Interested in Natural Herbs, Remedies And Bipolar Disorder?

Hi {!firstname_fix},

If you’ve been interested in natural herbs, vitamins, or
therapies for bipolar disorder, then I have some good news.

Take a look at this page.

I have to run now and head off to bed. I have to be up at 6:00am

Catch you later.



No socks, disaster for me, 10 Rules for Bipolar Disorder and Emotional Health


What’s going on?

I have a really important bipolar rules I am
going to share with you.

Before I do…

What a trip it’s been in California.

Listen to this.

Okay first, I forgot to pack dress socks.
Can you believe that? It’s so annoying.

I was super mad about it. I don’t have
a car and my friend wasn’t around. I was in
the hotel in the morning and I discovered

I randomly decided to call someone who
has actually a whole bunch of disorders.
This person is super high functioning.

I was going on and going about how
I was super mad. The person listened
and said, “Hey Dave, we really should
go over the stuff and anyway, is
not having any socks the end of the
world? It could be worse.”

I was like, “Hey, you’re right.”

Then the person was like, “hey,
why the heck would people be looking
at your feet anyway.”

I was like, “Hey, you’re right. Only
like a weirdo looks at people’s feet”

Okay so in my hotel. Which is suppose
to be a new one. I almost lost my arm
in the elevator trying to hold the door.

My key didn’t work to use the elevator
multiple times. My key didn’t work
to open my door many times.

The water to take a shower was cold
yesterday. FREEZING cold. I started
to put soap on me and then it went
cold. I was stuck. I had half my
body with soap and the other half with
no soap. I couldn’t call anyway.

I just had to deal with a freezing
cold shower which was total shock.

I can’t believe the hotel that was
suppose to be new had all these problems.

Oh, and I forgot my lap top charger
at home as well. I ordered a new one
that was suppose to be sent one day.
Well they screwed up and sent it 4 day.

Geeze. It’s been a pain of a trip.

Oh I actually met with one of my subscribers
from San Diego California. That was really
cool. We had a fun.

Okay enough with the stories let’s get to
the topic at hand today.

Today I want to talk about the

10 Rules for Emotional Health

I know, I hate rules too, but I think
this list is really important for your
emotional health, whether you are
the one with bipolar disorder or the

1. Take care of yourself.
If you are a survivor, you have
to take care of yourself in order
to manage your disorder. Get
the right amount of sleep, eat
a healthy diet, and exercise,
are just a few examples. Same
goes for you supporters. You
can’t be any good to someone
else if you aren’t good to
yourself first.

2. Focus on the positive instead
of the negative.
Survivors, if you stay negative,
you will stay sick. Supporters,
if you stay negative, you will be
no good to your loved one, and
you will be no good to yourself.
You need to be a more positive
person, in order to stay emotionally
healthy. You need to take every
negative thought and turn it into
a positive one.

3. Let go of the past.
Yes, I know this is easier said than
done. Supporters, I know you’re
probably saying to me, “But you
don’t know what he/she has done
to me!” But remember, I am a
supporter, too! There’s plenty
of hurt and other negative feelings
I went through with my mother.
I just had to learn to let go of it,
or I would still be suffering from
those horrible memories, and
still be lost in the past, instead of
living a good present like I am.
I had to make a decision to
forgive my mother, as you need
to make a decision to forgive your
loved one now. If you don’t, you
will keep that resentment, and
both of you will suffer.

4. Be respectful and responsible.
This is more for survivors. You need
to own up to what you’ve done and
said in your episodes, even if you
don’t remember. Your loved one
has remembered everything you’ve
said and done, and is probably
still feeling hurt and resentful
about it, so you have to be
respectful and responsible and
do the right thing, and make up
to them for it.

5. Have an attitude of gratitude.
Supporters, living in the world of
bipolar disorder can get to you
sometimes – you can get to feeling
like it’s all that’s in your life. But
it doesn’t have to be. Trade all
the negatives of the disorder and
what it has done to your loved one
and your lives, and develop an
attitude of gratitude instead. Be
grateful for every day that your
loved one goes without an episode
and make the most of those days.
Be grateful for the smaller things
as well.

