Bipolar Warning: Watch out for the bipolar crazies

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

First I have to say, my bipolar blog is driving
out of my mind. Unfortunately there is
no medication for it 🙂

I don’t know what the deal is. For the
last two weeks, I can’t even post stuff
on it. They are suppose to be fixing it.

Please hang in there with me.

Anyway, today I wanted to write you an email about
the “bipolar crazies.”

As a side note, people have written me that
they think my bipolar terms are really funny. I am
actually making a dictionary of my terms and will
be sending one out to everyone so you can follow
along with what the heck I am talking about when
I use certain terms.

Okay back to the bipolar crazies. Let me tell
you what happen and why I got to thinking this.
something that happen to me.

Here’s the deal. I have been working on
a whole lot of new ideas to build this organization
even bigger.

I decided to make several investments in
many people who were SUPPOSE to be able
to help.

I paid a whole lot of money over the last
couple of months. Thousands of dollars
in consulting fees.

What did I get? Well I got some incredible
ideas but I got some really, really, really
disturbing crazy ideas. Ideas that seriously
were insane. These were from people that were
suppose to know what they are talking about.
These are NOT people who are unstable 🙂

I can’t even post some of the ideas they
are so crazy. Let me give
you an example. Someone suggested that I find
people not taking bipolar medications, fly them in
to a central location and hire researchers
to study them and how they do and I could
use this some how?

I asked 50 million times how this would help
me and how it made any sense. This expert
couldn’t explain and got mad that I was
questioning his idea. He kind of was like
“young kid, I have been around for many
years and if you can’t get it, sorry.”

I was like “whatever.”

This list is long and deep of the crazy
ideas that I get about growing this
organization designed to help people with
bipolar disorder even more.

After hearing yet another crazy idea yesterday,
I was thinking about this.

I was talking to my mom and telling her some
of the crazies I heard today. Then my mom
reminded me of all the crazy
things she heard about bipolar disorder over
the years–you can never be stable, doctors
kill people with bipolar disorder, there’s no
more than a couple dozen people with bipolar
disorder in New Jersey, she should divorce
my dad and move away from the family, she should
only take natural supplements for bipolar disorder,
people can catch bipolar disorder from her,
and on and on.

She was telling me that she never listened to 99%
of these “bipolar crazies” (my term of course 🙂
and if she did, her life would have been far worse.

This email server as an important reminder
that you have to educate yourself about bipolar
disorder and be careful not to follow ideas that
are untested, unproven, just plain crazy or
what I like to call bipolar crazies.

Just like me. Like I said, I get so many crazy
ideas brought to me about what I should do with
this mental health organization. Lots of marketers
come to me with totally insane ideas
that don’t make any sense.

I generally listen and then I ignore them all.

Here’s what you have to be careful of with
bipolar disorder. There are tons of people
that offer lots of advice that is plain

I have noticed a big increase in people giving
medical advice about bipolar disorder.

Oh now’s a good time to say:

I am NOT a doctor, therapist, insurance
agent, lawyer or any other kind of professional.
I am NOT offering medical, legal or professional

Notice with me, I never offer medical advice.
There are other sites that do by NON doctors.
My goal is to teach you how to find a great
doctor and ask that person your medical questions
not me.

In some cases, you can get bad advice from bad
doctors and therapists. If you feel that you aren’t
getting good advice or treatment you have to
find someone who can help you that is qualified.

I have heard of doctors falling asleep in front
of patients. Therapists recommending people
getting off their medications. I have heard
all kinds of crazy ideas. If you hear things
that don’t make any sense, just like I do,
you have to ignore it and find someone who
knows what the heck they are talking about.

This is why in my courses/systems below:




I spend so much time teaching people how
to find great doctors and therapists. There’s
nothing worse than getting hooked up with someone
with no clue and has no idea what he/she is talking
about. The scary thing is, many people who say
they are experts may not be. So you have to be
careful especially when you are dealing with
bipolar disorder.

