Urgent Bipolar fact….Could the moon landing really be a movie?


How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

I have a super important lesson for bipolar
to remind and tell you.

It’s really funny.

First I wanted to say.

I just got back from the gym after doing cardio.
I’m now doing 8 to 10 cardio sessions a week
in addition to 4 sessions of weight training.

Anyway, today was really funny. I listened to
two guys arguing about how to get to 4 to 6% body
fat. One guy, has been at 4% body fat and is in
incredible shape. He really has mastered his ability
to look great almost at will. It’s really tough but
he can do it.

Another guy has NOT. He is “trying” to get to 6%
body fat. He was arguing with my friend who has
already done it saying weight training is the most
important thing. My friend screamed (everyone in
my gym is edgy because of dieting) that this
person was wrong. He went through how diet was
the foundation and that weight training and supplements
are important but without a proper correct diet or eating
plan you can’t be 4 to 6% body fat. I have been 6% body
fat numerous times and that is the truth. PERIOD! There
is no debate.

The other person went on and on about how that wasn’t true.
Then my friend got super mad. I thought a fight was going
to break out. It’s kind of funny that these guys don’t
care about politics or anything else. They only care about
training and results. And if you question what they say,
they get really mad. So my one friend said, “dude, you’re
stupid and I walked away.” The other guy felt dumb because
none of us wanted to talk to him because well he was “stupid.”

What does this have to do with bipolar disorder?

Keep reading.

Okay, the other day, I was watching a TV documentary
that talked about how there are people who believe
that no one ever went to the moon and it was a movie
set that was shown. Space travel is a big lie and
it’s all done via like a movie according to these

A person was interviewed and said, how he doesn’t
even try to explain to these people who really want
to believe that there was never a moon landing. It’s
really funny when you think about it.

So all of space travel is all made up according to
these people. Don’t mind the fact that you can actually
see a space shuttle take off in person at the base.
These people however believe that the government or people
have carefully orchestrated a giant scam.


I haven’t said this in a week. I am NOT a doctor,
therapist or any other kind of professional. Nothing
I say should be used to diagnose, treat or prevent
any disorder or disease.

Okay, so yesterday, I heard that someone
had posted something attacking me on the internet. It
was said that basically my information is incorrect because
I always talk about the importance of medication for bipolar
disorder and that I am biased.

When I heard this, I rolled my eyes. I have gotten in
so many debates with so many people with absolutely positively
no clue.

These people are the ones that write me hate mail. They
say that I am part of a giant conspiracy to medicate
every person into the ground. That I am a tool of
“them” and that “they” are part of the “drug industry.”

They say that I lie and make stuff up to get people
on medication for bipolar disorder. This sounds crazy
and it is. It’s not just people who have bipolar disorder
that say this, it’s also people who don’t. These people
have absolutely positively no idea what they are talking
about. I use to waste huge amounts of time trying to
show them the truth. I would have facts, figures, three
way them with people who work for me. Tell them story
after story of before medication for bipolar disorder
and after it.

They would never listen.

In my courses/systems below:




EVERYONE says a common theme. No medication for
bipolar disorder equals nightmare life. Medication
for bipolar disorder leads to stability and peaceful
life. Person after person. Success story after
success story. People who are supporters AND people
who are survivors of bipolar disorder.

I have people who’s lives were in shambles for YEARS.
They were homeless. Married 5 times. Bankrupt. Attempted
suicide 4 to 8 times. All kinds of bad stuff. These people
were not on medication. When they found the right medication
they have been stable for YEARS. They are married. Happy.
Have jobs. Successful. High functioning.

There is no debating these facts.

I have never found anyone who has been stable long
term (more than a year) who is in a normal environment (you work,
see people, come out of your house, have bills to
pay, etc) who is not on medication for bipolar disorder.

Now, as soon as I say this, some will say that “Dave you
are a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I know
heard that someone, knew someone, who knew someone, who
knew someone who got off their medication and was stable.

EVERY TIME I hear this story I want to bang my head against
the wall. Over the years, I have spent so much time and money
tracking down these urban legends only to find these stories
are made or the person who is suppose to be stable says
they are and they are divorced, in massive d.ebt, lost
their jobs and are on the verge of being homeless. But according
to them, they are doing great. And the people who talk to
them have no idea of the kinds of questions they need
to ask to determine if they are really stable. They just
go by, “Bob, says he’s stable, so I guess he is.” It doesn’t
work that way.

It’s soooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. When I even write about
this, it makes me mad that there are people who promote
that people do the wrong things for bipolar disorder. Things
that lead to a person killing themselves, being homeless or
killing someone else. Bipolar is a serious illness. It’s
not like a cold. If a person doesn’t have treatment
there is a 20% chance they will kill themselves. Period.
This is the facts. I know I will get so many pieces of
hate email, threats via phone and letters in the mail
saying that I am part of the conspiracy and people can’t
believe that I am going along with it. I am biased. I am
bad person. Shame on me. Someone will write they know
a person who doesn’t take medication and they are
doing great so on and so forth, etc.

On that note, I was talking to a friend of mine
in another business NOT related to mental health.
Well there is a situation over there. Long story short,
a manufacturer, dramatically increased the cost for
wholesale pricing. That means that people like me, make
less because our costs are more. Someone how in the twisted
minds of the people who did this, they believe that
increasing my costs and other’s costs will lead to greater
sales. They cited one example in last 200 years. So now
they think it’s possible. I asked them if they heard
of a concept called “the statistical outlier.” They were
like, “what’s that.” I was like, that’s something that
exists outside of the average or norm.

Let’s say you have a set of numbers for something. They
are like 1, 4, 7 , 3, 6, 11, 2, and then 200. 200 is an
outlier. It’s not the norm. So this company which is full
of non smart people thinks that if they can find one
example of one company in 200 to 300 years that
increased costs and it worked, well it will work. Really

So let’s look at something else. If you are a parent
you want your kids to do well unless there is something
really wrong with you. So do you tell your kid to stay
off drugs, don’t drink, stay in high school and stay out of trouble
OR do you tell them to take drugs, drink, drop out of high school
and get into trouble. Now we can find some success stories
who did drugs, drank all the time, dropped out of high school
AND got into a whole lot of trouble. BUT, if you tell
kids this, they probably will be a failure. Would you agree?
So would you promote the statistical outlier they success story
of the person who did it all wrong and became a success or
the story of the person who did it right and became a success?

