Bipolar Disorder? Why Not Expect This?


How’s it going?

I was reading a book the other day that talked about how most people expect bad things to happen.

(I think that’s sad, but unfortunately, I also think it’s probably true.)

The author said, “Why not expect a miracle?”

He went on to give examples of how when people do good things good things happen out of the blue.

Well, I’m proposing that the same thing can happen with bipolar disorder.

You can still expect a miracle.

For example, if you’re having trouble finding a doctor to help you, you might not know if it’s the very next doctor who will help you.

You just can’t give up.

You can still expect a miracle.

If you’re having trouble finding a therapist, same thing.

You might turn around, and the very next therapist you look for might be the perfect one for you or your loved one!

You might not have health insurance, but then you find other ways to get the financial help you need.

You might not know what medication will help you or your loved one, but you can trust your doctor or psychiatrist, and there it is!

I had all these things going against me and way more when I was helping my mom.

But I expected a miracle. I expected it
would work out.

And strangely enough, things started to happen.

I would have this problem and then all of a sudden something would come up that would help me solve the problem.

BUT, you can’t always just be sitting around waiting for a bipolar miracle…

You also have to be trying to do things, and that is when the miracle can happen.

You can short cut this by making investments in information.

Or you can look into other people’s information.

This helps the miracle happen faster.

You can even look into my information on my courses/systems on bipolar disorder:




But that’s only the first step.


After you get information, whether it’s on the disorder itself, or on financial options, medications, or whatever…

You need to apply the information.

You can’t expect your bipolar miracle to happen by itself.

I know they say that miracles happen, but they also say that “[Higher Power] helps those who help themselves.”

Sometimes miracles happen by themselves.

But sometimes you have to do the legwork, remember?

So after you apply the information, you have to develop plans and systems, like I did for my mom, only you have to develop ones that work for you.

Like, say you’re having problems with your medication (like side effects), well a miracle would be that all of a sudden you wouldn’t have any problems with the side effects of your medication
at all.

Or you can develop a way to deal with your medication side effects, and you also wouldn’t have to deal with them at all, either.

See, you’re sort of “helping” your miracle happen!

Whether it’s a miracle or not, the main thing is that you get your bipolar disorder under control.

Have you had any miracles happen to you?

People love hearing about miracles.

I might even publish it on here if you share it!

  1. What was the title
    of the book you
    Were reading?

    I enjoy your emails
    You seem like a


  2. Dear David,

    Thank you for your emails. The last one on expecting miracles was excellent. I have a very wonderful miracle that just happened! My husband was recently diagnosed with BP, after losing another job. He is a wonderful man and very hardworking, but could not find a job in over a year in his field (med tech). Daily job searches and small pick up jobs for minimum wage were all he had to look forward to each day. His depression was deepening and I was watching a great man deteriorate rapidly. He would call me five times a day asking me if there was any job openings where I worked. With the current recession and the horrible unemployment rate, the quest for a job seemed impossible to him. We were down to our last few dollars and were really wondering what the future held. I kept telling him, something good would happen and we would be alright, he just had to stay positive. He started to get angry with me for being positive, but I refused to be anything but for him. I found the local BP support group and suggested he attend. He did and would share his concerns of being out of work and feeling worthless and depressed. He also shared his work history of job losses due to his stress and manic episodes of irritability. After about a month the group facilitator stopped him after the meeting and said, “You don’t know what I do,do you?, I am a physician. Bring me your resume, I know of some doctors who might need some help.” The next day, my husband faxed his resume to this man, who told him he was very impressed. Two weeks later this facilitator/physician (who also has a mood disorder) called him and said, “I want to hire you, can you start Monday?” Needless to say, this was the best news we have heard in over a year! My husband has been on the job two weeks and is really improved mentally. This work situation is excellent, as his boss knows of his BP and his history from the discussions at the group meetings. This takes a lot of stress off my husband and me. It has made a big difference in our lives and with the medications and therapy starting to work well, this was the icing on the cake for him. This doctor did a wonderful thing and should be blessed for life. He gave my husband a chance! He gave my husband a boost up in controlling his disease. He gave my husband hope and self respect. We can not thank him enough! His act of kindness is TRULY A MIRACLE!!!

  3. Most Respected Sir,
    I do agree with positive thinking, it is positive thought which can divert attention hence things starts happenn the way we want. This I call miracle, because every person suffering from bi-polar disorder always go on thinking about the thing which never happens.Then why to think about which is not happenning ? It is the fear of inner heart which makes the suffer like this. REGARDS.