I encourage you to ask lots of questions, think
things through, challenge people when what they
are saying things that don’t make sense or giving
advice that seems like it might work against you
or your loved one with bipolar disorder.

Even challenge me. If you see my write something
that seems like it’s from outer space, challenge me.
I will tell you that everything I write, I have thought out
for a long time so I don’t get mad because I can
defend my points of view.

If people get mad when you ask questions or challenge
them a little it’s generally not a good sign.

So be careful of the bipolar crazies. That’s a really
funny term.

Hey, post some bipolar crazies below that you have heard
over the years so people can get a laugh for the
day 🙂

With that said, I have to take off and I will catch you

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Learn to separate the bipolar or go crazy

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How are you?

Hope you had a good weekend.

Okay, today I wanted to talk about an important concept
for bipolar supporters called “separate the

If you don’t you’ll really have a hard
time being a good bipolar supporter.

I got an email today from someone
that said:

“I am soooo sick and tired of my boyfriend.
He is bipolar and driving me crazy. He does
the craziest things. He was just diagnosed
with bipolar and it’s a nightmare. I almost
can’t stand how he is. Dave, what should I do?”

I haven’t spoken to Sally and don’t know
her but her is what I am guessing. Sally’s
boyfriend is not stable and is creating
a lot of problems for her. She is probably
hanging in there hoping things will get
better. He is doing more and more crazy
things and it’s make her more and more

My advice to her is two fold. First
it’s to separate the bipolar. She obviously
saw something good in him to date him.
She has to focus on this and learned to
separate the part that she knows is
bipolar disorder.

One way to do this is, to think of the
bipolar disorder as a separate person that
inhabits your loved one.

Now don’t write me an email and say that
bipolar disorder is not multiple personality
disorder or dissociative identity disorder.
I totally know and understand that. But it’s
easier on you to think of it as a separate
person or thing and not as your loved one.

So when you do, it’s the bipolar that talking
and doing things not your loved one. This is
the strategy that I personally use and teach
others as well with great success.

The vast majority of people that don’t
separate wind up almost “going crazy” for
lack of a better word. They get mad. They
try to figure out why a loved one is doing
this or that. They try to rationalize with
the bipolar disorder. Eventually they
get so distraught, so frustrated, so angry,
so depressed they simply have almost like
a breakdown.

There’s been many a person that’s contacted me
that has been destroy by bipolar disorder. Most of
the time it’s because they failed to separate the
bipolar disorder.

Also when you separate the bipolar it kind
of becomes you versus the bipolar disorder.
It’s almost like a game in a way. A game
that YOU the bipolar supporter must try to

Now as for my second piece of advice for Sally.
It’s simply do this: focus on getting your loved
one into a good doctor/treatment.

I am really shocked how many people don’t make
this the number one goal. I have met people
on my list struggling for a year and I ask
them, “what’s your biggest goal with your loved
one?” They can’t even answer.

If you have a loved one with bipolar disorder
that is struggling then your number one goal
has to be to get them into treatment.

In my courses/systems below, I talk about
all the ways to do this. Sometimes I kind
of wonder about people who can’t get a loved
one into treatment and don’t get my courses/systems.




I don’t push my material on people but it’s
really odd to me that some like to sit and

Anyway with that said, if you are frustrated
with a loved one with bipolar disorder by
his/her actions, separate the bipolar
disorder and then see how you feel.

I am really certain if you do this, you’ll
feel much better.

Well I have to run. Talk to you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Problems with bipolar disorder? Do this

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

Yesterday I got two several
strange calls on my cell phone.

One was from a lady in a hospital.
She told me that she wanted to give
me a call and thank me for my information.
I guess she checked herself in after
reading a bunch of my materials.

Anyway, she said that she had a lot of
problems and used my solution finding
system that I spoke a lot about in
2005. She has been on my list for years
and told me it took her a while to
“get it.” I guess she meant that “it”
was to go and get proper treatment.

She said the hospital was nice and
she felt great.

