Bipolar Lesson: Consider This Before Acting

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How’s it going?

I wanted to get you an update on something that’s
going on with the entire organization setup
to help those cope and deal with bipolar disorder.

Things are growing super fast. If you have called or
written in with a customer service issue, we are working
hard to get back to you as soon as possible.

We are not slacking. I have been working until 12 to 1 am
and getting up at 6am. We have several people
also helping as well—Cherie, Henrine, Pascale, Andrea,
and Michele.

I don’t want to make excuses but I have a woman who
was running all of customer service that is taking another
job so we had to get someone else. I have a new person
who is taking over in about a week or so.

She is going to be great. I have been really stressed
recently because things are growing so fast and it’s
hard to keep up.

I just wanted to let you know.

With that said, let’s jump into today’s daily

Today I was talking to a woman whose mother is in
an episode and is real critical of her, and so I was
thinking back to when my mom was really bad, and
how she used to talk to me and yell at me how I was
such a bad son, and all.

My mom was real critical of me, too, and used to say
all kinds of mean things to me, things that she never
even remembered saying when she wasn’t in an
episode, or after the episode was over. Now, these
things didn’t hurt me any less just because she didn’t
remember saying them, so that’s what I wanted to
talk to you about.


In my courses and systems I talk extensively about
this. If you haven’t gotten my course, please take a




In my courses, I talk about not taking things
personally. So this is sort of like that. But
consider the source – when your loved one is
ranting and raving at you, and saying things that
hurt you, especially when you know the things
aren’t true, consider the source.

This woman I was telling you about at the
beginning of this email, she was hurt because
her mother called her lazy. That was it! That
was the whole thing that hurt her.

Now she knows she isn’t lazy. But her mother
calling her lazy hurt her feelings, because it was
her mother. But if she had just considered the
source, thinking, “This is my mother, and she is
in a bipolar episode, and she is going to say
things that will hurt me, and not remember what
she says…so if I consider the source, I don’t have
to be hurt by what she says.”

See how it works? It’s YOUR choice whether
you still get hurt by what your loved one says.
It’s only words. And words can’t hurt you.
(Remember the old kid’s rhyme).

Remember it goes. Sticks and stones
can break my bones but names can never
hurt me. Actually I think that’s how it went

Bottom line


I have spent a lot of time on the phone with people
who spend so much time trying to figure out
why a person who has bipolar disorder, who is
in an episode, says this or that to them.

I talk to people. Here’s an example of a
recent conversation.

I spoke to a guy who had a question,
and used my f.ree consulation certificate.
He wrote that he wanted to know what to
do with the fact his wife wouldn’t let him
talk to her doctor.

I thought that’s an easy one. I know exactly
what he can do to talk to her doctor even
if she doesn’t want him to (note this is
in my supporter close over several pages).

Anyway, we got on the phone and he said, “Can you
believe what she said to me. She said that
I hit her, I hate her, I threw something
at her and that I never wanted to marry

Then he tells me how he has been
trying to figure out why his wife said this
for months because none of it was true. In
this case, I asked this person how much
time he spends thinking about all the strange
things his wife said to him and he said, “most
of the day everyday.”

Until I reminded him, he would have never
bought up his original question about how to
talk to his wife’s doctor. His total focus
was what his wife was saying to him while
he was in an episode.

Can you see how this is a waste of time?

I told him to consider the source. Don’t
waste time.


If you have bipolar disorder and some one says
something stupid to you that really makes no
sense or is simply dumb, consider the source.

Don’t get mad. I will give you an example
of when my mom used this technique.

My mom was at thanksgiving, and someone
at the table said, and I quote “Bipolar people
have their wires crossed.” My mom didn’t
get mad. She just told me later, Kevin is just
ignorant and she said that she doesn’t
even think about ignorant statements.

Make sense? So consider the source works
for the bipolar supporter and the bipolar

If you have bipolar disorder, you are bound
to meet people that say, really, really, really
stupid ignorant things about your disorder.

Consider the source.

Hey I have to run. Write me a response.

Catch you later.

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. I am learning so much about episodes etc. from your e-mails. Thanks. I have been diagnosed as bipolar not long ago and now I try to keep my control. I have been knopwn to “freak” as my kids put it and have said things to them and my husband that I don’t remember saying or mean. I have told them of my diagnosis but haven’t had a conversation with them about it. I’m just starting to understand it myself. Maybe I can get my son to read some of your stuff. He’s 22.