This is the same as bipolar disorder. People can gamble on
what works and doesn’t. I have no idea why people want to
gamble with medication. There are so many success stories
that demonstrate that is the key. Why people want to gamble
and be the high school drop out, drug taking, alcohol drinking
get into trouble person I have no idea?

The reason why I promote medication for bipolar disorder is
because that is what I have found to be the foundation of
success in 100% percent of the people I have met, interviewed,
read about, and the people (10 almost 12), that work for me.

There is no debating this. Just like there is no debating
that diet is the foundation of being 4 to 6% body fat. There
is no debating that we really did go to the moon and it’s
not a movie set. There is no debating that staying off drugs,
not drinking, staying in high school and saying out of trouble
leads more likely to success. There is no debate with this.
But, people debate. It’s crazy. Just like people debate
the foundation of success with bipolar disorder.

Well I have to run.

What do you think about this? Am I a liar? Should I spend
time trying to convince people that are dead set against
medication for bipolar disorder and believe in a giant
drug industry super conspiracy? Should I argue with a man
that thinks that you can not have a good diet and get to
4 to 6% body fat?

What should I do? Thoughts?

Your Friend,


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  1. I agree 100% with your “theories”. But debating with anyone is a waste of time. If they are so dead set against what is RIGHT, you can not convince them. Dont anger yourself over thier stupidity. Fight the fights worthing fighting for. Someone else’s stupidity is not one of them. We come to you for help with our messes, you help clean up the messes as long as we are willing to listen. If they dont want to listen to you, it isnt your fault, it is thiers for not taking your advice. There are more success from you and none of the failures are your fault. They are the fault of the person you are trying to help that wont do as you suggest.

  2. okay, who really gives a hoot about the moon landing? doing time on planet earth is more than enough for most of us!!LOL seriosly, don’t we have more important things in this life to worry and debate about and ultimately”fix”?!
    the meds thing, gotta have ’em!!!! i am soooooo out of control without them, can’t ever, don’t ever want to be that person again!!! they are not a placibo, or a fix all, but Lord knows they do bring rational thought and action alot more than not taking them! thank you very much, i love my lithium,thorazine and triazadone!!! i actually know who i am every day!!! so for those uneducated Morons who think that meds aren’t necessary, get a reality check, this is not about your comfort zone, it’s about our sanity and well being!!!

  3. I totally agree with Kay Scott. You have to pick your battles and arguing with some close minded people who obviously don’t want your help anyway IS NOT YOUR BATTLE.
    Thanks for all of your help!!

  4. David:
    You must stop letting the “Nay sayers” get to you, you have too much on your plate to let them bother you that much. And as far as space travel goes: Who knows what happens after the shuttle takes off because our Government keeps so much from us that we do not know half of the truth. Do you believe in the Alien event in Roswell, New Mexico? I do believe something happened and the reason why is because I have lived near and in Roswell and looked at the night sky and have seen things I can’t explain. The things I have seen are not falling stars and definitely not swamp gas because it is a desert with no swamps around for several hundred miles. Government denies what happened there so what else are they lying to us about? And arguing is a waste of time with someone else who believes differently than you do because that person will never believe nor will you believe the other so agree to disagree and get on with it.

  5. P.S. I forgot to mention that my experience in market research taught me that everyone has an opinion about everything, some agree and some don’t. And on an open-ended question (this s a question where there are no lists of which select an answer and is recorded verbatim) you can find some very extreme answers to the simplest of questions.

  6. If they didnot go to the moon we would not have all this technology
    an information. Bipolar is new an so are it medications. Take them as perscribed each day a the same time will bring about stability to cope with mood swings during day to day up an down. I am not a doctor but one who copes.

  7. Well of my own experience of bipolar disorder i think what is said is totally true. Bipolar disorder needs medication. You can not be normal until you’ll get the exact medicine and treatments. It will absolutely lead to death without medicine because a bipolar person everyday if not every hour thinks of suicide of death. He can not change that reality however he does or act or do.

  8. Having to make a point with closed minded people is pointless. Focus your thoughts and helping information to those who appreciate it. They will be the ones who spread your point. You do have a hard sell, and that alone, sometimes turns people off to a good thing. There’s a fine line there. Your obvious dedication to the subject trumps the hard sell though. Keep up the good work. Dennis

  9. I agree 100% with you! I have a grandson (10) w/bi-polar and he is doing absolutely wonderful now that they have him on the right meds. He was non-functioning for quite awhile when they had him on ADHD, OCD, etc… meds. He threatened suicide when he was nine years old!! I agree 100% the meds make a huge difference. We don’t like the fact that he has to be on these meds, but he is now a staight A/B student and a lot of his symtoms have gone. We are very pleased with his progress, and he is such a sweet little guy! Meds DO work and allow the individual to have a life without all the other stuff tormenting them!

  10. Dave, it took me 10 years to realize my diagnosis required medication I was dead set against it. Does that mean you should give up? The answer to that question is No. You may not be able to save everyone but if there are people that are desperately looking for help and have tried everything else and they see your side of things they may make a decision that could enhance their lives and the lives of people around them. This is the way I now look at taking meds for Bipolar. Would I have surgery without anesthesia? That would be absolute torture! So if there are meds that can help me relieve the symptoms and make me happier and those around me happier why wouldn’t I try it. Dave, don’t look at it as battle when you are debating your point. You are a blessing just remember I said that! Keep up the good work !

  11. I went through a divorce and almost lost my son because I let other people convince me that I didn’t need my meds (and I also kind of enjoyed the “highs” because I am more manic than depressed). Now I know better, have 2 wonderful boys, a pretty good marriage, have had the same job for 10+ years and am doing great…BECAUSE OF MY MEDS!!!!
    Don’t bother trying to change the minds of people who are dead set against believing anything they can’t actually see!
    If someone really wants help or to help they will see and believe!

  12. Dave, you are not a liar. Everytime, for whatever reason, I have come off by meds, sooner or later (often sooner than later) I have ended up really, really ill.

  13. DAVE,

  14. Dave,

    Thanks for the regular reminders that there is hope for stability. It’s easy to be discouraged.

