Interested in Christianity And Bipolar Disorder?


I have some good news for the many people who
have asked me for resources related to
Christianity and Bipolar Disorder.

I have gotten many requests over the last
two years but I really didn’t have a resource
to point people to. Now I do. It’s actually
by Michele Soloway and everyone that has
gotten a copy loves it.

If you have an interest, please visit:



Please help and The Real Truth About Bipolar Disorder.

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I need your help read on please. I hope you are doing well. I just got back from the gym. Yesterday was a really difficult day for me.
I had a whole lot of problems with a bunch of people
that work for me. I don’t know why but yesterday
was probably the worst day ever in terms
of different people’s different disorders
all creating problems on the same day.

Hopefully everyone will be okay today.

I did however get sucked into wasting a
whole lot of time arguing with several
people about absolutely nothing.

I guess I kind of forgot about the nature
of the illnesses that I am up against.

With now 12 people who work for me that
have bipolar disorder, I do have to remember

One of the most difficult things with bipolar
disorder is that the disorder causes people
to do and say things that will ultimately
lead to their demise. It’s really strange
when you think of it. There is no other
disorder outside of a mental illness where
the illness or disorder causes a person
to say things and persuade people into
things that will cause total destruction.

Even though it’s difficult, I continue
to hire those with bipolar disorder and remember
the good and try to forget the bad.

Just because yesterday was one of the worst
days ever, this mean that I get all mad and
throw my hands up in the air and quit.
No. I actually spent a lot of time reflecting
on what went wrong yesterday and how I got
sucked into arguing. It will NOT happen again.

Okay, with that said, on Thursday, just so
you know, I am going to California on a business
trip. I have a whole lot of work to do
across several of my businesses and also
specifically with this organization for helping
people dealing with a mental illness. I have
to meet with several people.

Anyway, I am leaving on Thursday.


I need some help.

I am looking for people that are in something
called Ticket To Work.

If you are, please email me your experience–
how’s it going, how you like it, has it helped.

Email me at

If you have no idea what I am talking about, just
ignore this.

If you know anyone, please forward this email to

Okay let’s move on. I brought up this
topic before and since a lot of people
are writing me with problems, I wanted
to bring it up again.

Yesterday I reread something I read when I am having
a hard time. It’s by M. Scott
Peck, M.D., from the book The Road Less
Traveled. The thing about it is that it was
written in 1978, but it is still as true
today as it was back then:

“Life is difficult. This is a great truth,
one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth
because once we truly see this truth, we
transcend it. Once we truly know that life
is difficult – once we truly understand and
accept it – then life is no longer difficult.
Because once it is accepted, the fact that
life is difficult no longer matters.”


Wow! Don’t you think that’s powerful?
I sure do.

Especially when you’re living with
bipolar disorder. Just living life in
general is difficult enough, but when
you throw bipolar disorder into the
mix, it can seem practically impossible
sometimes, doesn’t it?

We’ve talked about truth and bipolar
disorder before, but not in this way.
What Dr. Peck is talking about is
accepting truth in such a way as to
rise above it once we understand it
and accept it.

So the key is to accept the truth,
Like accepting the truth of having
bipolar disorder, because once you
do, the next thing you have to do
is learn all you can about it, so you
have the knowledge you need to
rise above it – to make that
knowledge work for you, instead
of against you. In fact, that’s
one of the things that I teach
in my courses/systems:




I like the way Dr. Peck says that
once we truly understand and accept
that life is difficult, then life is no
longer difficult. I mean, he doesn’t
say that anything changes or anything,
I mean nothing changes in your life
except your attitude towards it!

Just like I’m always telling you –
It’s always in the way you look at
things – you can look at them in a
negative way (then you’re defeated)
or in a positive way (then you’re
positive and proactive).

If you believe that your life is
a mess just because you or a loved
one has bipolar disorder and it has
just ruined your life, then you will
become a self-fulfilling prophecy,
and bipolar disorder probably will
ruin your life.

But if you look at it as a challenge,
that you’re going to overcome,
look at it like you are going to beat
it, no matter what, then that will be
your self-fulfilling prophecy, and
you will beat the bipolar disorder.

I think what Dr. Peck is saying is
that YOU are responsible for how
you look at life. You have a
CHOICE. You can look at it like
it’s really difficult, or you can look
at the very same life and understand
and accept it and life is no longer as
difficult as you thought it was.

