Current Bipolar News


How’s it going?

So yesterday was Thanksgiving. You know what’s strange? I ate less than I normally do. MUCH less. Very strange. It was because of poor meal planning. Oh well 🙂

Anyway, Here is today’s news.

To read this week’s news visit:

Mother, Daughter Hail Promise of Bipolar Help

When Mental Illness Tarnishes your Golden Years

Bipolar Disorder Genes, Pathways Identified By Indiana University Neuroscientists

More Studies Urged for Off-label Drugs

Bipolar Teen Kills Himself as Online Audience Watches

Tough Choices for Tough Children

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. dear david, i was reading through the current news and the main story that got my attention was the OFF THE LABEL DRUGS.

    Four years ago when i first went into hospital for depression i was given an anti-depressant and because i had the shakes so bad the doc also gave me another drug called Rivotril. Been in hospital i couldnt do any research into it. I was told it was very addictive, that was when i wasnted the dose increased not knowing what i was taking and just wanted the shakes to stop.

    When i came home i then did my research and discovered it was a drug given for epilepsy and didnt like that. I started to ween myself off it and for my troubles brought on a seizure. Doctors at the time said no it wouldnt do that but i still believe it was the rivotril that caused that seizure.

    I was also given the seroquel for bipolar when its main use is for schizophrenia.

    Its interesting how doctors tell us what not to take and what to take but they themselves give meds for one illness when they are for a different illness.

    God Bless Amanda

  2. Dear David,

    I have been subscribing for the past year.
    Our friend we had known for 30 yeras or more, who had been stable and staying with
    us, passed away on 8th November. We were all shocked as he had survived suicide attempts during
    depression and su rvived 10-7.5mg medication and stable for over 2 yeras.

    In the past 11 months he had been living alone once more, with the support of a close
    neighbour, on rare occsasions a visit from interstate family or friends.

    He had wished to reduce his medicatio n dosage to 5mg, stabilise
    and then return to community living with us.

    His family and friends insisted that his dignity and independence were
    far more important and that he should be left to ”find a purpose in his life”.

    Within 10 months he died. Ho w? Sat around without motivation, doing
    nothing, wathcing TV, drinking, smoking, going out for ameal or orderting
    tak-out meals and walking to and from the local shop for his daily needs.
    and feeling terribly lonely, without a mate and without close f rin ds.

    He passed away on the pavement outside the shopping centre from a
    pulmonary embolism.

    His sister upon seeing his apartment, full of half dull rotting food
    in plastic containers, unwashed piles of clothes, etc etc, commented
    to me her brother had sto pped living 3 years ago (insinuating when he began on
    his meds and started living with our family)

    No, her brother was living comfortably with us, over 2 years and stable,
    he had stopped living when his meds were twigged down (became unstable) and h e had no
    support over the past 11 months !!

    He was self funded in retirement, did not require to work,
    but was active in encouraging and motivating the people around him to enterprise.
    The fruits of his labour are 2 small home buisnesses and a colleague wi th a new
    boutique real estate agency. This was his work in his younger years as CEO in major corporate
    companies throughout the world, inspiring and motivating others to succeed.

    I had been sending your posts and e-mails to his fmaily, but I think they h ad dismissed
    them and proceeded to do things their way.

    Our Bipolar survivor frind’s last plea was to have spent Christmas with us. His fmaily,
    who he had not been close to for many years, had insisted he return home for Christmas.

    They had the funeral last week, and they certainly had a wish granted.
    Their brother is home for Christmas, and home to stay.

    I will continue to subscribe in the hope I will be able to help others
    who may need you in the future.

    Thank you for your kind help David and team. So very true that it does not help everyone.
    Bipolar Diosorder does kill and not always by suicide. Other people
    can kill the Bipolar survivor if they do not follow plans. Where did we go horibly wrong.
    Dead at 59, a Bipolar survivor of 15 years.

    Marga ret
    Canberra Australiar k

  3. Hi David.
    It is a good question how come there are no drugs for just bipolar? The only one FDA approved for mixed moods is seroquel- main reason schizophrenia. I have been on abilify, seroquil, zyprexia, resperdal they are all for schizophrenia. Has anyone picked up a PDR and found a drug for bipolar?

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