Problems with bipolar disorder? Do this

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How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

Yesterday I got two several
strange calls on my cell phone.

One was from a lady in a hospital.
She told me that she wanted to give
me a call and thank me for my information.
I guess she checked herself in after
reading a bunch of my materials.

Anyway, she said that she had a lot of
problems and used my solution finding
system that I spoke a lot about in
2005. She has been on my list for years
and told me it took her a while to
“get it.” I guess she meant that “it”
was to go and get proper treatment.

She said the hospital was nice and
she felt great.

NOTE-Some thing that hospitals are like
prisons. The hospital my mom went to
looked more like vacation spot Marriott
than a hospital. When I first went in,
I kind of felt that she had the better
deal than me 🙂

Okay so the second call that I got was
from some who was a bipolar supporter
and they were all mad saying how they
had been destroyed financially. They
needed immediate help and said I was
the last hope for them.

I told them to calm down and I pulled
over on the side of the road because
I felt bad.

NOTE-I normally don’t even take calls
like this because I really can’t but
I did.

I can’t tell you all I said to
this person but I wanted to talk to
you about problems and bipolar disorder.

If you have a problem and it’s related
to bipolar disorder, no matter how
big it is, do this.

It only works if this is a serious
problem and you are really, really serious
to fixing the problem. If not, don’t bother
wasting your time with this technique.

So here is what you do.

First thing I want you to do is assume
there is a solution. NO MATTER WHAT you think,
assume the solution exists.

Then I want you to get a sheet of paper.

Then I want you to write down the problem
on that sheet of paper.

Then I want you to start to write any ideas
on how to fix the problem.

I want you to do this twice a day. FIRST thing
in the morning and before you go to bed. EVERY DAY.
No matter what.

Do this daily until you have a solution.

Then twice a day, once in the morning and once
at night, I want you to say out loud the problem
having been solved and resolved.

For example, if you have a problem like this.
I can’t afford to pay for my bipolar medications,
then you would say in the morning and before
bed, “I am able to pay for my bipolar medications.”
or “I can pay for my bipolar medications.”

If you follow this technique, you will find a
solution very quickly. But you must follow
the system I gave you and not argue
with me. If you are skeptical try it for
21 days. That’s all I ask. It won’t cost you
anything and takes very little of your time.

After you try this, when you get success
write me at

Now, if you want to short cut things,
you can look into things like my courses/systems:




When you go through my courses/systems,
you see that I had some really big
problems thrown at me. I remember
many times my dad or my friends would
say certain things were impossible.

I didn’t believe this. I followed
the system that I just told you and
came up with solutions.

Like when my mom was put out of the outpatient
program and we needed a GREAT doctor fast.

My dad called into the phone book and left
messages. No one called back. I have
said this a million times what I am
about to tell you.

My dad said and I quote, “I guess there
aren’t any more doctors in New Jersey.”

I was like, “Are you kidding me, there’s
three doctors in the state??”

After this, I thought up
my doctor finding system and the rest is
history. I was able to screen more than 450 doctors
and have qualified doctors contact me
letting me know they could help my mom.

I never once just sat around and did nothing.

I don’t know why but I was TOTALLY 100%
convinced my mom would get better. There
was NEVER any doubt at all. If you met
Pascale who works with me, she would tell
you that I never doubted. Pascale actually
would be the “historian” of this all. She
has been with me from square one.

She knows everything and how it all

Bottom line is, I ALWAYS knew there was a solution

Some of the worst things that you can
do when you have problems with bipolar
disorder is:

-think there is no solution
-sit and just complain
-go on and on about how it’s not fair that you
have your problem

I am sure you get the idea.

Remember there is always a solution you just
have to have hope AND faith.

Well I have to take off. I am actually heading
over to my friends house. He actually bought
a new house and I am going to check it out.

I’ll catch you tomorrow. Have a great day.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. I am lost without my wife. She is bipolar and I believe she is in a manic phase. She has moved out and I worry, because I dont want her to get into something that she will regret later. I dont want to give up on her, but sometimes it is really hard. I admit that I am not perfect and I should have been more supportive in the situation. How can I help her without her feeling I am trying to control her. Any advise would be helpfull.

