Shocking bipolar story and warning


How’s it going? Hey yesterday I was at a charity walk
and bumped into some people who were actually on my
subscriber list. That was really interesting.
Someone happened to hear my name and then put it
together that I was “that guy” that ran several
bipolar disorder sites.

This happen before. One day I was talking to
a realtor and she realized that I was the
person who was sending her emails. So for
all of those that email me, “are you a
real person?” I am.

Okay, on with today’s story. This is really
sad. A couple of months ago, I wrote how
I had a friend who’s wife has bipolar disorder.
I told you how I gave him all my courses/guides
and material for F.REE.

I told you how my friends wife was really out
of control. They also have kids. She drinks.
She does a lot of bad things because she is
not under the right treatment plan.

My friend was really worried. He said
that he really needed to talk to me several
months ago. We spoke. He said that he needs
help dealing with his wife. I asked him
if he read my material on supporting someone
with bipolar disorder. He said no. Why I asked?
He said “well I didn’t have time.” I was kind
of mad.

Anyway he went on and on about some of the
the things his wife was doing. SOME. BUT
I know some supporters put “spin” on it.
Meaning they don’t tell the truth. He was
quick to say to me, “but my wife is not
like your mom. She isn’t that bad.” That
personally kinds of offends me. Maybe it
doesn’t. Well it kind of does. Why?

Well I found out my friends wife did the

hit him over the head with a spot
cut him many times
Threw objects at him
Lies to his kids about him
Calls the police on him
Attacks him at random
Gets totally out of control after drinking
Takes his important papers in the mail
and throws them away.

Let me say, my mom NEVER did things like
this. My mom threw a phone at me once
but my mom is no baseball player. The kid
that lives next door who is 10 could have
threw it better :). LOL.

She did also take a swing at me once. That’s
it. My mom never cut anyone, drank, or did
the kinds of things my friend’s wife was

He said his wife was a great person and
that he didn’t want to say bad things about
her and he was concerned that he didn’t
want to lose custody of the kids if
she divorced him.

I was amazed. I warned him. I said unless
she gets the right treatment plan you
are going to see her do something really
crazy. I said it will be something beyond
what you can imagine. It was be devasting
to you and your family.

I kept warning him and eventually my warnings
fell on deaf ears to speak. Meaning he wasn’t
listening and he still didn’t go through
my bipolar disorder suppporter material.

Well yesterday I got a call and his wife:

-Called the police on him
-He was arrested I believe
-Filed a restratining order against him
-Made up many stories of all kinds of things
-He can’t go by his three kids
-She is filing for divorce

My friend says he needs help right away.


I can’t just run over and help him. He is devasted
and now wants a quick fix. I haven’t spoken
to him yet, we only traded voicemail.

It’s a real sad story for him.


I have a big warning for tens of thousans of people.
Here it is. If you have a loved one with bipolar
disorder and he/she is not undertreatment, it
gets worse with time. If the person doesn’t have
a system to manage the disorder and you don’t
have a system in place to help them it will ramp
up over the weeks, months and years into a super

The superepisode is so destructive it can destory
the person with bipolar disorder, and everyone around
them. Generally I have found that small episodes
lead to bigger ones and then one big giant one
that’s like the mother of all episodes for the

At this point it takes more than one year to fix
it all IF you even can. With my mom, for many
years she was somewhat stable having mini episodes
and kind of bigger episodes. It wasn’t that bad
all the time. Then eventually she ramped up
into her mother of all episodes which seriously
almost destroyed every person around her including
herself unless I stepped in and did what I did
which is why I am in this field with these

The sad part is, there are tens of thousands
of people gambling on my list. They really
haven’t done a whole lot about their bipolar
disorder or their loved one’s bipolar disorder.
There is no plan. There is no system for the
person with bipolar disorder or the supporter.
These people are gamblling that the mother
of all episodes will NOT come. But it probably

Just like my friend gambled. Unfortunately like
tons of people, he lost. The episode came. Now
he has a serious problem.