That’s the way you need to look at
your or your loved one’s disorder.

As Dr. Peck says, “[then] the fact that
life is difficult no longer matters.”

What do you think? Do you agree
with him or not?

When I started this organization, I really
didn’t realize how hard it was going to be to
build. It’s been a massive project. I can see
why no one else has done it. Even drug companies
with millions upon millions of dollars to invest
in things, haven’t been able to figure out how
to reach and help as many people as me.

It’s been difficult. I constantly remind myself
that life is really difficult and you have to
deal with it. Agree?

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

How to manage bipolar doctor appointment

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, I am sorry this is really late. A bunch
of things came up today.

Anyway, the other day I was talking to someone who
works for me about Michele who works for me.

Michele has a list BEFORE she goes to
the doctor.

Lt’s talk about the list. This is
something I think everyone should
do, and I talk about it in some of my
courses and systems, since I think it
really helps when you have to see
your doctor:




You know how sometimes when you
have to see your doctor, and he/she
asks you how you’ve been, or what’s
wrong, why you’re there, how long
you’ve been feeling like this, etc.?

And you freeze up, or just can’t
remember dates, or whatever?

And then you get embarrassed, and
the doctor is looking at you for t his
information, and he can’t really treat
you without this information, because
he really does need to know how long
this condition has been going on, but
you can’t remember… and now you’re
really stressing out…

Well, you know what I’m talking
About, don’t you?

It’s awful! And it happens to a lot
of us, bipolar or not.

Well, Michele came up with this
Idea for a list.

You make up this list before you
have to see the doctor. Actually,
she starts hers way before she
sees the doctor – she starts it and
starts tracking things as soon as
her problem or condition starts

She told me I could say this, even
though it’s embarrassing, but an
example of this is that she has
problems with constipation. She
said it was ok for me to say this
because it’s a common problem
with people who are taking
medication for their bipolar

And sometimes it is really,
really bad, and goes on for
days at a time. And sometimes
it gets so bad that you have to go
to the doctor for it. And the first
thing the doctor is going to ask is
when the problem started.

And you can never remember
when. So she always writes down
the day it started, so she can tell her
doctor. She writes down everything
she tried on her own to help stop
the constipation, and the day she
tried those remedies as well, so she
can tell the doctor that.

And all this goes on her list, and she
can just show it to the doctor, so
she doesn’t get so embarrassed
having to tell the doctor all this
information and having to try
to remember all the dates and
everything, especially because
constipation itself is such an
embarrassing condition (but so
common for people who have
bipolar disorder).

Anything else that is important
for her to tell her doctor, Michele
also puts on her list. This way,
her attitude when she sees her
doctor is more confident.

Everything her doctor will want
to know, like a list of the
medications she is currently on,
with names of the medications,
dosages, and when she takes them.

Also, any other problems or
conditions you are concerned
about would go on this list. Any
questions you might have about
anything, especially things you might
forget before you get to your

This way, you just hand your doctor
your list and he/she can go down
your list and address all your

This is also how you can tell a good
Doctor from a bad doctor. A good
doctor will be willing to go over your
list with you and will appreciate the
fact that you even have a list.

A bad doctor will act as if you are
bothering him/her and taking up
their time, as they have more
patients to see and this will take up
too much of their time.

But try Michele’s method –
it works for her, see if it works
for you! Then let me know what

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bad bipolar advice to avoid

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


I’m really concerned about something,
and I think you need to know about it as

You know I volunteer at several places
where there are people with bipolar
disorder, like support groups and such.

Well, sometimes I like what I hear, and
then I bring that information to you,
because I think you can benefit from it.

But what is really bothering me today,
and I think it’s been building up and
I’m surprised I haven’t brought it up
before now, is something that I’ve
noticed happens at some of these
meetings that is NOT a good thing.

I’ll tell you about it:

It’s when people who have NO clue
about bipolar disorder give advice on
it – even though the advice is sincere,
it is still sincerely wrong! Now people
can truly get hurt by this advice, and
that makes me mad!

For instance, one person at the support
group meeting said, “My friend told me
that since I seem to be doing so much
better, that I should stop taking my
medications.” Then other people
say, yeah, my friend said the same
thing… and before you know it, this
one comment is controlling the whole
meeting, and it is a totally FALSE
thing – a LIE!

Then, when I try to tell them that
that comment can’t be true, or that
it could hurt them, or at least that
they should check with their doctor
before going off their medications,
they ALL look at me like I’m some
crazy person!