    There’s no way to fight bipolar without medication. We are living proof. My husband has NEVER successfully taken his medication regularly, as prescribed. He’s had too many episodes to count. For me that is the struggle; does he want to do better? We haven’t reached stability yet. It’s very discouraging. And it’s not because the medication failed. It’s because he failed to take it correctly.

  15. I think many people (especially MEN) look at taking meds as a weakness. Maybe you could do an article on that. Something that would help those people understand that taking your meds is NOT weakness or failure but you choosing to be strong & smart enough to know what you need.

  16. I deffinatly agree that meds are important. About 5 years ago I went off my meds and drove. Stupid thing to do… I was in a car accident and nearly got killed and injured another person. I had 4 broken ribs and a hematoma on my chest. Now whenever I think about going off my meds I picture that accident and take my meds.

  17. Dave

    You will be banging your head against a wall trying to get people who do not have a clue to understand anything. Anyone who thinks medication is not necessary and the most important part of treatment is IGNORANT. They either do not have bipolar disorder or are in denial. My Husband has gone through stages when he has said I am doing great I don’t need to take my medication anymore. It doesn’t take long for the Doctor and I to get him to realize the reason he is doing good is because he is taking his medication. He has even gone off of his medication before to prove it only to prove the opposite. He has an episode or just plain doesn’t feel good anymore. Don’t think about the people who are ignorant, if they don’t like what you have to say they don’t have to read it. It is that simple. If you don’t like what you read then don’t read it go read a comic book or some other fantasy book. You will never be a part of the REAL world.

  18. Dave,
    Without doubt,the med. are necessary.The problem come with the control,the necessity of change in some cases,when the person could not be right with other med.and have an episode,what happened with my loved one.Some persons say that some med. can cause the change of behavior too.Other thing is the possibility of many diagnosis.That takes to a great insecurity.Like the episodes can have an uncertain interval, for the suporter the expectation is big.WE felt the need to say is all right, but is it? Lilian P.

  19. Well, I’m absolutely GUTTED! Did they REALLY land on the Moon, coz I’ve read ages ago that the pictures are fake as one can’t see shadows behind the figures. (Nothing to do with the positioning of the Sun, of course!) All my fun’s been spoiled, as I love a good ‘conspiracy’ theory. I feel almost as bad as when I first found out that there isn’t a Santa Claus. Sob! (Joke!)

    There is NO conspiracy about finding the correct medications suitable for each particular individual with a Mental Disorder. Adjusting the dosage and various types are an ongoing process, but without them, I KNOW that I’d become very unstable again and probably return to my previous “props” of Alcohol and Cigarettes.

    David, although it’s hurtful when it happens, try to ignore the nasty, negative stuff from stupid, ignorant people because you’ve got a HUGE following of us lot protecting your back.

    Take care,

    Sue and all the animals. x

  20. I’m not enamored of the drug companies BUT that doesn’t mean that all drugs are bad. There are a lot of drugs out there that claim to make your life better, but there are alternative. With bipolar – this has not proven to be the case. With cancer, this has not proven to be the case. Will I try to find an alternative cold remedy? Yes. Will I try to find an alternative headache remedy? Yes. Will I try to treat cancer with Vitimins – NO. Would I attempt to treat bipolar with herbs. Again – NO. Just because some drug companies put products that arent’ entirely necessary doesn’t mean that all drugs are bad. It’s like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Intelligent people look at the facts and act accordingly. If someone has bipolar – they have a chemical imbalance in their brain. How do you correct that? Put the chemicals back. How do you do that? With proper medication. Some things just don’t have shortcuts. Keep up the good work Dave. If only one person listens and is stable – you have succeeded! God bless.

  21. I have to say, I enjoy reading your emails everyday. You are absolutely right. The people that say that they know someone that knows someone that is doing well on “natural remedies” or just no meds obviously doesn’t know what they are talking about. I am 29 and have been diagnosed as being Bipolar for 3 years. I was one of the lucky ones that got on meds and stayed there. They are my life line. I made the mistake of going off of them once and I lost my mind. I actually tried to commit suicide. I know now that I can’t live without them and would love to tell people all about how it has helped me. It got me off drugs and got my kids back. I was homeless, a drug addict, a dealer, living in a suitcase on the streets and was at absolute rock bottom. I got divorced 2 x’s and am now engaged with the most amazing supporter, living in a house that is ours and have my kids back. So if someone tells me that they can live without meds they just have no clue because they aren’t living with the disease. I wish them all the best of luck and hope that they see the light.

  22. I think that you are “right on” regarding medication. My husband of 23 years quit taking medication when his boss said that he could achieve the same affect by running. Funny thing is, he ran before AND took the medication. Sad thing…he is out of a job,moved out of the home, estranged from his children and grandchild, and depressed. It took years to get him on medication and one fool to convince him otherwise. Where is this boss now?

  23. I think that you are “right on” regarding medication. My husband of 23 years quit taking medication when his boss said that he could achieve the same affect by running. Funny thing is, he ran before AND took the medication. Sad thing…he is out of a job,moved out of the home, estranged from his children and grandchild, and depressed. It took years to get him on medication and one fool to convince him otherwise. Where is this boss now?

  24. All I know is that before I came upon your B/P info, I couldn’t understand why my husband would have these irrational rages. When I read about your mother, it clicked. He’s an otherwise reasonably responsible person, although he has some of the other B/P qualities. I got him on lithium orotate and l-Taurine, and the rages are much less and less frequent. Thank you for the info that you spread!

  25. All I know is that before I came upon your B/P info, I couldn’t understand why my husband would have these irrational rages. When I read about your mother, it clicked. He’s an otherwise reasonably responsible person, although he has some of the other B/P qualities. I got him on lithium orotate and l-Taurine, and the rages are much less and less frequent. Thank you for the info that you spread!

  26. Dave it sure sounds to me the people who don’t believe in medication are on the side of Tom Cruise’s church SCIENTOLOGY. I guess when your a bi polar millionaire you don’t need medication cause your moods are usually high when you have more money than you can spend and your stress level is down (people want to be around you and support you when your rich…no matter how you act, sad but true).
    Don’t give up = I wouldn’t argue with them but I would stand my ground and state the facts known which is Bi Polars do need medication etc… Jesus stood his ground to pass on his word (and many did not believe)..I appreciate you so much for helping us all, I know I have come to understand more than I ever did with your help and my friend Sis. I think we need a nationwide group like ‘American BiPolar Society’ like the American Cancer Society … then maybe we can get the word out more and one day have more research and better medicaitons…. You hang in there Dave…many are with you! Thank You for I do appreciate you and your sites. PS If you notice any of these people carring a big wooden cross….run!! Or call for back up! ‘wink’ ha ha

  27. Let it go, David. I know your heart is in the right place, but you are not going to convince anyone if they don’t want you to.