He is facing:

-A record probably
-Losing his kids
-Losing his house
-Losing lots of money
-Get embarrased by all that is happening
-Having serious problems at his job because he is distrated

He asked about his three kids and what he should do in
a message he left me. In my head, I know what he can
do for custody but he is not going to like what I
have to say.

I actually have a getting custody plan I outlined.
It was for someone who got one of my courses,
called and begged me to help him with custody.
First I am NOT a lawyer and I told the guy
that he had to talk to a lawyer. He said and
I quote, “his lawyer sucked and he was losing
the fight.”

I told him that I don’t want to give any advice
that can be misconstrued as legal advice because
I am NOT a lawyer and I might as well add that
I am NOT a doctor, therapist, insurance agent,
professional financial person, etc. I am none
of these.

Anyway, the guy said that he understood that
it wasn’t legal advice and that he wanted to
know how I would handle it.

So I agreed to write up a plan on how I would
handle the situation BUT he had to sign paperwork
that he understood it was not legal advice and he
understood I was not a laywer.

I outlined a plan and he said that my plan made
sense. It involved getting a special kind of lawyer
and many other things. He followed the plan
and actually got custody of his kid. His wife or
exwife is in treatment now as well. So it worked

BUT, this is a serious plan. There’s no kidding
around with my plan. BUT, I doubt my friend would
listen to me. Sadly he will probably lose his three
kids to a person who mistreats her kids and doesn’t
even know it. If you are reading this and have bipolar
disorder and are offended that I am talking about
taking kids away from a mother with bipolar disorder.

Consider this. If a mother is totally out of control
should she have custody of kids? Of course not.

Well I have to get going now. The important
message of this email is to take action. Don’t
believe that you can just wing it with bipolar
disorder and it will all work out and the person
will get better by magic. It won’t work like
that. And if some how smaller episodes work
themselves out, realize bigger ones will come
without a great system.




I know there’s tons of people in the same situation.

The same day I got news from my friend,
I had THREE other people have the same
thing happen to them. No there isn’t something in
the air. It’s just that when you have 100,000 people
on your list. There’s a bunch of bad stuff going
on and 2 against 100,000 is a small percentage
anyway. I don’t want anyone to think that there
is something happening this week that is causing
people with bipolar disorder who are not stable
to do this type of thing.

Well I have to take off. Have a great day.

Your Friend,


P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. I read your letter but I have a lot more questions. Are you sure that the guy your speaking about haven’t attacked his wife? Just because she was diagnosed with bi-polar does not mean she is a liar. My husband attacked me, twice even. I had the scars to prove it. I am not even the first wife he has attacked! His first wife prosecuted him for the same thing. Some men attack women because they can’t stand their woman’s unstable mood. So, I am not quick to believe that this lady lied to police. They dont usually arrest you unless you got proof the guy did what you said they did.

  2. I have Bipolar II and Borderline Personality. I have signed up for your minicourse and am in the mist of reading it. Your master courses sound really helpful. However, I am unemployed and am trying to get my disability income. Therefore, I have no income whatsowever an no money to purchase the Master Courses. It is all I can do to keep my home at this point. Is there any suggestions to help me get the master courses?

    Thank you,

  3. Hi DAve – tell you friend to get the book “Co-Dependent, No More” and to keep you as his mentor.

    Praying for your friend and his wife,

  4. My Husband of 2 years is threatening a divorce, ever since I had him committed into a hospital 18 months ago. We Have a strange marriage where most the time im in NY and he is in Louisanna. I dont think he really wants a divorce and begged him to let me come to Louisana for a year to prove how much I love him. before he goes through with a divorce in october. He is a wonderful Man but his bipolar makes him want to help people that dont want to help themselves. Im thinking of just packing my stuff and moving down there without his permission, So he has to tell me in person that he dont love me and wants his divorce.

