Bipolar? When You Should Be Afraid of Someone With It


How’s it going?

I hope you’re having a good day.

I’m real busy in meetings today, but I wanted to make sure I got out this email to you, because

I felt the subject was so important.

I got a post about a topic I want to discuss today.

It said:

“Before I was on meds, I scared

my family half to death. They

never knew which direction I

was coming from. You web

site is informative. I like actually

getting information from someone

who knows the disorder. People

don’t understand it until they have

to deal with it, and it takes a while

for them to “get” it. You are helping

more people than you know.”


No, it’s not the compliment part, although it is nice to get positive feedback, because it helps me to remember why I am doing this.

It helps me to keep going, to know that I am helping people like you.

But what concerns me is the part where this person says, “Before I was on meds, I scared my family half to death.”

The emphasis should be on, “Before I was on meds…”

Because this is when you should be the most afraid of your loved one.

That’s why I stress the importance of medication in my courses/systems so much.







Without your loved one being on medication (and the right medication at the right dosage),

there is no telling what they’ll do.

You might be afraid of what they’ll do to themselves.

You might be afraid of what they’ll do to others.

You might be afraid of what they’ll do to you.

You might be afraid of what they’ll do to the children.

You might be afraid of their behavior in general.

You might be afraid they will just get so out of control that you won’t know what to do.

You might be afraid of what will happen if they get out of control.

You might be afraid of what will happen if you have to put them in the hospital.

You might be afraid of what will happen if you lose all your money because of one of their manic episodes.

These are a lot of things to be afraid of, aren’t they?

And there are even more!

It’s no wonder this person says, “Before I was on meds, I scared my family half to death.”

The problem is the unpredictability of it all.

Without your loved one being on medication, there is NO telling what they will do…

No telling what they are capable of doing during a bipolar episode (which is what will happen without medication).

That’s why it’s so important to get your loved one on the medication they need.

This person also goes on to say:

“They never knew which direction I was coming from.”

That’s because without proper treatment, even the person with bipolar disorder does not know which direction they are coming from.

They may get paranoid, have delusions (false beliefs), have hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there), or even get violent or abusive.

The only way to really help your loved one is to make sure they are on medication and that they get the proper treatment that they need.

What about you?

Have you ever been in the situation that this person describes, where your loved one really scared you?

What did you do?

  1. i know that david is really busy all the time but would really like to talk to him re a compound that has helped us so much. i can email him or he can call me–905-294-4962/cell4163468412 as he has done once 2 years ago when newly diagnosed thanks and make it a great day!

  2. the screen came up the second time when i clicked submit so the message seems to not be sent. when i went to put in the info the second time as requested, it said i had already said that!! so not quite sure what to do now?

  3. what is happening? do you not want to take emails sent with questions? i am going round and round with this! help!!

  4. My husband was diagnosed 4 years ago with bipolar. He is not currently medicated. I suffer from depression and have sought treatment with medication and therapy. It is emotionally draining being with him. We have been together 18 years, one of which we were separated, I left because he was “mean” and I couldn’t take it anymore. We have 3 children together, 2 of which are small. Even though we have been together this long, I don’t understand him and I know it frustrates him. He is always angry and usually at me and blaming. I try not to take it personally but he seems convinced that I have caused his panic attacks and anger. I try to hold it together for my children and remain stable and calm but what do you do when someone you love constantly seems hateful and angry at you all of the time and basically tells you that you have ruined their life? He also has signs of mid-life crisis. I do find him scary, it is the unexpectedness and anger. Do all bipolars have issues accepting responsibility for their actions and words? He has been aggressive to me before but never to the children. Any suggestions on how to handle his ups and downs would be appreciated. I would like to be stronger but feel pretty burnt out. Help!

  5. In response to medications I am very curious if anyone can put some light on taking antidepressants if the doctor is not sure if the child is bipolar or not. He has been on antidepressants two times and has started to go high. We were still instructed to keep him on them–which the med. was Zoloft and we took it into our own hands and stopped it. Any insight into antidepressants should the child be bipolar would be very helpful. I would appreciate any help on this situation.
    Thank-you, Audreanna

  6. My 11 year old son is on 20mg of Abilify a day..but sometimes he still scares me..sometimes I get scared thinking that he is only 11..what will he be like as a teenager. Every day, every hour, every minute, I am walking on eggshells around him. He can be so sweet, but anything sets him off and nobody knows what it will be. The Abilify has helped a lot but Im not sure it is enough. At his nxt appt, I am going to discuss with the dr some other options for him. I love him so much, and I dont want him to hurt himself or my other sons. I really appreciate your email every day. They have opened my eyes to many things. Thank you.

