Bipolar Disorder? Getting Stable on the Installment Plan

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, I hope you're having a good day. Have you noticed how many Rent-to-Own places there are these days? It seems like there's practically one on every corner! Ok, here's how it works. It's sort of like layaway, except that it ends up that you pay a whole lot more money! Say you want a big screen TV. Well, who can afford one right now? Times are really tough financially for everyone right now. So they offer you one at a really good deal. They offer you one at a really good price. No money down, even! And they let you pay it in INSTALLMENTS. So it sounds like a good deal, because you don't have to pay for the TV all at once, which you can't afford to do. So you agree on how much you're going to pay each week (or sometimes each month in some places), and you pay for the TV on the installment plan. Well, there's a bipolar installment plan, too. You don't get to have stability right up front. Just like you don't have all the cash up front to buy that big screen TV all at one time, you don't have the resources to get stable all at one time, either. So you reach stability in installments. The first installment you make is that you listen to your doctor and psychiatrist and do what they say to do, which is to go on medication. The next installment you make is that you take that medication, faithfully, every day, every time you're supposed to take it. In my courses/systems, I stress the need for taking medication in order to get stable with bipolar disorder. Without medication, there is no hope for stability, that's how important it is. NEW LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?




The next installment is to get a therapist, and
to see them regularly.

The next installments are that you get the right
amount of good sleep, exercise, and eat a healthy diet.

The next installment is that you take care of
yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and

The other installments have to be made, but not
necessarily in any particular order. These could be:

• Build a strong support system
• Help your support system help you
• Join a church (or other spiritual place)
• Go to a bipolar support group
• Be productive
• Start a hobby
• Communicate with your supporter
• Don’t neglect your supporter
• Help your supporter help you
• Watch out for triggers
• Watch for signs and symptoms
• Stay close to family
• Stay in touch with extended family
• Have friends and a social life
• (maybe) work a part-time job
• (maybe) start a home business
• Volunteer
• Help others
• Do things you enjoy
• Keep stress to a minimum
• Don’t forget to relax
• Be independent (as much as you can)
• Keep learning about bipolar disorder
• Educate others about bipolar
• Self-manage your disorder
• Etc.
There are several other ways to make
“installments” toward management of
your bipolar disorder.

Any installment you make toward your
bipolar disorder will lead toward greater

And the more stable you are, the less
episodes you will have, and the more
time you will have to spend having a
good, productive, successful, happy life.

What about you or your loved one?

Are you (or they) on the bipolar installment

Talk to you later.


Your Friend,


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  1. HI DAVE…..
    Am sort ov working towards your investment plan:
    How do I no if I have bipolor:
    I dont think I have bipolor:
    I need some expertise addvise:
    Take Care Linda x

    P.S Hey Dave if you are that giy “J” You sure do have a wopping great past life. You no the worrier.

  2. Interesting the metaphor of using, buying a tv on an installment plan (which you noted costs you way more that you should), in comparison to taking of yourself to avert another episode.

    Just can’t see the connection.

  3. Dave,
    I have tried to follow your advise for a while now, but the person that I am trying to help believes she does not need help and she is currently terrorizing my beautiful bright grandson. I can no longer believe that she will ultimately get help and I am going ot have to take action through the courts to save this child. Please remove me from your emails.

  4. The steps ( installments) to a stable life living with Bipolar are universal : that is Dave, the steps you espouse, are ones that are practical simple and anyone anywhere can utilize them. I’m a Maori from New Zealand and youir emails have been the first time I have access to helpful life giving information- these installments work for my daughter – go figure.
    We are at thestage of discussing the plans and goals for her future. In the beginning of Rachel’s journey with Bipolar I didnt think we would get this far
    ( discussing Rachel’s future). Dave your emails are a god send and I thank you

  5. Your explanations of how someone with bipolar disorder can improve by having an “installment plan” seem “right-on.” Fortunately, I have been able to implement them from the “get-go,” primarily by finding the Community Mental Health Clinic, and following their professional advice for my treatment.

    While it is TRUE that you CAN have a manic episode even IF you follow a treatment plan, the likelihood of everything falling apart is lessened. Having no live-in supporter, I rely on the health team at the Clinic to keep an eye on my emotional state and do what they can to keep me stable.

    As stated above, I, too, don’t see how buying a TV on the “installment plan” relates to bipolar, except that by HAVING a plan, there is a REQUIREMENT involved to pay-back weekly/monthly for the item purchased. You’re getting WAAAAY too esoteric for me, and some others, to understand.

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. May God bless you real good. I pray for my country.

