Bipolar? Lesson From Wall Street


How’s it going?

You can see these days there is a total mess on Wall Street.

In this daily email I can’t fully explain what happens but I know one thing that provides a very interesting lesson for bipolar disorder.

Basically, you had physicists, a few people from NASA, literarily rocket scientists and super smart mathematicians making a formula that laid the foundation on something that became Mortgage Backed Securities.

These are complex investments that are large pools of mortgages.

(If you are bored, don’t worry – keep reading, there is a lesson coming.)

Anyway, these people attempted to develop an equation that would determine exactly how much money could be made from these Mortgage Backed Securities and what return could be produced.

Now you would think that the people I just listed would be right all the time, right?

That they are super smart? I mean some were rocket scientists!

Well they got it WRONG.


This created the problems that exist today.

On Wall Street, people assumed that these super smart people could NOT be wrong and took what they said as the Gospel.

I see this with people dealing with mental health.

People don’t question doctors, therapists and hospitals

Here’s an example:

My mom’s major episode in 2004 was the result of her doctor taking her off her medication and he never could tell why he did this.

My mom went off her medication following doctors orders even though this made no sense and he gave her no plan to follow.

My mom should have questioned the doctor, just like people should have questioned these supposedly super smart people on Wall Street.

You need information to question, like what’s in my courses.




These days you hear about people losing their homes all because they trusted mortgage companies who told them what to do.

They trusted the mortgage company, because they thought the mortgage company was way smarter than they were.

They made a bad decision that put them into more debt than they can handle now, and then they end up losing their home.

Usually because they never read the small print, or there was a balloon payment that the mortgage company may have told them about, but went over so fast that they never heard it, and now it’s due.

All this money due at one time, and they can’t afford it now.

That sort of thing.

People are falling for supposedly super smart people who tell them what to do and they believe them, because they think they are smarter than they are.

Now look at bipolar disorder.

People who have bipolar disorder are some of the most intelligent people in the world.

And they know that there is NOT a cure for the disorder at this time.

Then why are they falling for all these scams (especially on the Internet) that tell them that there are “natural” cures or “miracle” cures for bipolar disorder?

Especially when they are smarter than these scam artists?

You have to watch out for these people!

Take a lesson from Wall Street.

And don’t fall for bipolar scams.

What do you think?

Have you ever ended up in a bad situation (like my mom) just because you listened to someone you thought was smarter than you are?

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. A doctor in emergency once told me I should go off all of my mood stabilizers for at least a week, maybe two. The next day, my psychiatrist was livid insisting that I could have hurt somebody, hurt myself or just plain die.

  2. Way to go Dave. We all need to question doctors,theripists,etc. They are human too and can make mistakes just like you and I can. If we quetion them and ask enough “WHY’S” like a three year old we can prevent much harm to ourselves. Believe me I have been there and done that taking everything for granted and now when the professionals see me comming they are prepared for my “WHY’S.

  3. Dave:

    Just a word about marriage counselors. If they are good they work well. My husband decided he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be married anymore because there was not passion in his life. I asked to go to marriage counseling (we have been together 20 years) before we called it quits. It was at marriage couseling that it became clear that his therapist and perscribing doctor had him over medicated. And it was the marriage counselor listeing to both of us who came up with the Bipolar II idea. He is now off the 2nd medication and coming back to himself. We saw a the marriage cousselors perscribing doctor yesterday, and my husband it soon to be on a mood stabilizer. Anyway – the point is that the marriage counselor has done more for us in 6 months than my husbands therapist or shrink has done in the past 3-4 years. So I think it is the best thing I could of done to request we go before we split. Now we are going to have a chance to actually work through anything in our marriage that does need work and hopefully with the mood stabilizer my husband will do a whole lot better.

    Thanks for doing what you do.


