FREE Stuff and Bipolar Lesson From Shocking Murder

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I hope you are doing well. Well I have to make it short today. First, I have posted 25 podcasts for
you to listen to. They are on specific
topics and are F.ree.

You can listen to them here:

I put a TON of work into this so
I hope you enjoy.

Also I was excited to learn that
Medical News Today is now promoting
my Ten Greatest Lies About Bipolar

See their write up:

Okay, a few days ago, I was sent
an email that’s really sad:

“Dear DBSA colleagues:

It is with great sadness that I inform my
DBSA NJ colleagues that my brother Martin
Max Siegel of Lowell, Oregon was killed by his
son on Monday January 7th. He was 57 years old.
His son is 20.

It is the most horrific thing that I have ever
experienced. I am shocked, numb etc. etc, The
family had always been a model family for the world.
My brother was best buddies with his son. They had
moved last year to Oregon from San Diego and together
my brother and his son had made a joyful trip up the
coast (after going back for Christmas) from with the
last of their belongings to their new home in Oregon.

My nephew had been diagnosed at age 16 with a serious
emotional disorder. He went off his medications for
about 10 days (a friend convinced him he didn’t need
them) and had just started them again the day before
the event (on the insistence/advice of his mom).

The combination of being off his meds and then not
sleeping for 3 nights is of course not good for
someone with a emotional disorder (it can trigger
a psychotic disorder). My brother and his wife had
been warned that if Andy missed a dose-he could
have an episode. ..but ultimately he had made that
decision to not take his meds. He tried to save his
father and called 911 first but it was too late when
the ER team got there.

All of the family members will convene on Friday the
18th for a long weekend and A Celebration of Marty’s
Life. Hopefully we will have time to all take a hike
in honor of Marty who loved Oregon so much in the
brief time he was there. He had retired from his
position as a director of engineers for the civilian
Navy in San Diego and had taken a job recently in
Oregon with the Army Corp of Engineers. He absolutely
loved his new job which required him to be outside in
the woods of Oregon.

I intend to find a way to make something positive in
the world around this (maybe help people with emotional
disorders to be more aware of how important it is to
stay on their medications.)

The love that my family and other loved ones all have
for each other will see us through this.”

This is really sad. The worse part of it all is
that if the son stayed on the medication, this
probably would have never happen.

I talk to and meet far too many people who
play the bipolar medicine game–not taking
it all all or taking it when they feel like

This message should serve as a reminder how
serious bipolar disorder can be when you are
not taking your medication.

In my courses/system below:




Virtually everyone who is a success story
talks about what happens when they don’t
take their medication–really bad things

People who are calm and gentle turn
into different people and do really
bad things.

I spoke with a doctor the other day
that told me she got off her medication
and wound up assauling someone and
doing other reallty bad things she
never would have done.

I could go on and on with horror stories
of people not taking medication. Don’t
let this be you.

Your Friend,


P.S. Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

P.P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Hi, Dave:

    Thank you SO much for the great things you offered us today, for
    FREE! Excellent information! The podcasts are great!

    Wonderful e-mail today, but it is very sad. Probably unnecessary tragedies happen all the time because people fail to manage their psychiatric problems properly (especially going off meds).

    Congratulations on the great write-up about the “Ten Lies…”. It is well deserved.

    Thanks again… Sue H.

    I left you a message on the blog 2 days ago, when you had a question about Borderline Personality Disorder. I thought you might not check that blog again, so I’m just leaving you a note. Good luck!
    – Sue H.

  2. There is a *huge* difference between dealing with someone who has emotional swings and dealing with someone who is violent.

    People who have emotional swings range between those who are annoying to those who are disruptive. People who are violent can physically harm you and all around you. Ignoring a spouse (for example) who hits children is criminal as is ignoring a spouse who hits you, whether you are male or female. Likewise, bringing a violent person into someone’s house under the guise “I can control him” is also criminal.

    Allowing yourself to be harmed because of a hopeful “Gee, I try to keep this person on meds” is just plain lame. You must do better than that because there is a high probability that you’ll go down for your efforts.

    In general, I believe that this topic is much too broad for David’s otherwise great articles on bi-polar. Why? Dealing with unusual (aggravating, annoying, yet often humorous) people is not the same as dealing with those who have with knife in hand, fist clenched, or pants down ready to rape.

    Do I think there needs to be resources for people figuring out how to deal with and protect themselves from violence? Yes! For reading material, Google “battered spouse,” “family violence,” “battered sibling,” plus many more. And do you need to be proactive? Yes. Take action the minute you realize the pending situation. Are their easy answers? No. If there were, we wouldn’t have wars.

