Attack on David Oliver About Christianity, Spirituality and Bipolar Disorder


I wanted to drop you a quick email about some
complaints that I have received.

Basically, I sent out an email to these spiritual
guides related to bipolar disorder.

A few people are asking basically, “Dave why
are you pushing religion on us now? What wrong
with you?”

Okay first I am NOT pushing religion on

Here’s what I am doing and will continue to do.

I am providing people with what they really are looking
for. The reason why the spiritual guide exists is
because thousands of people asked me where they could
get one over the years.

I didn’t have one but I knew someone who could create
one–Michele Soloway.

Michele has created the series and I am basically letting
everyone know it exists for those who are interested.

If you are not interested than simply ignore the

I do my very best to make everyone happy but that’s
impossible with hundreds of thousands of subscribers and
up to 4000 new ones in a day sometimes.

Also before I take off and get something to eat,
many bipolar supporters have asked if this spiritual
guide series by Michele is good for bipolar supporters.

Over the last years many bipolar supporters have
gotten this series and there hasn’t been on refund
that I could find. I have personally spoken
to many and they love Michele’s work.

Okay that’s it.

If you are looking into Christianity, Spirituality and
Michele Soloway Sexton’s The Bipolar Spiritual Journey
please do the following…


If you do NOT have Michele’s The Bipolar Spiritual Journey,
Volume I visit:

If you HAVE Michele’s The Bipolar Spiritual Journey,
Volume I visit:
NOTE-You will be taken to a page that describes
Volume II and Volume III only.

Talk to you tomorrow morning.



  1. I’ve seen both sides of this. I’ve known bipolar sufferers to go wholly off the deep end with religion. One visit to the faith healer and they stop taking their meds because they are “cured”. Next step is a trip back to the hospital. This kind of scoundrel needs to be faced squarely and warned profusely against.

    The other side are people like my friend Dr. Jim Stout, a Presbyterian minister who, himself, has bipolar disorder. I’ve gone to Jim for spiritual counsel on occasion even though I am an agnostic. He has quoted the Bible to me in common sense ways and when this was through said “And don’t forget to take your meds!”

    Studies show that regularly going to church doesn’t help depression, but having a sense of purpose in life does (see Jim pushes purpose. We who struggle with bipolar can be helped best by keeping our eyes on prize which is wellness.

  2. David,

    I am a licensed social worker that suffers from Bipolar disorder. My wife Robyn is an RN and you send her extremely helpful information on a daily basis. Jesus is my lord and savior and the creator and provider of all help that has come my way.

    Thank God for you and please help me to start a support group for individuals with bipolar disorder.

    God bless,

    Rick Ho Chee

  3. Hi everyone,
    Conventional religion is not for everyone and as a supporter I have found through my own self development and spiritual awareness it has made being a ‘support person’ much more about growth than struggle. Even on his worst days my husband can hurt my body or offend my mind but has no power of control of my soul.
    I can recommend to anyone interested in self development the ‘Conversations with God’ series by Neale Donald Walshe. Neale has helped me by explaining there is no good or bad, but merely our judgement and perception of a particular situation.
    ps I agree whole heartedly with Joel’s comments – well said.
    support and empathy with you all – Devon

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