  2. my wife has recently left me.
    she is opposite of many of the profiles you suggest about bi-polar.
    very responsible about finances ,work etc.
    her mood swings are severe as well as her hatred towards me and “our life “together
    i love this woman more than you can imagine.
    she is the step-mother of my twin 12 year old daughters and has asked to see them.
    i have refused ,my therapist says it would be a bad idea to involve tham in this roller coaster and is unsure if she would lash out at them like she does to me.
    i am trying to respect the space she needs right now and have even cancelled therepy session
    for us. seems it will only feed her anger towards me.
    i love her and am at a loss.
    seems the best thing is to leave her alone.

  3. BP suppoters need to continue therapy even if they go alone.
    There is NO reasoning with my son during an episode. It is picking up the pieces when its over and trying to prevent it from happening again. I wish I’d have had the courses BEFORE this episode. Next time I will be more prepared or possibly even avoid the hosp. and the emotional and financial drain.

  4. Hi Dave-I just want to say “thank you” for the emails. I am new to your bipolar site and am trying to help my Brother. And, of course, the first step is the admission of the disorder. I thought that maybe some of your information might help him to realize that he does have a problem and it can be controlled but only with his help. His episodes are very short, Thank God, and not nearly as lengthy as your Mothers. He can be a very loving and awesome person until an episode erupts (as you very well know). Just wanted to thank you for your emails and giving me the extra insight that I need to attempt to help him with his disorder.
    Tammy J

  5. Hi Dave,
    Thanks for the suggestion. This has been one of the “worst” weeks that we have had in a long time! Joshua, my son (11), cannot sleep. He stays up 24 to 36 hours straight! I think it is because of the time change. It is affecting him so badly! I have tried everything so now I am going to try this writing exercise. I called the doctor at the clinic where he goes and they set us up for an appointment in “January”! Yes, I will be looking for another doctor! I have NEVER seen Josh as angry as he is right now. I feel so helpless at times! If it wasn’t for you and all the information that you have giving me, I don’t know what I would do! Thank you so much for all your time and effort that you put into this for all of us! God will bless you Dave! We pray for you all the time, I know things have to be hard for you too! Again, Thank you!!

  6. Last week there was a former city treasurer (Corry PA)that took $6150 and gambled it all away. He was diagnosed as being bi-polar (no surprise)and given home confinement rather than jail. His wife has filed for a divorce and his blame goes sqarely on the disease rather than on himself. This is another interesting story where your course or even your emails would have helped this man and his wife before they got into the mess that they now find themselves in. Just thought you’d like to know about this individual.

  7. Hi,

    To the first two people that posted here, I think the advice Dave gave us today would be perfect for your respective situations.

    Get some paper out and write down any ideas, no matter how ridiculous. State your problem and say out loud every day, “I will solve _____________.” You will come up with a solution, I promise. You can do it! I feel for you and I know you’ll get your wives back, don’t give up!


  8. For many years my sister was diagnosed with paranoyer schisafrenier but only just recently been told by doctors that she no longer has it. After reading through information about bipolar and symptoms involved it describes my sister exactly. Ive been forwarding information 2 her about bipolar and am still awaiting a responce from her.

  9. To Pep: There is a process in which you can tell the early warning signs of the onset of bipolar disorder. Dave has laid it out for all of us. For someone who has just started to experience the different degrees of bipolar. I was first diagnossed in 1968. Let me tell you that everyone that was family,friend,loved one was alienated because of a lack of understanding. Don’t let this happen to your son. The resources are there utilize them james

  10. It is hard to start to blog without giving David his props. I was a Drinker of anything that had alcoholin it. I drank 24/7. Ijoined the Army and drank and drugged for 30 years. I was a high functioning bipolar. The handwriting was on the wall and I could not read it. After decades of hospitalizations I finally saw the light. While surfing the websites I found Davids. I HAD A BAD EPISODE last year that I rode out in a VA hospital. My earlier episodes kept me in the hospital for 2 months at a time. The latest because my symtoms were recognized early I spent 1 week in the hospital. Because it is a chronic disorder we are stuck with bipolar . I would highly recommend Dave’s program. James

  11. Dave,

    Your positive attitude is so encouraging. Living with someone who is bipolar has made me wonder. “will it ever change?!” Thanks for all your help and insight.