  3. Hi Dave, I was so sad to her about the murder you talked about this morning. I too, have had lot’s of losses like your Mom. Money, jobs, friends. I used to think before I was diagnosed and medicated, that I could be capable of hurting someone seriously. I so appreciate all you do ever day,it helps me on my journey to “normal”.

    all my best, Claire

  4. Hi Dave,

    Great material. Thank you. And such a tragic story. Why does something terrible have to happen before people wake up and see this disease in full light. Even the person suffering with BP can’t see the waste of their own life. My 20 year old daughter refused to believe that she can be completely well and that everyone had to put up with her the way she was. Her meds were not working well at all and two nights ago she blew up at me and became quite violent with me. I had to call an ambulance and police to get her to the hospital. Now because of that she is finally going to be fully evaluated in two weeks. Here in Canada the medical system is not good for getting a psychiatrist. There is a 10 month waiting list. In the meantime I just hope for the best while I nurse my broken finger and bruised body.

  5. So tragic!

    Sweet Jesus I blame the system in this regards to as the psychiastrists and therapists do not give you pamphlets or explain how they will behave if they stop taking the medications.

    It should be the inital responsibility of these professionals to educate these people.

    I didn’t know a damn thing about my illness when I was diagnosed other than what my symptoms were. Take these pills and let me know if you have any problems. BOOM that is that.

    The therapists were all funny they know very little about BiPolar.

    These situations are no laughing matter. AND we as parents need to educate our children about what a real friend is…. People who claim to be a friend will never tell you that you don’t need to take your medication or do what is wrong. That is more like an enemy in my book!

    My heart breaks for this poor family.

  6. Hello David,

    I’m a new user and I really appreciate all that you do. Today’s story is sad but brings perspective to my situation. I am ending a 4 year relationship with a bi-polar type II. They really do become different people. He has been in (mostly) rapid cycling for the past two years, despite taking meds for 20 years. They stopped working. New ones were tried in 2006 with disastrous results, so his doctor increased his old dosage of the cocktail. Nonetheless, he has been all over the map, and like that story is often a very different man than the one I fell in love with. Like your mother, he blames me for much of it. And often, I’ve found he has been out of one or more meds when there have been the biggest rows. But when I ask him to commit to the meds, he says that isn’t the problem – that it’s me. So, we’re moving on. But I want to understand what happened, as in this relationship, I’ve had my first bout of depression. So thank you for this info. It has made me feel more “sane”.
    Kind regards – Lisa E.

  7. Dave, I read this story and I fell so bad that I am very lucky to be able to get the help I need. I did go off the meds. my self,but I have just started to take them again.I will not go off them again, I hope someone will help me if I ever decide to do so. I know now what it could do.Thanks-peggy

  8. How does someone get meds for a bipolar patient who can’t afford them? Kansas state aid cut off his (the patient’s) medical aid and now we can’t afford meds. What will happen after a few weeks is anyone’s guess.

  9. I just recently found your website and I can’t read enough fast enough. There seems to be little that you don’t know and I have been reading about Bipolar Disorder for several years. You don’t leave anything out and I am so impressed and so greatful to have found you. I am hoping that your articles are going to make my life easier along with the lives of my three children and my granddaughter.Thank you, thank you!!

  10. How do you co-parent with someone who has bipolar and is still in denial? I sent my husband an email last week telling him about a depression and bipolar support group in our area as well as this website and blog along with a few others. We have 4 children and I tried to ask him to think about the chances of this being passed down our kids. Our oldest is 15. I said we should try and be as educated as we can be since this is a risk factor just as much as diabetes and cancer that runs in the family. If he didn’t want to check out these resources for himself then at least for the kids sake to give them a look. The kids saw him over the weekend for a supervised visit and he told them I thought they were depressed and mentally ill. Luckily I have been talking about this with the kids for months now. They knew right away I never said such a thing. They did not confront their dad about it either which I am glad for since I feel they are too young yet. The few things our oldest son did confront him about drew out only anger and aggression from my husband. It seems I try and try and it just gets twisted somehow. I am not sure about what I should do next. As long as I do everything he wants and says he is distant but polite. If I brush against the topic of his illness it just seems to make everything worse.

  11. Hi David, Yes, it is so easy especially if you have not found out you have it yet. When I hacked up my daughter’s father, it was just like an emotionless proper thing for me to do, like I had no thought about it at all, he did not even see it coming. He was simply a threat who had to be dealt with, and was. Scarry now that I know what I am capable of. I take my meds and quit playing with the idea of I really do not need them.Sorry for your lose.
    Take care David,

  12. Hi Dave,

    What a sad story about the son killing his father! Do you think bipolars will take heed? Or when they start feeling good again, they’ll pitch that medicine becuase everyone else must be crazy, not them. It’s exasperating.