In my courses/systems, I talk about having
A positive attitude and how just changing
yourself from a negative person to a positive
person can change your recovery as well as
your life:




6. Develop one or two friendships outside
the one you have with your loved one.
This goes for both of you. Go to a support
group meeting. Meet new people. Get
out from the bipolar disorder that tends
to overwhelm your life and isolate you.
You need to have other relationships
outside of just your own. You need to
learn to talk about other things besides
bipolar disorder.

7. Have some fun!
People who don’t have fun in their lives,
especially people who have bipolar
disorder, tend to become more depressed.
This doesn’t have to be expensive, but
just something that keeps your spirits
high. I know a couple who have “Date
Night” every Friday night, and sometimes
all they do is go to the local mall and
have a cheap dinner at the food court
and watch the people! To them, this is
fun. Other times, they just rent a
movie, put covers on the floor,
pop some popcorn, and snuggle
together to watch the movie. And
both of them have bipolar disorder,
by the way!

8. Remove yourself from hurtful or
damaging (negative) situations.
For survivors, there are many situations
that are negative, stressful, over-
exciting/stimulating, and can trigger
an episode for you. These are
situations that you need to avoid.
If you find yourself in one of these
situations, you need to get out of
them right away.

9. Accept that life is all about choices.
Some choices are good, and some are
bad. But they are YOUR choices. You
need to learn to make good choices.
The more good choices you make, the
more emotionally healthy you will be,
and the happier in the long run. If
you make bad choices, there will
always be consequences to pay,
and you don’t want that.

10. The future is up to YOU!
Have a plan for the future.
Unfortunately, no one knows when
your next episode will occur,
although I have tried to teach you
how to avoid episodes, how to
watch for triggers, and how to
manage your bipolar disorder.
However, I have also told you
that you most likely will have
another episode. That’s why
I always tell you to have a safety
plan in place for the next episode.
you can make short term plans
and long term plans for your
future, and you should make
plans just for yourselves that
have nothing to do with bipolar
disorder. Just make some kind
of plans to have a healthy,
happy, successful future – the
future is up to YOU!


Your Friend,


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Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

It’s OK to be OK with Bipolar Disorder


You know, sometimes the simplest
things are the best things – but are the
things that could pass us by if we don’t
catch them when they’re there.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

Just a catchphrase I heard someone
say the other day:


See? Nothing big. Nothing earth-

But, you may be wondering, what
does this have to do with bipolar

Well, you know me… everything I
see, everything I hear…everything
I come across has something to do
with bipolar disorder! I just think
about it all the time.

But I do think there’s a lesson to be
learned from this simple phrase,
and yes, I think it can be applied to
bipolar disorder.

Here’s the thing. I get letters from
people all the time, describing how
the disorder has taken over their
lives, how they live and breathe
bipolar disorder, how they can’t do
anything about it, how they can’t
even make plans to do anything
because the disorder is always in
the way, how everything has changed
in their lives because of the bipolar
disorder. And on and on…

Now I’m not doubting their word,
believe me. Too many people saying
the same thing. So don’t think I’m
saying that what they’re saying isn’t
true. I’m not saying that (so don’t
send me any hate mail, please).

But what I am simply saying is

What this means that not everything
has to be a crisis. Not everything is
an emergency. I know it might feel
that way sometimes. Maybe it feels
that way all the time to you. You
might write me and yell at me and
tell me that living with your loved
one really is like going from crisis
to crisis all the time, I don’t know.
All I’m saying is that it doesn’t
have to be.

If you read my courses/systems,
you/your loved one can learn how
to manage bipolar disorder to the
point that there is stability, so that
there are longer periods of time
between episodes:




Really, it’s true! Michele, who works
for me, her mom went 12 years without
an episode. And I even heard of a man
who went 20 years without an
episode! Now I’m not necessarily
saying that your loved one can go
that long, because I’m not a doctor
or therapist. But, with treatment,
I know people can go long periods
of time between episodes.

