Bipolar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, I hope your day is going well. Yesterday I was so super mad. I was at the gym. Someone took my keys where my wallet and everything was in my car. I was waiting at the gym for almost 1 and ½ hours. Finally they made an announcement and someone realized they took my keys by accident. You know what? If I didn’t get them, I would not have been sending you this email. My computer was in my car, my house keys were lost and it would have been a mess. Anyway, another thing… Someone asked me if these emails come from a real person. Yea they do: ) I don’t know how you could have a computer to do this on a daily basis. ha ha. Anyway, I bet you think I am crazy with the title of today’s bipolar lesson. Seriously - think I am crazy? I am not. I sent this message out for a very important reason. Here’s the deal. People ask me all the time how do they find out if they are bipolar 1 or 2 and some even ask whether they are bipolar 3! (I was just kidding about the bipolar 3, 5, 6, and 7.) Here’s the point. Don’t get caught up in labels. Focus on the fact that you have bipolar disorder or that you are supporting a loved one who does. Don’t get bogged down with trying to understand bipolar 1 versus 2, etc. I have seen people make this make too many times. They believe or are told they have “mild bipolar” or not “the bad kind.” So then they let their guard down and guess what? WHAMO, a bipolar episode strikes. Actually, before I continue, I want to remind you for the like 500th time that I am NOT a doctor, psychiatrist, therapist, financial advisor, lawyer, insurance person, etc. Or, any other kind of professional, for that matter. I just do not want anyone misled. Anyway, my feeling is this (and you should run it past your doctor and think about it yourself): I feel that basically anyone who is stable can become unstable if they are not following their treatment plan or all the parts of their bipolar stability equation. The person who has mild bipolar disorder can wind up having severe bipolar disorder. The person who was never been violent can become violent. Also, I have seen different people’s bipolar disorder change and evolve. They may have been diagnosed as having bipolar 1 disorder and then rediagnosed as bipolar 2 disorder, and vice-versa. Just don’t get caught up in this kind of bipolar disorder versus that kind of bipolar disorder or you will get frustrated. In my courses/systems, I give the signs and symptoms of each disorder, but that's just for information, and not for you to self-diagnose. Only your doctor can diagnose you. NEW LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?




Still, I mean what I said:

Don’t worry so much about labels.

It doesn’t matter what type of bipolar
disorder that you have.

You should be more concerned with
becoming stable with your bipolar
disorder, which is much more important.

If you have bipolar disorder, there are
several things you can do to gain stability,
like taking your medication religiously,
and seeing your therapist on a regular

If you do other things like keep a
good sleep pattern, exercise, and eat
a healthy diet, you will only be helping
your stability with bipolar disorder.

If you are supporter of a loved one
with bipolar disorder, there are several
ways you can help them to achieve

The greatest thing you can do for your
loved one is just to be there for them,
offering your unconditional love and

They will also need your understanding
when they experience the fear and
confusion of a bipolar episode.

When someone with bipolar disorder
is in an episode, does it really matter
whether they are bipolar 1, bipolar 2,
or whatever type they are?

If you have bipolar disorder, has it
ever mattered to you?

If you are a supporter, has it ever
mattered to you?


See you later on.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter Want your own copy of these daily bipolar emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Have This Question About Fast Cash For Bipolar Disorder?


The other day, I sent out a notice about:

“Secrets to Making Fast Cash When Dealing
with Bipolar Disorder”


I have gotten a number of people asking
if these methods are for bipolar supporters
or bipolar survivors.

The answer is both.

I hope this clears up any confusion.


