Bipolar Shocking Truths About Therapists


I was just reading a f.ree consultation certificate (for
NON medical and NON legal questions because I am NOT
a doctor) that I got from someone who got my course

This person wanted to know how to find a “good therapist”
he had indicated that he had spent a “fortune” on bad
therapists and thought they were generally crooks and
had no clue.

He wanted to get my opinion on how to find one like
the kind my mom has. He said he had almost given up
on therapists but since I presented a strong case
for one in my course he wanted to have an open mind.

I do agree with most of what he said.

I must say, I have found there are a ton of therapists
with absolutely positively no clue about how to help
someone with bipolar disorder or many other mental illnesses.
I have no idea why they even “market” themselves as having
knowledge they don’t have.

I don’t know why, if they don’t know much about bipolar disorder,
and can’t really help someone, why they don’t tell them no
I wouldn’t be able to help you.

I do consulting for private equity firms that invest in
companies. Every now and then I get a potential assignment
on something I don’t know anything about. This happen last
week. So what did I do? I said “I can’t take this

You should be aware that many therapists that are not
qualified to help with not do this. This is the truth.
And guess what? Since I told you this, I am going to
get a bunch of therapists get all mad at me because
they feel I shouldn’t tell you things like this.

They’ll say what I am telling you is “harmful”, “dangerous”,
“wrong”, “not true”, etc. In the old days when I was younger
and had more energy, I would call and debate with them how
they had no idea what they are talking about and the truth
is important unless you are in a cult.

The last time I said something about how SOME, NOT
all therapists use a strategy that causes people
to pay more money than they need to for help, I got
almost attacked my several therapists.

It’s like, you know many mortgage people are borderline
crooks. We would be kidding ourselves if believed
all mortgage people are honest, tell the truth,
do the right thing. So if you had a kid 18 going
to get a mortgage, would you tell him to trust
and believe everything the mortgage man/woman says
or would you say doubt and verify?

You know, when you tell the truth or the real deal
people get mad at you. It’s really sad. In mental
health it’s completely like this. You rarely get
good information you can use. Over the two years,
I have been doing this, I have received so much
bad information it’s hard to believe. I almost
don’t believe it.

You want to hear something REALLY crazy I was told.
Actually it’s so crazy and disturbing I can’t even
tell you. Just forget it, it’s not important.

I try as best as possible to get real and useful

I setup my sites and courses to do this. I am
lucky that I don’t have to please everyone and
anyone to make this work. I don’t get government
grants. I don’t get money from big giant drug
companies that can control how I write and
what I say.

I think there are a number of people that don’t live
in the real world. Some ask me why I don’t give away
my information for free. I don’t because I have huge
costs and have to pay for things. I couldn’t only
do this if I were getting money from someone or
something thing. If I was, you better believe this
site would not have the kind of information it has
on it now.

It would look like all the other sites out there with
information that is of little to no use for you.

AND before someone sends me an email saying they
know how I can get money or get a grant, etc. Please
don’t send it because you know what happens with this
money? Well eventually they can take it away. SO, when
I started all of this, I said it would be SELF SUSTAINING
and I would not be controlled by anyone and have to
wonder if they money would be there next week.

When you are looking at any information on mental health
always ask, who is funding it? Don’t you think that’s a
good question.

But back to my point of this email.

If you got my courses/system you know I believe
in therapy. I think that it works well for people
with bipolar disorder. I have seen the success stories.
I have interviewed many people who feel therapy
has helped them a ton.

My mom thinks it’s helped her significantly.

My mom actually has a new therapist. She felt that
she had moved beyond her old therapist. I really
liked her old therapist a lot. I don’t know
the new guy that well but I am going to be meeting
with him really soon. I just have been super busy.

The bottom line is people have to pick a therapist
that’s good for them not good for me or someone

I HIGHLY recommend using the same level of seriousness,
you would use to find a doctor, to find a therapist.

In all my main systems/courses, I go over this in fine
detail. I am NOT trying to keep it from you. I can’t
paste 40 pages of written material in here and also
have all the forms I used. Not to mention post audio
in an email so that’s why I can’t go over everything
from a to z in this email. Sorry.

If you are interested in getting more information on
my courses/systems that go over this look at these links:




I have to run now.

Your Friend,


  1. Living over the pond in England we have even less opportunities with a therapist let alone a decent one. Two years ago when I was in a manic state I decided to stopped all my meds as they gave me terrible side effects, then my sole Carer died and I have been trying to obtain services myself. I have asked my G.P to refer me to services for a year now and so for nothing is happening. At the moment I am in a mixed state and I have no support at all as my rages have frightened them away, plus do to my condition I cant work so I cant buy services I need. Right now being dead is all I can think off to stop it all

  2. Dear David,
    I so very much agree with you about finding the right doctor and therapist. I spent 17 years going to different psychiatrists and therapists and NOT ONE diagnosed me with Bipolar 2 until about 3 years ago. My HUSBAND began counseling after having to deal with me, telling the counselor of my erratic behavior, and the counselor told him it sounded as though I had a mood disorder. I was intrigued and went to see her. Within a few months I was finally diagnosed. THANK GOD! I have NEVER been stable or able to maintain a normal mood-since even my childhood. I am still struggling, and just about 4 months out of a 54 week long severe depression, but now have a great psychiatrist who is very empathetic and KNOWLEDGEABLE about mood disorders. The counselor is wonderful too. She’s great. Both she and the Dr. push cognitive therapy. It is SO important to work on your thinking and to change the beliefs that cause upset, and begin the downward or upward spiral into mania and depression.
    I agree with your observations, and I believe that you are extremely knowledgeable because you HAVE educated yourself, plus you have first hand experience with this Bipolar disorder. One more thing-my sister who doesn’t have a mood disorder, but several other types of disorders went through a book when she was in her early 40’s that she says has changed her life-I can attest to the positive changes that she has made. My counselor also is going through this book with me, and it is recommended for any mood disorder. It is the Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder. Have you heard of this book? It teaches you life skills that help you cope with having such types of disorders. My sister went through the manual in a group study. During the horrible days of the depression that I was in for over a year, I read this book, but because of my distorted thinking while depressed, I really could not put it into practice, but the foundation was laid for me to begin using these skills after my recovery. I pray that everyone who reads and posts here with bipolar disorder, or who knows someone with this disorder will please heed your advice. I plan to purchase your course in the near future, but even if I don’t, your knowledge and help here have been life changing.
    God bless you, and each precious person in need of help and support.


  3. I agree finding a good therpist is the most important part of getting better. You want your loved one to be able to open up to them and let it all out. The pent up feelings, thoughts that sorround their minds things they don’t feel comfortable talking to you about.(or at least that is my experience) My son that was 17 at the age of diagosis… loved his IOP therpist. Once he was released he has a really hard time finding another one that he felt like he could trust or talk too. All he keep saying is they don’t know what I feel, what I am going thru… but he said so and so did. when he would go thru one of his manics he wanted his therphist it didn’t matter if it was at midnight. and that thephist made himself available to no end. I do belive if it was not for this person I would not have my son today. Keep your head up and your heart open as they are good ones out there. Just finding them may be a like finding a needle in a hay stack.

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