  2. I have bipolar, and do try to remember to consider the source. One of my best friends is always trying to get me to stop taking my medication. She means well, but just doesn’t have a clue. I smile and nod, and go home to take my meds. I’ve learned to agree, then do what I have to do in order to remain somewhat stable.

    Thanks for bringing this up. It is a very useful reminder.

  3. Hi Dave: I recently married someone with Bipolar. First of all he is not on the proper meds. He only takes zanex for anxiety and seems to think that is enough. Before we were married he had episodes where he would time out on me and decide he did not want to get married and say things totally off the wall but after a couple of weeks he would come around and things would be ok for awhile. I really love him and did lots of research and as well I have a son with this mood disorder only he is on proper meds and counselling. Any way while husband is with me he is great. For now we have not decided if we will live where he is or where I am so he comes and visits here. He was here for a week in September and it was absolutely wonderful, however when he went back home he would not answer any of my calls and this went on for two weeks then I got an email saying he wants a divorce and said many untrue and hurtfull things but I try not to take them personaly so I emailed him back and told him if he wants a divorce he can file and pay for it and that I did not believe a word he said and that I love him and want to spend my life with him and that he has never had the true love and support that I have given him and it scared him so he pushes me away. I know he really does love me and needs me desperately and I love him and I know I can help him by giving him the support he needs and also by helping him to get a proper Doctor and get on the right meds and get some counselling. Dave, he still won’t call me and I am so worried about him and I just don’t know what to do. Should I just back off and let him mull through this episode and see if he will change back to his old self and call me. I am at a loss and really overwhelmed by this and my heart really hurts because I love him so much. He is really a good person and I just can’t give up on him. Whatever am I to do. I read all of you emails and they have been very helpful, especially the one about the lies not really being lies. Thanks for listening Dave. You are doing a great job and do take care from a very troubled by polar supporter of a loved one……Lois

  4. my daughter in law suffers from bipolar and manic depression but drinks alchol and uses drugs like herion speed marijuans and cocain she wont get medical treatment how does this affect her every day life i’m really worried about the drugs she uses and wont get help from nobody i want to help but she wont take my advice ive asked her to go to rehab but wont thankyou jan saffron i want to know how the drugs work with someone that has this addiction

  5. Yes this is so true and as hard as it is you have to keep reminding yourself that people with bipolar say some very twisted things. Example: I have had to make the unfortunate decision of “cutting off” my daughter recently due to her not taking any responsibility for her bipolar or whatever it is. I am not a doctor so i cant diagnose but believe me something is out of whack and she needs treatment desperately and refuses to acknowledge this after me trying to get her treatment when she was at home through countless counseling and intensive theraputic residntial treatment centers. She is 19 now and doing drugs i suspect, still and has no direction in life, living with her abusive boyfriend that i am sure supplies her with her drugs. Anyway….She has called me several times since this cutoff, oblivious and probably refusing to believe my stance. She has been verbally abusinve but then calls me and asks me to help her. I remind her how she treats me and how she needs treatment and then the abuse starts again. She says some really hurtful things. I am pregnanat right now. I got married last year and we planned this. She tells me how i can i possibly handle a new baby when i cant even handle her. This is when i hang up on her. My husband gets furious because this upsets me so much that i cry and i get teary-eyed even writing this. I have done nothing but love her through even the tough times and try to get her help. After saying that she calls me 2 weeks later like nothing! She wants me to help her move out of her boyfriends house. I am an hour away and 6 months pregnant. Helloooo! Again i remind her about what she said and tell her how she expect someone to even WANT to help her. She then proceeds to tell me to and i quote “Well then, f*** off!” I hung up and this time it was easier to take. I think i am becoming caloused to her. She knows if she gets treatment for her drugs and/or her bipolar (whatever it is) i welcome her with open arms-i have told her that time and time again. Now what i have to do for my own sanity, when i hear her voice if she calls me at work, give her a dial tone. She knows she can leave messages on my cell so in the event she gets some sort of help she has a portal of communication with me. Its been beyond tough to go to this extreme and i try not to take anything she says personal but wow it is tough to do that! This is my “little girl” that is now an adult….