  5. Hi Dave, I think the most important part of your message today is planning…the master plan. Also listening with your ears wide open so that you can hear and plan for what may inevitably come. I am supporting my 10 year old daughter with biploar disorder. I had to love her enough to place her in a residential treatment facility. Not only was I extremely concerned with her behavior at this age, such as violence toward her younger siblings, but I have a begun planning for her future as an adult. I have learned the importance of planning from your course…not only short-term but long-term as well. If I don’t prepare she could end up just like this man’s wife. Thanks for all you do to help us. Margaret

  6. Dave

    I have a friend that I believe is bipolar. My mom managed to get him to see a doctor but the doctor did not give him a diagnosis at all. According to my mom he gave him some sort of test and didn’t even spend a full hour with him. I told her I didn’t believe it would be done in one visit. Now he’s broken up with a girlfriend that loves him and he’s moving elsewhere out of state. He says he’ll be back but where he’s going it’s on the other side of the country. I don’t believe he’s ever had a major episode but he does have sympltoms of bipolar disorder. And so he doesn’t see that there is anything wrong. So at this point it doesn’t look like there’s anything we can do but stand back and continue to support him when he allows us to. Is this a common sinerio?

  7. My wife is showing an abundant of all the signs of a manic episode (but she’s also functioning ‘normally’). Her entire family suffers from Bipolar and her sister/mother has been hospitalized, even.

    After several weeks of observation, I brought up the possibility that she may have it, and she went in to a rage which was just unbelievable for me (it was like a scene from a horror movie for me; she was a totally diff person). She’s now filed for a divorce – despite my begging, because she’s claiming mental torture etc..

    I am at a total loss because she won’t hear going to treatment, and she’s taking actions for divorce, which will compell me to react, legally. The only recourse I had was to say that I am going to fight the divorce and ask for custody of our 5 year old. She backed off (on the divorce) for a few weeks but then came about and said that I would be served…

    I have no idea how to proceed…to get out of this situation. Medical professionals are reluctant to talk about her without seeing her, and notwithstanding reading Dave’s excellent material, I am at a loss to figure out how to proceed…

    Occasionally and momentarily, I see signs from her that are caring/her typical self but then she transforms in to some one who is totally unfeeling..

    Any advice/suggestions would be most appreciated, realizing that you may not be a professional etc..
    Thank You!
    May God Bless Everyone,

    Please Pray for me & my beautiful wife Karen


  8. Dear Dave. A few year ago. I ran across you on the internet. And I guess I am a success story. I am the one with bi-polar. And I was sick and tired of going into episodes..a polite way of wording this horriable~yet manageable disease. It has been literally years since I have blown it. Dave I have followed your plan to the T. And Have found it very beneficial. Dave I was sick and tired of my children having to take care of mom. When I feel an episode coming on. I have learned to talk to my doctor,,immediately. ANd tell the doctor,, no listen to me, this is what is happening. Dave it works. I have gotten my finances in order..I might be a rareity. because I am the one with BiPolar. But thru this course. and your wonderful emails. Dave I can hear the hurt in your voice of the things you have had to endure from your mom. and I surely do not want my children or grandchildren to go thru this. I have gotten to know me very very well. My daughter just got married. Literally one week ago. And it was one of those things. where I knew my ex was to be there. I was sinking into an episode. so I got my own game plan going. I got the right meds. talked to my doctor. and I have to say, even thru the midst of the trumoil surrounding me, I made it! I could have easily sunk into a hole of dispare. Yea. now I look back.. oh my goodness. because I applied what I learned from your site Dave, I am out this day. And trust me. my ex hates me. I could have gone into a full blown episode..and honestly , I am out. I am doing fine. Dave I thank you so so much for the sharing of your experiences. for it helped save this family from many pits of darkness.. when it is applied. It honestly makes a huge difference.

