Bipolar Disorder lessons from Turtles and Rabbits

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


I’ve got a question for you:

What do rabbits, turtles, and
bipolar disorder all have to do with
each other?

Here’s a hint: Aesop.

Got it?

Aesop wrote a fairy tale you
may remember from your childhood
about the tortoise and the hare.

The fable goes like this:

There once was a speedy hare who
bragged about how fast he could run.
Tired of hearing him boast, Slow and
Steady, the tortoise, challenged the
hare to a race. All the animals in the
forest gathered to watch.

Hare ran down the road for a while and
then paused to rest. He looked back at
Slow and Steady and cried out, “How do
you expect to win this race when you are
walking along at your slow, slow pace?”

Hare stretched himself out alongside the
road and fell asleep, thinking, “There is
plenty of time to relax.”

Slow and Steady walked and walked. He
never, ever stopped until he came to the
finish line.

The animals who were watching cheered
so loudly for Tortoise, they woke up Hare.

Hare stretched and yawned and began to
run again, but it was too late. Tortoise was
over the line.

After that, Hare always reminded himself,
“Don’t brag about your lightning pace,
for Slow and Steady won the race!”


To this day, you’ll still here the expression,
“Slow and Steady wins the race.”
Now you know where it came from!

Ok, so what does that have to do with
bipolar disorder?

In my courses, I go into great detail about
learning how to develop systems, or
routines, and how important that is:




But in light of the fable and its moral of
“slow and steady wins the race,” you need
to develop a routine, something or things
that you do everyday – that’s the slow and
steady part. Whether you are a bipolar
supporter OR a bipolar survivor.

Some people whine that that is too boring,
but most people have told me that it has
literally made the difference in them
becoming a high functioning person with
bipolar disorder or not.

It truly is like the tortoise in the fable.
By going slow and steady, by sticking to
their routine, their treatment plan, taking
their medication, doing everything they
are supposed to do (and not complaining
about it), they are “winning the race” with
bipolar disorder.

To those who think there should be a magic
button or magic word that will make their
loved one better overnight, well, I compare
that to the hare in the fable. It just isn’t
going to happen, no matter what you think,
no matter what you try.

Remember, “Slow and steady wins the

I can tell you FOR SURE. That those who
are super successful with bipolar disorder
believe this. Nothing happens over night.
It’s a process.

In today’s society, people want everything
FAST and right away. They what to make
a million quick. They become way overweight
and then go to the gym a few times and look
incredible. They want to learn how to read
fast in a half a day. They want to go from
the bottom of their job to the top overnight.
They want their bipolar medication to work on
the first try and work perfect. The list goes on.

Actually TV promotes that this is all possible.
Many times you hear and read stories about
people achieving tremendous success in a
super short period of time. I have found
every time I research this, it’s a “statistical
outlier” (it’s not the norm and it’s one person
in every million or so) OR it’s simply not

Another thing is this, the media normally
doesn’t include the years of time it takes for
success. As opposed to me where everytime
I do a bipolar supporter or survivor success interview
I ask up front how long it’s taken the person. You
hear 4 years, 8 years, 15 years, etc.

Hopefully some people will post today and explain
how long it’s taken them.

I have to run now.

Oh actually no more thing on this subject. I bumped
into on of the world’s leading authorities on stress.
I was telling him about bipolar disorder and he
was really excited about what I was doing. I was
really excited about what he was doing. Want to
know something odd. He said that one of the top
3 stresses that everyone seems to have is
the stress they have from comparing themselves
to people who are successful and thinking they
are not achieving success or having as much as
fast as the person they are comparing themselves

Think about that. Well I have to run. Have a great

Your friend,

P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Are people with bipolar disorder normal?

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

Before we get started, I wanted to
tell you something.

First, for a few people who called
me yesterday for the coaching program,
jobs, projects, etc, I will be getting
back to you today. I had like 100
things to do yesterday.

I am now doing interviews with media
so I am super busy. Also, I run 3 other
businesses as well.

NO I don’t have bipolar disorder and
I am NOT in a manic episode. I am
able to do all this because I have
GREAT teams. Which I have taught
in my course/systems for bipolar
disorder is one key to success.




For example, I’ve told you that I
was a little concerned with my mom and her
bipolar disorder because her brother is in
the hospital, it being December (my mom’s
worst bipolar month), and natural December stress.
So far three potential bipolar triggers. BUT
so far it looks good. Everything seems
to be okay.