  6. jan-saffron:
    I feel for you! Form what i understand with a duel-diagnosis (drugs and bipolar) which is my case as well. One cant get treated for their bipolar until they are clean and sober first so the doctors can see the true “bipolar” and be confused with that bipolar + drugs do. My daughter says she “only smokes marijuana” – like that is acceptable. But i know for a fact that she failed many a drug screens living at home with crack, ice, speed, perscription pills, you name it. She tries to make me think that it is perfectly acceptable in today’s day and age to smoke pot. I tell her “Well its obviously not working for you is it?? Many of people who argue that lead productive lives. Its a depressant and does no good to someone who is depressed or has “issies” aside from all the common sense with its side effects.” But its like talking to a wall because it does give her immediate relief from her anxiety, depression and fast thoughts. So its tough to get someone treatment with any drug or alchohol addictions. Every doctor will also refuse to treat unless they are clean too because of the possible interactions with the street drugs.
    Good luck jan-saffron….Try to keep your sanity in the meantime!

  7. I have a young friend who was pushed quickly(3 months from meeting her to wedding day) into a marriage only to find out this woman is severely Bi-polar and has taken every behavior you mention to the extreme…horrible stuff. I cannot stand for this nice young man to be in this marriage – it is nothing but a thankless hell…and I, and all his friends and family, are trying to get him to throw in the towel…Why would anyone try to have a marriage, and God forbid, a family, with a person like this? They are not fit for duty – plain and simple. If this was a job, they would get fired!

    She lies to her counsleor, makes him promise not to tell people when she beats on him, and more evil stuff.
    She is not reliable in taking her meds, and he says her mother is just as bad, only not diagnosed or helped, but the daughter is fond of telling her mom – you need to take some of my medicine!

    I am sorry there are such people and I am sorry they suffer, but I think you would be kinder, and smarter, if you just told people to run…out the door as fast as possible. You can’t fix it, you can’t control it, you will be damaged by it, your life will be in shambles often, and you will not be happy. How can that be okay?

  8. Hit home again! I’m learnig so much, & Dave you will be blessed!So I share, Help me to see Lord Jesus,that when I do something for the least of my brothers and sisters of the street, I am doing it for you.Blessing’s to you all. Sincerely..Sylvia, ladyinred54

  9. When I look @ someone who has less than me, fill my heart with mercy, if they are thirsty, help me to give them not just a drink but a few kind words to quence their thirst for a little human kindness. Thank you Dave @ your support! Love to all of you I bring. Sincerely, Sylvia,ladyinred54

  10. I have been reading Dave’s emails now for several weeks and feel better in some ways, frustrated in others. I think my daughter is bipolar- she is 29 and was married last weekend- she denied me access to her wedding and my heart is broken! The question is, how do I know if she is bipolar and if I should employ the suggestions I am reading about? She was a lovely little girl but at about the age of 13 when her father and I divorced, she began to act out and yell at me all the time but I thought this was a normal teenage response. It just got worse and worse and she didn’t seem to keep friends either- she was very critical of them. She has threatened suicide, etc. etc. but has earned a University degree and has never done drugs or alcohol. She seems to handle money ok. I know she has been on medication and has been to doctors and therapists but she will not tell me who they are or let me talk to them. She either doesn’t speak at all on the phone or yells and blames me for things I have not done. She became engaged 2 years ago and began to call relatives- her brother, my mother, etc. and lie about her childhood and blaming me for all her problems- she has said horrible things that aren’t true and I have been devastated! She has called me in the middle of the night to yell accusations that aren’t true and on and on. Finally, my husband (who is not her father but has been very good to her) told her not to call and say such things and I wrote her a letter (because she just screams when I try to talk to her)and suggested that we need to resolve her problems( she doesn’t seem to know what I have done to hurt her but it’s my fault anyway). The result was a letter back to me telling me not to attend her wedding! I didn’t want to cause more trouble so didn’t go and have cried and cried. I don’t know what to do now- her husband just supports her behaviour totally so I can’t talk to him. We have always had a very close family and my other children are dismayed- my Mom did not attend the wedding either (to support me) and is so upset as has always been close to her granddaugher. It seems that no matter what I have done in the past 15 years or so it just has not been enough- I either interfere or don’t do enough in her eyes. I have tried to support her and console her and not to argue to keep the peace but I cannot tolerate her abuse any more very easily. I am very close to my other children and have always done my best. But, is this bipolar behaviour? The reason I wonder is that the animosity seems to be directed towards me only most of the time and it’s ALL the time. There are no times when she realizes she has said or done things that are terrible and there has never been an apology. She must get along with her husband as I can’t imagine he could tolerate what she says and does to me. She still doesn’t have alot of friends as expects too much of them and they either drop her or she drops them. My husband thinks she is just mean and spoiled. I just don’t know how to proceed. I love her very much and can’t believe all this is happening. Of course right now we have no contact and she lives several hours away and I work full time. I could sure use some advice as I think this is starting to affect my health too- not sleeping, worrying, etc. because this is tearing the whole family apart.