  6. Dave,

    I just read your e-mail, I just started going to church services yesterday, and I really enjoyed myself! The people were very nice and friendly, I also have been going out with my sister on Friday and Saturday nights to listen to a bluegrass band, which I love, meeting new friends. As far as my children they REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND MY ILLNESS. My daughter is a registered nurse, my son is a Captain in the Marine Corp, which he is supposed to be getting out, his commission is up. That is beside the point. My sister is my strongest supporter, my mother comes in second. Oh of course the Mental Health Agency and therapist is a great support for me as well. I don’t go around telling others that I am bipolar disorder,they tend to look a me like I have a contagious disease. I am no longer ashamed. I do take my meds as ordered. I am feeling the best I have felt in years and that is scary to me. In the back of my mind I wonder how long this will last, but I do not dwell on the negative anymore. I am more positive now. I have made some drastic life changes, just quit smoking after almost 21 years of the bad habit, talk about behavior modification! WOW! HAHA Thanks so much for your e-mails I look forward to reading everyone of them. May God bless you!

  7. Dave,thank you for the help and information. My daughter has been suffering from an emotional or psychological problem. She returned to her homeland 20 months ago after years abroad, and was diagnosed such a problem. She hasn’t told me exactly what she has. The relative she is living with (it stunned me when whe chose not to come live with me, since she is single)told me it might be a “depression”, but my daughter told me that she was told by a psychiatrist back where she was living that she must take care of her illness otherwise she might face severe and long lasting difficulties.

    I think that she is suffering from bipolar disorder because there are times when she is kind to me and times when she is aggressive and harsh, without there seeming to have occurred things to justify a change. She is ungrateful and disloyal.

    I have never questioned her decision to stay at this relative’s home, and have taken things lightly, call her weekly, visit her some two times a month. I am very happy that she is now back home and we both enjoy time together when she is in a good mood.

    She recently asked me not to call or visit her where she is living.

    I would like to forget about it as I did the last months when something similar happened, but friends tell me to let go and not to insist on visiting and calling her. Since she is back she has called me maybe three or four times to ask for a favor or so.

    What do you think I can do? She was being helped by a psychiatrist here since she arrived, but decided to change therapist some months ago, and I don’t know whether or not she has found another one.

    All these decisions she takes in accordance with the relative at whose home she is living. My relationship with that relative has always been difficult. Six years ago, when a sister suffered and died from cancer most of my family and I seeked help from a good psychologyst, and through that help I was able to understand and deal with that relative and with my suffering and pain and could for the first time forgive this person and feel at peace.

    My daughter won’t tell me who the first psychiatrist is. I understand she is taking medication. ROSE

  8. My wife has been recieving information from you for a while (’v reading it. I have had quite a difficult struggle since I mentally crashed Nov 07. I had been a sucessful businessman that is until the economy started to turn for my business midyear of 07 and the stress made my bipolar at it’s worst. I’ve had to completely reinvent who I am and I am still putting the pieces back together but I can now function 1 week at a time and not by the hour. One question I have is how do I find a bipolar support group and a sponsor. My wife has been so supportive and helpful but I cant burden her with everything. She has an important job, kid’s and things around the house she takes care of. I cant put more than I have on her and I keep lot’s to myself because of this. I have always been a strong person that others have always leaned on but I never had someone like that myself. I feel embarressed over this and I find that I cant discuss it with anyone other than in therapy. I am trying to learn how to manage this on my own to be a good father and husband but I am afraid that it will wear me down and cause me to do the unthinkable. I appreciate anysuggestions you may have.


  9. I have bipolar disorder etc. My husband found a friend on the Internet who is a licenced counselor, who has been trying to council him and in many ways it is helping him until yesterday. I asked him to find someone he could complain to because he likes to complain to me and I have asked him to be more positive. Yesterday I had to go to the Doctors and took him with me. Well he was negative all day. Unfortunately for me I let his negativity really upset me. I kept trying to get him to see something positive with no luck. I realize that we can only change ourselves, BUT I need positive people around me or as I said I end up negative too. I used to be negative too, but I changed thru being taught to say something positive after I said something negative. I have tried that tactic with my husband, but with no luck. As my friend told me , he listens to other people repeat the things I have already told him and somehow they end up explaing it better than I can.

  10. Hello Dave…….
    I love your articles as always. I am respomding to the one about setting up support for your self. Well sad to say that is harder done, I do not have a good support sector but here, reading your blogs and what not, and a I talk to a lot of peole on Experience web site, that is the only place where I can talk to other BPers, not in life.
    My “partner” always thinks I am mad all the time, whn I am actually in a low cycle and go quiet, and not totake it out on him, it makes me mad when he continually says I am mad, so it is impossible to talk to him about my Bi-polar, he thinks it is excuse the word….but “bullshit”, says I can control my moods on my own, so you can guess how we get along most of the time?!
    I read your list, and I can honestly say, I have not reached hardly any of those items on there 🙁

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