BUT my mom actually contact her entire
team and let them know to watch out for
her because of all that is going on. Is that
proactive or what?

So remember if you have bipolar disorder
and you think there might be a problem,
be proactive. Contact your doctor, therapist,
supporters, etc. Let them know what is going
on. Make sure you have medical waivers in

If you are a bipolar supporter, when there
are potential bipolar triggers, make sure
you report them and also you are vigilant.

In the old days, nothing would be done
and I can tell you FOR SURE my mom
would have gone into a bipolar episode.

As it stands now, I believe it’s IMPOSSIBLE
for my mom to go into a major bipolar episode.

Why can I say that? Well it’s because she has
a system in place to prevent it. It’s possible
she would go into a minor bipolar
episode. But if I had to bet, I would say no.
But, if she does, we’ll be ready.

I have brainstormed all possible options
using well you’re going to think I am nerdy
but factorials which is stuff in math.

I teach how to use factorials to prevent
bipolar episodes in my courses/systems
below. But, I don’t call it factorials because
you would think I was crazy, nerdy or you
might be afraid because it’s math. So I just
teach you the technique and don’t label it.

Okay, one last thing before we jump into
today’s topic. I must say, I am a little
annoyed. I have another business and people
are contacting me from this other business
and finding my stuff on bipolar disorder.

They then wind up calling me up and
saying, “hey, I saw your site.” I then
say “oh.” They say, “I you have a site
on bipolar disorder.” I say, “Really?”
(For some reason I get annoyed at these

Then they say, “I didn’t know your mom
had bipolar disorder.”

Then I get really annoyed. It’s just stupid
to call someone and say something like

Anyway this woman called me and said
and I quote, “Hi, David. I saw your bipolar
site. Wow, I didn’t know you had that.
I didn’t know your mother has bipolar disorder.
She is so, umm, so, well, normal.”

Isn’t that offensive? It’s annoying too, don’t
you think? Well you know how I replied?
I know it’s bad, sorry.

I said, “Wow, I didn’t know that YOUR mom
had bipolar disorder?”

The woman was shocked and confused. She
said, “Umm. My mom doesn’t have bipolar

I said, “oh yea she does.”

She was totally confused wondering if I knew
something that she didn’t know.

I said, “oh you didn’t know??? But
don’t worry she is so normal.”

The woman was totally confused. So then
I let her off the hook and told her how
dumb she was to make a stupid comment saying
my mom was “so normal.”

She said sorry and said she didn’t mean
to say anything offensive.

I know that was bad but it was funny 🙂
I am laughing as I write this.

My mom said it was no big deal but it makes
me mad/annoyed.

You know, I have 8 or 9 people working for
me who have bipolar disorder. They are GREAT!
You know I always brag about how good they
are. Anyway, I had a friend of mine who has
a business. He started it like around 3 years
ago. When I started my bipolar stuff. He
couldn’t believe how far we have come so fast.

He then said, “man, are you sure the people
that work for you really have bipolar disorder?”

I was totally confused. I was like, “huh, what
do you mean?” He said, “well you guys just get
so much done so fast it’s just weird that most
of the people have bipolar disorder.”

Then I got it. I cut him off and yelled at him
and said, that people with bipolar disorder
do great things. Then I lectured him about
all the artists, inventors, business people,
leaders, etc.

He felt dumb and said sorry that he just didn’t
know. Today, he actually wants to hire people
with bipolar disorder because he has concluded
that people with bipolar disorder get more
done than people who don’t (which is true
many times :). Plus he says
my people are way more creative (which is
true 🙂

I get really annoyed when people insult
people who have bipolar disorder. I guess
because I feel they are indirectly insulting
lots of my friends, workers and own mom.

What do you think of all of this?

Post a response. Also, I have to take off.
Catch you tomorrow. Bye for now.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my Free blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my Free podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Major Bipolar Success Story With Keys Revealed

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


First I wanted to say welcome to all the
new subscribers to this bipolar newsletter.
Yesterday we got around 2800 news subscribers
in one day.

How are you? I have to go really quick today
so I have to make this daily bipolar email
on the shorter side.

Tomorrow I have some really interesting things
to send to you.

Today I wanted to tell you about this major
bipolar success story.