  11. My daughter was diagnosed with bioplar disorder about 4 months ago. She has made statements that really made me feel really bad, however when I started gaining knowledge about this disorder I was able to deal with it better. I am aware of what this disorder can do, especially without medication. She decided to discontinue her meds, she is in therapy at Duke University.
    I feel the thing that works more against me is our church family, has supported my daughters theory,why she was hospitalized. They all believe it was spirtual warfare. They shared conversation,
    comments that I spoke with them about to my daughter, in return to her I am the person tht is starting troulbe. Thank God for knowledge, with David’s program I am able to cop and deal with issues approxiately.

  12. Hi David,

    Hey I am having a very hard time right now. I have Bi-Polar but my family doesn’t believe it or won’t accept it. But they have been stirring me up real bad, enough to want to kill myself. Just can’t take much more. My Dad dies almost a year ago, and since then my family has been against me. Not my imagination. Several friends and my older children verified that. So I didn’t feel threathened. But now that my dad’s will has been read, and it states that the family is supposed to help me with my finances because my dad understood my Bi-Polar episodes.
    I am at a point I need some help. I see a doctor and a therapist but not for another 2 weeks, tried to get in sooner but they were booked up.

    Oh on the topic, I was also an alcoholic and didn’t know I had Bi-Polar until I got sober. At first they thought is was just and act to get away with things but soon figured out that I really did need help and the Bi-Polar diagnoisis. But I had said things to my kids and family that hurt them but I didn’t remember saying them. They just thought I was crazy and needed to be hidden from society. So I moved away from them and started building new supports but I built some of the wrong supports. I wished that your course was around back in 1990. I could of used it then. I have learned so much about myself and have shared your information with so many including professionals that I have a totally new support system. But forgot to use them this week. I couldn’t face anyone.
    That’s all for now. I wish you could contact me. I could and would just want to hear your voice. I am so in debt, that I couldn’t join your bigger group.

    Thanks Nancy


  14. With having bipolar disorder myself,I realize the importance of any information to educate myself through this and years to come. So hearing about the personal expierence of others is not only reassuring but supportive as well. I work in the health care field and have seen elderly people with bipolar disorder. It is extremely sad to think that some families place them in care facility’s then rarely visit again.Getting the word out there to educate will hopefully change what some have to live with. What a terrible thought that I would be without my family when the last years of my life are to come. Thanks for sharing Dave.

  15. hi everybody i suffer with bipolar its my first time on blog never mind doctors and therapists i know for a fact that i would not be here today only for my very supportive partner but i suppose im just really lucky to share my life with someone who does everything to understand my condition

  16. i dont have any friends left because of peoples ignorance towards bipolar so i spend a lot of time alone as my partner works 10 hours a day and my 14 year old daughter is in part time care because i wasnt there for her emotional needs which makes me feel as though ive failed her

  17. My son and I are both bipolar. The e-mail today was great for my husband. He lets to much of what my son says get to him. I try to get him to understand it’s the disorder talking but he doesn’t always listen. I think it’s great you care enough to share what you’ve learned. Living with the disorder can be a real challange, weather you’re the one with it or the loved one. Thank you-Denet