Bipolar Disorder? Getting Stable on the Installment Plan

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, I hope you're having a good day. Have you noticed how many Rent-to-Own places there are these days? It seems like there's practically one on every corner! Ok, here's how it works. It's sort of like layaway, except that it ends up that you pay a whole lot more money! Say you want a big screen TV. Well, who can afford one right now? Times are really tough financially for everyone right now. So they offer you one at a really good deal. They offer you one at a really good price. No money down, even! And they let you pay it in INSTALLMENTS. So it sounds like a good deal, because you don't have to pay for the TV all at once, which you can't afford to do. So you agree on how much you're going to pay each week (or sometimes each month in some places), and you pay for the TV on the installment plan. Well, there's a bipolar installment plan, too. You don't get to have stability right up front. Just like you don't have all the cash up front to buy that big screen TV all at one time, you don't have the resources to get stable all at one time, either. So you reach stability in installments. The first installment you make is that you listen to your doctor and psychiatrist and do what they say to do, which is to go on medication. The next installment you make is that you take that medication, faithfully, every day, every time you're supposed to take it. In my courses/systems, I stress the need for taking medication in order to get stable with bipolar disorder. Without medication, there is no hope for stability, that's how important it is. NEW LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?




The next installment is to get a therapist, and
to see them regularly.

The next installments are that you get the right
amount of good sleep, exercise, and eat a healthy diet.

The next installment is that you take care of
yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and

The other installments have to be made, but not
necessarily in any particular order. These could be:

• Build a strong support system
• Help your support system help you
• Join a church (or other spiritual place)
• Go to a bipolar support group
• Be productive
• Start a hobby
• Communicate with your supporter
• Don’t neglect your supporter
• Help your supporter help you
• Watch out for triggers
• Watch for signs and symptoms
• Stay close to family
• Stay in touch with extended family
• Have friends and a social life
• (maybe) work a part-time job
• (maybe) start a home business
• Volunteer
• Help others
• Do things you enjoy
• Keep stress to a minimum
• Don’t forget to relax
• Be independent (as much as you can)
• Keep learning about bipolar disorder
• Educate others about bipolar
• Self-manage your disorder
• Etc.
There are several other ways to make
“installments” toward management of
your bipolar disorder.

Any installment you make toward your
bipolar disorder will lead toward greater

And the more stable you are, the less
episodes you will have, and the more
time you will have to spend having a
good, productive, successful, happy life.

What about you or your loved one?

Are you (or they) on the bipolar installment

Talk to you later.


Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter Want your own copy of these daily bipolar emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

One Bipolar Step at a Time

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How's it going today? Hey I am going hiking this morning so I have to go really quick, okay? Anyway, I heard the saddest story about bipolar disorder the other day. This girl had bipolar disorder, and she went off her medication. She was stable on her medication, and was even going to see her therapist and psychiatrist regularly. She was ok for awhile, but then she started to get unstable, and then went into an episode. Then she committed suicide. The thing is, it's not that I'm immune to hearing stories like this – I'm not, I still feel sad every time I hear one – it's just that I hear so many of these stories, and I'm not surprised, because I know that 1 in 5 people who go off their medications are probably going to kill themselves. But anyway, about this girl. When they talked to her friends and family, and asked them why she killed herself, they said that she had been telling them that she was feeling very overwhelmed by everything lately. So that made me start thinking about something I want to talk to you about today. Feeling overwhelmed. Whether you have bipolar disorder or not, you can still feel overwhelmed sometimes. But there are things you can do about it. I know this may sound corny or over-used, but take things One Day at a Time. That's one of the things I talk about in my courses/systems as part of managing bipolar disorder. You take things as they come – you don't dwell on the past, and you don't worry about the future. You just deal with today. NEW LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?




Many people can’t handle more than just
this one day (many people choose not to). Some
people can’t even handle that, and have to do it
one hour at a time (or one moment at a time).
And that’s ok, too. You can build from there.

With bipolar disorder, I call it:

One Bipolar Step at a Time

I got the idea from this movie I watched
once with Bill Murray in it called “What
About Bob?” where Richard Dreyfuss
played this psychiatrist who was treating
Bill Murray for these really big fears about

I mean, this guy was afraid to get out of
the elevator and walk into his office!
He was so overwhelmed by everything.

So the whole idea of the movie was this
concept called “Baby Steps.” He taught
him how to do everything one step at a
time, or by doing everything in baby steps,
and building up from there.

