Ever make this huge mistake with bipolar disorder?

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

It’s snowing again where I live. It’s going
to be really hard to get around this morning.

So I am going to have to take off rather
early and make this quick.

Yesterday I got several really angry emails
from some people with bipolar disorder.
Why were they mad? Well they said that
I basically unfairly say people with
bipolar disorder can’t handle money

I never said that at all. What I have
said is that when people go into
bipolar episodes, they can spend money
they normally would never ever spend.

For some reason, there are many supporters
and people with bipolar disorder that don’t believe

I don’t know why? I have heard so many stories
about how bipolar has wrecked someone’s finances.

I lost a ton of money from bipolar disorder
over the years.

I personally know people who have lost $50,000,
$100,000, $250,000, and more than

I remember this one guy calling me about 2
years ago. He was in California. He was on
my list and wanted to get my how to marry
someone with bipolar disorder course.

We talked for a while. He told me that he was
a millionaire (he wasn’t arrogant it just
came up in conversation) from real estate
and that he had worked really hard to
make something of himself. I was really
happy for him.

He was marrying someone with bipolar
disorder. He said she was doing
great but he just wanted to get my information
just to read up on bipolar disorder before
he got married.

I warned him. I said, make sure you
put systems in place to protect your money.
I actually then asked him to grab a pen
and that I was going to give him a mini
seminar and that this would save him
a lot of money in the future.

He said, “no thanks, she is great with
money. She never overspends.” He laughed
and said, “actually, I overspend and maybe
I should protect myself from myself.”

He thought it was funny. I urged him
that this was serious and to heed my warning
and to setup the systems. I told him the
worst that would happen is that he would
have systems in place that don’t cost anything
and nothing would happen. He would have only
spent some time setting them up and that’s

He kept saying no. I could tell that I think
he felt that if he setup the systems he would
not be trusting his wife. I think he thought
that setting up the systems would mean he
didn’t believe his wife’s bipolar disorder
we okay.

I then let it go. I was thinking in my head,
“Geeze this guy is in trouble.”

Anyway about 7 months went by. I got a call
from another lady that lived in Texas. She had
told me that her son had “run through” more
than $350,000 and she was dead broke.

I didn’t even have to ask how it happen. Probably
the same way it happen with my mom. It just happens.
Anyway, I didn’t want to rub salt in the woman’s
wounds. She wanted to start a business to
make money to make up for all that had been lost.
I gave her a number of ideas.

Okay then a month later after this woman called,
I got a call from the real estate guy. He called
and sounded terrible. He was really sad. I kind
of forgot who he was because I talk to so many
people. He told me he was filing bankruptcy and
his wife had ruined his c.redit, and gone
through over $1 million of his money. She had
also taken out loans in his name. It was a total

His wife had gone into a “super episode” he said
and that he felt stupid because he didn’t listen
to me. He was yelling at himself. I calmed him
down and told him that he was young, like my
age and that he could bounce back. I spent a lot
of time giving him a plan.

I had his number and would call to check in. He
was really depressed all the time and I tried
to make him feel better. One day his phone
was turned off and never turned back on again.
I have no idea what happen to him. It was really

I could go on and on. But I am sure you get
the idea.

Here’s the thing. Bipolar disorder is a mood
disorder. It affects the way a person thinks and
feels. If a person goes into an episode, he/she
can do stuff they normally would not do. One
thing they can do is spend money. It takes a life
time to build a savings but it only take a day to
spend it all. It’s kind of amazing.

This is what can happen with bipolar disorder.

This is what I HIGHLY recommend setting
up systems to protect your money.

All my courses below:




have these systems in them. I teach it from
a to z. I think I am the only person that does.

When I talk about money and bipolar disorder,
people think I am “out of my mind.” I have
had people call me and said, “why do you have
a cd called money and bipolar disorder, is
that a mistake?”

If you don’t have systems in place, you need to
set them up right away. Don’t wait until
it’s too late.

And, if nothing ever happens, nothing is
lost. Meaning, if you setup the systems,
your loved one never goes into an episode
forever, nothing is lost. You just have
your money protected. But you need
to do something. TODAY. Don’t wait.

I would really appreciate if people post
some stories of what can happen. People
with bipolar disorder who are newly diagnosed
and new bipolar supporters many times don’t
believe this kind of thing is possible until
it happens.

If you have a story, post it below.