    I know a lady named Deb. I really like Deb, but I am aware that she’s bipolar and I’ve seen her pretty miserable and out of control. I ran into her where she works a few weeks ago and she was doing great. She’s healthier, she’s been working for no less than a year at the same job. She’s happy and calm. I commented and she said this to me, “Ya know what, Beck? My bipolar is in remission. I haven’t taken my medications for almost a year and I feel just fine.”

    And she does feel fine and she is doing well, but I know that either she was misdiagnosed … or she is heading for a fall. I know (and she should, too), that she will get sick again without her medications.

    She quit drinking and quit doing any street drugs, and I am thinking that maybe she isn’t really bipolar. I’m not a doctor. If she is bipolar, however, there will come a time when she needs her medications. I just hope the fallout isn’t too severe.

    And I will be popping in again to see her and I have her phone number and her address, and I am going to just keep an eye on her. I have no desire to take on another person to support, but I like her and if/when she gets sick again, I am going to tell her about you.

    Sometimes that’s all you can do. Deb has grown children and parents right here in town. I am far from the only person who is watching out for her.

    But if I marched over to her house today and tried to tell her that she is WRONG! That she needs her medications or she will get sick again … she wouldn’t listen. She believes what she believes. And further, it’s what she WANTS to believe.

    Lots of people have to travel down the road a certain distance and see patterns or have them pointed out to them before they are ready. That goes for both bipolar survivors as well as supporters. They want to be the exception. Can ya really blame them?

    You are doing a wonderful job. Just keep it up. But don’t worry excessively about the people who won’t listen. They’ll come around if and when they are ready. Thanks for all that you do.

  28. Hi Davaid, thank-you for your good work and newsletters. I could not agree with you more concerning meds. My son is 11 years old and his natural mother and father died when he was about 4, His dad was clearly bi-poler as he was never able to get or keep a job and he often beat my daughter. His Dad died in prison about a year after my daughter died from the flu, my wife and I have been raising him ever since and have adopted him and his sisters recently. We had tried all kids of therapies for my son attempting to keep him off of meds but nothing ever worked and even at his tender young age he threatened all kinds of violence including suicide, finally at age 8 we relented and put him on meds the change has been dramatic. He still has problems and does not do well with stress in the home but the violent episods have dramaticaally decressed and the leavel of violence has become managable, at age 11 I now have some hope that he will have a chance of a somewhat normal life, if he stays on the meds. We have had some trouble with him not wanting to take his meds and has been caught palming and throwing them away at times, these times are usally when we have some symptoms reacurr.
    Thanks again for your newsletter it has been helpfull in gaining a better understanding of what is happening to him

  29. The drug companies are making a fortune, you can’t watch an hour of a show without a commercial stating “ask your doctor for this medication,” and all the side effects. I am running out of insurance in a couple weeks; I have no clue what will happen when I run out of meds. The psychiatrist did not really care much about me – our main conversation was about how he was feeling after HIS SURGERY. I can’t seem to find the ‘right’ doctor or the ‘right’ medication. I got some ativan and slept for the first time in months. Then, I feel over medicated – does not seem to be a good drug for me. Then I am told I am ‘therapy resistant,’ I just want to give up on the psychiatry field.

  30. I agree 100% with everything you say. I wouldnt waste time answering these people…..they are ignorant. I have many disorders and I would not be able to function without my meds.

  31. Dear Heaven:
    I’m so sorry that you’re having such a hard time. One thing is for sure – you need a new doctor.
    You are NOT “treatment resistant”; it’s just that sometimes it takes a while to figure out the right type and combination of meds that will work right for you (everybody is SO different).

    When you lose your health insurance, will you be able to get on Medicare? Sometimes there’s a wait… What I would really recommend is that you contact the local mental health agency (usually associated with the county). You can get a Dr. there (for very little – maybe for free), and they have programs
    (“central pharmacy” or “Patient assistant programs”) that can get you your meds for very little money (again, sometimes for free, depending on where you live). Please call them right away so you can get an appointment as soon as possible. These places also provide counseling/ therapists.

    As for the Ativan (I remember when you were trying to get Valium or another benzo), maybe you can get a lower dosage (or get a pill splitter and cutter at the drug store). Or another benzo may be more helpful (I take Klonopin and it doesn’t make me sleepy, but it does help with my anxiety).

    God Bless and best of luck!! Please be sure you find out what your local mental health center is and give them a call right away.


    I told you before and I’ll say it again; you MUST stop fretting over the ignorant people who make angry comments. They probably aren’t even mad so much at you, but at a personal issue and they’re just venting on you. You know very well that medication is imperative for the treatment of bipolar disorder. You also know that the overwhelming amount of comments are positive; you’re giving a big service, and most people appreciate it very much. Just don’t let the people who don’t know what they’re talking about make you upset. Think of all the positive feedback, have some self-confidence, and focus on what is right. Let the negative, ignorant comments just pass right over you.


  32. I have some words for all the people that do have the bipolar disorder and suffering from it: You all know that bipolar disorder is unrecoverable unless by medicine and treatments. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression and many other sort of mental illness are as important as cancer, as all the killing diseases.Every single day i almost kill myself , or i think of suicide. it is hard to live like that, and you all know that no one cares, even the shrink all he cares about is the money your paying him at every session. When someone has cancer or anything else he immediately gets all the sympathy and the help and the medicine almost for free. i know it is hard to have cancer but i do also know that it is more hard to have bipolar disorder. In my country there’s no single center for mental help and psychology , if you need help you’ll go to a shrink or a psychologist and you’ll pay him 60 to 70$ a session without the money of the medicine that it is not included with the health insurance.how can a poor person provide these? Thousands and thousands of people kill themselves every year in many countries that’s all cause by bipolar disorder , schizophrenia , and many other mental issues. We have to raise this issue more and more to the rest of the world. This is not acceptable. We’re not living, we’re surviving!