NOTE-Some thing that hospitals are like
prisons. The hospital my mom went to
looked more like vacation spot Marriott
than a hospital. When I first went in,
I kind of felt that she had the better
deal than me 🙂

Okay so the second call that I got was
from some who was a bipolar supporter
and they were all mad saying how they
had been destroyed financially. They
needed immediate help and said I was
the last hope for them.

I told them to calm down and I pulled
over on the side of the road because
I felt bad.

NOTE-I normally don’t even take calls
like this because I really can’t but
I did.

I can’t tell you all I said to
this person but I wanted to talk to
you about problems and bipolar disorder.

If you have a problem and it’s related
to bipolar disorder, no matter how
big it is, do this.

It only works if this is a serious
problem and you are really, really serious
to fixing the problem. If not, don’t bother
wasting your time with this technique.

So here is what you do.

First thing I want you to do is assume
there is a solution. NO MATTER WHAT you think,
assume the solution exists.

Then I want you to get a sheet of paper.

Then I want you to write down the problem
on that sheet of paper.

Then I want you to start to write any ideas
on how to fix the problem.

I want you to do this twice a day. FIRST thing
in the morning and before you go to bed. EVERY DAY.
No matter what.

Do this daily until you have a solution.

Then twice a day, once in the morning and once
at night, I want you to say out loud the problem
having been solved and resolved.

For example, if you have a problem like this.
I can’t afford to pay for my bipolar medications,
then you would say in the morning and before
bed, “I am able to pay for my bipolar medications.”
or “I can pay for my bipolar medications.”

If you follow this technique, you will find a
solution very quickly. But you must follow
the system I gave you and not argue
with me. If you are skeptical try it for
21 days. That’s all I ask. It won’t cost you
anything and takes very little of your time.

After you try this, when you get success
write me at

Now, if you want to short cut things,
you can look into things like my courses/systems:




When you go through my courses/systems,
you see that I had some really big
problems thrown at me. I remember
many times my dad or my friends would
say certain things were impossible.

I didn’t believe this. I followed
the system that I just told you and
came up with solutions.

Like when my mom was put out of the outpatient
program and we needed a GREAT doctor fast.

My dad called into the phone book and left
messages. No one called back. I have
said this a million times what I am
about to tell you.

My dad said and I quote, “I guess there
aren’t any more doctors in New Jersey.”

I was like, “Are you kidding me, there’s
three doctors in the state??”

After this, I thought up
my doctor finding system and the rest is
history. I was able to screen more than 450 doctors
and have qualified doctors contact me
letting me know they could help my mom.

I never once just sat around and did nothing.

I don’t know why but I was TOTALLY 100%
convinced my mom would get better. There
was NEVER any doubt at all. If you met
Pascale who works with me, she would tell
you that I never doubted. Pascale actually
would be the “historian” of this all. She
has been with me from square one.

She knows everything and how it all

Bottom line is, I ALWAYS knew there was a solution

Some of the worst things that you can
do when you have problems with bipolar
disorder is:

-think there is no solution
-sit and just complain
-go on and on about how it’s not fair that you
have your problem

I am sure you get the idea.

Remember there is always a solution you just
have to have hope AND faith.

Well I have to take off. I am actually heading
over to my friends house. He actually bought
a new house and I am going to check it out.

I’ll catch you tomorrow. Have a great day.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

The Amazing Bipolar Lesson From $1

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


I have a very intriguing email for you today.
I learned it from a friend of mine, who learned
it from someone she knows who works in a


Do you know how they learn to identify a
counterfeit bill in the banking industry?
Instead of teaching bank tellers all the
different ways that a dollar bill can be
counterfeited, they do something else.

They teach bank tellers to know the ins
and outs and ups and downs of a dollar
bill so intricately and intimately, that the
bank teller would be able to tell if even
the smallest thing were “off” or different
on the dollar bill. From the most minute
detail to the greatest counterfeiting error.

And if they can do it with a dollar bill,
they can learn to do it with any
denomination of bill.

So what does this have to do with
bipolar disorder?