  4. Our daughter’s first psychotic episode happened at 20, the next at 28. After too many highs and lows, volatility, and running off into the night, her recent hospitalization at 29 resulted in a schizophrenic diagnosis. She was overdrugged. We changed doctors and she was given a bipolar diagnosis—the first part of healing! Although she’s still in denial, she’s on her way, taking meds that work (with minor side effects), agreeable to therapy. Although the doctor and now therapist aren’t yet right, the miracle is in the meds, giving her hope to continue to search for a good fit. New meds are improving daily, with less side effects. Our depth of dispair has turned to hope and direction. Our daughter isn’t without her quirks and obsessions, but she is back to her caring, a lot more predictable self. We’re watching a miracle in progress. We are blessed.

  5. I would say we had a miracle;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;my daughter had stopped taking her meds and was not doing so well,she took off with some people we didnt know,she packed all her stuff and was gone,we didnt know where she was ,,,all we knew was she is young and wanted to have fun;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;and not have any one watching her or telling her what she should do;;;;;;like go to bed before 3am so she will be able to get up in the morning,make sure she had some good food [meat potato,veg]not chips and candy and take her meds so she can live in CONTROLL of her life,instead of the ups and downs,yelling ,crying,and just not knowing what she is doing.She was gone for 2 months and then the MIRACLE,,,, she called us, she was talking so fast,i could not even under stand her the call lasted for about 1 min,this might have been the worst thing for some but,I now knew that she was alive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I still didnt know where she was so I just prayed every day that she would remember where she came from and that this is no way to live,3 months later on thanksgiving she called to say happy thanksgiving and that she wished she could be with the family but could not,then she hung up again this ment that she was still alive ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we couldnt see her but we got to hear her voice she sounded realy down,but the miracle was she still remembered it was thanksgiving.we found out she was homeless and living in a car,,,,,no job,,,,,,and said some times she is

    drinking,,,,,,,,,,then she said I have to go ….I knew she wasnt to happy with how things were going and would have to relie on how she was brought up and had to have HOPE that she would come around to us,,,,,,,,,,,we had to just wait and HOPE she would not do any thing to hurt her self like other times,it was another 3 months when she called again she said she needed HELP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;we talked a while she was realy down………. the MIRACLE;;;;;; if we were to come get her she would only be able to come home if she would first get treatment that ment we would have to send her away as soon as she came home and what we realy wanted was just to hold her,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,she would have to be ready to get help,I then told her to think about it and call me tomorrow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this was a big thing for me not to just go get her, but i needed to know she realy wanted the help,if she did she needed to HELP herself buy thinking about what she wanted and how much she was willing to do;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i had to just wait for her to call;;;;;;;;;;; i waited all day no call…. then around 5am the miracle happened she called ,we found out where to go and get her ,,,,she made the choice to get help ,,,,,,,now we had to find her a place to go for help,,,,,,there is no place around us for drugs and bipolar in my state they treat one or the other so we needed to find a place that had room for her in another state,and our ins would pay for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$we found out that 4 places had no room and our ins would not pay for more than 7 days of treament we had already gone that rute before she has been in the hosptil 4 times and we wanted to make sure that this time it would be different and I knew this time it was not just bipolar and not taking her meds it was also drugs and the people she had been with ……………and i know she would never tell me the truth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so i went with my gut feeling she needed a 30 day program and we didnt have any $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$to pay for extra stay then this is another MIRACLE we found on line of all places a place that would take her ,they had room and our INC would pay for most off it ,,,,now we need to get her to get on a plane not one but she would have a layover for 1 hour in another air port it would not be easy for her she is a runner and she needed to do this by her self the stress of not having any meds for months and no drugs around would have a problem for any one but we needed to have HOPE that she wouldnt run ,she would get on the plane in the other airport ;;;;;;;;;she would have to fly solo the only way for us to help her was to pay for the plane and copays and hope she would do the rest;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;WELL SHE MADE IT,,,,,,,,THE MIRACLE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;she is still there it has been two weeks and she is doing very good and told us she is glad that we acted so fast to get her help if we had waited she said she might have not gone threw with it so working with FAITH, HOPE and a MIRACLES she made it and we not only have a chance to get our daughter back we got a whole lot of MIRACLES to help us ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; we will be once again waiting and supporting our daughter,but she will have to also help herself and I think we need a vac;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;you see my daughter is one of the 3 things in my life that i would do any thing for,,,,,she is my MIRACLE baby;;;;;;;;;;;;their isnt anything harder then giving tuff love to a child, then giving it to a child that has bipolar,its like talking a different language every day. I am lucky i have my husband with me,he had lung cancer 5 years ago,he is doing good now,and my son is a MARINE and will be leaving soon for IRAQ and now my daughter is doing well I hope that the MIRACLES dont run out….;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  6. hi…..
    The only miracale that I can remember is pulling myself out of the doom and gloom I was blessed by god.And a few other people that helped me. O and not forgetting your Emails through my deppresive state or my ups and downs its has helped me put my words out of my head and on to paper to share with the nation. So i would just like to say thank you.
    Take Care Linda x