  7. I was with a man who has bi-polar…and some explosive disorder also. He wasnt on is meds because he said he help abnormal and a freak. While he wasnt on his meds is something made him mad he would distroy property, self medicate with drugs and alcohol, and then there were the times that he would get very abusive. Recently he relapsed on his drug problem and he ended up[ going to a place that helps with detox and mental health where he was diagnosed with the other explosive disorder. There were many times when I was even babysitting and he would just go crazy cuz the kids were “annoying” him. He quit his meds a few times before because he felt that he was better and didnt need them anymore. but he was self medicating with drugs and you could see him go down this hole. He has scared me so many times when he was off his meds. So right now hes away in a hospital getting the help he needs. I just ope he will continue to do it for himself.

  8. i am afraid of my husband when he gets mean. i have not gotten any permission from him to be part of his medical information flow. I have called the hospital where he goes for tratment and the advice nurse told me to call their pysco doctors or call the police next time he gets to threatening violent toward me. i am contemplating a divorce. i get verbal abuse all the time. After three years of this i just want to be alone or with someone loving. Living in fear is not the life i imagined with my husband. i never know if he is Jeckel or Hyde when i come home from work. I am stressed out.

  9. I got into a car with my son who was in a bipolar episode. He was very good at covering up the symptoms, and I was careless that day. Anyway, once he got me in the car he drove around like a madman for over 2 hours, screaming at me, and hitting me with his elbow. I tried to stay calm and kept repeating the fact that I had an appointment at our local mental health office, and finally he pulled into a restaurant to get a soda. Of course, I got out then and told the manager that my son was ill and he needed to call the police. He did that, and my son left after giving me a hug (!). It took me five days to find him, but he had eventually signed himself in for a hospitalization. Anyway, it was harrowing (for both of us) to say the least!

  10. This last weekend I took an impromptu trip with my sister whom I have had little contact with lately. Last October it was discovered by her husband she was having an affair with another married man for quite some time. We were all in severe shock since we thought they were the perfect couple. Her daughter and I went to our doctor(we all share the same one) and told him what was happening. He said he had no idea and felt “duped”, because she had just convinced him to up her anti-depression meds. We asked him what we should do and he suggested an intervention.

    We set up an appointment with a psychiatrist and sat her down. She went ballistic, but then said she was relieved. She agreed to go, but adamantly refused to let any of us take her. I knew then it was going to be fruitless and it was. She said there was nothing wrong with her. The whole story was obviously not told.

    Everyone rushed to help her husband, including myself, because she acted as though she was just fine and didn’t want or need anyone. I was so shocked by what we found out(sexual promiscuity, wanting to swap partners, secret affair…) I sought counseling. Both people(psychologists) I consulted immediately said “Bipolar”. I started researching it and it was obvious they were right. I have since been with your program which has reassured my suspicions.

    Back to the trip…during our 4 hour drive, she asked why I didn’t reach out to help her and why did I think she was bipolar? I told her I had sought counseling and what they had told me. She angrily said they were not trained and could be sued for malpractice. I have to admit I snickered, because she had “diagnosed” her daughter-in-law as having Munchausen syndrome via the internet. I also reminded her I tried to talk to her, but she told me what she did was nobody’s business. I tried to tell her that the secrecy was an act of someone with bipolar. She said she was embarrassed. Again, you know it’s wrong but you do it anyway, bipolar. She has convinced her daughter it was a mid-life crisis, but why did she do the same thing to her first husband 20 years ago? My niece did talk to her dad after I mentioned it and he confirmed what had happened. Another great guy my sister tore apart.

    The year before she received a new kidney from my daughter. It was as near a perfect match as they come. She has taken anti-depressants for years and my mom said if they had that medication when she was a teen, she would have been on it. After the transplant, she got back on her “happy pills”. She didn’t sleep, was extremely snappy, was paranoid that the person covering for her at work was going to take her job…

    When she returned to work, she insulted/berated the person that covered her absence in a large meeting. She was observed doing the same to her husband as well.

    One of the psychologists I consulted said that the kidney failure probably masked her symptoms because she couldn’t get into the manic highs. During our trip I did tell her I was concerned because she was taking the same anti-depressant drugs she was while her kidneys were failing. I don’t believe her chemical make up is the same as when she had the toxins in her system (she lost 12 pounds of toxic build up over night immediately following the implantation of the new kidney!). She seemed to listen.

