Need Bipolar Help From An Organization? Do This.

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, I hope you're having a good day. Someone asked me yesterday how I can keep coming up with ideas for these emails. Ha ha. Good question. It’s not the easiest thing in the world but I really work hard at it and put a lot of time into it. Yesterday another person asked me why there were a few people attacking me and excusing me on very strange things. Many people have asked me this. You have to remember that a small percentage of people with bipolar disorder are not well and are out of their mind. If you have been on my list for a while, you might remember when I had a rash of people saying that I did all kinds of things. One person in California said that I broke into their house and stole their “tools.” They demanded that I send them money for compensation. Another in Canada said I stole their car and demanded a new one. Another person said I was working with “government agencies” to “put them away for life.” These people are obviously ill and need treatment. I simply don’t take it personally like I teach you if you are a bipolar supporter and your loved one goes into an episode and says “crazy” things. I have a story to tell you today. I have been in a 4 year battle with this software company that handles a bunch of our CRM stuff. CRM is customer relation management. Anyway, this software does not collect any sales tax for people who live in New Jersey, so this means that for 4 years, I have had to pay the sales tax for anyone who orders anything from me. Isn't that crazy? So a few weeks ago, I got really, really, really mad and decided to declare war on them. I called in and demanded to talk to executives, and I did. Most didn't care, though. They even blamed it on me, which is a joke, how is it my fault? They also told me it would be fixed right away. Then other people there told me it would be done sometime in the future. Finally I kept calling in and asking for people's bosses and I found out who one of the top people was. Her name was JoAnne. I left her a message. No return call. Then I decided to use the "fill it up" strategy I teach in mental health when someone won't return your call. I left a TON of voicemails over a few days. So many that she HAD to return my call. When she called back I was prepared. I had an outline. I told her how 4 years ago this was a problem. I was promised by like 15 people that it would be fixed. I told them I was lied to year after year and I am having to pay the sales tax for people in New Jersey. I told her how they have horrible customer service. I did ALL the talking and made sure to say things that would counter any excuses she may have to defend the company. I told her I knew a ton of users and that I was going to start calling them and getting them to complain. I went on and on and said I was going to keep on calling and might even send an email to my entire list of people to get them to complain, too. Immediately she apologized and said that she was going to get this fixed. I told her that 15 other people said that over 4 years. She said again that she would get this fixed. She asked to call me back and I told her if she didn't, she would have 1000 voicemails 🙂 I was really mad. So anyway, she called me back the next day and said it's now being looked at and they are determining how long it will take. Then two days later, fixing the problem had started! Can you believe it? I thanked her. This is going to save me a ton of money. Then I got to thinking about the lessons you can learn from this story. There are many. First in mental health, seriously, -- and I know many will say this is not true – many people in organizations simply don't care about you or your loved one with bipolar disorder. The success stories in my courses/systems below say this over and over again and that’s why I have these materials for you to short cut getting what you need done faster: NEW LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?




If you have been around the mental health
block you know what I mean.

But if you are persistent, you can get what
you need.

Look what happened to me.

Now, I admit, it took me a long time (and
a lot of phone calls), and some research on
my part to find the right person who could
really help me, but finally I got the help I

If you’re having trouble with an organization,
you need to do what I did, and find a JoAnne
in that organization.

Or, like say you’re having trouble getting
the medications that you need. With some
persistence on your part, you can do it.

There are ways, like you can call the drug
manufacturer of your medication and see
if they’ll pay for your bipolar medication –
be persistent until you get to talk to the right

Or you can see if your doctor will give you
free samples of medication. Now, you don’t ask
the receptionist for this. Being persistent is
finding the right person, right? So you might
ask the nurse. Then wait. But she might not
be the right person.

You might have to make several phone calls and
leave a lot of messages, like I did, but stay
persistent. You might have to go to the
doctor themselves. But by staying persistent,
you’ll get the help you need.

Or, if you need to save money to afford
your medication or your doctor or therapist,
because your insurance won’t pay for it
or your doctor or therapist visits, try to
get your doctor or therapist visits on a
sliding scale.

Say you have to talk to the receptionist
first. Well, she won’t help you. Be
persistent, and find the right person who
can help you. It might be the bookkeeper.
It might have to be the doctor or therapist
themselves. Again, you might have to make
several phone calls. But stay persistent.