I have to run and get ready. Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Ever think like this with bipolar disorder?

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How are you?

I hope you are doing well.

I have a very important bipolar lesson
to tell you about today.

It all started yesterday. Let me tell
you the story.

I have so many friends that are overweight.
It’s a gigantic problem in the USA. I actually
think it’s way bigger than mental illness.

Think about it. Look around. There are so
many people overweight it’s amazing.

Anyway, I have this friend that I was
talking to yesterday. This person gained
a ton of weight. A ton. Like 80
pounds. It’s amazing. Very strange.
This is NOT because of a medical condition
in case you are wondering.

She was complaining to me telling
me how she was really, really annoyed
that she started her weight loss program
and hadn’t lost any weight.

She asked me for advice.

I actually have a system for losing
weight. I lost over 60 pounds and
have done so for 9 years. I haven’t
gained it back.

Very few people can do this. Am I special?
NO. I had a system. I invented it. I did
the same thing that I did when my mom
was in a bipolar episode. I went around and did a ton
of research to figure out how to lose
weight and keep it off.

Anyway, this isn’t about weight loss,
it’s about bipolar disorder.

I asked her when she started the weight
loss program. She said, “two weeks ago.”

I then asked questions like:

How much did you weigh 10 years ago?

How much did you weigh 5 years ago?

How much did you weigh 1 year ago?

What do you eat?

Why do you think you gained so much weigh?

How much exercise did you do in the last year on
a weekly basis?

How much water do you drink?

What kind of nutritional supplements do you take?

And a bunch of other questions like this.

Then after she answered I said,

“Do you swear you told the whole truth
nothing but the truth so help you God?”

She laughed. I said, “well did you?” She
put her hand up and said “YES.” I say
this because, you know people lie with
answers 🙂

Anyway it was so obvious to me what the
problem was and it totally relates to
bipolar disorder.

Here’s the deal. She actually started her
new weight loss program 10 days ago not
two weeks. She lost 3 pounds. It took
her 5 years to gain 80 pounds. In the
last year, she eat terribly, took no
supplements, didn’t exercise and basically
did everything wrong. She had really bad

She also believed that she should lose
the weight in a few months. She said, “two
would be good.”


The first thing that I told her
is that success with losing weight start
with your mindset and understanding
one concept.

You didn’t put it on in a few days and
you will NOT and I repeat will NOT take
it off in a few days or few months.

Lose 80 pounds in two months when it took
you five years to put it on? How does that

She lost 3 pounds in 10 days and was “disappointed.”

I hear the same thing will bipolar disorder.
A person have a disaster of a life. Lost
friends. No job. Tons of de.bt, etc.
He/she has been self medicating. Hasn’t seen
a doctor regularly. Hasn’t seen a therapist
at all. Has been doing this for 5 to 10 years.

Finally older age hits. He/she turns like 40
and is disgusted. Wants to turn things around.

He/she comes to me: “Hey I want to go
to the doctor now and fix all this stuff.
I swear I will follow what the doctor says.”

The person gets on medication in two weeks,
they talk to me all mad. The medications make them
feel bad. They have bill collectors. Their family
won’t return their calls. They can’t find a
good job. It’s not fair they tell me.

There mad as heck for me telling them
he/she can do well.

I explain to the person. It took years to
create a disaster of a life and it’s going to
take time, probably not years, but a fair amount of
time to fix it all. I tell the person to hang in

I coach them.

This is a true story. Actually the other day.
And it’s happen to me over and over and over

Some people get it. Some don’t and stop
trying out of frustration.

Let’s look at my mom, I can say by January
she would have effectively erased 95% of
the problems she created in her life from
bipolar disorder in about 3 years.

You might be thinking “OH MY! That’s a long
time.” Well, here’s the deal. She became somewhat
stable in 3 months, totally stable in like 9
months. Was working again in 12 months. She
is going to make her last payment for her d.ebt
in January and that would be about 3 years.

BUT think about it, she has been doing the wrong
stuff for like 20 years. So it took her 3 years to
fix 20+ years of bipolar problems. Kind of logical right?

What wouldn’t be logical is it taking 2 weeks
to fix 20 years of problems, right?

You can short cut things for sure by getting
resources. Learning from others. Getting things
like my courses/systems below:




I am not giving you a sales pitch but it’s obviously
true and logical. If you get information from someone
who has been there and done that so to speak, you
will short cut your learning curve. It’s just
common sense.

