Important update on my mom and bipolar disorder

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How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

I have something really, really
important to tell you about
my mom today and it’s an important
bipolar warning/lesson for you.

Hey before we get started today
on our topic related to bipolar disorder,
I wanted to say a few things.

First, thank you for all the applications
that were sent in for the customer service
job. Heather (who is in charge of my
customer service now) and I are hiring
someone to help out. There were many
good applications. It’s going to be a tough
decision. BUT since we are growing if you
don’t get hired this time, we always circle
back to second and third runners up when
we need them.

If people could see the kind of great people
with bipolar disorder that apply to my positions
they would be amazed. Don’t think that people
with bipolar disorder just have lives in shambles.
They do NOT.

I have a whole lot of people who work with me
that have bipolar disorder and they do GREAT!

Okay, the other thing I wanted to say was this.
For those of you in the Bipolar Inner Circle,
we have a new incredible program that is going to be
starting. Check your newsletter for the details.
Also I will be emailing it out. It’s going to be

Okay, I had one more thing I was going to
tell you but I forgot 🙂 I thought of it
in the middle of the night last night but
I guess I should have written it down. I
will remember later.

Okay let’s get going. Here’s what happen
yesterday. I got an email from my mom
saying that my uncle and her brother is in
the hospital for congestive heart failure.

My first thought was, “I can’t believe it,
he’s in such good shape??” He is in really good
shape. Perfect weight. Eats well, etc. I just
was amazed that he had this. My dad had the same
thing but my dad is way over weight and doesn’t
eat well. It’s just odd how these things work.
It’s kind of annoying/not fair that someone could be in
good shape who does everything right can still
get congestive heart failure.

Anyway, I then was worried because of the following.
It’s December, Bipolar episodes generally happen in
December with my mom and now there is a possible
“trigger” or “negative event.” What is it? Her
brother being in the hospital.

I want to teach you today how I think about all of
this and the thoughts/plans that go through my
mind to get ahead of the bipolar disorder.

Here is the sequence of thoughts:

-Is my mom sleeping? (need to check)

-Is my mom’s doctor aware of the situation?

-Is my mom’s therapist aware of the situation?

-Where are my mom’s doctor and therapist going to
be during the holiday season?

-Who are the backups to them?

-Is my dad monitoring my mom?

-Does my mom realize it’s December and that her episodes
generally start in December

-I need to do a little investigation without offending my mom

-Based on history, my mom handles crises very well but
afterwards the bipolar episodes generally start

-I think it takes around 30 days to do whatever treatment
for congestive heart failure is required. This would put
us in January, with less sunlight, more cold, increased
chance for depression.

Need to check in with her with regularity to see how
she is doing.

Yesterday I had to drive over to my mom and dad’s house
as a coincidence.

It was good because I could see how she was doing. I could
look for the historical signs of a bipolar episode.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, this is all
explained in my courses/systems below:




So I look around yesterday and talk with
my mom. But I don’t see the signs. BUT, I am
still going to be vigilant. My dad wasn’t
there and today I am going to call him and
say, “Dad, based on Sanderson being in the hospital,
what are your thoughts on mom?”

Then I will see what he says. I stopped telling
my dad the answers and how to think because that
was making him too dependent on me. I’ll let
you know what he says.

Now, as you read what I wrote today, do
you see how you have to think about this? Some
people might think that I am either “obsessive”,
“controlling”, “paranoid”, “negative” or “right
on.” These will be the responses I get today.

I can tell you this, I tried not being concerned
when these types of things happen and it created
huge problems.

Right now my mom has a incredible system that
is designed to withstand these types of events.
In the old days, there was no system and that’s
how bipolar disorder got the best of our family
every single time.

It (bipolar) hopes you don’t have a system
so it can beat you. You might think that sounds
“crazy” because bipolar is not an entity. BUT,
I believe, when you think of it as someone
that’s trying to create problems for you, it’s
much easier to deal with it. It works for me
and many other people.

Well I have to run and will catch you tomorrow.
Oh, tomorrow is Friday so the bipolar news is
going to be sent out. So I will update you on

Have a great day.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. David,
    I have often wondered if I have bi-polar episodes. I know my mom had a “chemical imbalance”. I know that the blood of Jesus washes away all our shame and we are “new creations in Christ”( for those who receive Him as Lord and Savior). So I’ve come to the conclusion that with constant prayer and keeping my focus on the Lord, instead of my circumstances, I am able to “overcome” my mood swings. Its tough if I try to do this in my own strength but I know that this possible chemical imbalance is just a way for Satan to keep me in bondage and for me not to have a joyous life here on Earth. I appreciate your “awareness” on dealing with your moms situation and giving those specific guidance on dealing. I guess what I am saying is that you need Jesus and so does your family if you truly want to see a miracle in your moms life. I’ll be praying for you guys.