Know what I mean?

Or they say their friend told them to
stop working and get on disability.
Another person said that their friend
said that another friend said that they
should take this supplement on the
market instead of their medications,
that it worked for their friend’s friend!

In my courses and systems, I teach
the difference between the truth and
myths that are out there about bipolar




But I ask myself, where are these
people getting this stuff? And how
come people are believing it?

Really, sometimes I just want to walk
out of these meetings and just keep
going. But then I remember why I am
there – to help.

And sometimes that help is just to
tell them the truth about what their
“friends” have been telling them.

In my courses and in special reports,
I expose the myths behind the
supplements and supposed “cures”
for bipolar disorder. Unfortunately,
there is still no cure, no matter what
you may hear at a support group

Even though these people are well
meaning, always check with your
doctor before you do anything like
taking a supplement instead of your
medications just because you heard
“a friend of a friend of a friend”
says it works.

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Current Bipolar News



How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

I just got back from the gym and wanted
to get the bipolar news out to you right

To see the news visit:

There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by visiting my
blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Illness can take a toll both physically and financially
DO> This is so true, what do you think?

See the Real Face of Depression, Bipolar Disorder
DO> Interesting article.

Blood can reveal mood
DO> Another very interesting article.

Raising awareness lessens stigma surrounding mental illness
DO> This is what we do.

PBS Frontline Will Rebroadcast “The Medicated Child”
DO> Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


The shocking truth about doctors for bipolar disorder

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, Today I want to talk about doctors. Yeah, I know, whenever anyone mentions
doctors, everyone tenses up and starts
thinking, “oh no… not that again…”

But seriously, and I know you know this,
there is a difference between good doctors
and bad doctors.

I know that sounds too simplistic, but I’m
just using it as a foundation for what I
want to talk about today.

Actually the idea of a good doctor can be the
foundation of success with bipolar disorder
while the idea of a bad doctor can be just the

If you have a bad doctor, it can realy make
a difference in your care. First of all, he
won’t even know who you are from
visit to visit.

In my courses I teach about the
95%/5% Rule:




But basically,that 95% of people just get
assembly line treatment when they
go to the doctor. These doctors don’t
pay attention to their patients, they
just hurry them in and out.

They don’t really care about you as
a patient, they are just basically a
prescription writer, quick to get you
out of their office so they can see
the next patient.

You may get the medication you
need, but you will feel like cattle,
being shuffled around.

This is a bad doctor, and believe
me, they exist, as some of you already

The worst thing about a bad
Doctor, a doctor who doesn’t
pay attention to you, is that he may
not give you good medication, and
won’t work with you to give you the best
medication for your bipolar disorder,
so you won’t get better. And to me,
that is the worst thing.

But then there are good doctors,
too. So let’s not throw the baby out
with the bath water.

A good doctor works with the 5%
of the people. For example,
Michele, who you know works for
me, has a doctor who she goes to
and she brags on this doctor
because she says this doctor knows
her by name…

Always asks about her family,
and her husband, who she also knows
by name! And always remembers
about her last visit.

The thing Michele likes most about
her doctor is that she doesn’t
“play God.” She isn’t afraid to
send Michele to another doctor
if she (the doctor) isn’t sure what
is wrong with Michele.

She doesn’t want all the glory by
pretending she knows what’s
wrong or giving possibly the
wrong diagnosis.

Plus, the other thing Michele likes
so much about her doctor is that
when she looks at Michele’s list
(we’ll talk about that in another
Email), she doesn’t treat Michele
like she’s dumb or anything – she
goes down the list with Michele
and makes sure she covers
everything on that list.

And she treats Michele with
respect, even though Michele
isn’t one of her “rich” patients –
Michele is just on Medicaid.

For those of us who have
Bipolar disorder or supporting
someone who does (and have to
take them to their doctors), we
understand the difference in the
way we feel when we’re treated
with dignity and respect and when
we’re not just because we’re not
a “regular” patient because we
have Medicaid and we’re not rich.

We deserve the same treatment.
We deserve the best treatment,
just like anyone else. Like a good
doctor would give us.

Well, on that note, I have to go.
Have a great day!

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Money and bipolar. Shocking attack on me


How’s it going? I just saw an email
that said:

“David, I am sick of you. You keep writing
that all bipolar people are in d.ebt. That’s
not true. I am not. Stop saying this. You are
making us bipolar people look bad. Stop it.
I can’t believe you do this to your mom.”

