Bipolar Disorder? Don’t think like this person or else.

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How are you? I have this friend and he believes in something that is so strange. It's so very odd. Okay, first he does not have a mental illness that anyone knows of. Seriously, it's not that he has bipolar disorder or anything. I say that because what I am about to tell you is so strange you might think, "maybe he has a mental illness." I can tell you, there are many others, though, who think like him. But from his thinking, there is an important bipolar lesson. So let me get into it. Okay, I have a friend that believes in (and I am not kidding) a global conspiracy. He (and others) believe that there are "people" or "elites" that are trying to, and let me try to get this right, merge all the countries together and create one gigantic country. These people don't have names and he can never tell me where they are located. They are working hard to destroy the current system and make a new one which "they" control. Again, "they" don't have names or countries they are attached to. Now my friend is on like a bipolar inner circle but for conspiracies. He gets a CD of the month where people talk about conspiracies and find stuff that prove it exists. If the price of oil goes up, my friend says that's proof of the conspiracy. If it goes down, same thing. He can take a normal event that happens, like a bank fails, then that is "them" getting closer to controlling the world. You might think that I am making this up, but I am not. It's really very strange. He is a doctor, too. He has so conditioned himself to think negatively, it colors every single aspect of this life. If you met him, he would seriously preach to you about the conspiracy. If you didn't agree, he would laugh at you and tell you that you will be crying in the future and that you should prepare. He is preparing to build a kind of compound or something far away from people when I guess they take over. When I ask him when the conspiracy started some days it's 50 years ago, other times it's 1000. He doesn't even realize that what he is saying does not make any sense. What does this have to do with bipolar disorder? Well you see, I believe that because my friend thinks so negatively about society and people, he has hurt himself. I keep telling him that he has been stagnant in life and it's because of this. Think about it, if you thought there was a global conspiracy against you by "them" would you even work at all? Or would you just hang out and be lazy? Now with bipolar disorder, some people believe it's a curse, it's unfair, it's not controllable, etc. These type of negative thoughts make it almost impossible to be a success and have bipolar disorder. In my courses/systems, I promote the importance of being productive, so that you don't just sit around being lazy, because then you'll be stagnant like my friend. I want you to be a success with your bipolar disorder. NEW LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?




Yes, sometimes people with bipolar
disorder do have strange thoughts. But
it’s usually only when they’re in a bipolar
episode. Not when they’re in a “normal”

Normally they think very clearly, and don’t
talk about “global conspiracies,” do they?

Something like this is called a delusion.

But the thing about my friend believing all this
stuff is that he could have too much time
on his hands. That could be how all this got
started with him.

Be careful. If you’re not productive, you
could have too much time on your hands, too.
I mean, I’m not saying you’d turn out like my
friend or anything. I’m just saying that being
productive is a very big part of being successful
with bipolar disorder.

Another reason why I think maybe my friend
believes like he does is that someone put the
idea in his head and he just ran with it. He
stopped thinking on his own.

For you, that would be like going to a bipolar
support group, and someone says that their
medication is the best medicine to take for
bipolar disorder because it worked the best
for their sister and their aunt and it works the
best for them and so you should take it too
because it will work the best for you.

So if you were to listen to them and believe
them without thinking on your own and
without checking with your doctor, well,
that’s like how my friend is acting. Not
thinking on his own. Just believing what
other people say.

And that could be really dangerous for
someone with bipolar disorder, because
what if someone told you there was a cure
for the disorder and you didn’t have to take your
medication any more and you listened to them?

That would be the WORST thing in the world for you!!!

It could even KILL you!!!

At the very least, going off your medication
would make you go into a bipolar episode, and
you wouldn’t want that, would you?

So what do you think about my friend?

Do you think he has a mental illness?

Do you think he’s just a victim of listening
to the wrong people?

Or what DO you think about it?

Because I sure can’t figure it out, and sure
would like to get a “second opinion” on it.


Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


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  1. It sounds like your friend is delusional (I’m not a dr., just an opinion). Especially if “they” are undefined.

  2. Hi Dave,
    Just like the person who swears that a certain medication is the best and should be used by everyone, the so called conspiracy theories might have a grain of truth to them, but then they are generalized and used to explain everything that happens in the world. I think it falls into the category of: “if all you own is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”. This is not a scientific or medical opinion, but just an opinion. I know people that interpret everything as proof that the second coming of Je.sus C.hrist is only moments away. To me, that is not an accurate reading of the B.ible or events either. Regards, John

  3. Yes, I know people like that!! Such as the “Flat Earth Society” which has been around for a long time. I even know the women in the next cubical that believes the last space shuttle diasater was destoyed because they saw something when in otter space they should heve not seen.
    Go figure !

  4. I couldn’t believe what I was reading when I came across your posting this morning.

    Laziness does not cause a psychotic episode. It is triggered by a chemical process in the brain. What you are describing that your friend is having is a “psychotic break”. Inferring that any kind of mental illness is begun by “laziness” is cruel to them that have them. They already have the deck stacked against them when it somes to the stigmas that are given to those with mental illnesses.

    Those words really tell it all, if you take a good look at them. Refer to a dictionary when it comes to the word psychotic.The word break is important because it truly is a break, a break with reality. I would suggest that if people really want to know what this poor man is experiencing to refer to a site where the information is described by those that are medical professionals.

    Unfortunately I know several people who have endured these breaks. These are productive people, go to work each day. Have families. All of a sudden something goes chemically wrong in their brain. If a person is in a psychotic state, our reality is not theirs. To say that if someone could “encourage” you to have a break. It just isn’t possible.

    At the time you are terrified, but that is because you either feel like the police or government, aliens or whatever is a real threat to you. You feel that you are in severe personal danger. If you thought that your friends were threatened,as they do, wouldn’t you want to help them. Just reason it out.

    I have had friends that lead perfectly ordinary lives one day, then the next they have thought that the police are after them, that there are voices coming out of the radio, that telephone conversations are being monitored.

    From the descriptions of psychosis that I have heard, these people really and truly believe the conspiracy theories. The stories are scary enough for me to hear. Have no idea what kind of fear these episode install in them. Like most mental illnesses for some they are lucky, they have only one break. Afterward they can reason things out and often are very embarrassed as how they acted. It is not a chosen behavior and to infer that is very insulting and indicates that maybe you need to do a little more research before sending out your postings.

    I have one friend, who had a previous psychotic break, that asked me if I had ever watched the Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. The basic premise is the Jerry, a taxi driver, has theories that there is this conspiracy theory out there, with him as the target. Julia Roberts unwittingly gets involved with it. It is really a facinating movie. You get feeling sorry that he is going through so much agony, trying to stay ahead of those that are looking to harm him.

    The movie is very fast moving.

    Throughout the whole movie he is made to look like he has serious mental health issues.

    In the end, he was right.

  5. It has been my experience that people who believe, as your friend does, have no hope in any kind of future. They feel that this is all there is – they have no real idea or feeling of what life is all about and don’t know how to enjoy it. How else could they explain the hopeless of it all except by “blaming” a conspiracy and saying that they will build a compound and hide when “they” take over. If their theory is right there will be no place to hide. If their theory is correct “they” have such technology and so many agencies working for them that “they” know everything your friend is planning and it is futile.

    In my opinion (and it is only my opinion) people like your friend are in a sad, negative situation that they cannot enjoy life at all (just as you suspect). How do they get this way? Don’t ask me! How can you help them? Don’t see any way unless they want to look at life differently. Without hope – they grasp onto something that gives them a sense of purpose and belonging. Until that is gone or they are willing to give it up – there is little anyone can do. It may not be a clinical mental illness – but I believe it is a symptom of the mental attitude of our times.

    You can only help those who want help Dave – keep on doing what you are doing and know that the ones you help do appreciate it.