  12. I would like to thank Dave for all he has done for me. There is a passage in the Bible that states Once I WAS LOST NOW I AM FOUND. For the millions of men and woman who have this chemical imbalance in their brain I exhort them to fight the good fight. Maintainning a positive attitude is a must. There are so many things to learn from Dave that a simple solution would be to get his course James

  13. I have just returned from a four hour trip to visit my Mom in the pyciatric ward. She admitted herself on Thursday. She has been taking enough pills to kill a horse. Anyway they promised her on the phone that she would be able to go for a smoke when she would she get there they take away her street close and lock her in this this tiny little cave like room, like she was some sort of rabid dog. Now that she is out she is agitated and angry and can not stop crying. Does it really have to be that hard. I live in Alberta, Canada where meds and hospital are free, yet you know nurses the older they are the harder they are. Dave you said the hospital your Mom went to was like a resort, I know that is what my Mom deserves. Her nurse took away her slippers and her jacket while she was sleeping, dumped her suitcase on the ground and just threw the stuff back in there. So when she does get her street cloths back they are going to be all wrinkled. I asked if I could please go into her suitcase and fold her cloths nicely. When her nurse came on I asked for mom slippers, she said fine but wanted the crocks that mom had on back,
    I told her that was fine ( it is freezing in that ward) so she goes over to my mom and starts ripping off her shoes. I said hold on now my mom is an adult and she can take of her own shoes. My mom went to the hospital on her own and they are treating her like an animal! What is wrong with this world. And yes i am reporting this nurse, and requesting a transfer for mom, as she has been certified.

  14. Dave, this idea goes back, first, to the Bible, which said, “Ask, and ye shall receive,” and second, to the new movie/book, THE SECRET, “Ask, believe, receive.” These both deal with FAITH, which is assuming the answer to your problem will come if you only have FAITH that it will.

    If someone with bipolar (or a supporter) will repeat POSITIVE mantras, such as you suggest with a problem, in FEWER than 21 days, they will receive an answer. This is the brain’s way of provoking your intuition to provide the solution.

    Yes – I believe in the power of prayer. When you repeat the positive resolution of your problem – prayers ARE answered.

    Thank you for a very thought-provoking email. I have tried this – and IT WORKS!!

    BIG HUGS to all bipolars and those who love them. May your prayers have sufficient proof that they are answered.

  15. To MIST: Yes, even in the U.S., some psychiatric wards treat patients horribly. I found out the reason is: they want to take all your control AWAY from you, so that you will bend to their will. This is an old-fashioned way of dealing with mental illness.

    On the first psychiatric ward I was on, you were allowed to fill out your own menu. However, if I had ordered scrambled eggs for breakfast, I got pancakes! I knew I WASN’T THAT crazy, so I sneaked down the hall after our menus were collected – and saw the nurses CHANGING them! I was sent back to the locked ward for this…

    As far as the “tiny room” is concerned. I was put in one AFTER I was raped by another patient. He got no disciplinary action at all. I was in there for almost two weeks! Yes, there were padded walls, and only a mattress on the floor. I had to see my Mother and aunt be sent away, because they wouldn’t let them see me…how humiliating…

    I am sorry your Mother has to be treated so abysmally, but some hospitals/wards are like that. You can’t blame the older nurses; that’s how they were trained. Perhaps you could have her be followed by one of the younger nurses. It is RIGHT to report the actions of the nurse who humiliated your Mother.

    Take care, and try to treat your Mother as usual; make her comfortable, and by all means, stand up for her.

  16. Hello to all, I am writing I guess to just be able to talk in hopes that someone might have a solution? I wrote earlier about my son Joshua (11). I sometimes don’t know if I am going to make it or not!! I always, always try my best to have a positive attitude, but I am at lost right now! I feel so sorry for him! He so badly wants to do what is right! He reacts before he thinks and then is left with a ton of consequences to face! He still is not sleeping! It is 4:15 in the morning and he is still laying in his bed tossing and turning! I have been in there and read to him, scratched his head and back (he likes going to sleep with me doing that), got him up for awhile and we just sat and talked about everyday things. I put him back to bed thinking maybe he could go to sleep and he is still wide awake! Last week, on our worst night, he was up for 34 hours straight! I can’t believe his clinic gave us a appointment for January! I’m not sure I can go that long and still be healthy! That is another thing, I, myself was just diagnosed with ALS. I had to leave the hospital against medical advice two weeks ago because I have no-one that can handle him! He has gotten so angry here lately! I don’t know if it is from the time change, lack of sleep, or what? He knows I am sick but he don’t know what or why. I just don’t think he needs anything else on him right now! I am so afraid of what is going to happen to him when I am not here or no longer able to take care of him! Please, I know you all have your own problems, but I am praying for you and I am asking that you pray for us too! I am so worried about my baby! If he keeps going with the attitude he has right now, I don’t see a good future for him! If any of you have any suggestions, I am open to listen!!! Thank you for listening and letting me whine for a Lil bit! Love in Christ, Trea