  18. Every so often, we read in the paper about someone who jumped into a river or lake to save someone who was thought to be drowning. In these cases all to often it is the rescuer who is drowned. We were lectured thouroughly about this at swimming lessons every summer. We were taught to avoid contact with the victim. With my bipolar father, I learned through bitter experience that his illness could pull me down with him. In fact he liked to do just that, so that I would understand how he lived. I always refused. But what he needed even more than sympathy, was someone who could control him during his rages. I think that had I been big enough and trained in self defence he would have been able to back off. As it was I think the family dog had the best idea. He simply looked for cover, where he could not be seen. By this means he survived being a puppy.
    I learned many years later, that in addition to him screaming at me, hitting me, and ridiculing me in front of family and friends, he libelled me to his family. I was never given a chance to defend myself. what I think people who are living in that kind of environment need most, is to seek help (counselling) for themselves. It is essential that they know just how much abuse they can handle, because that is what they’ll get. Then they need to be prepared to walk away, to find a good friend or relative with whom they can talk. It might jus mean a movie, and maybe supper until the storm blows over. (what a lot of metaphors this disease creates) Keep in mind that the people who work in institutions have a major advantage over family members who were simply drafted. They get to go home after eight hours. They too have ways to handle the abuse, or they don’t survive in the field. If the only way that the BPD patient can be kept safe, is to send to an institution, particularly if they have gone off their meds, the caregiver must not interfere, but do everything to co operate. Remember that you will be of little use if you end up dead…either directly because of the abuse, or indirectly because of the physical results of that kind of stress. Caregivers need to have their own space, and to set their personal limits. Then they need to leave.

  19. I am a little bugged about what you said the other day about bi-polar people and false memory.
    1. I am bi-polar
    2. I know I was sexuallay abused by several people in my life and can name various places and times and I am sure several people can back me up.
    3. If you go around telling statements like bi-polar people tell false memories you are going to make some people crazier than they are because they will wonder was it a false memory or did it really happen and the professionals will wonder is it truth or error and how do they treat them.

  20. Greetings,
    First of all i would like to thank David Oliver for his hard work and dedication, i am sure he has helped many others than myself. I am not bipolar however my mother is and my ex fiance had schizophrenia and many bipolar traits…. Between the two of them, they were the most wonderful, cherished, loved and considerate 2 people i knew , they were my life line. Then BAM!!
    Within, a few months, they both totally turned on me. This was not a set up, the timing was just very ironic. My mother, and my ex fiance helped me through many ordeals, However, that is not the case any longer.
    Because i have experienced rudeness, numerous insults, (not just insults like, “you are a bitch”), The insults were extremely personal and hurtful. Almost enough to make me think i should not be on earth.
    MY ADVICE TO ANYONE WHO HAS GONE THROUGH SOMETHING LIKE THIS—IS DO NOT, DO NOT TAKE THESE CRUEL INSULTS PERSONALLY…..The people that are insulting you, are ill., personally i don’t think that gives them the right to insult you. However, in their mind, when they say something negative towards you, THEY DON’T EVEN REALIZE IT. It is hard to believe and to take, but on the flip side your “ill loved one” probably loves you to death, and YOU my friend just happen to be the target. As Dave said, consider the source…

  21. David, I wanted to comment on this particular message. You are very right that as a supporter I should consider the source and situation. I know that when my husband or son are in a episode they will say things that are incredibly mean and not remember saying them. BUT, that does not excuse them for doing these things. If they are simply allowed to say mean things in a episode and never have any consequences to deal with for having said the things they will use their disorder as an excuse. They must be at least told what they have said and I feel that they owe me an appology. I have told my husband that bi-polar is not an excuse for bad behaviour only the reason it happens. If he were to commit a crime he would be held responsible for it, even if he was in an episode. So, why should he be allowed to say mean things and never have to appologize?

    I will try to “remember the source” but I am not sure that I can excuse it all for that reason. I have feelings too and they don’t deserve to be trampled. Thanks

  22. You know Dave, I learn so much from but i think is a lesson I am going to have trouble with. I know people say stupid things and show their ignorance however I have a problem with controlling my temper still. When I told my mother in law that I had bipolar and depression she said that she was going to lock her bedroom door at night so I wouldn’t be tempted to sneak in and kill her. Now mind you this is coming from a registered nurse and I live with my inlaws. Then I told my oldest sister and was met with complete and utter silence. In either case i didn’t know what to do or say and said something I shouldn’t have. I will need alot of help on this one Dave. What do you suggest?