  6. He would be better off putting all his energy into the peak oil problem. Things like how to heat his entire house without oil etc. At least he would be doing something productive with his time.I’m sure there are groups out there who would like to rule the world;but God and nature always get in their way.Have a good one.

  7. Hi David,
    I live in australia and have been recieving your emails for a few weeks now.Sometimes i find them really helpful sometimes i delete them as soon as i get them ( it kinda depends how i’m feeling at the time.)I have not been diagnosed professionally with any type of bi-polar disorder. My ex girlfriend(she left me today )would argue that is because i simply have refused to go see the local psycholgist\psychiatrist.I have presented at doctors surgerys many times over the past ten years or so with manic symptoms,suicidal thoughts,depression etc,etc.i have never used prescribed anti-depressants as i have seen the results of such insane “treatments” I have however used prescription drugs to get high on millions of times valium ,temaze,morphine etc.I am 31 and am a succesfully recovered herion addict I haven’t used in six years, i am very proud of this fact.I also abused crystal meth and all kinds of party drugs like a man possesed, this also i have stopped doing and feel much better for it. I still drink and smoke pot.I feel this really helps in controlling my insane mood swings,
    depession,mania and in general allround bad behaviour.
    When i turned 30 i noticed things changed for me. i became depressed really easily after drinking too much,
    my blood sugar level were going crazy all the time and i need to smoke pot almost everyday to feel good/normal.
    I was taking st johns wort and gingko, this alleviated all of my symptoms to a point though i still had to focus on getting the right amount of sleep and eating good healthy food at regular intervals,things were going good for me and then i stopped taking the st johns wort and gingko……At this point my girfriend became chronicly ill and moved in with her mother. I couldn’t look after her properly because i was strugling to look after myself.that was about 7 months ago since then it’s been a downward spiral but i try to keep my chin up, I am basically really happy one minute and the suicidal the next, then comes the mania, up all night getting no sleep for 2 days then sleeping too much etc. anyway if your still awake long story short if you will, i have checked up about bi-polar schizophrenia and manic depression and at a rough geuss i would say i had bi-polar i seem to meet all the criteria. I admit i’m not the same person i once was because i have abused drugs but i’m not insane or braindead/fryed like some of my old friends who need permanent care.But on the subject of global conspiracies i feel you have your head up your ass, i’m not saying eveything you hear is true but somethings certainly are suspicious and other things are very real,some things also could never really be proven i geuss like the philadelphia experiment or mk ultra project,faked moon landing etc. anyway this my way of saying your last letter was not very helpful to people with bi-polar or any person with mental illness or not.

    kind regards,
    Stephen cole

  8. Hi Dave, I dont think your friend as a mental illness because of his theories, people are entitled to have an opinion like believing in u.f.o , Fairies etc and like me in a bout of mania my thought pattern can be unbalanced .
    I have learnt from many years of confused thoughts and believes that i can not help these odd thoughts however when i start reacting to these thoughts in a way that may cause harm to others or myself that is when my sanity should be questioned and like your friend when he starts reacting to his thoughts that when his mental health should be questioned …just because he is a Doctor doesn’t make him exempt from mental health issues. the fact reminds one in four people have mental health issues in the UK . thanks for listening my friend
    mags x

  9. Dave,
    I have perfectly sane friends that feel like your friend so no I dont think he is crazy! Their are many people who feel the same way! Just accept his beliefs and support him! You dont have to agree but be his friend first! The trueth shall come out and one of you will end up eating crow