  33. Maverick said…
    I have some words for all the people that do have the bipolar disorder and suffering from it: You all know that bipolar disorder is unrecoverable unless by medicine and treatments

    I think you need a new shrink…I know what you mean about the money..they want it up front. I am on 1200mg of seroquel and I NEED it to keep me under control. I just found out today that my ins will only allow me 102 per month rather than 180. I have to pay cash for the 78 I will be short and the cost is 693.93……..now I have to wean myself off and I know I will not be feeling good and will go back to what I used to be like….OMG I’m scared 🙁 Wasnt it bad enough that the ins tells you what meds you can have ???now they are gonna tell you how many you can take….grrrrrrrrrr this upsets me

  34. I recently witnessed what can happen when someone with bipolar suddenly stops taking meds and it wasn’t pleasant. My boyfriend had been stable on the right meds for over a year. Then he goes into a mild episode, which makes him happy, enthusiastic and creatively productive. He enjoys this so much that he decides to stop taking his meds believing that they slow him down. He was going up and up and as expected came crashing down. Like someone who believes he can fly jumps out of a plane and just before he hits the ground he realises that he hasn’t got wings and opens his parachute. The landing still comes as a bit of a shock and makes him angry and confused. My boyfriend takes meds again but gets angry with the world and probably with himself for being unable to “build a house on a cloud”. He is not feeling well. So he drinks lots of alcohol thinking it would make him feel better or help him get to sleep. Instead it turns him into a monster (only verbally, but bad enough). The next day he can’t remember what happened. Because alcohol and bipolar meds don’t mix he plunges into a deep depression.

    I described all this in detail in my posts over the last few nights. He is still going through hell in some sort of mixed episode, where he is very productive as well as angry and depressed and very confused. It seems to take a great deal longer to tidy up the mess he created by suddenly not taking meds than it took to make it.

    Once you have found the right stabilising medicine it is best to stay on it.

  35. The reason why I absolutely agree with you is that my former “girlfriend” of eight years of misery does NOT follow your advice, and she is a total dysfunctional mess. She tried medication for awhile, but never stopped drinking. When she started gaining some weight, she quit taking prescribed medications (and still has a pot belly, she’s 47, and does not excercise). Now, she self medicates with quarts of cheap vodka, illegal drugs, and God knows what ordered on line. She refuses to see a therapist, and acts like she knows everything. She hasn’t had a job in over 20 years. About three years ago, she inherited more money than I have made in my entire working career (38 years of lousy jobs), and is burning through it at an incredible rate, mostly on vodka, cheap wigs and crap from the 99 Cent Store. She bought a $600 parrot.
    My nightmare ended a few nights ago, when, after I took her to see some musician friends (picked her up already drunk), she drank a drinking glass of vodka there, and on the way home, would not stop whining about how my little sister refused to have her at the Christmas dinner table SIX YEARS AGO (because she was such a drunk THEN), adding that, if she had a gun, she would put a bullet through my little sister’s head???
    With that, I’m done babysitting a 47 year old drunk. I realized that I’m MUCH happier alone, than sharing her whining misery. I think that I’M the one that needs some therapy. She is the poster child for what NOT to do, in order to keep domestic peace, and achieve any stability.
    Mr. Oliver, you are the voice of reason, unfortunately, there are people out there who have made an identity out of “being crazy”, as your note last week outlined. Know also, that untreated bipolar people LIE about themselves constantly; a possible source of the rumors that you can make it without medication.
    I’m going to miss the parrot.

  36. Dave – you are SO right; NO person with bipolar CAN be a success WITHOUT the proper medication (with therapy, of course). I have been relatively stable (without hospitalization) since 1977 with the proper medication. If I skip a couple of nights WITHOUT my antipsychotic – I FEEL it. I did try it last fall with disastrous results – I went hypomanic, and couldn’t figure out WHY.

    But – since taking it religiously EVERY night, I’m back to my stability. There are NO facts that support the “no medication” theory; either the person who heard it from a person who heard it from their second cousin’s co-worker THINKS they heard it right, or they are trying to make the person with bipolar feel over-medicated.

    It’s TRUE that when you’re coming down from a manic episode and the doctors put you on antipsychotic meds, you tend to be “zombie-like,” and are slower in your thought processes and movements. But this is primarily because the docs are TRYING to synchronize the PROPER med for YOU. Once you get stabilized on the proper meds, your thoughts and movements become about as normal as they were BEFORE your nervous breakdown.

    Now, there ARE some people with bipolar who WILL go off their meds before they are stabilized, because they don’t like the way they make them feel, and being hypomanic is so much FUN! What they DON’T realize is – that the CRASH is NOT worth it. And, because bipolar is CYCLIC, there is ALWAYS a “down” after a “high.”

    So – DON’T experiment with the drugs your doc puts you on, and DON’T go off of them just to feel better – because, ultimately, you WON’T. And try NOT to self-medicate with alcohol and street drugs, as they will always counteract the efficacy of your prescription drugs that are there for a REASON.

    Dave – thanks for a very thought-provoking email today. I agree with EVERYTHING you say, because I am successfully managing my bipolar MAINLY because I am “drugged!”

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. Please say a little prayer for me as I go through this hard time. Thank you, and God bless you real good.

  37. Dave,
    I argued with my bi-polar daughter for years about getting on medication but she refused. She had a very bad experience with lithium when she was in Jr. High. That’s when she was diagnosed. She also used the fact that I am a recovering alcoholic/drug addict with clinical depression as her justification for avoiding ALL drugs of any sort for ANY reason. She had to get really sick before we could convince her to take her thyroid medication regularly. She is now 23 and has moved out of the house. She is getting married this summer. Thanks to your e-mails I backed off, stopped paying her way and made her responsible for herself. She is planning on going to the Dr. when her benefits kick in in 2 months and seeing about getting some of the new medications that have been developed for Bi-polar disorder. I had her talk with some of my friends who are Bi-polar about how the new medications let them feel like themselves only in control. We have talked with her and her fiance about the disorder and he helped convince her to give medication another chance. I’m still in debt up to my eyeballs, but you helped me stop the flow of cash. She is doing really well for now at a job she loves. She is going to school for an AS degree. I have hope that with the HEALTHY support you showed me how to give, that I passed on to her fiance, she will get some medical help to stay stable. She’s stable now, but I know it’s only been 6 weeks since she moved. She is listening to my advice and listening to her fiance since I started doing it your way instead of mine. I can never thank you enough.