BUT no matter what, even if you get my material
and have a person one on one mentor, it’s going to
take time to turn things around. Will it take 5 to 20
years? If you are a good student, and can follow along,

The bottom line is, don’t have unrealistic expectations.
We are actually heading into weight loss “season” so
to speak and that’s when everyone starts thinking about
diets, losing weight and being thin for the new year.
This why I brought this up.

Anyway, I have to take off. Catch you tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Bipolar Warning: Don’t make this common bipolar supporter mistake

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going? It’s really, really,
really cold in New Jersey.

It’s snowing here so I am stuck
inside. We have six inches of snow

Hey before I get started. Did
you get this new guide I am giving

“The 10 Deadly Mistakes People Make Helping and
Supporting Someone With Bipolar Disorder.”

You can get your copy right away by visiting:


It’s really good if I do say so myself.
I worked really hard on it. It even has a cool
cover on it. Take a look at soon as you can.

Okay let’s get moving.

I actually had something really
important that I wanted to warn
bipolar supporters about.

It all started when I was speaking
with a coaching client.

They were telling me that they
were “really annoyed” that their
loved one messed up their treatment

This person had been on my list for
a long time. They had used my systems
to turn things around with bipolar

Things were going great. The person
I was speaking with said he was
“excited about a great thanksgiving,
Christmas and New Year.”

Then his wife went into a mini
episode and then kind of a bigger
bipolar episode.

The person I was coaching said
he was super mad. He said basically
he took my bipolar stability concept
and figured out what his wife did wrong.

I was actually happy that he used
my concept and figured it out and
didn’t feel that stability was like
a lottery (how my dad still kind
of thinks).

Anyway basically his wife missed a few
therapy sessions, a doctor’s visit, a
couple of dosages of medications. She
just got off track.

Now she is doing everything right.
BUT, there some damage that was done. She
said some stuff she didn’t mean to say
and spent like a $150 she shouldn’t

They actually had a my financial protection
system that I speak about in my courses/systems




So that the financial damage was limited.

This person was super mad however. Actually
beyond mad. Just plain angry.

In my head, I was like “what’s the big
deal?” The coaching client went on to say
that he was “sick and tired” of “bipolar
episodes” and that his wife “better not
do this again.”

I sat back and listened. Then I spoke
up and said, “there are going to be
ups and there are going to be downs. She
learned a great lesson. Don’t condemn her
because she made a mistake. Look on the
bright side. She is doing everything right
again, there was not that much damage
and you can get beyond this. It could
have been way worse. Like 1000 times

I then said to him, “You have to be tolerant
of mistakes. You can’t expect her to be
perfect and another episode to never, ever
occur. That’s not fair.”

He didn’t say anything and then I thought,
“I think he is mad at me.” Then he spoke
up and said that “you’re right, I was
too hard on her. I am going to call her
and say sorry.”

I said that’s a good idea. We then
talked about how to put the systems in
place I talk about in my courses/system
to tighten up to try to prevent this from
happening again. BUT if it does happen,
he promised not to “freak out.”

I wanted to send this message because
I wanted to remind all bipolar supporters
that managing bipolar disorder is not easy
and there are ups and downs. You have
to cut the person with bipolar disorder
a little slack.

Don’t expect no mistakes. Don’t expect
you’ll get my courses/systems, read my
stuff, and put systems in place and
everything will be perfect forever.

That’s not going to happen.

Be realistic.

Make sense? If you ever “freaked out”
on your loved one because they made a mistake,
say sorry to them today. Okay?

Okay, I have to move to a different subject
before I finish up.

I promised that I would send out what I learned
from my last bipolar support group that
I volunteered at.

I must say that the speaker that spoke had
bipolar disorder. It was hard to follow him.
I was kind of concerned he might be in an episode.

The only thing that I came away with was being
reminded that people with bipolar disorder have
to have insight into the illness and when they
feel something wrong, make sure they contact
the doctor.

It was odd that this speaker said this because
he seemed to not have insight into himself. I don’t
know. I won’t say any more because I don’t know
him. He just seemed off. Who knows?

I did totally disagree with one thing that
he suggested which is you can go a long time
without seeing a doctor if you feel you are doing
okay. He hadn’t seen a doctor in years but
said he was stable.