Just this – that you, the supporter,
should know your loved one and
his/her “normal” self, who they
are between episodes, SO well…
all their quirks, every aspect of
their personality, everything that
makes them who they are as an

That you would KNOW…
Just KNOW…
If even the slightest little thing
were wrong with them.

See what I mean?

In my courses and systems, I teach
people how to identify the signs and
symptoms of bipolar disorder in their
loved one:




I also teach what triggers are, and
how to identify triggers in your loved
one, because everyone is different.

Once you have established and
intimately KNOW what your loved
one’s own signs and symptoms are, as
well as what their triggers are, it’s like
knowing that dollar bill.

THEN you can know, like I said before,
when even the slightest thing is “off.”
Imagine – think of all the pressure that
takes off you! You don’t have to
memorize so much stuff from a chart!
Or read and memorize stuff from 50

You just have to learn the ins and outs
that apply to your loved one (like the
stuff I teach in my courses), and learn
them very, very, very well, so that you
will know when something is wrong.

Simple, isn’t it?

Well, I have to run.

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Help Wanted Notice & Current Bipolar News



How’s it going? I hope you are doing

First I wanted to tell you, I am hiring
a new customer service person.

If you OR someone you know is interested,
please visit:

Okay, here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Make sure you take a look at the news. I really work
hard to put it together for you :).

To see the news visit:

Please write me some feedback by visiting my
blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Bipolar treatments; Winter and blood pressure
DO> Great must read article

Awareness, decreased stigma lead to more bipolar disorder diagnoses
DO> I have spoken about this type of thing a lot.

Family history of bipolar affects decision to have children
DO> What do you think of this?

Bipolar Often Diagnosed as Depression
DO> I have been saying this for many years. Sad but true.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information for all
aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Bipolar lesson from a dog

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


Well I am back from New York City
and my bipolar blog is finally fixed.

Sorry for the problems.

Also, thanks for all the feedback on
my seminar in New Jersey. I am reading
what everyone wrote. Thanks!

Some people had some great ideas.

Also, in reference to the seminar. I am
buying some software that is going
to help create a survey so at the seminar
cover what people want to cover. The software
is expensive but I know it will be worth it.

Today I have a subject that is kind of funny.
Well, it starts out funny, I mean. You know,
people are always asking where I get my ideas
for here from, and to tell you the truth, sometimes
I do get them from the weirdest places!

Well, today’s email idea comes from Michele,
and a story she told me about her dog. You
know Michele, she writes for me, writes a
lot of the articles for the newsletter?

Anyway, she told me this story about her dog.
She was sitting outside on her porch swing one
day, and her dog, that is part dachshund and
part hound (black), that was just minding her
own business in the yard, started going crazy,
because a rabbit came into the yard.

So her dog started chasing after the rabbit
all over the yard. And this went on and on,
with the dog chasing the rabbit, while Michele
watched. Well, finally the rabbit just hopped
out of the yard, because the dog was never
able to catch it.

The point being, what was the poor dog
going to do if she ever caught the rabbit?
Because this is a very docile dog, an inside
dog mostly, who has never even SEEN a
rabbit before! And definitely wouldn’t
know what to do with one if she caught

Ok, I know I’ve rambled on and on with
this story, but there is a point, and it does
have to do with bipolar disorder.

Here’s the point.

So many supporters have asked me
about “catching” their loved ones in
episodes and behavior that results from
their episodes. You guys ask me all the
time about how do you know if it’s the
disorder or if it’s really your loved one’s
behavior, presumably to “catch” them in
their own bad behavior, and about loved
ones who blame their bad behavior on
the disorder, hoping to “get away” with

Well, the point is, what are you going
to do once you do catch them?

In my courses, I talk a lot about having
systems and plans in place about what to
do about when your loved one is in an
episode, about how you can tell when it’s
the bipolar and when it’s your loved one:




So, what DO you do when it’s the disorder
and not just your loved one “faking it”?
Is it like what would Michele’s dog do when
she caught the rabbit? Would you know what
to do?