  10. As a history major, having attended public and private colleges, after graduation I have kept my love for research by reading various books on public policy, politics. newspapers, magazines, web sites, biographies and autobio’s, some detailed and burdensome to read, and many less intense but with interesting facts and theories. When there are quotes in a published book/article, then that material is subject to critical examination and challenges, even to the point of censure, mockery, or even lawsuits.
    There are several quotes that intrigued me that are definite “new world order” statements that are of course in the recent past, and several from centuries ago. Some of these tie into the various so called secret societies, some like the Trilateral Commission, accused of making “plans”; some are latter day politicos, others are assertions by belivers in the elite knowing what is better for this earth than the ignorant and unworthy. I am not sitting by and waiting for this to happen, twiddling my thumbs–I have a mandate to use my time wisely; and those who win souls to Christ are “wise” in God’s eyes. He holds me accountable for His purpose in my life–which is not for spreading bad news but good news: “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him [as God and Savior] should not perish [be subject to the hell that God created only for Satan, the evil one and father of lies] but have everlasting life”. Of course, in China, Russia, North Korea, VietNam, etc., my view/perspective would be considered not on the fringe but pointedly a misfit or crazed citizen who should be reoriented into the state’s idea of normalcy and good mental health–that is godlessness, and loyalty to the one State, indivisible, with liberty and justice for the elite, and bondage, misery, and real threats to life, liberty and the pursuit of knowledge, justice and peace.

  11. Hey Dave, All I can say about your email today is …How do you know? How do you know with absolute certainty that your friend is “out there”??? How do you know with absolute certainty that there really isn’t a conspiricy?

    Do you disbelieve revelations in the Bible? Have you ever read it?

    Now I don’t agree or disagree with your friend because I have NO proof either way, but I do know for absolute certainty, anything is possible. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! probable? maybe not…but possible..absolutely. So who are we to judge what another may have insight to? Certainly not me.

    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  12. Hello again,
    One thing i’ve noticed about you dave is that you seem so convinced everybody with bi-polar or related mental illness needs to be on g.p. prescribed meds/anti-depressants or they will be a danger to themselves or others,in some cases this may true.
    but i know and have known plenty of people with bi-polar and some without who’ve taken meds given to by docs and they turn out worseoff! not to mention they basically wind up addicted to the pills,have no personality, still do all sorts of recreational drugs and wonder where they are going wrong.personally i think drug companies are making loads of cash out people with mental illness through overzealous know all quacks who really couldn’t care less how people feel or whether they get better.
    One more interesting point: You say your friend talks about oil prices being a conspiracy……you would have to have sand in your eyes if you couldn’t blatantly see what was happening globally with regard to oil prices,there is no conspiracy, it’s obvious,Oil companies are just greedy rich pigs!!! they flaunt it and have no quams with ripping us of at the bowser!
    But don’t think governments are not also to blame.
    People say that the gulf war first and second is all just to protect the oil reserves in kuwait,saudi arabia and of course iraq. others would argue that i am paranoid, maybe i am. Adolf Hitler however was at least on this “front” completely transparent (although a tenacious megalomaniac) when he invaded North Africa,
    he was after the oil fields, by having control over oil he could control global trade, stock markets and essentialy people, the same is true for the axis forces on the march in russia, take the battle of stalingrad(volgagrad) one of the only buildings left standing was the grain elavator (silo’s full of wheat next a railway
    line ) most of russia’s grain supplies came via rail to and from stalingrad.This city was the major centre for trade that supported life for millions of people control this city and you could esentially control these millions of people. After stalingrad the axis forces were to move into the caucasus to gain control over the soviet oil fields and then the mineral rich black soil of the ukraine. This however did not happen, and historian’s say that if hitler’s plan had succeded the world would be a vastly different place,this fact is undisputable. what does this have to do with your friend and the conspiracy thing?
    Only that if we just go with flow,disbelief anything that seems unbeleivable(remember people never used to believe u.f.o’s were zippin’ about allover the place)
    and pop every pill they tell us to who is really in

  13. Dave, This ir really bizzare. I will not argue the fact that a conspiraciy is in the works. To me your friend has lost touch with reality and some dillusional episodes as well. What is sad is that some intervention should happen. I have worked in the psych. field for about 6 years and I worked in a crisis center where most came in in a decompensated state. I hope your friend is just out of touch with reality and a conspiracy is not the real thing. My mother who has went to heaven, always said to me the government is going to make this a columnist country. I will pray for all who need it. I wish these doctors could find the right medicine for the right diagnosis. I have developed severe depression due to job stress, this is just the one of many illnesses i have. You do a good job educating people, like the police department. I know you spend alot of time withe these articles and I believe that GOD will see all you do to helpothers and praise you in all your own needs, such as when you are writing and you get in a standstill GOD gives you your guidence you need. Thank You!

