Sad Bipolar Disorder Story And Warning


How’s it going?

I heard a really sad story about
bipolar disorder and it brings to mind and important
warning that I repeat over, and over and over again.

Here’s what happen. A friend of mine told me
that in his gym, a woman came up to her and said,
“I’m Bipolar.” and then she began to ramble on
and on about, according to my friend, everything
from what it means to have bipolar disorder, to
her bad childhood, to the fact that she is not
going to be taking her medications any more,
to the fact that her doctor said she should
take her medication or she will get manic.

Then she went on to say she was going to use
natural remedies to control her bipolar disorder.

Then my friend said this woman went around the
gym, made inappropriate comments to many members
and then she started touching people inappropriately.

My friend was kind of excited to tell me because
he said, “You’re in the field so I thought you would
be interested.”

Well I kind of didn’t really want to hear this
story because it’s a sad one.

I just don’t understand why people with bipolar
disorder stop taking their medication. There
are so many negatives when you stop taking your

NOTE. I am not a doctor, lawyer or therapist
and can’t diagnose, treat or make any medication

BUT, I have seen time and time again when people
go off their medications really bad things happen.
People who do this wind up saying and doing really
bad things.

Just look at this lady in the gym. She made a total
fool out of herself. She also made people with
bipolar disorder look bad. What do I mean?

Well if people saw and hung around the people that
work for me, or my friends with bipolar disorder,
you would think that people with bipolar
disorder are super cool, smart and great to be

But when you are around people like my friend
met in her gym you think that people with bipolar
disorder can be super crazy.

It’s sad but true.

Let me address the natural remedy thing. As you
might know, I have a guide on natural remedies

If you got this, you know that I spent a ton of
money and time figuring out the deal with natural
“stuff” for bipolar disorder and what was true
and what wasn’t true.

I am so shocked that people get off their bipolar
medications, go against what the doctor says,
don’t even consult the doctor about what they
are doing with their “natural” treatments. It’s just amazing
to me.

It’s simply beyond my comprehension to understand.
I have spoken to Michele Soloway who works for me
and has bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses.

Michele is SUPER high functioning. Anyway her sister
decided one day to get off her medications and eventually
ramped up into mania and then crashed into depression
and eventually took a gun and shot herself to death.


Michele tells me many times, the difference between
her sister alive and dead is the fact she decided
to get off her medication.

Now Michele also tells me that one reason people get
off their medications is because of side effects. They
either think they are going to get them OR they actually
do have some.

But Michele has told me time and time again along with
my own experience with my mom, doctors can help reduce
or eliminate side effects on medications IF they know
you are having them.

What’s that mean? If a doctor knows that you are
experiencing side effects they can work with you
to help you reduce, eliminate or deal with them.
However if you don’t tell the doctor, they never
will know so you can’t get the help.

So there are three important messages here today.

1. Don’t get off your medication and if you are a
bipolar supporter, encourage your loved one to stay
on his/her medication.

2. If you are interested in natural “things” for
bipolar disorder, make sure you talk them ALL over
with your doctor. Period. No debate on this one.

3. If you have side effects or have any concerns
talk to your doctor about them. Don’t hide this feeling.
Tell your doctor and he/she can help you deal with them.

Well I have to take off for now. If you want, please
take a look at my courses/systems.




Catch you later.

Your Friend,


P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Dave, I have been an independent Distributor of a Nutritional Supplement Company for almost 11 yrs. now. I know a lot of things about regulation of these products and what products are good and which are not. I probably know more than Drs. about nutrition. do you know that Drs don’t have any education on Nutrition? I also have seen many Bi-Polar people get help and get better with the Nutritional Products that I distribute. Some take the supplements with their medication and some have done very well with only these products. Yes, they have gone off of their “meds”. My company NEVER tells people to get off of their medication and they also don’t make health claims that our products “cure their diseases! They can’t do that legally, and they WON’T ever make any claims.But like I said, I have seen people,with my own eyes, before taking these products and their results after being on these nutritional products, including myself, get help and wonderful life changing results, with many health challenges! Our company wants people to work with their Drs. while they are taking our products.
    I don’t know what your report says about nutrition because I can’t afford to pay you to find out, but I just want you and others to know that there are GOOD supplements out there that work with Bi-Polar and other diseases.And they help your “meds” work even better.
    If you would like to know more about my nutritional Company and the prodcts I would be glad to tell you more about them.I am not mentioning the name because I care and want to help people get better more than I want a sale!
    That being said, I have a grown Daughter who fits the description of Bi-Polar and I am really enjoying all the information that you send me everyday. It really helps me to deal with her better.So, I know from your e-mails that you don’t just want to SELL your information either, but you seem to really care about helping people with bi-polar and you are also helping those of us who have Bi-Polar people in our family.
    Pls. keep that “info” coming and thank you for ALL that you do,

  2. David,
    Your letters of support are always welcome. Your information has done very much to help me be a better support person for my husband. I appreciate very much hearing the details of circumstances, such as recognizing an episode coming on and what triggers certain episodes. These are things I have never heard about before.
    thanks for helping out

  3. I am currently dealing with a good friend whom I now refer to as my “Teenager” because I feel as though I have a teenage daughter that wont listen to me and is constantly rebelling against me. Strangely enough she is 29 as well as I am. She has been diagnosed Bi Polar and Schytzophrenic which doubles the issues that I have been dealing with.