The thing is, you shouldn’t have to
walk around on eggshells all the
time waiting for your loved one to
go into their next episode. That’s
no way to live. And if you tell me
that’s the way it is in your home,
I’ll tell you that you need to make
some changes, then. Because you
don’t have to live that way.

If you and your loved one work
together to manage the bipolar
disorder like I teach in my courses,
you don’t have to live “waiting for
the other shoe to fall.” What kind
of life is that? Always being so
negative…just waiting for the next
mood swing? You can’t plan for
anything…you can’t even enjoy
one day’s peace…the bipolar
disorder has totally taken over
your lives, and nothing is “normal.”

How can you live like that?

The point is that you DON’T
have to live like that. It is your
choice. You can learn to manage the
disorder, or you can let the disorder
manage you.

Remember the point I made in the


It’s so simple. It’s ok to be ok.
You/your loved one don’t have
to “be bipolar” all the time.
You don’t have to center yourself
on the disorder. You can have a
life outside of the disorder and just
BE OK in between mood swings.
Yes, there are times between
episodes. And during those times
you/they are OK. And it’s just OK
to be OK.

There is still life outside of bipolar

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Survivor and Bipolar Supporter Go Together

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, I was thinking about something that
kind of made me laugh, but that could
kind of be serious, too, I suppose, if you
looked at it that way.

But the important thing is that it could
have something to do with bipolar disorder
too. (and I do know that sometimes I do
come up with the weirdest thoughts on
bipolar disorder, don’t I?)

Anyway, I was thinking about how some
things just go together.

Like on the old show “Married with Children,”
the opening song said, “Love and marriage…
go together like a horse and carriage…”

So I started thinking about other things
that go together…

Like a bagel and cream cheese…

Like peanut butter and jelly…

Like french fries and ketchup…

Like meat and potatoes…

Like wine and cheese…

Like a baby and its mother…

Like a child and their cartoons…

Like an executive and his corner office…

Like an artist and their canvas…

Like an actor and their stage…


Like a person with bipolar disorder
And their supporter.

See what I’m getting at? There are
just some things that go together

In my courses/systems below, and
you’ll see how I go more into the
relationship between a bipolar survivor
and their supporter:




A bipolar survivor and their supporter
should go together just like the things I
talked about above. And the more
adversity (episodes) they go through
together, the stronger and closer they
should become.

A pair. Two are better than one,
because for one thing, then you aren’t
lonely any more. And you never have
to fight the battle against bipolar
disorder by yourself. And THAT is a
big deal, isn’t it?

Having someone by your side (if you
are a survivor) is the greatest feeling,
just knowing that you don’t have to fight
this fight by yourself.

If you are a supporter, then knowing
that you are the ONE person that your
loved one depends on to be there for
them, you must feel good about yourself
just knowing that you can do that for
another person – it must be the
greatest feeling!

Well, I have to go…

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Have these questions on Bipolar Disorder and Spirituality?


I just came back in from a meeting. I wanted to send
this out really quick.

I saw a number of questions about the
Spiritual Journey devotional journal over here:

A bunch of people have a few more questions about
the Spiritual Journey and bipolar disorder.

I got Michele Soloway, the author, to write a simple and
comprehensive response.

She writes:
“Just because you’re not “religious” doesn’t mean you won’t be
inspired by the daily readings in the Spiritual Journey
Devotional Journal. People don’t have to go to church every
Sunday to pray and believe in God. “Spirituality comes
from the heart, not a building or a service,” says
Michele. What’s most important is that God
believes in you as much as you believe in Him!
And that’s one of the points that I make in my
devotional journal.

You also don’t have to have bipolar disorder to read
this spiritual guide. Although I have bipolar disorder,
these inspirational readings will appeal to any
Christian supporter who is trying to help their loved one
manage their bipolar disorder.