You know what is weird? My dad still
doesn’t know what to do? Sometimes
I give him the easiest scenario and
he never really gets it right. I just don’t
understand J. I think it’s because
he knows that I will handle things.

Anyway, the thing is, you need to get with your loved
one when they are BETWEEN episodes, and
the two of you need to hammer out a plan,
a system, whatever, like what I teach in my
courses – something you decide TOGETHER,
about what you will do the next time your
loved one goes into an episode (i.e., when
you “catch” them not being themselves).

It’s better when it’s in writing, too, so you have
it to show your loved one in case they don’t
believe you, which sometimes they won’t
when they’re in the episode.

They have to have a say-so in what should
be done when they’re in an episode. So the
best thing is to draw up a plan together, and
make sure they sign it.

This idea has worked for a lot of supporters.
If it works for you, I’d love to hear about it!

Well, I better go. Talk to you tomorrow!

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Lesson From Getting A Cab In NYC

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

Hey, yesterday I had all kinds of problems
with my bipolar blog. There is some kind of
bug in it. They are fixing it.

It might not be fixed today. If you
don’t see a place to post responses
that’s why.

I am actually in New York City at a convention
for stuff that’s going to help me expand and
reach more people that need help with bipolar

It was kind of a nightmare getting here. I had
to drive to the train station and then
take the train into New York then try to
find a cab to get to where I was staying.

I have an important Bipolar lesson that comes
from someone that I met trying to get a cab.

Let me tell you the story.

I had actually just came out of the train

I then wound up dropping my suitcase.
I was kind of annoyed.

Then I went to get something to eat
really quick. I did. Then I walked out
and was thinking, “I have to get a cab.”

It was about 6:00pm or so EST. I was standing
there putting my hand up.

Then I noticed I was in a bad spot for the
cab people to see.

A guy next to me started looking at me. He looked
like he wanted to ask something but didn’t.

Then he said, “Sir, how do you get a cab, I know
it’s an odd question but we are from different

He had an accent.

So I explained that we were actually in the wrong
spot. I explained that we should be walk across
the street so we would be seen easier and it’s
easier for the cab to pull up next to us.

Then I showed him how to waive his hand.

He tried it and asked if he was doing it right.

His family looked on and kind of laughed.

He said, “you probably think that I am simple.”

I said to him I did not. I told him, I thought he was smart
because he actually asked and had the courage
to. That’s a sign of being smart.

He got in a cab and I said good bye. Then I got
in. I got to thinking on my ride to where I was
staying about how many people don’t ask
questions with bipolar disorder out of embarrassment
or thinking they should know or it’s a “stupid question.”

There’s no stupid question. If you have one, lots of
other people do.

I remember there were many things I had to
ask about with bipolar disorder.

I remember this. Okay, my mom started going
to her new doctor. The one that I found through
my doctor finding system that I talk about in
my courses below:




The doctor gave her a whole bunch of
medications to take at certain times.

I remember my mom getting confused and
my dad was kind of annoyed about it.

Then I was thinking about it and I looked
at the instructions and I was TOTALLY confused.

It seems simple, right? Take the medication
and you will be fine. BUT what if you had
to take so many of this and so many at that
at this time and that time. It’s confusing.

If you are a bipolar supporter, think about
how confused you would be with a few different
medications having to be taken at certain times.

And to further complications, my mom was told to
take such and such if you feel such and such way.

My mom was confused. I was confused. My dad
was confused. It seemed so simple. The doctor
really couldn’t even tell us a system to keep

Then I said, I need to ask someone who has
done it instead of figure it out on our own.

I went to Wal-Mart and asked about 10 to 15 people.
I said, “Hi, I was wondering if you could help me.
My mom has to take a lot of medications and it’s confusing
us how to keep track. Do you know of a good system?”

A bunch of people said “sorry, that sounds really
confusing but I don’t know.”

Three people told me a system. I took the best of
each person’s system and then told my mom.

She customized it for herself. We bought a special
pill box at Wal-Mart as well.

Then my mom finally had a system.