About 2 years ago, there was a person that
called me up (when my home phone number was
all over my sites), and it was like 3:00am
in the morning.

I can pretty much recall the story well
because I took notes. Here is goes:

I was dead tired. Anyway, he was kind of rambling
I thought. I wasn’t sure if I was so tired
that he really wasn’t rambling but I was
imagining it.

Anyway, he started telling me how he was “so
done” with his wife because her bipolar
disorder was out of control.

He said there was no hope. He was calling
me before he decided to leave her in the morning.

I woke up and got out of bed. So I asked him
what happen and why he was “so done.”

He said that his wife was a great person
that he loved for many years but then in the last
couple of years she started getting worse and
worse like he said happen to my mom.

I listened carefully.

He then said like 3 years ago she was found to
have bipolar disorder.

He said, “I can deal with that.”

He went on to tell me how over the last
year or year and one half she was out
of control.

He said how she had stolen money from the
family. Spent a ton of money. She had made
up all kinds of lies. She was yelling
and screaming at him breaking down
his health.

I then asked about what doctor she was
seeing. He then cut me off and said she
had been to EVERY doctor possible. All kinds
of therapists and tried EVERY possible bipolar

He said to me that everything was tried
and there was no chance for success.

He then went on and on and on and on about
how bad it was. How he couldn’t deal with it
anymore and that if he kept going, he
was going to have a stroke.

I then cut him off and said, I need to
ask you some questions and I need one line
answers or yes/no nothing more.

I said, “agree or disagree?” He then rambled
and I said, “okay, I can’t help, you can’t follow
the rules and I laughed.” He laughed and said,
“okay” I can do that.

-Did you guys shop for a doctor?
-Are you working with the doctor to inform him/her
what’s going on with your wife?
-Are you informing the therapist?
-Does your wife have access to your finances?
-Are you arguing with your wife every day?

In my courses/systems for bipolar disorder,
I talk about the questions to ask yourself
and what you should and should not do:




Then I asked a bunch of other questions.

His answers were, they didn’t shop for a doctor.
They had no system to do that. He was no allowed
to talk to his wife’s doctor. She wasn’t seeing
a therapist. He was arguing with her every
single day he said for up to 10 hours a day.
His wife was paying the bill still but he
was “trying” to take that away from her.

I told him, “I am going to give it to you

Actually, then I gave him my normal disclaimer.

I am NOT a doctor, therapist, lawyer, insurance
person or other kind of professional. I am NOT
offering medical, legal or professional advice.
If you are looking for advice of this nature, please
contact someone else.

He was like “yea, yea I know that. Tell me how to
help her.”

I said, “You’re doing everything wrong. Sorry.
But you can turn this around if you want
to. I am confident in you.”

I then told him to grab a pen and I grabbed
one of my bipolar supporter manuals and simply
read the key points to him and explained it
to him.

I told him the things he needed to do and
he agreed with me.

I told him how you have to shop for a doctor and
not just take any random person.

I told him about my “stand up to bipolar disorder” strategy
and how arguing with his wife for 10 hours a day was
a total waste of time. How do I know? Well I argued
with my mom for about 5 to 6 hours a day every day
for months. I thought I was going to drop dead myself.

He can’t out argue a bipolar episode.

So we talked a long time until like 5:00am and I could
tell he felt better.

He asked if he could buy my course from me over the
phone and I said, “I am way too tired to take any
orders just get it online.”

He did.

I thought for sure he would use the FREE consultation
certificates in my course and contact me later. He never

But never heard from him again until recently.

He contacted me and said that his life has totally turned

He followed my advice and used my doctor finding
system. He had a doctor contact him and say
he could help his wife.

He then worked with the doctor to keep him
informed. At first his wife refused to give
him the ability to talk to the doctor. He easily
got around that with all the strategies.

He actually laughed and said to me that
my strategy to get around a person not allowing
communication with a doctor is so easy it almost
doesn’t even matter if the person does or doesn’t.

He then said he didn’t like talking to doctors
anyway so it was great that they never were talking
back to him anyway :).

He took control of the finances and he saved
a whole lot of money.

She is now doing great. Totally stable and working.
She is totally recovered and realizes what she
has to do to be stable.

He said to me it was so crazy how she went from
totally out of her mind to totally normal as he
put it. He was amazed the difference a good
doctor and medication makes.

