Happy Easter and Bipolar Lesson From Pruning a Bush


Happy Easter if you celebrate it.

I hope you’re having a good day.

I was talking to someone yesterday about the days when I use to own a landscape business. This was when I was really young.

I was telling the person how we had a lot of jobs for pruning bushes.

Actually when I grew up, but I used to live in a neighborhood where we had this neighbor who was always pruning their bushes!

Every time I turned around, there they were, pruning their bushes!

I couldn’t understand it, because I mowed lawns, and you didn’t need to do that all the time.

But it seemed to me like this neighbor was pruning their bushes even when they didn’t seem to need it!

The reason why I thought of the neighbor was because I was talking to the person about my landscape business.

Who knows how I think : )

But I do know what it has to do with bipolar disorder.


You do need to “prune back the bush” when you’re dealing with bipolar disorder.

You need to keep what works for you and get rid of what doesn’t work.

For example, I heard someone talking at support group that at one time part of her treatment was massage therapy, but she doesn’t do that any more because it stopped working for her.

See what I’m talking about?

She “pruned back” on her massage therapy.

You might be doing something like that –

Say, doing some form of exercise that you’re enjoying today, but you might want to try a different form of exercise tomorrow, so you would “prune back” on the exercise you’re doing now.

Or (if you live someplace like I do, where the snow won’t go away!) it may be too cold to go outside and walk so you’re doing some inside form of exercise now, you may prune back that winter exercise in favor of walking
outside come Spring.

What if you’re not eating right?

You might want to prune back on some of the wrong foods you’re eating in favor of a more healthy diet.

If you’re watching too much TV, you might want to prune back some of that time to do some more productive things (notice I only said “some” of that time – you still need some time to relax
as part of your routine – I’m not saying all TV is necessarily bad).

If you’re sleeping too much, you might want to prune back some of that time and get out of bed more and do more things.


There is one thing you should NEVER…


…prune back on…

And that is your medications.

You should ALWAYS continue to take your medications, EVERY DAY, as prescribed by your doctor or psychiatrist.

If you don’t, you won’t get better and/or continue to be stable with your bipolar disorder.

People who go off their medications or don’t take their medications run a fatal risk. And I know I talk about this in my courses/systems, and I know I’m always preaching about this, but it really is that important for you to know this information!



You can prune back on a lot of things, but NEVER prune back on your medications – they just might be saving your life!

If you’re seeing your therapist every single week, but feel as if you might be ready to go to an every other week basis, and your therapist feels the same way, you can prune back your visits a little bit.

If there are things that stress you, those are things that you should prune back on.
If there are certain situations that make you nervous or anxious, those situations you should prune back on being in.

Take a lesson from my old neighbor who pruned their bushes.

Prune away the things you don’t need, and keep the things that help you get better.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. HI DAVIE….
    HAPPY EASTER…He davie are you sure your in the USA, Talking of gardening thats what I was doing today you no cutting the grass, Are you sure your not in the UK. As for
    ballanceing the diate how can you do that on chocolate day.
    Take Care Linda x

  2. I am a Bipolar supporter and having lived through my daughters journery from severe mental illness and suicidal tendancies for 2 years to 20 days of positive mindset in the last 20 days I have to say that David is so right!!
    Rachel on the way has done some pruning : shes’s got rid of doctors and therapists that were of no help, she recognised certain activities are good for her so shes joined a indoor soccer club, she stopped swimming for now because that wasn’t helping and she’s stopped watching loads and loads of TV and listening to more music
    Bipolar is a killer, the constant wish my daughter had to kill herself was omnipresent most days after the major episode she was experiencing kicked in, and even after the mania ceased ( through medication) and she was sliding down the other side she still wanted to kill herself until her present psychiatrist tweeked her meds …. and 20 days later Rachel is emerging like a beautiful butterfly from her time of change…. but….. we both know without the medication Rachel is on she will slip right back down from where she has emerged.
    Every day I have to take medication for my angina the pills make me feek queasy and I feel constantly cold( blood thinners) and I have to eat ( even if I don’t want to) before each dose , there are certain foods that are now in the no no bracket along with alcohol. Stress levels have to be monitored and Im always going to the doctors for more tests.All of this is pretty boring but I time my pill taking for the same time as my daughters and every now and then I make sure my daughter knows I feel pretty put out having to take compulsory medication on a daily basis and how queasy I feel after and she reminds me of the consequences if I don’t – stroke heart attack death – same sort of scenario as hers really.

  3. HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY!!! Believe me, I’ve TRIED to “prune back” some of the things I’m involved in – but unfortunately, until and unless just ONE of them is resolved, I still STRESS over them. The increased meds are doing a number on my head, and I can’t think clearly. I just had a WONDERFUL Easter dinner with Allan and his 91 yr old Mom, who prepared the whole dinner while using a walker, ‘cos she sprained her ankle (and BOY, did it look HORRIBLE). She wouldn’t let me bring anything, or help. She’s got the energy I wish I had. She was an inspiration to me today…

    I’m still going to see my new boyfriend on Tuesday He’s going to spend 2 days with me, before going on to D.C., and I HOPE I act “normally” around him. He, unlike Allan, believes in “sexual healing,” which is something I CAN’T prune back on right now. I need the release that it offers me right now, and Allan refuses to cooperate. I feel like a heel doing it this way, but what options do I have? Charlie talks a good talk, but I wonder if he can walk the walk. He talks about carressing and touching (he has problems with the “act” itself, so THAT is precisely what I need NOW.

    Yes – I fully admit that sex itself is one of the symptoms of MY bipolar disorder. I have gotten in a LOT of trouble with it in the past, but that was 37 YEARS ago. I’m more mature now, and know my body and soul’s needs. Perhaps it will be a “one night stand” kind of thing, perhaps not. But – I’ll never know unless I give it a go.

    Sorry for the above post on the Lord’s Day, but I just HAD to vent. If someone has any advice, I’d LOVE to hear it.

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors an those who love us. May God bless yoo real good. I pray for my country.

  4. DAVE, your bush pruning story made me laugh. Until recently I had a neighbour who obsessively cut her grass every day in every weather. She had a rosebush in the middle of it and picked all the buds off it, as the flowers made a mess of her lawn! I don’t think she had bipolar but definitely OCD. I’m glad I moved from there. My new neighbourhood is much friendlier. My boyfriend moved too and says he loves his new home, though he still spends most of his time with me in my place. I’m not complaining.

    SUZANNE, good luck to you with your sex therapy. My boyfriend’s libido has been low since he is on zyprexa. He has also been stressed out with his house move. Sex has gone down from average 3-4 times a week to once a fortnight. It’s quality over quantity though and usually well worth waiting for. Also I like going out and he was not in the mood (or in best health) to do so for a long time. I have other friends and a platonic man-friend I go out with sometimes. However, last week my boyfriend and I had a great night out and both really enjoyed it.

  5. How do you suppose you keep someone on medications that refuses to take them no matter what to stay on a manic high? Isn’t this then addiction?

  6. where are you ?????????????the last email i got was on april 9th i look to read the daily mail from you on bipolar i am lost with out you;;;;;;;;;;;;;the title ;was please forward to friends,family and loved ones please send the ones on 10th – today if you can

    thank you

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