  9. Hi~
    I wrote i response to Dave’s post last night.
    This story is teribble for these children!
    well what I did not include was I used to rage out on my husband .I broke a plate over his head, hit him ,jumped out of moving cars,threw things.luckily my Husband has been so supportive through my Years of treatment and therepy. We have 2 very young chidren right know.If I feel VERY depressed or manic (or my husband sees the signs)I call my doc and we access whether or not I need to check myself into the hospital.I do not want to see me in such a state. I am honest with my kids when I am having a “sad”I explain my medication in away I think they may understand.
    I know this does not closely pertain to this story.There is hope.I can’t say for the woman in this story.
    This Man needs to keep fighting for his children.Will her family support him?
    Dave~ can she be court ordered to get help.
    Being a Bipolar mother I AM NOT offended by your suggesting the taking away these children from their VERY SICK MOTHER.They are in danger mentally and phyically When I look back at how I used to be before treatment, My children would be incredibly damaged kids.
    Taking the kids may get her to finally realize she has a problem and seek help.The children definitly should.
    I Hope this Man takes your advice!
    Good Luck,

  10. Hi Dave,
    I am dealing with bipolar and borderline personality disorder. I have been in therapy for a few years now but I have some questions for you. I honestly think that the psychologist that I see now has done me more good than any other ever has. In fact, until I seen the one that I am seeing now they did not even have me diagnosed as bipolar even though I thought that my be the problem several years ago. How do I control my lashing out? Like screaming at my husband for the same things over and over. I do not want to do this but I do not even realize that I am doing it until I have just nagged him to death. I tried to commit suicide a few years ago and that has caused my memory to not be so good so I am always forgetting something. I think that my husband and my oldest son talk behind my back and make fun of me because I am sick. Are these just all symptoms of the bipolar? I would love to hear from you and/or anyone else that can help me. Thank you!

  11. Would you please let me know what it means to be manic? I just left a comment so if you will check that I have some other questions and statements about me. I also do not trust anyone, dealing with abandoment issues since I was only 4 years old when my mother left me with a prostitute and never came back after me, depression, SEVERE mood swings and the list goes on and on and on. How can I keep track of my symptoms to know what I am headed for? How long does each one last? How will I know when I am getting ready for a change? I get agressive once in awhile when I get mad but I never hit anyone. I do throw things like last week my husband and I got into it and I threw my pop (very stupid I know…especially I was very thursty and did not have anymore to drink after I threw it). If someone could answer these questions, I would deeply appreciate it. Thank you again!!

  12. I have noticed that I am spending money like I have no money problems but that is totally wrong. I will give my daughter all the money that she wants when we go shopping and I am always buying her things. She is my only daughter and the youngest child. She has asked me to adopt her so that she does not have to deal with her biological mother (her biological mother has ALOT of issues too…she is always the victim or at least that is what she thinks). I do not know if I am just spoiling my daughter or if it is part of my bipolar. Last weekend we went out town and I spent alot of money instead of paying the bills like I should have. I am noticing that I am getting worse about the money here in the last few weeks. I did not notice that before because I think that I used to save up some money back then but definately not now. I spent $160 for just one night at the motel. I kind of felt like a high when I was getting the room, did not even think about having bills to pay and then I worried myself to death when reality set in. What do you think? I think that most people are like me when it comes to money so I am not sure if this is a part of my bipolar or not. WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP??? I WOULD TAKE ANYONES ADVICE. I KNOW THAT NOONE IS AN ATTORNEY OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT BUT THAT IS OK. I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE THAT HAVE EITHER WENT THROUGH THIS OR IS A SPOUSE OF A PERSON THAT HAS BIPOLAR. THANK YOU!

  13. Wantingtogetbetter~ Sounds like manic symptoms to me!!!!
    Go to It may help decribe your symptoms.


  14. Good email. Sorry for your friend. . . but a very good lesson. I have a 19 year old and a 2 year old. Have had BPD for 20+ years been stable for almost 2years. The point about getting the children away from an unstable parent is absolutely on the top of the “DO” list. My 19 year old and I see a therapist together once a month to re-connect and learn to be mother and daughter again while she is learning to forgive what neither of us understand. My 2 year old . . . I thank God every day for these emails and suggestions for stability and let me say this – THEY ARE STARTING TO SHOW GREAT RESULTS!!! Knowledge and Action go hand-n-hand.

    I have a plan for my stability, a plan for my instability, and most importantly a plan for Sierra and her safety when I start to slide from one to the other, if ever.

