Bipolar Lesson From My Almost Big Car Accident Last Night


How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

Sadly, there’s a chance that you
might not have gotten my message today.

Why? Well last night I almost got
into a huge car accident late last

I have an important lesson about
bipolar disorder to tell you about
in reference to what happen to me.

If you will remember, yesterday,
I sent you a daily email and indicated
that it was snowing.

Well it stopped last night. I was
over my friend’s house but it started
kind of again and then stopped.

I don’t really understand what happen
but basically the roads were super wet
and then they started to freeze.

I think the people that put salt (which
is used to break up the ice), on the
road got a late start.

As I was driving home, I saw horror.

There was one guy that drove down into
someone’s front yard about 30 feet. His
car was turned over.

Then on the highway, when I looked at
the other side of traffic, there was
accident after accident. People were
smashed through guard rails.

I was really confused because you could
NOT see anything on the road.


I think the people on my side of the
highway were thinking what I was thinking
which was, “Why is everyone crashing, what’s
going on, I better go slower.”

But then stupid people started driving really
fast behind me almost forcing you to go
faster. I was starting to get nervous.

Then, I started see big accidents on the road. I
saw a car and truck had a head on collision
some how.

Then I saw a bunch of cars that were all
stopped because they were in a massive

Then I was driving over a bridge and I started
to swerve.

Then it happen.

I was driving along and bang.

The back of my car started to go in front
of my car. It’s hard to explain but basically
my back, was going forward and I was pointed

Then I turned the wheel and then the back started
to go back to the back but I went from the far right
lane into the far left lane and then to the middle.

I had no control of the car really. Then there
were cars in front of me that I could see
were doing the same. We all must have hit
some kind of black ice.

It’s really odd, I thought for sure I would
get into a huge accident. This is
seriously what I was thinking:

I wonder what will happen if I don’t send
my bipolar daily email?

I hope Andrea and Pascale can handle everything
if I get into a major accident and I am in the

I wonder if I have all the right paper work in
place for them

“Oh, Darn, I forgot to sign that one form for
them if something happens to me.”

I know that might sound weird but basically
all my other companies can run without me
except this one because it’s newer and grows
really fast.

I have been working hard to make this happen
but kind of putting off some stuff.

Well anyway, after almost going off into a
guard rail which was over a cliff off of
Route 80 Eastbound, I finally was able
to stabilize the car.

I thought about pulling over and sleeping
on the side of the road but I heard rumors
how people get murdered when that happens.

So then I just got in the far left lane and
drove super slow, slow enough that if I crashed
I hopefully wouldn’t get killed.

It was really scary.

So I came home and immediately emailed
this consultant that helps with what’s called
business transition and business succession.

He helps people get a business together so
if the owner is hurt or dies. I emailed him
this story and said that I want to get
his consulting immediately 🙂

I have been putting it off because well
I just have been. But it’s important.

What the heck does this have to do with
bipolar disorder?

Well, with bipolar you have to plan for
the worst and hope for the best.

If you have bipolar disorder

Who will pay my bills if I go into an episode

Where is a list of my bills and c.redit cards
(with my mom, it took days to figure all this
out working 15 hours a day)

If I have bipolar disorder and run a business,
who will take over, how will it be done if I go
into an episode. Do you know how many people
that I know that have bipolar disorder, had a
big great business and lost it from an episode?
A ton. I don’t have any info but you should
start researching if this is you.

If you are a bipolar supporter

If you loved one is in your business or
has to make decisions for you, what’s
your plan if he/she goes into an episode?
You need one.

The person with bipolar should have a release
signed for the supporter to talk to the therapist,
doctor, etc.

Also, if you have bipolar disorder, and this is
going to amaze you, you should have a release
so your therapist AND bipolar doctor can talk
to your non bipolar doctors (your primary care
physician for example)

There’s a lot of stuff to think about. It’s
rather negative but it has to be done.

In my courses/systems below:




I cover a ton of the forms you have to have
filled out and signed so that it’s easy in
case a bipolar episode strikes.

I know many people with my courses/systems
skip this part. They tell me, “oh yea, I will
get to that later on.” A year goes by and
they never do. I URGE you to do it right away.

One major bipolar episode, like one major
car accident, can destroy a whole lot of stuff
that took years to develop. Don’t let it happen
to you.