    It was a beginning dialogue for us and there were times she didn’t comment on what I said. Hopefully she was taking it in, maybe she was ignoring me.

    The things she was telling me during the trip was her perception of how things happened and that her friends abandoned her or ignored her. Many people tried to contact her, but she would not respond. Her views are very different than how we had all seen it and remember it. Is that part of the unrealistic view people with bipolar have? Strange.

    At least we are talking again, but I will forever be guarded with her since it doesn’t look like she will accept what I believe she is afflicted with… Bipolar disorder.

  11. I have a 35 year old son im terrified that he is going to do harm to himself or get himself into alot of trouble…He has all the earmarks of bi-polar and has been in the mantic part of it for close to a month or more now…. I have tried to discuss my concerns with him and have tried to get him to go for help but he won’t have any part of it and gets terribly angry… I think he suspects it also but doesn’t want to spend his life on drugs… He took an early lay off from his job and Im sure he has lost several friends he has had since childhood …. He has been staying with us and we have always been very close so it’s especially hard to see him go through this plus he drinks way to much to kill the pain… We are in our late 60’s and my husband is in the early stages of dementa and the stress is getting to both of us bad…. Went down to the local crisis center to try and get an handle on it but they say unless they are danger to themsleves or someone else you can do nothing how do you know what they are capable of doing??? It’s all so terribly frightening….

  12. I’m afraid right now! My wife is manic doesn’t want to believe it left is blaming me for everything. She spends, drugs, neglects our children including my two step children from her previous marriage. she calls me all the time but never is concerned with the kids. she is living with some guy that no one knows. she has left all of her friends behind and makes no contact. the only family members she associates with are the enablers. She has threatened to have me killed in a past episode and i think shes thinking it again.
    She rages for no reason. She thinks she makes the law. I told her that her ex husband could call dss and take his kids from me but she thinks he can’t because she says so.
    This episode is obvious to everyone that loves her but most people are outright scared of her. She is so commanding and controlling and if provoked can become physical so no one will confront her.
    The other day she came to visit the kids for the first time in over a month. She walked in the house like she still lives here. said she just needed to be home for a little while (at that moment she sounded like the woman i married) then she sat at the table with me and the kids ate dinner and when the kids started to laugh at something one of them said about an incident at school she started to scream at them. Then she went to the bathroom gave herself an enema (I know because she told me and i saw the bottle in the trash) The enema is because she was bound up from a weekend of drugs. If you didn’t know opiates and heroin bind you up so you can’t go, to the point of really bad pain.
    You know whats funny about it? I can’t get her any help unless she wants it. I am so close to losing our home on one income, my kids are completely neglected by her and know it (our 3 yr old daughter cries for her mommy every time she sees a children’s show that mentions anything about the characters Mommy. I hate hearing her say “I lost my mommy”) but non of this is considered dangerous behavior because she hasn’t SAID she was going to hurt (or kill) anyone or herself.
    She is on no meds at all except unknown street drugs.
    She is out of control. her DR is aware but can not do anything unless she enters his office and she won’t.
    The child psychologists both with much experience in the field say they have NEVER encountered a situation like this.
    What do I do?

  13. Very timely.

    Last night my wife said she could kill me, sit in the blood until they found me and then plead insanity and go free. This after she came at me in a rage and tried chocking me.

    I took the guns and brought them to a friends house.

  14. I have a mother-in-law that I believe is bipolar, she goes from one extreme to another. Part of the problem is that she is highly intellegent, talented and has also taken psychology courses, she is a professor! She has a way of warping a conversation from one subject to another which always leaves me feeling confused and unresolved, I do not know how to deal with it. Her family just throws their hands up in the air and says thats just how she is “let it go in one ear and out the other” I am a personality that wishes to discuss issues in order to get them resolved, here lies the problem because with her you cannot openly discuss an issue because she turns everyting around, tells herself things that really never happened, becomes paranoid that your out to get her, and takes it out on everyone around her, when she is good she will do anyting for you (as long as she is the center of attention) good or bad she must be the center of the storm or the calm. I’m desperate to learn how to deal with her without loosing my own mind, and the family is not willing to try to talk to her about this because of fear of how she will react, I need help to keep my own sanity.