    None of this happened over night for sure and I HAVE HAD TO LEARN TO take baby steps w/ just about everything I take on. Some days it even means doing my dishes 10 at a time and walking away for a while until they are done. I get them done eventually and ward off being overwhelmed. Sticking to a routine has been my savior.

    Good luck to all of you out there I love to pray for others and I am praying for all of you.


  15. I am a 59 year old lady with Bipolar and Borderline Personality disorder. I was first diagnosed in 2001. Since then I have gone through a regime of different medications until we found 3 that controlled both disorders, that was in 2003. Maybe controlled is the wrong word, I control my disorders with the skills I learned in a group called DBT. I just wanted to let you know that I read your material anyway, cause some of it might help. Keep up the good work, I applaud you for your diligence in helping people. There aren’t many out there like you.

  16. Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone has had success with a spouse (husband)having been in a boarding home for over 6 months due to bipolar and personality disorders and was able to transition home. He started anger management at Menergy (great place) but quit. He refuses to go to therapy. They give him his meds at the boarding home. He keeps telling us he is coming home. My kids do not trust him. He has done little to get a job or become responsible. My bottom line was that he has to go to anger management- I think if the anger issues are under control, most else will fall in line – having insight into his illness and being able to get and keep a job. My youngest son has fragile medical issues so it is very very very important that there is no more huge episodes from the bipolar. There is little family support, they are all angry at me and use me as their scapegoat.

  17. My husband of 4 yrs. was diagnosed 6/07 with bi-polar, psychosis. Life has been a living HELL. He has moved all his belongings out of the house, with the help of the Police dept supervising, and he has told my brother-in-law and sister that he will be divorcing me. He hasnt said anything to me about divorcing but I suspect he will soon. Yesterday, he called me and then he began yelling at me I told him to calm down and if he was taking his meds He told me it wasnt any of my business and the reason why he is ill is because of my son. He began saying that he was going to kill my son or hire some one to do it. I got really scared and went to file a restraining order, which the judge didnt grant because it didnt have any concrete evidence. I was very upset. We have a court date set for next month and he will be served with the papers this week. I know he will get very upset and the yelling and threats will start up again. I am very said with this illness. Has anyone dealt with this similarity? Please Help

  18. June B~Why are you so harsh/angry .There has to be a reason.
    I haven’t read any comments blamming the father.
    Everyone is very open here if you are going to continue to use such harsh accusations and judgments should you not open up as well?


  19. Mr. Dave,
    Wow i am a reader of your letters. I am not a bipolar person, but i have an still have my share of this around me at all times. So i tend to feel bipolar myself(SMILES). But i do read the information just to stay in touch with remedies. You are so on time with what you speak. I am glad someone like you CARES about the people in the world that most people say are CRAZY. I am a mother of a bipolar child, and as you speak, Yes they can have a normal life. If they have someone who cares enough to help them in the beginning an stay with it. It is not always mandatory for medications, if the person can keep up with other treatments and a different lifestyle. I know my child is doin very well, without medication. THANKS TO THE HIGHER POWER BLESSING ME AN HIM.
    So Mr. Dave please don’t stop what you doing. You will recieve BLESSINGS, just because you may help just one.
    Peace in the Lamb, He is truly wonderful.