Okay first Pam, I don’t refer to people
as “bipolar people.” It’s people with bipolar

Secondly, I didn’t say ALL people with
bipolar disorder have money problems or
massive d.ebt. But the truth is, lots of
them do. It’s the facts. If you want to
get mad at me, that’s okay.

But it’s the truth.

Many supporters don’t even realize the amount of
d.ebt their loved one has gotten them into. You
don’t know how many people that have called me
and yelled at me saying that I am making stuff
up about people with bipolar disorder and their
loved one was and never as bad as my mom. After
telling them to check everything related to finances
and their social security number, many called back
shocked only to find that I was right.

I don’t want to be right but many people dealing
with bipolar disorder have massive Period.

It’s part of the illness and the worst part is,
it brings the supporters with them.

If you are mad at me for talking about and
bipolar disorder sorry. I just have to say it
like it is.

With that said, if you have a problem with m.oney
and d.ebt and bipolar disorder, please visit
this link:




Urgent Bipolar fact….Could the moon landing really be a movie?


How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

I have a super important lesson for bipolar
to remind and tell you.

It’s really funny.

First I wanted to say.

I just got back from the gym after doing cardio.
I’m now doing 8 to 10 cardio sessions a week
in addition to 4 sessions of weight training.

Anyway, today was really funny. I listened to
two guys arguing about how to get to 4 to 6% body
fat. One guy, has been at 4% body fat and is in
incredible shape. He really has mastered his ability
to look great almost at will. It’s really tough but
he can do it.

Another guy has NOT. He is “trying” to get to 6%
body fat. He was arguing with my friend who has
already done it saying weight training is the most
important thing. My friend screamed (everyone in
my gym is edgy because of dieting) that this
person was wrong. He went through how diet was
the foundation and that weight training and supplements
are important but without a proper correct diet or eating
plan you can’t be 4 to 6% body fat. I have been 6% body
fat numerous times and that is the truth. PERIOD! There
is no debate.

The other person went on and on about how that wasn’t true.
Then my friend got super mad. I thought a fight was going
to break out. It’s kind of funny that these guys don’t
care about politics or anything else. They only care about
training and results. And if you question what they say,
they get really mad. So my one friend said, “dude, you’re
stupid and I walked away.” The other guy felt dumb because
none of us wanted to talk to him because well he was “stupid.”

What does this have to do with bipolar disorder?

Keep reading.

Okay, the other day, I was watching a TV documentary
that talked about how there are people who believe
that no one ever went to the moon and it was a movie
set that was shown. Space travel is a big lie and
it’s all done via like a movie according to these

A person was interviewed and said, how he doesn’t
even try to explain to these people who really want
to believe that there was never a moon landing. It’s
really funny when you think about it.

So all of space travel is all made up according to
these people. Don’t mind the fact that you can actually
see a space shuttle take off in person at the base.
These people however believe that the government or people
have carefully orchestrated a giant scam.


I haven’t said this in a week. I am NOT a doctor,
therapist or any other kind of professional. Nothing
I say should be used to diagnose, treat or prevent
any disorder or disease.

Okay, so yesterday, I heard that someone
had posted something attacking me on the internet. It
was said that basically my information is incorrect because
I always talk about the importance of medication for bipolar
disorder and that I am biased.

When I heard this, I rolled my eyes. I have gotten in
so many debates with so many people with absolutely positively
no clue.

These people are the ones that write me hate mail. They
say that I am part of a giant conspiracy to medicate
every person into the ground. That I am a tool of
“them” and that “they” are part of the “drug industry.”

They say that I lie and make stuff up to get people
on medication for bipolar disorder. This sounds crazy
and it is. It’s not just people who have bipolar disorder
that say this, it’s also people who don’t. These people
have absolutely positively no idea what they are talking
about. I use to waste huge amounts of time trying to
show them the truth. I would have facts, figures, three
way them with people who work for me. Tell them story
after story of before medication for bipolar disorder
and after it.

They would never listen.

In my courses/systems below:




EVERYONE says a common theme. No medication for
bipolar disorder equals nightmare life. Medication
for bipolar disorder leads to stability and peaceful
life. Person after person. Success story after
success story. People who are supporters AND people
who are survivors of bipolar disorder.

