fault when he is angry or annoyed. Its part of the illness and we need to learn that we should not take it on board.

    One of my most valuable lessons has been to understand not to accept the horrible things he says… not to believe them and to know that it isnt the real him when he does this. He is a truely beautiful person when he is well. I know how you feel khadeeja, and I think many supporters do too. I hope that helps.

    For me it is important to keep in mind that the person I love is in there somewhere – he just gets lost sometimes. This helps me reduce my anger and resentment – which does flare up even though I know it isnt his fault. Its also important not to blame myself when I do get angry.

    You wouldnt be human khadeeja if you never felt hurt or angry – it is such a tough thing to live with. I wish you strength!

  29. David, I have bipolar disorder, and what I know now is that, when I was in a manic episode, what I did was NOT lying, but describing a delusion. This is basically what you were saying that when a bipolar BELIEVES something that is patently NOT true – like my surgeon was my father, for example, and I told a lot of people that he was – it becomes TRUTH for him.

    The mind DOES play tricks on you when you’re manic. I guess I wanted to believe my delusions is why they seemed so REAL. No one could convince me otherwise, no matter how hard they tried. Another delusion was that I was pregnant. One nursing student took me aside and said, “Why do you think you’re pregnant?” And all I did was sit there in a calm manner, and said, “Because I just know it.” Of course, I wasn’t, but I BELIEVED it.

    Or take another example. I DO tell little white lies even when I’m “normal” and NOT in an episode. I cheated on my boyfriend, and lied to him to cover it up. He, of course, caught me in the lie, and the jig was up. When I LIE, I KNOW I’m not telling the truth – I don’t believe my lies.

    There is a BIG difference between BELIEVING a delusion, and telling a lie. Delusional behavior is a sign of mental illness. Lying to someone is trying to spare their feelings or covering something up.
    When you’re “normal,” you KNOW the difference; when you’re manic, you DON’T. It’s that simple.

    It is hard on the therapist as well as the supporter of a loved one with bipolar, to tell the difference, because the bipolar is so SURE they’re right. Their delusion has taken over and become a pattern of wrong thinking. It is imperative that a GOOD therapist/psychiatrist TALK to and INVOLVE the supporter in the bipolar’s treatment. Only then, can the delusion be exposed.

    My mother never believed I had a mental illness. She did not become active in my treatment plan, and would swear at my therapist. Though I know she loved me, she just didn’t understand me and my bipolar. If you’re a supporter of a bipolar, I suggest that you do all you can to present the TRUTH to the therapist/psychiatrist in order to straighten out the MIND of the bipolar in as simple a way as possible.

    BIG HUGS to all those with bipolar disorder, and the ones who love them. God loves you, and so do I.

  30. My mom doesn’t remember things the way they really were. When I was young, she worked alot, graveyard shifts, swing shifts. She was able to come to one of my school programs, which we got there 2 minutes before it was over so I wasn’t even in it. She was gone alot. Now she tells everyone that she was a room mother for some of my classes at school and that she came to alot of my programs. When I try to correct her or ask her what she’s talking about, she says I’m an ungrateful, awful daughter who needs to go to hell…any suggestions?? My brother thinks she’s on hooked on pain killers from previous surgeries, would that play a part in her having more frequent manic episodes or ones that seem to last longer? Thank you for your blog..

  31. As one woman said about her daughter, it’s not that the person is lying. We had a nephew we took in and he had been off his meds for a long while and was drinking instead to try and feel “normal.” We didn’t realize until he came to live with us that he was actually psychotic and severely paranoid. I wish more people knew about NAMI — National Alliance on Mental Illness, there’s one in every state. They have great informative meetings and gave us a binder with critical info in it about how to stay safe in a crisis situation. I wish I had had it at first but we’re lucky nobody got hurt. He did end up in the state hospital for a week. Anyway, he didn’t remember things that happened to him or what he said or did when he was in that severe psychotic and paranoid state. Some of it may have been blackouts too from the alcohol. He’s back on meds (no one else in family would help him, he’s 27, his dad — who divorced his bipolar mom decades ago — said he was “just trying to manipulate us,” though two psychiatrists agreed he had to be hospitalized for his own protection), and he started going to AA, and he’s back at work part-time. Now if he would only see a therapist … I pray for him and all people with mental illness and their caregivers every day. Find a NAMI meeting near you — everyone has been where you are — or worse!

