F.ree software and exciting Interview with expert on bipolar disorder


How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

I am really excited about a whole
bunch of projects we have going on.

I also wanted to let you know that I am
still working on setting up the webinar
and teleseminar software for the f.ree
teleseminar I will be holding answering
questions about bipolar disorder live.


Non medical and NON legal questions because
I am NOT a doctor, therapist, or lawyer.

Yesterday was a great day. I had a fascinating
talk with Doctor Dan Lieberman, Director of the
Clinical Psychiatric Research Center.

He has a cool new automated software program
that he is going to be making available. I am
going to be promoting it and guess what?
It’s F.REE.

I was talking to him yesterday to setup
a time to interview so he can go into
great detail of the benefits of the program
he has. I will be making the interview
available f.ree to you as well.

The good news is, I don’t have to use
the webinar software that I have or
it might take forever. This will be all
wrapped up in about 2 weeks or so. I will
drop you an email to let you know the
website to go to get everything

So anyway, we were talking. Normally I
am really cautious when talking to doctors.
I normally let them do 99% of the talking
and I do 99% of the listening. It’s not
that I am scared of them or anything it’s
that generally I never hear anything that’s
exciting to me or even helpful.

I am a HUGE believer in doctors for treating
bipolar disorder. But I find that they
are experts in just medication. He was
a rare exception.

Well I got to talking to Dr. Lieberman and I
wanted to explain to him:

1. Who I was and why I do this (all this
bipolar stuff so to speak)

2. Why I sell some of my material and give
some of it away but not all of it.

3. Why I have so many people with bipolar disorder
that work for me

4. Why I think it will be really important
to do an interview with me so his software
and it’s benefits can be fully understood.

So to make a long story short in reference
to the above my answers were.

1. I do this to help people not to make

2. I sell some thing to support a massive
advertising budget that I have. In order
to build a huge list and also reach large
numbers of people, you have to spend a ton
of m.oney. Fortunately I know how to do
that without bankrupting the entire organization.
The reality is, the more I spend on advertising
the more people I reach. And nobody will give
me f.ree advertising. The odd thing is, even
if I was non profit would make a difference.

I have asked many a company if I was non profit
what would happen. All said, “same rates.” One
warned me that if I went non profit, many companies
would not take me seriously and might even require
that I pay m.oney in advance because non profits
have a track record of not having any m.oney.

Someone told me the other day, I should try for
grants. If anyone has ever done this, they would
know that grants are a nightmare to get. Also, people
with grants get dependant on them and wind up spending
more time getting grants then helping people. Then,
many times, grants dry up and the organization goes
out of business. I have seen that in so many places
that I volunteered at.

It’s sad but true. Also, if you have worked with
an organization that is “grant dependent”, you notice
how some years things are great and other years,
they are terrible. It’s all based on how much
m.oney they can get.

In today’s economic times, grants have been
cut big time.

I never wanted it to be this way and that’s
why I don’t spend time trying to get gra.nts.

3. I really feel that people with bipolar disorder
are super smart and creative and “doers” and “go
getters.” I love super smart, creative, doers and
go getters. I said to him how people with bipolar
disorder make my life much easier because they get
a lot done and fast because of their special gifts–
which are being super smart, creative, etc.

NOTE-I no longer will debate whether this is true.
I get other doctors that write me that say there is
no study that shows people with bipolar disorder
are any smarter, creative, etc. than anyone else.
I am telling you, in my opinion, they are. Period.
I am not open to debate on this subject :).

If you hired a bunch of people with bipolar disorder
that had a good treatment plan and followed a bipolar
stability equation concept, you would see your organization
explode. I am convinced of it. But again, I am not
going to get into that. To me, it’s an incredible thing
that I am work with the kind of people that I work with.
I am lucky. But I must say, I never knew this and figured
it out by accident.

Just the other day. We had a HUGE PROBLEM. Really big.
So big, I thought my mind was going to explode. I was
so annoyed. For some reason, I forgot who I had
working for me. So then I randomly called someone
who has bipolar disorder that works for me and
told him my plight. He said, “oh I can help
with that.” I was thinking, “oh, that’s right
I have super smart people that work for me,
I should let them figure it out.” So then I
gathered a group of people that work for me
and told them the problem.

They immediately began to work on a solution.
It’s only been a few days and the solution is
incredible. I figure this problem will be solved
in two weeks totally. Others have tried to solve
this problem and never succeeded. I know a massive
company that never figured out a solution after
many years.

