Current Bipolar News


Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Make sure you take a look at the news. I really
work hard to put it together for you :).

To see the news visit:

Also, write me some feedback by visiting my blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Patients with severe psychiatric illness at higher heart disease risk
DO> VERY interesting must read article

Unconventional cure
DO> Take a look at this.

Sinéad O’Connor on her new CD, “Theology,” her bipolar disorder …
DO> I wish they would cover more non celebrities in the news.

Woman doesn’t understand why she’s not allowed to raise newborn
DO> This isn’t fair.

Bipolar 1 Patients Sought for a New Study
DO> Take a look at this.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


  1. my daughter has a boyfriend that is b-p.i have given her info.from you and she doesn’t care to read it.they just had a baby 3wks ago and i’m concerned for the baby.he has had assault charges, but the family just gets him out of his messes with the law cause they’re scared of what he’ll do.his mother has warned me about him and she has a restraining order on him cause of what he’s done to her.he has also threatened us. he just crashed her car while drinking when she was 9 months preg. And that’s not enough for her to leave.He convinced her for him to handle the money and it was alot of money from a settlement and he’s gone thru that. he can’t get a job cause of his c-record and smokes pot that he needs for his bi-polar the family says. what can i do as a parent and grandparent.My daughter just doesn’t understand nor wants to.I’m scared for the baby, when is it going to be to much for him to handle-when he cries to much?What can I do? They have no ins.nor money for your program.Please give me some advice to tell her. She only listens to him and forgives him over and over. please let me know what i can do. thank you peggy

  2. David
    Please remove me from your email listings.
    I was doing a diploma in natural health science and it has come to an end.
    I tried, twice, to unsubscribe at the end of your emails, but that did not work for me.

    Many thanks

  3. Dave,
    Hey, I just want to say thank you again. I am sitting here with an appointment to see my Dr. on Monday. I am reading in your emails and in your course that a person who is bipolar needs to be proactive in taking care of their bipolar. I was just offered a second job today, in an area I love to work. It will not start for approximately 2 weeks, but I can already feel the effects of the mania starting. The last time I was in this position, I did NOT sleep for almost 3 weeks. I am working to make sure this does not happen again. My mind is starting to race….Granted, my bipolar is not as “severe” as many people’s but it is disruptive to my family, especially since I tend to crash hard after a manic episode.

  4. I found the article about taking “pig” vitamins/minerals to be highly humerous. If it worked for her, then who’s to knock it. But, personally, I’ll stick with “regulated” pharmaceuticals to regulate my moods!!

    I was shocked to read that bipolars and other mentally ill sufferers are at higher risk for cardio and diabetic side effects. I don’t know whether this risk is due to underreporting or to the side effects of the antipsychotic medications we’re on. To tell the truth, there really ISN’T any long-term research on how the meds will affect us in the long run. I just know my nurse practitioner (the one who prescribes) monitors my blood tests every three months to screen for cholesterol, blood sugar, etc. Also, although I weighed 115 pounds (at 5’9″) for two years (at which time, my family doctor said I was at my optimal weight), I have gained 27 pounds on the Zyprexa! So – there is this side effect to some, if not all, psychotropic meds. Now – I have to go on a diet!!

    Thank you, David, for finding these articles to present to us that are thought-provoking and educational. I’m just sorry that there is a percentage of them that show the “down” side of bipolar, where someone is killed or kills. This surely adds to the stigma of our illness…

    BIG HUGS to all bipolars, and the ones that love them. God loves you, and so do I.

  5. To PEGGY: I’m afraid you CAN’T talk to your daughter about her boyfriend, especially now that she has a child with him. You don’t say how old she is, but I’m assuming she’s still a teenager, or early twenties. All she sees is the “danger” in the “bad boy” that girls this age are attracted to. I know from personal experience.

    When I had an outpatient nervous breakdown (manic episode), I fell head-over-heels for a paranoid schizophrenic, who was seven years younger. He was the cutest thing; black hair, dark eyes, charistmatic even. He would get us pot, and he used meth and other uppers. He lived with me for three years (I was 33 at the time), and I was totally ADDICTED to him – I needed my daily fix of Rene…

    The relationship only came to an end when I gradually came out of my episode, and realized that my life was taking a downturn. I married a wonderful man, who took care of me beautifully, until he died five years later. I had always told Rene that if anything happened to my husband (died or divorced) in five years, I would come back for him. Unfortunately, I learned from my therapist, that Rene, too, had died at that time from carbon monoxide poisoning – so I lost TWO men I had loved at the same time…

    I’m afraid all you can do now is just wait it out until your daughter comes to her senses, or her boyfriend actually DOES something criminal and gets locked up. I suggest you offer to take care of your grandchild until your daughter grows up! She will NEVER leave her boyfriend voluntarily; she’s “hooked” on him, like I was to Rene. I feel for your despair, but there are some things that only time will heal.

    God bless you real good.

  6. Peggy: I would put it even more strongly, this man is dangerous, regardless of her age. Assume that he will carry out his threats. Most states, and provinces have laws that require people who believe a minor child (the baby) is in danger of abuse to report that to the police, and the child protection authority. If you can, and have the resources, see a lawyer about getting custody of the child, or turning custody over to the authorities. You might also ensure that there is a restraining order, which will keep your son in law away from you and the infant.
    If your daughter is an adult, there is little you can do beyond making sure that the grandchild is safe, and ensuring that your daughter can get to the woman’s shelter, when she decides that she has had enough. If his family is concerned, pay attention. sometimes Adoption may be the only, and best choice. Sad though it may be do the right thing.
    Frequently adicts need to lose everything before they admit that they need to change. Don’t enable her to believe that everything will be alright, because they may not be!

  7. My doctor has recently declared me as incompetent. I was forced to resign my job. I am currently living on Social Security Disability. Ifeel as though I am living in a third world country. All because of Bipolar 1 Disorder. For the little bit of money I received I have a person who handles my money. If I could only fix my life somehow I would be satisfied. James L. Maher

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