I am immediately going to be working on this
based on what almost happen to me last night.

Hey, I have to run, catch you later.

Your Friend,


P.S. Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

P.P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Glad you’re ok Dave!

    I’m taking heed to your message today. Thanks for all you do. I wish I had your materials 10 years ago!


  3. Hi David: Glad your ride was only scary and not harmful for you. There is a reason why “black ice” is called black ice: you can’t see it, but you sure can feel it. Unfortunately, most people will drive like it is dry pavement and they feel black ice the hard way. Most of these people have 4-wheel or all-wheel drive and forget they have to stop sooner or later. I was born and raised in SW MI, about 30 miles from Lake Michigan, as well as traveling through most of the US, and have seen more than my share of black ice. We live on a US highway, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and for the past few weeks as soon as darkness hit so did the black ice and salt does not melt ice if the temperature is below 15 degrees F. Finally, we will rise above freezing today, which will melt some of the several feet of snow we have but will cause roadways that are normally dry to experience black ice. So everyone needs to keep an eye on the temp before they set out to go somewhere and drive accordingly, especially those with BP. My BP husband is terrified of driving when black ice may be present and usually it takes an emergency to get him to drive. He has been off the road 4 times this season, all have been snow related, not ice, but I can tell that this has really put the fear of black ice in him more than any other year. And it makes me so happy that my BP daughter doesn’t want to drive, at least most of the time. I have learned that while you may be one of the best drivers around, you always have to watch out for the other guys/gals, like the ones trying to make you go faster than you felt comfortable with. I wonder what you would have done if you had BPD and were like so many others who do not have access to treatment or maybe not even been diagnosed. To me, that is a very scary thought. I think your story would have ended dramatically worse than it was. I must apologize to all of you because my comments always turn into books, but I have one more thing to get off my chest and then I promise to shut up for a while. My husband”s BPD daughter and her family have come back up here to stay, AGAIN! She is diagnosed and not receiving treatment, they have 2 kids, I have too much respect for this blog to even begin describing her old man except to say he is the most worthless thing I have ever know. As usual, they are on the run from something and have nowhere else to run but here. My husbands hates her old man because of the way he treats her and makes her lives and she is so brain-washed she thinks she has to put up with it. And so the war will be on soon because my husband’s son hates her SOB too and he will fight with him, which has happened before and I can only pray that my step-son doesn’t end up in jail because of it. So I have one fine mess going on right now and to top it all off, they made it to about 40 miles from us, driving a truck of some kind, and it broke down on them so my husband had to make the trip down there to pick them up! Sound like fun to anyone else?

  4. David: By the way, I forgot to ask if you received the email I sent with my phone number? Please let me and I will send it again if you didn’t get it. Thanks for all the info you send my way and I want you to know that if something happened and you couldn’t get my daily email to me, I would miss the email but I would be more concerned about you.


  5. I was in an accident a year and a half ago that I had to be taken to a major hospital by helicopter. I am bipolar, and my girls are also. When we were being initially treated by E.M.T.s I was frantic to have someone write down their meds, and doses. (One of my daughters went toxic on lithium because of a mistake before this). They wanted me to calm down, and knew my hubbie was on his way, and said they would get that from him, they were more worried about me, the girls were just bruised. I freaked because I knew that only I knew the info, and he wouldn’t even know where to start. I got someone to write it down finally, but started to go into shock, and had a hard time remembering my own meds. I now have binders, one for each of us with phone #’s, med names, doses, even ones previously taken and didn’t work, or bad reaction. Recent bloodwork, dr notes, diagnoses, allergies, physicals, etc. I take it with me for dr visits, and it makes my life easier, and gives me piece of mind for in case of emergency.


  7. Dear Dave:

    Boy, that sounds scary! When things are so out of control like
    that, somthing awful could happen to you, through no fault of your own. I’ve driven in situations like that, with kids in the car; my pulse was racing – I could hardly see in front of me (but, like you, I did see a whole bunch of other cars on the side of the road, in ditches, or in accidents..