And eventually Bill Murray’s character
was able to overcome his fears and not
be so overwhelmed by everything anymore.

It was a funny movie, but you could take
a lesson from it.


One Bipolar Step at a Time

The idea is not to do too much, or you’ll
be overwhelmed.

For example, say you’re keeping a To-Do
List as part of how you’re staying productive.
If you have too many things on that list,
and you don’t get them all done today, that
might overwhelm you.

Instead, make a smaller list, and you won’t
feel so overwhelmed. In fact, by completing
the things on your list, you’ll feel a sense of
accomplishment at the end of the day.

Then, in steps, as you can, you can add
more things to your list.

Another example would be if you wanted
to go back to work (first of all, I would
advise not doing this without your doctor’s

In order not to be overwhelmed, start with
a small, part-time job with just a few hours
a week. Don’t try to tackle a full-time job
right away. It may be more than you can
handle, and do you more harm than good.

If being productive is what you’re worried
about, set a long-term goal, and then your
One Bipolar One Step at a Time would
consist of the short-term goals you would
set and take to reach that long-term goal.

You can do the same thing with projects.
You would decide on a big project you want
to do, then do it a little bit at a time, like
the long-term and short-term goal idea.

If you’re wanting to learn how to take on
more responsibility as part of managing
your bipolar disorder, then start with smaller
responsibilities (One Bipolar Step at a Time),
so you don’t get too overwhelmed, and then
build to larger responsibilities.

If you’re in a bipolar support group, you don’t
start with running the group right away,
you start with setting up the coffee, see what
I mean?

Now, here’s my biggest point with the One
Bipolar Step at a Time idea:

If you’ve been in an episode, and now find that
you have consequences to pay as a result of
things you did while you were in that episode,
you might be feeling very overwhelmed by it.

Take it One Bipolar Step at a Time.

This is very important to your stability.

If you have people to ask forgiveness from and
relationships to repair, take it one person at a time.

If there are consequences to pay (like paying
traffic tickets, for example), do them one at a time.

Do not let yourself get overwhelmed.

What do you think of this idea?


Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter Want your own copy of these daily bipolar emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Need Bipolar Help From An Organization? Do This.

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, I hope you're having a good day. Someone asked me yesterday how I can keep coming up with ideas for these emails. Ha ha. Good question. It’s not the easiest thing in the world but I really work hard at it and put a lot of time into it. Yesterday another person asked me why there were a few people attacking me and excusing me on very strange things. Many people have asked me this. You have to remember that a small percentage of people with bipolar disorder are not well and are out of their mind. If you have been on my list for a while, you might remember when I had a rash of people saying that I did all kinds of things. One person in California said that I broke into their house and stole their “tools.” They demanded that I send them money for compensation. Another in Canada said I stole their car and demanded a new one. Another person said I was working with “government agencies” to “put them away for life.” These people are obviously ill and need treatment. I simply don’t take it personally like I teach you if you are a bipolar supporter and your loved one goes into an episode and says “crazy” things. I have a story to tell you today. I have been in a 4 year battle with this software company that handles a bunch of our CRM stuff. CRM is customer relation management. Anyway, this software does not collect any sales tax for people who live in New Jersey, so this means that for 4 years, I have had to pay the sales tax for anyone who orders anything from me. Isn't that crazy? So a few weeks ago, I got really, really, really mad and decided to declare war on them. I called in and demanded to talk to executives, and I did. Most didn't care, though. They even blamed it on me, which is a joke, how is it my fault? They also told me it would be fixed right away. Then other people there told me it would be done sometime in the future. Finally I kept calling in and asking for people's bosses and I found out who one of the top people was. Her name was JoAnne. I left her a message. No return call. Then I decided to use the "fill it up" strategy I teach in mental health when someone won't return your call. I left a TON of voicemails over a few days. So many that she HAD to return my call. When she called back I was prepared. I had an outline. I told her how 4 years ago this was a problem. I was promised by like 15 people that it would be fixed. I told them I was lied to year after year and I am having to pay the sales tax for people in New Jersey. I told her how they have horrible customer service. I did ALL the talking and made sure to say things that would counter any excuses she may have to defend the company. I told her I knew a ton of users and that I was going to start calling them and getting them to complain. I went on and on and said I was going to keep on calling and might even send an email to my entire list of people to get them to complain, too. Immediately she apologized and said that she was going to get this fixed. I told her that 15 other people said that over 4 years. She said again that she would get this fixed. She asked to call me back and I told her if she didn't, she would have 1000 voicemails 🙂 I was really mad. So anyway, she called me back the next day and said it's now being looked at and they are determining how long it will take. Then two days later, fixing the problem had started! Can you believe it? I thanked her. This is going to save me a ton of money. Then I got to thinking about the lessons you can learn from this story. There are many. First in mental health, seriously, -- and I know many will say this is not true – many people in organizations simply don't care about you or your loved one with bipolar disorder. The success stories in my courses/systems below say this over and over again and that’s why I have these materials for you to short cut getting what you need done faster: NEW LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?




