Free Guide: 10 Deadly Mistakes Made By Bipolar Supporters

==>>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==
Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:


How’s it going?

I can’t believe that there’s like 5 inches of snow
where I live.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well. I have some
good news.

I have been working on a new FREE Guide titled:

“The 10 Deadly Mistakes People Make Helping and
Supporting Someone With Bipolar Disorder.”

Today is the first day that I will start distributing
it all over the world.

You can get your copy right away by visiting:

I hope you like it. My goal was to help people
who are bipolar supporters avoid the major mistakes.
I find that for the most part, if you can just avoid
the major mistakes success is likely to follow.

In the case with our family, over the years,
my dad, my grandmother and myself made each of
these 10 mistakes over and over and over again.

Well download my report and review it.
Then forward and/or give it away to at least
7 people you know who could use it.

Most people don’t realize this but there
are about 10 million adults in the us with
bipolar disorder but there are more than 20
million closes friends/family members of
those people.

So ultimately there are more bipolar supporters
than bipolar survivors. This is why this
report focuses on supporters for now.

I am actually doing radio, magazine and newspaper
interviews as well talking about this guide
and why I am giving it away.

If you are a journalist and would like to do
an interview, or know any journalists, please
email me at:

Well I have to take off and deal with the
snow. Have a great day and see you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Dear Dave, I downloaded the free info and thank you…..I did not get a chance to sit and read it thoroughly yet, I WILL..My son is only 8 and I know that some of the information i can not use now, but is going to help me in a couple of years. Looking ant the info so far, i see that i had been making alot of those mistakes. I have stopped taking alot of it personally and stopped blaming myself for my son’s disorder. He is doing well now and I have you and my family to thank for that…..THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Try having a father who considers mental illness a charetor flaw. I have suffered bypolar most of my life. my father refuses to talk to me anymore and now my sons have nothing to do with me.Fortunatly I’am not suicidal(thank God).

  3. how can i stay up ? i always feel down anymore. i hate life it sucks. the dr has giving mw more meds to see if that helps i hope i change real soon i dont want to go out i dont want anyone to talk to me what is wrong andwhy???

  4. Dear Dave, I have been ‘saving’ your emails to a folder for some time now, in case I wanted to go back and read them later. I like the term, ‘bipolar survivor; I think I’m gonna start using that! Thanks for the free info, and all that you do for us! God bless you!

  5. To JUANITA: Just remember the old phrase, “This too, shall pass.” You WON’T feel this way forever. Perhaps it’s the Holiday season that is bringing you down. If you have a doctor that prescribes your bipolar medications, CALL them, NOW…

    I’m thinking about you, and praying for you. May God bless you, and get you through this.

  6. Dear Dave: I have a 26 year old son that has just realized on his own that he can not deal with his bipolar on his own. He has just got into counseling on his own. As a child I had him in counseling, he thought I was being mean and crazy as he thought he would be fine. I am so proud that he has realized that he needs help. Of course with just starting, he has more lows than highs. As doesn’t know how is going to afford to pay for all this and his meds. He has never been able to hold a job for very long, really can not afford a place to live on his own, has always lived with friends or family. So right now he is really low and down on himself. I do not live close to my son, only a phone call away. It really hurts me to see him trying so hard, hurting so much thinking he can not do it, and to see him so low. That is where I have trouble, as I do not know what to say or do, except listen. He is the one that found your site and I joined it also. I have enjoyed it very much, have learn t new things, been reminded of things I have forgotten. Would like to tell you thank you for putting out there the help that people need to know and helping those that want it. As you are right there are many people that don’t understand bipolar, more like don’t want to. So again Thank you for helping those that want to learn about such a terrible awful thing as bipolar. As it dose hurt more than the one with it, it hurts everyone around them. As I worry everyday, if I will be getting that phone call that my son is no longer with me. It is a very awful feeling. Again Thank you, as can not say that enough. I have sent you “10 Deadly Mistakes” to eveyone I know, as it is very good. Wish I would of had it earlier in my son’s life. Have a great day and keep up the good work, it is wonderful to know there is someone out there that cares. Rusty

  7. Dave, i live with someone with a serious bipolar disorder, I cannot download 10 deadly mistakes, I have the correct program but it says I have pop up stopper on which I do not. I enjoy your communications and they are helping me cope, can you help me or send me the 10 mistakes as I am sure I am committing all of them

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