  23. Thanks for reminding us….when you hear BS…consider the source. The BS is the disease talking..not my loved one. Thanks, Lyn

  24. I am still at a loss to find a way to get through to my loved one who was diagnosed as Manic-depressive many years ago. However, he is still in denial. Will not take his meds. Has tried suicide twice in less than 3 years. His family, even his own children avoid him. I have your program, but nothing seems to work. Help..Lyn

  25. Thank you so much for all the free insight into bipolar disorder, a malady which only recently I have been diagnosed. My condition had to reach a severe crisis involving a stay at a mental hospital before anyone, including myself, understood why I behaved in such “unusual ways” from early childhood. I am nearly 55 years old. I can now have hope, and put a name to my condition.

  26. My adult daughter used to call me on the phone and say bad things about my husband-the step-parent is an excellent person to blame for your problems.
    After listening to this a few times I explained to her that I did not want to hear it and that whenever she started doing that I would hang up.
    It only took a few times before she learned that I would actually hang up on her. I know she can’t help her emotional problems, but she can learn consequences.

  27. David, I have given a lot of thought to “consider the source,” and it DOES make sense. My mother had a niece who has NEVER accepted my diagnosis or that I even HAVE a mental illness, and she says the most despicable things to me when we ever get together. Things like, “You broke your Mother’s heart,” “You never cared for your Mother,” “Stop acting like a crazy person,” etc.

    I took my Mother in for four years with Alzheimer’s, and she lived with my husband and me until I finally had to put her in a nursing home. This niece held it against me that I would put my Mother in a nursing home. She snubbed me, and acted in the most hideous manner whenever we got together, even at the nursing home. I did all I could for my Mother when she lived with us; cooking, cleaning, helping her with dressing, bathroom duties, etc., until it threatened my mental health. But – the niece never took that into account.

    To be specific, this niece has a “chip on her shoulder” the size of a log. She is not the most pleasant person to begin with, and I don’t see why my cousin ever married her. But – I am civil to her, and when we’re together, we carry on in a personable manner. Some people like her; the majority don’t.

    To be fair, she has appeared at both my weddings, both my husbands’ funerals, and even helped me out when my car broke down 30 miles from home. But – she doesn’t LIKE me. It oozes out of every pore, and no matter what I do to be friendly, she pushes me away.

    THIS is the kind of person I have learned to “consider the source.” She has never acknowledged my successes, only my failures. If she EVER said a kind word to me, or about me, I don’t know about it. I have learned to just take her with “a grain of salt,” and accept that she will NEVER accept me as part of the family (I am adopted; that may be part of the problem.)

    So, I thank you, David, for pointing out this very human lesson. It holds true for bipolar survivors as well as supporters, I’m sure. It would make for a much more personable atmosphere if people would only adjust their thinking that it’s the OTHER person’s problem, and NOT their’s.

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and the supporters that love them. God loves you, and so do I.


  29. Thank you for todays reminder. My friend is bipolar and I sometimes forget he is. he handles his bipolar very well. Yesterday I had a crisis and I expected him to respond they way I needed him to. I forgot to keep my expectations based in reality with hium and didn’t explain well enough so I was disappointed. I know he did the best he could and I will appologizse to him when I see him tomorrow. Thank you for clearing the fog from my brain and saving this valuable friendship.


  30. Morning,

    I have been diagnosed with bipolar, at first it was just major depression now I see on my file that my doctor has labelled me bipolar. I am on government medication as I do not have medical aid. Fluoxetine 40mg, and Epilim 1000mg per day. I have recently (2 weeks ago) been put on Lithium 250mg, he said also to help control my various OCD’s. But one thing I just can not shake at this stage is self mutilation. whenever I upset someone or have a minor “eppisode” I end up cutting myself, either on the tummy, arms, or legs with whatever I can get in my hands. Its like i feel like a pressure cooker with steam building up, after cutting i have a hugh releif of pressure and it makes me feel better. is there any other medication that I could take when I have these “freak outs” in stead of the cutting. Its a bit embarrasing cos my body is full of marks but I just cant stop, people ask me what happened and I end up telling stupid lies to cover it or end up wearing long clothes to hide the marks. At the moment i am feeling very frustrated in my job as my boss does not understand my moods, the people im arround seem to think they know what is going on but mean while they are just making it worse for me, hence the pressure i am under is building again to the point where I know the next time I will just give in. I have had the gun in my mouth……. had the knife pointed at my heart, drunk the pills, but I still feel lost and alone. Im tired.

