Bipolar Supporter? Imagine What It Would Be Like


How’s it going?

This guy at support group was talking to me the other day, and the conversation went something like this:

HIM: I’m so tired of dealing with my wife.

ME: Why?

HIM: Well, she never does anything.

ME: What do you mean?

HIM: She never gets out of bed.

ME: Do you think maybe she’s depressed?

HIM: What does she have to be depressed about? Now me, I have a lot to be depressed about!

ME: Well, maybe if you talked to her…

HIM: (cutting me off) Why should I talk to her?

ME: Communication is very important if you’re going to be a good supporter.

HIM: Well, I come to these meetings, don’t I? That shows support.

Well, needless to say, I tried to tell him about what being a good supporter means, like I talk about in my courses/systems:



But he didn’t seem to want to listen to what his side of things should be as a supporter to a wife with bipolar disorder. He just wanted to complain about her.

So this really made me think.

And I want you to do something today:

I want you to use your imagination.

Remember the old saying about how you can never judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes?

Well, today I want you to walk a mile in your loved one’s shoes.

I just want you to imagine it.

Imagine you’ve been told you have a disorder – a disease, if you will.

Only there’s no cure for this disease.

And it’s in your brain, not your body.

So it’s a hidden disorder.

And you’ll have to take medication for it. Every day. For the rest of your life.

Then you find out that there are side effects to the medication, and some of them aren’t very fun. In fact, some of them you don’t like at all, but you have to put up with them, because the medication helps you to get better.

Now imagine this…

You’re life is completely different than it once was.

You have bipolar disorder.

You can’t work, and you’re probably on disability now, so you have less money than you used to have. Your income is substantially lower. You feel so much less productive.

Your mood swings are horrible.

Sometimes you feel so sad, so helpless and hopeless…

And other times you feel as if you could conquer the world.

The only problem is…

You never know which mood you’re going to be in, and when the moods are going to change.

Imagine living with that kind of fear, that kind of doubt.

Now you have a doctor, a psychiatrist, and a therapist that you didn’t have before. And you have to see each of them on a regular basis. You probably hardly ever even went to the doctor before this! I mean, only when you were sick, or for your yearly flu shot.

Now it feels like you’re always going to some kind of appointment.

Ah, but you have your supporter.

Bless your supporter, who understands what you go through.

Or do they?

Imagine what it would be like to be your loved one…

Can you imagine now what your loved has gone through with their bipolar disorder?

Can you imagine now what they go through every day?

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder? No Excuses For This


How’s it going?

I read the greatest thing the other day:

“I once heard a Buddhist teacher say
that life is a lot like gambling in Vegas.
You have to be present to win. But
sometimes winning entails much more
than just showing up. It requires making
a bet on your best, bravest self and then
stretching beyond what you already believe
you can do to win the jackpot of your full
potential and deepest desires.”

I thought that was one of the most inspirational things I’ve ever read!

Makes me want to go out and conquer the world today, you know?

If it wasn’t for work, I probably would.

Oops – I’ve just done what I wanted to talk to you about today.


I just complained about having to work, and I shouldn’t have done that.

Because I truly love what I do, running, sending out these emails, hearing from people, writing the courses and other materials, volunteering at support groups, giving talks about bipolar disorder, talking to doctors and other experts, interviewing success stories, etc.

And I’m really not a complainer.

That’s why I wanted to write this email.

And yet I got caught doing the very same thing – that’s how easy it is to do!

See, so many people complain, and make excuses for this and for that.

Some people blame all their problems on the economy.

Boy, do we hear a lot of that these days, don’t we?

But there are many people who are NOT using the recession as an excuse and are cutting back
on their expenses and living within their means, and are NOT COMPLAINING!

There are really no excuses for complaining.

It’s like that reading I quoted at the beginning of this email.

I know I seem to “preach” about it a lot, but it really does have to do with your attitude.

