Did you know these shocking bipolar facts?

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How’s it going?

Well I am finishing up a new f.ree special report
that I have coming out. It’s called the 10 deadly
mistakes people make supporting someone with
bipolar disorder.

It’s going to be distributed for f.ree and
I will be doing media interviews about it.

I showed it to someone who said and I quote:
“Dave this is really scary…Don’t you think
this is extreme.”

This person basically was talking about the
tone of the report that bipolar disorder
can be fatal.

I said to him, “Did you know that up to
20% of people who aren’t on the right treatment
plan WILL kill themselves. Did you know that
1/3 (one out of three) that have bipolar
disorder admit to one suicide attempt.”

Think about those numbers. 20%. What’s that
mean? That means one out of 5. Think of
5 people you know and then think of 1 out
of the 5.

Think about 1/3. That’s 33%. Imagine that
1 out of every 3 people with bipolar
disorder admits to one suicide attempt.

Think about how high these numbers are.

They are REALLY high.

Here’s what I have. For the most part, the
system that is helping those with bipolar
disorder is NOT working.

It can’t be. If it was, you wouldn’t have numbers
so darn high.

Here’s another thing. Let’s say there are 12,000,000
people with bipolar disorder.

Imagine 1/3 of them or 4 million with attempt suicide.

Now out of those attempts, how many will be a success?

This is why every year, hundreds of thousands of people
die from bipolar disorder.

It can be fatal.

It’s not something to kid around with.

I am really shocked out unserious people take
it. It’s amazing.

I like to remind people just how serious it
is and try to bring the numbers home so
to speak. Sometimes when you hear percentages
it’s hard to even relate to them.

Let me tell you some other things. I have been
volunteering for several years. There are
people who USE TO go to our meetings.

Some are dead. Gone. They killed themselves.

One of my biggest success stories ever. Told me
he started a support group with like 18 or so
people. Today everyone but him committed

There are people who work for me now who
attempted suicide. Michele Soloway’s sister
killed herself because of bipolar disorder.

When you get my courses and systems below
you hear major success stories TODAY that
once tried to kill themselves years ago.




There’s one person that I know that
has impacted the world dramatically.
But before he did, he got a gun and tried
to kill himself but failed.

The common denominator in all these horror
stories is the fact that people are not
on the right treatment plan.

Actually as I write this, it makes me really

Why? I think it’s sad that so many people
just don’t take it seriously.

Anyway, let me get back to my new special
report. I feel that it’s the bipolar supporters
who have a duty and obligation to help someone
with bipolar disorder when he/she is off

Too many supporters wind up doing nothing and
doing nothing leads to tragedy.

You’re going to like this special report. I will
get sending it to over 100,000 people on my list.

I will ask everyone to forward it to at least 7

If I can make the 1/3 go to 1/5 that’s a whole
lot of lives that can be saved. We can do it
together by getting this information out.

I must say, that I am lucky that something
bad didn’t happen to my mom. Over the years,
my did just stood by as bipolar episode
after bipolar episode took over our house.

Fortunately my mom has never attempted suicide
or tried any illegal drugs. BUT she did
other bad things that really hurt our family.

Today, just in case you are wondering, she
is doing great. My mom shows that even
after a major bipolar episode, you can turn
your life totally around. There is always hope.

If you ever down, read my story about
my mom and myself. And think that today she
is doing great. If she can do it you or
your loved one can.

Remember it was so bad that my brother wanted
to permanently institutionalize my mom in a
hospital (which you can’t really do anyway
but that’s how bad it was).

Well, I have to run. The last thing I want

IF you have bipolar with bipolar disorder, take
action and start looking for solutions. Don’t
wait around and become a statistic.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

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