I then asked if his wife was self functioning
and he said “ABSOLUTELY!?” He said you couldn’t
even tell she had bipolar disorder and she is
doing great.

Oh he also mentioned that she is seeing a therapist
and him/her agreed she should even though she
is stable and doing great.

I wanted to pass along this message because many
times we hear about the doom and the gloom. I have
to write about doom and gloom because that’s
important but I also want to balance with
success stories. I get tons of them.

No matter how bad your situation is, there is someone’s
who is worse and someone who has overcome it.

I have seen people come back from the worst of the worst
situations. My mom was a really bad situation but
not even close to the “really” bad ones.

I always no that it’s possible to turn it around.
It just takes strategy and time. Even if you look
at the people who work for me with bipolar disorder,
you’ll see that it took time and a strategy.

I have one person that was unstable for years
and years and years. They wanted to permanently
put her in an institutionalize and finally she
figured out a system to control bipolar disorder
about 5 years ago. Now today she is stable,
has a family and works for me.

Imagine the person I told you about today
gave up on his wife. Then imagine she
was on the streets or something. The difference
between her success and lack of success was
him a good strong bipolar supporter.

If you have bipolar disorder a good supporter
is important but not a requirement. Increasingly
I will share stories of people who had no
supporters and got their bipolar disorder
under control.

Well with that said, I have to take off. Have
a great day and I will catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my Free blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my Free podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Shocking Murders, Killings and Bipolar Disorder

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

Hope you had a good weekend.

The other day I sent you a daily
bipolar email titled “The Killer and Bipolar
Disorder.” If you missed it, you can read
my blog below to see it.

I got a whole lot feedback from people
who were writing me and saying things

-Dave, people with bipolar disorder can

-How do you know if your loved one is
capable of being a killer

-How do I know if I could do something

-What should you do if your loved one
is violent towards you.

and other questions like this.

I was kind of surprised about the
questions. I wasn’t expecting it.

I was expecting more comments about
the person who had actually killed
several people.

Anyway, I have some things to say
about the questions that I received.

But, first let me say before I respond

I am NOT a doctor, therapist, or lawyer.
I am NOT offering medical or legal advice.

With that said, I have opinions. At any
one time, I have up to 11 people who
work for me that have bipolar disorder.

And I just hired another person. I have
over 170,000 people who have signed
up to my newsletters. Also, as
you know, my mom has bipolar disorder.

I have lots of friends with bipolar and
I studied bipolar disorder very closely as
you can probably tell.

So I feel like I know bipolar disorder
really well.

With that said, here’s what I have found
in 99% of the violent cases with bipolar disorder
that I have studied.

Actually before I tell you, what do you think
is at the core of violence and bipolar disorder?

Take a guess and scroll down for what I think.


Guess first then scroll down….

It’s a lack of treatment and in most cases
the person stopped taking their medication.

This is what I have seen time and time again
that leads to the bipolar disorder horror stories
that involve killings, murder, violence and “crazy

If you check out my bipolar news and read the
“back story” of people who have done these
really bad things you always seen to find
it’s people who get off their medication.

There are lessons to be learned from
these horror stories

If you have bipolar disorder:

-Stay on your medication

-Work with your doctor and therapist

-If you feel homicidal or suicidal
call your doctor or a qualified
doctor IMMEDIATELY. Or go to the hospital.
Do NOT wait.

If you are supporting a loved one with
bipolar disorder.

-Work with him/her to get them on the right
medication and help them stay on it.

-Call the people if the person is homicidal
or suicidal. Many times, supporters do
nothing and tell no one when they know
the person is out of control.

NOTE-I remember this one time. There was a person
who was off medication. Many people in
his neighborhood called me and asked me to
do something. It was odd. I never had so many
people in one area contacting me about someone.

I told them they need to call the
police, his doctor, and inform the authorities. I
warned them to treat threats seriously, stay away
and be careful.

Then some how the guy started calling me. He threatened
to kill me unless I returned his calls and met with
him. He warned me he was going to fly out to “get me.”
He called over and over again. His messages were really
strange and threatening. He made one person in customer
service very worried she quit.

It sad, she was new and a fill in. I think she believes
people with bipolar disorder are mean. Her first experience
was such a bad one. She never even got to meet other people
who are NOT like this.

Anyway, I started to worry myself. I called my attorney.
He gave me instructions. I then called my police.