I have people who’s lives were in shambles for YEARS.
They were homeless. Married 5 times. Bankrupt. Attempted
suicide 4 to 8 times. All kinds of bad stuff. These people
were not on medication. When they found the right medication
they have been stable for YEARS. They are married. Happy.
Have jobs. Successful. High functioning.

There is no debating these facts.

I have never found anyone who has been stable long
term (more than a year) who is in a normal environment (you work,
see people, come out of your house, have bills to
pay, etc) who is not on medication for bipolar disorder.

Now, as soon as I say this, some will say that “Dave you
are a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I know
heard that someone, knew someone, who knew someone, who
knew someone who got off their medication and was stable.

EVERY TIME I hear this story I want to bang my head against
the wall. Over the years, I have spent so much time and money
tracking down these urban legends only to find these stories
are made or the person who is suppose to be stable says
they are and they are divorced, in massive d.ebt, lost
their jobs and are on the verge of being homeless. But according
to them, they are doing great. And the people who talk to
them have no idea of the kinds of questions they need
to ask to determine if they are really stable. They just
go by, “Bob, says he’s stable, so I guess he is.” It doesn’t
work that way.

It’s soooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. When I even write about
this, it makes me mad that there are people who promote
that people do the wrong things for bipolar disorder. Things
that lead to a person killing themselves, being homeless or
killing someone else. Bipolar is a serious illness. It’s
not like a cold. If a person doesn’t have treatment
there is a 20% chance they will kill themselves. Period.
This is the facts. I know I will get so many pieces of
hate email, threats via phone and letters in the mail
saying that I am part of the conspiracy and people can’t
believe that I am going along with it. I am biased. I am
bad person. Shame on me. Someone will write they know
a person who doesn’t take medication and they are
doing great so on and so forth, etc.

On that note, I was talking to a friend of mine
in another business NOT related to mental health.
Well there is a situation over there. Long story short,
a manufacturer, dramatically increased the cost for
wholesale pricing. That means that people like me, make
less because our costs are more. Someone how in the twisted
minds of the people who did this, they believe that
increasing my costs and other’s costs will lead to greater
sales. They cited one example in last 200 years. So now
they think it’s possible. I asked them if they heard
of a concept called “the statistical outlier.” They were
like, “what’s that.” I was like, that’s something that
exists outside of the average or norm.

Let’s say you have a set of numbers for something. They
are like 1, 4, 7 , 3, 6, 11, 2, and then 200. 200 is an
outlier. It’s not the norm. So this company which is full
of non smart people thinks that if they can find one
example of one company in 200 to 300 years that
increased costs and it worked, well it will work. Really

So let’s look at something else. If you are a parent
you want your kids to do well unless there is something
really wrong with you. So do you tell your kid to stay
off drugs, don’t drink, stay in high school and stay out of trouble
OR do you tell them to take drugs, drink, drop out of high school
and get into trouble. Now we can find some success stories
who did drugs, drank all the time, dropped out of high school
AND got into a whole lot of trouble. BUT, if you tell
kids this, they probably will be a failure. Would you agree?
So would you promote the statistical outlier they success story
of the person who did it all wrong and became a success or
the story of the person who did it right and became a success?

This is the same as bipolar disorder. People can gamble on
what works and doesn’t. I have no idea why people want to
gamble with medication. There are so many success stories
that demonstrate that is the key. Why people want to gamble
and be the high school drop out, drug taking, alcohol drinking
get into trouble person I have no idea?

The reason why I promote medication for bipolar disorder is
because that is what I have found to be the foundation of
success in 100% percent of the people I have met, interviewed,
read about, and the people (10 almost 12), that work for me.

There is no debating this. Just like there is no debating
that diet is the foundation of being 4 to 6% body fat. There
is no debating that we really did go to the moon and it’s
not a movie set. There is no debating that staying off drugs,
not drinking, staying in high school and saying out of trouble
leads more likely to success. There is no debate with this.
But, people debate. It’s crazy. Just like people debate
the foundation of success with bipolar disorder.

Well I have to run.

What do you think about this? Am I a liar? Should I spend
time trying to convince people that are dead set against
medication for bipolar disorder and believe in a giant
drug industry super conspiracy? Should I argue with a man
that thinks that you can not have a good diet and get to
4 to 6% body fat?

What should I do? Thoughts?

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Disorder? Is Your Loved One Crazy? Are You?

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? Before we get started, I have to announce
a few things that are important.

I just wanted to say that the administrative assistant,
marketing assistant and operations person is almost filled.

