Happy Mothers Day and Bipolar? Republicans vs. Democrats – Who Cares?


How’s your day going?

Happy Mothers Day if you celebrate it. I say “if” because we have so many people on our lists all over the world that sometimes people don’t celebrate some events/holidays.

Anyway it finally stopped raining and it’s sunny.

Hey, Guess what I am politically?

Do you think I am a Republican or a Democrat?

NOTE: For those outside the United States and don’t know what Republicans and Democrats are, these are political parties.

So, have you figured out what I am?

Take a guess, then scroll down for the answer.

Have you seen the movie “Swing Vote”? Keep scrolling…

Still don’t know?

Well, guess what? I am NEITHER!

I vote for who is the best one for the job.

Just like most Americans, I want the best Person in office who will run our country the best.

Who will take care of our people.

Who cares if they are Republican or Democrat?

Who cares?

Well, a lot of people do.

They will only vote for one or the other.

Well, I think that’s totally stupid!

They just want to do things their way, no matter what the consequences are!

What does this have to do with bipolar disorder?

Well, it’s kind of the same thing.

People come to me.

They want to have success with bipolar disorder, but they want it on their terms.

I want to help people, and that’s why I’ve outlined in such detail what to do to have success with bipolar disorder or to be the best supporter in my courses/systems below:




Some people just ignore that.


Oh, they want to have success with bipolar disorder, but they want to have it on their OWN terms.

They want to have it THEIR way.

Even though I’ve outlined what to do, from vast experience, people tell me, “I don’t want to do that.”

I ask them, “Why?”

And they say, “Well, I don’t want to.”

In this country, we have freedom to choose (whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat), so I can say, “So what?”

So what? Do what you want to do.

As long as you get results.

But do you think these people are going to get results if they don’t do what they need to do to get stable?

If they keep doing the things they’ve been doing that DON’T WORK and keep them going into episodes, do you think they will ever get better?

But they want to keep doing things their way.

As a supporter, you can’t just say so what, because you want your loved one to get better.

And they shouldn’t say so what, because they should want to get better.

But they won’t if they keep wanting to do things their own way.

They just can’t say so what and not think about the consequences, because the consequences are more bipolar episodes.

The consequences are more problems for you.

Do you know what I mean?

They have to do the things they need to do to get stable.

A who cares attitude just doesn’t work when you’re dealing with bipolar disorder.


I am taking my mom to brunch so I have to go, anyway write me back.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. Dear David, I have an adult daughter that has this dis-ease. I have been dealing with this now for over 10 years and am very careful to try and understand her. She recently moved out of a home that I provided for her and moved into an apartment. She told me that she had to do this to cope with her illness. At first, I took it personal, but, now after reading your emails, I know that she needed to do this.

    I thought by helping her with having a nice place to live in a nice community would help with her illness, but, I guess it didn’t. It is very difficult to deal with as you know. But, I have learned over the years, not to keep asking her how she feels. She knows that if she needs to talk to me, she can always come to me. My heart bleeds for her. She is not currently on any medication, and she is a clinical psychologist, working for a methodone clinic. She is very good at what she does, but, it does get her down at times. She says that the side effects from the medication drive her crazy and through her deeper into depression. I don’t really understand this. Could it be that she is not being offered the right medication. I know she sees a doctor, but I don’t know the whole story as to what she is doing for this disease.

    I’m just trying to cope with this and thanks for listening. Any advice would be appreciated.


  2. David ,

    I have been receiving your emails for awhile now and today is Mother Day and I thought I would write. My husband and I are going to visit our 14 old son at PWI Piedmont Wilderness Inst. In Union SC. I need help I would like to know if my son suffers from Bipolar or ADD or ADHD. Just has an attitude problem. They say he’s very inmature for his age and needs socail skills. He starts High school next year and I don’t know what to do. He was kicked out of school last year.