  15. hey, iv been in this funk, i did stop taking my meds, because im so sick, of my family thinking about me and is she taking her meds or hows im going to be off of them. what shes doing, who im bothing, its like please mind your own life,i move all the time because, i dont get along with now one every one i know s me to be around. well got to go to look for a new place to live .thanks sharon

  16. Yes, I have been the victim of violence with relation to bipolar disorder. And it did scare me half to death. What did I do? No thing, for the longest time, except for take the abuse and be too afraid to leave, for fear of what would happen if I were unsuccessful. Well, one day, God opened the door for me, almost literally, and I left. I had been worried for years that my husband was bipolar, but he refused to get help or to admit that something was wrong. When I left, he had a nervous breakdown and almost had to be hospitalized. He did not want to lose me, and that seemed to be a motivating factor, but I explained to him that it had to be done for himself and that his relationship with me was a separate issue entirely. We have since mended many wounds, he is consistent with his medication (HE does not want to feel out of control), and he takes his therapy seriously. I live in fear every day, but I understand that it is a treatable illness, and I love him enough to give it one more try. ONE more. Fingers crossed and constant prayers.

  17. My husband are not so much scared as we are tired, eveyday I hear my son say he has never been happy and whats the point, my son has been on each and every medication there is to treat this and still nothing has helped him. Everyday I tell him I love him and we will get through this were a family. What do you do when nothing has ever worked?

  18. Every day in every way, we have been scared, except when he was on the right medications that toned down the threats of violence, the violence itself and his overall anger. He chooses to go undermedicated and it is impossible to be around him for even short amount of time. It is tragic because it could be so very different and we experienced the different for a very short amount of time. And it was heavenly!

  19. There is one thing I see happening very often, right here, which I think is VERY dangerous.

    Before any family member or friend guesses or assumes that ANYONE, including themselves, has bipolar disorder – you MUST KNOW that you are not qualified to diagnose.

    Some of these posts include comments about the signs, or “earmarks” of this diagnosis. In another case, a concerned person was informed by HER OWN therapist that someone else actually had bipolar disorder.

    One of the most BASIC, and IMPORTANT aspects of addressing bipolar disorder is getting an accurate, professionally rendered diagnosis.

    The only psychiatrist and/or psychologist qualified to make a diagnosis of bipolar disorder is the clinician who sees the patient him/herself.

    I am sure that any doctor or therapist can tell a client what the signs and symptoms of the disorder are. If you descibe another person’s behavior to your own counselor, your counselor can tell you that it sounds like symptoms of bipolar disorder.

    But no doctor or therapist can DIAGNOSE a patient on the basis of another person’s observations. If the therapist claimed to DIAGNOSE someone she had not even seen, then it’s time to seek another counselor.

    The causual, subjective observations about who does or does not have bipolar disorder are very DANGEROUS.

    If you are concerned about yourself or your loved one, and you all want to stay safe, to respond effectively–then you MUST get to a doctor who will give you a complete physical exam and address your symptoms appropriately.

    What is more dangerous than a person with bipolar disorder becoming violent is a person who is violent and out of control for another reason, but is not helped because we make a supposition on our own.

    Drug and alcohol abuse alone, without bipolar disorder, causes violent behavior. Brain injury can cause violent behavior. And sometimes, people (with bipolar disorder, or not) really lose their tempers and their behavior becomes violent.

    All people need and deserve the proper medical and psychological care that will prevent violent outbursts.

    It is possible that these kind of “off the cuff” judgments about who has bipolar disorder are absolutely correct.

    That is not the point. The point is, we are all safe only when the diagnosis is made by a professional who can follow up on appropriate medical care.

    In my opinion, it is DANGEROUS for those of us who are not qualified, to banter around speculations about why someone becomes violent.

    I think it is wise to keep things in context. If you read a lot of information about bipolar disorder, on this site or elsewhere, you might recognize some of the symptoms and behaviors described here.

    But if you or your loved one is NOT diagnosed properly with bipolar disorder, it is much safer not to ASSUME or conclude on your own why they are being violent.

    There are other conditions which are made worse by treatment for bipolar disorder.

    Effective treatment and intervention for violent behavior really does depend upon knowing WHY it is happening.

    Not on assuming automatically that bipolar disorder is the cause, and definitely not based upon what we determine are signs of bipolar disorder.

    We don’t know. Professionals do. It’s DANGEROUS to label and diagnose people based on our opinion.

    If anyone tells you someone you know has bipolar disorder (I don’t care if it’s the Surgeon General)! the SAFE thing to do is to demand that the person be seen and diagnosed professionally.

    It’s DANGEROUS for such a serious illness to be “diagnosed” by word of mouth.

    Also, out of respect for all of us here, I will be especially careful myself of using phrases like “happy pills,” and other vocabulary that is disparaging.