  20. As a 43 year old child of a mother with bi-polar who survived the craziness barely with my head screwed on as well as my 3 brothers. I have one thing to say. PLEASE PLEASE do what is necessary to help those children!!!! My mother has been bi-polar since she was 15. as far as I can gather. She has only been dignosed in the last 20yrs or so and has taken medicine for very very short periods. Otherwise she was majority of the time manic. My father and mother divorced when I was young about 9 and we eventually moved to Denver when I was 12 before that though she had already left us when I was 7.when she did come to visit there was always a ugly scene usually mom being out of control. Screamimg for hours straight, beatings, being woke at weird hours all night to sit on the couch praying it would end soon and with out being beaten. I have scars from those beatings. We sat very still because you didn’t draw her attention. She was making no sense at all. Even at that young age I knew something wasn’t right. My dad was beaten down and didn’t try to stop her any longer. He did the best he could to protect us but the beatings were worse when he did. When she came home to tell my dad she was leaving and taking us with her I begged my dad to let me stay with him. but he said someone has to take care of the boys and keep an eye on them. I knew then my life was going to change forever. I didn’t know the extent that that thought would lead to. But I knew even at 9 that my fairly safe life was over. I took over the role as mother(for everyone) and cook.One year before we moved to Denver we were living in St. Louis and we moved 7 times. When we moved to denver there was no protection and we were left alone to fend for ourselves. Except when she came home and her delusion and manic depression caused her to terorize us at all hours. We tried staying out of house or out of sight. She also drank alot,was promiscuise. Some times had dangerous people in our house she slept with.Or disappearing for days on end. She lost lots of jobs over the years. Sometimes she managed a year or better at one.Oh I could tell you all kinds of things. I tried through my teenage years to get her help but some how it turned around that I was just an angry teenager. I wasn’t I was scared and alone with 3 little brothers to take care of. She was very good at appearing normal when she needed to. she could hold her illness in check for short periods. but I knew and was scared she would suddenly attack. We kept as quite as possible we only went to friends homes never bringing them to ours so the authorities didn’t find out what was going on. We had to hide her illness so we didn’t get split up. She was the one who was sick and we as children were left to deal and cleaning up the adult messes her illness caused. She eventually got help but only after my brother who was very ill with M.S. and bed ridden was living with her and she hit him so hard that if he hadn’t been tied into his wheel chair he would had fallen out. Some people nearby reported it to authorities at the hospital they were at. she was arrested charged and made to get help and med’s and she lost her job that she had worked so hard at school to get, her family, she was put on probation for 4 yrs. She is my loving mother right now that I remember when she wasn’t being manic. Her life had to fall apart and made to by court order to stay on med’s for the duration of her probation. What happens after though. I live in fear of that. Right now I’m enjoying my mother. She once after a manic episode said to me my illness only affects me not you. Oh if you only new what I’ve been through mother from OUR illness. Please realize that this is only a very small part of my story. But as for the helpless children of bi-polar parents. Please fight for them to have a normal life. They maybe afriad to tell anyone how really bad it is. They shouldn’t have to be afriad, because you are afriad to stand up to the bi polar person or what people will think. I and my brothers were luck and made it through without to much damage. Not everyone will if you as an adult don’t help and defend them its your job!

  21. Wow! Such tragic stories, and all because the Mother (never the Father) was bipolar…I am bipolar, but NOT a mother. I can’t imagine what life would have been like if I HAD had children. I can remember my SUPER BAD episodes, when I wasn’t watching my meds or dealing with a shrink. I even took a plane trip to LA (I live in VA) ALONE for a week, checked into a seedy motel, and did things I’m too ashamed to repeat here. When I got home, my mother was weeping, that I had done such a thing. I was only TOO thrilled to have done them; I was manic OUT OF MY MIND, and didn’t listen to ANYONE. It IS true that a bipolar in a manic WON’T listen; we NEED someone to take control and SEE that we are hospitalized as a protection from ourselves AS WELL AS others.

    Anger management is important in a manic episode. I didn’t realize that I COULD get so angry that I lashed out at those I loved. I NEVER hit anyone; just said hurtful words that I can never take back.

    Once I went through the regimen of meds and cognitive therapy, and came out the “other side” of the manic episode – I was “normal” again. My last hospitalization was in 1977 – I have been EXTREMELY lucky to have had a family that wasn’t so stigmatized by mental illness that they were afraid to have me committed for my own good…

    YES, take those children away from that mother before she does the damage inflicted upon Angeluver; what courage that girl has!! But others are not so fortunate. Just get the “cajones” to DO it, and see to it that your loved one gets the help they so desperately need.

    God Bless you, Dave, for your stirring emails; they have touched me many times.