The readings address such basic questions about faith and
God and bipolar disorder – questions that all of us are asking
ourselves who are struggling with the disorder. Questions
such as, “If I am such a good Christian, why do I have
bipolar disorder?” or “If God loves me so much, why hasn’t
He taken away my bipolar disorder?”

The Spiritual Journey is written in a very easy-to-read
format, just like one friend talking to another friend.
It is based on my own spiritual journey with
bipolar disorder. You’ll find every daily reading an
inspiration and a help, whether you’re a supporter or
a loved one with the disorder. Not only are there
readings each day, but the guide comes with a built-in
journal to write down your thoughts and feelings each day,
so that now you have them both in one place.”

Okay that’s it.

For more information on the on the devotional visit:

Thanks. I have to go back to the meeting. Talk to
you tomorrow.


Current Bipolar News



How’s it going?

I’ve been in California for one day. I forgot
to bring my charger for my laptop so
I have to go because I have only a little
battery left.

Hopefully I can get a new one.

Anyway, here’s the current bipolar news.

There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by visiting my
blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Tim Smith leaving Eels to battle bipolar
DO> Very interesting. What do you think?

A glimpse into a bipolar mind
DO> Good article.

‘Calling mentally ill names adds to stigma’
DO> I totally agree, do you?

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Bipolar Disorder? Ever do this important Exercise?

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I just got back from the gym and I have to
get moving. I have to catch my plane to California.

I am leaving at like noon. I am not packed. I have
to hurry.

Before I leave, I wanted to tell you about
something. I have to hurry. Sorry.

Well, I am really excited about what I’m going
to teach you about today!


This is a GREAT exercise, for both
survivors and supporters – even for
people who don’t even have
bipolar disorder!

I read about it in a book called The
Success Principle, by Jack Canfield.
You might know him from all his
Chicken Soup for the Soul books.

Anyway, The Mirror Exercise is based
on the principle that we all need
acknowledgment but the most
important acknowledgment is the
one we give ourselves.

It has to do with exchanging negative
thoughts to positive thoughts, as well
as positive affirmations, both of which
I go into extensively in my courses
and systems:




The way you do this exercise is that just before
bed, you stand in front of the mirror and, as
Canfield says, you “appreciate yourself for all
you have achieved during the day. “

He says to start with a few seconds of looking
directly (eye-to-eye contact) at yourself in the

Then address yourself by name and begin
appreciating yourself OUT LOUD for the
following things:

Any achievements –business, financial,
educational, personal, physical, spiritual,
or emotional.

Any personal disciplines you kept –
dietary, exercise, reading, meditation,

Any temptation that you did not give in
to – eating dessert, lying, watching too
much TV, staying up too late, drinking
too much.

Maintain good eye contact with yourself
throughout the exercise to get the best

When you’re finished, wait a few seconds,
then say to yourself in the mirror,
“I love you.” For some, this is the hardest
thing to do, but it will get easier with

The trick during this last part is to not
just turn away from the mirror feeling
embarrassed or thinking of yourself or the
exercise as stupid or silly.”

Canfield says to do this exercise for a
minimum of 3 MONTHS.

I’d like to see someone try this for
3 WEEKS! and tell me if it makes a
difference for them.

Any takers?????

Hey, I have to run, talk to you tomorrow.


Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Answers to Christianity And Bipolar Disorder resource inside


I am just getting my stuff ready for my trip to
California. I was checking my email and had
some questions about the Christianity and
Bipolar Disorder spiritual guide that I
sent out at:

Some people have been wondering about
the Spiritual Journey devotional journal
and what it’s about, who it’s written for,
and other such questions, so I Michele Solway
the author of it (I am NOT the author) to
explain a little more about it.

She wrote me:

“Many people read 30-day devotional
materials to inspire them and also keep
journals. So the first thing that makes
this spiritual guide different is that you
get both in one place – the journal is
included right in with the devotional!