    Perphila, I guess your (ex)husband will deny that his children could ever get bipolar from him, since he’s in denial about even having it himself! I’m sure you’re frustrated. Don’t hold your breath waiting for him to accept it. And don’t expect him to do research on behalf of his children.

  13. It’s a terrible story, though unfortunately not the only one. Here in Ireland a psychiatrist developed mental illness herself and murdered her own daughter. If it’s not international news yet, it probably will be shortly, as the court case only finished today. The verdict was “not guilty, because of insanity.” The woman was still working right up to the murder and attempted suicide last year – diagnosing other people. My boyfriend met her the last time he was in hospital over a year ago. She is going to stay in a mental hospital herself now for a good long while.

  14. glad you got the good write up. You deserve it for all the good work you do. The more the word gets out,the better for all of us.Another senseless death chalked up to not taking meds. The disease is cunning,baffling, and powerful;but most of all patient.

  15. Dave – All I can say is – WHAT WAS A GUN DOING IN THE HOUSE??!! Since the Virginia Tech massacre last April (and before), I have been a strong advocate of stricter gun laws, especially in the hands of an unbalanced person. This, however, does not mitigate the fact that the young man STOPPED his medications.

    It is HARD enough to remain stable ON your meds; once you go off (at the “advice” of a friend, or just because you want to get “high”), it is doubly difficult to get re-established in a “normal” mode.

    I can only say that the “horror” stories will continue unless those with psychiatric problems STAY ON THEIR MEDS or get the proper diagnosis (see Britney). I am stabilized on a variety of meds which have helped me to remain a “highly functioning” bipolar survivor. I hate to think what would happen if I were to miss/stop a dose…

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love them. My prayers are with you daily.

  16. God that’s so horrible. I just must live in a dream world myself. Praying that nothing like that will happen in my own family.. My daughter knows her father is bipolar but doesn’t really understand because she is probably bipolar too. She hasn’t been diagnosed because she won’t go to another therapist.. She took herself off zoloft, without me knowing. She was cutting herself but says, she won’t if her Dad will buy her cigarettes. He smokes cigars and says he understands because it calms him too. She is 15 and drinking,and smoking weed and struggling in school, now that she was allowed back in after stealing snacks from a teacher and attempting to sell some pills she didn’t even have. After being home schooled for 2 years after her father left home and moved on Fathers Day, she tried to get back into public school because we sold our old house and moved to another town with him. He’s bipolar and everything has gone downhill after we moved in with him.. I’m used up, this caregiver thing is too much for a menopausal woman who’s mother is very ill and can’t even tear herself away from the constant caregiving of my husband and daughter to spend any time with her at all, she probably doesn’t have much time left, she has chronic emphysema and congestive heart failure. Pray for us anyone. It’s too much. Anyway, my heart goes out to that family, its so horrible, people who don’t know anyone with this kind of mental illness really can’t understand what its like and are not educated and mostly, I think, really don’t want to be bothered with it. Enough is Enough, Thanks for all you do Dave.

  17. Hi, I found Davids program on yahoo search for Bipolar help. I was very drawn to his story because my mother also has bipolar in addition to schitzoeffective personality disorder.

    She has used meditation and had a therapist and a Psychiatrist since I can remember(I’m 37 and mom is 64). My mom’s problem is she goes into a manic for a number of reasons but the one I am most concerned about is the desire to feel her feelings and not be so flat.

    She is spiritual person and has claimed healing many times and will go off her medicine. That has always proven to be wrong.

    My mom misses her highs and wants to experience her childish self again.

    Even when she got treatment last time 3yrs ago through a psychiatric instatute she still lingered in another personality while medicated after she was released.

    Her current episode started with the testing of healing she got her doctor to change her medicine to increase her antidepressants to an abusive level because she started to get depressed after having a great time with her sister out of state.

    I discovered she was using it to have more feeling and inspiration for her new hobbie-Painting-which some look textbook for schitzoprenia patients and avoid what issues come up with depression.

    I noticed her absurdity creeping up again and was in contact with her doctor about her behavior after I told her she was acting absurd. My sister was able to go to the appointment with her and the Dr. perscribed a new drug to her that made her feellike she was having a heart attack(which she has never had).

    This started her hate for her doctor and now wants to sue him. She will not see any Psychiatrist now. And askes why we don’t believe she is healed.