  4. I have bipolar disorder. I freely admit it after tapering myself off lithium one time with disastrous results.

    I have had doctor induced episodes of akathisia that lasted 4 or 5 hours. Akathisia feels like there is a tornado in your body (the books say restlessness) which switches to a volcano when your brains feel like they are blowing out the top of your head.

    Why did I have this experience? My doctor dropped me cold turkey off of seroquel. I was a newbie to mental illness so did not question her. When I called her at 5:00 in the morning in the middle of the episode – of course she was not available. 5 hours later when she called me back she never said the words drug withdrawal, side effects, or akathisia. I read that later in a book and connected the dots.

    Even micro changes in drugs drop me into depression. I now log every dose/mood every single day – so I know.

    I guess the morale of my story is that drug withdrawal, medically sanctioned, or not causes the very same symptoms as a bipolar episode. Dave’s right. Don’t let your doctor just drop you off of a drug without a long, slow taper and you’ll have less bipolar bad days.

  5. David, No matter what sickness you have, You want to believe that there is a cure. Even though people say there isnt a cure, You have to believe there is, If everyone believes theres no cure and never will be, You have taken away all hope, with no hope and nothing to look forward to, Thats when the sickness becomes deadly, So never take the hope away, keep them thinking a cure is short way off or that one is coming soon.I have M.S. and if I didnt believe a cure is comong, I would not be walking around, even though I have lost almost all feeling in my legs, I keep them going, dont give up a cure is coming for everyone.

  6. Right now there is no cure for Bipolar just like there is no cure for some cancers angina heart failure some congenital defects, a host of sicknesses assail us everyday. That to me is nature.
    Right now I know what helps my daughter stay alive and healthy are the drugs she takes,is her therapist, is her exercise regime and Rachels will do what it takes to stay alive and well for her children.
    Hope, for me is about wellness and life and balance.
    To get Rachel where she wanted to go – to wellness and recovery that was healthy and hopeful needed a great support team – that she in the end picked, because they worked for her – her therapist, her doctor and between them all they came up with a success plan.
    Believe me there were plenty of “helpful”people before this team emerged, and most of them were “hopeless”some were downright dangerous’with dangerous hocus pocus and new age methodologies.There were some health professionals on her team who privately believed Rachel would never get better so they had elected to put her out of sight out of mind in the too hard basket, there are plenty of homeless men and women that have been dumped on the streets of Auckland because of this attitude . I have personally learn’t just because someone has a medical degree or a degree on psychology doesn’t make them good doctors or wise practitioners just because someone has knowledge doesn’t mean they are helpful or good or compassionate people for some it’s just a job and Rachel just a number.
    Rachel fought for the sorts of people she has as her support and on occasion I would stand watchdog when she was too sick to help herself.
    I guess in the end it is about Rachels search for wellness that has pushed her to find a solution that worked for her.
    People do recover from BP episodes and they do go on to live fulfilling lives if they and their support team believe they can.
    I know I am experiencing this with my daughter right now – thank you David Oliver for you emails they have been one of the pillars of my support team.

  7. NA DAVIE…..
    Don,t listen to anyone but your self, and thats why I aven,t got a morgage.
    pud x

  8. To SHONA: I’m sooo glad to hear that Rachel is doing sooo much better! Sometimes, all it takes is a “change” we can believe in. With the highly dedicated “work” you’re doing with her as a supporter – and – her belief in herself and her ability to be stable, I see her conquering the bipolar episodes, and being able to function normally. Good show!!

    I know I’ve written about the alcoholic psychiatrist who nearly killed me on the Psych Ward in 1970. All he was trying to do was overmedicate me to keep me QUIET. On top of this – he did NOT like me, and the feeling was mutual. He played “God” with me, and was on his way to seeing that I died on his watch. Turns out his alcoholism – and perhaps his guilt about me (and maybe other patients), threw him into an “episode,” and he killed himself. I was sorry when I heard about it – but – didn’t grieve at ALL. When a shrink tries to “out-think” the patient and “does his own thing” in response to the patient’s illness, it becomes downright dangerous AND fatal. I was one of the lucky ones – I survived.