After several weeks of tons of phone calls and long
rambling threats, he stopped calling.

Word was, eventually someone convinced him to go to the
hospital where he was put on medication to calm
him down. I was happy.

He seemed like the kind of guy that could create
a whole lot of problems and do something really

According to what his “friend” told me was that
he was “big”, “drinking”, not medicated and
“majorly bipolar.” BUT I was told he was
the nicest person ever when on medication.

Anyway, it’s a good thing nothing bad happen.

There was another lady that threaten to kill
me as well. About 2.5 years ago. She actually
did hurt someone where she lived. She went to
jail as well. She actually got out recently
and sent me an email saying “sorry” and she
said she accepted her bipolar disorder and never
would stop taking her medication again. It was
odd. I don’t even know how she remembered what
she said to me.

Her bipolar supporter wound up leaving her
and letting her fend for herself and never
let anyone know she was a danger to herself
and society.

The bottom line is bipolar supporters have to take
action if they see something.

It’s a tough thing to do but it has to be done.

If you are reading this and you don’t have
bipolar disorder, think about this. Imagine you
were in a major bipolar episode. Imagine that you
were going to do something to someone or yourself.
You would want someone to do something to stop
you right?

Of course.

Now if you have bipolar disorder you should
want your bipolar supporters to step in. You
should NEVER get mad at supporters for stepping

The worst thing that can happen is no one steps
in, you do something really, really bad and
go to jail for a really long time or forever.

Now, I know someone are reading this that are bipolar
supporters and saying, “Dave, it’s easy to say
to get someone help but many times they don’t want

You are right and that’s why I give as many tips
as possible how to get around this.

In my courses/systems below I talk about
this in depth.




BUT let me warn you. There is no magic simple
answer. I have 25 ways to get someone into treatment
that thinks they are fine. I have an entire
process of which things I think you should
try first. It’s not easy BUT it’s possible.

Anyway, I hope this email gave you a little
insight into murder, killings and bipolar disorder.

These are just my opinions. I am often
asked how I feel about getting death
threats from people who are unstable and
really ill. Well it’s not a good feeling

There have been times where I have a big
consulting job to do and I get a call from
someone who works for me warning me that
someone has made serious and seemingly
credible threats against me. That certainly
doesn’t get you “in the mood” to do business
consulting 🙂

But again, in all these cases, I have yet to see
a case who has a good doctor/therapist, goes
regularly, takes his/her medication and follows his/her
bipolar stability equation, and does something
really bad.

If you have any stories of violence, please
post them. Some don’t even believe this is possible.
There are many people with bipolar disorder that
I know that don’t really take their medication
and don’t believe they could ever commit a
really bad act.

Others don’t realize it is. Let’s warn people

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Disorder And Christmas Rule Book.

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


Hope you are doing well.

This is funny, I was briefly
at a Christmas party yesterday.

I want to talk about an important
lesson with bipolar disorder. First
I want to tell you a funny Christmas
party story.

There were a bunch of people there.

There was this little girl and she
said something to me like, “I can’t
believe you just started using an

An ipod is like this thing that holds
a bunch of music on it. It’s a bigger
cd player.

I was like, “Well I might not have known
how cool ipods were but I know lots of
other stuff.”

She goes, “Yea, I do too.” She said I have
a question for you. I said, “oh,
yea?” So she asked what Hanna Montana

I heard hear of this person and wasn’t sure
what she was. So I was like, “Darn, umm well,
she is a singer.” The girl laughed at me
and said she is a children’s show on the
Disney Channel. She sounded like a game
show contestant.

So then I was like, “oh yea, what’s autism?”

So she told me it was an illness that a person
has problems interacting with people socially.

WOW? I was amazed. I said, “how did you know
what Autism was?” She said, “Because I am smart.”

I thought her response was sooooooo funny. Anyway,
decided that I shouldn’t “play quiz” with
her anymore because I would look like a fool because
she was “smart” and 11 years old.

I guess she must be in like “gifted program”
or something. Her mom said, “yea, she is really

Anyway, I have an important lesson on bipolar disorder
to tell you today.

I don’t know if I’m the only one,
but have you noticed all the Christmas
decorations out this year? It’s not just
the sheer numbers, although there is
that, but they seem to be in the oddest
places, too!