  32. thanks dave for the email on telling lies…my daughter and i had a wonderful relationship,intill she became a teanager..her mom and i divorced when julie was 2 years old.and we had joint custodey.i took my father hood very serious..but her mom and others have told her many things that were untrue.and other thingsthat never happened either…i did not know what to think but now it makes sence..my mother and sister and a younger brother has bp,and i hvae it to but not to the extent of other family members do…and i noticed my daughter as she grew up that she had it to..we have just started talking again after 4 years of being a part..i hope we can be a father and daughter team again in the future. and that i will get to see my 3 year old grand son soon.

  33. Wow, so I have been with my partner for nearly two years, and have seen mild episodes of depression and a couple of mild mania. Am I right in thinking there are levels of biopolar? I know there are two types, but so far he seems very tame compared to what Im reading. Although some things are sounding familiar- he has never lied like some of these posts but there has definatly been some inconsistancies in some stories-and stories have changed from previous tellings. I think all of you are very strong people who stand by and support your loved ones.

  34. Well, I just broke up with my boyfriend who was seriously holding me back…he has some problem that i am no longer trying to figure out. I have bipolar and am on my way to becoming my old self again! HAPPY!!!I think, therfore I am…what about u?~Sher

  35. Hi, re: bipolar, My husband had been treated for clinical depression for many years. I have studied mental illnesses for a Univeristy Degree and have a basic understanding of these illnesses, which with the information I get from you made me get to the conclusion that my husband has Bipolar. We went to see the psychiatrist who had in the past medicated my husband for depression until he had a horrible side effect to the medicine (which the doctor denied it was the medicine) when I told him that I had checked with doctors overseas about it. Anyway, to make a long story short, now the specialist told my husband that he hasn’t got anything. I am very concerned as we are planning to go overseas soon and was hoping the he would be properly medicated as he gets in rages of anger and other times very depressed as life is not worth living it. Please can you give me some answer so my husband can read it. Thank you very much, may God Bless you. Doris

  36. Dear Dave,

    I really would like to thank you for this new information. I’m trying to help my sister recognize she suffers from BD. She has all the symptons but refuses to admit it or go to a specilist. She was put on Lithium once and according to her nothing changed so she stop the treatment. During this time she was visiting a so called “Specialist” who as you very well mentioned had no clue of what my sister was going throw, he didnt know how to handdle her and having in mind she is a very intelligent person, it got to a point where she was manipulating him without him even noticing it!! With regards to distorting reality, she goes around telling everyone she had a horrible childhood, she is so convinced that my parents are guilty for her suffering that they are hopeless at this point. She normally attacs my mother and again and again keeps on blaming her for her instability. She talks to me, and only listens to me, but some times, when she talks about my parets like she does I dont even know what to say, I know it’s not true, I was there!!! So anyway, with this piece you send me today I finally know what’s going on, it is simply one more characteristic of her disorder. Do you think I should share this information with her?
    Thank you very much for all your help, It’s really really useful.

  37. concerning the Bipolar Lie, I lived with a husband who was bipolar for 10 years and have a daughter who has inherited her father’s illness. Both of them can tell some whoppers. They seem to megasize events. Have dealt with lots of problems because of these issues. Almost lost my job due to a lie told by my daughter at age 14. Fortunately, I had many witnesses as to her behavior. This column helps me daily and I am so glad to have found it.