  38. Hi Dave,

    I’m new to your site. In response to your post I think that you could debate with people until you were blue in the face. I have a bipolar disorder, but have resisted accepting the diagnosis because of hearing people like this. I have blamed myself and have not been compliant with taking my medications. Sure I’ve heard time and time again how vital meds are to treatment, yet those who debate the issue sounded so reasonable. However, when you gave the anaology about how people deny space travel even when the proof is right in front of them, I finally understood. You have testimony after testimony about those who have been stablized by their meds. Even in my own life I’m realizing how dangerous it is not to take any medication. I had seemed to be doing o.k. until some huge stressors came into my life recently. Yesterday, I crashed and became very suicidal. Fortunately, my mom heeded my pleas for help so I wasn’t alone. I realize how foolish I have been listening to those who have no clue as to the reality or severity of this disorder. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but it is just that: their “opinion” (which is not always based on facts).

    Note: I have a meeting with my psychiatrist this Friday so I can start a regiment of meds. I also ordered your master’s edition. You have given me the “proof” I’ve been seeking (for almost 8 years now). Thank you so much.

  39. I have been reading your website for a little over 3 weeks. A distant family member who will no longer e-mail me and says “I should be in a straight jacket and locked up for a very long time in a padded room,” will not write to me any longer – She says I am “sick, sick, sick.” That really helps – I guess it is called ‘de-constructive critism.’ I have a problem confiding and trusting in people, opening up to them, telling them everything without holding back, then it is often used against me. Then, I am hurt, offended and feel abused. It has happened too many times. Now, I beginning to think I am the one with the default in MY character. I feel wounded, and I keep telling myself never to trust, never to confide and never to be open again with anyone. It is a very bad thing to feel, especially when I so need someone to be there to listen. What do you all think? What can I do differently? I feel like hiding in a corner and just crying. Thanks, Kerrie.

  40. I completely agree with you. Medication is the key to stability, but convincing them seems almost impossible. Those people’s comments are exactly what my mum says when she’s ill. “you just want to drug everyone up!” ahe screams. But when she’s on her medication, she is so much better.
    Thank you for understanding. It makes me realise i’m not alone.

  41. Dear Dave
    Thank you so much for your hard work and helping us supporters understand more about bi-polar!! I also get very mad when people dont want to understand or think logically and dont want to know about the importance of the many issues you discuss concerning bi-polar! My little sister has only recently been diagnosed and she already knows how important her meds are as that is the only way she is feeling better now and coping better although we know there is still a long road ahead of her to full recovery and/or managing her bi-polar effectively!!
    People who argue and dont have the knowledge about the topic to prove their arguments are big fools!!! and fools they will remain for the rest of their lives!!!
    Thank goodness for people like you and your team who help us to gain knowledge and EMPOWER us to be better supporters and EQUIPING the sufferers with the BEST TOOLS to manage their illness!! And screw the rest who dont want to be part of this succesful story!!Best regards from South Africa!!!

  42. Good morning, Everybody!

    Excuse my language, as I’m absolutely exhausted but feel like a complete ‘BITCH’, because my younger Sister nearly killed herself last night by mixing her medications and Cold Remedies over the past week, resulting in us spending ages in Casualty, but had I not been so tired and busy myself, I would have spotted the early signs and might have been able to prevent this event from happening.

    (I’m writing this as a ‘WORD’ document to transfer over onto the Blog later, as my Server’s playing up this morning and I’ve got to leave soon for an Induction Meeting regarding the three month intensive exercise course I’m starting next week, to lose weight and get fit again.)

    Martin rang me early last night to beg a lift for him to collect a car he’s about to work on, so I took the opportunity to top-up the fuel in my vehicle, then drove down to find the building for today’s meeting and to look for places to park in advance, so that I wouldn’t lie awake fretting. Just as I’d fallen asleep, the Telephone rang, but as I thought that it might be a ‘pain in the butt’ pal, I let my Answer phone do the work. After the third time, I realised that something serious had occurred, so picked it up to hear my Mother hysterically crying. The Ambulance was on its way and I headed out so fast, I had to nip back home, because I was still in my pyjamas!

    Luckily, she’s now okay and resting with my Mother, Brother and Carer keeping an ‘eye’ on her, but when my Mother was at my place last week being interviewed by our Psychiatric Nurse (as Cardiff and Birmingham Universities are trying to collate as much evidence as possible in order to hopefully try to find a cure for Bipolar), my Sister sent a Text stating that she felt awful with her Cold and needed ‘Mothering’ (at the age of 39) and a ‘Lemsip’ (Cold Remedy). My Mother was annoyed because she felt that my Sister was just attention seeking and I was too busy doing other stuff to take any notice.

    So, I guess that my message is clear. ALWAYS look out for subtle signs of when a person with Mental Illnesses is hinting that they’re not feeling well, as it could be a significant clue that they’re planning on doing something harmful to themselves, whether they intentionally mean to or not. HOWEVER, for those of you out there who might use my story as another means to AVOID taking proper Medications out of stigma or fear, this is NOT what I’m implying! In order to become stable and lead a happy, successful life, one, at present, MUST ingest the correct Medicines and try really hard not to mix them with other “props” like other Drugs and Alcohol.

    One good thing happened today because I’ve been awake all night, as I noticed that one of my oldest Fish had sucked Algae off a pebble too big for his mouth again and it was stuck inside. He looked so sorrowful that I sighed and forced myself to find a Towel, Net and pair of Tweezers, then took him out of the Tank, placed him on the Table and gently pulled the object out, before placing him quickly back into the water. (He’s done this three times before over the past twenty years, but he surpassed himself on this occasion because it was actually a sharp broken piece of those pretty Glass Beads inside, which cut him, but the bleeding’s stopped now.)