I was amazed with what my people have come up

Virtually everyone involved in the solution
has bipolar disorder.

One person is so smart she figured out
how to get out of multiple psychiatric
hospitals while not being stable
in her past life. Now she reformed,
follows a treatment plan, takes her
medication and does the right things.
She said, “fixing your problem, is much
easier than breaking out of a psychiatric
hospital when you are not stable.”

You should remember that if you have bipolar
disorder, you have special gifts or your
loved one does. Don’t forget that. Sometimes
we focus on the negative so much, we forget
the positive. There is positive if you look.

4. I was telling the Dr. that many times when something
is free and kind of posted somewhere, people don’t
really value it or take advantage. I told him how
I wanted to really get people excited to use the
software and why it’s so important and it’s
going to help them.

It will fit great with all the concepts and
strategies I teach in all my courses/systems




I am really excited about it all.

Then we got into his ideas on how
to manage bipolar disorder. He had some
amazing information. Then I started telling
him about my concepts. He didn’t think
that I was crazy so to speak.

I must say, he was one of the most well
rounded doctors I have ever spoken to
about bipolar disorder. It was truly amazing.

After we do an interview on his software,
I am going to ask him to do a live call
where he asks your questions on bipolar

Okay, don’t tell him this if you know
him but, I want to do another call
with him where he answers questions
on bipolar disorder with our new
teleseminar and webinar system.

So with my plan, you would be able
to ask him questions.

I would cover all the costs and make
a recording of the webinar and call
f.ree to you as well.

Don’t tell him that I am planning on
this. I haven’t asked him yet.
Keep it quiet for now. Hopefully he
will do it. If so, it will be great.

I am really excited to have spoken to the Doctor.

Actually I am running out of time, I have
to go to the gym right now. He said one
really important thing that got me really

I am going to reveal it tomorrow in the
daily email.

Hey, it’s starting to snow right now,
so I have to go.

I have to run now, catch you tomorrow and
have a great day.


Your Friend,


P.S. Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

P.P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Greetings, Dave; THANK YOU SO MUCH
    for sharing such exciting updates
    about your recent interview with
    Dr. Dan Lieberman! Certainly am
    looking forward to his timely info
    about the positive alternatives he
    has researched pertaining to all of
    the Bipolar Disorder challenges that face so many millions here in
    the U.S.A. and abroad. In gratitude
    to you and your staff for all that
    you have accomplished, and are
    focused on presently to the Bi-
    polar community, THANKS AGAIN for
    all you have achieved, and are
    still accomplishing with your
    Divine Mission to educate, inspire,
    and illumine those of us who face
    daily concerns with this serious
    spiritual, mental, emotional,
    physical, and financial ‘dis-ease.’
    God bless you, and have a pleasant
    weekend! Respectfully, “I AM,”

  2. Hi David, Thank you for noticeing that we are special. It is easy to see the crazy stuff, and being so crazy folks get stuck on the “Oh no what now”.
    Thanks David, Karen

  3. David said, “One warned me that if I went non profit, many companies
    would not take me seriously and might even require that I pay m.oney in advance because non profits have a track record of not having a4ny m.oney.”
    If I were you, I’d get more advice than from just one guy! Ask some of the NPO’s themselves. I’ll bet C.A.R.E., Oxfam, C.A.F.O.D., Greenpeace, etc, if THEY have any problems. I’ll bet you $100 they don’t get hassled for money in advance.

  4. Dave – Are you SURE this doctor ISN’T bipolar himself??!! Just kidding, but you are SO enthusiastic about him, he could be one of the “super smart and clever” people with bipolar that work for you. I’m NOT “super smart or clever,” but I DO all right!!

    Your webimars and seminars sound absolutely a gift from GOD for us people with bipolar; if they could illuminate some of the problems we have coping, it would certainly be a blessing.

    I have always been able to GET a job; it’s keeping it that I have trouble with. I have some “gifts;” I type 121 w/p/m, and I know how to write a business/legal letter. I even wrote letters to constituents in my Senator’s office for HIS signature when I worked in D.C. Now – THAT was a thrill!! I was making $600/month in the middle 1960s, which was a lot of money back then for a 20 year old; I quit American University to go to work for the Senator. Not two weeks later, I was in the psych ward. From way “high,” to way “low” didn’t take a long time at all.