  8. David after having just been through hell and back with rapid cycling thrown in on top. I just in the last week started to come back to myself. since thurs i really feel me again,then today when today when i went to the clinic the pysch wanted to start switching and changing saying i will go up, Why cant they just leave well enough alone???? And if i do start to go up well deal with then!!!!
    God Bless Amanda

  9. Hi Dave,
    It is a miricle that I need. I have been depressed for about 7 months now and am going down the drain real fast lately. I stopped my medication because it wasn’t helping me feel any better … I was going on a rapid down spiral. My pscytrist isn’t the best in the world and most times I have to tell him what is best for me. He likes to give me meds that will interfer with my medical conditions or over medicate me. Unfortunatly I live in a rural area and the next doctor is over an hour away and I can’t afford the gas to go see one. My outlook is this will pass like all the other times but I have never ever been this down for so long and that positive attitude I used to have is not there like it should be. I have a lot of faith in my higher power but that isn’t even helping me. Any suggestions anyone?

  10. Linda;
    Do your ups, & downs come with a “medicine” change? As ALL know “psychiatrists” or ANY can have ANY up or down on the Shit they Push.

    You shure hit the Nail on the Head. No Pussy footin around…
    The Whole “psychiatric” Industry is FRAUDULANT, GENOCIDAL….. Has been since it’s first Conjuring.
    Psych. are Which Hunters, same as in Salem….

    Same amount of Science & Medicine backs “Modern psychiatry” as their was to back the Whichunt. If the quack says you got it, you got it.

    ALL the pdrs do is PROVEN to CAUSE Brain Damage, which manifests itself in ALL the behaviours listed in the DSM.

    To get off your “medication” you must do it VERY slowly.

    Or you will have a Whithdrawal.

    The quack will jump on this & state & claim it’s “An acuite psychotic eppisode.”

    Not a whithdrawal effect as it is. quack will then try to convince ALL that this is “proof” you need the shit for life…
    A Great Easter to ALL.
    It’s Good Friday, time to Surf.

  11. Yep miracles do happen!!
    Just when we had been looking and looking to rent a house ( for me my daughter who has BP and her 2 children) we had little prospect of finding a good one that had been cared for and the land lord was great and the rent was what we could afford.
    Landlords generally dont like young families
    I have a bad credit rating because of circumstances surrounding my daughter’s Bipolar.
    I have no money even for the agents fee.
    My daughter is still under court orders for her Bipolar
    And neither myself or my daughter are working at present.
    Usually the only hope we have would be to find a really horrible place and pay horrendous rentals and have sharks for land lords.
    I had got myself into a very depressed state my daughter had had BP for 2 years and it seemed that things might not change for a while everything seemed so black.
    Then between her and her psychiatrist they hit on the just right combination of drugs , Rachel found herself a new therapist and she has been in a positive mindset for 19 days
    Then we found the right house beautifully looked after great landlord and cheap rent! Whats more its close to everything Rachel’s psychiatrist, therapist , childrens kindergarten and swimming and rugby and schools and very close to other family memebers as well as being close to the business district ( prospective employers)
    But I still didn’t think we would get it – other more likely candidates were in line too including a working couple, a group of friends and another working family!
    But I decided ( my daughter thought it was the wrong move because it might scare the land lord off.) to write a truthful and honest account of our situation , our prospects and hopes.
    I didn’t want to think about success – but wait a minute I had built up a great relationship with my local WINZ (Social welfare officer) and she was very very positive she helped me to arrange the money side of things with a WINZ loan
    I wrote an affidavit to the give my prospective landlord a succinct timeline of my accomodation history and as I was writing that history up I realised
    I had great references from really lovely landlords I had in the past and I had forgotten all about that -you do forget positive events when things seem pretty bleak.
    We got the house!!!!
    Yep miracles do happen -but as a coda I don’t think it all would have happened if we hadn’t done our homework , I hadn’t been honest and truthful with my landlord ( I told him eerything including Rachels illness, ifI hadn’t built up a support system with my social welfare officer and Rachel ( most of all) hadn’t worked with her psychiatrist to find a way to her recovery.
    It is a beautiful day I think I will take the boys out to the park
    thank you once again for your help David Oliver