    Teresa Walker

  17. I do understand what you are saying, but if you are a nurse in a
    Psychiatric ward not all people come into the unit with positive mantras.
    My Mom is not positive at all right now she is Suicidal and has spent
    most of the past 4 days in the in her hospital bed crying. This nurse that I am
    talking about told my mom that if she could not stop crying she would have
    to get off the phone. She latter told us on the phone that your Mom is
    not cooperating with us right now all she wants to do is stay in bed a
    wail….wail..the nerve of this lady. My fiance and i were very nice to
    this nurse (which mad my mom even madder) as we know that her heart is
    no longer in her job, and there is nothing that we can do about it.
    Ever day is going to be better than the last for Mom, she is going
    through A LOT of withdrawals right thing you know my Mom will be
    back. It has been about 6 years since Mom has been in the hospital,
    which means she has been “gone” for 6 years.
    Ohh my gosh I am so sorry for what you went through as well, ppl should be put in jail for that. IT IS NOT RIGHT!
    When that nurse was ripping my Moms shoes off her feet last night, I said hold on now…then I said to her that I imagine that you have been doing this job for a lot of year and you may forget that these Patient are somebody’s Mother or Father and that people do love them. This is my Mom and I do love her so if you could please try to respect her like I do. The nurse just starred at me then said I do know that all these Patients are human beings and got up and walked out.
    When I got home after the four hour drive of being Furious to crying, the first thing i did when i walked in the door is called to make sure that mom did not have that nurse today.

  18. i believe that your comments about the positive
    “how-to’s” will work.

    However, I am skeptical, every time you say that someone contacts you personally. Why would you allow your personal information out there, and otherwise how would they get it?

  19. I struggle to find balance in communicating with my husband (BP) He does not like to be “managed” meaning withholding information and he does not like to be “flooded” meaning giving to much info. It is a challenge to communicate in marriage and do life together like finances, calendaring and schedule activities, house projects. Any helps?

  20. To MIST: You ARE a GREAT daughter to be so hands-on and concerned about your mother’s treatment in the hospital. Your caring is what she desperately needs right now. You will find some “bad apples” in every mental hospital; it’s just too bad they have to take care of OUR loved ones.

    AND – I’m GLAD your mother had a male nurse; sometimes they ARE more compassionate than the “old timers!”

    Good luck with your Mom’s speedy recovery, and my prayers are with you.

  21. i spoke to my wife last night and it did not go well.
    she is convinced there is no solution for us being
    together.she says she will give it to jan.
    i gave in and said she could see my daughters{her step children} today .she ended up not showing up.
    they are the reason she first gave me as to why she had to she says she wants to spend time with them.
    i am involved in a custody battle with my ex-wife
    so my daughters have just been told that there
    stepmom is really busy working.
    she keeps an apartment in brooklyn,and we have never lived together for long periods of time since
    my children and i live 1 hour west on long island.
    seemed like a great marriage because we really appreciated our time together.
    now my wife says she can’t do it anymore.
    i can’t understand any of it because i have been very good to her.
    she treats me like the biggest piece of garbage.
    as i said before she does not fit the usual bi-polar
    profile.very responsible about work, finances.
    but her mood swings are really intense.
    working with my own therapist, he is convinced
    that she is bi-polar.
    i also gave in and said i would go to therapy with her tomorrow,
    i am really nervous because there is no reasoning
    with her.two months ago when she left,she said we could see eachother on weekends without my kids.
    now she is convinced we have no future together.
    its like i am talking to someone i don’t know anymore.any suggestions on how to handle it tomorrow.
    my therapist advised against it, but i want to see her and at this point things can”t get any worse

  22. To ALANULRICH: You don’t say how long you and your wife have had a “commuting” marriage. I see my boyfriend only on weekends, so can understand what “quality time” is. I understand that you love her VERY much, and don’t want to see your marriage dissolve. It is always sad, whether kids are involved or not.