There are TWO important points here:

Bipolar supporters have to realize there is a
TON for the bipolar survivor to learn about how
to manage bipolar disorder. If your loved one
is confused or forgets to take something. It
might be because it’s confusing. Too many supporters
“freak out” on a loved one because they make a
mistake. This is wrong.

Second point: Ask people for help even on the
simple things. Don’t try to figure it out.
You’ll notice in my courses/systems I go over
even the simplest of things in great detail so
there is no guessing. No thinking.

Just like the guy who didn’t know how to
get a cab in New York City. It might sound
simple. It might sound dumb. But I am betting
that thousands of people on my list do not know
how to get a cab in New York. It was a good question
the person asked.

And he was smart to ask instead of trying to figure
it out or doing it wrong or not getting a cab
for a really long time.

With that said, I have to go to the event.

I am coming home tomorrow. I will catch you then.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Did you know these shocking bipolar facts?

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

Well I am finishing up a new f.ree special report
that I have coming out. It’s called the 10 deadly
mistakes people make supporting someone with
bipolar disorder.

It’s going to be distributed for f.ree and
I will be doing media interviews about it.

I showed it to someone who said and I quote:
“Dave this is really scary…Don’t you think
this is extreme.”

This person basically was talking about the
tone of the report that bipolar disorder
can be fatal.

I said to him, “Did you know that up to
20% of people who aren’t on the right treatment
plan WILL kill themselves. Did you know that
1/3 (one out of three) that have bipolar
disorder admit to one suicide attempt.”

Think about those numbers. 20%. What’s that
mean? That means one out of 5. Think of
5 people you know and then think of 1 out
of the 5.

Think about 1/3. That’s 33%. Imagine that
1 out of every 3 people with bipolar
disorder admits to one suicide attempt.

Think about how high these numbers are.

They are REALLY high.

Here’s what I have. For the most part, the
system that is helping those with bipolar
disorder is NOT working.

It can’t be. If it was, you wouldn’t have numbers
so darn high.

Here’s another thing. Let’s say there are 12,000,000
people with bipolar disorder.

Imagine 1/3 of them or 4 million with attempt suicide.

Now out of those attempts, how many will be a success?

This is why every year, hundreds of thousands of people
die from bipolar disorder.

It can be fatal.

It’s not something to kid around with.

I am really shocked out unserious people take
it. It’s amazing.

I like to remind people just how serious it
is and try to bring the numbers home so
to speak. Sometimes when you hear percentages
it’s hard to even relate to them.

Let me tell you some other things. I have been
volunteering for several years. There are
people who USE TO go to our meetings.

Some are dead. Gone. They killed themselves.

One of my biggest success stories ever. Told me
he started a support group with like 18 or so
people. Today everyone but him committed

There are people who work for me now who
attempted suicide. Michele Soloway’s sister
killed herself because of bipolar disorder.

When you get my courses and systems below
you hear major success stories TODAY that
once tried to kill themselves years ago.




There’s one person that I know that
has impacted the world dramatically.
But before he did, he got a gun and tried
to kill himself but failed.

The common denominator in all these horror
stories is the fact that people are not
on the right treatment plan.

Actually as I write this, it makes me really

Why? I think it’s sad that so many people
just don’t take it seriously.

Anyway, let me get back to my new special
report. I feel that it’s the bipolar supporters
who have a duty and obligation to help someone
with bipolar disorder when he/she is off

Too many supporters wind up doing nothing and
doing nothing leads to tragedy.

You’re going to like this special report. I will
get sending it to over 100,000 people on my list.

I will ask everyone to forward it to at least 7

If I can make the 1/3 go to 1/5 that’s a whole
lot of lives that can be saved. We can do it
together by getting this information out.

I must say, that I am lucky that something
bad didn’t happen to my mom. Over the years,
my did just stood by as bipolar episode
after bipolar episode took over our house.

Fortunately my mom has never attempted suicide
or tried any illegal drugs. BUT she did
other bad things that really hurt our family.

Today, just in case you are wondering, she
is doing great. My mom shows that even
after a major bipolar episode, you can turn
your life totally around. There is always hope.