    People with mental illness take antidepressants (happy-pills?), as part of a plan to stablize severe symptoms. Most often it is not optional, much less careless or enjoyable.

    Stay safe, and find the root of the problem, for SURE. People need and deserve the proper interventions.


  20. it is not always just the “meds” that is the answer. my boyfriend has bipolar 2 with an unsupporting family. he has been neglected and abused by them who are very intellegent people. his psychosocial situation is debilitating. he has no income, no insurance, no ssi and a family who have left him for dead. might i add, he is a double degree doctor/surgeon…who fell ill. he has never been violent, never, even before diagnosis. so when i read this stuff about being afraid, i get annoyed and frustrated because not all with bp are scary. This statement gets misconstrued….there is already such a stigma associated with the illness. what we must remember is to have the intention to help this loved one and at the same time we will be helping everyone.

  21. BEN, you need to get your wife into treatment asap, with or without her consent. My boyfriend does not have a violent bone in him. Last year during a manic episode he threatened me verbally and I got him the help he needed. He spent 6 weeks in the psych ward and afterwards could not remember much of what he said and did during his episode. You did the right thing hiding the guns, but she could use something else as a weapon. It depends on the laws of where you live what you can do. But usually if someone is a danger to themselves or others, which your wife clearly is at present, you have the authority to sign them into the psych ward. My prayers are with you and your wife.

  22. TO ANN KARRAM —-

  23. I strongly believe that my husband is Bipolar.He refuses to go for help,because he says there is nothing wrong with him everybody else has the problem.
    At time I am afraid of what he is going to do to himself or others.One minute my husband is the man that I married 21yrs ago and at other times I don’t even know him.I don’t know what to do.My biggest fear is that one day he will snap and lose control and there may even be lose of life.

  24. I have come to the conclusion that a bipolar victim must be treated like an addict. You tell them how they affect others and yourself and that you will not be around them until you’re sure they’re getting effective help. Maybe if they get low enough or desperate enough, they will. Even if they commit suicide, there’s nothing you can do. They cannot be allowed to drag you or others down with them. And for your safety, you need to stay away. I know, it’s not easy, especially if it’s your child or spouse. But if they want you in their lives, they will seek help. You must remember there’s nothing YOU can do.

  25. Michelle;
    20mg of Ablify gives me the shits also, it is MADE to.
    Dave if we didn’t have the Genocidal Cult which calls itself “psychiatry”.
    We wouldn’t have BP or ANY other “Mental Disorders.”

  26. Dear Dave

    Maybe you have some advice for me. My boyfriend has biopolar disorder and I have talk to him about it and about taking his medication but he wants to hear nothing about meds. He plain and simple do not wanna take it. Please help me. How can I get him to understand that it is important to take his medication.


  27. Maybe you have some advice for me. My boyfriend has biopolar disorder and I have talk to him about it and about taking his medication but he wants to hear nothing about meds. He plain and simple do not wanna take it. Please help me. How can I get him to understand that it is important to take his medication.

  28. Mischelle

    Get out of there FAST.

    There are many bp sufferers who accept the diagnosis then work with supporters, doctors, therapists, etc. to control it. They live normal, lives with typical ups and downs like the rest of us.

    Then there are those who will simply NOT accept it – It may not be their fault – some people physically CANNOT accept it. But whatever the reason, if he will not accept his condition, will not acceot treatment, there is no future there – I know, I have tried to change my wife for over 20 years. I have read/heard similar stories from others. It is just not worth throwing your life away.

    This is from someone else’s post a few days ago:
    “If you go to therapy yourself or with your
    kids, a good therapist (in our case we got
    multiple opinions – they were all the same)
    will tell you to leave, which seems impossible
    at the time, but it is the only thing you can
    do to save yourself, your kids and your spouse
    who refuses to take the medication that makes
    them able to respond to therapy”

    Just be glad that you are not married to him and have children – that makes it 1000x worse.

  29. Michelle;
    Of course your Man dosn’t want to take the “medication.” As the “medication” does the exact oppisite of what we are ALL told it does.
    “medication” and ALL other “therapies” is the Disorder.

  30. Audreanna;
    NO Child is BP, that’s a Parenting.
    Perhaps they are ALL BP ADD, ADHD, ADDD…
    I was labled BP at 26 years old.
    My quack told me if it gives me “Antidepressants” I will become “Manic.”
    My quack told me you NEVER give “antidepressants” to BP organisms. (in their books we are refered to as the organism).
    “Antidepressants” are PROVEN to cause anger Violence Family ruination, Gambling addiction, Depression…
    Same as “Antipsychotcs” & “Moodstabilisers.”
    They CAUSE ALL which they are supposed to treat.
    Same as with ALL “psychiatric.”
    Do your Homework.
    My “Mental Health Nurse will NOT Medicate her children…”
    If she won’t, why would you concider?