    The point is that you never know when something can happen to you (like a major medical emergency). Because of your e-mails I have signed forms for my Dr., psychiatrist and therapist to all talk to each other, and for each of them to talk to my supporter.
    What I have to do is to make sure
    that if someone happens to me that he can take over my legal and financial affairs. I’m poor (LOL), so one advantage to that is that there isn’t that much to handle. I do already have my complete medical history and list of current meds written down; maybe I should consider keeping a copy of that with me at all times.
    I may end up in the emergency unconscious or unable to speak for some other reason, and the Dr.’s in charge of my care would need that information. It could be a disaster if they didn’t have it!
    Thanks for giving me some very important information once again…

    As you look through these e-mails,
    you can tell how many people are
    grateful to you AND how many people care about you personally!!
    I’m one of them, so I want to add
    that I’m so glad that you’re okay!

    Sue H.

  8. My husband makes terrible finanacial decisions, therefor I do it-with bipolar or not. I’m the one who opens and closes accounts, opens annuities or CDs, or manages utilities and the rent. He would let everything slide. He has been reckless in the past regarding financial and other matters. I even had to leave him in 2000, just to open the annuity, and thank G-d I did, because that’s the only investment I made that didn’t go under! So much for “normal” people! Yes, the pills have made me gain a huge amount of weight-more than 60lbs! And last year I had cancer, and radiation, and this year I took a bad fall which left my left knee with a torn miniscus, a torn ligament, and a spur. But yet I persevere, and I am grateful for it. Sure I see a lot of doctors and therapists, but I feel it’s worth it-no? That is not to say I don’t have a huge amount of help from him and my friends, which definitely helps, but I am grateful to the One Above who has given me the talents and resources that I need! Take care all of you, and stay in during bad weather. It’s bad here too in Chicago!

  9. When driving on slippery surfaces, keep in mind that ordinary braking distances are much changed. The most effective approach that I used during the extended ice storm ten years ago, was to go slow, and rely more on down shifting to neutral, and then to brake. When you feel the rear wheels fish tailing, do NOT brake, but steer smoothly and gently into the skid. It is important to know that front wheel drive vehicles are good in slippery situations, in slush you may be in greater danger of a front wheel skid, and totally losing control. This is particularly dangerous when cresting a steep hill. A good driving school would be the best source of information on the Winter Driving Test. Winter happens every year, but sadly many drivers fail to heed hazards, and end up in the ditch, or worse. THe most important idea though is to slow down, and make sure that there is lots of space to stop. You were lucky. Also remember that sometimes staying where you are is the best solution. Can you find a friend wh;o would lend you their couch.
    As for the BPD situation, patients should have prepared a power of attorney, which would allow a trusted friend or family member to take over your financial affairs. It is also useful to have a medical power of attorney, who would give your md permission to treat, and how much treatment you would want in the event of becoming unable to speak for yourself. This person is usually be the next of kin where that is possible. This is often advised for old people, who may become medically unable to care for themselves.
    Another useful method that I have as a single, but without BPD, is that all of my essential bills are paid automatically at my bank. This includes loan payments, investment savings, and credit cards, as well as hydro, water, taxes, gas etc. My pay (I am now retired so that is a pension) goes directly in the same account. Some pension plans like this as it leaves a good trail, for dealing with the confused elderly.

  10. Dave,

    Thank God you are alright! 😎

    A little sunday funny:

    Sunday Complaints

    After church one Sunday morning, a mother commented, “The choir was
    awful this morning.”

    The father commented, “The sermon was too long.”

    Their 7-year-old daughter added, “You’ve got to admit it was a pretty good show for a dollar.”

  11. I’m so happy to hear that you are okay Dave! You are truly blessed God was with you during that terrible ordeal. I know you had to be terrified and so worried about so many things. I can only imagine the thoughts that were racing through your head. Thank God you are safe. I know you had to be concerned about your Mom if it were me I know I’d be thinking of my daughter. Thank you for all you do Dave, I really appreciate it.

  12. I am writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina. My 23 year old bro is diagnosed with bipolar syndrome. He is stable now.It is very useful to start to think about how to avoid an episode orbeprepared ifit happens.
    I thank you very much.
    I’m sure you have extra protection from above for all that you are doing to help others.
    Let’s allbe thankful for that

  13. Dave! What a horrible experience! Thank God you’re all right – what would we do without you??!! And your first thoughts were of US!! Speaking on behalf of others, I’m glad you survived and able to think rationally about what you need to do in case something DOES happen to you. THAT is very important.