If you ever down, read my story about
my mom and myself. And think that today she
is doing great. If she can do it you or
your loved one can.

Remember it was so bad that my brother wanted
to permanently institutionalize my mom in a
hospital (which you can’t really do anyway
but that’s how bad it was).

Well, I have to run. The last thing I want

IF you have bipolar with bipolar disorder, take
action and start looking for solutions. Don’t
wait around and become a statistic.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar supporter? Has this ever happen? Beware

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

How’s it going for you? I hope you had a
good weekend.

Hey I have a couple of new jobs
that I have. I am going to be sending
out an email (customer service, animation,
graphic design and some other stuff)
so we can keep it in the family so to speak.

It’s been a crazy few days. I had
one woman calling me over and over and
over and over again demanding money
from me.

She claimed I owed her money. She is in
no database of mine and never bought
a thing from me. I finally had to
just put the phone down because I felt
it would be rude to hang up on her.

Then another person called and demanded
that I help him with bipolar disorder.

Then another person left me a ton of messages
claming that she was unable to ever get me
and my voicemail never works?

In all cases, I had no idea who the above
people were. No idea.

Then I had ANOTHER situation.

Someone that I know went off his meds
and went from being stable to totally
unstable in like 30 days.

Here’s the interesting thing. I kind
of thought this person was off is him
medications but he had assured me
and sold me that he was on his bipolar

He also sold and convinced
other people that I know.

There’s something about the first couple
of weeks or even a month of someone who
is off his/her bipolar medications. He/she becomes
incredibly persuasive and try to get
you to do all kinds of things you normally
wouldn’t do.

When I say you, I mean the bipolar supporter.
In this case that I am telling you about, this
person was doing some work and not doing it
well because he wasn’t on his medications.

Slowly but surely everything that he was
doing started to fail.

He do a whole lot of bad work and created
lots of problems with others as well.

The thing that just so darn amazing with
bipolar disorder is how you have to be on
guard of not being sucked into a person
who is off medications.

Here’s another example. My mom was actually
on her medication but on the wrong medication
and was not stable. But she was persuasive.

She convinced me to give her lots of money.
She convinced my dad to give her lots of money.
She convinced her mother to give her lots of money.

I can’t really explain exactly how she did
it but it was done.

She then started convincing people to
do things like not work at her job or gang
up on her boss and not listen to what the
boss said. When I was looking back and
trying to figure it all out, it was

She wound up convincing people all sorts
of things. Keep in mind this was like in 2003
when her big bipolar episode was starting
and picking up steam.

As I look back, it was amazing how so many
people wound up being persuaded and sold on
doing all kinds of things they really didn’t
want to do. All by someone who wasn’t on
the right bipolar medications and not stable.

Now, after I started to learn about bipolar
disorder and started to figure out what was
going on, I started to stand up to my mom’s
bipolar disorder and stopped going along
and being persuaded.

Now if I look at this particular person that
told you about this past weekend, he was able
to convince a whole lot of people about his
stability and wound up causing a lot of problems.

If you are a bipolar supporter you have to
be careful not to fall into this trap.

I call it “fooled by bipolar.” Bipolar
is a slick thing so to speak. It works
to persuade and trick you into various
things that are bad for you the supporter
and you the person with the disorder.

Sometimes when I talk about bipolar being
an “it” or almost like a person people
think I am “out of my mind.” I am not.
But when you think of it as something
that is inhabiting your loved one,
it makes it much easier to deal with it
and separate it from your loved one.

The purpose of today’s daily email is
to remind people that those who go
off their bipolar medications wind up
doing really bad things generally and
are very persuasive trying to get you
to go along with them or do things
that are not in your best interest.

Also, you’re loved one can be on bipolar
medications and still become unstable and
you can be susceptible to being “fooled
by bipolar disorder.”

Don’t fall for it. IF you hear of
an idea, plan or something from
your loved one with bipolar disorder,
resist going on. Don’t go along to
get along. That’s what my dad tried
for so many years and it never ever worked.
And my mom tells me to this day, she wishes
he didn’t do that because in the end it
wound up hurting her, him, me, my brother
and lots of other people.