I wanted to thank all the people who submitted
resumes. I have over 700 of them and read
each and everyone.

You may have spoken to me about the job. Some
people I have doing something else. Many
I am keeping on file for future positions as
we grow and grow and grow.

There are still positions open. I am especially
looking for more writers. Especially those
on disabilty with one or more disorders.

If you are interested, please visit:


I am looking for someone who has extensive knowledge
in setting up and/or running a non profit organization.

Over the last month or so, someone with bipolar
disorder gave me an incredible idea that relates to
a non profit and it would help a whole lot of people.

I called this non profit consultant who wanted a huge
amount of money to just talk to me. I am okay paying
but not $1000 to just talk to someone. So I figured
I would email my list.

If you qualify, please email me at:

Please send your expereince with a non profit
and what you know.


Also, I am going to be sending out more f.ree
videos related to bipolar disorder or the coming

NOTE-Below I have a link to lots of f.ree podcast audio
recordings on bipolar disorder. Few people have listened.
I don’t know why. Please do. I take a lot of time
to make them and they are f.ree. Listen to them
as soon as you can.

Okay, let’s jump into today’s topic.

Here’s some blanket statements:

People with bipolar disorder are

People who support loved ones
with bipolar disorder are crazy
too (their loved one makes them

Here’s where I get that from:

Someone wrote me that “all
people” with bipolar disorder
are crazy and they felt sorry for
me that I didn’t understand this.

This person wrote a letter saying
that I had to (and I quote) “get
out now, while I was still SANE.”

He said his girlfriend had
destroyed him, and he was
“warning me.”

Do you think people with
bipolar disorder are CRAZY?

I don’t. I have people who work
for me who have bipolar disorder
and I don’t think they’re crazy!

My mother has bipolar disorder
And I don’t think she’s crazy!

I have been my mother’s
supporter for a long time now
and I sure don’t think that
I’m crazy, either!

I’ve been doing this for a long time
now, and I’ve had a LOT of people
write to me, and I don’t think that
they’re crazy, either!

Just the word crazy I think is a
bad word, and is too general and
too outdated. Maybe in the old days
it was acceptable, and maybe even
used a lot, before they knew what a
disorder was. But not today!

And the idea that “everyone with
bipolar disorder (or their supporter)
is crazy” seems crazy to me (excuse
the pun)!

But what this guy was saying to
me…”warning me”… it’s like the
stigma that implies that you can
“catch” bipolar disorder like you
can catch the flu from someone!

How outdated an idea is that?

I even talk about that idea in my
courses; about stigma and the
idea of “catching” bipolar disorder
from your loved one:




Ok, maybe there is some truth to
the notion that this guy’s girlfriend
had “destroyed” him; but I have
gotten many more letters than this
one where the person’s loved one
did NOT destroy them.

Where they had difficulties, sure,
where the situation was almost
tragic, but they didn’t give up,
and their loved one did get

I’m not saying that it couldn’t
happen. I mean, I’ve heard
stories where the loved one did
destroy the family finances and
such, and I know that can happen.

I’ve also heard stories where the
loved one in a relationship did
destroy the relationship. If that’s
what this guy is talking about.

But warning me against it
happening to me? That I better
get out while I’m still sane?

Do you think I should be
warning you supporters that
you should get out now while
you’re still sane? Would that
be good advice?

What do you think?

Is your loved one crazy? Or
just a person with bipolar
disorder who needs your

Are YOU crazy? Or just
someone who cares for a
loved one with bipolar

What would you tell this

Is he right?

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

New Job Listing & Bipolar Lesson From The “Good” Mom I Met

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hey, How’s it going? I hope you are doing well. I just got back from the gym and I dead
tired. Working out 11 times a week is
really hard and tiring.

In one of the gyms I go to, there are several
people competing in competitions. There are
more mood swings than I have ever seen
in a bipolar supporter group LOL.

Why? Well people are on low carbs or really
odd diets to lower body fat and that affects
your moods. Basically 30% of the gym is in
an ongoing bad mood LOL.

Okay, we have a lot going on.

I actually hired a new person to work
on a specific project that is related to
video. It’s in my 2009 plans but I have
to get a jump start on it today.

Also I am getting down to who is
going to be hired as an operations person
for the organization so I can free up my
time and not have to work 8 hours a day
on admin stuff.


I am actually hiring new writers as well.

I am especially looking for people who are
on disability and have one more disorders.