    I wasn’t going to bring this up, but – I owe $22K to the IRS and the State, all because my CPA didn’t ask the right questions and file 2005 income taxes properly. She has known about the problem since JUNE, and suddenly, it’s become a VERY big deal.

    What I got out of your email is – fortunately, you KNEW where to find your Mom’s credit card info. Well, I have SCADS of credit cards that I’m paying off – but haven’t a CLUE where the statements are and what the limits and balances are on them! And I need this info like, yesterday!

    I’m the proverbial “clutterer;” I HAVE kept the statements, but with my “messy” mind, they are either in my night table, desk, or in plastic bags so that “I can find them later.” As you see, this presents quite a BIG problem when I need the required information.

    I was literally “blindsided” into filling out this form, and my CPA said I needed to be VERY accurate and NOT leave out a thing. Who thinks of having to keep ALL their statements from all their credit cards BEFORE they NEED them??!!

    Anyway, this is going to take me HOURS to fill out (besides the time it takes me to find the statements), and I only have a WEEK.

    So, you see, I’m FORCED to become more organized in handling my financial affairs. When I was in major episodes which required hospitalization, my former BFF was my Power of Attorney, and handled ALL that kind of stuff for me. Now – I’m “on my own,” being my OWN supporter, and not very good at being organized.

    Let this be a “heads-up” to other survivors AND supporters to gather ALL the information about checking accounts (I need the last 3 months’ statements on each of 3 checking accounts), savings and money market accounts, and your credit card statements. It’s almost TOO late for me; I’ll just have to suffer the time it takes to find and accumulate my information.

    DON’T make the same mistakes I’ve made. You have TIME now to get your affairs in order – TAKE IT!!!

    BIG HUGS to all survivors and those who love them. Stay sane, and may God bless you real good.

  14. DAVE, that was really scary, even just to read! Glad to hear you got through it and are ok.

    As for organising things just in case… Right now, neither my boyfriend nor I have any credit cards, savings or investments. So we have no finances to organise. Although it’s a pain to have no money and always to be scrimping, some good comes out of having no credit cards: You can’t get into too much debt. I’m addicted to bargain shopping, but since I have no credit card I can’t go over the top with it. My ex-husband and I had countless credit cards and overdrafts, trying to pay one off with the other. In the end we were drowning in debt and lost everything. If the bank ever offers me another credit card, I will only have the one and use it for special occasions only. In my case where finances are concerned, the only way is up. If you have nothing you have nothing to lose.

  15. Dear Dave It is funny I thought when I began reading this email about the bipolar lesson I knew exactly where you were going with it, but you surprised me again :):) Anyway I think there were 2 lessons or examples in this one. The way you were afraid you were going to have an accident (episode) so you thought you were doing everything you could to avoid it (aware of the consequences of being sick) and then no matter what you did you hit the ice and spun out of control..(here it comes….(no way to stop it now until dry land comes along (medication)…Oh well Just wanted to share that because that is what it reminded me of. Read you everyday…you just don’t know what an encouragement you are Thank you so much for all you do…I am working with NAMI now. I have been very fortunate to get someone that has been so helpful in getting my son the treatment he desperately needed, while in jail. Through all their support we finally got him into a hospital where he should have been from the start…. support NAMI…..Theresa

  16. There are a lot of things I still need to learn about BPD and other mental disorders. I just read a blog from jcprayer, who said she was working with NAMI and I was wondering if someone would tell me What NAMI is, where it is, and what they do. I would be very appreciative to learn what this is about. Thank you,

  17. Hi Mr.Oliver,
    I would really like to be able to buy the books but, unfortunately We are not even making ends meet. If you have any way that we could make small payments or something to that effect, please let me know. I would appreciate it.The material that I receive in my e-mail helps,believe it or not. As far as your almost accident….. I think you have a very special guardian angel. Thankfully it just wasn’t your time. Take care.

  18. Hello Theresa,

    May I please ask you how you got Nami to help you out? I know that it’s free to go to parts of their web site I just gave that info to Helen, but by support may I ask do you have to donate in order to receive help? I have been trying for years now and no go. I hope you don’t think this is too personal a question? I think it’s wonderful that they are helping you.

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