If you have been around the mental health
block you know what I mean.

But if you are persistent, you can get what
you need.

Look what happened to me.

Now, I admit, it took me a long time (and
a lot of phone calls), and some research on
my part to find the right person who could
really help me, but finally I got the help I

If you’re having trouble with an organization,
you need to do what I did, and find a JoAnne
in that organization.

Or, like say you’re having trouble getting
the medications that you need. With some
persistence on your part, you can do it.

There are ways, like you can call the drug
manufacturer of your medication and see
if they’ll pay for your bipolar medication –
be persistent until you get to talk to the right

Or you can see if your doctor will give you
free samples of medication. Now, you don’t ask
the receptionist for this. Being persistent is
finding the right person, right? So you might
ask the nurse. Then wait. But she might not
be the right person.

You might have to make several phone calls and
leave a lot of messages, like I did, but stay
persistent. You might have to go to the
doctor themselves. But by staying persistent,
you’ll get the help you need.

Or, if you need to save money to afford
your medication or your doctor or therapist,
because your insurance won’t pay for it
or your doctor or therapist visits, try to
get your doctor or therapist visits on a
sliding scale.

Say you have to talk to the receptionist
first. Well, she won’t help you. Be
persistent, and find the right person who
can help you. It might be the bookkeeper.
It might have to be the doctor or therapist
themselves. Again, you might have to make
several phone calls. But stay persistent.

Do like I did. I finally got what I wanted.

Have you ever been in a situation like I was?

Were you persistent and got what you wanted?

Hey I am going to the gym to do some cardio catch
you tomorrow, ok?


Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter Want your own copy of these daily bipolar emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Warning About Fast Cash And Bipolar Disorder


How’s it going?

The other day I sent out an email
about my guide:

“Secrets to Making Fast Cash When Dealing
with Bipolar Disorder”


I had several people ask
me one specific question that I want
to issue a warning about.

I actually issued this warning once before
so here it is again.

They asked me if my guide talks about
Gifting Programs and if they are good
for generating money for bipolar disorder

The answer is a BIG NO. Gifting Programs
or clubs are a scam.


I know I am going to get flooded with
hate mail telling me that what I said
is not true or this certain gifting
program is totally legitimate.

Let me tell you. A gifting program is
a pyramid scheme and in The United States
and virtually every where in the world,
they are NOT and I repeat NOT legal!

Many people dealing with bipolar disorder
get caught up in these programs because
they look and sound good. Don’t do it.

Everything in my guide is on the up and
up. I don’t promote scams or illegal things.

Let me post something really quick from
the SEC’s website which is a government regulatory
agency, about pyramid schemes:

“In the classic “pyramid” scheme, participants
attempt to make money solely by recruiting new
participants into the program. The hallmark of
these schemes is the promise of sky-high returns
in a short period of time for doing nothing other
than handing over your money and getting others
to do the same.