    To LINDA: “Wall Street” is used to describe the U.S. Stock Exchange, where all the lying and cheating went on that put America on the verge of collapse. It is in New York City.

    Just one more point on the overleveraged mortgages. I got a mortgage back in 2006, which I couldn’t afford THEN and certainly CAN’T afford NOW. I went along with a shyster, who promised a refinancing since last JULY! I cut him loose, and was told by my CPA I don’t have the kind of money it takes to refinance at this time. In 2006, lenders were giving mortgages to people who could NOT afford them, just to get lower- and mid-class mortgages to inflate their holdings, which has come to mean “fraud.” I STILL have to pay an outrageous amount every month for my mortgage, but if I can hold on for 1 more year, I’ll be able to get a “reverse mortgage” to pay of the original mortgage, and be debt free. The time can’t go fast enough…

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. May God bless you real good. HAVE A BLESSED EASTER. I pray for my country.

  9. I am not writing on today’s topic, but…the past couple weeks, I have learned to that life is unpredictable and we need to take each day as it comes. For the past six years, I have had a lot of anger (and multiple suicide attempts) concerning the unfortunate things that have happened to me…my father’s injury and death, loss of a job I had for 20 years, financial stability, hurtful family…and on and on. I finally found a job in January and thought things were getting a bit easier, then got some very bad news, which I won’t go into on this blog. At any rate, everything is unstable again and I feel very stressed and depressed. It seems that I can never get a handle on life; it just seems to whip me. My doctor asked me last week, “do you ever wonder why life doesn’t give you a break?” I feel as though I really deserve a break and have had enough. I wonder how I find peace without taking an overdose of medications.

  10. To tried them all:
    Hang in there! It does feel like life has more to dish out for some of us. I often cling to the phrase of that which doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger, and sometimes I’m not sure I can stand much more stregnth.
    A very smart man once told me that how can we be sure we will find more peace if we take a trip to the unknown? I’m not bipolar, but a suporter of my bipolar daughter, who often feels she can’t find the mental stability she needs without the self medication of her own added to her meds. This not only creates many problems, but is also very scary to me. We came close to loosing her a few days ago. Of course this is only of of the ups and downs I’ve experienced over the last 10 years of her bipolar roller coaster. I am also helping to raise her three sons, so it has been an emotional ride. Throw in my son in with his many issues and problems, and I can somewhat understand your pain. But we have to hang in there, as we have no guarentee what the alternative would bring. Anyway, someone has to do it. Sometimes, it helps me to just meditate on the scripture “be still and know that I am God.”

  11. Hi David,
    Yes, I too would like you to stop the emails as they are too numerous for me
    to read. I am moving on with my own life, partly because of complete lack of
    time to read your emails. Not only that, but my daughter, the one who is so
    emotional, has been told by the local mental health psychiatrist that she is
    not ADD< GAD or bipolar, but that her emotional highs and lows are due to
    the stress of marital breakdown, husband lving with an 18 year old
    girlfirnd, lack of cooperation from them, responsibility for her 3 children,
    aged five, six and eleven, and VERY LITTLE money to pay bills, buy
    necessities etc..

    She has high hopes that getting on a healthy diet etc. is her answer.
    Basically she wants me to butt out, and will not cooperate. Even giving her
    a newspaper article called “Healthy Eating on a Small Budget” was rejected.
    She has another person, a boyfriend, who is her sounding board, and I am now
    saving my own energy and focussing on my grand kids’ wellbeing

    Thank-you for your desire to help others. Keep up the good work. I am sure
    you are helping some of your readers.


  12. DAVIE…..
    A car,nt get on the sunday easter blogg so al post it on this one. Happy Easter to you if you celebrate it. Talking of gardening I have just been doing the garden you no cutting the grass, Davie are you sure your in the US or are you in the UK.
    Take Care Linda x

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