Do like I did. I finally got what I wanted.

Have you ever been in a situation like I was?

Were you persistent and got what you wanted?

Hey I am going to the gym to do some cardio catch
you tomorrow, ok?


Your Friend,


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  1. HEY DAVE…. That was a lot to take in this time ov the mornin, sorry it afternoon al av anouther read later on see if i can get to grips with it later on ok .
    Take Care Linda x

  2. Dave,

    May I congratulate you on your persistence, most people would have given up, mostly d/t their illness. I have been there done that. There have been times when I have not have had the mental energy to be persistent. I was misdiagnosed many years ago, it was only within the last several year they diagnosed me with Bipolar Type II. I am now on the proper meds. I won’t go with the details on this blog. I am a nurse fighting to get my life back in order, and want to go back to work, and help others, with this terrible illness. I am proud of you for what you have done for yourself and for others. thank-you! Debra

  3. I agree with you, Dave, that you HAVE to be persistant. I had asked my NP for samples of Zyprexa (which costs $150+/month), for a very long time. Finally, I broke down in sobs and said I just COULDN’T afford the meds. She said she’d see what she could do, but the Head Nurse might “make a fuss” about my getting samples while other patients didn’t. So far, so good. I have been receiving samples for the past six or so months, and my prescription bill has gone WAAAAY down. So – it IS important that you persevere to get what you want.

    My computer went “dead” on me for 2 days, one of which I had to submit a mystery shop report. My boyfriend came up from Downstate, to see what he could do (he’s the veritable “tekki” who can fix ANYTHING). Well, he couldn’t. I had called COMCAST, and they said the modem looked good. I then called the Geek Squad, and they couldn’t help me over the phone. It would be $167 if they came out to fix it, or $69 if I brought it to the store. My BF lifted it and carried it to the store last night. The technician got it to “boot,” but said the “motherboard” was “shot,” and I would, eventually, need a new one. For now, it’s working (keep your fingers crossed!), so I’m getting as much done on it as I can before it “crashes” again. Persistance and perseverance make ALL the difference. BTW, the technician didn’t charge anything for the “diagnosis!”

    AND – the refrigeration fan is shot, and all my food is not being cooled at ALL. My BF suggested I call an Appliance repair person, but NOT on the weekend. I KNEW something was wrong, but didn’t know WHAT. So, now I have a plan, and will implement it on Monday.

    To follow up with what Dave said – if you have a problem, either as a survivor or supporter – go to the Head Person and “knock on doors” until the problem is solved. It’s the ONLY way to get a solution to your problem(s).

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. May God bless you real good. I pray for my country.

  4. I’ve read your emails, and find them so interesting and educational……thanks


    I’m engaged to a gentleman (G) who has a former spouse(AM) who has been diagnosed with bipolar last august. (Divorced for 6yrs)
    Things were difficult for a year or so, then
    AM was hospitalized (physic ward under 24hr supervision) for three weeks during Christmas and the New Year, saying her medications were being changed.
    There were times when she could not even talk on the phone, yet, phoned almost every day and attempted to speak with the children, then, tell G and the children that she wanted the girls to come visit her at the hospital. Her speech was slurred, and impossible to understand. She was upset that I was at G’s home with G and “her” children.
    G, did what she asked, even though I suggested he wait until she was doing better and/or home from the hospital.
    (They have two early teen girls and share custody.)
    It’s been three months now, and things are staring up again.

    The phone calls, the lies, disagreeing on the way G disciplines the girls, financial issues, family ties broken, etc.
    AM phones alot and wants to discuss her issues with G, even though her issues have nothing to do with the children.
    Boundries have been discussed. AM does NOT agree with boundries, therefore, does not respect them.
    She wants no interferrence from G when she has the children, but does phones him. Then, when G has the children, the phone rings almost every day.

    I have worked with bipolar clients in the past, so, I am familar with symptons and behaviour, G has no education regarding bipolar, and wants/needs to be educated as to how he needs to deal with his former spouse and the children.

    Is there information for Gary/myself on dealing with a “former spouse with bipolar who has 50% custody” of two early teen girls??
    I’ve searched the internet, with little information regarding the above.