    I suggest that you go to the therapy session tomorrow, and NOT accuse your wife of “misbehavior” toward you. Think of something GOOD about your relationship, and don’t dwell on all the “bad.” Whether or not she realizes it, she NEEDS you, and maybe what she is going through is a manifestation of a bipolar manic episode. TREAT it as such. That it is a mental quirk instead of HER that wants this separation. I’m afraid I don’t have much experience in giving marital advice; I lost two husbands to death, which is VERY final.

    I just wish you GOOD LUCK tomorrow, and hope that you CAN work things out – for your – and her – sake. God bless you, and I will keep you in my prayers.

  23. thank you for your support.
    we have been married 5 years this past nov. 2nd.
    i was having the same thought.
    to go tomorrow with a smile and to tell her how
    great it is to see her.
    i have been banging my head against the wall
    asking why .
    and trying to reason with her,it always makes
    matters worse.
    i brought flowers to her on our recent anniversary
    she refused to see me so i left them with a friend in the building.
    my daughters therapist who knows my wife well
    also communicated to her that she believes this is
    a bi-polar episode.
    thank you.

  24. I have been married 31 years. There are times when everything in a marriage is running like clock work. The times when it is not you have to tinker with it so it becomes functional. All the advice in the world won’t help unless you implement the advice. When a bipolar is off on a tangent and is being disruptive then the professionals are given leeway on how they can best arrest the episode. I have been in hospitals that were run by the military. The best I can say is that it’s not a vacation nor is it home. I have been in private hospitals were it was more horrific than any thing I have eperienced. I unfortunatly have mania’s that last 6 months. I could list things that my wife does that I don’t see eye to eye with her. Basicly I am saying that their has to be forgiveness to your spouse and those that take care of your loved ones. The notion of an eye for an eye has out lived its usefullness. James

  25. Dave – RE: REMEMBER you always have to have hope and faith …
    My-father-in-law to be always put it “You always have to have Faith & Patience.” And too Dave you said we have to have a plan too … So I think we should say, Remember you always have to have HOPE, FAITH, PATIENCE & A PLAN! AMEN!

  26. My heart goes out to all of you. My daughter is bi-polar but I never realized for sure until not too long ago. I always thought it was just her depression problems which she was being treated for since twelve years old. I couldn’t understand why it was so stressful living with her and why she would do such outrageous things out of the blue, it was so hard living with her, everyday I was scared wondering what she would do next and still I thought it was due to her depression. She made it into a really good 4year college with my help and is living on campus and that is when I realized that all the problems with her throughout her highschool years that almost sent my husband and I over the edge was due to the fact that she is bi-polar and to confirm this she called me from college one day to tell me that she just realized that she is. I got her a psychiatrist and she visited him and after the second visit she told me she is not bi-polar just as she thought and that there is nothing wrong with her, so now she is not speaking to me and she told me yesterday in an email to get out of her life that my job is done because she is 18 and that I should get myself some help. Any advise for me?

  27. hi dave,my daughter has all the signs you talk about,we been going thru this for 2 yearsshe is seeing the only doctor in our town that treats teens.she dosent take her meds.i am so broken down i can not afford your help.but,thank you for all your messages,blogs.i read about the semiar you want to have here in texas,that would be great,have you thought about Texas A&M unveristy that she was going for many teens in my life need keep me on the list you are my hope.i am so afarid i let her go stay with her father 4 weeks ago,i am tired no money i couldnt pay the rent utiiles,nothing i got doctor bills everything gone wrong in last 30 days.she skip school tuesday,it never ends.i feel crazy.she cuts herself,stay shut up in her room,turns up music loud.she dosen’t want to play sports she loves it.i am whining i know. keep writing me please.momcare

  28. momcares, Hello, my name is Teresa. It sounds as if we may be going thru lots of the same problems, well, I guess we all are going thru the same problems that is why we are here in the first place! I would love to talk with you! If you are interested, please e-mail me at . I think it helps to have someone to talk to in times like this! Hope to hear from you soon! Teresa

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