  22. I completely agree with this last article, and I wish I could have done more to help this very special woman, that I fell so deeply in love with. Ive known her for over 27 years. 9 months ago we became involved. Now to date…. we are just hanging on to straws. At least 3 days a week Im told, “we are no more” get out! I live one day at a time now, and keep a bag packed for those episodes. I sometimes feel like a puppet on a string. I had no idea what exactly bipolar meant. Yes, I love her deeply still to this very moment, but I realized nomatter what Id say or do to show her love and affection, and be understanding to her mood swings on a very regular basis, I found myself on a roller coaster ride with her of unstable emotional problems and have personally been not only verbally abused but also mentally lost and frustrated!!! I could go on and on. I do forward Daves emails to her… I pray, she will get help… for her and her two wonderful children, that are also effected by this. I wont EVER give up on her. But I know now, with the insights of her bipolar disorder, I needed help understanding and the knowledge to be able to help her…. One day, I pray to GOD, We will be together again…! Until then, I will be there when she excepts me… if her disorder permits…. its so sad… I know I wont be “ANOTHER” man to just quit. Thanks Dave, and I will pray for your mother…. and for god sakes, will you pls be done with your moving soon….. lol

  23. Wantingtogetbetter, Thank you for sharing your situation…. on my last posting… expressed that i could go on and on….. This Special woman in my life, has tried on several occasions and still does try to hurt herself. She trusts NOBODY, and then out of the blue, she loves all. What can I do, to help her through this… I want to rescue her so badly, and yet when she reaches out to me literally and verbally, I come running! rather im at work, out of town, or just busy I go. Its when Ive gotten there after 20 – 30 min. and have sat in the bathroom (which is tore up)with her comforting her and listening…I somehow become “the blame”! WOW! Its hard to know what to do, please, please help me understand…. Im losing her…. Thank you…….

  24. Dear wantingtogetbetter, If you EVER need to talk to or just need an ear, I would more than like to be there for you. My no. 480-832-5244 or cell 480-258-4756. please feel free to call. You would also be helping me understand what goes through mind and how I might be of “real” help to my special woman and you…. I would be so grateful to you…..

  25. not working right now but am interested in your course. Ad and adhd and some of those afflictions seem to be more prevalent than people want to admit and even the proffesional comunity are ignoring it too. It makes me angry because the innocent are paying for the professional people’s vast and delliberate stupidity.

  26. I also want to say I have a grandson at home with these symptoms and are new at trying to get him help (have tried for 3 years) had a psychiatrist who just asks him “how are you?” and gives him a prescription and isn’t even taking medicare now. I also have a grandson in prison who I believe is AD and was railroaded at 18 after they held him in juvenile for 2 years so they could burn him really good. I would estimate a guess that about 20% or more in the prisons are in that catigory. Shame on America. They help everyone everywhere except americans. Shame!

  27. Hi David,

    I feel for your situation with your friend. I have a similar situation with a daughter in-law. I can only suggest what they can do to help themselves, sit back and wait. Being the Grandmother of the three children involved, I do have some power to have authorities involved if the situation gets too out of order. It is very sad, that we have to wait until after the fact before we can take some of the more forceful actions.

    But you know David; you did everything in your power to help your friend. He chose to handle it the way he did, and these are his results. His dissection he has to live with. He is a grown man that had more than ample time to solve this serious situation and didn’t take it. No fault of yours David, so do not take any of the blame. All you can maybe do, is see if there is someone in Texas, that is with a Bipolar group that is willing to contact your friend to give him the numbers and addresses of the resources that could help with his situation.

    Best of luck,

  28. David-When my husband first started getting your emails I thought both of you were crazy-what help could either of you offer me(he is a truck driver and gone over 90%of the time)but I faithfully printed out each email and saved them for him, and I caught myself reading them as they printed. Well to make a long story short, I don’t know if they have helped him as a caregiver but they have given me someone who understands a lot of what I am going thru and there are times I really need to know I’m not alone-Thank you-Jim’s wife

  29. Is there any way to get the master course without paying all at once.
    I no longer have good credit, but it isn’t entirely my fault. I can pay for the course, it would just take some time and regular payments weekly or monthly payments? Please advise.

  30. Wantingtogetbetter,

    Are you currently seeing a doctor and in therapy? On top of possibly having bipolar disorder, it sound like you have a very difficult childhood that you need to work though.