Actually I just hired a writer with 4 different
disorders. She is GREAT! She is on disability as
well. This is the people that I am looking for.

Now before I get emails saying I am discriminating
against people that do not have disorders, that’s
not true. ANYONE can apply. I am just saying that
I really want to get more people working for me
that are on disability, okay.

So if you are or someone you know is interested,
please visit the link below.

If you are interested, please visit:

The other day someone wrote me a long letter
saying how bad of a person that I was
because I charged for my information. They
said that I was “evil.” I thought it
was funny actually. It was from a bipolar

He said I should give it all away.

He obviously has no idea how to run
an organization.

I have to hire people and buy stuff.
I don’t even personally take a salary for

BUT, I can’t ask 22 people to do the
same. Would it be fair that let’s say
Michele worked hard all month
and get nothing for it? Of course not. certaintly doesn’t offer
f.ree advertising. I can’t ship for f.ree
either. I can’t even get f.ree printing

The reason I have to charge is simple.
I have to generate revenue so I can invest it
into the organization
which enables me to grow more, hire more people
and come out with more material. Make sense?

Okay, I wanted to tell you something
I saw this past weekend and it reminded
me of how bipolar supporters have to

Well I was at this meeting and
here’s what happen.

There was a woman who’s husband was in
attendance at the meeting.

Not only was the husband there, but her
three kids were there as well. So it was
her, the three kids and the husband.

I bumped into them and they were really
nice. The meeting was really important
for the husband and the wife and family
were there to show support for him.

Well guess what happen eventually?
The kids started screaming. I am not
sure how old they were. One was like maybe
6 or 7 and one was like 1 and the other
was like 2 or 3.

The 1 year old started crying which caused
the 2 year old to cry as well. Then the
older kid started running around.

The husband started to get stressed
and he looked worried. Then I saw something
amazing happen.

The wife looked really serious. She smiled
and said to her husband, “Don’t worry honey
I have it all under control. Just focus.”

Then she systematically reestablished law
and order. She ordered the one kid back
and that he was not to move.

Then she picked up each of the two kids and
rocked them and got them to stop crying.

Then she put the one into the stroller and
then the other into the other part of the stroller.

Then she started to get lunch for the other

Each time her husband looked back she smiled
and looked happy.

I was super amazed at how calm she was.


So I asked her about how she was able to
stay calm and not fall apart. She said she
has to for her sake and her husband’s sake
and her kid’s sake. She said, “I have to be
in control and I can’t fall apart because
if I do it will get worse and worse and

I was amazed.

Now to compare, there was another woman
that was there. Her kid started to cry. She got
super mad. Dragged the kid by the arm. She
yelled at her husband and said, “I want to
go home. We should have never brought him
her. I am tired. When is this over.” Her husband
started getting nervous. He turned red. You could
tell he was stressed.

Eventually, her husband did horrible with what he
had to present. The other guy with the “good” mom
did great.

After thinking about this, I realized that the “good”
mom does what many bipolar supporters should be

What’s that? Well that’s being a good bipolar supporter
when a loved one goes into an episode.

Unfortunately MANY bipolar supporters aren’t good
and do the wrong things. I know I will get hate mail
from people because I wrote that but it’s the truth.

I saw it in my family year after year.

When my mom would go into an episode we would:

leave the house
pretend like nothing was wrong
get mad at each other instead of focus on getting my mom
Skip doing what we should normally do and only focus on
my mom and her episode (bad idea)
Lose lots of sleep, weight, eat poorly and ultimately
fall apart.

This is what happen time and time again.

Now with my mom’s last big bipolar episode,
I decided that a new course of action or a new
strategy had to be created and tried.

I decided to take control. To reestablish law and
order and manage everything from a to z. Like the good
mom that I talked about, I kept it all together and
didn’t fall apart and it worked out great.

In my courses/systems below:




I talk about all the strategies you can use
to reestablish law and order and control bipolar
episodes and not let them get so destructive.

The lesson to be learned from this one mom is
that you have to take charge when you are bipolar
supporter and a bipolar episode occurs.

Many supporters say that you can’t do this. It’s
impossible. I was a “special” case with my mom
can it can’t work for them. I am here to tell you,
this is NOT true. You can do it. You have to do
it. Or else. If you don’t bipolar will run all over
you and destroy you.

Do you agree or disagree?

Hey I have to run to the gym. I’ll catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.