Bipolar Supporter? Do you know this information?


How’s it going?

I wanted to drop you a quick email about something.

The other day I sent out an email about:

“The 7 Secrets To Living With Bipolar Disorder In 2009”

Located at:

I got a bunch of phone calls and emails from supporters (it’s sure getting hard to get all these call every day), asking me,

“Dave, do you think that I should know how to live with bipolar disorder even though I don’t have it myself?”

That’s basically what a whole bunch, and I do mean a whole bunch of people asked me. I have suggested this before
and the answer is yes.

If you are a bipolar supporter you need to know best practices of what it takes to live with bipolar disorder.

Why you might ask?

Well, if you know how to live with bipolar disorder then if your loved one gets off track, you will know.

You will always have a template in your head of what to do and what not to do.

Okay, let me give you an example. Just the other day in the gym I was talking to this girl. She basically said that she was taking medication for something.

To many a long story short you said it was depression BUT she asserted it was not manic depression (strange she used this term considering she is fairly young and that’s the old school term for bipolar disorder).

Anyway then she said that she has highs and lows and then listed all these medications she was on.

ALL them were for bipolar disorder. After 20 minutes she said she had a mood disorder. Anyway, this girl is kind of mixed up with what she has. It’s sad but that’s another story.

Anyway I asked her a series of questions and I found that she is doing a TON wrong for her bipolar disorder.

She is doing some things right but many wrong. How do I know?

Well it’s because I have educated myself on what it takes to live successfully with bipolar disorder.

Does this make sense?

I hope so.

Anyway, I have to run.

For more information on:

“The 7 Secrets To Living With Bipolar Disorder In 2009”


Catch you tomorrow.


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