Weight Loss, Bipolar The BIG Mistake Made


I wanted to send out something to everyone today.

I actually just got back from hiking and while I was walking, I was thinking about something concerning bipolar disorder and weight issues.

The number one mistake many people make is not talking to the doctor that weight is an issue or becoming one.

Here’s what I mean.

Let’s say you are taking a new bipolar medication, and you are gaining weight. Many people think:

-The doctor knows this and will try to do something
-The doctor doesn’t care
-There is nothing that can be done

These are all bad ways of thinking.

Here’s what you should do if weight is an issue.

Tell your doctor and tell him/her something has to be done.

If you do this, your doctor can work towards helping you. If you don’t say something, the doctor probably won’t really think it’s a problem.

You might think to yourself, “Dave, the doctor knows I am overweight, so why do I have to tell them?”

Well, unless you make a big deal about it, many doctors don’t think it’s important to you.

You might think, “Dave, your crazy, why would a doctor look at someone who is gaining weight or overweight and think it’s not a big deal?”

Well think of it this way. There are MILLIONS of people who are overweight or gain weight and are okay with it. I know hundreds myself.

So you have to let the doctor know.

Anyway, I have to run and cook dinner for the week.

For more information about:

“The Amazing Fat-Burning Formula for People with Bipolar Disorder!”


See you tomorrow.


  1. Hi Dave I don’t have Bipolar but I love and live with someone who does. And he won’t get help he says I tried that and it doesn’t help.
    But I really what to learn how to deal with the mood swings and not letting everything he says when his on a low upset me. And he’s African American also. From the South where blacks still get treated old school so thats still alittle bit of a issue even though he
    lives in the Northwest now. Thank you for time and e-mails. Judy

  2. Hi Dave,
    This really hit home big time with me. I have had this discussion over and over again with my dr. This is a recap of my most recent bout with him. He has had me on Cymbalta,does not cause weight gain, but I have been in a bad depression since Oct. I got tired of taking a medication that wasn’t doing a thing for me even though he kept upping the dose and quit.I know I know that’s not a good thing to do. I feel and I am sure most others would feel the same way is why take a pill if it isn’t helping you? O.K. next step is to put me on prestiq(not a weight gain drug). Fine I tell him and go home and do my homework. Glad I did because it is NOT to be prescribed to someone who has out of control blood pressure like I have. This isn’t the first time he has tried to give me something I shouldn’t be taking so I politely told him that I could kill myself just as easily as he could. Now he says he isn’t trying to kill me….. but why them give me a medication that could? He tells me that we can try something that I have been on in the past which have all given me weight gain. Now being overweight and having struggled to loose 35 or so pounds and the added weight being put on my heart I told him I don’t think that’s a good idea. Are you sure you are not trying to kill me? Well, that’s the best he could do so he says because I have been on EVERY OTHER medication for bipolar.Call me when you need me or something of that nature he told me. Next nearest doctor is over 50miles away one way so I have to be on my own I guess. Any other suggestions?

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