The fraudsters behind a pyramid scheme may go to
great lengths to make the program look like a
legitimate multi level marketing program. But
despite their claims to have legitimate products
or services to sell, these fraudsters simply use
money coming in from new recruits to pay off early
stage investors. But eventually the pyramid will
collapse. At some point the schemes get too big,
the promoter cannot raise enough money from new
investors to pay earlier investors, and many
people lose their money.”

If you don’t believe me go to
run a search for “scam” and gifting club
and you’ll see what I mean. Again
gifting programs or clubs are simply
illegal pyramid schemes.

My guide the “Secrets to Making Fast Cash When Dealing
with Bipolar Disorder” has nothing to do with
these types of things:

Just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt
in something that is a scam.

Catch you tomorrow.


Current Bipolar News



How are you?

I hope you are doing well.

Here is today’s news.

To read this week’s news visit:

Risk of Mental Disorders Higher in Children with Bipolar Parents
DO> VERY interesting article.

Researchers say Early Intervention may be Key for Bipolar Children
DO> I totally agree with this, do you ?

UH Research Team Developing New Non-invasive Brain-Mapping
DO> Hmm. Interesting technology.

Learn about Psychotherapy
DO> Pretty good article.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Bipolar Disorder? Don’t think like this person or else.

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How are you? I have this friend and he believes in something that is so strange. It's so very odd. Okay, first he does not have a mental illness that anyone knows of. Seriously, it's not that he has bipolar disorder or anything. I say that because what I am about to tell you is so strange you might think, "maybe he has a mental illness." I can tell you, there are many others, though, who think like him. But from his thinking, there is an important bipolar lesson. So let me get into it. Okay, I have a friend that believes in (and I am not kidding) a global conspiracy. He (and others) believe that there are "people" or "elites" that are trying to, and let me try to get this right, merge all the countries together and create one gigantic country. These people don't have names and he can never tell me where they are located. They are working hard to destroy the current system and make a new one which "they" control. Again, "they" don't have names or countries they are attached to. Now my friend is on like a bipolar inner circle but for conspiracies. He gets a CD of the month where people talk about conspiracies and find stuff that prove it exists. If the price of oil goes up, my friend says that's proof of the conspiracy. If it goes down, same thing. He can take a normal event that happens, like a bank fails, then that is "them" getting closer to controlling the world. You might think that I am making this up, but I am not. It's really very strange. He is a doctor, too. He has so conditioned himself to think negatively, it colors every single aspect of this life. If you met him, he would seriously preach to you about the conspiracy. If you didn't agree, he would laugh at you and tell you that you will be crying in the future and that you should prepare. He is preparing to build a kind of compound or something far away from people when I guess they take over. When I ask him when the conspiracy started some days it's 50 years ago, other times it's 1000. He doesn't even realize that what he is saying does not make any sense. What does this have to do with bipolar disorder? Well you see, I believe that because my friend thinks so negatively about society and people, he has hurt himself. I keep telling him that he has been stagnant in life and it's because of this. Think about it, if you thought there was a global conspiracy against you by "them" would you even work at all? Or would you just hang out and be lazy? Now with bipolar disorder, some people believe it's a curse, it's unfair, it's not controllable, etc. These type of negative thoughts make it almost impossible to be a success and have bipolar disorder. In my courses/systems, I promote the importance of being productive, so that you don't just sit around being lazy, because then you'll be stagnant like my friend. I want you to be a success with your bipolar disorder. NEW LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?




Yes, sometimes people with bipolar
disorder do have strange thoughts. But
it’s usually only when they’re in a bipolar
episode. Not when they’re in a “normal”

Normally they think very clearly, and don’t
talk about “global conspiracies,” do they?

Something like this is called a delusion.

But the thing about my friend believing all this
stuff is that he could have too much time
on his hands. That could be how all this got
started with him.

Be careful. If you’re not productive, you
could have too much time on your hands, too.
I mean, I’m not saying you’d turn out like my
friend or anything. I’m just saying that being
productive is a very big part of being successful
with bipolar disorder.