    Men have always been her trigger and last summer I had to get a court order to have her placed in a sort of “Half way House” affilliated with a hospital that works with these types of disorders. I was finally getting her leveled out (mind you I have to deal with it because her family has completely disowned her) When she met a man that she dated for two months then married at the justice of the peice one day on a whim! I sat her husband down and told him about the disease and explained to him what her symptoms would be if she was crashing. Well, the doctors kept changing her medicine (which is typical until they find the correct meds to keep her level) about three months ago The husband took her off her meds thinking that he could use home remidies and “Natural” remidies to help her. He didnt like her sleeping all day and wanted time with his wife.

    Of course at first I didnt notice because she was acting normal and seemed to be ok, but last week she had an episode. Now, with the bi polar disorder and the schitzophrenia its a little different. She hears voices and halucinates along with the bipolar symptoms of depression. Beleiving that “People are out to get her”.

    Needless to say her new husband has learned now that natural remidies and home remidies are something that IS NOT going to help her, and now he doenst know how to deal with her episode and has sent her to come live back with me until I can get her straightened out (until he doesnt listen the next time). So Im monitoring her medications again, and yes she is sleeping alot which she does at first. The doctor keeps telling me that every time she crashes like that she looses a part of herself. I dont want that so I feel obligated to help. Even though I get frusterated that the husband would ever let this happen.

    So listen to your doctor and not the herbalist, nutritionist, or people around you. They do not know what is best for you. Your doctor (if you have a good one) should be able to level you out and help you live a normal and happy life.

  4. Tracey’s comment hit close to home about sleeping all the time and not being able to spend time with your family. I take geodon and have to go to bed by 7pm or I can’t get up and go to work the next day. I don’t see my husband, I can’t go anywhere, etc., because I have to sleep. What point is there in living if all you do is sleep. That’s like death anyway. I’ve considered not taking my geodon so I won’t sleep, but I’m afraid to. I’m afraid of the consequences. I’m trying not to fight bipolar, but work with it, but I fear it’s winning and I’m losing me–it’s hard to stay on meds when you have to give up your life to sleep. cigi

  5. My husband is bipolar. In 1993 they put him on med’s. It took 3 years to make him understand he needed them. To him he was normal as he has been that way all his life and he saw no different’s in his behaver but co-works and friends did an now he can tell when he hasn’t had them. Natural would be nice but can’t risk him manicing. He will quit his job if he goe’s off his med’s. From 1988 to 1991 he had 27 different jobs. as he can’t get any kind of dissabilty and I can no longer work do to an injury he has to sapport us. If he was on his own he would not be on any med’s as he would forget to take them. If something happens to me I don’t like to think about what would happen to him.

  6. I’m related to the sad situation I just read. I had almost the same problem once.
    I stopped taking the medications and it was a big mistake.
    My roommates and I went to a club, I began to drink until I black out,
    shortafter, we went back to the room I dont know how, but I took my clothes off, got out of my room naked and started doing crazy things outdoors. When the roommates realized it they tried hard to get me back in with no luck. After finally they dragged me back in, I continued with my crazy things,such as dancing naked, screaming and throwing stuff at anyone that tryed to get near me. roughly I hit the wall so hard that I past out till the next day.
    after that embarrassing experience I continued taking the medications again.

  7. My friend suffers manic depression.
    She would like to be like everyone
    else, she does not like to be ruled by medication, Doctors, and
    society. She would like to have the power to choose what she puts
    into her system (physically) and who she has to bow down to, ie.
    Psychiatrists telling her how she should live her life, and what she has to do ! On this point she is
    right ! ! She must be given the power to choose, just like every
    one else ! Society does not treat
    well people labeled “Mentally
    Disturbed”. She has not done anything wrong, she just wants her life back, but feels like that never will happen while she is alive. Even though she takes her medication, and sees her Doctor
    she still wants to commit suicide.
    And that is the only way she will be free of her misery.