  12. Hi David,
    Thanks for the ‘miracle’ topic – it is fantastic to hear some good news and so many positive responses.
    I too am a great believer in ‘what you think about – you bring about’ Sadly my poor husband a long time sufferer of BP hated my positivity, but I have continued to believe – even when the darkest hour came before ‘Pitch Black’ that out of desparity comes clarity! After my husbands 3 rapid cycling episodes November to January, we experienced our own ‘miracle’.
    He was finally committed to hospital (which isn’t easy in this country) – a change of meds, a new therapist and now he has become a ‘positive’ thinker and life appears to be getting well on track again and just better and better. We have our own business – which he had run into the ground, of course blaming the recession – but we suddenly have work and contracts galore! If that is a recession – BRING IT ON – I say.
    My miracle was 14 long years coming – but I never gave up hope and neither should any one reading this.
    My best wishes to all Bi-Polar Supporters!

  13. It is encouraging to read of miracles. I am praying for a miracle for my son. He takes his meds but is not leading a normal life. He goes to bed well after 12 at night and seldom gets up before 11 in the morning. often only gets up around 3 in the afternoon. He does not interact well with the family. He chats to friends on the phone or via internet, and most weeks goes out with friends once a week. I am grateful that he has friends. He is a college student BUT he is repeating 2 subjects AND he did not go and write the Term tests. He refuses to go to psychologists or support groups as they have not helped in the past. He is 22, and has been in college since completing high school, but has nothing to show for it. He does not want to work. We have paid college fees for him until June. If he does not pass his 2 subjects, we will not pay for him to continue studying. so here is where we need the MIRACLE, any miracle that will help him to be self confident and live a more normal and a happy life.(We are extremely grateful that he has not had a manic episode since June 2007.)

  14. Sorry I haven’t posted in 3 days, but even my laptop DIED on me this week!

    Good topic, miracles…I had one today! I’m suing an old friend for $33,000, and we haven’t been able to find him to produce service on him. As I was leaving the Clerk’s Office, I ran into a police officer that I was an acquaintance of, and was mentioning my failure to have the friend served. This officer (whose last name is “Marshall” and I call “Marshall Marshall”) asked me what his name was. When I told him, he looked at the security officer and said the name sounded familiar, and did he have a daughter? Right away, her name popped into my head! I hadn’t thought about her in 3 years! Turns out, she was in Drug Court, and must have made a spectacle of herself to be so remembered. Well, Marshall Marshall went outside to make a phone call, and when he came back – we had an ADDRESS where the old friend could be served! He told me, “Sometimes, it’s WHO you know that counts!” Boy, was HE my miracle for today! The Clerk called me and said the friend would be served TOMORROW, and the court date would be April 29th! I’m on my way!!

    I have NEVER been so poor in my life. Part of the reason my computer was down was the provider had changed my program, and had re-programmed the modem, causing the laptop to “crash.” The provider reduced the bill, which caused an unusual “pop-up” to come on the computer, and THAT is what caused the crash. I worked on re-booting and booting for an hour-and-a-half this evening – I’m a TEKKIE!! I got it working myself instead of waiting for my boyfriend to fix it tomorrow! Now, all I have to do is catch up!!

    Yes – miracles DO happen, and in the strangest ways! Although my therapist says I’m under a LOT of stress (STILL), as soon as some of the stressers disappear, I’ll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and reduce my stress accordingly.

    I wish all my Jewish friends a Happy Passover, and my Christian friends, a VERY HAPPY EASTER!! Spring has sprung, and it’s a BEAUTIFUL day!!

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. May God bless you real good. I pray for my country.

  15. Davo;
    & how many Years @ Loonyversity, and how many $100K did it Cost the POOR Taxpayer, for you to descover GOOD NEWS; GOOD FEEKINGS.

    Same as BAD/ Bad.

    As I had aformentioned:

    “Their is NO feeling whithout a CAUSE!”

    “For every Action, their is an oppisite & equal REACTION.”



  16. Susanne;
    Suing, how VERY American.
    & an old friend at that, VERY American. Could it be the “medication?”
    As it is MADE to destroy loyalty, the values of right, & wrong.
    Though with what is written in the DSM, WE have NO RIGHTS.
    Anyway, the Leach, Lier, AH lawyer will take MOST, IF NOT ALL THE CASH, NO MATTER WHAT, ‘TIS WHY THEIR IN BUSINESS.

  17. HI TROY….
    No I have not had any meds changed. I think its my brain wave its not funtioning properly.
    Take Care Linda.

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