Another point I want to make, and this is
an important one. There is a difference
between spirituality and religion. The
reason this devotional is so appealing is
that you don’t have to be any specific
denomination of religion to be inspired
by its daily readings.

Whether you go to church or not, you will
definitely enjoy the content of this guide.
Spirituality comes from the heart, not
attendance at a building every Sunday.
That’s the second thing that makes this
spiritual guide so special!

The third thing that makes it so desirable
to people with bipolar disorder is that it
answers the tough questions – questions
that people like us have secretly been
asking ourselves for some time.

Questions like, “If I’m such a good
Christian, why do I have bipolar
disorder?” or “Do I just not have enough
faith?” or “If God loves me so much, why
hasn’t He taken away my bipolar
disorder?” or “Am I doing something
wrong – is there something I’m not doing
as a Christian that God wants me to do
that would take my bipolar disorder

The point is, that God loves you just the
way you are. God is a God of love. Yes,
there is a reason that you still have
bipolar disorder. It could be that you are
an inspiration to others because in spite of
the fact that you have the disorder, and
because you are a Christian, other people
watch your example to see how much
faith you have and use that faith to
manage your disorder. Then, they see
that they can, too. Have you considered

That’s only one of the topics that this
wonderful spiritual guide covers. It
encourages you in your faith and in your
relationship with a loving God who uses
your bipolar disorder to help and inspire
other people, and to help you cope with
your disorder.

You need this spiritual guide. You need
it to build your faith. You need it to
manage the spiritual side of your bipolar
disorder. You need it to remind you that
God loves you very much. And He
knows what you’re going through, and is
there right by your side. He believes in

Let me guide you through a spiritual
journey like you’ve never been on before,
and I promise that you will emerge even
stronger in your faith, and more prepared
to manage your bipolar disorder than ever

Okay it’s Dave again. That was from Michele
the author. If you have further interest, please

Thanks and talk to you tomorrow.


Die From Not Taking Bipolar Medication?

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I am leaving tomorrow so I have
a whole lot of things to do.

I am going to San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco
and a few other places visiting various business
people and organizations to help this organization
grow and continue to grow.

Okay, on to today’s topic.

I’m going to tell you up front that I may get
hate mail for taking a stand on this, but I have
to do it anyway.

But I just want to tell you that even though
you have a write to take your own stand,
and you even have a right through the 1st
amendment of our constitution, I have the
same right to say what I want to say, too.

I don’t like to get hate mail, and no one else
would either, so just take that into
consideration, ok?

With all that said, let me just say what I
wanted to say today.

If you have bipolar disorder, and you don’t
take medication for it,


So, ok, I know I am going to get some
hate mail, I understand that.

But maybe others will open up their
eyes and in those cases maybe I will
actually save some lives.

Because it is TRUE!

If you have bipolar disorder and you
won’t take your medication, or you
don’t even believe in taking
medication, YOU WILL DIE!

Especially if you have been on
Medications before and then you
go off those medications.

One example (and there are so
many others) is Michele’s sister.
She was on medications for her
Bipolar disorder. Then she went
off them, and 8 months later, she
killed herself.

I know that some of you are
already saying to yourself,
“Yeah, but that’s not ME.”
And I say, “Yeah, but it COULD
be you. And it WILL be you if
you stay off your medication!

When you first go off your medication
it stays in your system for a while and
it may seem as if you’re still ok without
taking it. But this is only fooling you.

The fact is that after a while, the
medication effect will wear off, and


And all that time you thought you were
fine, but you were actually getting worse
and worse.

See, when you are first put on medication,
the doctor gives you a small dosage, and
gradually builds you up to the higher
dosage he/she wants you to be on to
control your bipolar disorder.

Then the medication reaches a level
In your system. If you stop taking your
medication, the level will stay there
for a little while, but then will slowly
go back down to where you started in
the first place.

So you might think you’re fine, but you
Are actually WORSE! I have had people
on the phone that swear they are okay
but are totally out of their minds but
thinking they are fine.