  14. Dave, I forgot to also add a comment. When a person is sick . maybe like your friend if he is delusional, and is believing these things, know one and I mean no one can tell them differently because in their mind it is really happening and that is what they believe!

  15. Dave, Right after I read your email, I read this!! I thought it was quite a coincidence. See what you think of it.

    Jerome Corsi: U.S. Becoming a ‘Dual Country’

    Wednesday, March 11, 2009 1:35 PM

    By: Rick Pedraza Article Font Size

    Jerome Corsi says he warned the nation about President Barack Obama’s socialist indoctrination when he wrote last year’s New York Times best-selling book, “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality.” Now, he fears, the U.S. is becoming a “dual country.”

    “I think it’s ongoing right now,” Corsi says. “We’re already becoming a dual country.”

    The author, pundit and political scientist says that Obama is using open borders, economic integration, and the crises surrounding the financial meltdown to “advance the agenda of worldwide integration, economically on the way to political integration.”

    [Editor’s Note: Watch Jerome Corsi discuss the coming dual nation – Go Here Now]

    The goal is simple: “redistribution of income.” It’s a trait deeply rooted in Obama’s youth as a community organizer and follower of the late Chicago radical Saul Alinsky. Alinsky, Corsi says, advised radicals in the ‘60s “to cut their hair and run for office. Say whatever was necessary to get elected; listen to the grievances of the people so you can appear to be one of them.

    “But when you got elected, the goal was to redistribute income,” Corsi adds. “It appears to be the only consistent theme in the early days of the Obama presidency.”

    Corsi believes the U.S.A. under Obama could make an alliance with Mexico and Canada. It’s a theme he touched on in his book, “The Late, Great U.S.A.”

    How will this happen? It is the intent of the Obama administration, Corsi says, to legalize the estimated 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S. to make it “virtually impossible for any Republican to be elected president” again.

    “President Obama said as much,” he notes. “He went on (Spanish language) Univision radio and told Spanish listeners that comprehensive immigration reform was going to be introduced by the Obama administration very soon.”

    Corsi says Obama’s plan will include fast tracks set up for illegal immigrants to achieve citizenship under guest-worker programs, or “some other form of citizenship or entitlement they have by being here.

    “I think the idea for Democrats on the left is that open borders imports an underclass which will vote Democratic for generations to come,” Corsi says of the administration’s plan to nationalize illegal aliens. But Republicans, too, are responsible for the trend: their pro-business wing favors “cheap workers that can be used in the jobs that can’t be outsourced overseas,” Corsi says.

    Corsi says the fact that 10 percent of Mexico’s population currently lives in the U.S. today is another sign of the U.S. becoming a dual country. He also notes there are 50 Mexican consulates in the U.S. to protect civil rights of Mexicans to live as Mexican national citizens, under Mexican law, within the United States.

    Democrats also are seeking to gain control over the airwaves. Encouraging and promoting diversity and communication via media ownership is, essentially, accomplishing the same thing as bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, Corsi argues.

    “President Obama says he is not in favor of the Fairness Doctrine, and that tends to put everybody asleep saying, ‘Oh, we’ve dodged a bullet,’” Corsi offers.

    “But this whole idea of decentralizing radio stations — where you would say that in any market area, no radio chain could have more than 10 percent of ownership of the radio stations — this would be an attempt to attack syndication,” Corsi says of syndicated talk radio shows by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Mark Levin.