I just know that this isn’t the way it
was meant to be. I remember when it
was just a simple family occasion,
maybe a decorated tree, a family
dinner, maybe a few gifts, but
certainly not the all-out free-for-
all commercialized materialistic
Christmas-ized holiday that it is
today, don’t you agree?

I’m only a supporter, and *I* feel
overwhelmed when I step outside
my door and am confronted by all
the lights around me, everywhere
I look! I just can’t imaging how
someone with bipolar disorder
must be feeling.

In my courses, I talk about handling
stress in a variety of ways:




You would think that getting together
with family at the holidays would be
all happy and jolly – at least that’s
what all the stores and commercials
on TV want us to believe – but for
some people who have bipolar disorder
and their supporters, well, it can be
very stressful.

For some, just being around so many
people at the same time is very
stressful. Just the sheer amount of
family can do it for some!

The volume of being around so many
people at the same time can do it for
others! Have you ever noticed that?
It seems like everyone has to talk at
the same time, while the TV is turned
up way loud to hear the football game.

Oh, the obligation of it all! Don’t you
sometimes wish you didn’t have to go
through it? I have to confess that I do.

But then I came up with a truly great
revelation. Where does it say in the
Christmas Rule Book that you have to
visit every relative, go to every family
affair, put up with all the loud noise,
be around people you really don’t like,
etc., etc.?

I don’t know about you, but it certainly
doesn’t say it in MY Christmas Rule
Book! So I think this year, I am only
going to go to those affairs I really
want to, those that won’t stress me out,
those I’ll really enjoy…AND SKIP

What about you? Do you think this
Is a revolutionary idea? Or are you
going to do the same thing?

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

The killer and bipolar disorder

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

What a day Thursday was. I had so much mail
it was hard to believe. Two giant crates of mail.

I had a few people write me from jail.

I had lots of letters to read.

It’s getting hard to respond to everyone.

Anyway, don’t worry this isn’t a “let’s feel
bad for Dave” email today. I have an important
thing to talk about.

A few days ago, some kid did something really, really
bad. You probably heard. He killed 9 or 10 people.

I have been flooded with emails and calls asking
if I think the kid has bipolar disorder.

It’s kind of offensive to me that every time something
bad happens someone thinks it because someone has
bipolar disorder.

I have no idea. At the end of the day, there will be
no real logical reason that someone would go to a
mall and kill innocent random people.

BUT, I wanted to send this out and say the following.

All people with bipolar disorder are not killers…

There are many people with bipolar disorder who do super
well in society. They are inventers, teachers, leaders,
sales people, car people, moms, dads, computer people,
artists, etc. You name it, they are it.

You can’t jump and assume that all bad
in the world is from someone with bipolar disorder.

Does everyone in the world that shoots
someone have bipolar disorder? NO. Some are
just evil. And there are other reasons.
Sometimes no reason.

BUT, it’s important for people to understand
that you just can’t blame all bad on bipolar
disorder like I said before.

You have to be real careful. I will tell you
a story. Back when my brother was talking
to us (my mom, dad, and myself), I remember
that if my mom would say the slightest thing,
or express any emotion about anything, my brother
would say, “is she in an episode AGAIN?!?!” He would
then laugh and roll his eyes.

It was right after we got a “foothold” in stability
with my mom– about 9 months after she went
into her major bipolar episode. I got so annoyed with
my brother’s comments that I said, “Look, everything
isn’t bipolar. Cut her some slack. She is human
you know?!?!”

He got all mad at me and didn’t’ speak to me for about
a week. I was like “whatever?” It’s odd considering
he is older than me. You would think that he would
be giving me the lectures not the other way around.

Anyway, back to my point. IF you think something
is bipolar related and you are a supporter. I think
it’s best that you don’t blurt out “are you in
an episode?” Rather, “you do a quiet investigation.”

In my courses/systems




I teach how to do this a to z.

But let me give you some info in this email.

You can do the following:

-See if the person is taking his/her medications

-Have you notice any other signs

-Is the person sleeping?

-Is the person seeing a doctor regularly?

-How about a therapist?

-Has there been a change in season?

-Look at your results from your last PEA if
you have one

-Is there a good reason for the thing that happen
to occurred? For example, let’s say your loved one
was driving and someone spit on their car, 90%
of people would be super mad and talk about it. Maybe
even talk about finding and getting even with the
person. That’s kind of normal and wouldn’t be a
sign of an episode GENERALLY. Know what I mean now?