In my courses/systems below:




I talk at length how to stand up to bipolar
disorder and how to handle someone
in an episode who thinks they are fine.

I am not sure why. But again, the person who
is off bipolar medications or the person on
medications but in an episode is very persuasive
and can get people who don’t have bipolar disorder
to do a whole lot of things that are totally

I would appreciate people posting some
stories of how persuasive and destructive
a person who is in a bipolar episode or off
his/her medications can be.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Part two of yesterday’s bipolar disorder warning

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

Excited? You should be. You get one more
hour because of daylight saving time.

On that note, I sent a daily bipolar
email about daylight saving time
yesterday. If you missed it, please see
my blog below.

I wanted to add another important point
about daylight saving time. For many people
this change in time will lead to the days getting
much shorter and darker.

People who have a tendency to get depressed
can during this period of winter/fall.

Things wind up getting darker and colder
and there is much less sunlight.

All these things go together and can
make this period of time difficult with
someone with bipolar disorder.

Like I have said in the past, this is
a difficult time for my mom.

Actually there was a post in the
the Bipolar Inner Circle Forum
about this:


I wanted to give an update about my daughter.
She has been to her dr. and also her therapist.
She’s also undergone some blood work for her
thyroid. She is doing great. There has been
no problems. She is now doing every day kid
stuff, and enjoying herself. She planned a
Halloween party, and she had a wonderful time.

After reading David’s e-mail, I am slightly
concerned about the time change. Has this ever
caused any problems for anyone else?

Michele Soloway actually called me and wanted
to find out what my daily email was about because
she didn’t get a chance to read it. She then
wrote June a reply I thought would be good
for you to see:

“Hi June–

I read your post before I had a chance to
read Dave’s email, so I called him to ask him
what was going on, and he said that you just
need to watch, that it’s possible that daylight
savings time can affect your moods — that not
everything does affect BP– but some things do,
and you just need to watch out. Especially if
you are one of those people with BP who tend to
get depressed during the fall/winter months.

You should know your own triggers, and whether
seasons, or the change of seasons is one of them.
There is something called Seasonal Affective Disorder
(SAD) that kind of runs tandem to BP — where people
who have a tendency to be depressed get more
depressed in winter because everything is so “gray”.
You can look it up on the internet to learn more.

Hope that helps.


Another important point is this. When it gets cold
and dark. People tend to do a lot less and get less
sunlight. This actually prevents people from burning
off extra energy in mania and can make bipolar worse.

Think of it this way. Let’s say that you have bipolar
disorder and lean towards mania all the time (this is
my mom for now or the last couple of years).

So my mom does a lot of stuff outside in the sun.
Doing stuff outside requires energy and the sun helps
her. So according to her, she burns off her extra energy
and then is able to say stable.

But when winter comes, she doesn’t have this chance
because it’s cold and dark outside in New Jersey
during this time period. As a result, for my mom,
she can go manic more easily.

And then in January, she tends to become more
depressed. This is the way it’s been for several
years. BUT, she, her doctor, therapist and myself
are on guard if the pattern changes.

I know sometimes it sounds like a whole lot
of work keeping track of this but it’s not once
you learn the skill.

This is the essence of what I teach in
my courses/systems:




I am trying to teach you how to manage
bipolar disorder whether you have it
or you are a supporter.

So far I think I am doing good. I have
over 5000 submitted testimonials.

Also, one more thing, when you get my courses/systems
you’ll notice that many people have trouble in
the fall and winter. This doesn’t mean total
doom for people it just means they have to be more
on guard. See the doctor more. Monitor and
be on their toes so to speak.

Bottom line is, please just be aware. If you
have bipolar disorder and feel different, feel like
you may be going to an episode, “catch it,” talk
to your doctor. If you see episode warning signs
and symptoms and you are a bipolar supporter,
make sure you follow my plan in my supporter

Well I have to take off, catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.