    Another thing that annoyed me today is when I felt compelled to answer the Telephone at 7am today, in case it was about my Sister, but it was the ‘pain in the butt’ pal instead! (She fell head first thirty feet off a cliff in the Philippines eleven years ago, but luckily survived with minor head injuries. However, she’s lost her sense of Smell and Taste and often forgets things.) She started ranting about some local Committee issue that we’d sorted out the other evening, moaning about certain other Members and I repeatedly attempted to tell her that she’d already told me this, that I was super tired after looking after my Sister and that I had to get ready to go out, but she just said, “Sorry!” and proceeded to tell me for the FOURTH time!!! So, now you may all guess why I’m in such a wonderful mood.

    Take care all. Love,

    Sue and all the animals. x

  43. I guess I’m the only one to say keep responding to nay sayers, I stumbled upon your site only just recently and it has been a blessing. Diagnosed with bipolar since the mid 90’s.
    I like that your are NOT a professional, you can respond quickly and freely. No doubt others are stumbling upon your site regularly, therefore they need the information, it is NEW information to them. You may feel as if you are responding to the attack for the millionith time, but for ME it is the first time! I get to feel vindicated for the very first time!!
    So hopefully you can include these attacks/responses on a somewhat regular/controlled basis.

  44. For Dreamer:
    I just read your blog from yesterday about your friend maybe being misdiagnosed and wanted to say I agree with you because I know from my personal history and experience that BPD is not always easy to diagnose. Like David stated in an earlier email that it takes time for observance and to build a history in order to accurately diagnose BPD. I spent most of my life being treated for depression, when in fact I am a person with BPD. So maybe your friend will be the lucky one who does not have Bi-polar Disorder. All we can do is Pray for her.

  45. dave, don’t let this get to you- keep up the good work that you are doing! After researching for three years now regarding bipolar disorder, your information has by far been the most helpful to me. I suspect that my husband is bipolar-and I have been desparately searching for something to help- I am anxiously awaiting your course which I ordered last week. He has left us ,again, and I don’t see evidence of him functioning well- just coping. I have left him in God’s hands while I find a way to show him how important a role the proper meds could play in his living a peaceful functioning life- hopefully back in the family that just wants the best for him- ours.

  46. It boils down to what people don’t know, they simply don’t know. Take a walk in a bipolar persons’ shoes or soneone suppoting them and then they might have something valuable to say. The no ceedance to what these people who like to create drama say because they don’t have a life of their own that worth a plug nickle. Furthermore they should be happy that there are people out there like you “Helping Others” ,which is God’s intention for us. I wonder where their intentions come from. Hats’ off to you David. You are a life saver. Thank you, SINCERELY

  47. I see your point on medication but what about the bi-polor who keeps trying medication and has tried so many different kinds and they(dr.’s) say give it time and be patient and wind up with adverse reactions and they say you may be the 1 percent that med. won’t work for you or maybe work for a short time and quit cause of rapid cycling bi-polor….Is there hope out there.

  48. I keep thinking over and over about my family’s comments that I am ‘SICK, SICK, SICK’; that I need to be LOCKED UP FOR A VERY LONG TIME IN A PADDED CELL WITH A STRAIGHT JACKET,’ that my family is NOT MY SAVIOR,;’ that NO ONE CAN HELP ME AND I CAN’T EVEN HELP MYSELF,’ it goes on and on. Now, I don’t even have the motivation to do anything…but keep listening to these negative, hurtful things…I feel as though my life is not worth going on,,,,what is the use? I just feel like there is nothing going to make things better and no one to help, just hurt….Kerrie

  49. Heaven don’t let anyone rent space in your head specially if they are neg. and non-supportive. My guy is BP and even though he is here most of the time (except when he works) I get lonely seems others in my life does not understand what I am going through and maybe I don’t want them to know cuz I don’t think they would understand. Email me if you want I would like to hear about you and your life I’d like to write you back ok, let me tell you about my girls…A Lab and a Toy Pincher…hope to hear from you, Mist

  50. I have never heard of a bipolar person being successful without med. Mine and my fiances life would be a wreck without meds and it our responcability to make sure we have a good treatment plan. If we did things any other way then we would live very limited lives. Being on the wrong meds has had devestating effects on both me and my fiance. Now that we are on the right meds we are happy almost all the time…no matter what life has to throw at us!

  51. I wanted to know if anyone knows how lithium works for bipolar??
    I am on 1200 mg of seroquel and I want off. his is the only medication that has helped me….I found out there is a lawsuit going on cause 1 in 3 peeps taking seroquel will end up with
    diabetes,blood sugar disorders and pancreatitis…..I am now a full blown diabetic 🙁

  52. For Meeps:

    I have been taking Seroquel for several years and if you watch much TV there is at least 3 or 4 class action lawsuits for different drugs everyday. I guess it comes down to personal choice as to whether the benefits outweigh the risks, something to be discussed with your Psych, as a regular MD doesn’t really seem to have the training to treat Bi-polar (please note that this is only my opinion about MDs). My daughter has also been taking Seroquel for a very long time and now she is on Lithium. Lithium comes with a host of side effects too and regular blood work has to be done in order to maintain the right dosage, again personal choice. I have watched my daughter take more different drugs than I can count since she was diagnosed with BPD at puberty, when she really started to show all the signs of BPD. She saw a counselor for a couple of years prior to her diagnosis and was referred her to a very good Psychiatrist. It is very difficult to find the right combination of meds to keep a person with BPD fairly stable. So, again, I say to you, talk about the good and the bad effects of your meds with your Psych and determine together what is right for you.

  53. Hi David,

    Everything that I write is kind of a cautionary tale. I agree with you 100%. Here’s why. My husband behaved in such strange and criminal ways that I finally said to him:”Either you’ll get help or I’m going to report this incident to the police…you’ll be deported.” He agreed to treatment. Unfortunately he was misdiagnosed and mismedicated…but even that little bit of help saved the marriage (for a while) and stablized him enough that he held a job in construction (for a while). Then he felt better and guess what he did. Do I even need to say it? He stopped taking his meds. Whoopy, his penis worked better; but his life and this marriage started (slowly) to fall apart again.

    The horrible behaviors started again. Needless to say he lost the job, got another job months later, loved that job, lost that job, started a business (many months later) lost the business. Do I really need to continue.

    Now he’s gone. We’re getting divorced, on his demand. Guess who has to pay for it? I don’t even know if he’s alive or dead. I don’t even know if his behaviors; which I believe will return to horror, will put him in jeopardy with his new “love”. I can’t even help him.