If you have a negative attitude, you’re not going to believe in yourself and your ability to reach “beyond what you already believe you can do to win the jackpot of your full potential and deepest desires.”

So there’s no excuse for having a negative attitude.

On the other hand, people with a positive attitude are getting things they desire every day!

Just look at some of the success stories at!

That’s why I talk about having a positive attitude so much in my courses/systems.

Because I believe that having a positive attitude is just as important a part of your treatment as medication and therapy when it comes to stability.




So there really is no excuse for not having a positive attitude.

But you do have a choice – nobody ever took that away from you. You can choose whether you want to be positive or negative.

Just like you can choose stability or not.

Just like you can choose whether to even accept that you have bipolar disorder or not.

Yes, that’s a choice.

But it is NOT an excuse!

And you shouldn’t complain about it.

Complaining doesn’t get you anywhere, certainly not towards stability.

Using the fact that you have bipolar disorder as an excuse for unacceptable behavior is simply a cop-out for not accepting responsibility for that behavior.

And I know that sounds harsh, but I’ve gotten so many emails from supporters saying exactly that.

Complaining is negative. It is NOT positive.

And negative things keep you stuck where you are.

If you want to move further ahead towards stability, you have to do certain things.

And the first thing you have to do is stop complaining about the fact that you have bipolar disorder.

You’re not the only one to have it.

Over 4 million people in this country have bipolar disorder.

You’re only ONE of them.

And don’t use it as an excuse to not do things.

You are most likely still healthy otherwise.

You still have your supporter, and maybe friends and family to support you as well.

You at least have a roof over your head, food to eat, and clothes to wear.

You have other things in your life that you should count your blessings for – things big and small.

You may not have chosen to have bipolar disorder. Nobody does.

But you can choose what to do with it – you can choose to get stable.

But you can’t use having bipolar disorder as an excuse.

And you can’t complain about it if you’re going to become as stable as you can be.

Not if you’re going to “win the jackpot of your full potential and deepest desires.”

Don’t you want to “make a bet on YOUR best, bravest self?”

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Weight Loss, Bipolar The BIG Mistake Made


I wanted to send out something to everyone today.

I actually just got back from hiking and while I was walking, I was thinking about something concerning bipolar disorder and weight issues.

The number one mistake many people make is not talking to the doctor that weight is an issue or becoming one.

Here’s what I mean.

Let’s say you are taking a new bipolar medication, and you are gaining weight. Many people think:

-The doctor knows this and will try to do something
-The doctor doesn’t care
-There is nothing that can be done

These are all bad ways of thinking.

Here’s what you should do if weight is an issue.

Tell your doctor and tell him/her something has to be done.

If you do this, your doctor can work towards helping you. If you don’t say something, the doctor probably won’t really think it’s a problem.

You might think to yourself, “Dave, the doctor knows I am overweight, so why do I have to tell them?”

Well, unless you make a big deal about it, many doctors don’t think it’s important to you.

You might think, “Dave, your crazy, why would a doctor look at someone who is gaining weight or overweight and think it’s not a big deal?”

Well think of it this way. There are MILLIONS of people who are overweight or gain weight and are okay with it. I know hundreds myself.

So you have to let the doctor know.

Anyway, I have to run and cook dinner for the week.

For more information about:

“The Amazing Fat-Burning Formula for People with Bipolar Disorder!”


See you tomorrow.


Bipolar Disorder? I Dare You to do this


How’s it going?

It hasn’t been going well for me over the last couple of days.

First a few days ago, I had a serious computer problem.

I took it to a specialist and he messed it up big time. I had to wipe off my entire hard drive.

I had backups but not was missing some stuff.

It was a total nightmare.

There’s an incredible bipolar lesson I am going to be telling you about all of this in the next week or so.

Even though I am really annoyed about all of this.

We are going to talk about being happy today.

Here’s something interesting for you to think about:

I dare you to be happy.

Yep, just like when we were kids, and somebody dared you to do something. Or double-dared you…

I dare you to be happy.