  2. Dear Dave:

    While reading your blog, codependency came to mind. I am a mother of a son with Bipolar Disorder. He is married and his wife and I get along real well. In fact, she leans on me alot. I am just worried, since I tend to be controlling anyway, that I would cross that “healthy” relationship line. Just a thought to throw out there…..

  3. Keep on keepin on David. Don’t let the naysayers pull you down to their level. Surly they have a choice to press the delete button if they are overwhelmed with too many e-mails. One doesn’t have to read them all. What I do read i always walk away more knowledgable for it. I appreciate your work and the efforts you pour into our lives. Thank you so much, Robin

  4. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME. My son is only taking meds and I don’t know how to get him to treat with anyone. Cut his wrists in June and November and I am out of my mind with worry. I eat, drink, not much sleep about him. I don’t know how to get him to understand ehe needs someone to talk to. He won’t stay with me all the time but hates to be alone so he goes home only to have friends over and drink and when he has had enough of that he goes to my moms or back with me. I am paying bills in two houses to keep his going while waiting for SSI to tell us a decision in four months an I applied as his POA for Social services to help him temporarily. This morning he says he is a loser, scumbag and hates his life and it will never change. Its not just a bad time he is going through his whole life is a bad time. I am so worried and so scared. Please someone tell me what to do or make some suggestions. He is so hard to talk to when he is like this. He is very agitated at this time. I love him dearly and I don’t want to lose him.

  5. Dave, I hear what you are saying about the nagative around your mom. I have it around me with my dad wright now. My parents are getting divoriced and thats all my dad talks about. So I get bad vibes all day long. I have manic signs now as well as depression. I cant take any more, but what do I do he is living with us until the devorice is final?

  6. David
    My mother too is effected by the holiday season. She seems to know this before hand, yet when in the middle of an episode, she does not. I went out to live with her and help, on her request, about year after my son was born and two and half years after I got married. My husband had to remain on the east coast and I on the west coast to be with mother. Needless to say, my son’s pediatrician told me not to go. She said she knew someone who did this and it almost ruined her. She said my son and husband are my primary responsibility and that I needed to focus on that. She was right for the most part. I spent a year there and it was horrible! The fighting, the threats, the family to which there are tons near her – never helped. They said they did, have, would, – yet all I see is them take her money and offerings of such things as cars, home improvement, stuff etc., she is not made of money. After I spoke with all of her doctors, she has a host of medical issues, and home care my sister and I arranged for her before I got out there, nothing seemed to stick. Her doctors told me to go back home that she was old and could live her life the way she wanted. That she was allowed to make mistakes like the rest of us. I could not believe it. She does not make mistakes like the rest of us, she makes BIG mistakes, dangerous mistakes, etc. No one helped and while I was extremely reluctant to have her declared incompetent, her therapist (non bipolar dr.) said he would help her not me in that effort should I decide to go that way. Mom fired everyone several times, including her cardiologist to the point where someone said to her that there are no more cardiologists in her state and she would have to settle with someone.
    Her medications were a mess, she would leave the stove on, eat spoiled food, not clean up after accidents, I could go on and on.
    I tried so despartely to create a system with my family and her doctors. I could not do it. She refused to take medication to help her bipolar disorder (sometimes she admits she has this sometimes not) and her doctors did nothing after that. I finally went home, defeated and feeling guilty- I FAILED! I tried so hard. I put my own immediate family at risk, my son and my husband. My marriage. It seemed people were willing to help as long as they were comfortable – there is nothing comfortable about this disorder. My mother is an amazing woman, Extremely smart and creative. She was successful for about 25 years of her life with business. Not her family. I feel so defeated. I can barely talk to her now, I don’t want to. The only reason I have any relationship with her at all is that I don’t want my son to loose out on his grandmother.

  7. Dave reat email. It got me to make my apt earlier with my p-doc. Anyway I to find that I am great in crisses but watch out after that. The other thing is that when you said bipolar hopes you don’t have a plan. Reminds me about the big book of AA. There ia part in the book that talks about alcohol being conning, baffling and powerful. Without help it is too much for us. That is what i think you were talking about. without help it is to much for me and i get suicidle. Thanks for the email most likely kept me out of the hospital or worse. Paul

  8. Dave,
    Our daughter starts her winter episodes just after Halloween every year. This has been true since she was a teenager. She usually gets things together after Christmas.