  8. My Friend suffers Manic Depression
    She wants to be free of Mental
    Disturbance. She takes her meds
    and sees her Psychiatrist, but she
    still wants to commit suicide. I
    feel sorry for her having to live
    by the rules of society. She does
    not have the right of choise, she
    knows she will have to put up with
    this situation for the rest of her
    life. I believe all people should
    have the power to choose their fate
    why force people to live unhappily
    they must have the rights as others
    do. Once one is labeled Mentally
    Disturbed, the stigma causes others
    to distance themselves, leaving them alone to fight for their life.
    Most cases end in misery and pre-
    mature death, what a waste ! Such
    is the greed and indifference of
    mankind these days.

  9. Dave,
    I just wanted to let everyone know that I was just diagnosed with bipolor disorder recently. After years of thinking I was crazy I finally found a really good doctor. They put me on zoloft and seroquel. I feel like a new person. I am happy again and my family has also noticed a difference. I want to tell everyone.Don’t get off the meds. Mine make me gain weight. So I decided to eat healthier and excercise. I would never dream of getting off these meds. They saved my life.

  10. Hi Dave, I am in desperate need of your help. I can’t afford to buy your materials right now and I am sorry for that. My boyfriend was dignosed with bipolar and manic schizophrenia probably about 7 years ago. After he was diagnosed he was on sooo many different kinds of medication that he could not function. Then they would switch them around and he would be a complete pshyco – talking about killing people and acting crazy. They have never been able to level him out. In the meantime he tries to work, but only lasts for certain amounts of time at each job and has had MANY different jobs in the past – 12 in the last 9 months with large areas where he wasn’t working at all. I do not know how to help him and am at my wits end. We live in Idaho and the health care here is terrible. Doctors don’t know how to treat this type of thing – it’s very frustrating for me, but I know that it puts alot of pressure and strain on him. There are other things going in his life right now as well, but I feel that if we could somehow get this under control we will be much better equipped to handle the rest. Thank you David for all you do – your site is a blessing!!


  11. Dear Dave, hi i am sorry i have not commented in a while.i just have been in a state of confussion. i feel like i am in the twilight zone.but i have myself a goal thanks to you. befor the month is up i am going back on my meds.i have figured out away to afford it i think and thanks to today’s email i will talk to my doctor if i have side effects.i know that you must think sometimes people dont listen to you but the emails i get everyday help me so much.see it may seem simple to you what your are saying, you know that i should know this already but sometimes bipolar people dont always think of it in a simple way or even know the answer , where to look or any thing.i know especialy if they are not on there meds. so thank you dave.i want you and anyone else to know you are a BIG help.i do have one question? i want your opion on this i know i could ask my doc. but i want to hear from you. ok latley i havent been sleeping well and sometimes not at all, so i started takeing tynol pm it helps alot if i take it right and on this a good idea or a bad one?please let me know thanks

  12. I have just learned today of another very sad story that relates to Bi-polar and schizoaffective disorder. A co-worker of mine took his own life yesterday as he was unable to cope with the lack of support, diagnosis and treatment of his condition. This news rocked our office, in a way that surprised me – though he was a great kid, as all have pointed out.

    Where are the resources for the people left behind? Where are the resources for people dealing with mental illness? There is such a stigma associated with mental illnesses, that nobody beleives that things are as bad as they are for the patient, until after the fact. It’s just too little, too late – for this bright young lad.

    I hope that you can bring your information to those in need BEFORE it is too late, and save lives, and many years of pain and suffering for both the patient, and caregivers.

    Personally, I am left with a feeling of helplessness and guilt, and wish I could have done something – anything, to have changed the outcome to this story.

  13. I daughter at age 15 and she has bipolar I and PSTD. I feel its a slow process to get her any help. I feel I telling my story over and over and doctors are looking at me like i’m nuts. From reading about different stories, I think she may have manic now, What should I do?

  14. Maybe it’s because I’m an eccentric Brit, but I think you’re being too harsh on this person. Gyms are pretty dull places, and having someone around making ‘inapppropriate’ remarks and gestures can only brighten the place up a bit. In fact I have a bipolar friend who does just this, and she’s loved by everyone here. One thing I love about all my bipolar friends and myself (I’m bipolar 2) it our great sense of humour and our exhuberance. The person referred to needs acceptance not judgement.

  15. diana b: Your kidding right? Sexual misconduct is a HUGE problem w/ BPD, especially in women (who most often have an extremely low self esteem) which is what this type of behavior promotes whether its intended or not. Then there is the whole promiscuous esteem-deflater and the sexually transmitted disease issue to potentially confront. Not to mention how inappropriate gestures and comments can REALLY overstep another person’s boundaries. These people who “love” your friend, what kind of people are these?

  16. My opinion is that people get off their meds. because they feel that all hope is lost. Like nothing is helping. I’ve had theese feelings before and I’ve been SO tempted to quit my meds. that I’ve missed doses. However, my urge to not put my family through such mysery was stronger!

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