Another reason why I think maybe my friend
believes like he does is that someone put the
idea in his head and he just ran with it. He
stopped thinking on his own.

For you, that would be like going to a bipolar
support group, and someone says that their
medication is the best medicine to take for
bipolar disorder because it worked the best
for their sister and their aunt and it works the
best for them and so you should take it too
because it will work the best for you.

So if you were to listen to them and believe
them without thinking on your own and
without checking with your doctor, well,
that’s like how my friend is acting. Not
thinking on his own. Just believing what
other people say.

And that could be really dangerous for
someone with bipolar disorder, because
what if someone told you there was a cure
for the disorder and you didn’t have to take your
medication any more and you listened to them?

That would be the WORST thing in the world for you!!!

It could even KILL you!!!

At the very least, going off your medication
would make you go into a bipolar episode, and
you wouldn’t want that, would you?

So what do you think about my friend?

Do you think he has a mental illness?

Do you think he’s just a victim of listening
to the wrong people?

Or what DO you think about it?

Because I sure can’t figure it out, and sure
would like to get a “second opinion” on it.


Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter Want your own copy of these daily bipolar emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Need Cash For Bipolar Disorder?


If you need money for expenses related to bipolar disorder,
I have a resource.

The reason why I am sending this out because many
people have been asking me if I have a resource
that has “things that you can do to generate money
that aren’t really a home business?”

I am a big advocate of the home business but
there are other options you can check out.

If you are interested, please visit:



Bipolar Disorder? Distractions Can Cause This


I hope you’re having a good day today.

Did you have a goal when you were younger?

Maybe it was a small goal –

Like you wanted to win the school
spelling bee or something.

Or you wanted to save up enough money
to buy something special for yourself.

Or maybe it was a big goal –

Maybe you wanted to go to college.

Or someday wanted to get married
and have a family.

Or wanted to have a good career.

But the point is, we all had goals when
we were younger.

Some of us met those goals.

But others of us met with distractions
along the way toward meeting our goals.

And distractions can cause a
disruption in our lives –

A disruption in the meeting of our
goals –

And, when it comes to bipolar disorder…

A disruption in stability.

And that’s NOT a good thing!

Here’s what I’m talking about:

One of the things I recommend in my
courses/systems is to have a routine:





There are several reasons for having a
set routine as part of the management
of your bipolar disorder:

1. Helps you to remember to
take your medication

2. Helps you to keep a good sleep

3. Helps you to stick to a healthy
diet by eating meals at the same
time every day

4. Gives you structure to your day

5. Helps you to stay productive

6. Gives you a sense of accomplishment
at the end of the day.

Now, as part of your routine you will, of
course, go to any appointments you have
on a given day.

But if you have any distractions, they may
keep you from that appointment, and that
can disrupt the management of your bipolar
disorder, and even be dangerous for you!

For example, what if that appointment was
with your psychiatrist, who prescribes
your pills, and what if you have to reschedule,
but they don’t have another appointment
until next month?

Then, what if you run out of pills?
You’re going to have to make special
arrangements, aren’t you? Then your
whole medication schedule is going
to be off.

What if you’re distracted and have to
miss your appointment with your therapist?
You will then have to wait another week
or, if you go every two weeks, why, now
you’ll have to wait a whole MONTH
before seeing your therapist again!
And a lot can happen within a month!

If you have bipolar disorder, you just
cannot afford distractions!

Distractions can mean the difference
between stability and instability for
someone who has bipolar disorder.

Just like when we were younger and we
set goals for ourselves, so does the person
who is trying to get stable.

You should set short- and long-term goals
as well, as that would help you to be
productive, and not idle, which isn’t good
for your disorder.

But if you’re distracted, you won’t meet
your goals.

Then you might not be productive, which
can lead to depression, which can lead
to a bipolar depressive episode.

No, you need to keep your mind on the goal.

And the goal is stability.

Keep that in mind, and don’t let anything
distract you!

Know what I mean?


Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


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you can’t learn anywhere else.