  31. Yes my mental health Nurse has 2 children, both Labled.
    She will NOT allow them to be Medicated.
    With ALL Kids I see NO problem with them.
    The lables are as I have stated a cop out for Parents.’
    Then the Kid has an excuse also to fail in life.
    Though the “medications” make it impossible to learn anything.
    I know I have been forced to use them.
    Have you?
    If a Mental Health Nurse. Psychiatric Nurse will NOT feed it to her kids, why would anybody?
    She has about 30 Years as a Psychiatric Nurse, so she has seen what “medication” does.
    She keeps me out of the institutions.
    She knows I have been CLEAN from ALL their ROT for almost 2 Years now.
    She says I am far better.
    If only my Mind would return…

  32. If you FOOLS check the FACTS you will find the LABLED commit the LEAST of Violent or any other Crime.
    I see Violent Crime is committed whilst on:
    Or withdrawing from quitting too sudenly, NAH too reuned then to Mass Murder…

  33. My daughter is 28 yrs old and diagnosed with bipolar 11, bpd, social disfunction and explosive behavior, she meows like a cat, has different personalities, and makes peculiar noises, and it drives me crazy, she takes up every minute of my time, asking me the same things over and over, and she get obsessed with the unimportant things, and won’t hear others but wants to be in control of others and manipulate any way she can if not given to her whims. I am fearful of her, she lives with me, her dad died when she was 15, and that will always be a blow and she is in the bed 1/2 the time, doesn/t be consistant on her meds, she is on abliphy, and she says she feels better when she takes it but that is only for a short time. she seems to act the way she does rather or not she is on medication or not. she has no respect for nme or any authority. she has a homeless boyfriend , which actually she has a grown up child that depends on her for everything, and she is always disraught because of it and it goes on and on. I have delt with this and actually have been in a new house for 7 months after being evicted from my old house of 11` years because of her episodes and they happen allllll the time. Nobody will do anything, and the police will come at times because of all the arguing and she always knows how to act and the police do onot like ot dela with anyone that is bipolar. she never has to pay the price for any thing she does and gets away with everything, and I kinow i need to separate, but now that she is an adult that never happens, because in her eyes, she is fine, it is what other people cause and do. I have never seen anything like it, and don’t know what the solution really is.

  34. My daughter is not steady with her medication and there is no one making her accountable. On top of this, she was huffing paint thinners. Yes she was into halucinating and very unpredictable. She requested I adopt her son to help her from the multiplying Child Support costs on her. Two weeks before the completion of the adoption study she chose to accuse her step-father of sexual assault. IT NEVER happened but she called the police and had him arrested. Because of this, my grandson was removed from my home and in the hands of the state. After the fact, she came forward and admited nothing happened. She wanted to have the chance to get her son back again and thought this was the way to do it. After realizing he would be removed from the entire family, she comes forward-to me. Refusing to go to the courts and admit it, we are trapped. The state refuses to believe my husband is innocent, claims me to be a bad mom as I am unable to distinguish between healthy relationships; chose to believe my husband ver my daughter; and was not protecting my grandson. No matter how hard I try, the state refuses to believe me. She chose to avoid the hearing and because of this the charges were dismissed with prejudice, because she was emotionally unstable to testify. Now, the state pushes I am to get a divorce in order to keep my grandson. It took a year and he is home with me, but I have to live separated from my husband in order to keep him. The daughter is in another county at this time-she regrets the way things happened and has written my husband an apology letter but it means nothing to the state. The worker-which is from a Christian organization-is fighting like Satan to keep me from adopting my grandson. It was her goal to keep me from ever even seeing my grandson again. The sad thing is- there is nothing I can do about this-the state does whatever they want-even to having the power to push divorce on you- and I have no rights whatsoever. My daughter’s episode has destroyed the entire family-a healthy love filled family-the only thorn is an immature adult with bipolar. I know the destruction bipolar can do and my life will be marked forever for it. NOthing like being punished for giving birth to a bipolar victim.

  35. i know of a person who just recently “transferred” out of several ex girlfriends past positions and is now working on being a Soap Opera personality’s identity who happens to have Bipolar. Is this the time to be afraid????

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