Current Bipolar News


Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news. There
is some really interesting stuff. It costs me a lot
of money to put it together so I URGE you to read

Take some time now.


There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by
visiting my blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Petersen suicide ‘no more likely in jail’

Dad gets 7 1/2 to 30 years for torturing daughter

LA bipolar inmate charged with cellmate’s death

The Bipolar Child: The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to …

Sally Fields’ Golf Obsession

For these stories and more, please visit:

My Resources For Bipolar:

Quickly And Easily Explain Bipolar To People
Go here for more information.

Need Money Because Of Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Dating Someone With Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Want To Marry Someone Who Has Bipolar?
Go here for more information

Need Affordable Health Insurance When Dealing With Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information

Problems With Drugs, Alcohol And Addiction?
Go here for more information

Trying To PREVENT A Divorce From Someone With Bipolar Disorder?
Go here for more information:

Your Friend,


  1. I read your articles and it made me sick.My ex boyfriend has bipolar.He will not take medication.He self medicates himself with alot of alcohol,pot and cocaine.It scares me to think he could become violent and hurt someone.He is 39 years old, and i hope he gets the proper help he needs before he hurts himself or sombody else.

  2. you don’t know how much i appreciate reading these articles you send everyday, i am bipolar and so is my 24 year old daughter, i read this and it’s like this is me—-i have gone to mental health, they really aren’t much help, or atleast i don’t think so, not having insurance or mych money, as i had to quit my job because of the terrible mood swings, this is kind of the only therapy i have. i couldn’t afford my medicine if i wanted it. i have been in a very down just plain mean episode the last week, i’m starting to mellow out some now, until i get around my daughter and we just clash heads. thank you for the e-mails they are all i have right now to read and try to understand these episodes. i also drink and try to self medicate, it helped more than the medication, or so it seems!!! anyway thanks for the help and bless you for taking the time to try and help other.

  3. I believe my husband of 23 years is BPD. I am to the point where I can’t take it anymore. Last year I was finally able to get him to take medication but he still self medicated with pot ($100.+ a week habit). The meds helped but there were still BPD symptoms – he wouldn’t go to a therapist. He now thinks he no longer needs the medicine and has decided to not take it. I am ready to pack and leave with nothing – it would be totally worth it. It always seems like one step forward…10 back with him. We have 4 kids. Two are on their own, two still at home. I don’t think I can hang on until they are all gone (2 more years). I regret my life with my husband an wish I would have walked a way years ago instead of trying to make it work. I can’t stand the person he turns into and sometimes I question if I am even still in love with him anymore because of all of the heartache he has caused me. BPD is brutal and no one should have to live on the receiving end of a BPDs evil behavior. Financially I am in a huge hole and no way out. I see my children now getting together with mates with similar issues and it kills me to see them go through what I have lived with….that is what they now think is a normal relationship. They think as I did, they can fix them. With my husband not taking his medicine I am afraid he will become violent and full of rage again. I am at the point where I am sucked dry and have nothing more to give to help him….someone now needs to help me. What is wrong with me that I have stuck by him for so many years….am I just as mentally ill as him. What person in their right might would put up with the abuse?



  6. Hi Dave,
    It’s me Laurie, once again on line at 4am. Cant sleep I was really glad you posted an email about bi polar and drug abuse. I have been fighting it for my whole life. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with bi polar 4 years ago and I started researching the internet and luckily found yours. You are really helping me with information that was never available to me. I spent years using drugs and feeling crazy. When I was diagnosed with the bipolar I started looking back at my life and behavior and now thru your information and others on dual diagnosis I realize what is wrong with me. I have tried NA but relapsed after 30 days and have been in a serious episode sense then. I allways felt like a terrible person for using crack, but it makes me feel normal. It takes away the bipolar madness. I am in a constant manic state. I have been hospitalized 4 times for attempted suicide. After finding out that I am not a drug addict , I now know that I need professional help to deal with both illnesses. I never could figure out why I was a constant relapser. Now I see it , I would get clean and my mind would send me to a place that nobody would want to go. My husband refuses to agree with me about the dual diagnosis and he can’t even try to understand what I mean when I say that the crack makes me feel more stable, my moods are not all over the place and I am not in a rage and eventually a phycotic state. He just thinks that if I stop using the street drugs and go to NA meetings and have more willpower that everything will just be fine. But I know better. He has no idea what an episode does to me. Other than he has to stop me from banging my head on the wall or trying to hurt myself or kill myself. He sees all that but thinks it is only from me doing the drugs. It feels like a vicous circle, all I know is I hate the fact that I lost my self with this illness and it has caused such bad abuse of drugs. I am at a loss with trying to get him to open his mind to it. I guess it doesn’t really matter. I know what I need , the help I have to get and I can do it with or without him. Sometimes I feel he would be much happier without me. I turn into a person that scares the crap out of both of us,and I feel guilty causing him the frustration and stress. Anyway, I give him all the info I get from you and I just pray that maybe someday he will read it and realize that it is there to help him not go insane like his wife. It is a sad life.
    Thanks for your emails I look forward to them every nite that I am up allnite unless I take medication from my doctor that causes me to wake up and not be totally awake and walk into walls and hurt myself and see people and things , I would rather not sleep.
    This stinks.
    But thanks for being here for all of us that never sleep.

    sleepless in Phx

  7. Dave, I’m sorry I sent my original e-mail to your “No reply” e-mail address. Sorry.
    Here it is again.

    I read your story a couple of nights ago & I was mesmerized! I cried my butt off for hours because I could not believe that there was anyone who would understand what I am going through! I also, am a victim of a loved one that I believe is BiPolar; my husband. It is absolutely awful and I am beside myself. I also have read very many things & you are quite right: I don’t know what to believe.