It’s interesting how on the one hand, if someone
has bipolar disorder and gets mad because someone
is mean to them, people around them thing they
are going into an episode. If this was the case,
90% of my friends would have bipolar disorder in
the gym. I have friends that get mad if the
THINK someone looked at them wrong :).

Okay that’s not healthy but that’s another story.

As a side note, when ever someone is mean to
me or gives me a dirty look, I always smile
really big and say “hi, how’s it going?” They
get really confused and then say hi back because
I said hi.

Back to the lesson, after you ask yourself all
the questions I just listed, you then can see if
it’s an episode or not.

I notice that 95% of the time when someone
asks all these questions the answers tell
them if it’s a sign of a bipolar episode.

Make sense?

Hope so.


If you have bipolar disroder, I want you
to post on my blog about how it makes you
feel when people do what I talked about

Well with that said I have to run and go
to the good old gym.

Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Current Bipolar News & Debt Course Sale Reminder



Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Make sure you take a look at the news. It takes
a lot of time to put the news together so
please read it.

—>SALE<--- I wanted to remind you about the sale on my
course that helps you if you have too many
bills and need help. If this is
you, please take a look here:
(NOTE-It ends tonight)

Oh another thing. Many people have asked
me when I will be sending out the huge
guide that I created on all the different
mental illnesses. I actually have my mom
reviewing it and another person to catch any
typos. As soon as I have it, I will email it
out to everyone and there is NO cost.
It’s about 204 pages. I think you’ll love it

Okay on to the bipolar news.

To see the news visit:

There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by
visiting my
blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Bipolar Disorder: Handling the Holidays
DO> Great article and must read.

New Mothers Can Face Daunting Mental Challenges
DO> Interesting if you are a parent or want to be one.

Mental illness and addiction ‘link’
DO> Even though this is old news, it’s a good article

A survivor’s tale inspires others to offer words
DO> Very interesting must read story.

Documentary shows challenges of bipolar disorder
DO> Hmm. I don’t know about this documentary. What
do you think?

For these stories and more, please visit:


==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Important update on my mom and bipolar disorder

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

I have something really, really
important to tell you about
my mom today and it’s an important
bipolar warning/lesson for you.

Hey before we get started today
on our topic related to bipolar disorder,
I wanted to say a few things.

First, thank you for all the applications
that were sent in for the customer service
job. Heather (who is in charge of my
customer service now) and I are hiring
someone to help out. There were many
good applications. It’s going to be a tough
decision. BUT since we are growing if you
don’t get hired this time, we always circle
back to second and third runners up when
we need them.

If people could see the kind of great people
with bipolar disorder that apply to my positions
they would be amazed. Don’t think that people
with bipolar disorder just have lives in shambles.
They do NOT.

I have a whole lot of people who work with me
that have bipolar disorder and they do GREAT!

Okay, the other thing I wanted to say was this.
For those of you in the Bipolar Inner Circle,
we have a new incredible program that is going to be
starting. Check your newsletter for the details.
Also I will be emailing it out. It’s going to be

Okay, I had one more thing I was going to
tell you but I forgot 🙂 I thought of it
in the middle of the night last night but
I guess I should have written it down. I
will remember later.

Okay let’s get going. Here’s what happen
yesterday. I got an email from my mom
saying that my uncle and her brother is in
the hospital for congestive heart failure.

My first thought was, “I can’t believe it,
he’s in such good shape??” He is in really good
shape. Perfect weight. Eats well, etc. I just
was amazed that he had this. My dad had the same
thing but my dad is way over weight and doesn’t
eat well. It’s just odd how these things work.
It’s kind of annoying/not fair that someone could be in
good shape who does everything right can still
get congestive heart failure.

Anyway, I then was worried because of the following.
It’s December, Bipolar episodes generally happen in
December with my mom and now there is a possible
“trigger” or “negative event.” What is it? Her
brother being in the hospital.

I want to teach you today how I think about all of
this and the thoughts/plans that go through my
mind to get ahead of the bipolar disorder.

Here is the sequence of thoughts:

-Is my mom sleeping? (need to check)

-Is my mom’s doctor aware of the situation?

-Is my mom’s therapist aware of the situation?

-Where are my mom’s doctor and therapist going to
be during the holiday season?

-Who are the backups to them?