So I have to take a stand, even if it
means hate mail.

Medication is the primary therapy
for controlling bipolar disorder.
Without it you will die. It is that

I’ve had too many people call me
and write to me asking to be taken
off my mailing list or off the forum
because their loved one went off
their medication and killed

I know. I know this is true because
real people have told me this is true.

If you are even considering going off
your medications, DON’T!

Or if you already have, GO BACK ON

In my courses/systems, I go over all
the reasons that people give for going
off their medications, and the top
reason is because of the side effects:




But the side effects CAN be managed!
Just ask your doctor! Side effects should
NEVER be a reason for going off your

Others have stopped their medications
because they believed they no longer had
Bipolar disorder. THAT IS A LIE! Once you
have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder,

Yeah, that’s another reason I will
probably get hate mail, because I know
of some people who actually believe they
have been cured of the disorder.

for bipolar disorder, and these people
are just plain believing a lie, and if they
don’t go back on their medications, they

I know I am taking an argumentative
stand on this issue, but I believe I am
telling the truth.

Unfortunately, some of you will take
an opposite stand, and that is very,
very sad.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
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Is this true about bipolar disorder?

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I am just getting ready to take off for
the gym.

Before I did, I wanted to ask again, if
you had an experience with something called
the Tickey to Work program.

If you already wrote me thanks. If you know
any one, please forward this email.

I am looking for people to write me about
how it was or is for them.

This is for writing me about ticket to work
ONLY. Yesterday like 100 people wrote me, “Dave
I know you are busy but I need to talk to you”
emails. Realistically I can’t write and phone
100 people in a day.

To talk about bipolar disorder AND the Ticket
to work program please write me at


I read a quote the other day that really
made me think:

“Our lives improve only when we take
chances – and the first and most difficult
risk we can take is to be honest with
ourselves.” – Walter Anderson
(Editor, Parade Magazine)

Wow. Isn’t that profound?

So many people go around in a
state of denial. I talk about this
in my courses, because a lot of
people, when they’re told that
they have bipolar disorder, go into
a state of denial, saying that they
don’t have it.

Check out my courses/systems below:




It’s really hard, as a supporter of a
loved one who you know has bipolar
disorder, to be with them when they
deny that they even have the disorder.

That’s one of the biggest areas I go into
in my courses, because as a supporter
you need to be understanding of the
stages they go through before they will
accept their diagnosis.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, in her book
On Death and Dying, describes 5
Stages of Grief, and only the last one
is acceptance, and they apply not only
to grief, but to bipolar disorder as well.

The 5 stages of grieving are: denial,
anger, bargaining, depression, and then
finally, acceptance.

So denial is the first, where they don’t
believe they even have the disorder.

But then they finally arrive at
acceptance, and at that point they
should be like the quote at the beginning
of this email.

But you know what? So should you.

Because for ALL of us, we only improve
if we take chances, and if we become
honest with ourselves.

If your loved one becomes honest
with themselves, then they can accept
their diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and
then they can start learning how to
manage it, especially if they get one of
my courses which will teach them how
to do it.

But if you can accept your role
as the supporter of someone who does
have bipolar disorder and especially
if you get the supporters course, then
you can learn how to help them.
The biggest surprise is that you can
learn to help YOURSELF!

Yeah, cause you need help just as much as
your loved one does. Even though all
the attention seems to be on your
loved one, you do need as much help.

But the first step for both of you is that
you have to be honest with yourselves.
And like the quote says, it is a risk.
It sure isn’t easy! We sometimes don’t
like to look at what we see in the mirror.

But you know what? Once we can do that,
change is a great thing! Our lives begin to
improve! We can do things we never thought
we could do before!

Like with your loved one’s bipolar disorder.
Think about it. When they were first told,
you may have thought it was like a death
sentence or something.

But here I’m telling you that it is not only
NOT a death sentence, it is a chance
to GROW, to CHANGE! And that is a
positive thing.

It’s all in how you look at it.

Your Friend,


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Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.