    Alberta, Canada

  5. Dave;
    On what grounds can YOU say some with BP are: “Out of their mind.”
    Professors of Psychiatry from the US of A told me Via email. :”Bi- Polar does not make you insane.”
    Hence Most US presidents…..
    Who would know best Dave, you or him?
    NEITHER, the one who knows best is the one who has always been BP & has had the disorder installed. Yes the Brain Damage due to “Antipsychotics” & “Mood stabilizers.” Thus is the disorder. Entirly iatrogenic via polypharmacy.
    Get a Life.

  6. dave, thanks for all the time and energy you put into this site. my adult gaughter has b.p and I am going through a very hard time at the moment, the rest of family have had enough, but as her mother I love her unconditionally and am trying very hard to understand her. my brother has this too so I am dealing with it from 2 adults. I thank you for giving me the information you do in your emails as it is answering a lot of questions I had. because you do not have a cast or something else to show you need help, people do not understand you are not well. Keep up the good work nomatter what people say as you are helping a lot of people.

  7. Dave: You are correct,persistence usually pays off. I have been trying for months to obtain my prescription card for medi-care but have not yet been successful. I have not yet given up and will keep trying. Again, thanks for all of the information and keep up the good work. Your friend, Chuck

  8. Thank you David!!!
    This came at a very important time. I have just came off long-term disability due to depression, anxiety, and migraine headaches, and was told that there was no positions available. Making a long story short, there was when I first applied, but it took longer for the company doctor to release me to return to work, and when they did, the positions were filled. Now, I’m layed off without medical insurance, unless I pay for it. I was going to just sit back, but your column today has inspired me to be more persistent.

    I was a bipolar supporter to my spouse for 19 years until his death in 2006. I wish I had learned about you and your programs, I would be in a lot better shape than I am now. Not only did I lose my best friend, I lost my house, my credit rating, and I developed panic attacks and went into a deep depression. Thanks to Panic Away, I have not had a panic attack since April of 2008. I am currently a bipolar supporter for my best friend, Deb, who I met at GriefShare.

    As Christians, we commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are to reach out to those in need. You seen a need, and turned it into a cause. Plus, you have excellent business and salemanship. You don’t JUST sale, you TEACH.

    THANK YOU!!!

  9. David I just spent 17days in a psych hospital and since i came home havent really felt any better. I dont know if others have felt this way. I am not glad to be alive. Even though i five wonderful children. I now am on 4 different types of tablets for my mood. my counselor wanted me on fri to go back to the hospital.
    I am just so tired mentally its draining all my energy and i am no good to the kidz. i cant even weigh through all the emails that came while i was in hospital.
    Feeling a sense of hopelessness
    God Bless Amanda.

  10. Dave, I believe you are so brave to take on this type of work. BP is probally the most difficult to diagnose and treat. More than likely the people who downed you were in detox and had to take thir anger out on you. Most families that have BP have learned to deal with these outburst. (most just give up because of their inability to deal with it the properly).. I do believe your education is the key word here and if we could just edcucate more people. I beleive that the public could learn from brcheures with a help line number or youe website to help them learn. There are so many organizations out there that could lean from you. I am fairly new to your site so these suggestions may have already been suggested. I wish there was a grant that you could apply for that would allow you more help in all your research, answering ?’s. and mabe produce brochuers or fliers that could be place in all dr’s offices not just the Pychiactric offices. I see a pain specialist and that office is just loaded with mental illnesses. Thank You for all your public support.

  11. Just two quick comments. From the header on some of your emails I am a little unsure as to who is writing some of these posts. Are all of them coming from your desk or are you using a ghost-writer.

    In case anyone else wondered the same thing, thought I’d just drop a line.

    Kind of concerned when you are referring to people who suffer from any kind of mental illness, not just the biplar you mention.
    That you use words like “out of their mind” and
    say “crazy things”.

  12. Dear Dave,
    Thank you for being so persistant and helping the supporters and people with bi-polar disorder. I (and my husband) are supporters of our 16 year old girl. Through persistance we have FINALLY got her in flex-time school and with a great Psychologist who specializes in teens.(although he is 100 miles away).
    Two topics I would like to hear about are
    teen pregnancy and bi-polar
    and Lyme disease and bi-polar.
    Thank you , I learn something every day from your emails.

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