-Is my dad monitoring my mom?

-Does my mom realize it’s December and that her episodes
generally start in December

-I need to do a little investigation without offending my mom

-Based on history, my mom handles crises very well but
afterwards the bipolar episodes generally start

-I think it takes around 30 days to do whatever treatment
for congestive heart failure is required. This would put
us in January, with less sunlight, more cold, increased
chance for depression.

Need to check in with her with regularity to see how
she is doing.

Yesterday I had to drive over to my mom and dad’s house
as a coincidence.

It was good because I could see how she was doing. I could
look for the historical signs of a bipolar episode.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, this is all
explained in my courses/systems below:




So I look around yesterday and talk with
my mom. But I don’t see the signs. BUT, I am
still going to be vigilant. My dad wasn’t
there and today I am going to call him and
say, “Dad, based on Sanderson being in the hospital,
what are your thoughts on mom?”

Then I will see what he says. I stopped telling
my dad the answers and how to think because that
was making him too dependent on me. I’ll let
you know what he says.

Now, as you read what I wrote today, do
you see how you have to think about this? Some
people might think that I am either “obsessive”,
“controlling”, “paranoid”, “negative” or “right
on.” These will be the responses I get today.

I can tell you this, I tried not being concerned
when these types of things happen and it created
huge problems.

Right now my mom has a incredible system that
is designed to withstand these types of events.
In the old days, there was no system and that’s
how bipolar disorder got the best of our family
every single time.

It (bipolar) hopes you don’t have a system
so it can beat you. You might think that sounds
“crazy” because bipolar is not an entity. BUT,
I believe, when you think of it as someone
that’s trying to create problems for you, it’s
much easier to deal with it. It works for me
and many other people.

Well I have to run and will catch you tomorrow.
Oh, tomorrow is Friday so the bipolar news is
going to be sent out. So I will update you on

Have a great day.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Don’t Fall Victim To This With Bipolar Disorder

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

How’s it going?

Hey first I wanted to say, I have
a new Podcast you can listen to
for free. It’s about credit cards
and bipolar disorder.

Have a listen here:

We have been talking a lot about money.

There’s a problem that affects a
lot of people with bipolar disorder
and their loved ones. So, I’m just
warning you:


Once they become stable and
high functioning, many people
with bipolar disorder wind up
being really successful. They make
lots of money (while those who are
not as high functioning may still be
battling financial troubles, which I
go over extensively in my courses:

But if they do become successful,
which I teach in my courses that they
definitely can be, some of these
people start going to the extreme –
which I do NOT teach them to do!




The extreme is what I was talking
about before – about buying lots of
unnecessary things and living a high

Then they have to cut back on
whatever they did to make all the
money, because the stress puts them
back into a bipolar episode, and the
cycle just continues on and on.


Sustaining this high lifestyle is too
much, and not worth it. You should
cut back and downsize to a more
simple life. De-stressing alone would
be worth what you have to do to
achieve it.

Take a look at all your stuff and see
what you really need (as opposed to
what you really want). Do you really
need 300 stations on your TV? Do
you need 3 cars? Do you need to eat
out 8 times a month? Do you need to
buy all those expensive clothes?

I know this married couple, where
both of them have bipolar disorder,
and they both live on disability. They
used to have high paying jobs, along
with the pressure that came along with
that, and they had all the trappings of
it as well – the house, the car, the
clothes, etc.

But both of them could not keep up
that lifestyle, and their high tower fell
down. They were both living month
to month on just their disability, until
I met them, and now one of them works
for me. But the point is, they have
continued to live a very simple lifestyle.


It’s basically very simple. If you
continue to live a high lifestyle, you
will continue to have the high stress
that that lifestyle brings into your life.
And if you have bipolar disorder, that
can cause you to have episodes.


It’s your choice. You can give up
the stress, and you can live a simpler
lifestyle. You can still be successful
without all the materialistic trappings.
And you’ll be much happier for it.

I have a friend that’s made like $400,000
a year for several years. He has like $50,000
in savings and that number is going DOWN
each month. Imagine that?

You know what’s “Crazy” so to speak. I have
seen time and time again people choose between
treatment and medication and “cool” and “luxury”

Hey, I just looked at the clock. I have an interview
to do. Mega bipolar success story and drug/alcohol

Catch you tomorrow. Have a great day!

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.