    I’m left thinking, what could have been if he stayed on the meds? Would he have stayed on the meds if they didn’t have such awful sexual side effects? Would he still be the sweet, strange, passionate, kind man that I married.

    I feel as if I’m in mourning for a death. The disease has killed the man I knew. The man anyone on the site would love to know. Someone with dreams, and skills, and a will to make good and be good. To anyone reading this, PLEASE don’t underestimate the importance of a good doctor and proper meds. I believe that they can return your loved one to you and to themselves.

  54. Hi Dave,
    This is a bit off this topic but the lady that was mad at you for saying we can get into money messes, lady if you have so much, share the love, I am bipolar and I can sit in front of a computer for 1 hour and spend up to 10,000. I am so bad in debt, I am just waiten for the mortgage folks to come try and remove me I am ready to fight, dogs guns whatever it takes. When you describe the bipo beast David I feel like you have known me my whole life. You know bipo, like the song he sees it when its coming, he knows when its awake, he knows it is going to ruin your life cause bipo isnt nice. To all you David haters, I am from California Nor/Cal I have two words for you one starts with a F and the other a Y. You might frustrate him maybe, dought it though, he is smarter than you. So be positive and poitivley go away!!! Thanks for everything David Oliver, you are the best.

  55. Insofar as being on meds–I wouldn’t trade for it! I would never want to see a “drug holiday”. Whether a person is Bipolar I or II w/mixed states — one would be very prudent to be on meds. The manic side is so well, manic! In my opinion, I rather be on meds and somewhat stable, (nobody’s perfect), clear-headed,than off meds, totally not with it, have foggy thouthts and just not even feel like myself, and have your family ask, “what is YOUR problem today?” Dave, you’re a great blessing, tell it like it is and sometimes people need to hear and/or be reminded of different stuff, whether people agree with it or not; just that fact that YOU take the time to email daily, etc., is a HUGE comittment on YOUR part — now all we have to do is OUR part! 🙂

  56. Peoples brains are so different from one another that you never know how any type of med will affect you until you try it under the supervision of a good doctor. My fiance Grady had lithium suggested to him for year but he refused to try it because he heard bad rumers about lithium. Grady was on something else which the side effects totally outweighed the benifits. I dont want to mention what he use to be on because it REALLY DOES help some people. It just wasnt right for Grady. He wanted to stay on that kind because he thought it was probably safer than any med (I have no idea why!). Years of the doctor adjusting his meds and still he was tired all the time, had no sex drive, couldnt maintain and erection, felt achy all the time and never wanted to do anything but sleep or lay down all day. He just had no energy. Thats when the doctor suggested lithium again and I convinced him to give it a try.

    It really depends on who you are. For some people lithium can be poisenous. It depends whether or not your body is flushing it out properly. Thats why you get monthly blood tests while your on it. That way if it was hurting you then your doctor would contact you deal with it before it can do any damage.

    Once Grady was on lithium the difference was like night and day. Absolutely no side effects. None what so ever. Hes happy all the time but able to get a good nights sleep too. Some people do get side effects from lithium. It really depends who you are.

    If you have a good doctor and he suggests a type of med that someone has told you bad things about it doesnt mean your gonna have the same side effects. You might not have any. Always keep an open mind and listen to your doctor. You NEVER know how your body will react to a certain type of medication.

  57. Medication is key. It’s an illness that physically manifests itself the brain. Don’t stop driving that point home. Those who get angry are probably at what Elizabeth Kubler Ross described as the stage of Anger in acceptance of their disease…(which was initially developed to describe the psychological stages a human goes through in regards to their acceptance of their impending death…) But it can also be used in this context, because what you are dealing with is the loss of a sense of self in a certain way; that your brain is not who you thought it was. hahaha. But, once accepted, with medication and management, it becomes ‘less difficult’ as M. Scott Peck has so eloquently stated in his book The Road Less Traveled. Remeber, after Anger comes ACCEPTANCE. That’s where the hope lies.

  58. @comcastLeonora, That’s fot the words of wisdom. Evry little thing helps… sooner or later!!!!I wanted to write back on a more personel level with those who wrote to me. Can’t seem to be taking the right steprs. Could you Please walk me through it sometime, when it’s conveinient for you? I like your sence of humor.ooHHH…if some of the was meant to funny? You never know, right??? Today all I can say is “MURPHY”S LAW}…if anything can go wrong it will. On a happier note I will end by sying “You can start your day over anytime you want to”!!! TY for writing.Help if you can.Be good, if you can be great…or be good at it!!!Johanna

  59. There are just some people who, for whatever reason, do not believe Bipolar is a disease that needs to be treated with medications. I agree that Bipolar without meds is Hell and Bipolar with meds is Peace. I have warned my doctor that he cannot retire because I am afraid of going to another doctor who may try to change my meds. For example, my Klonopin that I’ve been on for almost 30 years. I’m now at 1 mg 4x/day. A lot of doctors would take me off of that but I need it for the anxiety associated with my Bipolar. I get panic attacks if I don’t take it. And my doctor listens to me. He knows I’m in the field and he knows I know what I’m talking about not only as a person with Bipolar but also as a counselor who treats people with Bipolar. He obviously has the last say but at least he gives me a chance to say what I think and takes it into consideration. But back to those people who think you’re pushing meds. If they don’t believe, nothing you say or do is going to change their minds, so stop wasting your time trying to convert them. Just let them holler. There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like something about what you are doing. Just a little advice: You have to choose your battles wisely. And you don’t have to go to every fight you’re invited to. Keep up the great work!

  60. Well sometimes, if one is not given the correct medication, it is better not to take any. It took me eight years to accept I did have a mental illness, and the first time I was given drugs, they made me feel awful, they were not the right ones for me, so I ran away from doctors, until I really got very ill, and finally found a good therapist to give me the right medication.

  61. Well sometimes, if one is not given the correct medication, it is better not to take any. It took me eight years to accept I did have a mental illness, and the first time I was given drugs, they made me feel awful, they were not the right ones for me, so I ran away from doctors, until I really got very ill, and finally found a good therapist to give me the right medication.

  62. Of course the moon landings are a hoax – they just went up in the air and landed in Hawaii.

    and people think I am nuts – lol!

  63. Whoops – jumping the gun with my answers here. Seemed to have entered them a couple of times. But the bi polar thing is no hoax – that I know for a fact….

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