Overweight with Bipolar Disorder? Have this question?


I wanted to send out a quick email about something concerning my program called  he Amazing Fat Burning Formula for People With Bipolar Disorder and the Free trial I am offering below.

People are asking me if this program requires a whole lot of exercise.

Why? Well since I work out a lot and send out daily emails and many times say, “I am going to the gym”, people see how often I work out and want to know if they are going to have to as well with this program.

Let me say that my Amazing Fat Burning Formula for people with bipolar disorder does NOT, and let me repeat does NOT, require lots of exercise and actually DISCOURAGES it.

There is a reason which I talk about AT LENGTH in my course.

Also people wanted to know if my mom uses the program. Actually my mom has not had weight problems with her medication or in general. She actually ran into a situation a couple of years ago where her medication made her LOSE lots of weight. Too much actually. That has been corrected.

However there are a number of folks following the principles in my amazing fat burning formula for people with bipolar disorder and getting great results.

The program I believe is great and works with anyone’s lifestyle.

Anyway, that’s it. For more information
and a Free trial, please visit:


Have a great night.


David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. I have a questions for you I am thinking about your Fat Burning Formula .I am 43 am weight 223 and i did to loss weight but I am taking those meds..
    Lamotrigne 200mg 2x
    provigil 200mg 2x
    cymbalt 90mg
    larazepm1mg up to 4x a day
    can I still use your formula…It sound like something I would try to use….

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