You might ask me, “Well, Dave, how can I be happy when I suffer from bipolar disorder or

Well, I still dare you to be happy!

See, happiness is a state of mind – an attitude.

It doesn’t depend on whether everything is going right in your life.

It has to do with how you FEEL about your life.

I know a person who has bipolar disorder, and she still has episodes from time to time, but she
is still happy, because she has a good life.

How can she do this?

Even though she has episodes (because she still has a chemical imbalance in her brain), she
has learned how to manage her bipolar disorder.

This woman is one of the most positive people you’d ever want to meet, and I think we can all learn a lesson from her.

See, this is what I’m talking about:

This woman still has bipolar disorder, but she is HAPPY!

It’s all about your state of mind (your attitude) towards life.

You can choose to focus on the negative or you can choose to focus on the positive.

You can choose to be unhappy or you can choose to be happy.

It’s your choice.


I dare you to be happy!

In my courses/systems, I talk about how there are some things you have control over, and some things you don’t have control over:




Your attitude is one of the things you DO have control over.

Regardless of your moods, or the mood swings that come with bipolar disorder, that is.

And for supporters of loved ones with bipolar disorder, who might suffer with depression, it’s the same thing.

You could be depressed from time to time, but you can still be happy with your life
in general.

I know, that sounds weird, doesn’t it?

But depression is a temporary state of mind – it will pass, if you let it.

But generally speaking, you can be a positive person.

No, you can’t control others.

No, you can’t control the world.

No, you can’t control the state of affairs.

No, you can’t control what happens to you.


Someone once said that “Life consists of 1% what happens to you and 99% of your reaction to it.”

You CAN control your reaction to what happens to you.

And, like I said before…

You can control your attitude, and still be happy with your life,

You can still be happy with yourself,

You can still be happy with things in general.

So, despite bipolar disorder, despite depression, you can still be happy, that’s what I’m saying.


I dare you to be happy.

I double-dare you!

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Is Your Loved One With Bipolar Willing To Do This?


I hope you’re doing well today.

Let me ask you a question.

Are you a willing person?

I bet you are, aren’t you?

Because you’ve been willing, all this time, to put up with your loved one’s bipolar disorder.

Now let me ask you something else.

Is your loved one a willing person?

I don’t mean strong-willed, because that’s something else. Many people with bipolar disorder are strong-willed people.

But is your loved one willing? That’s what I’m getting at.

Because if your loved one is willing, they might be willing to do this:


Without the willingness to change, there is no hope for stability.

But with the willingness to change, there IS hope for stability.

And isn’t that what it’s all about?

Here’s how it goes:

Willingness leads to change.

Change leads to growth.

Growth leads to stability.

Now think about yourself.

Are you the same person you used to be?


That’s because you’ve changed.

It’s because you “grew up.”

You matured.

Somewhere along the line, you changed the way you thought about things, and changed those patterns of thinking into new ones.

But has your loved one done that?

Perhaps not.

Perhaps they even resent you for doing it while they haven’t.

Maybe it has to do with you being positive, willing to change, while they’re still being negative, and unwilling to change.

In my courses/systems, I talk about how your attitude has so much to do with how you or your loved one progress in your recovery:



Have you changed enough to be willing to help your loved one to change as well?

Have you learned enough about bipolar disorder to know that change is very hard for someone with the disorder?

I know someone in a 12-step program, and they told her when she first got in the program, “The only thing you have to change is everything.”

Can you imagine being told that?

Well, that’s practically what your loved one was told when they were diagnosed, isn’t it?

They thought things were a certain way, and then they were told they have bipolar disorder. And with that diagnosis came some changes they would have to make.

What changes? Everything!

Their sleep patterns. Their exercise patterns. Their eating patterns.

Their daily routine. Probably their job.

The way they think. The way they feel. The way they deal with things (and other people).

The way they approach life, and especially stress and stressful situations.

That they have to take medications every day now.