    “It’s an attempt to backdoor the breakup of conservative talk radio. And it will be a tragedy because commercial radio will suffer. If ‘Air America’ and Al Franken had been a commercial success, the Democrats wouldn’t need a government regulation in order to restrain the First Amendment,” Corsi says..

    “It’s a totally political move,” Corsi warns. “I don’t see the Democrats trying to restrain MSNBC from being totally in love with Barack Obama.”

    The Democrats, Corsi says, “can’t tolerate criticism. You’ve got a president with a thin skin who doesn’t like to be criticized – and he’s going to attack the First Amendment as a consequence.”

  16. Hi Dave,

    I do not think your friend is crazy. I believe he is visioning what the book of revelation in the bible has spoken of thousands of years ago. One World Money, One World government etc.
    I does not matter if I believe it, or someone else does not believe it. It has been written and prophisied and is the inevitible. May or may not happen during our lifetime, no one knows when, but their are definatly signs of the times of what was written. One would say John whom wrote the book was crazy with all that he wrote and tried to describe, but was he crazy? God choose him to do so, so if God choose him to write what sounded crazy than so be it, call it crazy. Does not matter when you see the big picture out of the box.

  17. I find it amusing that people are classifying this man as having a problem. It just sounds like this person doesn’t have all the information about the subject he talks of and needs to inform himself better.

    A conspiracy, is only a conspiracy, until its proven differently. But, you aren’t doing the wrong thing by being prepared.

    There are some things that aren’t right in this world and I’m glad there are people that work hard for us, to break these conspiracies and bring the truth out.

    I have heard of this New World Order stuff. But I don’t fear it. I stay informed and keep my eyes open. We have already seen things that was out of the ordinary and haven’t gotten any answers from the people we should trust. That the only reason conspiracies get started.

    I live in the now, not the past or the future. The economy is bad and I’m preparing myself for a depression. We can all see this coming. But I’m not going over board about it either. I know with all the friends I have we can pool together if we have to. I’m sure this would happen all across america.

    I take comfort in knowing that no matter what happens, we all will make it through together. Meanwhile, stay happy in the now. Look and do everything you can that makes you happy. That’s what life is really about.

  18. Dave, this is a common delusion in people who have schizophrenia. I know because my boyfriend has a double diagnosis of schizophrenia and bipolar. He has a similar delusion about THEM and THE ONES IN CHARGE who are not only trying to establish one world government and have a huge conspiracy going but who also try to control him through a transmitter that THEY implanted in his tooth while he was unconscious during surgery!

  19. Hi Dave I just want to say thank you for all of the info you send. It is comforting to know how many others are bipolar also.I found out I was bipolar in 2005.I had depression most of my adult life.I went to my Son’s Graduation from boot camp In April and when I saw how Fat I was ,I went on a diet and lost 89 pounds all of a sudden I let all my rage and things I didn’t like about my life come out.My Doctor who hs been treating me since 1997 could not believe the change.Being Bipolar has given me self esteem Iam a whole different person.I feel good about the way I look and feel I don’t feellike my husbsnd is controlling me and making all the desisions for me. He says he doesn’t know who Iam anymore so I embrace being Bipolar It has made a new woman out of me,I take my Meds stay busy and Iam happy.I have gotten braces a breast reduction and lift and life is wonderful. My Father was Bipolar and my Mother suffers from Depression and now has Dementia she is in a nursing home she 90 yrs old.And happy in her own little world.So I say be proud and use the talents that come w/being Bipolar,I write poetry and make gift baskets I love children and have a special way with them.So share this and I hope it will encourage others to remake themselves and not be ashame of being Bioplar.

  20. I believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King in the 60’s and I believe that descendants of those conspirators are alive and still conspiring to assassinate the ones they do not agree with (politically). As long as strong personalities can survive and get a following of the weaker minded, there will be a conspiracy of some type going on! So perhaps your friend is not too far in the out field, after all.

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