  38. Dave, I want to thank you for the e-mails I receive from you daily. They are helpful to me. I look forward to reading them. I ordered your course for the supporter of a loved one with bipolar. I haven’t finished reading it yet because I am so busy being a full time mother of two beautiful daughters, one originally dianosed with bipolar. Her psychiatrist recently changed her diagnosis to schizo affective disorder. Schizo affective disorder is a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. I am so overwhelmed at times trying to help my daughter I feel like I’m going to break into. I’m a full time college student trying to finish my degree, I substitute teach, I try to keep sanity in the home with my husband and other daughter who is 11 and too young to understand what my older daughter is going through. My husband really doesn’t believe in mental illness so my home is chaotic. My daughter is 20 years old. She is soooo brilliant. She attends a major university on a full academic scholarship. She had a wonderful childhood with no signs of any problems. She never had to or has to study for anything, her academic talents come naturally. She is gifted and I never thought anything like this would happen to her. She has hallucinations, delusions and periods of mania followed by severe depression. We’ve been battling this since March of this year and it hasn’t gotten any better. Her doctor keeps changing her medication. She sees her psychologist for talk therapy on a weekly basis. I’m thinking that seems to help her some. I just want everyone to know who is a supporter of a loved one with bipolar or any mental disease, I feel for you. I am struggling everyday along with you. I love my daughter with all my heart and soul. I’ll stand by her and do whatever I can to help her through any episode she has. My hopes and wishes for my daughter is she will get better through continued therapy, medication, support of family and friends, love and more love. I want her to be able to finish her education, get her degree and live a happy life. I know it will be a daily battle for her because as of right now she struggles everyday. She has more bad days than good. I keep telling her I love her and I am here for her. I tell her I’ll walk every step with her and we’ll make it together. Thanks Dave for your e-mails and I look forward to reading them. Keep up the good work. Our loved ones need all the love, support, and understanding they can get. Many people don’t understand them and never will. It’s sad they will miss out on the opportunity of knowing some of the most wonderful, intelligent, kind, and fun people in the world.

  39. I find it amazing how you send me a letter on issues I am facing. You really do understand what supporting people face on a day to day basis. Thank you.
    On Sunday I picked up my sister for an outing from the hospital and I was shocked with her story of what she thinks happened to her. She told me things totally off the wall and yet can clearly recall how she got to the hospital and how much she wants out. I must admit I am confused as to how she can be so clear about one thing and not about others. Then dealing with the doctors is confusing too one minute she can only be out 20 minutes by herself, and with me for 4 hours. Then couple of days later she can only be with me for 2 hours, upon our return they stated she must be with a responsible adult. Taking that personally I stated I am a mother, grandmother and I run a successful business how much more responsible would you like. With great difficulty I will not allow her to be out of my sight for a minute not allowing her anytime to get to alcohol or drugs. The next thing I know they are letting her out for an hour by herself. Within that hour she had hitchhiked to a place called labour ready got a job lined up for the next day and then hitchhiked to my business and demanded I do her resume immediately for her. Upon her arrival I called the hospital to see what was happening they were amazed she was with me and said she was overdue coming back and I needed to get her back immediately. Confused on how this could happen. I again asked to see the doctor looking after her. I would like to know what the plan is for her. I was told he was away till next week and her social worker would call me. Been there done that, I doubt he will call. Quite honestly I have reservations as to whether they know what they are doing. Sometimes it’s like talking to one of the people they are treating. I am seeking outside help from another Dr. in the field. I realize there is no set plan for everyone and each person is different so their plan would be different. However I am not even sure if they have a plan for her.
    That time she was out by herself was not bad, last time she was drinking and had cocaine is her system. I really can’t figure out if there has been any progress or not.
    On good note my daughter is doing better.

  40. I have been married for almost 17 years and believe my husband is bipolar. He has shown signs since our daughter was born 12 years ago but the signs have increased significantly over the past 5 years. He is a man’s man that does not believe anything is wrong with him and does not like taking meds. He comes from a long line of bipolar family members and our son is diagnosed ADHD. I do not know how to tell him or approach him but our marriage is failing apart and if something is not done soon it will be. He can become very angry. Please help.

  41. I tp have a daughter that was diagnosed with bipolar. We have been apart for almost a year now. We really do not speak, unless she calls because she wants something. The letter that David sent in the emails about the lying that goes along with the bipolar is very true. This happened to our family. My daughters lies almost tore our whole family apart until we as a family could not take it anymore. My daughter (even though she was getting help and meds) was still getting into trouble with the law, was getting violent with me, and the worst imaginable lies came from her about my son and her father, her step father, her counsins, and her grandfather. In the end the family on all sides could not take it anymore and have seperated ourselves from her. So please whatever you do, listen to what David is telling you, before it becomes to late, and heartbreaking for you and your family.We all still love my daughter very much and miss her everyday, i think about her every minute and I pray to god that the she gets the help she needs.