  31. how do you deal with a person that will not believe you. I think my husband is extremely bi-polar and worsenting. His parents knew something was wrong for thirty years but never got him help as a child and tell me that they so not remember, nor do they help me with him, i have cut them out of my life. he has gotten physical and i know you cannot help anyone that does not help themselves. living with it for the past ten years can drive you to insanity although you know you are not. it drove my daughter insane and i am walking on thin ice everyday until our house is sold, no human being desreves to be treated so horribly, sometimes
    i think it is just an excuse to be a horrible human being, i feel like
    i have seen the devil. there is no sense of reasoning, apathy, the only choice left is to get out, our daughters well being is at stake, and to end this viscious cycle that has run rampant thru his family which are no longer welcome in my home or near my daughter they turned there back on threir own children, i have reached a point that even if he did get help i cannot or have the strength to help him and I have seen the look of murder in his eyes and i do not know what is wrong i do see effects of bipolar, but my fear is that it is just more than that, i am just dazed and confused and looking for answers.

  32. Hi David. I’ve been Bipolar for about 10 years now,and in the begining it was very rough for me and my family.I was depressed and manic at the same time,switching back and forth hour to hour.I found it very differcult to make even simple decsions, and told people who were hepling me they are wrong with decisions they were making to help me.I had three jobs at the time,and the one job was killing me with the people there!I moved shortly later 350 miles away after I retired to the country where I thought it would be better,and it was except for the finances part of it.I,m on disability,can’t find a job,and the bills are racking up.My Bipolar is somewhat stable with up and downs,and a foggy decision making process.It took me many years to feel my way through this ordeal by myself without really any help from anyone but my wife.I credit her for what she went through when I was very differcult to deal.I don’t remember anything I did,but she later told me some things.I’m more stable thanks to my doctor and medications I’m on.I take my meds 3x a day and 1 once a day. It’s very important to take those meds and try to keep a strong healty mind.We can do what others can if we use postive thinking.Take each day at a time!I read your emails Dave,I only wished they came sooner,but I still read them.You put alot of work into them indeed,but I haven’t brought anything because I don’t think I’ll need it,not to mention I don’t have a credit card.Take it easy Dave,and good luck-keep up the good work

  33. Thanks David, what you say (Consider the Source) is so so true!
    My wife is BP – I used to think of it as having occasional spells – and almost anything can set her off. She calls me homosexual, ugly, skinny, etc. anything that she thinks will make me mad and start a big argument. I’ve found the only way to get along with her is to not talk. Then the spell passes (usually 10 – 15 minutes) and she may not even remember what she’s said. I look forward to your complete mini course. I’ve received only one so far, #4. Do they come in an unusual order? I looked back in my unreads and couldn’t find others.
    I’m very interested in finding solutions, medicines or whatever, that you may suggest.

  34. hi dave, i wanted to thank you for all the emails. i have been so overwhelmed with all the info that i have found since my 24 year old daughter has been dignoised with bp. i am fortunate that she has accepted the fact that she has to be on meds for the rest of her life (and not liking that one bit)AND go to therapy. we are still trying to find the right medication(s)for her. she has her highs and lows so frequently that i have pretty much put my life on hold for her. she is trying to keep a relationship together with the father of her son that hasnt researched the illness to know what to do and not to do during an episode. they live together but not married. right now there is a high level of choas in their lives because he is not being supportive of her and reconizing when she is having an episode. when she is in a rage he makes it worse by arguing with her. i only know what i have read lately about bp. i try and follow the advice of that that is written thru experience. there is so much more that i could go on about but another time. thanks again dave for the comfort in you emails. tracie

  35. hey Dave i know what you mean about them saying hurtful things. my daughter is only 7 and we had a bad fight over me telling her no that she could not do somethening. the more she thought about it the mader she got and then she wanted to fight it lasted about 1 hour then after she seen that i was going to win then it was like a snap she came out of it then got up set and said mommy i am sorry i didnt mean to do it and i will try to not fight with you any more.and yes she said alot of hurtful things to me like i hate you just kill me get it over with i am tired of your mouth and dont wont to hear it any more so i know how hurtful that it is and how it can be hurtful. i have learned that i have to put my feeling in my pocket and worrie about them at a later date due to the fact she dose no know what she is doing or saying it is getting better at times but some times it gets out of control.

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