    She is ruining her life right now and refuses help. She says we are abandoning her but the fact is me and my siblings have worked like a tight running machine and kept in contact much more through this whole thing and it couldn’t be further from the truth.

    But now that we have tried all other techniques, like “help us understand why she thinks she is healed” so we can get her in front of a clinical therapist. But she knows how to answer all the questions in her evaluations so she cannot get committed.

    We need a different technique and are willing to hear of some stratigies out there to get medical help so she is not so overpowered by her feelings.

    We are also willing to pay for Davids program if it offers some stratigies as well for pulling a long time bipolar out of a manic before she crashes. We have been advised by her nonlicences therapist that this may be what needs to happen.

    But good grief how much damage does she have to do before the state will take over? Our state law says that she needs to present herself to an evaluating clinician that she is homicidal or suicidal.

    She will tell us kids that she has these thoughts but when she is evaluated she lies. So she is released.

    David, do you know how we can get around this? Either by using better legal lingo or just another approach altogether?

    We love our mom very much but we are tired and it is eating away at us through the day and night. We know God has protected her all her life but we can’t handle her living reckless like this any longer. It is very selfish and gives other people with bipolar a bad name. And it is a terrible example to us and her grand kids.

    Thanks for listening…Noel

  18. To NOEL: Unfortunately, when a bipolar person truly BELIEVES in a “healing,” it is VERY difficult to dissuade them. I am a 59 year old woman who has had bipolar disorder for 38 years. My last hospitalization was 30 years ago.

    I went through a period where I truly BELIEVED I was “healed” by a minister on TV. I didn’t go off my meds, but used them in connection with the supposed “healing” to trick myself into KNOWING I was healed of the bipolar.

    You are wise in that you know that bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain, and your mother needs medications in order to survive her illness. It’s true that some meds dull the senses and the imagination, and create “zombies” unintentionally. Your mother is trying to regain her youth; this is kind of like looking for a “second childhood,” as she remembers how “high” she felt in a mania and WANTS that “feeling” again.

    You and your siblings HAVE to get her in a treatment plan like Dave Oliver suggests. Do whatever it takes to get her to a competent psychiatrist/doctor to prescribe the right medications; see to it that she gets the proper sleep; and try to let her know that you LOVE the “normal” her.

    I highly suggest you order Dave’s Bipolar Supporters Guide, as it has most of the answers you need. After all, he survived his own mother’s bouts with bipolar disorder, and believe me, he KNOWS what he’s talking about!

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love them. I pray for you daily.

  19. Dave unfortunately I know a lot of people that play the bipolar med game. Someone puts it in their head that they don’t need them and then the unthinkable happens. I don’t know how many times I’ve told a friend not to go off their meds. They do it anyhow then they’re fighting with the family, turning to other drugs/alcohol for comfort. then the next thing they know is they are being admitted to a psych ward to get regulated on their meds again. It is very important for anyone with a mental disability and are on meds so’s to function in society to stay on their meds. I myself, if I’m out of anyone of my three meds, I’m a walking time bomb. I had an incident a year after I got fired from my job and told people it was a good thing I didn’t have access to a car because the 2 people that helped me get fired, I wasn’t sure if I would stop if I saw them on the street. I was waiting for one of my meds to be delivered to me. So as you can see it is imperitive that anyone with a mental diagnosis stay on their meds. My heart goes out to the boy and his mom. It’s such a tragedy and I hope he learned from it. I think I’ve said enough, I could go on and on. I subcribed to this site because a lot of people around me are bipolar.
    God Bless All,

  20. I don’t have a love one with bi polar, but I have a sister and her live in boyfriend has just been diagnosised with bi-polar. I don’t like the guy never have. They have been together a little over two years and during these years it has been hell. He hit her once for going over on her cell phone mintues and kick her and their new born baby out of the house on a cold day late at night. They have had arguments over her not letting go to a strip club on the day their second child was born, him wanting to go to clubs without her because she is fat, him not letting her work and saying everything is his because he pays the bills, hitting with the belt because she acts like a little kid so he is going to treat her like one. Last month he woke her up at 1am to clean the stove and beat her, she called the cops and they took him to mental health. This is when they diagnosis him with bipolar. Last week she was visiting our mother and he showed up with his mistress to pick up the kids. He put my sister in jail for domestic violence and while she was in there the mistress took care of the girls in their home. He slept with her in their bed. He bail her out of jail late that night because he still loves her, but also wants to be with the mistress. CPS is now involved and the CPS worker told her to stay with him because all of the this that he is doing is not him. She took pictures of herself to show what he did to her. I am scared he is going to kill and the kids, but she still wants to stay with him. Please help I live in California and she lives in Texas.

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