  42. the father of my three year old child has not been diagnosed with bipolar (that we know of…the last doctor refused to talk to or hear the concerns of his family members) but exhibits the classic symptoms to an extreme. by the way, the famiiy suspects that the adderall (prescribed for his adhd) may be the cause because we all saw such extreme changes in him once he started that medication. anyway, lying is a huge issue with him. he constantly distorts the truth in a way to defer any personal resposibility for all of the messes he has created in his life. i get scared when he blames me for so many of his problems when i’ve tried so hard to be compassionate, patient and helpful and once he puts the resposiblity on me, he can further justify and focus his intense suffering and anger on me. he distorts the truth so much, we never know what to believe. i think for quite a while he really convinced his previous doctor that me and his parents were all totally nuts and as a result his therapy was not all helpful (and actually harmful to his health). i’m curious to know if anyone out there has any experience with bipolar patients where the disorder was induced by medication….thanks and blessings, brigit

  43. Hi Dave

    Has it ever occured in your time when those with BP have had a bad childhood and it is the truth I ‘m with someone who has so much truth in it as it is verified by other sources.

    My partner has given up smoking and cut the drinking. Now he is having extreme disturbing dreams 1 month later and sleeps two hours per night if any at all this is now his 6th week. He is hallucinating and experiening exhaustion. He is very happy not smoking anymore crap but now it has reminded why he self medicated which was to stop this traumatic symptoms spiralling. GUess what we seen the GP typicallly says there is nothing wrong with him. His ex painted a black picture on his name and now no one will help. We are in Britain and the mental health is terrible. It took two years of helping and supporting him after the 1st years of major ups and downs and now we finally took the step to get him help the GP says rack off here some sleeping pills and you are accountable for your own actions. So if he turns psychotic and believe me we are heading that way and I am scared in fact he is too. That it will be his own fault do GP realise how hard it is to control and minimumlise the episodes. you can only do that for so long without the right medication. Now they shoved antidepressants at him. He is too scared to take them knowing this could make this very much matters worse. Any tips David???? When we get help we will buy your course but until then it wont help fully will it?!!

  44. This is really rough to read…I have Bipolar I, Manic…and finally diagnosed at 38 after 2 years of seeing Drs (For depression related to Pain from Back surgery that went awry)…. THEY were NOT Physciatrists..Finally referred to a great guy, who was a Sheppard Pratt and treats the chemicals 1st, then therapy as needed…

    1. I don’t remember a lot, it is scary and weird to hear your sister tell a long story that she has always cherished and sit and smile like, Oh yeah…with a vague feeling I may have heard it before
    2.Finding out some things were not always my doing (Like the depressions, that I called lazy days or pretended to be sick, until I believed I was, so everyone would leave me alone)

    Reading how this has affected loved ones is devastating to me, and I communicate with my few friends and family as much info as possible, so we can work on this together…My doctor meets with my husband and I as often as just me, esp., when I went of meds and attempted suicide, he actually had my husband come in to discuss what I was going through and “warning signs” etc….

    Hopefully you will find a great Dr like me, this is chemical problem 1st…all the talk in the world won’t change your biochemistry

    Good luck!\\


  45. Thanks Dave for confirming what I have believed was truth for the last four years. When my son was younger I thought he was a cronic lier, but once we found out he has emotional problems I realized his”lying” was his version of the truth. He just couldn’t see the whole picture. You are the first person to verify that I am not crazy to believe this.

  46. I apologize. I replied to the email before seeing where to actually post. Thank you very much for your emails. This is exactly how my daughter is. She remembers things about her childhood that did not happen and thinks her father was mean to her. Thanks to you I am seeing this as a result of her being bipolar. Please, keep up the good work.

  47. My mother is manic bipolar disorder, I recently have had to live with her with my daughter who is 2 yrs old. I have always been independent because she verbaly and physically abuse’es me. It is very hard because I have no other family , my grandmother died in 2008 and she was the only one I had. I have no money and what I do get my mother says I owe her, for what reason I don’t know. She know’s I’m trying to save for a place for my baby and me to stay. But she has a gambling problem , I mean a saver gambling problem. So when I have money , after she has spent all of her’s she think’s that I owe her all of mine to pay the bill’s. Then I ‘m left with nothing and I lose everything that I owe on my bill’s and she does not care!! She say’s I’m a bad person and a awful daughter, and that I’m a bitch,and I care about no one but myself!! What am I supposed to do?? And I already go to a consoler like my mom say’s I need to do because i’m the one that is messed up!! HELP!!!!!

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