  3. Hello Dave, Thank you so much for the “Happy Mother’s Day” wish. I am so happy that my daughter is taking me out to lunch and afternoon today. But I am so very, very unhappy because my son, who is Bipolar and a thousand miles away from us,is in the mental health section of his jail. It started 3 years ago during his divorce and escalated 2 years ago when his father died. He has been accused of causing a “road rage” car accident in which a man ended up in a coma. The man survived, thank God, and my son was without a scratch.
    My son also has been accused of shop lifting on three separate occasions and has a court date for that also. He admitted that the only thing he remembers is getting a “rush” from that. Is this behavior the “manic” side of bipolar? For 3 years he has not been able to keep a job. He is jobless and living in a homeless shelter. He has no money for his meds or to see his doctors. He is also diabetic and has high blood pressure. While he is in jail, they have taken away the meds he need for the bipolar and anxiety and given him a medication to that he won’t go into seizers. Over this 3 year period we have sent him money until we have had to stop completely. I am 73 yrs old and living on Social Security and my daughter and her family can’t afford to send him funds anymore either. I informed her that we were enablng him by giving him money all the time. Dave, I have told my son we love him and always will but cannot send him any more money. Dave, is his stealing part of Bipolar or is there something else wrong with him? We haven’t seen him and in a few weeks we will all know if he will go to jail or not. He is in jail at present because we couldn’t, and wouldn’t come up with all the bail money. Is all of this his choice or the bipolar? My heart is breaking for him in his misery and for all of us too. My prayers are never ending.

  4. The bigger question is. . .where is he going to live if he stays out of jail. Obviously he has some kind of conduct disorder if he steals, has rage and some other things that you allude to. They probably have him on an anti-seizure drug like depakote or tegretol to control the bipolar which help if the problem is coming from the frontal lobes or temporal lobes. I think you are right to stop sending money. And I think he does get a “rush” from the things he does. Doing things that are “risky” give some people, including those with bipolar mania, a rush or a jolt to their brain, almost like a street drug would.
    I have a question for Dave – if you read this and I hope you do. How do you transition someone from a group home (personal care shelter really) back to a family setting? Is it possible after more than 2 years?
    Please write about this.

  5. HEY…..
    Its not our mothers day here in th UK any way thanks. Hey we have the democraps here in the UK HA. Any way whats that place the brunch never herd that one before.
    Take Care Linda x
    P.S Look me up on face book
    linda marsey:-)

  6. I don’t believe it has to be one or the other. Democrat or Republican are slightly divergent versions of the same corrupt political entity. I’m going to convert to Federalism. Since I’ve never elected a president anyway at least I will be able to vote with my convictions.

    I think with bipolar it is the same. First I tried doctors who overmedicated me to the point that the cure was worse than the illness. Then I switched to one who watched me taper myself off my meds right into a suicide attempt and hospital visit. After a lot of hard work and research I found a doctor who would listen to me – a doctor of reason in the middle. He didn’t need me, so wasn’t invested in proving anything. I needed him because he was a different choice, one that listened when I said that the meds were causing 90% of my symptoms and worked with me slowly over time to change my regimen to a very minimal dose of tried and true drugs.

    The newer psychotropic drugs are not even labeled for bipolar, can cost hundreds of dollars a month, and were not in my best interest when it came to fixing the imbalance in my world.

    Bipolar is neither right nor left, but up and down. A new choice helped to fix the mess created by “those” democratic/republican doctors – for now.

  7. Dear Dave,
    Thanks for the Mother’s Day wishes. Have had a great day so far: out to lunch w/my married dtr. and son-in-law, leftovers for later, a sm. gift of a writing tablet and pen, a nice card, and a nice visit. Then a call from my son, his wife, and my grandchildren; I’m truly blest today.
    And I just wanted to let you know that I vote ‘independently,’ too. I vote for the person, not the party. Just wanted you to know that y ou weren’t alone there, in that important decision.
    Thanks for all your help to those living w/bipolar illness. Not enuf people remember to simply say, ‘Thank you.’ Have a great day/nite.

    Do you only have the nolage of bipolor, Or do you also look in to other Mentel health problems, such as borderline personality and other stuff. I no this has nothing to do with your Email.
    Take Care Linda x

  9. Dear dave, I am 25 years old i have bi-polor disorder.. I found out about 5 years ago.. That was right after i met my husband.. We are happily married now.. Why do people with bi-polor disorder go though stages? It’s been really hard for me i still don’t understand.. My husband tries really hard to help me out and understand me i don’t think he is doing a very good job understand me.. I take medication for it but i don’t think it is working anymore my dr. won’t listen to me about it.. What should i do? Over the past couple months i have been really bad. Me and my husband have been fighting real bad.. I’m to the point i don’t give a damn anymore i know in my heart it’s wrong. He is by me all the time.. I’m not always there for him.. What should i do about it.. I always have a problem it is really hard for me to talk to anyone expecially my husband it bugs me and everyone else around me.. We’ll i think i have said enough for now

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