    To the supporters I say: look for gifts that your child/parent/sibling has, and encourage them to pursue them. As Dave said, some of them are super bright, and if/when they find out what they’re good at, you’ll notice a big change in self-confidence and self-esteem. Mine came back to me when I started mystery shopping last year. It was just something I did for a “lark,” but it turned out that it was good for me and it was something I could do well.

    Dave – looking forward to the new software and webimars! Don’t knock yourself out, but have fun with it 😉

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love them. Stay sane, and may God bless…

  5. Dear David,
    I am in Italy and have not being able to find or get help…
    I go to see a Doctor and I find myself thanks to your e-mails Knowing more about “it” than they do…? the xanax they gave me for 2years hurted more than it helped me
    your e-mails keep me company and give me hope…at the moment I live in the country site far from humans 90% of the time…
    when I get a “crisis” my way out untill “it” goes away is usully to drink…my other choice is: not to and just be awake…shaking and vomiting…I had an anusual hard life…all is better now…but somehow this just happens…even if I have a possitive go getter actitude most of the time…
    I don’t have the treatinig bad others problem or expending money…or getting in to troubles…I just get this physical simtoms…that go away if I drink…luckily… this happes now every 2-3 months…
    is there any one that suffers what happens to me…?
    please share with me info about alcohol & bipolar…?
    Thank you,

  6. Hey Dave, Get a load of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/501(c)

    This site give you the low-down on Not for Profit Organisations. The biggest benefit would seem to be EXCEPTION FROM FEDERAL INCOME TAX!!!

    I’m no lawyer, but it looks to me like conversion would not be too difficult. Seems to me a start would be to make subscribers of free and paying services “members” of the organisation. The fees paid for the courses would be full membership fees. (Those receiving the free services would be associate members, or some such name, and enabled to give charitable donations to the organisation, which I think would be tax deductible, too.)

    THINK ABOUT IT. How many subscribers do you have? An ocean full of them!!! If they were all members, WHY WOULD YOU NEED TO BOTHER WITH GRANTS?!!!

    Good stuff, eh?! Go for it, man! Make the IRS very unhappy and everyone else smiling from ear to ear!

  7. DAVE, I would agree that many bipolar people have special gifts. I have known a number of bipolar people over the years and they all have creative talents of one sort or another. Somehow I’m attracted to people with bipolar and similar conditions, perhaps because I am creative and unconventional, often misunderstood by the so-called norm, as they are. The not so good qualities we have in common are a screwed up sleep pattern (as I’m writing this it’s 3.45am) and the inability to hold a job for long. I can somehow understand them and they understand me.

  8. Fletcher in the above post uses the excuse that he is bipolar with a “serious spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial ‘dis-ease.'”. In reality he is a financial predator who tricks people out of their money through financial misrepresentation. Fletcher Richman caused MASSIVE financial ruin – and agonizing psychological torture – to my family for the last 2 years through his lies, deceptions, and financial fraud. It is still hard to believe that he could have caused such horrific destruction to my family – along with the assistance of his co-conspirators: Linda Marie Haught, Warren Angel and Ellie Henderson. Read the details of what he did to me and countless others over the last 25 years at http://sacredvaults.org

  9. Fletcher in the above post uses the excuse that he is bipolar with a “serious spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial ‘dis-ease.'”. In reality he is a financial predator who tricks people out of their money through financial misrepresentation. Fletcher Richman caused MASSIVE financial ruin – and agonizing psychological torture – to my family for the last 2 years through his lies, deceptions, and financial fraud. It is still hard to believe that he could have caused such horrific destruction to my family – along with the assistance of his co-conspirators: Linda Marie Haught, Warren Angel and Ellie Henderson. Read the details of what he did to me and countless others over the last 25 years at http://sacredvaults.org

  10. Fletcher Richman in the above post uses the excuse that he is bipolar with a “serious spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial ‘dis-ease.'”. In reality he is a financial predator who tricks people out of their money through financial misrepresentation. Fletcher Richman caused MASSIVE financial ruin – and agonizing psychological torture – to my family for the last 2 years through his lies, deceptions, and financial fraud. It is still hard to believe that he could have caused such horrific destruction to my family – along with the assistance of his co-conspirators: Linda Marie Haught, Warren Angel and Ellie Henderson. Read the details of what he did to me and countless others over the last 25 years at http://sacredvaults.org

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