I just don’t agree. I am NOT a doctor, therapist,
or giving medical advice but I just think
you have to check in with your doctor with regularity.

It’s like the dentist. I HATE going to the dentist.
I HATE it. I hate the stuff they put in your mouth.
I hate those metal tools. I hate sitting in the chair.
I hate how long it takes. I hate them poking my
mouth but I do it 3 times a year.

I have zero cavities. Why? Checkups and cleanings
I think.

I think the doctor is the same. If you don’t
go with regularity, the doctor will forget about
you, things could go wrong, etc. I just think
it’s a bad idea.

Well that’s it. You kind of go two in
one today. Sorry I didn’t send the support
group info out yesterday. I forgot. I was
doing such much stuff.

Okay I have to run. Catch you tomorrow.
Hey if you living on the east coast by Jersey
it might be a snow day. We’ll see.

Catcha later.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

When one part of bipolar treatment fails

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


Hope you’re doing great!

I’ve been thinking about something I want
to talk to you about. Cause you know how
I get so many calls and emails about certain
subjects, right? And a lot of times that’s
where I get my topics for my daily emails.

So that’s where I got the topic for today’s

So many people have talked to me about
messing something up with their treatment
plan. Then they don’t know what to do,
so many of them just keep messing up,
like staying off their medications, which,
I’ll tell you right now is NOT the right
thing to do!

Or they stop seeing their therapist, and
again, that is NOT the right thing to do,
or they start skipping appointments with
their other medical professionals, and
again – NOT the right thing to do.

Hold on time to say…

I am NOT a doctor, therapist, lawyer,
insurance agent, hedge trimmer (someone
asked me this a month ago), or
other kind of professional. I am NOT
offering medical or legal advice.

Okay, we’re back.

There are so many parts that make up a
treatment plan, and I’m not going to go
into ALL the different parts, because I
go into them extensively in my courses
and systems:




But I do want to talk about what
happens when you do start to mess
up some of the parts of your treatment
plan, and what you should do.

It’s easy, like I just did above, to talk
about what you shouldn’t do! So
that part is easy. And in most cases,
just do the opposite of that.

So for instance, what should you do
If you’ve messed up with your
medication? You need to start taking
it again, but here’s the problem. You
can’t just start where you were, because
depending on how long you were off it,
you may need to build back up to that.
So in that case, you need to go back to
your psychiatrist and have him help
you get back to where you were.


You have to be 100% honest with him/her.

If you’ve messed up with your therapist,
just make a new appointment, and start
going regularly. If he/she accepts you
back as a patient, then all is forgiven.
If he/she rejects you, you will just have
to start over with another therapist.

And that’s ok, you can do that. Don’t
let that get you down. Just start over
with the system I taught you in my
course, how to find a good doctor or
therapist. You can do it – you did it
the first time!

Just don’t let any more time lapse
before finding another therapist,
because you really do need to be in

But now let’s say you’ve begun
isolating again. Here’s where it
gets tricky. People with bipolar
disorder are very good at isolating.
It’s one of the top indicators for
having bipolar disorder and one of
the top triggers for a bipolar episode.

Supporters who have loved ones with
Bipolar disorder watch for this trigger
in their loved one. But if the person
with bipolar disorder has let this slip,
has started isolating again, then they
are in a dangerous place – they have
obviously let part of their treatment
plan get out of control.

Now they have two choices when
confronted with this by their supporter:
they can close down, shut out the world,
get all depressed, climb into bed, pull
the covers over their head, feel sorry
for themselves, cry, and go into a
depressive episode…

OR…they can accept that even tho
they let a PART of their treatment
plan get out of control, that the
WHOLE treatment plan is still
working, and they can still fix it!

If they are lucky enough to have a
Supporter who is still sticking by
them thru this, then they can both
work on the problem together.

First you identify what went wrong.
Then you can fix it. It doesn’t have
to be something all dramatic and
such. It can be something as small
as just not sleeping right.

But once it’s identified, you can
work on it. And it doesn’t have to
be so overwhelming that it drives
your loved one to their bed – it only
has to be faced One Day at a Time.

Just today. Only today. Work on
your treatment plan the best that you
can only one day at a time. Just do the
best that you can. That’s all anybody
is expecting you to do. Nobody is
expecting you to be perfect. And they
are certainly not expecting you to be
perfect overnight!

Hey I have to go. Catch you later.

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.