  31. Dear Dave, I have been faithfully reading your emails
    every day and I thank you very much!! My loved one is our son. He’s struggled for years. Diagnosed with
    ADHD at about 14 had a devasting event occur at about 16 and diagnosed with bi-polar at about 28.
    He was married with 2 sons. His father and I have
    spent thousands of dollars on phyciatrists phycoloigists MD’s medication and and finally lawyers. We fought hard to have to court give him his med’s while incarcerated. He has quit taking them.
    He will not accept visitors or answer mail.
    At first he did very well but has lost all hope.
    What can we do?? We have been living this way
    since he was quite young (he is now 31) We are
    heartbroken. Thanks again Dave.

  32. my boyfriend is the one with bipolar but he refuses to get treatment; says he doesn’t need it. We’ve been together for almost two years now but now it’s like things are slowly starting to get worse. he’s become more distracted and puts he wants before his daughter’s needs…how do you get someone to get treatment when they say they don’t need it?

  33. Hi Dave,
    I would like to get your plan for child custody. I have your courses, but I do not see the information on child custody you wrote about. I am working on a plan also which includes audio recording of episodes and nanny cams to obtain evidence of behaviors my fiancee has. In addition, I am keeping a log of his “moods”. Please let us (your readers) know what we need to do to protect our children. I believe my fiancee is bipolar, but he refuses to get any treatment what so ever. I care about him deeply, but I am afraid of his episodes now. He has said he will fight for custody and he is very cunning and convincing to others that he is the ideal image of perfection in every way and that I am the one who is unstable. Therefore, I am gathering the audio and video of his outbursts. It is not a simple case of just leaving, because the episodes won’t just go away if I leave with the children. We will still be affected by him, so I have to ensure to stop him by going to the proper authorities (my attorney, the police if necessary) with adequate evidence, not just a story of my feeling what is wrong with him. Please let me know what the child custody plan is that you have outlined, I will be more than happy to obtain additional material to get it. Thanks so much for all you do.

  34. I have a LOT more along the same lines as Curchel to say. Your ‘Shocking bipolar story and warning’ was, as are so many of your articles, TOTALLY from the non-bipolar person’s viewpoint. You said, in effect, that just because someone’s got bipolar they’re automatically a liar and not to be believed. Which is farcical.

    Did you ask the lady about times, situations? Did you ask her if she had any bruises or lacerations to justify her claims? How do you know the husband hadn’t been abusing her for years, and been using her Bipolar to cover up the fact, by saying it’s her ‘illness talking’?

    I live in an area where there are many mentally ill people. I know couples who are both Bipolar – that’s something you’ve yet to tackle, what happens when both people in a relationship are Bipolar. Each accuses the other of mistreatment, hurting, cutting etc. The lacerations are noted and said to be self-harming episodes! The couples, some of them, have been taking turns in harming eachother for years – every time one goes into an episode, the other one lets him/her take it out on him because he loves her and wants her to vent the anger on him and not on the world outside, where she might be taken away. And the same the other way around. Sometimes it takes many years for the truth to come out – that they’ve been mutually silent about eachother’s violent moments.

    I used to have a schizophrenic lady friend. She drank. When she was sober she was fine, when she drank she’d twist everything you said, would smash your stuff, all sorts. I never complained about it once. Why? Because I loved her and because I wanted to cure her without drugs.

    Which I have done. She lives in a different town from me now, but she is much more sober and I’ve not noticed any of her episodes for many months, and they used to be weekly. Why? Because I kept her off the drink by taking her bottles from her. And let her take her rage out on me, then talked her through what had triggered it afterwards, and helped her learn how to walk away from the triggers.

    Our minds can be controlled by us. We do not need prescribed coshes to keep them inert. We can choose whether to listen to the voices/jump into the whirlwind of fury, or walk away from it. It is up to us. If you show a bipolar person this, he/she can begin to learn when an episode is coming on – and how to walk away from it, NOT give in to it.

    Please, be a little less biassed. Let the bipolar person have a say and not make him the permanent scapegoat, as you have done in every article to date.



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