That now they have to see a doctor, psychiatrist, and therapist on a regular basis, and report to them (now, that’s probably a REAL big change for them – they’re an adult, after all, and not used to reporting to anyone!).

Can you imagine all these changes at once? It must have been so overwhelming for your loved one.

Still, these changes must take place in order for them to reach stability.

And, in order for you to become a good supporter, you had to join in on many of these changes as well. And that may not have been very easy for you.

I know, because I had to do it, and I had to help my mom through it.

But change is necessary for growth.

And growth is necessary for stability.

And so I ask you:

Has your loved one been able to do it?

Have you been able to do it?

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Current Bipolar News



How are you?

I hope you are doing well.

Here is today’s news.

To read this week’s news visit:

Bipolar Disorder Supplements
DO> Interesting article

Teen Travels to Lansing with Message on Bipolar Disorder
DO> Good story you should read.

Add-on Treatment may Reduce Treatment-Associated Weight Gain Caused by Antipsychotic Treatments
DO> VERY interesting article for a big problem with bipolar disorder

Lack of Mental Health Services Leads to Patients going Untreated
DO> This is really the truth, don’t you think.

Virgil Swing: Many People still Uninformed about ‘Mental Illness’
DO> Another story that reveals the truth.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all
aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Weight Loss, Bipolar and am I Going to Hell?


You know I am kind of annoyed.

Why? Well here’s what happened.

The other day I sent out a notice about: “The Amazing Fat-Burning Formula for People with
Bipolar Disorder!”

Located at:

Okay, why did I do this?

Is it because I am a bad person who is trying “exploit” people with bipolar disorder?

Or is it because I know that a MAJOR and I mean MAJOR problem with people taking their medications for bipolar disorder or feeling good about themselves is their weight.

What the heck am I talking about?

Well, let’s say that Mary gains weight from her medication or thinks she is going to, well many times, Mary will not take her medication. This is a sad reality.

How do I know?

Well I am NOT a doctor, therapist, financial adviser, lawyer, etc., but I do have 12 people who work for me with bipolar disorder and have, well let’s see, about 300,000 people who
have signed up to my website… not to mention about 12,000 testimonials on my material.

Okay with that said, I hear certain things again and again and having problems losing weight when one has bipolar disorder is one of them.

That’s why I sent this resource out to my list. Why?

Again it’s obvious but let me make it clear. Because there is no resource like it and when people can’t find help for a particular problem they get depressed and lose hope.

Now I know I shouldn’t focus on a few very negative comments here and there BUT today I am.

Someone wrote me, “I can’t believe you are exploiting people with bipolar disorder and you’re going to go straight to hell.”

This was written by someone who is a supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder who does NOT realize that many people with bipolar disorder have trouble getting to the weight they want to be and this is HUGE problem for them.

If this person did research they would find this is indeed true.

So I ask…

Will I go straight to hell (like this person says) for providing people with information they need AND want?

If anyone thinks I put this much effort into all this to exploit people they are out of their minds.

Anyway, if you do need help with losing weight naturally and have bipolar disorder, please visit:

Sorry to vent but as you can tell I am REALLY annoyed by these assertions.


Truth About Complaining And Bipolar Disorder


How’s your day going?

Let me ask you a question:

Have you ever had someone tell you not to complain because it was just a waste of time?

I bet you have.

Well I don’t think that it is sometimes.

I think that complaining about bipolar disorder whether you are a supporter or a survivor is good sometimes.


Am I insane?

NO ( not yet, anyway : ) .

Anyway, it’s because it allows you to vent or release tension.

It’s good therapy, in my opinion.

When you are not allowed to complain, you sometimes feel like you are going to explode. and that is not good.

Too much complaining is bad, however.

No one likes to listen to a complainer, especially if that’s all they do.

I think it’s good to let loose and complain every now and then, though.

IF you’re doing something about it, like I teach in my courses and systems:



There’s a positive way to complain and a negative way to complain.

If you complain and don’t do anything about your situation, that’s complaining in a negative way.