    I’ve been w/ my husband for 20 years, this coming December. I always knew something was wrong but had no clue what it was; until now. At first, I thought that the verbal & emotional abuse was a result from a very abusive childhood. I stayed w/ him because it was not a constant in our lives. People always ask me why I don’t leave him & I must look like a complete moron when I say “Because this is not really him”. Every time I was at my whits end & ready to take the kids & leave, he would go back to the normal, loving man that I met & fell in love w/. However, as the years have gone by, he’s gotten worse. It started w/ the verbal & emotional abuse, then went to him cheating on me, cheating on me again, hitting me, arguing w/ me in front of our kids, to leaving when I mentioned anything that I didn’t like in a day. It could even be that I did not like the weather & he would leave the house & go to his brothers for 5 hours. The littlest t hing sets him off. He’s turned to his brother’s wife for every wifely duty, with the exception of sex. Recently, it got so bad that he became very violent, shoved me, grabbed me by the throat, even spit on me & then reached for a pair of scissors & then a knife. He later said that the knife was for himself but I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT!!! I kicked him out & he’s at his brothers. I am so scared & don’t know what to do.

    After reading a couple of different articles tonight, I really believe that our money problems set him off into a manic state. You see, we had an unexpected pregnancy after discussing that we were done w/ 2 other children that were 8 & 9 yr’s. old. My 2 yr. old is the best surprise we could have ever gotten but shortly after the baby was born we were forced to move from our previous home of 9 years. If the stress wasn’t enough of me not working and our monthly housing payments doubling my husband then lost his very high paying job. I think that did it!! We’ve been quickly sinking (financially) for a year and a half, now. He was working 5 weeks after he lost that job but making less than half of what he was making for 11 years! Going back a bit; my hubby was diagnosed w/ anxiety & a chemical imbalance while I was pregnant. I firmly believe that the doctors (in the mental health facility that my husband checked into) did not have enough time w/ him to continu e testing & regulating medicine. He was only there 1 wk. & then begged me to get him out. The patients there were very scary & I was all too happy to get him out. When the dr.’s prescribed his 3 meds. he seemed sooooo.. great, like when we were younger. He had a blood pressure med., Buspar and Zoloft. The family dr. adjusted the blood pressure med. & then he started to have nightmares from the buspar and the zoloft was knocking him out. Eventually, he stopped all of his meds and it was too late for me to stop him by then. You see, I just realized about a year ago that something was wrong & it took me all the way until about 2 months ago to figure out that he hasn’t taken anything in 5 months!!!

    Someone in my husbands family told me that she is BiPolar & she said that it sounds that my husband is too!! Well, I talked him into taking the meds again, not realizing that they would make him worse. That huge arguement that ended in him almost killing me, happened about 1 to 2 weeks after he went back on the blood pressure med. and Zoloft.

    Soooo, now he’s gone off of the Zoloft, he’s living w/ his brother, he leaves loving messages on my answering machine for the kids but not for me. In Fact, he’s not even acknowledgeing me. No “I love You”, not wearing his wedding ring, not even speaking to me. He’s ALSO lying like I’ve never seen before. I know that he’s not going out, cheating on me because my sister-in-law is constantly in touch w/ me. She said that he goes to work in the morning, comes home around 3 or 4 in the afternoon & goes to sleep, wakes up around 5:30 PM, hangs out w/ his brother (sometimes drinking beer & sometimes not), stays up half of the night & then goes to bed aroung 2AM. YET, he keeps telling my children & my sister-in-law that he wants to work things out w/ me & eventually come home. I don’t want this stranger back. I WANT MY HUSBAND BACK & I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I need to get him into therapy & properly diagnosed but I don’t know what question s to ask these doctors. I would love to buy your program but I can’t even pay my mortgage. The bills are endless and my husband has left me to be responsible for everything! I just can’t handle all of it. The 3 kids, house, cleaning, laundry, cooking, shopping and working 7PM to midnight (while he babysits) 3-4 days a week. Plus, now, I’m afraid to laeve the kids w/ him. He’s so unpredictable!

    Dave, can you give me any advice on where to start? I’m really scared for my husband, for my children and for me.

  8. My 16 year old daughter is bipolar. She has been a challenge since birth. She has chosen to go to a military youth academy and get her GED because she doesn’t want to go to school anymore. I hope she will make it but since it is voluntary, I think she will quit as soon as it gets a little tough. It is supposed to last five months. Do you have any experience with this?

  9. One of my friends has bipolar. He cannot hear any advices, he avoid medicines and he like to take alcohol. I pray god for him every day…
    Useful Info

    Dual Diagnosis
    Dual Diagnosis

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