    She usually starts another episode in late April or May. Until I found your site I did not know other people had the same circumstances. You and your mother are in our thoughts and prayers.

  9. Dave,

    I know how you are thinking. My name is Terri & my handle is mysticwine1. I am bipolar. Here’s an odd thing….My Dad passed away Monday Dec.3rd. My Mom passed away April 15th of this year. My counceler & such bailed on me a month ago. The bills are passed due. We was served an eviction notice the day after my Dad, the electric & such are on the verge of getting cut off. Now mind you, I have a set of twin girls that are A.D.H.D & also take medication. My husband has a set of twin girls that are 3weeks younger,& a boy that is 11months older. You are rite, this is a very difficult time for bipolar people & other negitive things added to it does not help. So what do you do when everyone bails on your Mom? I have a very hard with this time of the year anyway. Now it seems like an endless fight. I personally get tired of fighting & would love to have days you don’t have to fight & are able to be happy & have fun. Money is always short (welcome to S.S.I) LOL, We struggle everyday as it is & to have all this on top of it don’t help. My councler bailed for this reason. He said that I have more on my plate than normal people & it must be hard. Then nothing else from him….go figure. I don’t give up cause I am a fighter,I just get so tired of it…lol. I will get through this & my kids won’t know the hurt & pain that are indured so they don’t have to feel it quite so harshly. Well, I just thought that you might want to know this maybe it will help you with your Mom, who knows? write me back ok? it’s Take it easy….Terri

  10. Terri AKA Mysticwine:

    I am so sorry for your losses. I pray that your Creator, be with you and yours during these difficult times.

    Love and Peace,

    The Princess

  11. David,

    I will be praying for your uncle and mom.

    I lost my grandmother and father during Christmas time and on top of having BP I remember the losses I have suffered more intensely.

    Appreciate your family while they are still here.


  12. Dave,

    You have tremendous insight. I appreciate you for how you are always there to give us what we need when we need it. Some may not need the information at this time, but will need it eventually. That is how BiPolar works. Its subtle and incidious and you cannot have enough armorment. I wish you and your family well. Thanks for all that you do. Don’t forget to have your staff get back to me.


  13. Yes, Dave, you are SO right on!! When a crisis comes up in my life-either good or bad – I can weather it all right while I’m in it, or it’s happening. Like, when my Dad died in my arms, I went through the funeral choices, the wake, the gravesite eulogies. I even helped my Mom to pack up for our move from IL to VA that summer.

    But – I gradually went hypomanic the next year. I had a good job and my own apartment. I was involved with a local playhouse, acting in “The Odd Couple.” I literally could do no wrong.

    Then – I collapsed at work, and the doctor in the ER asked me, “Can you function?” I realized at that moment that I could not. He transferred me to the Psych Ward at the local University Hospital, and I was ultimately the “sickest” I have ever been.

    It sounds as if your Mom can handle such crises very well WHILE THEY ARE HAPPENING, then fall apart afterward – same as me. I don’t know if this is typical bipolar reactions or not. But – it sounds pretty crazy to me!! Like, why didn’t I fall apart when my Dad died? Why didn’t I fall apart when we had the tremendous move? This is just ONE example of stressors being “easy” to go through, and then they “catch up” with me, and I go through a manic episode.

    I guess the chemical imbalance just had toooo much to handle all at once, and to compensate for all the BAD stuff that was happening, I glossed over it, and became “Superwoman.” This was 37 years ago, so I don’t remember whether I was on the “right” meds or not. But it sure was scary when I was doing all the “right” things, and STILL got sick.

    It IS a good warning to us all to assess our stressors, especially here at Holiday time. I take my meds religiously, get the sleep I require, eat well, and hope to God I don’t get sick this year.

    BIG HUGS to all those who have bipolar disorder and the ones who love them. My prayers are with you.

  14. David, can you comment on the correlation of Bipolar and Drug and alcohol addiction… how to know if the person is truly bipolar with addiction or just addicted and has thrown his equalibrium off.

    what is your experience with this topic?

  15. Terri,

    You are a wonderful, loving, giving, starlight soul. Why are you wasting such beauty on Rocky; a man who does not appreciate you as evidenced by his professed adoration of Callie Strokus?
    Now, Rocky and Callie have at least 2 things in common:
    1. Both are addicted to playing Kingdoms of Camelot; and
    2. Both selfishly abandoned their children to pursue their own selfish, carnal interests.
    You don’t have to answer.
    I understand bipolar disorder only too well having dealt with this affliction my entire life.
    You are too young, spirited and beautiful to continued to be attached and affiliated with such losers as Callie and Rocky.

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