Like, I’ve been to support groups and, week after week, the same people, all they do is complain, and they come back week after week, and they’re still complaining.

And every week they complain about the same thing.

The same people, complaining about the same thing!

Till it gets to the point that nobody wants to hear it any more.

Do you know why?

Because they’re not doing anything about their situation.

But here’s an example about a good way to complain.

Say your loved one is having problems with their bipolar medication.

It’s giving them all kinds of side effects, and it’s really bothering them.

And they complain and complain and complain to you about it.

Well, that’s bad complaining, because YOU can’t do anything about it.

But if they call their doctor and complain to HIM about it, it’s good complaining.


Because the doctor CAN do something about it.

That kind of complaining is positive, because now your loved one can get something done about the bad side effects of their medication.

See the difference?

That’s what I’m talking about.

Not like the complaining like the people in the support groups who complain to the point where nobody wants to hear it any more.

Or those types of people (everyone knows someone like this) who complain about this or that or whatever every time you see them.

Or hypochondriacs who are always complaining about things that are wrong with them.

And who knows if these things really are wrong with them or not?

But they complain about them anyway.

Here’s another example:

Say you see a charge on your credit card and you know you didn’t make that charge.

If you don’t complain about it, you’re going to have to pay that money.

So, in this case, you better complain, right?

So there are times when complaining is the right thing to do.

There are times when complaining gets things changed.

Like your loved one and their bipolar medication.

Or a bogus charge on your charge card.

So my point to all this is that sometimes complaining is negative, but sometimes it can be positive, too.

Do you agree or disagree?

Can you think of a time when complaining worked in your favor?

Tell me about it.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Bipolar Disorder? What Would You Say?


How’s it going today?

You know, I come out with new reports all the time, because I want
to help people. That’s my bottom line.

I want to keep you up-to-date and give you new information all the time,
information I think you should know.

And most people thank me, telling me how good the reports are, and how
much they enjoyed them, and how much they learned from them.

I’ve even had people tell me how a report saved their life or the life of
their loved one!

Others have told me how a report saved their marriage!

But look at what this person wrote

“I don’t belive in what most of what
you say. unsless of course you DO have the
SUPPORT of others ( like you say ).Tell do you get that?!!!!

Well, what do I say to that?

What would you say, if you were doing what you believed in most, and you
thought you were helping a lot of people, and someone came along and
trashed what you were doing?

First off, I read the comment again very carefully.

I tried to read it without my first emotional reaction.

Look at the first line: “I don’t belive in what most of what
you say.

MOST of what I say.

Well, that means that she at least believes in SOME of what I say,

That means I’m getting some good information out to her, and that’s
encouraging to me.

I never said that everything I write is going to please everyone.

I know that some of what I write, that some people might think I’m
crazy for writing (especially when I talk about my crazy friends! : )

Or when I talk about some of the things that happen to me (and, yes, they
really do happen to me).

Or how I tie everything in to bipolar disorder. Even the strangest of

Or when I post some of the comments, like this one, that this lady
wrote to me.

But the important thing is that I’m honest. That’s the one thing that I am.
Because I believe in what I do, and that’s who I am.

I assume you’re honest, too. Would you be defensive about that? Would
you defend yourself against the comments that this woman made if she
made them about you?

In my courses/systems, I talk about the importance of having a strong
support system.




I only bring that up because it sounds to me like this woman doesn’t have
one, or else why would she ask me:

“unsless of course you DO have the
SUPPORT of others ( like you say ).Tell do you get that?!!!!”
How DO you get the support of others?

If you have bipolar disorder, you get it by developing a strong support
system, like I was saying before.

How does a supporter get the support of others?

By developing their own support system.

By not isolating, by not letting the world of bipolar disorder overwhelm
them, by having their own set of friends, etc.

How do I get the support of others?

I give them good information that they need to know.
What about you?

Do you agree or disagree with the woman who wrote that comment on my

What would you say to her?

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.